If a pregnant woman has brown discharge. Brown discharge during early and late pregnancy: normal or not

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If brown discharge appears early during pregnancy, this is an eloquent sign of pathology; and the presence of such a symptom in the third trimester may indicate that labor is approaching. In both cases, it is necessary to consult a specialist in a timely manner, undergo an examination, monitor the “interesting situation”, and go to the hospital for conservation. Brown discharge during pregnancy cannot be ignored, otherwise the consequences for the child may be irreversible.

Can there be discharge during pregnancy?

Since the hormonal levels change after the fertilization of the egg, changes appear in the well-being of the pregnant woman. For example, specific discharge may appear and disappear, change its color, smell and consistency. If it is pale mucus without other symptoms, there is no need to see a doctor. If pink discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and a jump in temperature, this is a sign of an ectopic or frozen pregnancy with the need for an abortion. Discharge during pregnancy Brown It is important not to observe, but to eliminate it in time.

What is brown discharge during pregnancy?

After successful conception The hormonal background changes radically, the concentration of estrogen increases significantly. A pregnant woman develops specific vaginal discharge, which, if brown in color, can cause early miscarriage and pathological birth in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. It is urgently necessary to stop sexual intercourse, consult a doctor, and be sure to take a blood test to determine the concentration of the hormones hCG and progesterone and the nature of the pathology. Vaginal ultrasound becomes an additional method of clinical examination of a pregnant woman.

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy

If on underwear begins to smear, and the pregnant woman experiences internal discomfort, such unpleasant health changes should not be ignored. The dark shade of the discharge indicates impurities of blood in a homogeneous consistency, which, during pregnancy, raises alarming thoughts about pathology. Before you suspect a dangerous disease during pregnancy, you need to study the color, consistency, smell of the discharge, and determine the obstetric week.

In the early stages

In the first month of pregnancy, the usual menstruation may begin, and the woman has no idea about her “ interesting position" However, the color and consistency of the usual discharge change significantly, while the duration and abundance of the usual bleeding are reduced. The following explanation is within normal limits: brown mucus during pregnancy is a consequence of epithelial detachment due to the attachment of the embryo.

If we talk about the pathological factors for the appearance of brown discharge, there is a high probability of progressive pregnancy with the risk of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). If pregnancy is accompanied by such symptoms, the woman must be treated in a hospital setting from the first obstetric weeks. In any case, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner. Additional symptoms of threatened miscarriage are:

  • copious brown discharge;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • high pressure in the abdominal cavity, discomfort;
  • feeling of nausea, bouts of vomiting;
  • high temperature, fever.

During pregnancy in the second trimester

If dark discharge during pregnancy is early stages do not stop, the health problem only gets worse. In the second trimester, such an unpleasant symptom is also dangerous, since it may indicate the following diseases of the female body:

  • sexually transmitted infectious diseases;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • hydatidiform mole (fertilization of germ cells without chromosomes);
  • cervical erosion;
  • uterine fibroids of different sizes.

With such an unpleasant symptom, a woman experiences serious fears for her health and her health is not yet born baby, and there are good reasons for this. To save the child, it is necessary to undergo treatment in a hospital setting. There is no question of surgical intervention during pregnancy, for example, for fibroids; such neoplasms should only be observed. Symptoms that you need to pay attention to in addition to vaginal bleeding are presented below:

  • increased pressure in the lower abdomen;
  • pain in the uterine area;
  • decline in performance, drowsiness.

In the third trimester

If a woman is at the so-called “finishing stage,” there is also a risk of intrauterine pathologies and pathological births. When brown discharge appears, the most common reason for a period of 34 obstetric weeks or more is the passage of the mucus plug, leakage of amniotic fluid, abruption and placenta previa. In this case, the pregnant woman is placed in storage until delivery, carefully monitoring her condition day after day.

Causes of brown discharge, regardless of duration

There are those pathogenic factors that can progress at any obstetric week, bother the expectant mother for an indefinite period of time. For example, brown discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy raises suspicion of ectopic fertilization, and the fatal outcome in such a clinical picture becomes mechanical cleaning and removal of one of the fallopian tubes. Dark vaginal discharge can occur at different times; the causes are determined by the attending physician and vaginal ultrasound.

Cervical erosion

Photos of foci of pathology frighten all patients, so it is recommended to treat a chronic disease during pregnancy planning. Otherwise, when carrying a fetus, cervical erosion will remind itself of itself with unpleasant consequences, as an option - dark or brown discharge appears during pregnancy in the early stages and not only, the risk of uterine bleeding increases. If open ulcers on the walls of the cervical mucosa are not treated in a timely manner, the woman’s reproductive system suffers. Pathologies occur that can disrupt the course of pregnancy.

The injured epithelium during gestation is especially sensitive, so brown discharge from cervical erosion can occur during rough or careless sexual contact, due to improper intimate hygiene measures. Pathological uterine bleeding in this case is distinguished by its scarcity, spotting nature, and is a temporary phenomenon.

Infections and inflammatory processes

If moderate hemorrhages appear during pregnancy, the likelihood of infectious and inflammatory processes is high. Additional symptoms of pathologies include excessive bleeding, a specific smell, pain, and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Infections can be chronic and predominate in a “dormant form”, worsening during pregnancy after the immune response weakens.

The danger of infectious and inflammatory processes lies in the fact that the pathology can spread to the fetus, and conservative treatment for the expectant mother is limited. In the latter case, it is worth recalling that most medications are prohibited for use during pregnancy, especially if we're talking about about antibiotics and antimicrobial agents.


Of course, the most exciting period of pregnancy is the first trimester, and at the same time the most responsible. Responsible in the sense that this is the beginning of fetal formation; in the first weeks, the embryo of the unborn baby is placed in the endometrium, and the placenta and amniotic sac are also formed. It is during this period that many changes occur in female body. Therefore, the first trimester, due to colossal changes, is the most dangerous when it comes to the risks of pregnancy failure. But don’t worry under any circumstances, because anything can happen and dark brown discharge does not always indicate the presence of serious problems. This is what we will look at below. At the same time, we must not panic, but act. What does brown discharge indicate during pregnancy in the early stages, at the end of pregnancy - what to do when it appears.

  • Brown discharge in early pregnancy serves as an alarming signal and it is necessary to diagnose the problem as quickly as possible and understand the reasons for such discharge. If the problem is not solved in time, then such negligence can even lead to miscarriage and pregnancy failure, or to premature birth, if we are talking about late pregnancy.
  • Be that as it may, if you observe such discharge in yourself, then you need to seek help from an intelligent specialist as soon as possible. But in order to know what to go with, and also to understand, at least superficially, the issue, we will look below at the main causes of brown discharge during pregnancy.

How is brown discharge different from others during pregnancy?

  • Dark brown discharge, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, can have a very different character. It is also quite normal for discharge that has a translucent or transparent whitish color. Normal discharge can be characterized by the fact that with it, the woman does not tolerate discomfort. While with brown or bloody discharge, the pregnant woman will experience pain and discomfort. Even if brown discharge is not accompanied by discomfort, it should still alert you.
  • Separately It’s worth mentioning pink or beige discharge, which occur during the formation of a fertilized egg, which after conception, after a week or two, goes through the implantation period. During this period, the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and this process is accompanied by pale pink or beige discharge. It looks like the beginning of menstruation, but such discharge does not cause any discomfort. So there's nothing wrong with that. Just like they don’t necessarily talk about the presence of any problems.
  • However, if the discharge changes color to brown, it’s time to sound the alarm. Especially if such discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. This indicates disturbances in the functioning of the body and the baby’s life is at risk. An urgent trip to the doctor and subsequent treatment will help you avoid trouble. Don't hesitate!

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy

After reading the list below of the reasons why there may be dark brown discharge, you will understand that you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible:

  • Of course, I want to start with a positive. If you are in a late stage of pregnancy, then the appearance of brown discharge may indicate an imminent birth. Discharge is associated with the removal of a plug. The mucus plug is very important during pregnancy, as it protects the woman’s body from infections, however, in the last stage of pregnancy, the woman’s body produces a lot of estrogen, which softens the mucus plug and it comes out. But, based on such secretions, it is impossible to say for sure when the miracle of birth will occur. To the point that after such discharge, up to several weeks can pass before giving birth. Therefore, you should not risk your life and the life of your child and visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. Of course, brown discharge in the first trimester is a completely different matter, but more on that below.
  • It is also necessary to understand that when pregnancy occurs, the vaginal mucosa reacts very sensitively to physical changes. Therefore, bloody, dark brown discharge can only indicate damage to the vaginal mucosa. For example, after an appointment with a gynecologist or sexual intercourse. If such discharge occurs precisely after the above events, then they will most likely pass quickly and will not cause long-term pain.
  • Placenta previa. We are talking about late pregnancy. During fetal development, during pregnancy, the uterus enlarges, stretching and disrupting the integrity of the vessels that are located on the upper layers of the placenta. Which leads to discharge. However, if such discharge is profuse and accompanied by characteristic pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor monitoring the pregnancy. Pain during placenta previa is accompanied by “contractions” in the lower abdomen. Remember that, first of all, presentation threatens the life of the child, so delay in this case can lead to the death of the fetus.
  • A frozen pregnancy may also be accompanied by brown discharge. Such discharge may, unfortunately, indicate this. An ultrasound reveals signs by which the fetus can be considered frozen, for example, the absence of a heartbeat. To avoid an inflammatory process in a pregnant woman, it will be necessary to perform curettage of the uterus.
  • Also The human papillomavirus can cause dark brown discharge during pregnancy. Discharge may indicate inflammation and infection in a woman. Contact your gynecologist for help - what should you do?
  • Also, discharge during pregnancy may indicate a rather rare process. The probability of such an incident is 1 in 1000. When does it happen? chromosomal malfunction in the formation and development of the embryo and instead of the placenta, connective tissue with an abundance of vesicles develops. In this case, a skid (as this trouble is called) can be either partial or complete. In the first case, there is every chance of carrying a child to term, since part of the placenta still remains normal. In the second case, everything is much worse. The fetus dies at an early stage of development, and the woman’s condition naturally worsens. Dizziness, vomiting, nausea and brown spotting. If you immediately consult a doctor, this problem can be solved by cleaning the uterine cavity. If you do not delay the operation, it is very likely that the woman’s reproductive function will be preserved.
  • Also brown discharge may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

All of the above reasons for brown discharge in pregnant women require contacting a gynecologist. In no case should you delay, since in addition to the threat to the life of the mother and child, negligence in this matter will lead to the subsequent inability to get pregnant. At the same time, timely assistance from qualified doctors and surgical intervention (if necessary) will help not only preserve the fetus, but also subsequently increase the chances of getting pregnant again. Brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is especially dangerous. At the same time, if you consult a doctor in time, then postoperative period will be quick and painless. If everything is fine with you, then you can even take a light one, it is unlikely to harm you. You can also read the article on our website: ““, you might be interested.

And remember that before you panic, consult a doctor, get tested, and let them give you a verdict, and then it will be clear how serious and deep the problem is. In any case, the nervous state of the mother will affect the health of the unborn child. In general, don’t get sick and be healthy! 🙂

information In more rare cases, a woman may experience inflammation of the internal genital organs. Surgical treatment - cleaning the uterine cavity.

In the second trimester

Premature birth

dangerous Starting from the 20th week of gestation, premature onset is possible.

Most often it occurs due to infections in the mother and fetus, frequent concomitant pathologies in women, etc. Brown discharge can occur when the cervix opens and precedes the appearance of red bloody discharge and.

This condition is also accompanied by severe cramping pain in the abdominal area and nagging pain in the sacrum. Requires immediate medical care, hospitalization in an obstetric hospital and delivery. In an extremely rare case, with an immediate response from a pregnant woman, it is possible to stop and prolong the gestation of the fetus as much as possible until it is more ready for independent life.

Regardless of the stage of pregnancy

In any of these conditions, the development or exacerbation of an existing pathology in a woman is possible, which is also often accompanied by brown discharge.

Cervical erosion

information It is a fairly common pathology in modern women and in almost all cases it occurs at a young (even teenage) age.

It is a violation of the structure of epithelial cells, ulcerations on the mucous membrane. Brown, scanty, slightly spotting discharge during pregnancy occurs after contact of the damaged area with a foreign object (gynecological examination, sexual intercourse). Most often, they are not accompanied by any additional symptoms, disappear after 1 day and do not require medical intervention during pregnancy.

Inflammatory and infectious processes of the genital tract

Any sexually transmitted infections (both sexually transmitted and common bacterial) can cause brown spotting at any stage of gestation. A woman could become infected with an infection many years before conception and be a carrier of the infection, and against the background of hormonal changes and a somewhat reduced immune system, these bacteria became more active, their numbers increased, and a clinical picture of the disease arose.

A man who became a source of infection in a woman could get the disease not only through sexual contact, but also through illness:

  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate);
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), etc.

In addition to brown discharge, a woman may be bothered by:

  • unpleasant odor of these secretions;
  • viscous consistency;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen and pelvis.

information The most common treatment is antibiotics in the form of suppositories, vaginal tablets or oral tablets, with minimal exposure to the fetus.

Injuries to the vagina and cervix

This condition can occur due to domestic or violent damage. In cases where the injury is minor, the disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane is insignificant, the discharge may be brown or brown-red, accompanied by discomfort in the area of ​​the injury and itching. Examination by a gynecologist in the speculum also causes discomfort and increased bleeding. Treatment depends on the extent of the damage, ranging from disinfectant solutions to surgery.

Polyps in the vagina and cervix

The expectant mother can have benign small ones both before pregnancy and manifest themselves at any time during pregnancy. At the slightest touch to the polyp (sexual intercourse, examination by a gynecologist, etc.), it begins to bleed. This manifests itself as brown spotting and is not accompanied by additional symptoms.

Treatment during pregnancy is generally not carried out, but after delivery these neoplasms should be delete, because over time, the process of cells degenerating into malignant ones may begin.

Brown discharge during pregnancy can be normal, indicate a gynecological disease, pathology, or be the main symptom of an incipient miscarriage. How to figure out when you need to urgently call ambulance or go to the doctor, and when should I wait a little and watch the situation develop? After all, when early pregnancy, many women perceive brown discharge as a death sentence...

Advice one- register for pregnancy as early as possible. Don’t worry, they won’t prescribe unnecessary tests for you, just as they very often invite you to an antenatal clinic for no reason. But in this way you will be able to find out about possible pathologies as early as possible and maintain the pregnancy.

Tip two- follow all doctor's recommendations. And especially - get tested regularly. For example, an hCG test often reveals an ectopic pregnancy, which often causes dark brown discharge during pregnancy. More about all this.

1. An embryo frozen in development. If you had noticeable toxicosis, which suddenly disappeared, your breasts became painless, the test was negative (not always), all possible symptoms disappeared, and brown discharge appeared during pregnancy, you need to see a doctor. You will be examined in a chair; if the size of the uterus is smaller than it should be at this stage, most likely you will be sent to donate blood for hCG and (or) have an ultrasound of the uterus. The level of hCG during a frozen pregnancy is reduced, and an ultrasound does not detect the heartbeat of the embryo.

2. Ectopic. Another terrible complication. The hCG level is lower than with uterine. A woman may experience pain in the pelvic area, often from the fallopian tube or ovary where the fertilized egg develops. Brown discharge in clots occurs during pregnancy. If this pathology is suspected, the woman is immediately hospitalized in a hospital, where, once the diagnosis is confirmed, laparoscopic surgery is performed.

3. Cervical ectopia. This is damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix. It usually does not manifest itself as pain. The doctor makes the diagnosis after a gynecological examination using a speculum. If the cytology smear is good and there are no signs of a malignant process, the woman is left alone until the end of pregnancy. Bloody discharge soon stops, as true erosion of the cervix heals on its own, and quite quickly. For this reason, brown discharge that appears during early pregnancy does not indicate any pathology.

4. Menstruation. It is believed that menstruation cannot occur during pregnancy. This is true. But some women still experience small endometrial detachments every 4 weeks in the first trimester, as if repeating the menstrual cycle. These meager light brown discharge during pregnancy are also not a symptom of a threatened miscarriage. However, their appearance should alert the expectant mother. And of course, physical activity should be reduced, and intimate life temporarily stopped.

5. Miscarriage. In the event of a threatened miscarriage, when the discharge during pregnancy is not profuse, the fetus itself is alive, the placental abruption is small, and can still be managed with adequate treatment. However, if there is heavy bleeding in the first trimester, scarlet blood is released - it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid spontaneous abortion. If there is bleeding, call an ambulance immediately.

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The first trimester is considered a responsible and anxious period. This is the time when the unborn baby is very vulnerable to the effects of adverse factors. That's why future mom should be especially attentive to your condition in the first weeks of pregnancy. One of the indicators of potential well-being (or ill-being) is discharge in the early stages of pregnancy.

The type of discharge during pregnancy can change significantly. In some cases, secretion becomes abnormal, which means that the normal development of a small life is at risk.

In this article we will look at which discharges are explained by natural changes occurring in the mother’s body and are completely acceptable, and which ones signal a danger to the health of the woman herself and her unborn baby.

Expectant mothers, as a rule, are concerned about similar questions; we will try to find answers to the most common ones by considering the stories and reviews of real women.

Discharge during early pregnancy: normal options

Effect of progesterone

Inna T. (Samara): “About 18 days have passed since conception. The test is positive. . I never noticed this before before my period. Can there be such discharge at 2 weeks of pregnancy or not? What could they mean?

There are two options for the occurrence of deep yellow discharge during early pregnancy: inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system and the proliferation of infection (ureaplasmosis, gardenellosis, chlamydial infection). At the same time, a woman may experience pain in the abdomen and sacral area. Itching and irritation are also sometimes present. Such discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous, as it can provoke spontaneous abortion, slowdown in fetal development and intrauterine infection, and subsequently premature birth.

Yellow-green Dark yellow Yellow Abundant yellow

Brown discharge in the early stages

Freezing of embryonic development

Larisa V. (Sochi): “When there was a delay of 2 weeks, the test showed two stripes. It was a busy period at work, so I didn’t go to the doctor right away. Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy made me come to my senses. They were brown and smearing in nature. Doubts involuntarily arose: maybe the first test was wrong? I bought a second one and it gave a negative result. Is it possible? The smearing does not stop, toxicosis has disappeared completely. Did I really come up with everything and there was just a delay?”

In some cases, a brown secretion may indicate that the development of the embryo is fading. If a woman initially had all the signs of gestation, and then they suddenly stopped, and at the same time brown marks appeared on her underwear, then intrauterine death of the embryo may have occurred. And its gradual peeling off from the walls of the uterus provokes the appearance of a brownish secretion. To dispel doubts, you should undergo an examination.

Smearing Smear

Cervical erosion

Anna Z. (Kirov): “. This is a brownish daub. After a couple of hours everything went away. Before conception, I did not have time to cure the erosion. Could discharge in the fourth week be a consequence of old erosion?

Indeed, erosion can cause the appearance of a brown secretion, which is explained by mechanical damage to the surface of the area affected by the disease. A similar secretion can be observed, for example, after an examination in a gynecological office. Treatment of erosion is not provided during the period of pregnancy; it will have to be postponed until delivery. Details of future therapy should be discussed with your doctor.

Dark beige Spotting for VB

Dark discharge during pregnancy

Yana S. (Voronezh): “Suddenly dark discharge began at 6 weeks of pregnancy. Not very strong, with blood clots. At the same time it hurts on the right side. Weakness appeared. My husband insists on calling an ambulance, but I don’t like to panic. Maybe it's not so scary? Is dark discharge normal?

Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy, having dark color and supplemented by acute pain and general malaise, can hardly be considered natural. Such symptoms are characteristic of the ectopic localization of the fertilized egg, that is, a condition when it is implanted not in the uterine cavity, but, for example, in a tube, ovary, or even the peritoneum. This pathology can be extremely dangerous for the health and life of a woman, since as the fertilized egg grows, the likelihood of organ rupture and heavy bleeding increases.

Green secretion

Kira D. (Sevastopol): “I’m seven weeks pregnant. I developed an unusual greenish secretion with some kind of nasty smell. It hurts to go to the toilet, everything itches and hurts. What kind of discharge could this be at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

The appearance of green secretion (pus) may be a sign of diseases such as trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. These sexually transmitted infections can cause spontaneous abortion. If such symptoms occur during pregnancy (itching, burning, swelling of the labia, traces of pus, repulsive odor), you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo appropriate examination and treatment.

Green Purulent

White grains in vaginal secretion

Natalya S. (Kolomna): “I’m now in my twelfth obstetric week. A couple of days ago, the usual leucorrhoea began to change and turned into some kind of grains. At first there was no discomfort, but then severe itching began. What caused this discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy? Could this somehow affect the condition of my unborn child?”

Such discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy occurs with the same frequency as, for example, at the sixth or thirty-ninth week. Candidiasis can occur at any stage of pregnancy. This stage of life is characterized by a slight decrease in the body’s defenses, against the background of which such an unpleasant disease as thrush very often develops.

At first, the secreted mass looks like white flakes or grains of cottage cheese, which are easily separated from the mucous membrane. As the disease progresses, the flakes turn into gray films, which, when trying to separate them from the mucous membrane, leave small wounds. This increases the discomfort significantly. The disease is accompanied by itching, swelling, hyperemia of the external genitalia, as well as a characteristic sour odor.

These do not pose a threat to the unborn child, but cause increased discomfort to the woman herself. Therefore, it is important to undergo antifungal treatment, which should be prescribed by a gynecologist. Most often, during early pregnancy, local agents are used.

With Secret flakes for thrush Like cottage cheese for Candidiasis

As you can see, in the first trimester, vaginal secretion can be quite varied. In the vast majority of cases, it is difficult for the expectant mother to independently understand the manifested symptoms. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek the help of competent specialists whenever doubts or suspicious signs arise.