New Year's party "Visiting Grandfather Frost" in the preparatory group. Scenario for the New Year: “Visiting Santa Claus

Scenario for the New Year's party in the second junior group.
"Visiting Santa Claus"
Teacher (reads the letter).
" Guys!
In the mansion we decorate the Christmas tree
And we invite you all to our place today
To the Christmas tree, to the Christmas tree in our fairytale forest!
We promise you many miracles!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka"
Song “Beads Shine on the Christmas Tree”
Educator: Are you ready to go to Santa Claus? (children answer).
Quickly get into the sleigh,
Hey, let's go, hang in there!
Game - "Sledge"
An audio recording of a song about winter plays, the music stops, and in the silence a Snowman appears from a snowdrift.
Snowman: (surprised)
What a miracle of miracles!
Full of ringing winter forest.
Kids cheerful din
It is heard here and there.
And how the blizzard frolics
The snow falls and falls
I got caught in the snow.
And I don't know you.
Why did you come here?
Educator: We didn’t find the path,
The one that leads to the tower,
Where is Frost to visit us?
Snowman. I know, I know, I’ll be a friend -
I'll show you the path.
Here, take the spatulas -
Rake the snow from the path
Climb straight up the hill
And then get off it.
As you go downhill -
There you will find Frost.
Children: Thank you Snowman!
The teacher draws attention to the house. She examines him, knocks: the Snow Maiden comes out of the house.
Snow Maiden: Hello dear children and dear adults!
Song of the Snow Maiden.
Snow Maiden: How did you end up here?
Educator: Grandfather Frost invited us to his place, but it seems we got lost again.
Snow Maiden. Don’t worry, my assistants, the bunnies and the fox, will help us with this.
Dance-game “The Fox and the Hare”
Educator: Fox, don’t hurt the bunnies.
Snow Maiden: Come on, bunnies, run
And bring flashlights.
The kids need to be helped out -
Show the way to Frost.
The bunnies are given lanterns. Children dance with lanterns.
Dance with lanterns.
The hall is quiet. Snow Maiden: Quiet, don’t make noise.
Don't wake up grandpa.
He has been waiting for you for a long, long time...
He was tired, tired. The music “Lullaby” plays. At the end of the song, Santa Claus wakes up.
Santa Claus: Oh, how nicely I slept...
Educator: Where are you, Frost, are you so tired?
Santa Claus: I’ll answer your question:
I went to the forest on business.
I restored order there,
The spruce was dusted with snow.
Cleaned paths for animals,
The stream was frozen in ice.
I worked hard
Tired of work
He lay down on the bench and dozed off...
How long did I sleep?
Hello, hello dear
My dear child!
Why are we standing here uselessly?
Let's hurry to the Christmas tree!
Children approach the Christmas tree.
Santa Claus: Well, do you like my Christmas tree?
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, and the Christmas tree
It's sad.
The Christmas tree is not lit with lights.
Santa Claus: We'll fix that now,
Let's make all the lights burn!
Let's light our Christmas tree.
Song "Little Christmas Tree"
Come on, tree, one, two, three-
Shine with a fabulous light! (the lights light up)
Educator: That’s how beautiful the Christmas tree is
My eyes widen.
How the toys sparkle on her,
Cones, balls, firecrackers!
Snow Maiden: Let's come closer to the Christmas tree,
Let's dance and sing!
Song "Oh yes Christmas tree"
Educator: Grandfather Frost, our children have prepared a surprise for you - a song and poems. Song "Santa Claus"
Santa Claus: I'll be happy to listen. Children read poetry (Alice, Katya, Veronica, Roma, Vika, Dasha, Nikita, Stas, Timofey). And Snegurochka and I also prepared surprises for you. Granddaughter, where is our chest?
Snow Maiden: Yes, here he is, grandfather.
Santa Claus: Here is a magic chest,
It's tightly locked. My chest is just a treasure,
It's fun for the kids.
Help Frost -
Open my chest!
(held finger game"lock")
The castle hangs, sways,
The chest doesn't open.
If we find the key,
I'll unlock the lock in a moment.
(snowflakes in the chest fly from the chest)
Snow Maiden: Here the snowflakes flew,
They sat quietly on the palm of their hand.
They became friends with us instantly
Spinning in a quiet dance!
Oh magical snowflakes,
Take off quickly.
Spin around, dance
With my Snow Maiden.
Dance "Snowflakes"
Santa Claus: And we still have a surprise for you in the chest.
Our chest one, two, three-
Show us a surprise!
(snowballs fly out of the chest)
Santa Claus: Snowballs are flying and flashing.
Snowballs cover your face.
Snowballs blind our eyes.
Snowballs make us all happy.
(children play snowballs to cheerful music).
Snow Maiden: We still have a surprise for the guys from Santa Claus.
Our chest one, two, three-
Show us the surprise.
(a rattle sounds, children guess)
Dance with rattles
Snow Maiden: Our Christmas tree is shining,
So the time has come,
Give out gifts!
Where are the gifts, grandfather? Santa Claus: everything is there - in a magic chest.
My chest, one, two, three-
Give gifts to everyone!
Gifts are distributed to the New Year's song.

Gusakova Tatyana Viktorovna, music director, MBDOU No. 122, Murmansk.

"Visiting Grandfather Frost"

(scenario New Year's party for younger children)

Children enter the hall to the music.

Presenter: What kind of guest came to us, brought the smell of pine needles?

And she’s wearing lights, garlands, how elegant she is!

A winter holiday is coming to us with her...

Children: New Year!

Presenter: How beautiful it is in our hall, we invited guests here,

All the people are having fun, we meet......

Children: New Year!

Presenter: Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree, lit the lights on it,

Glorious holiday, glorious holiday.

This is a holiday……

Children: New Year!

Presenter: We’ll sing a song for the Christmas tree and start our round dance!

Round dance about the Christmas tree.

Presenter: The Christmas tree will sparkle, the lights will flash for us,

Invites all the kids to play with her together.

If we blow now, the lights will go out at once (they blow, the lights will go out),

Our Christmas tree is fast asleep, the lights are not lit,

And the heels will trample and the lights will go out.

We will all clap our hands and wake up our Christmas tree.

There is barking.

Presenter: Someone who barks very loudly scares the boys and me. Let's sit together and look at the guest.

The dog runs in.

Dog Bug: I am a dog, Bug, with a squiggle tail,

I bark very loudly and congratulate you on the New Year.

Hello children, hello adults!

It wasn't easy for me to find you.

I brought you a letter from the forest animals.

Presenter: The inhabitants of the forest are upset to the point of tears, because Santa Claus dozed off in the little house.

And I can’t wake up the animals, they are waiting, maybe the guys will help.

After all, if Santa Claus does not wake up, then New Year

will never start.

Guys, let's help the forest inhabitants wake up Santa Claus.

Bug: Well, thank you guys for helping the animals. Well, guys, let's go for a walk in the winter forest, there we'll find a little tower in a fairy-tale clearing.

Get into the sled together and roll around the Christmas tree.


Bug: Oh, in the forest, there is a big frost, the paws are freezing, the tail is freezing.

We are not afraid of frost and we are not angry about the winter,

If it’s cold to walk, we’ll dance merrily.

We will warm our hands and feet, so we will become warmer. (The fox throws a snowball).

Bug: Who is playing with me and throwing snowballs at me? My dog's nose smells the fox's tail very close. The dog runs around the Christmas tree after the fox. The fox hides behind the leader.

Presenter: Fox, don’t be afraid of us, calm down quickly. Look at the guys, tell us about yourself.

Fox: I am a fox, I am a sister, I walk silently. Early in the morning, out of habit, I went for a walk. What are you guys doing in the forest?

Presenter: We are looking among the fir trees and birches for the towers where Frost sleeps. After all, if Frost does not wake up, then the New Year will never begin.

Fox: I’ll show you the way, but in return for your help, you all play with me, with me as a little fox.

Game "Hares and Fox".

Presenter: We played a lot of fun and got a little tired, you sit down to rest and look at the Christmas tree.

Fox: I’ll give the guys a magic flashlight, let them show you the way to Santa Claus.

Well, it’s time for me to go, goodbye kids!

Bug: It seems like the snow is creaking, someone is rushing here to us. A squirrel comes in to the music.

Squirrel: I am a jumping squirrel, jumping along the branches,

I collect nuts and feed my squirrels.

Presenter: Hello, squirrel, we are children from kindergarten. We are looking for the little tower among the fir trees and birches where Frost sleeps. After all, if Frost does not wake up, the New Year will never begin.

Squirrel: I know how to go there and I can take you . I'm bored in the forest in winter, dance with me. Hey, little animals, come out and dance with me.

Dance of the animals.

Squirrel: Well done, they danced from the heart.

Bug: Squirrel, the kids are asking us to show us the way to Santa Claus.

Squirrel: Now you and I, together, will find the way to the tower. Let's run!

The heroes are running around the Christmas tree. The lights come on in the little house.

Squirrel: This is a miracle little mansion, it is neither low nor high.

Bug: Woof! Woof! Grandfather Frost get up, continue the holiday with us.

Squirrel: Oh, Santa Claus doesn't wake up. Guys, help wake up grandpa.

Let's clap loudly. (Children clap).

Bug: Let's stomp even louder. (children stomp)

Santa Claus comes out to the music.

Father Frost: Well, thank you, friends, you woke me up. I was collecting gifts and dozed off a little.

Squirrel: Grandfather, it was I who helped the guys find your little mansion !

Father Frost: Well done, Squirrel! (stroke her). I’ll give you New Year’s nuts, run to your little squirrels.

Squirrel: Thank you grandpa ! Goodbye!

Bug: We need to return to the garden. How do we get there! Woof!

Father Frost: I am the wizard Santa Claus, I will turn into a miracle locomotive, everyone sit in the carriages and hold on to your grandfather. And for the holiday kindergarten I'll get the guys there quickly. (They go). Stop, we've arrived. Hooray! Happy New Year kids! Join the round dance and let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance with Santa Claus. Freeze game.

Father Frost: I’m very happy for the kids, but it’s hot for me to sit down.

Presenter: Snowflakes and fluffs fly to your grandfather, you will cool him down.

Dance "Snowflakes".

Santa Claus claps his hands loudly, wearing only one mitten.

Presenter: Grandfather, where is your second mitten, have you lost it?

Santa Claus: Oh oh oh! My head has a hole. Bug, go look for a mitten.

Father Frost: Well, did you find a mitten?

Bug: Woof! Woof! Found it. (Comes out with a big mitten). What miracles, the mitten has grown.

Presenter: Miracle - wonderful, we are very interested in what is inside there in the mitten? Grandfather, tell me quickly!

Father Frost: There are gifts for children! Shows a gift. There are a lot of gifts in the mitten, enough for everyone.

Help me quickly and give me gifts.

Father Frost: Happy New Year, we wish you happiness and joy.

May you grow up and become wiser, sing songs and have fun.

Bug: Woof! And the dog will bring good luck to everyone in the New Year! Goodbye!

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Scenario New Year's performance for children of the preparatory group. The script spells out the goals and objectives of the holiday. The activities of adults and children are prescribed. The musical repertoire and the necessary technical support are presented.

Target: Enrichment and development of the emotional sphere and aesthetic taste in children through joint musical celebrations.


  • Introduce children to the traditions and culture of other peoples.
  • Develop a sense of rhythm and an ear for music through playing musical instruments and dance movements.
  • Cultivate tolerance in children.

Form educational activities children: Holiday.

Forms of organizing educational activities for children: Collective (general dances, songs, games), subgroup (“Dance of the Savages”, “Japanese Dance with Fans”, “Jazz Orchestra”), individual (solo song “Happy New Year, friends!”, solo part on metallophones in the orchestra) .

Progress of the event


  • The presenter is a teacher;
  • Father Frost, Santa Claus, Segatsu-san (Japanese Father Frost), Father Heat, Gnome - adults;
  • Japanese women are girls;
  • Savages are boys;
  • Jazz musicians are children.

“Magic” music is playing in the background, the lights in the hall are dimmed, on multimedia is slide No. 1 (with an image of a tear-off calendar - the page of the previous day). A Gnome appears with a flashlight in his hand, examines the tree, adjusts the decorations on it, grumbles...

Dwarf: Decorate the Christmas tree, wipe off the dust everywhere, tidy up the hall... Well, it's all on me, it's all on me! At least someone would say “thank you”!

(Pays attention to the calendar).

(Addresses parents.)

Ah ah ah! Not in order.
(The gnome waves his hand, the number on the calendar changes to the “magic” music - slide number 2.)

Now there’s order, what’s needed...

1 child: Happy New Year! I love this holiday so much!

2nd child: And me!

1 child: You know, something tells me that a lot of interesting things await us today...

2nd child: You think? Oh, where are all the guys?

1 child: Let's call them with a song, let's sing about the New Year!

(During the dialogue, the Dwarf begins to fuss, listen to where the voices are coming from, not understanding anything, hides behind the tree...)


I'll go sit behind the tree,
I'll see what's going on...

Music sounds, soloists enter the hall and perform the song “Happy New Year, friends!” The rest of the children come in a “chain” and perform a dance.

(After performing the dance, the children sit on chairs, a loud “Apchhi!” is heard in the hall)

Presenter: Oh, guys, is it possible that one of you has a cold and is sneezing?

(The Gnome comes out from behind the tree, grumbling.)

Dwarf:“Who has a cold, who has a cold...” I don’t have a cold, I’m just sneezing because I’m extremely indignant! How do you understand: “...Santa Claus put toys on the Christmas tree...”? A? I decorated the Christmas tree, and I also put toys on it!

Presenter: Guys, do you recognize him? This is the Dwarf - Grumpy from the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”! Hello, dear Gnome!

Dwarf(dissatisfied): Hello.

Presenter: Why so rude and angry? After all, when you say hello, it means you wish the other person health.

Dwarf(surprised): Really? I didn’t even know. Well, then again: “Hello!” (bows low).

Presenter: Why are you not so cheerful? Something happened?

Dwarf(dissatisfied): Because everyone went into the fairytale forest to get gifts for Snow White, and they left me to decorate the Christmas tree...

Presenter: Oh, come on, stop grumbling already, because New Year is coming soon - the best holiday!

Dwarf: Is it really the best?

Presenter: We will tell you about this now.

Children recite poems about the New Year:

  1. Ice sparkles on the river,
    The snow swirls gently.
    Glorious New Year holiday,
    Because it's snowy!
  2. Santa Claus will wave his hand -
    We'll sing loudly.
    Glorious New Year holiday,
    Because it's loud!
  3. There is a huge cake on the table,
    Gingerbread, chocolate.
    Glorious New Year holiday,
    Because it's sweet!
  4. Round dance around the Christmas tree,
    Lights on the branches...
    Glorious New Year holiday!
    It's a pity, it happens rarely.
  5. Santa Claus always comes
    To us on New Year's Eve.
    He's a toy from the forest for everyone,
    He brings sweets.
  6. Let him knock on the window
    At midnight New Year,
    Will help all dreams come true,
    It will bring happiness!

Dwarf(reasons): Yes, and, indeed, the best one: “He will knock at midnight and bring happiness...”. Oh wait! And the New Year begins at midnight on December 31 and January 1! Right? What date is today?

(The gnome points towards the multimedia calendar, the children answer.)

Dwarf: Here! It's too early to celebrate the New Year! And I think Santa Claus won’t come today either - he has no time for you right now...

Presenter: So what should we do now? The guys are waiting for Santa Claus, they were preparing. Is it really impossible to think of anything?

Dwarf: What can you come up with here? That's it, go home and come back on December 31st! And I still have a lot to do: the cap is torn - I need to patch it up...

(He sits down on the stump of the tree, takes a large needle...)

Presenter: Guys, something tells me that our Dwarf can help us. But he just started acting up again. Let us sing a song about him and cheer up our Grumpy.

Children perform the song “Motley Cap”, lyrics. N. Solovyova, music. G. Struve.

Dwarf(clapping your hands): Oh, so it’s all about me, well, it’s all about me! Wow! It even lifted my spirits! You know, it seems to me that I can help you, because we, gnomes, are also wizards! Do you want to visit Santa Claus yourself?

Children: Yes!


I have lived in this world for a long time - and I have seen a lot:
IN different countries all the children are waiting
Santa Claus carnival!
Just answer the question:
Where does your Santa Claus live?

Children: In Veliky Ustyug.

“Magic” music sounds in the background, the lights in the hall are dimmed, a luminous ball turns on, and the Dwarf begins to cast a spell. On multimedia slide No. 3 - with animation of a rotating globe.


I spin the magic globe
I will make your wish.
Magic globe, you spin,
Find yourself in a distant country.

(The gnome quietly leaves the hall.)

African music sounds, and slide No. 4 appears on the multimedia - depicting the landscape of Africa.


What kind of country is this? She's very hot.
And wherever you look, savages are dancing everywhere!

A boys' dance group performs "Dance of the Savages."

(At the end of the dance, Grandfather Heat enters the hall.)

Presenter: Guys, it seems that our Dwarf overdid it, and we ended up in a completely different place than we wanted.

Grandfather Heat:

Greetings, dear guests!
Where are you so beautiful from?

Grandfather Heat:

You've arrived in Africa, kids.
Well, I am the cheerful Grandfather Heat!
The sun is here, it's summer all year round,
Sea, palm trees and sand.
The deserts here are hot,
The stars are bright at night.
What is your winter like?

Children recite poems about winter:

  1. Oh you, winter-winter,
    You came with frost.
    She made snowdrifts for us
    Ice braids.
  2. Ran barefoot
    It's fun along the paths,
    Lace for us later
    The windows were curtained.
  3. Cheerful, desirable
    Frosty time -
    Ruddy from the cold
    The kids laugh.
  4. Let's ride and have fun!
    Light sleds - take off!
    Who will fly like a bird,
    Who will curl up right in the snow.
  5. The snow is fluffy, softer than cotton wool,
    Let's shake ourselves off and run.
    We are funny guys
    We don’t shiver from the cold.
  6. We love to drive in winter
    Round dance at the Christmas tree,
    And sculpt snowmen,
    And ride down the hill.
  7. We love the winter chill
    But despite all this
    We sit and drink tea,
    The one that smells like summer.

Grandfather Heat:

Hmmm, how interesting!
And here they knock in the distance, slide number 5
Long boats glide down the river! slide number 6
Children are jumping from boats and swimming slide number 7
And the New Year's heat is everywhere! slide number 8

Presenter: You know, Santa Heat, but our Santa Claus on New Year's Eve also comes, well, right into the “hot season.”

Grandfather Heat: Is it true? How's that? Aren't you afraid to melt?

Presenter: But listen to our song and you will immediately understand everything.

Children perform the song “Hot Time” lyrics. P. Sinyavsky, music. A. Zhurbina.

Grandfather Heat: What a great fellow your Santa Claus is! How I understand it!

But, I’m also a wizard – no matter where!
And also Grandfather, only it’s hot!

(He glances at the multimedia, where slide No. 9 appears - with an image of a steamship sailing on the sea.)

You will now sail across the blue sea
And you will get to Santa Claus in Ustyug!

To the sound of the ship's whistle and the sound of the sea, children stand in a wedge formation and imitate sailing...

(Grandfather Zhara quietly leaves the hall.)

The sound of the sea is replaced by Japanese music. Slide No. 10 appears on the multimedia - depicting a landscape of Japan.

Presenter: Children, quickly, here and there - run to your places!

(Children sit on chairs.)

What country is this, don’t you find out?

(Children reason.)

Again, we guys got to the wrong place!

Segatsu-san (Japanese Santa Claus) enters the hall accompanied by Japanese music.

Segatsu-san: Greetings, gentlemen! Where are you from and where?

(Children tell their story...)

Well, congratulations, without irony -
You are in my native Japan!
It was once called
Both sonorously and briefly - Yamato.
Now all over the world it is called
Country rising sun!
The sophistication of the pagodas, the grandeur of the mountains. slide number 11
Cherry blossoms, reflection of lakes, slide number 12
The flight of cranes over the rice field - slide number 13
What could be sweeter to a Japanese eye!

And my name is Segatsu-san, which translated means “Mr. New Year.” After all, we, like you, also celebrate this holiday. According to tradition, we first visit the temple ( slide number 14), where we thank the gods for all the good things in the past year. Then we light a “new fire” in our homes ( slide number 15) - for happiness and health in the New Year, and we also go on a visit to drink tea with pickled plums - “tea of ​​happiness” ( slide number 16), and, of course, we greet each other - we wish you health.

(Segatsu-san joins his palms at chest level and bows.)

Presenter: You know, Segatsu-san, we also know how to greet each other not with words, but with gestures - through a handshake. Do you want us to teach you too?

Segatsu-san: Yes, I probably won’t refuse.

The game “Hello!” is played, a Danish folk melody (Program “Ladushki” by I. Kaplunova).

(During the game, Segatsu-san joins in the process, and after the game he thanks the children for the acquired skills.)


Mount Fuji stood by the sea. slide number 17
Japanese ladies walked under it.
The Japanese sighed from the heat
And they waved their fan languidly.

Japanese girls come out to the middle of the hall:

  1. I am a keeper of traditions
    And the chief manager -
    Spending in the country of Japan
    Tea ceremonies.
  2. And I’m not just an actress,
    And I can’t hide behind the scenes.
    I'll entertain you for the whole evening:
    I dance, sing and act.

A girls' dance group performs the Japanese Fan Dance.

Segatsu-san: The question torments me, what is he like, Santa Claus?

Presenter: And we will tell you now.

Children recite poems about Santa Claus:

  1. A bit of an artist - he draws patterns.
    A bit of a robber - he grabs you by the nose.
    Sometimes he is angry. Sometimes he is cheerful.
    Sometimes he is mischievous and bites you to tears!
  2. Exactly at midnight on a winter night
    He comes to every home.
    Every year we are very, very
    We are all waiting for his arrival.
  3. Both adults and children are waiting,
    After all, for each of us
    Miracle, the best in the world,
    He cooked it now.
  4. He looks at us and knows
    How we lived for a whole year
    And now it continues
    The three have a fabulous flight.
  5. Only the wind develops
    Silver gray curls,
    And the drifting snow sweeps away
    Painted sled tracks.
  6. Without Santa Claus, snowflakes don't fly,
    Without Santa Claus the patterns don't shine,
    Without Santa Claus, the trees don't light up,
    And without Frost there is no fun for the guys.

Segatsu-san: You know, your Santa Claus reminds me of someone. Maybe this is him, but this someone is very far from Japan...

(Segatsu-san thought about it.)

We have a tradition of flying kites.

(Brings the kite into the hall.)

Are you ready to fly on my kite?
Then everyone, stand in a circle, quickly,
Hold on to each other tightly!

(Children stand one after another like a train.)

You fly, fly, my kite high under the sky, slide number 18
Take my friends to the other side of the world!

The lights in the hall are dimmed. To the appropriate music, the children run around the circle behind Segatsu-san. Slide No. 19, 20 (with the image of the sky) appears on the multimedia. At the end of the music, Segatsu-san quietly leaves the hall with a kite in his hands. Slide No. 21 appears on the multimedia (with the image of the Statue of Liberty). Jazz music plays in the background.


Where did the kite take us?
I hear the sound of a waterfall among the rocks...
And the sounds of music are heard in the distance...
They want to cheer up their friends!
Trombones and clarinets, piano and double bass,
Hearing the sound of dawn, they perform jazz here.

(A subgroup of children - musicians - enter the middle of the hall.)

Oh, exactly, exactly! I guessed:
We came to America, friends!

To the soundtrack (-) of the song “Let'smypeoplego» a subgroup of children play musical instruments.

(After the performance, the children take their seats)

The song sounds "JingleBeaus", Santa Claus enters the hall.

SantaKlaus: Hello boys' girls!

My name is Santa Claus!
In America all the children are waiting for me!
I'm flying from distant Lapland,
The elves really help me with this!
Where are you from here?

Presenter: We, Santa Claus, are from Russia!

Santa Claus: Woohoo!

How did you end up in a distant country?
What brings you to visit me?

(Children tell their story...)

Santa Claus:

It doesn’t matter, friends, what happened like this...
Well, I’m even very happy about our meeting!

How many of you know how to English language does the word "hello" sound? (Children reason.) That's right, “hello”! Let's clap to the beat of the music. I will say “hello”, and you will answer “hello” in Russian and, thus, catch greetings from the American guys and convey yours to them.

Santa Claus plays the game "Hello"

Cheerful music sounds. Santa Claus, approaching one or the other child at the moment when he is clapping, quickly passes his palm between the palms of the clapping person. Children, in turn, try to “catch” hello, that is, the hand of Santa Claus, with a clap.

Santa Claus: Amazing! Also, I'm an excellent photographer! I love photographing the most fun moments. Do you like to be photographed?

Children: Yes!

Santa Claus:

I invite everyone to stand in a circle,
Play the game "Photographer"!

Held music game“Cinema-photo” (methodological manual by I. Kaplunova, “Dance with me, my friend”).

Santa Claus: Great! I will definitely show these photographs to American children, because they have been waiting for me with gifts for a long time...

Presenter: Santa Claus, tell me, how do you give gifts?

Santa Claus: Oooh, that's a whole story! With the help of my assistants - the elves ( slide number 22), I get into houses through the chimney ( slide number 23) and put gifts for the kids in socks, which are specially hung for this purpose by the fireplace ( slide number 24). I also leave gifts under the tree ( slide number 25). Americans decorate it with balls of the same size, but different colors and ribbon bows. And, according to custom, a toy angel is placed on the top of the head. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?

Presenter: We'll tell you now.

Children recite poems about the Christmas tree:

  1. We celebrate the holiday - we decorate the Christmas tree:
    We hang toys, beads and firecrackers.
  2. Like our Christmas tree - green needles,
    Decorations: balls, stars, lanterns.
  3. The tree stands festively, it looks elegant.
    She is all decorated from bottom to top.
    The wonderful star gives bright light to toys!

Santa Claus: What a beautiful tree you have! My friends, I know exactly how to help you!

After all, Santa Claus is not a stranger to me -
He is my dear brother!
Last year I came and stayed
And he gave three white horses. slide number 26
They definitely won't let you down -
They will dashingly deliver it to Veliky Ustyug!


And we even know the song about horses.
Get up, guys - let's sing more fun!

Children sing the song “Oh, winter!”, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky, music. Yu. Chichkova.

During the performance of the song, Santa Claus quietly leaves the hall.

After the song is performed, the “howl of a blizzard” sounds, and slide No. 27 appears on the multimedia (image of a winter landscape in the forest).


There was so much snow, all the paths were covered!
I suggest you play - look for Santa Claus!

The game “Search!” is being played. music T. Lomova (Program “Ladushki” by I. Kaplunova)

At the end of the game, Santa Claus quietly enters the hall, goes to the center of the circle along with the dancing children and, at the end of the game, is left without a partner.…

Fanfare sounds (to the melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

Father Frost:

I am an elderly man, with a long, white beard.
I made skating rinks for you, covered the streets with snow.
He built bridges from ice.

Presenter: Who is this?

Children: Father Frost!

Father Frost:

My homeland is Veliky Ustyug. slide number 28
Here I was born among the winds and blizzards.
Here I live among the sparkling snows, slide number 29
Among icicles and cold weather.
Here I receive mail, read children’s letters... slide number 30
And here is my painted house - so beautiful and big! slide number 31
And there are many, many doors in it - I receive guests here!
And I’m very glad to see you, kids, I love all the kids in the world!
I see your journey has been long. Who helped you with this?

(Children tell their story, Father Frost thanks Santa Claus.)

Now let’s all stand in a circle and start a round dance!
We will sing songs, dance, and light the Christmas tree!

Santa Claus and the children perform the round dance “New Year's Riddles”, lyrics. T. Ryadchikova, music. A. Komarova.

(At the end of the song the tree lights up.)

Father Frost:

You sing well.
I see you feel warm.
But I am Grandfather Frost,
Take care of your ears and nose!
Wow, I'll catch up with you now,
Run away, I'm catching you!

The game “I’ll freeze” is being played

(Santa Claus, accompanied by cheerful music, catches up with the children, tries to hurt them for something - to freeze them...)

Father Frost:

I see that the children have hardened themselves,
I see played sports,
And that’s why they weren’t scared of me at all!
Let the Christmas tree sparkle with lights,
And we continue to have fun!
Let’s get up together in pairs and start a fun dance!

Children perform “Circular Gallop” (methodological manual by I. Kaplunova, “Dance with me, my friend”).

Father Frost:

Wow, friends, I'm a little tired,
I want to rest a little.
Where is my throne? Please give...
And you read poetry to me.

Children can read poems to Santa Claus if they wish.

Father Frost:

Let's continue to have fun without worries -
Let’s shout together: “Hello, New Year!”

Children sing the song “Hello, Hello, New Year!” music A. Kudryashova, lyrics. I. Yavorovskaya.

Presenter: You know, Grandfather Frost, I have one question for you.

Happy New Year - everyone is shouting!
Happy New Happiness - everyone laughs!
And the boys and girls
They are waiting for gifts - they can’t wait!

Father Frost:

It's time for gifts!
And answer, kids:
Whose year is it?
What kind of bird is at the gate?

(Children answer that it is the year of the Rooster.)

Right! There is a wise fairy tale among the people,
There is a complicated cockerel in it!
He brings us a bright holiday
Happy New Year's Eve!
May the New Year be like in a good fairy tale
He will give you gifts,
After all, it is no coincidence that my assistant
Called the Red Rooster!

Slide No. 32 appears on the multimedia (with a video of a live rooster pacing).

(In multimedia, the rooster crows once and walks around again).

Father Frost:

Louder, louder crow,
Show yourself in all your beauty!
Help me, cast a spell
Don't skimp on gifts!

(On multimedia the rooster crows again).

Santa Claus opens the curtain, behind which there is a bag of gifts.

Presentation of gifts.

Slide number 33

Father Frost:

Happy New Year, I congratulate you and wish that in it,
Good luck awaits you in matters small and large!
So that the children are obedient,
May everyone be healthy!
In general, happiness, prosperity and success to the whole family!
Happy New Year!!!

Santa Claus leaves the hall, the presenter ends the holiday.

New Year 2015

Characters: Ded Moroz Snegurochka Baba Yaga Winter Dwarf Snowman Goblin Troll Bag of gifts

Music 1 Children come out, walk around the tree, then stand in front

New Year is a good fairy tale,

Where our dreams come true!

New Year is the music of song and dance,

We always look forward to seeing him!

Let the joyful holiday come,

And it will work wonders for us!

Congratulations to everyone in this room,

Mrs. Winter herself is in a hurry!

(Winter comes out)

Music 2 (louder)

Winter:Happy New Year
All children and all guests!

I wish you happiness, joy,

New holiday ideas!

May this New Year

will bring you good luck

In one moment I rushed to you on a silver sled!

Past fluffy Christmas trees, across snow-covered fields.

Today we will have fun together, dance,

So fervently that no one can stand still.

Today you entered the kingdom of winter,

On a wonderful holiday and New Year's.

Attention! Quiet! A fairy tale is coming to you

On this wonderful New Year for everyone.

The magic door opens

The fairy tale begins.

Music 3 Children in costumes come out in pairs, sway holding hands, and leave at the end of the song


I am a fabulous, cheerful Dwarf,
I live in a dense forest.
My beautiful cap
Dashingly shifted to the side!
I love to joke, laugh,
Run, jump, tumble,
I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday.
Hello my friends!
I didn't come here just, I didn't come here in vain,

I invite everyone to a New Year's fairy tale, friends!

To find yourself in a fairy tale, in this new, glorious year

We need a New Year's round dance at our tree!

Round dance 4

Winter: Well, here we are in a fairy tale

Haven't you guys seen

Snow Maiden, my friend?

Let's shout to her together: Snow-gu-roch-ka!

(Baba Yaga comes out to music 5)

Baba Yaga:

Hello, little ones, wow, my little mice!

Hello, viewers - parents, tormentors of their children!

Hello to you too, the Christmas tree is a prickly needle.


Excuse me, who are you? I don't remember something.

Baba Yaga:

What are you talking about, open your eyes! Who is it, fidget?

Look, what a figurine - it’s me, Snow Maiden!


How's that? And now we’ll test you with a song.

(Winter and B.Ya. sing a song to the tune of “Tell the Snow Maiden..”)

Z.: Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?

Tell me, honey, how are you?

B.Ya.: The stupa broke by January,

I was flying on a broom... Oh, what am I saying?!

Z.: Where do you live, Snow Maiden, tell me,

Describe your crystal castle to us.

B.Ya.: My crystal castle is on two legs.

Z.: Well, everything is clear to you and me then,

Guys, who is this?

Children: Baba Yaga!

B.Ya.: Yes. I'm a granny-frog! Why isn't the Snow Maiden to you?

I’m not just some kind of Yaga. I'm a super moped, oh supermodel.

My figure is athletic, my mood is electric!

Don’t you want me to be your Snow Maiden? (NO)

OK then. So that I let go of the real Snow Maiden,

Do you need to prove whether you can dance? I will demonstrate the movements, and you repeat. If you can handle it, then I’ll give you the Snow Maiden.

Winter: Well, guys, can we handle it?

Dance with Baba Yaga 6

B.Ya. Well, take your Snow Maiden.

(Talks to the side) I’ll ruin your holiday anyway.

Music 7

The Snow Maiden comes out

Snow Maiden.
Hello my friends!
I'm glad to see you all,
Both big and small,
Nimble and remote.
I see that you were not lazy and worked hard,
The fragrant Christmas tree was well decorated.
That's how she is - slender, fluffy
And wonderfully elegant, all the toys are good!
Have you danced to your heart's content near the New Year's tree?

Our Christmas tree is so rich
So beautiful and slim.
Just this, it's a pity guys
She stands without lights.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree.
We've all been waiting for a miracle,
Christmas tree, Christmas tree
You will light up for us soon.
They clap their hands and the tree lights up. Music sounds 8


The guests all came to the celebration,
The Christmas tree is here. But here's the question:
Where does our merry wander?
Daring Santa Claus?

A breathless Snowman appears with a large envelope.


Greetings, friends,

I was flying towards you on a sled.

I was in such a hurry

That I almost crashed.

Snow Maiden.

Snowman, we are very glad to see you at our holiday. Where is Grandfather Frost? Didn't he come with you?


Santa Claus couldn't come.

I brought a letter from him.

Don't be afraid, no grief happened,

Grandfather has a lot of work to do.

He told me to give you a letter

And come back to me again.


Well, let's read what Santa Claus writes to us.(Takes out a letter and reads it.) “Dear guys! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Excuse me, but I won’t be able to come to your school for the holiday. I have a lot of things to do: I’m cooking for all the children,” covering fields, forests and mountains with fluffy snow. I have a lot of worries now. And come to me for your gifts. There isn’t enough room for everyone in the Snowman’s sleigh, so let the Snowman and the Snow Maiden come to me on their own; I can’t manage it alone without helpers. And for you in the envelope there is a magical snowflake. Blow on it 3 times and you will find yourself at my house. I'm waiting for you in my northern country. Father Frost".

Snow Maiden.

Guys, the Snowman and I will get to Santa Claus on a sleigh. And you - with the help of a magic snowflake.


We are not saying goodbye to you. See you at Santa Claus!


Happy journey to you, Snow Maiden and Snowman!

The Snow Maiden and the Snowman leave.


Well, guys, do you want to go visit Santa Claus?

Children. Yes!


Then stand up all around me. I will put a magic snowflake on my palm. Let's take our time. Let's blow 3 times slowly but strongly.

Music 9 is not very loud Children blow slowly. The presenter counts. Suddenly, after the second blow, B.Ya. runs in with a roar, jumps up and blows on the snowflake for the third and last time. B.Ya. laughs evilly and runs away. music is quiet

Winter: Oh, where did we find ourselves?

Goblin: Yep, gotcha! Who are you? (CHILDREN'S ANSWERS: We are on our way to Santa Claus)

To Santa Claus! You will celebrate the New Year more often in mine! I won't let you go for anything! I'm bored alone, it's not fun. Play with me, tell me poems, sing a song, then we’ll see!

Winter: Well, guys, let's tell the devil some rhymes about the New Year?

Poetry. Background music 11

Song 10

Goblin: How about playing with me?

A game

Goblin: Oh, thank you guys! Happy New Year to you!

Music 9 The gnome again takes out a snowflake, the children surround him. They manage to blow twice, Baba Yaga sneaks up again and blows with all her might for the third a snowflake. Laughs evilly.

Baba Yaga.

Wow, how quick! To the North, to the North... Do you want to cool off? Well, chill out. Not in the North, but in a cold cave!(Laughs, runs away).

The music “In the Cave of the Mountain King” plays. 12

Winter: Oh guys! Look, we found ourselves in a dark cave.


Do not be afraid! We're in a fairy tale! Let's say the magic words and fairy lanterns will immediately appear. They will help us find our way.So, are you ready?

Lantern Dance 13

The Troll appears.

Who's making noise here?

Doesn’t he let me, Troll, rest?


Excuse me, please. We are kids from school. We didn't want to disturb you.


How did you get here?


You see, the guys and I are having a New Year’s holiday. Father Frost invited us to visit him for this holiday. And Baba Yaga constantly interferes with our journey, with the help of her witchcraft she sends us either into the forest thicket or into a cave.


Yes, I know this evil old woman. And how can she not get tired of acting up? What kind of New Year's holiday is this? And who is Santa Claus?


Guys, let's tell Troll what New Year is.

Dance “New Year” 14


And on New Year’s Day, children decorate the Christmas tree, sing songs and recite poems.

Poetry. Music 15

Dance “I am a modern Christmas tree” 16

Song 17


There are many miracles in my cave, but I have never seen such a miracle!

You made me laugh, I even wanted to play.

Let's play one very interesting game


Thank you guys for respecting me. Because you are cheerful, kind and friendly, I will not leave you in trouble, and I will help you in any way I can. I have a magical means to get to the North, to Santa Claus. And here Baba Yaga is powerless. Here is a magic stone for you, hold it in your hands and you will find yourself on the ground. And now goodbye! Good luck to you!

The troll leaves.


Guys, quickly stand up in a circle. Let's pass the magic stone from hand to hand and find ourselves on earth.

Fun music GAME “Come on, take it away”

The children begin to pass the stone, but Baba Yaga appears again and tries to take the stone away from the children, but she fails.

Baba Yaga.

Well, wait a minute! You will meet me again!(Runs away screaming indignantly).


Well, here we are.

The music “Russian Santa Claus” sounds 18

Santa Claus appears from behind the curtain, from behind the doors - Snow Maiden. EVERYONE IS DANCING


Hello, Santa Claus!

Father Frost.

Hello guys! We've been waiting for you and Snegurochka.


Oh, Santa Claus, where have we been to get to you!

Father Frost.

I know everything about you guys. About how brave, friendly and cheerful you are. We coped with all the difficulties, well done! And in my kingdom fun awaits you. I want to ask you, are you cold here?



Father Frost.

There is very little time left before the New Year. Soon the clock will strike 12 times.

Father Frost.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

May it bring you happiness

Bright, joyful, cheerful,

The long-awaited New Year!


We have prepared poems and songs for you

Children's performances.

Poems Music 19

Song 20

Father Frost.

And now I want to play with you and tell you riddles.

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather, it's time to give gifts to the guys.

Father Frost.

You're right, granddaughter. It's time to please you with gifts. Let me call my magic bag.(Knocks with staff).

Why isn't the bag coming to us in a hurry?

Maybe he's sleeping under the tree?

I'd better go get him myself

If he's sleeping, I'll wake you up.

Santa Claus leaves behind the curtain, at which time a surprise bag appears from the door.


I'm really tired of waiting for you,

So I went and took a walk.

You tell me, friends,

Maybe I'm not needed?

Snow Maiden.

We've been waiting for you all holiday

And now they just called.

You didn’t come to our call,

Frost followed you.

I'll put you here

And I'll go get my grandfather.

The Snow Maiden leaves the Bag in the middle of the hall. She herself goes behind the curtain behind Santa Claus. Baba Yaga tiptoes towards the bag from behind the door.

Baba Yaga.

A! Is the bag already here?(Touches him.)


Oh, don't touch him, he'll run away!

Baba Yaga.

Don't wag your tongue!


You can't handle the Sack.

Santa Claus conjured

So that no one takes me.

Baba Yaga.

Don't contradict me, you impudent one!


Well, then I ran.

The bag runs behind the curtain.

Baba Yaga.

Stop! Where?! Stop! They're telling you!

Father Frost.

A! There you are, you prankster!

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and the presenter bring in a bag of gifts.

Father Frost.

And you, old villainess, why did you come here?

Baba Yaga.

I! What do you mean why?! Have fun: play, sing... What else is there(scratching the back of his head). A! Dance...

Father Frost.

Oh, you liar! Have you prepared something nasty again?

Baba Yaga ( cunning).

What are you saying, Frost! I'm telling you, I wanted to have fun...

Father Frost.

Have some fun? Well, have fun!

To the melody 21 Baba Yaga begins to dance, gradually loses her strength, suffocates and asks for mercy,

Baba Yaga.

Oh! I can't do it anymore! Oh-oh-oh, have mercy!

Father Frost.

Oh, can't you anymore? Then get out!(Blows on Baba Yaga. She, as if under the pressure of the wind, runs out the door).

Father Frost.

Well, guys, the evil is over. And you get what you deserve.

Handing out gifts . Music sounds on 22, then 19 until the end of the holiday

Father Frost.

We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will part for a whole year,

And in a year the blizzard will howl again,

And Grandfather Frost will come with winter.

Snow Maiden.

Just don't forget us at all,

You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.

And welcome us again with songs and dances,

And we to you best gifts We'll bring it.

Now make your wishes!

Chimes 23

Children stand freely around the hall and dance

New Year is approaching - children's favorite holiday,

after all, the Christmas tree is a holiday of fairy tales, fun games, surprises,

funny adventures. What would it be like for a child,

pleased with its brightness and unusualness, parents need to make an effort.

When preparing for the New Year, parents should involve their children in:

decide together which friends to invite, how to decorate the Christmas tree,

what entertainment to come up with, etc.

Children should be told in advance about the Christmas tree, that it is an evergreen tree, and show it in a picture or photograph.

When preparing for the holiday, children should be allowed to look at Christmas tree decorations; you can cut out snowflakes and lanterns with your child, and hang garlands and light bulbs together. If the child is very small. Then you can decorate the Christmas tree when he falls asleep. The next morning the tree will be a surprise for the baby.

Gifts should also be taken care of in advance. The presentation of a gift can be arranged in a fabulous way. Dad and daughter make shoes out of plasticine and place them under the Christmas tree, and the next morning the child finds real shoes there. You can make a paper cockerel and put it on the window. Explain to the child that the Cockerel will be watching to see if Santa Claus passes by. He will see him and call him loudly. Santa Claus will definitely come by, admire the Christmas tree, homemade toys, check whether the child knows how to neatly fold clothes, put away his things, and leave a gift. In the morning, your baby will be pleased to find a gift and a letter from Santa Claus under the tree. The letter may contain poems to learn, a riddle or a wish.

Dear fathers and mothers!

An interestingly prepared holiday with your family will not only bring joy, but will also help you better understand the child and his interests.

Vivid memories from the holiday are remembered forever. Try to create an atmosphere of an unusual holiday. Draw a Snowman at the entrance to greet guests. Hide a cracker under the tree. Tell her that Santa Claus forgot her. There may be balls in the cracker. Under the tree there is a picture book, coloring book, etc.

You shouldn't sit at the table for a long time. It’s better to play with the guests, sing a song together, dance. Children really like the game “Hot and Cold”. The winner dances or sings a song. You can play the game “Aibolit and the Animals”. Children put on animal hats and choose one as a doctor. The game is based on a dramatization: the bunny is limping, the doctor treats him, the bunny jumps, the hippo roars and holds his stomach, then recovers and jumps merrily, etc.

Children must show creativity and convey the desired intonation. At the end you can dance a funny dance.

Adults can come up with a lot of interesting things New Year's holiday, you just need to want it and treat everything responsibly. I wish you resourcefulness and patience, and success will come to you..


about fire safety measures when decorating the Christmas tree

New Year and Christmas holidays are a wonderful time for children and adults. Almost every home has a beautiful Christmas tree installed and decorated. In order for these days not to be overshadowed by disaster, it is necessary to pay special attention to compliance with fire safety measures, which are very simple...

Natural Christmas trees tend to dry out when left indoors for a long time and burst into flames with a light spark. Buy your tree as close to New Year's as possible or store it outdoors. When preparing for the holiday, install the “forest beauty” on a stable base and so that the branches do not touch the walls or ceiling and are at a safe distance from electrical appliances and household stoves.

During the celebration, do not light candles or homemade electric garlands on the Christmas tree. The electric garland must be factory-made and undamaged.

Increased caution is also necessary when using sparklers. The stick with the sparkler should be held at arm's length and not brought near clothes, eyes or a natural Christmas tree. Sparklers and firecrackers should only be lit under adult supervision and away from flammable objects.

Dear parents!

Follow these basic fire safety rules and strictly supervise your children's behavior during the winter holidays!

In the event of a fire, call

by phone: 01, from mobile: 112

Give your children a fun winter holiday. How to organize a weekend

if you don't go anywhere? How to keep your child busy so he doesn't get bored

and spent your holidays fun and interesting? What do children dream about when thinking about the holidays? About magic, masquerades, ice slides, travel.

And that you can finally talk to mom and dad, who are always missing at work. What are parents thinking? About a long sleep, a sofa and a TV or book. And about silence!

Parents, if you lie in front of the TV for all 10 days, the holidays will pass quickly and boringly, and your children will remain disappointed.

Here are tips to make the holidays fun for you and your kids.

1. For children, the main thing is that the days be varied. Write a plan: slide, snow, festivities, guests, performances, museums, carnivals and masquerades.

2. Spend as much time as possible outdoors. If possible, visit friends out of town. Walk in the park, in the yard, go to forest parks, take your skates and go to the skating rink, go skiing. Try to spend the entire daylight hours outside. After all, when you go to work, you won’t be able to go for a walk. And children need a party!

3. Do something you have long dreamed of, but never got around to doing. Put on a play at home, go to visit friends who live far away, go to the theater. The main thing is the whole family.

4. Set up a home children's party. Gather your friends and neighbors, rehearse a performance, dress up in costumes, play a fairy tale, prepare a simple treat on colorful paper plates so you don’t have to wash the dishes.

5. Organize a party in the yard. So you can play and take a walk. Decorate the Christmas tree, play with the stream. Believe me, both children and adults will like it. At the same time, you will get to know your neighbors better.

6. Diversify the downhill skiing - arrange a holiday with competitions: who will go the farthest, who will be the fastest, etc. Jackets can be decorated with Christmas tree rain.

7. Go on a winter hike. To the park or to the forest. Bury surprises and small gifts under the trees. Draw a map or plan. Under the tree, find a letter from Santa Claus, in which he writes: “Unfortunately, I didn’t get to you, my sleigh broke, I had to bury your gift under the tree. Here is a map, you can use it to find your gift.” Let the child look for the right Christmas trees on the map and discover the gifts. Believe me, children will be delighted with such treasure hunts!

8. While walking in the forest, give your child tasks: hang a feeder, pour food into already hanging feeders, sketch all the trees he encounters

9. Go to a museum. A preschooler will be interested in the local history and zoological museum. If your child loves Greek myths, take them to the Greek hall. If you've planned a trip to an art gallery, read the myths and the Bible in advance, because most of the classics wrote precisely on these topics.

10. Have a Christmas Boxing Day. A couple of days before the holiday, organize a “magic workshop” at home. Buy a craft book and craft with your kids! Make stained glass windows, paint pictures on wood, on canvas, cut out figures and glue appliques.

11. Together with your child, organize an action - sort out children's things (you can also use your own), collect good clothes from which the baby has outgrown, good, but not favorite toys, and send all this to needy children in orphanages or social centers. Now such events are organized by many children's stores, cafes and churches. It is very useful for a child to do such a good deed.

12. Don't watch TV non-stop! Mark in advance the programs and films that you like in the program, watch them with your children, and discuss them.

13. Have a “yummy day.” You can, for example, free mom from the kitchen on this day, and prepare simple goodies for dad and the children. And bake cookies together, let the children smear themselves in flour and dough, and make uneven figures. The main thing is to do it yourself!

14. Plan a masquerade party. Sew costumes, design makeup. Both for the children and for yourself!

15. Arrange a Christmas tree at home. Prepare a simple performance or concert, a treat (the same cookies), small gifts for guests, invite friends. It’s good if you agree with your friends and they also organize a Christmas tree. So your families will go to each other’s Christmas trees. It’s great if the holidays are themed - yours pirate Party, friends have princesses and fairies and so on.

Have a nice weekend and holidays!