Emblems for play areas in kindergarten. Making a group in kindergarten with your own hands. Formation of groups by zones

Game and research activities are the leading types of children's activity. Through the study of the appearance and properties of objects, ideas about the physical side of the surrounding reality are formed. Games build social competencies and develop communication skills. Creative abilities are manifested in subject and game activities. For the formation of a versatile personality, it is necessary to create a rich and object-spatial environment around the child.

The goals of creating and operating corners in kindergarten: the role and importance of corners, the main tasks for all age groups

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) defines the target of each developing area (cognitive, physical, socio-communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic) to encourage the initiative of children's activities (mental or practical), to stimulate independence in the choice of methods of activity and their implementation. Children actively explore the world, rapidly accumulate sensory images. The study of objects and the connections between them in the immediate environment occurs with the help of perception by various sense organs (vision, hearing, taste and tactile sensations).

In various ways, children study objects in their immediate environment, exploring their qualities and properties.

From the first years of life, the child spontaneously explores material objects: he checks for taste, brittleness, softness, temperature, sonority. During the period of preschool education, conducting classes in a playful way makes it possible to study various tools and objects, the relationship between them. For effective mental, physical and moral development, the child must be in comfortable conditions. The organization of the object-spatial environment by the teacher begins with the design of the reception room and the premises of the group in such a way that the pupils feel comfortable, because they spend a lot of time here, it is not for nothing that they say that a kindergarten is the second home of kids.

In kindergarten, the child should be comfortable and calm, like at home

Creating corners of various orientations in kindergarten implements the principle of educating a comprehensively developed personality. Here, children acquire initial ideas about the physical properties of objects, get acquainted with art and create crafts, play musical instruments and sing, engage in speech exercises, look at books and listen to the reading by the educator, comprehend the meaning of moral values. Due to the variety of thematic corners, the principle of frequent change of activity is fulfilled: preschoolers quickly get tired, lose interest in one subject and easily switch to another. An individual-personal approach to learning is carried out in providing children with a choice in which center of activity they will be engaged at a particular moment (the possibility of independent activity in productive creativity, play, etc.). Thus, the purpose of organizing corners in kindergarten is to create conditions for the successful development of the abilities of pupils.

The organization of children's activities in the corners implements the principle of the comprehensive development of children, taking into account a personal approach

Tasks of thematic corners in kindergarten

1. Educational tasks:

  • formation and expansion of ideas about the objects of the surrounding world (corners of cognitive orientation, centers of nature, gaming and sports activities);
  • acquaintance with art and its types (art corner, theater and music centers);
  • formation of initial scientific ideas - mathematical, physical, chemical (corner of experimental activity, mathematical center);
  • preparation for teaching reading and writing (book, speech, speech therapy corners, writing center);
  • acquaintance with the social structure, social relationships (corners for role-playing games, a dressing room with costumes of professions).

Pupils study the structure of the Universe, celestial bodies and their properties

2. Developmental tasks:

  • development and improvement of fine motor skills (play corner, experimentation center, creative workshops, water and sand centers);
  • improvement of coordination of movements (sports and labor corners, creative centers);
  • formation and consolidation of the ability of objective actions - operations with various objects, tools and devices (green corner, experimental laboratory, zones of play and productive creativity, musical island);
  • development of mental abilities: forecasting, planning, hypotheses, analysis, generalization, systematization (corners of research and creative orientation);
  • development of oral speech skills (in the center of any activity where children's actions are accompanied by commenting, voicing, especially actively - in book, speech, speech therapy, theatrical corners);
  • development of mental abilities: long-term memory, various types of perception (carried out in the corner of any direction);
  • development of physical qualities: dexterity, endurance (a sports corner, a center for outdoor games);
  • formation and development of self-service skills (a corner of work and duty, play and creative zones, a wildlife center).

In the centers of children's activity, the mental, mental and creative abilities of pupils develop, practical skills are improved

3. Educational tasks:

  • creation of a positive emotional atmosphere in the group and cohesion of the children's team;
  • education of moral qualities (family corner, friendship center, good corner, Orthodox corner);
  • education of love for the motherland (national corner, corner of the native language, corner of the city / village);
  • education of responsibility, including social (safety corner, traffic rules);
  • education of accuracy, teaching the rules of behavior (etiquette corner, work corner, home economics center);
  • the formation of aesthetic taste and a sense of harmony (artistic and aesthetic orientation corners).

Activities in the corners contribute to the formation of moral values ​​in preschoolers

The design of the corners is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of the pupils. In classes with children 1.5–3 years old, special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements, so sand and water centers, research, play and sports corners will be relevant. By the senior preschool age, children acquire the ability for role-playing games, participate in heuristic conversations, show creative abilities - the object-spatial environment is enriched with play sets and costumes for the disclosure of social competencies (“Polyclinic”, “In the store”, “Newsstand”, "On the road", etc.), attributes for theatrical games and dramatizations.

The material base of the corners is replenished in accordance with the interests and age of children

By the age of 5, children begin to understand the differences between girls and boys, their games take on different directions: girls play with dolls, "Daughters-Mothers", "Beauty Salon", boys like to play with cars, soldiers, portray superheroes, etc. Therefore, for pupils of the senior and preparatory groups, the play area can work in the form of two corners - for girls and for boys.

For older preschoolers, the corners can be divided according to the interests of boys and girls

In the preparatory group, students work on creating projects: they spend a lot of time in research, experimental, creative corners. Zones of independent activity are replenished with task files, visual algorithms for performing practical research. The knowledge corner can be designed and equipped in accordance with the theme of the group project (space, environmental, technical).

Children 6-7 years old actively form the idea of ​​the composition of numbers, practice simple calculations

Requirements for the design of the corner according to the Federal State Educational Standard

For the corners, requirements are made in accordance with their subject matter, however, general provisions are made for all centers of children's activity in kindergarten:

  • meeting the interests of children;
  • filling the material base, taking into account the age characteristics of the pupils;
  • aesthetics, attractiveness and comfort - to create a good mood;
  • convenience and availability of corner materials for each child;
  • optimal location in the group room (relative to the light source, other thematic corners);
  • taking into account the regional component in the design of the corner (for acquaintance and study of national life, art, trades and crafts, language, literature).

Corners should be attractive and accessible to children and have an optimal location relative to each other and the light source

Passport of a corner in kindergarten

For each corner, a group passport is filled out, it is stored in a protective pocket directly in the activity center or in the teacher's document folder.

The passport describes the data and the following characteristics of the corner:

  • the name of the corner;
  • group number, age of children;
  • goals and objectives of the work of the corner;
  • pieces of furniture, their quantity;
  • materials and tools, their quantity;
  • visual materials (wall posters, maps, diagrams);
  • card file of games, exercises, experiments (possible in a corner).

The passport of the corner contains information about the material equipment and examples of classes

Corners in kindergarten: orientation, content, functioning

OrientationCorner nameEquipment, material baseFunctioning
Cognitive researchCorner of cognitive research/experimental activitiesnatural materials; samples of fabrics, metals, wood, plastics; substances; glass and plastic vessels and containers; medical materials; devices and tools for practical research; protective overalls, caps, gloves; file of experiments and experiments; wall charts; forms for fixing research results.Conducting research on the properties of various objects in independent or joint experimentation with the teacher.
Sensory CornerLarge plastic containers with water and sand (if possible, including kinetic sand); game sets for actions with these materials; natural materials and other objects for experimenting with water and sand (plastic cubes, wooden balls, nut shells, etc.).Experimental games for children of primary preschool age.
Corner "Space"Functional models (lunar rover, space rocket); models ("Solar system", "Black hole", "Milky way"); illustrated encyclopedias; photo collages and posters on the theme "Space"; materials for experiments and modeling.Conducting modeling experiments (partial and total solar eclipse, rotation of planets around the Sun and its axis, satellites of planets).
Corner of the futureFunctional models (robots, automated equipment); photographic materials of the latest scientific developments; materials for modeling and design.Introduction to robotics, master classes.
gamingCorners of role-playing games: "Hairdresser", "Hospital", "Shop", "Post Office", "Beauty Salon", "Railway", "Kitchen", "Daughters-Mothers", "Space", "Garage"Sets of items and costumes for the game; list of game options.Independent play activity of children 4–7 years old.
Play corner for girls/boysToys, costumes for role-playing games, taking into account the interests of girls and boys.
Dolls; toys from various materials (plush, plastic, wood); board games; construction kits; card index of didactic games.For children 1.5–3 years old: object actions with toys, didactic games jointly with the teacher.
For children 4–5 years old: role-playing and board games according to the rules proposed by the teacher.
For children 6-7 years old: independent games.
SpeechReading corner, book/library corner, story cornerA selection of books and magazines according to the age of children and their interests; corner decoration with illustrations; toys-characters of books (heroes of fairy tales, Cheburashka, Moidodyr, Carlson, etc.).Listening to literary texts, conducting informative conversations based on books read, independent study of printed publications, learning poems.
Logopedic cornerPictures for articulation gymnastics; board games to automate sounds; cards with subject images on various lexical topics; card index of didactic games.Joint classes with the teacher to improve the purity of pronunciation of sounds, the development of phonemic hearing.
MotorPhysical culture/sports cornerSports equipment (balls, hoops, jump ropes, skittles, etc.); illustrative materials on summer and winter sports, team and individual, Olympic; card index of thematic physical education minutes; list of mobile games.Organization by the teacher of mini-competitions for skill; conducting finger gymnastics, exercises, dance breaks; independent outdoor games and exercises.
Artistic, creativeArtistic and aesthetic cornerReproductions of paintings, reduced copies of architectural and sculptural objects; tools and materials for practical activities: white paper and cardboard, a set of color and corrugated paper, plasticine, paints (watercolor, gouache), pencils, brushes, scissors, glue, accessories and natural material for decorating crafts; a collection of tasks for productive creativity, craft options; technical maps for modeling and origami.Studying visual material and conducting heuristic conversations; creation of crafts in various techniques: drawing, modeling, appliqué, plasticineography, origami.
Corner "Folk crafts"Toys, dishes and interior items in folk style (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Dymkovo and Kargopol toys, Skopino ceramics, etc.); illustrated books on folk arts and crafts; materials for children's productive creativity; algorithm for modeling folk toys, patterns for creating patterns.Studying exhibitions of folk crafts, creating crafts in folk style.
Theatrical corner, dressing cornerScenery for dramatizations of fairy tales; sets of puppet and finger theaters; masks and costumes of characters for children, wigs; face painting; card file of dramatization games.Acting out the dialogues of fairy-tale characters, preparing a performance for a leisure event.
Music cornerPlayer and collection of audio recordings (children's, holiday songs, recordings of sounds and voices of nature with instrumental accompaniment); portraits of composers; instruments: rattles, rattles, xylophone, spoons, bells, pipes, whistles, drum, balalaika, tambourine; card file of music/dance games.Joint with the teacher and independent creative activity (playing in the orchestra, concert); listening to audio recordings and discussing experienced emotions.
moral educationgood deeds cornerWall newspapers and posters about helping others, kindness to animals; books on the subject; lapbooks and photo albums with examples of good deeds of pupils.Conducting conversations with a discussion of the personal experience of pupils, read stories, joint design of wall newspapers.
Orthodox corner, Easter corner, Christmas cornerVisual Orthodox calendar; an illustrated edition of the Bible for children; figurines and pictures depicting angels, churches; decorative Easter eggs; models "Christmas Nativity scene", "Gifts of the Magi", "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem".Reading and discussion of biblical stories in transcription for children; preparation for holding holiday leisure activities in a group (Christmas, Easter, Honey Savior, Trinity, Intercession).
Corner "Family"Family themed illustrations; examples of designing a family tree; selection of printed publications; play sets and figurines.Conversations aimed at the formation of family values; research and creative activities in compiling the history of the family.
Patriotic educationHometown cornerPhotographic material of sights and interesting places in the city; coat of arms and anthem of the city; layout of the central street; children's drawings on the theme "My yard", "My street", "Holiday in our city".Discussion of important events in the life of the city, preparation for participation in the celebration of the City Day.
national cornerExhibition of dolls in national costumes, utensils and handicrafts; books in the national language.Listening to and discussing national fairy tales, learning poems and songs in their native language.
Labor educationCorner of labor, corner of housekeeping, corner of attendants, corner of the washstandPosters-algorithms for performing the procedure for self-service and executing orders; motivational pictures and the importance of work; aprons, scarves, sleeves, gloves (for cleaning, duty in the dining room and a corner of nature).Conversations with the teacher about the importance of work, hygiene rules; preparation for collective participation in general cleaning, planting trees and flowers on the territory of the preschool educational institution.
Development of social competenciesProfessions Corner, Medical Corner, Railroader CornerBooks about professions; photographs of people at work (opportunities, parents of pupils); game thematic sets "Doctor", "Policeman", "Firefighter", "Builder", "Cook", etc.; card file of didactic games on the topic "Professions".Heuristic conversations, children's performances on the topic "Who do my parents work for."
Transport corner, traffic rules cornerBooks about the rules of conduct on the road (including the railway); posters on traffic rules; layout of the roadway; board and educational games.Discussing and repeating road safety rules, watching educational cartoons, participating in games that simulate traffic flow and pedestrian actions.
Creating Positive MotivationCorner of forgotten things, lost cornerAmusingly designed containers with lost items (toys, mittens, socks, etc.).Here the guys bring the discovered ownerless things and drop in if they themselves have lost something.
Birthday cornerFestively decorated congratulatory stand with a window for a birthday photo.Birthday congratulations, singing songs (“Let them run clumsily”, “Happy Birthday to you”), holding a game (“Loaf-loaf”, for example), presenting a gift, wishes.
food cornerWall newspaper about the work of the dining room in the preschool educational institution; photos of kindergarten cooks; menu for the week.Conducting conversations about healthy eating and diet, the rules of eating.
Educator's CornerPhotos of the educator at work, with pupils; certificates for pedagogical achievements.Discussion of the importance of the work of educators, teachers of additional education, teachers.
Achievement CornerA stand with diplomas and certificates of pupils, photographic materials from project presentations, creative and sports competitions.Congratulations to the winners of the competitions.
Additional education cornersFirst grader's cornerWorkplace (desk and chairs); school supplies: a briefcase, a pencil case with hands, pencils, a ruler, etc., a preparation, notebooks, textbooks for the first grade; printouts with tasks for determining the sound composition of a word, writing block letters, adding and subtracting within 10; illustrations on the theme "Knowledge Day", "First Grade", a set for playing at school.Independent research activities, conducting exercises to prepare for learning to read and write, conducting a conversation about the school: the first teacher, lessons and holidays, the school day, school uniform.
English cornerPosters with letters of the English alphabet illustrated by words; a player and a selection of audio recordings (songs, poems, background exercises in English); games card.Joint activities with the teacher to study letters, words and build dialogues in English, learning songs and poems.
Chess cornerCollection of chess sets in various styles (wooden, magnetic, cardboard, etc.); cards with the rules for the movement of figures and their names; card file of chess problems for children.Teaching basic chess skills; problem solving and independent games of children who have to play chess (attend a circle).
CommunicationCorner of politeness, corner of etiquette, "Hello, I'm here!" (welcome corner)Game sets for playing dialogues, posters-reminders of polite words, a card file of didactic games.Teaching the rules of polite communication and etiquette in a playful way.

Making a corner with your own hands

The corner of children's activity should be cozy, it is pleasant for pupils to be in it. The colorful design, the use of stories and characters familiar to children, the addition of stickers and drawings to the shelves evokes positive emotions.

Elements of self-design by the teacher of children's corners with the involvement (optional) of parents and the pupils themselves:

  • drawing thematic wall newspapers and posters;
  • creating simple decorations: origami figures, kusudama, paper flowers, snowflakes, butterflies and lanterns;
  • creating a corner in the style of a literary work or cartoon;
  • decoration with natural materials: bouquets of dried flowers, baskets and boxes of twigs, figurines of acorns;
  • execution of models: "Our street", "Railway", "Volcano", "Solar system", "Structure of the island", "Jungle", "Christmas", etc.;
  • preparation of mini-exhibitions from the works of pupils;
  • production of puppets for finger and shadow theater, masks;
  • drawing scenery for gaming and theatrical activities;
  • development of tasks for didactic games: cutting out cards and chips, lined forms, etc.

Corner design option using hand-made images of characters familiar to children - fabulous gnomes

Corner equipment in kindergarten

  • Tables and chairs as a working area;

    In the research, play and creative corners there should be a place for practical activities: productive creativity, experimentation, didactic games

  • cabinets and shelves for storing books and materials for classes;

    Materials in cabinets and on shelves are available to pupils

  • containers, baskets and boxes for toys, sports equipment, creative tools, natural and waste materials, accessories;

    Inventory is stored in plastic containers, children clean up items at the end of games or activities

  • folders for collections of games, experiments, exercises, scenarios;

    In the corners there are folders with the passport of the activity center, scripts for games and performances, descriptions of experiments and experiments.

  • hinged shelves for crafts of pupils and exhibitions;
  • soft game modules;

    Soft play modules can be used in various games, they develop imagination and design skills

  • sets of furniture for recreation and privacy corners: deck chairs, mattresses, tents, tents.

    In a corner of solitude, the child rests and gains strength, he can isolate himself from others for a while under an umbrella with ribbons, for example

The main means of decorating the corner

  • Information stand: the topics of the nearest classes in the activity center, announcements, photos are placed here;

    At the information stand, rules of conduct in the corner, topics for future classes, photos of pupils are marked

  • signs and emblems: these are the names of the corners, designations of game conditions, samples of special symbols (Olympic, scientific);

    Aesthetically correct when the emblems of the corners in the room of the group are designed in the same style

  • inscriptions and landmarks: assistance in self-search for the necessary materials, the procedure for performing actions;

    Boxes with materials for experimentation by younger preschoolers are indicated using symbol pictures

  • wall newspapers and articles: demonstration of the relevance of activities in this direction, attaching importance to children's activities;

    Approximate sketches and layouts of corners: photo gallery

    Sketch of the design of the parent corner: cells for current information, daily routine, demonstration of children's activities Sketch of the design of the play corner: cells for information, a place for children's drawings and crafts , cells and tension threads for fixing children's work Corner layout for the games "Kitchen", "Laundry" Layout of a corner for organizing play activities, also suitable for educational and research and book corners Layout of a corner for didactic games with a sliding table
    Layout of a book corner Layout of a play area with soft modules Layout of a tent for decorating a privacy corner

    Work in the corner of the kindergarten

    In the corner of the kindergarten, the teacher can conduct a GCD lesson on studying the world around him, on the formation of elementary mathematical representations (FEMP), a speech and integrated lesson. It should be remembered that the structure of the lesson with preschoolers implements the principle of frequent change of activities, thus, during a lesson in a research orientation, for example, pupils will complete tasks in an experimental laboratory, do thematic exercises in a sports corner, listen to and discuss a poem in a mini-library and play in the center of water and sand.

    The corners are used by the teacher as platforms for organizing thematic leisure activities and festive events within the group. Leisure time devoted to the work of Agnia Barto is held in the book and play corners, a literary and song evening - in the music zone, a quiz for Cosmonautics Day - in the research center, a leisure conversation about the celebration of Victory Day - in the corner of patriotic education, etc. .

    In addition, independent children's activity is carried out in the corners at various regime moments: during the morning admission of children to kindergarten, in between classes, after a walk, after a quiet hour in the afternoon.

    The main activities in the corners:

    • games: didactic, mobile, subject, role-playing;
    • practical research: experiments, experiments, modeling;
    • productive creativity: drawing, including in non-traditional techniques, modeling and designing from various materials;
    • musical creativity: playing instruments, choral singing;
    • theatrical activities: staging fairy tales and fragments of literary works;
    • communicative activity: dramatization games, participation in conversations;
    • self-service and labor activity: execution of assignments, duty duties.

    A well-organized subject-spatial environment creates a positive motivation for pupils to attend kindergarten: they are comfortable in the group room, they choose activity areas according to their abilities and interests. Classes in the corners allow you to successfully implement educational tasks: I contribute to the development of mental and practical abilities, activate fantasy and independence. Playing and studying in thematic centers, children accumulate informational, communicative, sensory experience.

Making a group in kindergarten is an integral part of the educational process. Different options depend on the capabilities of the institution, the size of the room, the preferences and creative ideas of the teaching staff involved in this. As a result, a comfortable developing environment is created for the pupils.

Theoretical aspects of the design of the group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

The design of a group in a kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard should be aimed primarily at ensuring that the space helps the individual development of the child, taking into account the characteristics and interests of each pupil.

Design principles

When preparing for registration, the teacher should consider the following principles:

  • Each zone should be focused on helping in the education, upbringing and development of communication of the child.(for example, the drawing area will have useful elements for the development of imagination, creative thinking, the presented pictures help develop aesthetic taste).
  • The environment should dispose the child to independent activity (the leading role is given to the game).
  • It is necessary to take into account the interests and hobbies of the pupils: all children are different, and in certain areas they will be able to do their favorite things, if necessary, joining groups. For example, someone likes to build Lego structures more, someone likes drawing more, and another likes motor games.
  • Various items should be safe for children in accordance with their age (for example, in the younger group it is recommended to use upholstered furniture, exclude sharp objects).

The design should be flexible so that, if necessary, it is easy to change elements (decorations, design objects, stands), adjusting to the age and developmental characteristics of the group.

The environment in the kindergarten should be comfortable for children and contribute to their development.

In the younger group, the main thing is the safe design of the environment. Since at this age children are actively developing movements, but there is not yet sufficient coordination, it is better to use 2/3 of the area of ​​​​the room for objects. At the age of 3-4 years, sensory development is actively underway, objects should be easy to understand and familiarize with, but at the same time differ in color, texture, material (liners, pyramids, laces, boxes). Playing with sand and clay will help active knowledge of the world around. Children of the younger group are attracted to drawing. At this age, wax pencils, as well as finger paints, are well suited for classes.

AT middle group role-playing games begin to dominate. The children develop their imagination to a greater extent, this helps them in the implementation of various game ideas. Therefore, it will be useful to add attributes to the design of the environment that help develop the plot in the game (shop, doctor's appointment, holidays). Dolls of various kinds and toys in the form of animals will help with this. Cognitive activity is activated in the middle group, in addition to getting to know various materials (sand, wood, clay, water), you can conduct small experiments with them. The development of speech should be accompanied by a large number of books, pictures, as well as technical means (dictaphone, microphone, projector).

In the older group, the design of the zone becomes more complicated. More details are used that children at this age are able to distinguish. Additional material is added to the plot in games (more details of clothes, items). The same applies to visual activity (felt-tip pens, pencils). In the book corner, in addition to fiction, reference materials, encyclopedias can be presented.

What zones can be

In order to create a favorable atmosphere in kindergarten for children, the teacher should consider the relevance and usefulness of the zone being created (according to the age of the children, their preferences, season, holidays). Depending on the conditions of the kindergarten and the age of the children, different zones or corners can be decorated.

Reading Corner

The reading area should be equipped with a children's library with selected books on the topic and current issues. It is good if the guys can constantly have access to a literary corner: in their free time, look through books, various encyclopedias, and children's magazines. The reading nook should be next to a window for proper lighting and fitted with a table lamp for evening reading. It is best to change the composition of books every 2–2.5 weeks.

The literature presented should be appropriate for the age and preferences of the children.

Reading corner in kindergarten allows children to have constant access to books

In the first junior group, there should be 4–5 books in the reading corner (and the teacher should have additional copies of the same publications in stock). The following items will fit:

  • books on a dense basis with a volume of up to 5 sheets,
  • books with dynamic elements,
  • books of various formats (halves, quarters, babies),
  • panorama books (with drop-down decorations),
  • music books,
  • flip books,
  • pictures with images of various objects.

In the second junior group, 4–5 books should also be available:

  • books with hard sheets, as in the first junior group;
  • books with ordinary sheets;
  • prints on the themes of Russian folk tales.

In the middle group, 5–6 books with fairy tales familiar to children should be displayed in the reading area, the rest of the publications should be in the closet. In the equipment of the corner are added:

  • books with the same work, but different in design (with illustrations by different artists);
  • postcards based on works;
  • portraits of famous writers and poets.

In the senior group, 10-12 books should be presented. In addition to the corner attributes already added in the middle group, the following are introduced:

  • homemade books made up of stories and drawings of children;
  • encyclopedias;
  • albums or illustrations on various topics (homeland, space, holidays, etc.).

In the preparatory group, the reading area can include books with humorous stories and increase the amount of educational materials (about animals, plants that children are introduced to in the classroom).

Photo gallery: examples of designing a reading area in kindergarten

Fairy tales form the basis of all children's reading Starting from the middle group, you can supplement the book corner with portraits of famous writers On the shelves, in addition to books, you can place figures of animals or heroes of fairy tales, toys In the older group, homemade books compiled by children are placed in the reading area In the older group, the book the shelf is replenished with encyclopedias and educational materials In the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution, the material of the book corner is significantly expanding

Creative Zones

Creativity zones can be placed anywhere - near the window, in the closet, in the reception room. In the corner of art there will be paints, albums, plasticine, coloring books, brushes, etc. It is good to arrange a musical corner with a variety of instruments, cassettes with songs, portraits of composers. Various masks, costumes, materials from fairy tales, audio recordings will be presented in the theatrical zone.

Photo gallery: examples of designing creative zones in a preschool educational institution

In the design of the reception there will always be a place for the work of children, their creativity It is important to arrange the finished work of the children in the form of an exhibition Pencils, felt-tip pens and other items for drawing should be available in the art area The music corner is filled with various instruments, you can also add portraits of composers

Developing space

Educational zones are aimed at educational activities. It is useful to make a mathematical corner with objects in the form of numbers, scores, geometric shapes. To develop ecological knowledge, a natural corner is created where you can experiment with materials: sand, water, plants, and observe the environment. If conditions permit, children will enjoy a living corner where they can place cages with guinea pigs, hamsters or rabbits.

Photo gallery: examples of designing a learning area

The study area is located in such a way that the light falls on the desks on the left side A magnetic board and learning materials should be placed against the wall Opposite the tables materials for GCD are placed The corner of nature is not only a decoration for the group, but also a place for self-development of children The central place in the ecological corner is occupied by a calendar nature Corner of nature introduces children to the features of the surrounding world One of the favorite activities for children is experimentation In the corner of experimentation there are objects made of various materials: sand, metal, wood, etc.

play corner

The play area is an essential design element. AT junior groups, for example, you can place cars, wheelchairs and other motor toys in this area. For older children, you can make a Lego corner, place animal figures, soft toys. In the "Shop" and "Polyclinic" zones, you can organize all kinds of games that will form the children's social and communication skills.

Children love to play most of all, so a dedicated area for activities is needed.

In the dining area placed toy dishes. Children will cook dinner here, tea for their dolls, bake pies in a toy stove. The dining table can be decorated with plastic fruits and vegetables.

Thematic mood zones will help children relax, eliminate stiffness and anxiety, relax and gain strength. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the design of zones should not only be aimed at the active activity of children, but also provide psychological comfort. For example, in the privacy zone there may be a small house, a hut, a tent, where a child can retire and be alone if he needs it. It is important to create a calm atmosphere: choose pastel colors, make soft lighting, use soft objects.

Group Design Examples

How the zone in the kindergarten will be designed depends on its purpose.

For example, when designing an art zone - a corner of artistic creativity - the following materials are used:

  • colour pencils;
  • paints;
  • paper;
  • brushes;
  • jars for water;
  • plasticine;
  • markers;
  • decorative items or finished work by children (as an example).

The art corner helps to develop the creative abilities of children, educates the aesthetic taste

When designing a book corner, it is advisable to use:

  • bookcase;
  • table;
  • several chairs (2-4);
  • books;
  • Pictures.

Books should be changed depending on the topic being studied, relevance, interests of children (for example, according to the change of seasons, certain dates). It is optimal to put another material every 2–2.5 weeks. In such a zone, a child in a calm environment will be able to study the book of interest to him, communicate with it longer, and look at the illustrations.

Books for various purposes are displayed in the reading corner

The ecological corner teaches children to love nature, increases knowledge about environment. For zoning will be used:

  • houseplants;
  • animal figurines;
  • animals (if the conditions of the institution allow: guinea pigs, rabbits, etc.);
  • books about nature
  • watering cans;
  • craft paper;
  • shovels for the earth.

It is necessary to educate in children a love for nature and respect for the world around them.

Group design tools

In order for each zone in the kindergarten to look spectacular and attractive, it is important to use suitable design tools. The more information is visible, the better. Therefore, it is good to use bright colors, eye-catching compositions. For example, the title of an ad or the name of a booth should be written in capital letters. You can combine different colors, accompany the text with drawings. Children love to look at the pictures on the walls, to study the details.

You can place interesting images of animals that will delight pupils.

DIY stand

Independent production of the stand does not require large financial costs. The best materials are plywood, cardboard and other durable materials that are pasted over with paper.

Stand design begins with the selection of a suitable background. Its color should be in harmony with the premise of the kindergarten and with future posted information. Letters for the title and subtitles are cut out of colored cardboard. Paints, felt-tip pens, drawings and photographs (everything that is useful for colorful design) will also come in handy. You can decorate the stand with any details: buttons, leaves, pieces of fabric, sequins, etc.

Video: stands for kindergarten

Class Schedule Frames

Now the practice of most teachers has included the use of templates that allow you to arrange printed material quickly, efficiently and stylishly. Of course, there is an option to make such frames yourself. Currently, you can find many templates that differ in size, theme, depicted characters, seasons.

Photo gallery: design tools in kindergarten

Bright compositions attract the attention of children and cheer up When designing, you can use the stand template The creative corner demonstrates the success of the children and increases their self-esteem Any relevant material can be placed in the finished frame with the New Year theme. beautifully designed and bright

The locker room, or reception room, is the face of the kindergarten. Every morning, children change clothes here, leave their things, so we can say that the mood of the day will depend on the mood prevailing in the reception room.

On one of the walls of the reception room, you can depict a large drawing. For example, the sun, rainbow, nature or animals that will lift your mood, create a sense of harmony. Information stands can be placed on the opposite wall. It is good if the theme is combined with the general background. The lockers for clothes can be painted in different colors to make the room brighter and easier for the kids to find theirs.

Photo gallery: reception design examples

Drawers in the reception area can be decorated with different pictures

Decoration of the gym

There is a gym in every kindergarten. Children need classes in physical education, gymnastics, dancing. The gym should be spacious, safe and attractive. The equipment must be selected according to all norms and requirements for kindergarten. A mandatory element is a gymnastic ladder. Also, hoops are an integral part of the design of the gym in the preschool educational institution - they can be hung next to the stairs. Trampolines and mats are important details of the hall design. There should be a separate corner with handouts: flags, sticks, balls.

You can arrange soft modules that will be useful for both classes and games. The kids will love the pool filled with balls.

For the smallest pupils, it is advisable to include masks with heroes of any fairy tales and cartoons in the design, so it will be easier and more pleasant for children to study. You can put a rack with soft toys, figurines or hang pictures with these characters on the walls. You can equip the hall with soft cubes, balls, sultans.

For the average group, it will be useful to add various informational albums describing different sports. Some games may be freely available: skittles, darts, towns.

For the older group, you can add more information materials related to sports, include the rules of the games, place diagrams on the walls. The space is expanded with fitness mats.

In all groups of preschool educational institutions, the presence of special tracks for foot training is required.

Photo gallery: gym in kindergarten

Trampolines and mats are an important detail in the design of the gym The walls of the gym can be painted with drawings The gym should be spacious and safe The gymnastic ladder is an indispensable element of the gym The gym should have a handout corner

Video: gym in kindergarten

Organization of the exhibition area

The exhibition corner in the kindergarten is an integral part of the overall organizational process. Expositions can be timed to coincide with a specific event, for example, a holiday. But most often, exhibitions of pupils' copyright works are created in the kindergarten: drawings, plasticine figurines, crafts - all this requires a specially designated place.

An exhibition of children's drawings on a space theme can be done, for example, as part of a special week dedicated to space, during which various quizzes, games, and performances will be held. The exhibition can be arranged as follows: on the stand to place photos of famous Russian cosmonauts, as well as images of outer space. It would be useful to add various books on the space theme to the exposition: poems, stories of famous writers. A separate part of the exhibition should be a demonstration of children's works on this topic. This may include drawings, crafts created by the children on their own or together with their parents and teachers.

Photo gallery: design of the exhibition area on the theme "Space"

An informative poster about the structure of the cosmos can be placed on a stand that will always be available to children for review All kinds of information materials are added to the exposition of the exhibition: photos of famous astronauts, books and interesting pictures It will be interesting for children to look at images of space in different forms A space map and a list of planets may interest children in further study of the topic Space rockets are one of the most common types of children's crafts It is important to give children creative freedom, their own imagination will help in creating interesting works Rockets can be of different sizes, colors and types Drawings of pupils are an integral part of the exhibition Children together with parents or teachers can do more complex work, for example, a model of a telescope

You can organize a group in kindergarten in various ways. It is important to arrange interior details so that they are safe for kids. The presence of objects that attract the attention of children is also welcome: toys, bright and colorful letters, pictures, balls, etc. It is necessary to create a comfortable environment for the harmonious development of the personality of the pupils of the preschool educational institution.

Restoration or design work in the kindergarten is carried out on its own in the absence of outside funding. In this case, it is necessary to agree on the conditions with the managing establishment and comply with the requirement regarding the materials used. The nuances and possible design options for the internal space of groups are described in the article.

Requirements for finishing materials

The child's body is susceptible to harmful components contained in building and finishing materials. Therefore, when choosing paints and varnishes for the group, it is important to be guided by the sanitary rules and regulations, which are set out in act 2/4/1/3049.13. They were adopted in 2013, so the compositions of modern materials are taken into account. The main requirements of the document are:

  • resistance to detergents;
  • non-toxicity;
  • safety;
  • color;
  • Fire safety;
  • mechanical stability.

The activity of children is higher than adults, so scuffs on the walls and floor in the group are applied faster and various objects are used for this. So that after each cleaning the wall does not have to be repainted, the coating must be resistant to household detergents. The mechanical strength of the material is also important. The presence of solvents is allowed, which evaporate after application. Another option for a group are acrylic paints. The compositions are made on a water basis, therefore they are harmless.

The child's psyche is plastic and receptive, therefore it is formed under the influence of environmental factors. This must be taken into account when choosing a color scheme when decorating a group room in a kindergarten. Another requirement is the fire safety of the material, which is manifested in its resistance to open fire and the absence of harmful emissions when heated.

Advice! If you plan to use textured plaster for the group, you must ensure that its edges are not sharp. This will serve as protection against injury.

Making a group in kindergarten

With the right upbringing, the child feels safe at home. Therefore, in the kindergarten group, it is important to create conditions close to home. Attention is paid not only to the aesthetic, but also to the developmental component. The stereotyped approach to the group, which inhibits the creative abilities of the child, is not applicable. A creative approach to design contributes to the development of the child's imagination. This is done by the joint efforts of parents, because someone has the ability to draw, and someone embroiders well. The result will be multifaceted.

Drawings on the walls in the kindergarten group

Children spend more time in the group's playroom than in other rooms. Drawings painted on the wall should encourage the child to take action and develop knowledge about the surrounding nature and the world. The photo above shows an example of pictures for a group printed in the printing industry. Murals with grass calm the mood, reducing aggression. Tiled images of different content are used to organize the gameplay. The game is to find a hidden animal or insect. Children can give names to the animals they like.

The floor is the playing surface in the group, so a pattern or pattern is also applied to it. The latter is used to diversify the gameplay. Paths are laid out with tiles of two or three colors, along parts of which you can move if the conditions are met. The group room can be turned into a fairy forest, where the lines on the floor become paths leading to the goal.

Children are brought up on those cartoons that are popular, and not on those that parents are used to. Therefore, images of heroes that are familiar to parents are alien to children. Children will be interested in Smeshariki or transformers, so the characters of these TV shows and cartoons are applied to the walls of the game group. To make the drawing functional, each character performs a function. One can hold a scale for measuring height, the other can offer to use a toy.

Saturated colors complement the fabulous picture of the forest. It is important to avoid causticity in colors that cause anxiety and are poorly perceived by the eyes of the child. The ledges or boxes on the wall of the group are played with a suitable element from the picture. If there are no images on other walls, then their color is selected as a shade to the one prevailing on the central part. Illustrations overloaded with details also cause a feeling of anxiety and interfere with concentration. The idea of ​​a drawing in a group should be captured at a glance, and the accents should draw attention.

Curtains for the playgroup

Comfort in the playgroup of the kindergarten is created by light curtains. When choosing textiles, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements:

  • quality;
  • color;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • safety;
  • decorative properties.

The quality of the material is matched to the operating conditions, which are intense in the gaming group. Color should be combined with what prevails in the graphic design of the room. It is possible to use dense textiles in a group, but it visually reduces the playing area and depresses emotionally. Transparent fabric transmits light, filling the room with the color of the canvas. The dimensions of the curtains for the kindergarten group are larger than the home ones, so simple cleaning should be done without removing them. This factor is taken into account when choosing a sample.

Curtains are part of the group's playground, so they are a learning item. Pockets for illustrations or letters are sewn on them. The strength of the fabric must be calculated for this so that the pockets are not torn off by children with part of the fabric. For curtains, accessories are purchased without sharp corners, on which the child can cut himself or get bruised. For playgroups in kindergarten, a canvas without metal fibers is suitable.

From natural materials, an option for a group in kindergarten is:

  • chintz;
  • veil;
  • organza;
  • silk.

Massive curtains in a group, hung on a cornice, can be replaced with roller ones. The latter option has a lifting system that is attached to the window frame. The space near the windows is freed up, and the group room looks visually larger. When designing a playgroup for a kindergarten in a classic style, lambrequins along the cornice are used. This method is suitable for rooms with ceilings above 2.5 meters and a large area.

Note! The decor for the kindergarten playgroup is selected according to the age of the children.

For a manger, the canvas is decorated with faces or images of animals and birds. Curtains with bright accents will help children of the middle group realize their creative abilities. The older groups are preparing for school, so the color schemes are more restrained than in the middle group, and educational modules in the form of numbers and letters are placed on textiles.

Making corners in kindergarten

"Corner" is a figurative name. It does not mean that objects are located in the corners of the room. The concept includes objects intended for the development of children in the group of mental and physical activity. Emphasis is placed on language skills, communication skills and creativity. The play area of ​​the group is prepared in such a way that the child independently finds an activity for himself when the teacher is not around. Exploring objects located in the functional zone, the child develops touch, sight and hearing. The concepts of volume, form and quantity are formed.

Due to limited space, universal corners are equipped in groups. in them, children draw, sculpt or read. Due to the accumulation in one area, the children can interfere with each other, so it is effective to make several play areas in a group with a purpose. In this case, the children will unite according to their interests and will be engaged in a common cause. The ability to focus to achieve a goal is higher in adults than in children. Therefore, the latter get tired faster and a change in the type of activity is required, which also speaks in favor of differentiated corners in groups.

For the development of fine motor skills in children under three years old, functional zones are equipped in a group with objects of geometric shapes. Elements are connected in sequences or shapes. Small items are not used so that the child does not swallow them. Games are held under the supervision of a teacher. For older groups, makeshift hospitals, kitties and schools are mounted, where children develop communication skills and prepare for professions.

In the corners of nature, children learn how to care for plants and animals. They can install an aquarium or terrarium. There are several flower pots. Preschool education lays in children ecological thinking and a correct attitude towards nature.

Children's psyche is more mobile than that of adults. The mood of the student changes ten times more often than that of a mature personality. Therefore, mood corners are made in groups. This is a space for psychological unloading, allowing you to form emotional stability. In such a secluded place in the group, the child in the diagram or in the drawings indicates his mood with figures or stickers.

Bedroom in kindergarten

A quiet hour for a child is a quiet horror. Convincing a child of the benefits of sleeping during the day is difficult. Therefore, it is important to create conditions in the group conducive to relaxation and good rest.

Drawings on the walls in the kindergarten bedroom

The bedroom of the kindergarten group should be relaxing, but not gloomy, which is influenced by the choice of colors and patterns on the walls. Soothe pastel colors, which are selected by the amount of dye in water-based paint. The use of several shades for the bedroom in the kindergarten group is allowed if they are close in tone. Sharp transitions activate motor reflexes and excite the body. If the drawing requires, then a bright color is used to emphasize a small area.

Light shades of lilac look harmoniously in the bedroom of the kindergarten group. Unobtrusive patterns with smooth lines do not focus children's attention on themselves, reducing the time to fall asleep. Cartoon characters can be placed on the walls. They are drawn under the stencil in one tone, without highlighting facial features. Such images are suggestive, but do not activate the areas of the brain responsible for wakefulness.

Images are also applied to the ceiling of the bedroom of the kindergarten group. In this case, it is easier for the child to keep a picture of the design in his head.

In groups of private kindergartens, a personal drawing is applied near the child's bed. The child will quickly find his sleeping place and will have a personal cozy corner.

A sky theme with heroes hovering on the clouds is welcome, as shown in the photo above. In the drawings, groups contain objects that can be counted. Their number depends on the abilities of the child.

The drawing in the group's bedroom can be one. At the same time, the surfaces of the walls and ceiling are painted in one tone, which creates monotony and relaxes the child's attention.

Curtains for bedroom

The group's bedroom is not a playroom, so it requires less lighting. This can be achieved with curtains. For the sunny side, dense textiles are bought. It protects from bright rays of light and cools the room, because the surfaces do not heat up from infrared radiation. On a large area, tulle and curtains are combined. Roman blinds "day-night" are sewn from two types of fabric. One has more bandwidth than the other. What is needed when cleaning or refurbishing the bedroom of the kindergarten group.

A suitable color for group curtains would be olive or green. Peach and blue have a calming effect. Hinges and holders are matched to the color of the curtains. The north-facing bedroom windows of the kindergarten group are protected with light curtains that let in light, as the situation will appear gloomy.

A pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom of the kindergarten will be created by colored vertical blinds. A variant with alternating lamellas of light and dark color is purchased. They are easier to maintain, because dust is removed, and stains are eliminated in place without dismantling the elements. Horizontal blinds are combined with tulle and act as blackout curtains.

Beds for kindergarten

Most of the day for the child is spent in the kindergarten group. At this time, posture and physical abilities are laid. Therefore, when designing a group on your own, it is important to choose the right furniture, especially beds for the bedroom. If this is not done, then the consequences will be scoliosis and more complex curvature of the spine.

By design, the beds differ in tiering, the presence of sides and the height of the back. In groups where the bedrooms are small, but there are many children, bunk beds are used. Some tiers are installed one above the other, or are made in the form of drawers, as seen in the photo above. The second option is safe, because when falling, the child will slide to the previous level, and will not fall to the floor.

In the group bedrooms, high-sided combined beds are used. In this case, the neighbor does not interfere with a comfortable rest, because the partition separates the children.

High backs also delimit personal space. They are used when placing beds in a row, with a distance between adjacent ones. The furniture is made of chipboard or MDF. Solid wood is more environmentally friendly, but is used less often, because the cost of the kit is three times more expensive than that of chipboard.

Lamination for group beds is selected in light colors. The second tier is equipped with a high side so that the child does not climb over the edge and get injured. Width and length are selected according to the average indicators for the age category of the group in kindergarten. Bed beds are made of lamellas or plywood. In the first case, the surface absorbs body movements during sleep, which reduces the load on the spine.

The arrangement of beds in the group's bedroom plays a role. Each child should have free access to their own place in order to go to the toilet if necessary. Sleeping places are not placed close to the outer wall of the group's bedroom, because because of its temperature, the baby will catch a cold. Beds are also not installed in the vicinity of heating devices, since dry air comes from them. It affects the child's respiratory organs, causing respiratory diseases. Draft from a window or door is the cause of colds, so when arranging beds, it is important to take this fact into account.

Note! According to the standards, there are three sets of removable bed linen and two mattress toppers per child.

Changing room in kindergarten

The locker room is the first room where the child enters in front of the group. In it, the teacher meets the kids and maintains contact with the parents. Locker room - business card groups, because it sets up those who come to what awaits them next.

There are lockers where children leave personal belongings. Therefore, the room must be comfortable and safe. Information stands are placed on the walls of the locker room in front of the group. From them, parents learn about the needs of the kindergarten or about problems. Graphs of the child's progress are posted on them, which makes it easier for parents to control.

In some groups, the dressing room is combined with the reception. In such rooms, the work of students is exhibited so that parents can rejoice at the fruits of the hands of their children. The walls are painted with hypoallergenic paint or covered with washable wallpaper. Linoleum is laid on the floor in the dressing room of the group. This is an inexpensive coating that retains its characteristics for three years or more.

Curtains in the dressing room

If the dressing room of the group is equipped with windows, then the material for the curtains is the same as in other rooms. There is no need to close the windows tightly, because the child should clearly see what and how he puts on. Therefore, tulles with a length up to the window sill are used.

Light curtains are easier to wash, and in the group's locker room this has to be done often. Coming from the street, children touch the canvas with dirty hands. Long curtains accumulate dust and viruses brought by babies, so it is better to refuse them.

Lockers for changing rooms in kindergarten

In Soviet times, the norms for furniture in groups of kindergartens were determined by the state. Therefore, the design of the dressing rooms was monotonous. When making a group with your own hands, there are no restrictions on the choice of color. Parents at the meeting determine what will be more convenient for the children in the group.

If the facades of the lockers for the group are made in pastel colors, then a bright accent is made on them in the form of an ornament or pattern in order to set the child in a positive mood. In this case, it will be easier for the baby to find his things.

Lockers for the group are made single-tiered so that outerwear is placed inside. Above the jacket hanger there is a shelf for a hat, scarf and gloves. Dirty shoes are folded down the closet or on a separate shelf below.

For the convenience of changing the clothes of the child, low benches are installed in the locker room of the group. They can be soft or hard. If the first option is chosen, then the upholstery material is selected durable, able to last five years. Places for parents who have come for the child are equipped. The color scheme of the benches matches in tone or repeats the one chosen for the cabinets.

Music hall in kindergarten

Music and dance are attributes of raising a child. They introduce the baby to the national culture and develop emotional intelligence. The impression of the lesson is made up of the attitude of the teacher and the atmosphere in the music hall of the group. The hall is visited by students and parents, so attention is paid to compliance with fire safety and sanitation standards.

Paintings on the walls in the music room

The decoration of the walls in the group's music hall is unobtrusive and thematic. The first aspect is manifested in the choice of a light tone for the walls, under which one could make themed decorations for a holiday or event.

In the quiet area of ​​the music hall of the kindergarten, children learn to sing and listen to works. In this section of the hall kindergarten images of singing children or animals are applied to the walls. Illustrations should not distract the child, because constant contact with the teacher is important.

The second zone of the assembly hall is active. It is used to develop motor skills and teach children to dance. The walls of this area are decorated during events. The rest of the time they remain monotonous.

The third zone is not present in every room. It's called working. Its purpose is to combine music lessons with the visual arts. The walls in this area are painted in bright colors to stimulate the child's imagination. Fairy-tale heroes or cartoon characters are depicted.

Curtains in the music room

Functional areas in the music hall of the kindergarten are divided by curtains. The area where performances take place or a musical choir sings is framed by falling curtains with lambrequins. The color of the fabric is selected dim. A dense canvas is combined with a light one to balance the space visually.

Curtains are hung on a cornice, which is hidden from the outside with a cloth. It is convenient when you need to close the scene. The color of the curtain is combined with the tone of textiles, which are hung on the walls in the music room of the kindergarten.

The windows are hung with a light fabric that transmits light. The latter plays an important role in emphasizing the details of children's performances. The fabric is made from natural materials that were mentioned above.

Decoration of the hall for graduation in kindergarten

Graduation in kindergarten is an important day in a child's life. It marks the transition to a step higher and prepares the child for school life. To save time, parents order ready-made decorations from companies involved in celebrations. A draft is created, which is agreed with the committee. The group then proceeds to complete the task.

Bright balloons and themed inflatable objects are used in the design of the kindergarten premises. They are filled with air or helium. The latter keeps the created decorations in the air. You can place the balls in combinations or by color. Columns connected from balls can frame the stage, as seen above.

Colored paper and ribbons are used to decorate the kindergarten's music room. Bells are made from them, indicating upcoming changes. Flowers made of ribbons and paper are placed on the curtains of the hall. The harmony with the balls completes the picture.

Letters for parting words are cut out of thick cardboard. They can be depicted on the balls with paint or a marker. Children of the group are involved in the design of the music hall. They get the task to portray a teacher or a favorite activity that was in kindergarten. Decoration options are shown in the video below.

Landscaping in kindergarten

In the spring, the kindergarten group spends time outdoors, where the child receives vitamin D from the sun's rays. In the open air, children play moving relay races, which is necessary for muscle development. The formation of physical skills contributes to the correct design of the site in kindergarten.

Each group in the kindergarten has a playground with a pavilion, a sandbox and a swing. If there is a flower bed nearby, then it is planted with bright flowers that show their diversity in the spring. The children of the group can be used for training, showing how planting is done and teaching them how to water the plants, as is done in ecological corners.

Together with the children, the group teacher can make a bird feeder. It is attached to a tree near the site, after which the kids can observe the world around them.

For children of the older group, you can draw hopscotch or a chessboard on the pavement. The latter is used to play checkers, as shown in the photo above.

Crafts from old tires are placed on the site. It can be fences or flower beds. If they are placed at the same distance, dug into the ground, then the children from the group will be able to use them for jumping. Improvised ships and cars activate the creative vein.

To build from tires a fairy-tale hero or a dragon that can be saddled - a good idea. An example implementation is shown in the photo above.

Veranda in kindergarten

The veranda is a necessary building on the group's site. She will hide children from sudden rain or from the scorching sun. The way the group's veranda is decorated is limited by the imagination of the parents.

The walls inside the veranda are painted through stencils. A small area is allocated for children, where they, under the guidance of an educator, realize their creative abilities.

The fence enclosing the veranda of the group is made multi-colored. The brighter and more varied the colors, the better for the child.

The drawing on the wall of the veranda may be a continuation of the story depicted in the play group. In this case, it will be more interesting for children to visit the pavilion on the street.

Modern canopies for the group are sheathed with polycarbonate. It transmits light, coloring it and creating a special mood for children. The material is harmless and has no discharge when heated, which is important for a young organism.

Tables and chairs installed in the veranda will make it possible to conduct art classes for the group on the street. In this case, children will complement the imagination with what surrounds them.

In private kindergartens, textiles in the form of rugs and curtains are used for the group's pavilion, which make the veranda space cozy.

Under canopies with benches installed around the perimeter, it is easier to conduct group games. Modular design, if necessary, moves to another site.

Group pavilions in kindergarten can be themed. In some, children learn the rules of the road, in others - the rules of behavior with animals.

Children can make hanging decorations for a canopy in kindergarten on their own at art lessons. In this case, they learn to be responsible and see the benefits of what they do.

Old pavilions can be refreshed by installing homemade decorations and hanging educational illustrations on the walls. When decorating the space on the veranda in kindergarten, it is important that parents put themselves in the place of children.

Galina Fundurak

Making a group in kindergarten, as a rule, falls on our shoulders, educators.

In order for the children to feel comfortable, care must be taken that the situation in groups was close to home. In addition, beautiful and tasteful the group is framed has aesthetic and developmental value for children. The main thing is to get creative. All this attracted the attention of my parents. Someone draws beautifully, someone sews. And that's what happened.

Our the group is called"Fireflies". Entrance to group is designed like this. I pasted an application of self-adhesive paper on the door made of ceiling tiles.

And this is how I issued reception room according to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". Collaboration with parents.

This is our Miracle tree for children's creative work. My work.

Reception wall framed application of ceiling tiles and self-adhesive paper. Also the work of my hands.

So I designed a corner"Lost". A basket of flowers, a cover, letters and a crow made of felt. I tried to.

stand for crafts made of plasticine. Shoe box, pasted over with self-adhesive paper and decorative felt work. The beauty!

AT I decorated the wall of the group room with appliqué, continuation of the fairy tale "Kolobok". The bunny is made of fabric, and everything else is made of self-adhesive paper.

A corner of nature is not only a decoration groups but also a place for self-education. I decided to make flower stands from stumps and decorate with felt. Fabulous forest dwellers live in a corner of nature. Fedor and Fenya. They are also made from stumps.

And this is our Masha. Dressing corner. My idea, but my parents brought it to life.

These paintings are made from felt by me. hands they decorate group.

And me and my kids are comfortable with us in group!

Related publications:

Do-it-yourself summer decoration of the site in kindergarten.

Do-it-yourself layout for a plot game in the Farm kindergarten. The game is the leading activity of a preschooler, which affects all sides of him.

The middle group of our kindergarten is called "Smeshariki". All information for parents and children is made in the same style, images of heroes.

Hello dear colleagues and friends! I bring to your attention the design for the corners of fine arts, mathematics, literacy These are funny.

Each group in our kindergarten has its own name. Our group is called "Little Red Riding Hood." That's how I designed the information stand for.

Two players are selected - these are the “fifteen”. The instructor gives them a rope, they take the ropes by the handles and at the instructor's command: “One, two, three, tags, catch! ” run after the participants of the game throughout the site and try to “tarnish”. Those who are "tarnished" are considered losers and are out of the game. To get rid of the rope, the “tag” drivers must catch the player at the same time, then those caught take the rope and continue to catch. The one who has never been caught wins. The game is repeated 2 times.

Mobile game "Bird and cage"

The instructor chooses a “birder” and a “sparrow” from the children, the rest of the players are “birds”: pigeons, eagles, tits, bullfinches, swallows, ducks, etc.
A circle is indicated - this is a cage (1-2 m in diameter). A "sparrow" sits in the center. The "bird catcher" walks around her, guarding the captive from other "birds", who try to touch the "sparrow" with their hands in order to free him. Whoever the "bird-catcher" touches with his hand is considered to be caught and sits in a cage. If the bird catcher fails to catch anyone for a long time, then a new driver is chosen.

Sedentary game "Ears"

Children get up in pairs and, playing patties, say: Mom beat, beat, beat and reported everything to dad. Dad beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the woman.
Baba beat, beat, beat and reported everything to grandfather.
Grandfather beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the sisters.
The sisters beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the brothers.
The brothers beat, beat, beat and rolled into the tub.
And there are two frogs in the tub - close your ears as soon as possible!
At the last words, the children quickly cover their ears with their palms. Which of the players did faster, he won. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Mobile game "Squirrels, hares, mice"

The instructor appoints one driver, and the rest of the players are divided into 3 teams of 5-6 people, and the instructor gives them names: “squirrels”, “hares”, “mice”. 3 hoops are placed on the floor at a distance of 5 m from each other - these are animal houses, each team occupies one of them. The instructor commands: “Mice! Hares! » The named groups should change places-houses. If during the run the driver caught one of the participants, then the one who was caught becomes the driver, and the driver joins the players of the team whose member he caught. The instructor can. give a signal to three teams at once: “Squirrels, hares, mice! ". Then all groups leave their houses and run to occupy any other.

Mobile game "Nevod"

With the help of a counter, two drivers are selected, who join hands and, at the signal of the instructor: “Start! » catch other players. Having caught up with someone, they must join their hands so that the person caught is in a circle. Now the three of them catch the rest. Each new player caught becomes part of the net. The game continues until all participants are caught. The game continues 2 times.

Sedentary game "Finish the word"

Children stand in a circle. The instructor stands in the center of the circle with a large ball in his hands. He throws a ball to someone and says the first syllable of a word, for example: "Ma" before this gives the players a hint that this is a name, a pet, a piece of furniture, etc. The player who was thrown the ball catches it and name the word in full. If he guessed the word correctly, he throws the ball back to the instructor, and if not, he is out of the game.

Mobile game "Game with a bear"

The instructor, with the help of a counting rhyme, chooses the driver - the “bear”. A rope of 1.5-2 m is tied to his belt, which, in turn, is tied to a bench. A barrel is placed next to it, on which "honey" is written. The rest of the participants in the game are trying to steal a barrel of honey from the "bear", and the "bear" carefully guards it. Whoever the "bear" even touches with his hand is considered the loser. And accordingly, it becomes a leader, that is, a "bear". The game continues 2-3 times with a change of driver.

Mobile game "Fifteen"
(with ribbons)

Children stand in a circle, each player has a ribbon attached to the back of his belt. With the help of a counter, they choose a "tag". At the command of the instructor: “Run! "The children scatter all over the hall, and the "tag" runs after them and tries to pull out the tape. The one from whom the tape was pulled out is considered the loser and is eliminated from the game. At the command of the instructor: “In places! » The remaining players return to their places in the circle. From the caught players, with the help of a counter, a new "tag" is selected, and the game begins anew. The game is played 3-4 times. The one who catches the most players wins.

Mobile game "Stop!"

The instructor chooses the driver, throws the ball up as high as possible, and the driver must catch it. While he is catching the ball, the rest of the players run around the court. As soon as the driver catches the ball and says: “Stop!”, The players stop in place. The driver tries to hit the ball at the player standing as close as possible. If he misses, he runs after the ball, and the rest of the players scatter again in different directions. Having caught up with the ball, the driver again shouts: “Stop!”. If he hits, then the player who was hit becomes the driver, and the game starts anew. The game continues up to 3 times.

Sedentary game: "Catch - do not catch"

Children stand in a large circle, the instructor in the center of it with a large ball in his hands. The ball should be caught only if something edible is named: carrot, cake, sweets, ice cream, cake, pineapple, orange, etc.
If the instructor says inedible things: car, garage, fence, slippers, etc. and throws the ball to the player, he should not catch it. If a player makes a mistake by catching the ball, he is out of the game.

The first game is used with the youngest children and is called Colored Baskets.
Purpose of the game: the game is aimed at learning colors by children aged 2.5-3.5, memorizing the names of primary colors, developing the speech skills of preschoolers, developing observation and memory.
Game progress: children are invited to collect mixed-up objects in baskets, the child draws any card, but he must put it in a basket of the same color, while loudly calling out the color and the object he has chosen.

2. Game "Seabed"

Purpose of the game: development of artistic composition skills, development of speech, logical thinking, memory.

A very common game that can be used not only for art activities, but also in other educational areas. The children are shown the seabed (empty), and I must say that all the marine inhabitants wanted to play Hide and Seek with us, and in order to find them, you need to guess riddles about them. The one who guessed it hangs the inhabitant on the background. It turns out the finished composition. The teacher motivates children to visual activity. (Good to use with middle and older groups). In the same way, other topics of plot compositions can be studied with children: “Summer Meadow”, “Forest People”, “Autumn Harvest”, “Still Life with Tea”, etc. You can invite several children to the board and ask them to make different compositions from the same objects. This game develops intelligence, reaction, compositional vision.

When consolidating knowledge of folk paintings or when monitoring in the senior and preparatory groups, you can use this simple game.
Target: consolidation of knowledge of the main motives of Russian folk paintings (“Gzhel”, “Gorodets”, “Filimonovo”, “Dymka”), to consolidate the ability to distinguish them from others, to name them correctly, to develop a sense of color.
Game progress: the child needs to determine in which clearing each of the horses will graze, and name the type of applied art, based on which they are painted.

One of the most difficult topics is, of course, the study of perspective in a landscape - distant objects seem smaller, near ones more. For this, it is also more convenient to use the game.
Purpose of the game: to teach children to see and convey the properties of spatial perspective in drawings, to develop an eye, memory, and compositional skills.
Game progress: The child needs to arrange trees and houses in pockets in size, in accordance with their prospective remoteness. (preparatory group).

5. Game "Assemble the landscape"

Using the landscape as an example, it is also convenient to develop a sense of composition, knowledge of the phenomena of the surrounding nature. For this, it is convenient to use this didactic game.
Purpose of the game: to form the skills of compositional thinking, to consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature, to consolidate knowledge of the concept of "landscape", to develop observation, memory.
Game progress: the child is invited to compose a landscape of a certain season (winter, spring, autumn or winter) from a set of printed pictures, the child must select objects that correspond to this particular season and, using their knowledge, build the correct composition.

6. The game "Matryoshkin sundress"

Purpose of the game: to develop compositional skills, to consolidate children's knowledge about the main elements of painting Russian nesting dolls, to consolidate knowledge of Russian national clothes.
Game progress: There are silhouettes of three nesting dolls drawn on the board, the teacher calls three children in turn, they each choose their own nesting doll.

Each of these games can be drawn by yourself or made using a computer and a color printer.

Tasks: see "Home, family"
Game actions: Mom carefully feeds, dresses, undresses, puts her daughter to bed, does laundry, cleans the room, irons clothes. Mom goes with her daughter to the hairdresser, combs her hair beautifully, decorates the Christmas tree at home, buys food in the store, prepares a delicious dinner. Dad comes home from work, sit down to dinner.
The guests are coming. Celebrate the birthday of a daughter or son.
Dad is a driver in a truck (or taxi). Dad is a construction worker.
My daughter got sick and got sick. Mom took her to the doctor, puts mustard plasters at home, gives her medicine.
Mom took her daughter for a walk, they ride the bus, ride the swing in the park. Grandma came to visit for her birthday. Celebrate the New Year.
Mom takes her daughter to the puppet theater, to the circus, to the cinema, to school.
Play material: household items, dolls


Tasks: To arouse in children an interest in the profession of a doctor. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.
Game actions: The patient goes to the reception, takes a ticket to the doctor, goes to the reception. The doctor receives patients, carefully listens to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures pressure, looks at the throat, makes an appointment. The nurse writes the prescription, the doctor signs it. The patient goes to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, bandages wounds, lubricates with ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office, changes the towel.
Game situations:“At the reception at the lor doctor”, “At the reception at the surgeon”, “At the reception at the ophthalmologist”, etc.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office d / s. Observation of the work of a doctor (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" in a recording. Excursion to the children's clinic. Reading lit. works: I. Zabila “Yasochka caught a cold”, E. Uspensky “Played in the hospital”, V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”. Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.) Conversation with children about the work of a doctor, a nurse. Consideration of illustrations about the doctor, honey. sister. Modeling "Gift for sick Yasochka". Making with children attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)
Game material: gowns, hats, pencil and prescription paper, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.


Tasks: arouse in children an interest in the professions of a doctor, a nurse; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.
Game actions: The patient is admitted to the emergency room. The nurse registers him, escorts him to the ward. The doctor examines patients, carefully listens to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures pressure, looks at the throat, makes an appointment. The nurse dispenses medicines to the sick, measures the temperature, in the treatment room makes injections, dressings, treats wounds, etc. The nurse cleans the room, changes linen. Patients are visited by relatives and friends.
Preliminary work: see "Polyclinic"
Game material: dressing gowns, hats, pencil and prescription paper, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

Tasks: to arouse in children an interest in the profession of a salesperson, to form the skills of a culture of behavior in public places, to cultivate friendly relations.
Game actions: The driver brings the goods by car, the loaders unload, the sellers lay out the goods on the shelves. The director keeps order in the store, makes sure that the goods are delivered to the store on time, calls the base, orders the goods. Buyers are coming. Sellers offer goods, show, weigh. The buyer pays for the purchase at the checkout, receives a check. The cashier receives the money, punches the check, gives the buyer change, check. The cleaner cleans the room.
Game situations: Vegetable Shop, Clothes, Grocery, Fabrics, Souvenirs, Books, Sporting Goods, Furniture Store, Toy Store, Pet Shop, Hats, Floral shop", "Bakery", etc.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the store. Overseeing the unloading of goods in a grocery store. Talk with children about the excursions. Reading literary works: B. Voronko "The Tale of Unusual Purchases", etc. Ethical conversation about behavior in public places.
Meeting of children with their mother, who works as a shop assistant. Children compiling stories on the topic “What can we do?”: “How to buy bread at a bakery?”, “How to cross the road to get to the store?”, “Where do they sell notebooks, pencils?” etc. Making attributes for the game with children (sweets, money, wallets, plastic cards, price tags, etc.).
Game material: scales, cash desk, bathrobes, hats, bags, wallets, price tags, goods by department, goods transport vehicle, cleaning equipment.

Tasks: expand and consolidate children's knowledge about working in the "Beauty Salon", arouse the desire to look beautiful, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other.
Game actions: The hairdresser washes his hair, combs, cuts, dyes his hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne. The manicurist makes a manicure, covers the nails with varnish, gives recommendations for caring for the hands. The master of the beauty parlor makes a facial massage, wipes with lotion, lubricates with cream, paints eyes, lips, etc. The cashier knocks out checks. The cleaner sweeps, changes used towels, napkins. Visitors politely greet the employees of the salon, ask for a service, consult with the masters, pay to the cashier, and thank for the services.
Preliminary work: Visiting the children's hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. The teacher's story about the culture of behavior in public places. Reviewing the album with samples of hairstyles. Examining sample booklets cosmetics. Didactic game "Comb the doll beautifully." Didactic game "Cinderella is going to the ball." Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, capes, towels, napkins, etc.)
Game material: a mirror, a set of combs, a razor, scissors, a hair clipper, a hair dryer, hairspray, cologne, nail polish, children's cosmetics, an album with samples of hairstyles, hair dye, bathrobes, capes, towels, cash desk, checks, money, mop, bucket.

"Canteen" - "Cafe" - "Cook"

Tasks: To expand children's ideas about the work of workers in canteens and cafes. To develop interest and respect for the professions of a cook, a waiter. Familiarity with the rules of conduct in public places.
Game actions: The dining room has tables and chairs for visitors. Chefs cook delicious food in the kitchen, cook dumplings, bake pies, cook borscht, soups, fry cutlets. Drivers, workers, builders, sailors, students at school are fed in the dining room.
On the tables are napkins, vases with flowers. Waiters serve food to visitors, speak politely to them, give a booklet with a menu to choose food at the request of the visitor. Visitors pay for lunch at the cash desk, they are given a check. People come to cafes not only to eat, but also to listen to music.
We celebrate a birthday, dance, sing karaoke. The waiters are polite with visitors, they bring food, sweet water. There are beautiful dishes and flowers on the tables. The musicians play and sing beautifully. Visitors, leaving, thank for the delivered pleasure.
Game material: White cap (2 pcs.), apron (2 pcs.), children's kitchen utensils, children's dining utensils, children's tea utensils, stove, replicas of products, vegetables, fruits, menus, children's trays, cocktail tubes, juice boxes , yogurt.

Artistic word to the corners:

Play corner in the kindergarten group - "Hairdresser's"

In a chic barbershop
Has all the tools you need
Mascara, lipstick and blush
But there is no Chanel!

Get your hair done here
Shorter, longer
If the doll wants
Even the dust will be shaken from the ears!

If you try hard
We can cut it, curl it,
What a princess with a mess
The prince can't tell

Corner "Hospital"

Aibolit treated monkeys,
And Pilyulkin is short!
We treat everyone in a row -
Behemoths, squirrels,
Crocodiles and wolf cubs
And foxes and piglets
Dolls, fish, bunnies,
Girls and boys!
We treat their teeth and eyes,
And we'll put bandages on them!
And give them pills
And drink the medicine!
We have bandages and iodine.
Come, sick people!
And what's really nice -
What we treat is FREE!

Corner "Toy Store"

Not every store
You will be able to buy
And in a small basket
Good place

Candy and bananas
Car, drops in the nose,
Bulldozers and cranes,
Benches and fountains
And even a steam locomotive!

Board game for 2-4 players aged 3+.
The scenario of the game is based on the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Together with the girl Ellie and her friends, the guys are waiting for unusual adventures in the Magic Land. Chips move around the field according to the result of the roll of the die.
The one who will be the first to follow the path of the heroes of the fairy tale, overcome the dangers and achieve the fulfillment of their cherished desires will win.

Fairy tale games
My children and I play very interesting games based on the most famous children's fairy tales.

The games are designed both for the smallest kids, just to acquaint them with the most famous fairy tales, and for older children as role-playing games, memory training games, logic attention, and most importantly, fine motor skills of fingers and speech development.

They include such well-known fairy tales and cartoons as: “Gingerbread Man”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Three Little Pigs”.

What are the options for games based on fairy tales with kids:

1. First, print out the cards and the fields for them, laminate or stick with tape, cut into small cards. And now you can play.
Take a field, for example, with the fairy tale “Gingerbread Man”, tell a fairy tale to a kid while laying out cards with characters in the cells of the field. Then tell a fairy tale and in the process invite the child himself to lay out the heroes of the fairy tale into cells.

2. Another option is to put all the heroes into cells, and then offer to close the baby's eyes, remove someone, for example, a wolf, and let the baby guess who is missing.

3. Lay out the cards with the characters in the order they appear in the fairy tale, and now mix them up and invite the baby to set the correct sequence.

4. When the baby knows all the heroes of the fairy tale well, introduce him to the next fairy tale and play similar games. Then you can try to play two games at once, for example, sort the heroes from two fairy tales according to their cells. When it will be easy for the kid to succeed, add more heroes and more fields.

"By magic"

Game for 2 - 4 players aged 4+.
The game is based on the plot of a Russian folk tale.
Chips move around the field according to the results of the dice roll. Each player can choose the tactics of movement himself in order to score the number of cards necessary for victory - points.
The laziest can collect the required amount by chasing buckets for water, others will take a walk in the forest or to the fair. And still others will immediately go for the tsar's daughter.