Ring sizes for the ring finger. How to determine your perfect ring size for your finger

We warn you right away: there is nothing difficult in choosing the right ring size. Everything you need to know is already in this article. Just follow one of the tips below.

Method No. 1

If you have a ring on hand but still don't know your size, simply take a ruler and measure the inside diameter of the ring (at its widest point). The number in millimeters that you see on the ruler is the ring size. For men it is 19 or 23 mm (size 19 and 23, respectively), and for women from 15 mm and above (size 15, respectively).

Method No. 2

  1. Print a table with actual ring diameters.
  2. Place a ring on each circle in turn and find the one whose diameter most closely matches the diameter of your ring.
  3. If the size varies between two options, choose the larger one. The line should be on the inside of the ring, not on the outside, so you can measure the size accurately and correctly.
Download "Table with ring diameters" (PDF)

Method No. 3

  1. You will need a small piece of thread, twine or a thin strip of plain white paper.
  2. Wrap it around your finger tightly, but not too tightly, so as not to pinch.
  3. Memorize or mark with a pen the points where the edges of the thread or paper meet.
  4. After this, attach the resulting segment to the ruler printed in a PDF document. All sizes are indicated in actual size, which does not require the calculation of special formulas, etc.
  5. If your size falls between two marks, choose the larger one.
Download "Control Line" (PDF)

Method No. 4

Download "Measuring tape" in PDF

Method No. 5

The size of the ring can be determined using an ordinary thread, wrapping it around your finger. Do not grasp the phalanx too tightly, nor too loosely. Make a mark where the ends of the thread touch. Using a ruler, measure the resulting segment.
The table will help you determine the size. Or you can simply divide the result by 3.14.

size table

In order to know exactly your ring size in the future, follow a few tips. Don't pick up rings:

  • in the morning;
  • during critical days;
  • after the flight (in the transit area of ​​the Airport);
  • after playing sports.

After a night or a long flight, a large amount of water remains in the human body, which leads to swelling of the limbs. The same principle applies after a grueling workout - your fingers are still swollen and those rings that come in at the right time will become too big for you in a couple of hours. This will lead to discomfort when wearing the jewelry - the ring will constantly slip and twist. Plus, a large ring is very easy to lose.

  • Do not try on rings in very hot or cold weather - your fingers will also swell;
  • It is best to select rings during the day, in a calm state, at a comfortable temperature and state of health.
  • To determine whether you are comfortable in the ring, simply clench your hand into a fist several times. No discomfort? The size is correct. Does it press, “bite in”? The ring is not enough.

Tips for men: how to discreetly find out your loved one’s ring size

Method number 1: temporary abduction.

Take one of the girl's available rings and take it to the jewelry store. Ask the seller to determine the size of the jewelry. Attention! You must remember exactly which finger your beloved wears this ring on. All fingers on the right hand are half the size larger than on the left. Therefore, be careful. If the ring finger of her left hand is 16 cm, then her right hand is 16.5. The rule applies if your beloved is right-handed, if left-handed, everything works the other way around.

Method number 2: try it on yourself.

If a girl already has a ring that she wears on the ring finger of her right hand, finding out the size is as easy as shelling pears. Just wait for the moment and try on her jewelry for yourself. Place the ring as deep as possible on your finger (any finger) and mark this place on the skin with a pen. Remove the ring and measure the diameter of your finger at the mark. Calculate the size using the table above.

Method number 3: best friend.

Ask best friend girls unobtrusively find out the size of their beloved’s ring. Only if she knows how to keep secrets!

Method number 4: Operation Ninja.

The main thing here is speed and dexterity of your hands. When the girl is sleeping, wrap her finger several times with a thick thread, tie it in a knot, and carefully cut it with scissors. Measure the resulting segment and compare it with the size table. Keep in mind that the ring must go through the joint, which is always wider than the base of the finger, so do not tie the thread too tightly. And always round the result up.

Method number 5: let's draw a little.

Steal her ring for a few minutes. Place the decoration on a piece of paper and trace around the inner circumference with a pen.

Important point when directly choosing a ring: pay attention to the thickness of the tire. If it is thin, the ring needs to be purchased end-to-end. For example: if a girl is size 18, you buy a thin engagement ring strictly size 18. But for a wide ring you need to take 0.5 sizes larger. Remember that you can only increase or decrease a ring with a smooth base. And then half a size. Maximum - one size. If the tavern is strewn with stones, such a ring cannot be modified!

Zlato.ua told the simplest and available methods find out the ring size. Now you can confidently choose rings in our online store, even without trying them on.

Six ways to help determine your ring size.

What are "ring sizes"

Everything is very simple. The size of a ring is simply the diameter of its hole (in millimeters). Recall: a diameter is a line that connects two opposite points on a circle.

Therefore, you can easily determine the size of any ring by simply taking it and using a ruler to measure the distance from one edge of the rim to the other. For example, a ring with a diameter of 18 millimeters is exactly size 18!

It is customary that the ring sizes have a pitch of 0.5 millimeters. Therefore, ring sizes are considered to be 16, 16.5, 17, and so on.

Not sure which size is right for you?

Here are ways that will allow you to quickly and accurately find out your ring size.

Attention! All “home” methods are, of course, not accurate. Various errors are possible. Therefore, we are not responsible for the accuracy of your ring size determination.

It must be remembered that the ring must pass through the joint. Be sure to take this into account when determining your size at home!

Also, keep in mind that finger size changes depending on temperature and humidity environment and depends on the time of day. The optimal time to determine the size is noon. The weather is low humidity and not hot.

Method No. 1

The easiest way to find out what ring size you need for a particular finger is to go to your nearest jewelry store and ask them to measure your finger. Any jewelry store has special patterns for determining the size of fingers ("finger gauges").

If you don’t have time to go to a jewelry store, then you can determine the size of your finger and, accordingly, the ring that will suit you, at home. There are many ways to do this. Here are some of the most interesting of them.

Method No. 2

Determining ring size using thread. You will need: a fairly dense thread (threads that are used for knitting napkins are ideal), preferably cotton, smooth. Approximately 50 cm - to make it convenient to take measurements.

  • Take the thread, carefully wind 5 turns on the finger you need (the width of the “winding” of all 5 turns should be approximately 3-6 mm). There is no need to wind it tightly, but the thread should still be pressed tightly against your finger.
  • After wrapping your finger, cross both ends of the thread (without lifting it from your finger) and use sharp scissors to cut them at the same time. Or simply mark the intersection of the ends of the thread with a pen or marker, unwind the thread and cut it according to the marks.
  • Use a ruler, tape measure, or tape measure to measure the length of the thread you cut. Divide the resulting length in millimeters by 15.7. The resulting value is the finger ring size you measured.

The resulting size must be rounded up to the nearest half centimeter. For example, 17.1 to 17.5.

Tip: If you are sizing for a narrow ring (up to 5mm wide), the resulting size can be rounded to the nearest value. For example, 17.1 and 17.2 before 17, not up to 17.5. For wide rings (6-15 mm), it is better to put them half a size larger.

Method No. 3

What to do if you decide to give a ring to your girlfriend?

The most reliable way to find out your ring size is obvious - you need to discreetly take one of your girlfriend's favorite rings, and then take it to the nearest jewelry store. They will certainly help you there: the jeweler will be able to easily and absolutely accurately determine the size of the ring, and all you have to do is not forget it when choosing.

Method No. 4

You can do it simpler: take a ring, paper and use a pen to trace along the inner contour of the ring. Or roll a sheet of paper into a tube, insert it into the ring and make sure that the paper fits tightly to the metal, secure the paper tube. Based on this outline, the jeweler will be able to determine the size and select your ring.

Method No. 5

If the previous methods did not suit you, then the only option is trying on. Take the ring and try it on yourself: put the ring as deep on your finger as possible and mark this place (for example, with a pen) or just remember. Then all you have to do is either ask the jeweler to measure your finger at the mark and determine the size of the ring, or, when choosing a piece of jewelry, try on the rings on the same finger yourself.

Method No. 6

Print and cut out the measuring tape along the contour

But remember that all the above methods are not 100% accurate, and responsibility for the size determined by the indicated methods rests only with you.

And the last piece of advice: When ordering, if in doubt, ask our manager to bring several sizes of the jewelry you have chosen.

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The ring is a wonderful and appropriate gift for any occasion. Not only a man can present it to his beloved. This is also a wonderful surprise for mom, sister, friend, brother, husband, son. To make your jewelry a pleasant surprise, you need to figure out how to find out your finger size yourself. There is nothing difficult about this, you just need to be smart and use the recommendations described below.

How to determine your finger size (step by step instructions)

Before you learn how to measure your finger size for a ring, there are a few important things to consider:

  1. During the day, the diameter of the finger circumference may change. Due to the water accumulated during the night's sleep, your hands may swell in the morning. The ideal measurement time is noon.
  2. To avoid having to think about how to make the ring smaller or slightly larger, avoid trying on the product in extreme cold or heat. At high temperatures, fingers swell, and at low temperatures they become smaller.
  3. You should not calculate the diameter if you are very excited or upset, have recently played sports, or during your menstrual period.
  4. It is recommended to choose a slightly larger piece of jewelry. This way the product will not squeeze your finger in the heat.
  5. The ring fingers of the left and right hands have different thicknesses, and therefore the wedding ring is chosen strictly according to its diameter. The desired finger is thinner (by 0.5 mm) than the middle and index fingers.
  6. If you buy a ring for the entire finger or a width of more than 8 mm, you need to take into account that the size of the jewelry must be increased by 25%.

Measure ring diameter at home

There are several proven methods for measuring the diameter of a circle yourself. Explore each of them in more detail. For the first method, you will need a smooth thread 50 cm long. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Wrap the thread tightly (not tightly) around the desired finger five times.
  2. Then, without tearing them off the base, cross both ends of the thread and carefully cut them with scissors at the intersection.
  3. Measure the length of the resulting thread with a ruler, tape measure or centimeter. Convert the resulting value to millimeters and divide by 15.7. This will be the required diameter.
  4. Always round measurements up, for example, round 15.2 to the standard size 15.5.

For the second method, to figure out how to determine the ring size at home, a strip (1.5 cm) of ordinary thin paper is suitable. Follow these instructions:

  1. Cut a thin strip of paper and wrap it around your finger.
  2. Draw a mark where the two ends meet with a pencil.
  3. Using a ruler, measure the length of the paper strip to the mark.
  4. Divide the resulting value (convert to millimeters) by 3.14 and calculate the required diameter.

Sizing chart

Today it is popular to purchase jewelry and jewelry not only in jewelry stores in your country, but also in foreign or online catalogues. In addition to the Russian one, there is also an English and American ring measurement scale. The online shopping platform Aliexpress, which has a wide range of jewelry and jewelry. Chinese gold rings are no exception. Sizes on this site are based on US scale. The photo below shows a table of international men's and women's sizes.

How to find out your size secretly

If you need to choose a ring for another person, but so that it is a surprise for him, use the following tips:

  1. Try to discreetly take a ring from your loved one that she wears from time to time. This method is possible if you have access to the girl’s jewelry, from which you can select the desired option.
  2. Take your own measurements. Make sure when your girlfriend takes off (before going to bed, cooking, washing dishes) the ring she wears all the time. Place the product on a piece of white paper and trace it with a pencil or pen along the inner contour, or make an imprint of the decoration in a piece of soap or plasticine.
  3. Try on your beloved woman's ring on your finger. Mark with a marker or pen the level to which it fits.
  4. Use a trick to ask for your ring size. For example, use a compatibility test, first change the questions in it to the ones you need.

Video on how to measure a finger

To order the product you like online and not make a mistake, you need to know how to find out your finger size yourself. If you can’t go to a jewelry store where a specialist will take accurate measurements, use the following video. It clearly shows how to find out your finger size for a ring quickly and easily. It is impossible to calculate the correct indicator down to the millimeter. Remember: almost any piece of jewelry can be later changed to the desired size with the help of a jeweler.

The ring size is its internal diameter in millimeters. The standard size range starts with 15 and ends with 24, in half a millimeter increments: 15; 15.5; ... 23.5; 24. For women, the most popular are from 16 to 18.5, all the rest are predominantly male.

So how can you find out your finger size for a ring at home? There are a few simple methods, let's look at the most popular ones.

With another ring

Take a ring from your box that fits on the desired finger. If it is of a simple shape, then just put it on a sheet of paper and draw a circle inside the ring. Measure the diameter - this will be the required value. If the product is complex in shape, then attach a ruler to it and measure the widest internal distance.

In a jewelry store

If possible, contact your nearest jewelry store or repair shop. They will be happy to help you, the accuracy of the result is guaranteed. When the need to find out the size arises often, for example, you are a regular customer of online jewelry stores. Then it makes sense to purchase professional finger gauges.

On websites that trade in jewelry tools, you can find various options. The cost of simple plastic ones is about 150 rubles. This purchase is one for life. I bought it once and have the opportunity to find out my measurements without leaving home at any time.


The essence of the method is to find out the girth of the finger and calculate its diameter. For this we need:

  • Thread, preferably thicker, synthetic, so as not to stretch
  • Pen or marker
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Calculator

We wrap the thread around our finger, mark it with a marker at the junction, or cut it off. We measure the resulting length, divide by the number π - 3.14. We get the value in millimeters, this is your size.

For a more accurate determination, wind five turns. Then the length must be divided by 15.7.

Strip of paper

This method is more accurate compared to the previous one. We will need the same set of tools. Only instead of thread, you should cut a strip of paper about a centimeter wide.

The sequence of actions is the same. Wrap the strip around your finger. Place a mark at the intersection. We measure the distance to the mark and divide by 3.14. It is important to wrap tightly, but not to tighten too tightly. You can also use fabric or a sewing tape measure.

The relationship between the length of the strip in centimeters and the sizes of the rings is presented in the table.

School ruler

The proposed method assumes the presence of a ruler with holes of different sizes. This is a kind of school finger gauge. By selection, determine which hole fits most comfortably. Measure its diameter - this is the required size.

Finger width

This method is one of the most effective. Place your hand on a piece of paper. Outline the finger on both sides, in the place where the ring will be worn. The distance between the marks is the desired size. It is important to use a thin pen and keep it strictly vertical to avoid large errors.

Clothing size

There is no clear, direct relationship between these two indicators. However, for a quick approximate determination, this method can be used. But accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The ratios are presented in the table.

Watch the video to see how some of the presented methods are put into practice at home.

What affects measurement accuracy

There are several important factors that can greatly affect the accuracy of measurements at home. Let's look at the main ones.

  • This is useful:

Ring width. This parameter determines how the resulting value should be rounded. If the selected ring is thin, round down (16.2 will mean size 16). If the ring is wide, round it up (16.2 - 16.5).

Joint thickness greatly affects accuracy. In many people the bone is larger than the phalanx itself. It is important that the ring fits tightly enough, since it will not press on the phalanx. When using a strip of paper, you need to slide it onto the joint.

Weather. In severe frost or heat, a significant change in the thickness of the fingers occurs. It is not recommended to take measurements under such conditions. Wait until your blood circulation returns to normal.

Swelling. The fluid balance in the body directly depends on the time of day. It is best to take measurements in the middle of the day. However, if your hands are very swollen in the morning or evening, take additional measurements. This factor must be taken into account. Otherwise, problems may arise when you need to remove the ring before going to bed or put it on in the morning.

Physical exercise. You should not measure your fingers after intense exercise or a hot bath. You need to wait a while and let your hands return to normal.

Right or left hand. It is important not to forget that the sizes on the right and left hands can differ significantly. This happens especially often in people who work with their hands. If you know the size on one of your hands, then it is better to measure the finger of the other.

From a technical point of view It is better to order a smaller ring size than a larger one. Any jewelry workshop will tell you that enlarging (rolling) a product is much easier and the work costs less. When reducing, it is necessary to cut out a piece of the ring, and this operation is more complex and expensive.

  • This is interesting:

The importance of measurement accuracy cannot be underestimated. To get a guaranteed result, use several different methods, comparing the results. Never be upset if you miss the definition. By law, you have every right to return the jewelry within 14 days from the date of purchase.

A ring is a very symbolic piece of jewelry. And it is difficult to convey in words the feelings experienced by a person who has become the happy recipient of such a gift. Observing the manifestation of joy is probably pleasant for the one who gives this gift. And it doesn't have to be an engagement ring. After all, anyone can give a ring, for example, to a daughter, sister, mother. But not everyone knows how to determine the ring size.

If you are buying a ring as a gift, then it is very important not to make a mistake with the size.

How to Determine Ring Size

At some point, everyone has to find themselves in a situation where they need to choose the right ring. If this is for yourself, then, perhaps, no special problems are foreseen - I came, tried it on and bought it. But when you need to fit it on the finger of another person who is not yet there, then you start to think about where the ruler is that measures the volume of the finger. After all, what matters here is not the diameter of the finger, as many believe.

Jewelers determine the size of a ring by the length of its circumference from the inside. That is, this size corresponds to the circumference of the finger for which the ring is purchased. Well, it’s not at all difficult to measure it: either with a sewing tape or with a simple thread wrapped once around your finger at the location of the ring. The resulting length of the thread is subsequently measured with an ordinary ruler. But the problem is not only finding a way to measure the circumference of a finger.

Determining ring size using thread

You can use a special measuring tape

The fact is that there are several standards for ring sizes. The most common are Russian, Italian and American. Their relationship to each other is given in many tables of these sizes. They demonstrate how different different countries This is the size numbering. Why does an ordinary buyer need to know this? It’s just that goods imported from abroad have different markings and, accordingly, gradation of sizes. And knowing what the girth of the finger intended for the future ring is, with the help of such tables you can even order a ring without trying it on or buy it while staying abroad.

Different methods and nuances to consider

Of course, it's better to just try on the ring before buying. In this case, it will need to be put on and taken off several times. Moreover, it’s even better to try it on closer to noon, because in the evening and in the morning your fingers often swell, which is why the ring fits tighter than usual to your finger. Air temperature will also play a role, which can also make your fingers thicker. But in a jewelry store there is always a finger gauge, consisting of a set of rings of different diameters, according to which the size of the jewelry is selected. But there are many other ways.

In the Soviet jewelry tradition, the size corresponds to the diameter of the ring in millimeters

You can print such a template and determine the size by applying existing rings to it

If the purchase is made without the person for whom the ring is being selected, then its size, although approximate, can be measured using a glove or knowing the size of clothing. For example, if clothing sizes vary in the S-M range, then most likely the ring size will be in the range of 15.5-17.5. For larger clothing sizes, you should look for a ring larger than 17.5. It is important to remember that jewelers can make a larger ring smaller, but it is not always possible to do the opposite. No less important in this choice is the width of the ring. After all, a wide ring needs free space around the finger, which is not required for a narrow ring. You should not lose sight of the fact that on the left hand the width of the fingers, and therefore the size of the ring, can seriously differ from the same data on the right hand. Therefore, there is no need to take risks, but it is better to carefully measure the circumference of the finger on which the ring will be worn.

It is better to select a ring with a stone that fits, otherwise the stone will dangle and cause discomfort.

Determine finger size for ring possible in several elementary ways. You can wind a simple thread around your finger, making 5 turns, then unfold it, fold it in half, measure the length of this section of thread, and then divide by 15.7. This result will become the estimated size. You can also wrap a piece of thin paper around your finger, but do not bend it at the knuckle to create a circle. Then you should measure the length of the unwound strip and check the result with the table. Or you can use a school ruler, formerly called an officer’s ruler, on which there are circles of different sizes, to select a hole suitable for the finger and thus determine the size of the finger, and therefore the ring. Then, again, the size indicator is determined from the table.

Table of correspondence between finger parameters and ring sizes in different countries

By the way, foreign standards, unlike Russian ones, are a little more convenient, because they have a greater gradation. And when placing an order in an online store, it is better to focus on American ring sizes, which will allow you to more accurately select the jewelry. In this case, you just need to correctly convert inches to centimeters: 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

For all types of jewelry there are uniform standards and rules for determining size. And this does not depend on whether they are made of silver or gold, without stones or with them, whether they are thin or large. According to our standards, you can determine the ring size by the diameter inside the product, given in millimeters. But in most European countries, as well as in Canada and the USA, the size of the ring is determined by the length of the circumference of the phalanx of the finger. Compliance is easy to determine. From geometry we all remember that the circumference is equal to the diameter, which is multiplied by Pi (a number equal to 3.14). Or by the formula: L (circumference) equals D (diameter) multiplied by 3.14.

How to easily determine the circumference of a finger without any formulas

We must not forget these important factors:

When measuring the diameter of your finger, you should not forget to make a reserve, otherwise the ring will compress your finger. Therefore, it is better to take it a little “for growth”, because the finger changes thickness under the influence of environmental factors. For example, in very hot weather, the hands swell and increase in size. However, if the stock is too large, then when cold weather the ring will dangle and may even get lost. That is, we must maintain a golden mean. And even if an error nevertheless crept into the calculations, then there is no need to worry either. Today's jewelers are quite capable of both increasing and decreasing the diameter of the ring, up to one and a half sizes.

If you take the ring end-to-end, then as your fingers expand, it will press

When determining the size of a man’s ring, one must take into account that their standard bulky rings, more than 8 millimeters wide, should have a larger amount of free space. And thinner ones, accordingly, do not need such a reserve and are suitable for smaller volumes. When choosing the right size for a thin ring (for example, a wedding ring) and the size for a wide ring, be sure to take into account how they will fit on your hand. You also need to take into account that the thickness of, for example, the ring finger on the left hand is always different from the right hand. And this despite their visual similarity. Therefore, you need to measure the finger on which the ring will be put on, and always on the hand that will subsequently be “ringed.”

Despite the rule of indicating the sizes of jewelry differently, there is nothing difficult about this. Standard tables will help with this, and in almost any European country, jewelry store employees will show the ring circumference in millimeters. What is left for the buyer? Conduct a reconnaissance of the finger circumference of the person to whom the surprise will be given, provide the figures to the consultant in the store and rely on his competence. And may the gift please both you and your loved one!
