Amaranth oil - application, medicinal properties. Amaranth oil in cosmetology. Amaranth oil - elixir of youth and beauty Amaranth oil for the skin around the eyes

The amaranth plant has been known to people since ancient times. Residents of India and Nepal revered it as a sacred plant, calling it “the grain sent by God.” It was believed that amaranth could bestow strength, youth and longevity. The plant has been known to Europeans since the 16th century, in Russia - since the 30s of the last century.

Of particular value is amaranth oil in cosmetology with unique properties. It is used in cooking, medicine and, of course, in cosmetology. We invite you to consider the properties of this amazing product in more detail and learn how to use it in home cosmetics.

Nature has worked hard to create a seemingly ordinary amaranth plant with unsurpassed properties. The most useful is considered to be amaranth oil, obtained by cold pressing from crushed plant seeds. There is not so much precious liquid - only 10% of the initial mass of plant materials. The components that make up amaranth oil provide the product with unique biochemical characteristics.

Let's consider the composition and properties of amaranth. Among its useful components are the following:

  • Tocotriene. This is the name of vitamin E, presented in a special active form. It is the most powerful natural antioxidant available. This rare vitamin helps to increase the elasticity of blood vessels and activate the growth of new cells. Possessing a powerful regenerating effect, it has a beneficial effect on the skin and helps cope with skin diseases.
  • Squalene. Amaranth oil contains 8% squalene! This most valuable component of amaranth is a natural hydrocarbon, carotenoid, and also an analogue of the natural component contained in our epidermis. Has a huge impact on intracellular metabolism, maintains water balance, neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals, slows down age-related changes skin. In medicine it is used for the complex treatment of cancer.

This oil contains squalene up to 8%, so this oil is very valuable for sunscreen products. In addition, this oil further stabilizes the high content of saturated palmitic acid, so it can be added despite the fact that it contains linoleic acid.

With age, the body's reserves of squalene are depleted, this negatively affects the condition of the skin - various problems arise, the skin ages, and wrinkles appear. Amaranth oil will help to effectively compensate for the deficiency of this valuable substance.

Amaranth oil is rich in polyunsaturated acids, which are essential for our body, increasing capillary permeability and enhancing the natural protection of our cells. The provitamins, minerals, phytosterols, carotenoids and many other beneficial trace elements contained in the oil make it a real elixir of youth and beauty.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology

IN home cosmetology amaranth oil is the most valuable assistant. With regular use, this precious liquid will help you get rid of sagging and dull skin and restore its radiance and freshness. The oil copes well with shallow wrinkles, restoring skin tone and elasticity, eliminating dryness and flaking.

The use of amaranth oil has its undeniable advantages, including:

  • powerful antibacterial protection of the skin, formation of a protective skin barrier (due to antibacterial properties, increased local immunity and membrane protective action)
  • deep hydration and moisture retention by cells
  • effective restoration of skin beauty and youth
  • UV protection
  • stimulation of the body's own collagen production
  • effective elimination of cosmetic problems – dark circles under the eyes, age spots, acne, stretch marks and scars, peeling skin and swelling, etc.
  • complex treatment of skin diseases (seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, vitiligo, trophic ulcers, etc.)
  • to accelerate the healing of wounds, burns, bedsores, as a good base oil for cosmetic and massage mixtures, promoting the rapid penetration of nutrients and medicinal substances into skin cells and tissues.

Amaranth oil for hair

IN Lately amaranth oil is widely used in cosmetology and, according to many women, has a beneficial effect on hair condition

It is excellent in shampoos, masks, rinses and conditioners:

  • strengthens hair
  • gives them shine
  • removes dry dandruff
  • moisturizes and nourishes the cuticle
  • fights dryness and brittleness of hair
  • ensures regeneration of the functions of the hair follicle

All these processes provide numerous unique components of healing amaranth oil.

Regular hair care using amaranth oil will help significantly improve its condition, restore healthy shine, strength, and eliminate brittleness and dryness. It is recommended to apply slightly warmed oil to the scalp about 20 minutes before washing. To enhance the effect, massage the scalp a little and warm it with a towel, after wrapping the hair with cling film. You can add other effective and healthy ingredients to hair masks - honey, avocado pulp, yolk, cosmetic clay.

Amaranth oil in face masks

Amaranth oil is successfully used both in home cosmetology and for the production of various cosmetic (and expensive!) products. The product is recommended for use by those with mature and aging skin, as well as those who have problems such as dryness, flaking, pigmentation and others. The oil can be used to moisturize the skin of the face, as in pure form, as well as with other components.

And when lubricating amaranth oil to damaged areas of the skin (wounds, cuts, burns, bites, etc.), the result can be simply fantastic. Almost immediately after applying the oil to the wound, pain is dulled, and healing occurs several times faster.

It is recommended to first test how your skin reacts to this product by applying a little oil to your wrist. If everything is calm, you can use it at night as a mask, instead of cream. The oil is well absorbed, just leave it on the skin for about 30 minutes, and then you can wash with warm water or pat your face with a soft cloth.

You can prepare such masks at home.

For dry facial skin.

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 teaspoons oil.

Mix the ingredients and apply to prepared facial skin. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Nourishing anti-aging mask.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese;
  • 1 teaspoon of amaranth oil.

Grind cottage cheese with butter. Apply to clean skin face without affecting the area around the eyes. Leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse. 2-3 masks per week are recommended.

To be beautiful and well-groomed, it is not at all necessary to visit expensive beauty salons. Regular use of unique natural remedies, including amaranth oil, will help you become irresistible, give you youth and beauty. Amaranth oil has nice smell and nutty taste. The value of amaranth oil can be judged by its prices on the world market. Thus, 10 ml of amaranth oil in the USA costs from $18. Moreover, we can appreciate the efforts of Russian scientists and technologists who have provided our consumers with the opportunity to obtain this unique product at a price 40 times cheaper!

General information about amaranth oil

Color: yellow of varying intensity
Smell and taste: light, nutty-herbaceous
Receipt method: cold pressed from seeds or extraction of seeds in vegetable oil

Physical and chemical indicators:
Color number, mg iodine, no more than: 45
Acid number, mg KOH/g, no more than: 2.5
Refractive index at 20 °C: 1.472-1.473
Density at 20 °C, g/cm3: 0.920-0.925
Peroxide value, mmol O2/kg, not more than: 10.0
Iodine number, g I2/100 g: 132-157
Mass fraction of unsaponifiable substances, %, no more than: 1.0
Saponification number, mg KOH/g: 189-198

Storage conditions and periods: Manufacturers can give different shelf life for their products: from 6 to 12 months. After opening the package, store in a tightly closed container in a cool place (the bottom shelf of the refrigerator is acceptable). Amaranth oil quickly oxidizes in light and upon contact with air. It should not be heated, since the latter leads to the destruction of vitamin F.

Amaranth oil is useful to take internally; it supplies the body with fatty acids and inhibits aging. But a quick enhanced effect can be achieved if the product is also used externally. Amaranth oil in cosmetology is not an innovation. It can often be found in creams and serums, masks and peelings. But why buy something industrially produced with preservatives and additives when you can use natural and pure oil?

Young and healthy skin without chemicals

Amaranth oil can be used to treat problematic skin, eliminate irritation and redness in sensitive skin types. It accelerates regeneration and promotes rapid healing of wounds and pimples. But most of all it is valued for its anti-aging properties. If you look at the compositions of anti-aging cosmetics from famous brands, this ingredient is very often found in them. Amaranth seed oil really works, and on all skin types.

Benefits of amaranth oil for the face

  • nourishes dry and aging skin;
  • smooths out small wrinkles;
  • deep wrinkles makes it less noticeable;
  • lightens pigmentation, including age-related ones;
  • activates collagen production;
  • regulates fat metabolism, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • evens out complexion.

Amaranth oil is often used in a face mask. It is applied in its pure form, rubbed in, the residue can be removed with a napkin after 30-40 minutes. But the product in the composition works much better home cosmetics. The most popular combinations: oil + honey + aloe, oil + yolk; butter + cottage cheese. Usually the ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. You can change or add something depending on your skin type.

Helpful advice! If you don’t have time to prepare a mask or have nothing to add to it, you can mix night cream with oil (0.5 tsp each), apply to cleansed skin, and leave for half an hour.

Thick and shiny hair

Women take care of their hair no less and no less frequently than their face. And amaranth oil will help here too. The composition of the product allows it to be used frequently; it can be applied before each wash, added to masks or balm. It can be mixed with other base and essential oils.

Benefits of amaranth oil for hair

  • eliminates dryness, moisturizes, gives a well-groomed appearance;
  • helps restore hair after coloring or using a straightening iron;
  • treats dandruff;
  • nourishes the scalp and follicles;
  • accelerates growth;
  • stops hair loss;
  • gives shine.

It is advisable to keep the oil on your hair for at least an hour; you can put on an insulating cap. If the product is rubbed into the scalp, you can leave it on all night. It will have time to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and act on the hair follicles. It is recommended to wash off amaranth oil with shampoo and warm water. There should be no film left on the hair.

A good effect from home cosmetics can only be achieved by using a high-quality product. You should choose natural, cold-pressed amaranth oil made from raw seeds.

Amaranth is an annual plant of the Amaranthaceae family.

In Russia it is often called shchiritsa.

There are about 100 species of amaranth. The plant came to us from South America and Mexico.

Amaranth was consumed 8 thousand years ago as a grain crop, along with corn and beans.

The plant was later brought to North America, India and China.

After the Spaniards conquered South America, the acorn came to Europe. It was used as an ornamental, fodder and grain crop.

Amaranth ripens quickly. It is ready for use within four weeks after sowing.

If the soil is protected, the plant will produce crops all year long. Shchiritsa is unpretentious, grows in drought, heat and in saline soils.

Today, oil is made from amaranth seeds. It has proven itself in cooking and has become a popular product in cosmetology.

Short description

The oil has a pleasant smell and nutty taste. It is used in the preparation of a number of dishes, as it improves their taste.

Amaranth oil is used to treat and prevent a number of diseases. This is one of the main skin care products for the body and face.

Amaranth oil has the following characteristics:

  • helps get rid of acne,
  • Helps cleanse facial pores
  • nourishes the skin, making it softer,
  • gives facial skin velvety and radiance,
  • strengthens hair,
  • smoothes out fine expression and age wrinkles,
  • dries out acne
  • promotes skin cell regeneration,
  • fights stretch marks,
  • reduces scars and tightens wounds.

Benefits for the skin

1. The oil is successfully used to treat dermatological diseases: eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes lips, trophic ulcers.

2. Amaranth oil heals wounds and burns on the skin. Simply apply a little oil to the affected area. It dulls pain and speeds up the healing of wounds several times.

3. The cosmetic product provides the skin with additional protection against bacteria.

4. Oil is used for dry, dehydrated facial skin, as it has moisturizing and softening properties.

5. Vitamin E and squalene, which are part of the oil, rejuvenate the skin and accelerate cell regeneration.

Thanks to these characteristics, amaranth oil is ideal for caring for mature and aging facial skin.

Medicinal properties

Amaranth oil helps with many diseases.
It is used for:

  • anemia,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • dental problems (periodontal disease, stomatitis),
  • diabetes,
  • obesity.

It helps fight diseases:

  • genitourinary system,
  • gynecological diseases.

Amaranth oil is suitable for disorders nervous system. It can be used to restore the immune system after long-term illnesses or long-term use of antibiotics.

Chemical composition

Amaranth oil includes a large number of useful substances. Among them are the following components:

The oil also contains vitamins A, B, D, saturated acids, choline, serotonins, Omega-6 and Omega-9, various microelements that improve well-being and appearance skin.

Application in cosmetology, recipes

The easiest way to use oil is to apply it to clean skin instead of night cream.

After 30 - 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. But in this case, it is better to use only cold-pressed oil.

If the product was produced using a different technology (for example, critical CO2 extraction), then its composition changes slightly.

Oil in this form It is not recommended to use for a mask. It is better to add it to homemade creams or other mixtures.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Take a tablespoon of amaranth oil, mix with two large spoons of freshly squeezed orange juice, add half a teaspoon of lemon.

Apply the mixture to the skin, leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water. This mask tightens pores and is a good prevention against acne. Ideal for oily skin.

For skin whitening

Take six cooked white beans and mash them into a puree. Add a teaspoon of oil and lemon juice, mix thoroughly.

Apply to face and neck, leave for twenty minutes. Then wash your face. This mask not only brightens but also nourishes the skin well.

To nourish the skin face, you can make the following mixture: take two large spoons of sour cream, add a large spoon of amaranth oil.

Apply the mask to your face and lie down for 15 minutes, then rinse off the remaining mixture from your face. This mask is suitable for rough, flaky or rough facial skin.

Soothing mask

Take a piece of banana, mash it and add a teaspoon of chopped cucumber.

Stir the resulting mixture, pour a small spoon of amaranth oil into it, and apply to the skin.

Lie with the mixture on your face for 30 minutes.

The mask will help well with irritated facial skin.

Foundation mask

To even out your complexion and get rid of age spots, the following mixture is suitable: take cosmetic clay and amaranth oil in a ratio of 1 to 2.

Mix the mask and apply to clean facial skin. Leave on for 15 minutes, then wash.

If the slurry turns out to be thick, then dilute the clay with oil with a small amount of water.

For herpes on the lip, you need to regularly rub a little oil into the affected area of ​​the skin. After some time, the herpes will go away.


Take a teaspoon of amaranth oil, mix with the same amount of lemon juice.

Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

The mask will smooth out fine wrinkles and lighten the skin a little.

How to choose quality

The market offers a wide range of products. Amaranth oil is produced in Russia, Egypt, Latin America and many other countries.

Before purchasing oil, pay attention to the following recommendations:

If you doubt the quality of amaranth oil, ask pharmacists or sellers for certificates for this product.

Contraindications and restrictions

There are practically no restrictions on the external use of amaranth oil.

The only contraindication– individual intolerance to the product, leading to allergic reactions.

These include people suffering from diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, peptic ulcers and cholelithiasis, indigestion, tendency to diarrhea) and with increased cholesterol levels in the blood vessels.

Amaranth oil has a number of beneficial properties. This is great natural remedy, promoting healthy facial skin.

The oil fights acne and age spots. It cleanses facial pores, nourishes the skin, and improves its condition.

Amaranth oil is included in many cosmetic products. You can use it to make masks for your face and neck yourself. It is used for all skin types.

Amaranth oil for the face is beneficial due to its rich biochemical composition. Natural product of plant origin generously imparts beauty to the skin. This is due to the unique properties of the components that make up the oil. Even in ancient times, it was considered a symbol of immortality and a source of youth and longevity. What is unique about this oil and how to use it correctly? The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

Amaranth oil worked wonders in ancient times

Amaranth oil has worked wonders since ancient times. They knew about it in Ancient China, Southeast Asia, and Ancient Greece, where it was considered sacred. It appeared in Europe in the 16th century and immediately became popular.

The product is obtained from amaranth seeds. In structure, it is a light oily liquid of dark yellow color with a reddish tint. It is produced by cold pressing, which allows it to retain its powerful natural properties.

The liquid has a characteristic nutty taste. Used in many industries. In cosmetology it is an indispensable substance for solving problems with aging skin.

Composition and properties of the oil

The chemical composition of the oily amaranth product is a unique concentrate of nutrients important for human health. During the production process, carbohydrates, fiber and proteins are separated from it. The remaining mass is saturated with many useful substances.

Amaranth seed oil contains:

  • poly- and monounsaturated fatty acid(linoleic, arachidonic, oleic, stearic, palmitic, linolenic), they account for up to 70% of the mass;
  • phytosterols and phospholipids - up to 9%;
  • the most powerful antioxidant squalene - up to 8%;
  • active form of vitamin E - up to 2%;
  • micro- and macroelements are represented by a rich set (copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, etc.);
  • vitamin D;
  • carotenoids;
  • bile acids.

This rich set of active substances determines the properties of the product:

  • removes stretch marks, rash marks, resolves postoperative scars;
  • activates collagen production;
  • has a stimulating effect on the growth of young cells;
  • can moisturize and nourish the skin, making it elastic and youthful.

This composition and set of healing properties allows this product to be widely used to combat various facial skin problems.

Benefits for facial skin

The use of amaranth oil for facial skin is due to its beneficial properties. This benefit lies in a number of rare components that are included in the composition. They allow you to fight skin problems, giving it a healthy look.

The benefits of amaranth ether for facial skin are as follows:

  • oil components saturate the skin with essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements, unsaturated fatty acids, giving it elasticity and restoring youth;
  • protects against bacteria;
  • smoothes age and facial wrinkles;
  • regulates the secretion of oil by the skin;
  • accelerates regenerative processes;
  • moisturizes, nourishes, protects from harmful external influences;
  • inhibits the aging process of skin cells;
  • strengthens the walls of capillaries.

This effect of the oily squeeze of amaranth seeds produces a powerful healing effect. The skin of the face becomes clean, smooth, tightened, and takes on a healthy appearance.

This product will be a real gift for those women whose skin ages and takes on a less than healthy appearance. Regular use of oil will stop the process and restore attractiveness.

Therefore, amaranth seed oil becomes a component of many masks that are used in cosmetology to improve facial skin health.

Use for cosmetic purposes

The use of an oil product made from amaranth seeds in cosmetology gives a positive effect. Oil extract from amaranth seeds can be used in its pure form, applied to problem areas, or added to masks, scrubs, balms, peelings.

Use of the product in various cosmetics recommended for the following indications:

  • dermatological diseases of various types;
  • problematic and sensitive skin;
  • age-related changes in the dermis;
  • flaky and irritated areas on the face;
  • comedones;
  • acne.

In addition, when using the product, you must also remember about contraindications. This:

  • individual intolerance;
  • use of low-quality oil.

Systematic use of oil extract from amaranth seeds, especially in combination with other oils of plant origin, will give a lasting positive effect.

Effect on facial skin

Flawless soft skin with a healthy glow is the dream of every woman. This state can be achieved with the help of amaranth oil, which has a very beneficial effect.

Regular use of healing extract:

  • will refresh mature, tired skin, fill it with moisture from the inside, allowing it to regain its youth;
  • will remove flaky and irritated areas, protect them from the effects of the external environment;
  • will soften rough areas and restore cell regeneration in them;
  • will not leave conditions for the development of dermatological defects (psoriasis, eczema, herpes);
  • will accelerate the healing of scratches, cuts, wounds on the face;
  • will even out the tone of the face and restore its freshness.

Regular course use of the product will have a very positive effect on the skin. Every day the changes will be more noticeable, and with them your overall well-being will improve.

Mask recipes

Amaranth oil in cosmetology can solve many problems. Daily use will help maintain beauty and youth. Most often, amaranth squeeze is added to masks. They have different effects on the skin:

  • nourish;
  • moisturize;
  • calm down;
  • improve complexion;
  • smooth out age and facial wrinkles.

Among the many recipes for masks, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself, which will bring benefits.


The easiest way to use the product. Warm a few drops of oil on your fingertips and apply lightly along massage lines to your face. Leave the product on for about half an hour and rinse off warm water.


This mask effectively prevents the appearance of flaking and evens out existing problem areas. Ingredients: 2 tsp. butter/1 yolk/1 tbsp. honey. Mix all ingredients, beat to form a homogeneous mass, apply to face. You can leave it on for up to 20 minutes, then rinse well.


A mixture of amaranth oil and cottage cheese (2 tsp/4 tbsp) has a mild calming effect. To prepare it, carefully grind the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, which is then applied to the face for 15 minutes. Remove excess with a cotton pad, then wash with warm water. It is recommended to do such procedures up to 2 times a week.


For this mask you will need oil and lemon juice in equal quantities. Mix the components and apply to the face along massage lines, rinse after 15 minutes. The effect of the mask is amazing: the complexion becomes even, pores are cleaned, wrinkles gradually decrease, and the skin takes on a velvety appearance.


Used to prevent acne. Ingredients: freshly squeezed orange juice, lemon juice, amaranth oil (2 tbsp/0.2 tsp/2 tbsp). The resulting liquid should be used to treat problem areas, then the entire face. After 15 minutes, wash off. Apply as a course until improvement.

Amaranth oil has become firmly established in cosmetology. This remedy has a powerful effect. The results are visible after just a few sessions and will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to choose a quality product

With all its advantages, amaranth oil has one drawback: the price per unit of the product is quite high. It costs 500-1500 rubles and depends on the volume of the bottle and the manufacturer.

Taking this circumstance into account, you need to take the choice of product seriously. What should you look for when purchasing?

  • It is better not to buy oil in large quantities. When, if necessary, we open the lid, the product comes into contact with air and the oxidation process begins. This oil will quickly lose its healing properties. 100 ml of product will be quite enough.
  • Real oil is sold in a glass bottle.
  • The color of the contents of the bottle should be dark. A light shade indicates that the product is diluted or the technology for its production has been violated.
  • Pay special attention to the squalene content. Inflated values ​​indicate the extraction process used, and in this case many beneficial features.

The right oil will allow you to see how your facial structure improves every day.

How to make butter at home

Amaranth oil can be prepared at home. In this case, the result will not be a completely real 100% product, but it will still have valuable properties.

To prepare homemade amaranth seed squeeze, you need to do the following:

  • measure out 200 g of seeds and dry them in the oven;
  • Grind the prepared raw materials well in a mortar;
  • Transfer the resulting mass into a dry glass container and add 0.2 liters. olive oil;
  • remove to infuse in a warm, dark place, leave for a month;
  • Strain the resulting infused mixture and put it in a cool place.

Making homemade pomace is not difficult. Ripened seeds can be obtained from a plant that is widespread in our country.

Amaranth (the herb amaranth) was considered healing by our ancestors; it preserved youth, health and longevity. The product we are used to, sunflower oil, is replaced by Europeans with amaranth oil, but amaranth oil for the face is recognized as valuable by all nations. It has a rich composition and can not only rejuvenate the body, but also provide it with great support in many serious diseases, enriching it with substances that ensure the stable functioning of all systems and organs.

Today, research and experiments by pharmacists continue, the methods of its production are being improved year after year, but still it has not yet been possible to fully study the full composition of agaric and all its benefits.
It is absolutely known that the concentration of the most powerful antioxidant hydrocarbon squalene in amaranth oil is so high that not a single plant known to man can compete with it. It sometimes reaches 15% (for reference: squalene concentration = 1% in olive and linseed oils).

It is this substance that allows you to actively nourish human tissues and organs with oxygen; it also enhances the oncoprotective function of the body.

Comparison of beneficial properties per 100 g of product

As established during research, amaranth oil also includes:

  • vitamin A, F, D, E (in a unique tocotrienol form);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, oleic, palmitoleic, arachidonic);
  • lysine, the content of which in amaranth is several times higher than that in wheat;
  • phospholipids;
  • starch up to 40%;
  • fiber up to 10%;
  • protein up to 20%;
  • ash;
  • phytosterols;
  • carotenoids;
  • styrene;
  • other macro- and microelements.

Calorie content of amaranth: per 100 grams of seeds there are approximately 370 kcal.

Composition of amaranth seeds according to the balance of replaceable and essential amino acids equal to breast milk, and nutritionally equal to corn and wheat.

Producing products from acorn seeds is expensive, but the health benefits are worth more than money.

Products with amaranth

The plant has long been familiar and in demand in folk and official medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

Amaranth seeds can be added to baked goods, and if you fry them a little in a frying pan, they taste like nuts. You can also buy ready-made products with this plant in the store.

For example:

  • Flaxseed oil with amaranth extract.
  • Amaranth meal.
  • Bread.
  • Flour.
  • Amaranth bran with kelp.

You can also purchase seeds and germinate them on your windowsill.

After a few days they can be consumed as a dietary supplement. For better absorption and maximum benefit, sprouted seeds need to be chewed for a long time. Mixing with saliva, the beneficial properties are better absorbed by the body.

Application in cosmetology

The drug, obtained from amaranth seeds, is natural, environmentally friendly and widely in demand by cosmetics manufacturers. Lotions, creams and balms containing amaranth oil nourish and moisturize the skin, eliminate flaking and dryness, protect against chapping and burning much more effectively than the products of many elite brands, known for their high cost.

Among the list of salon procedures, rejuvenating wraps, masks, and anti-cellulite massage with amaranth oil are especially appreciated.

It is useful for tanning bed lovers to know that by pre-moisturizing your skin with oil, you will protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, you can then boast of an excellent, even tan.

Amaranth oil will rejuvenate aging skin by stimulating the body's production of collagen. It also successfully fights pigmentation.

To prevent your lips from becoming chapped and chapped, lubricate them with this wonderful remedy. It will get rid of flaking and even remove it, healing and making the skin moist if such a problem already exists.

Acorn seed oil is also used in hair products. With its help, you can restore damaged hair; all you need to do is rub it into the scalp.

How to use amaranth oil for wrinkles

What woman would refuse such a wonderful remedy?

Under its influence, even for a short time, fine wrinkles on the face and neck become noticeably smaller, and sagging skin becomes elastic and radiant without any gray tint. Moreover, the oil will be completely absorbed, without any residue. It will also solve other skin problems effectively, namely:

  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • age spots;
  • acne;
  • skin cleansing;
  • from stretch marks and scars;
  • evening out complexion.

Don't forget about the antibacterial properties and the possibility of using it for washing. When it comes to skin care, this product has no competitors. You can also use it at home.

How much does amaranth oil cost?

The price in the pharmacy, although it varies depending on the manufacturer and region of sale, is quite affordable - from 400 rubles (150 hryvnia) per 100 ml.

Recipes for the skin around the eyes

Everyone knows that such care is perfectly provided by oil solutions of vitamins A and E and any creams that contain these vitamins. In this sense, amaranth oil is irreplaceable. It can be applied at night, working into the skin with your fingertips without stretching it, but only in small quantities.

It should be borne in mind that dry skin can react with redness, itching, and even swelling.

Excess oil should not be washed off; it is better to use a dry cotton pad to remove it.

Anti-wrinkle mask around the eyes

Prepare a decoction of parsley (half a glass of boiling water for a tablespoon of greens). Mix together a couple of tbsp. spoons of broth and a spoonful of grated raw potatoes and butter. Place the mixture on gauze or plain cloth in several layers, apply it to the eyes and press lightly. Keep the mask for about twenty minutes, and then remove its remnants with a cotton pad.

Moisturizing and nourishing mask for the skin around the eyes

Egg yolk and butter are mixed in equal proportions and the mixture is applied to the skin. After twenty minutes it is washed off with water.

Acne recipe

The beneficial effects of amaranth oil on acne-prone skin have long been noted.

You can remove acne by simply applying it to the inflamed areas several times a day.

Can be mixed with other oils, e.g. tea tree. mix a few drops of each and proceed as described above.

And even though years are called wealth, everyone really wants the wealth to remain beautiful. And to achieve this, you should not resort to complex, expensive treatment. There is always something natural and even more effective remedy, capable of replacing salon treatments, and one of them is amaranth oil. Use it more often and be beautiful!