What is the harm or benefit of the flower “Pike tail. Pike tail flower: harmful and beneficial properties Pike tail plant medicinal properties

Sansevieria has no stem; its wide, dense leaves grow directly from the root. But this is not the only oddity associated with this plant. Many people are afraid of the “pike tail” flower: harm or benefit, myths or reality - sansevieria contains many secrets, most of which still have no scientific explanation.

The pointed leaves have given rise to many nicknames for Sansevieria. Some plant varieties reach colossal heights - up to 1 m. Such specimens are not found in indoor floriculture; flower lovers prefer compact varieties to them. The pike tail flower, the harms and benefits of which will be discussed below, is considered an unpretentious plant that does not require special care. The leaves of the plant are covered with a dense coating. "Pike tail" is drought-resistant and tolerates shade well. The plant is grown for its attractive-looking greenery, although Sansevieria can bloom indoors. The plant produces beautiful pink flowers with a pleasant vanilla aroma.

“Mother-in-law’s tongue” is difficult to compare with aloe or geranium, which are especially popular in home gardening and are well known as plants with healing properties. However, Sansevieria is also not without its benefits. The juice of the plant is used to heal wounds and burns. Also, the “pike tail” has found application in home cosmetology.

The benefits of pike tail

The scope of application of sansevieria is wide. The plant has a choleretic and diaphoretic effect. The harm and benefits of “pike tail” are explained by the chemical composition of the flower. Sansevieria has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. This allows the plant to be used both internally and externally. The leaves of the plant are used in the same way as aloe leaves - applied to the affected areas to heal wounds. All parts of the “pike tail” are used in folk medicine. Crushed rhizomes have a pronounced immunomodulatory effect and are used to prepare medicinal decoctions for the prevention of colds. The plant also has the following properties:

  • antiviral,
  • fungicidal,
  • diuretic.
  • Many people have a prejudiced attitude towards the “pike tail”. Indeed, it is impossible to use the plant haphazardly, especially in the absence of reliable data on the diagnosis and individual reaction of the body. In general, the plant is harmless and can be used in the treatment of colds, coughs, bronchitis and some other respiratory problems.

    Sansevieria has found application in the treatment of acne, inflammatory diseases of the epidermis, dermatitis, and ulcerative skin lesions. The plant is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system.

    It is believed that the “pike tail” has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, purifies the air, and improves the microclimate in the house. Doctors believe that the benefits of the plant are exaggerated, as well as the possible harm, which is largely mythical in nature.

    Pike tail: possible harm to an indoor flower

    The harmful effects of sansevieria are based on signs and beliefs that have no scientific basis. A flowering plant, according to popular rumor, brings discord to the family. On the other hand, there is an opinion that “mother-in-law’s language” must necessarily appear in a house where quarrels and conflicts are constantly present.

    There is no consensus regarding harm. If the owners of the house believe that a flower brings them happiness and joy, then this is what happens. And if the power of popular rumor makes you believe that the “pike tail” brings trouble and problems in relationships, then it is better to refuse to purchase this green pet, since the psychological pressure will be stronger than the possible benefits of the plant.

    “Pike tail” can actually cause harm to health if the plant is used internally in a high dosage. Sansevieria gained the greatest popularity as a wound-healing agent for external use. This option for using the flower is the safest and has virtually no contraindications. It is also worth remembering that the plant is highly allergenic, so people prone to allergies should not experiment with herbal remedies.

    Sansevieria is often found in hospitals, which is why the plant has a bad reputation. In fact, the “pike tail” appears in health institutions precisely because of its unique properties. It is a kind of filter that cleans the air well and saturates it with phytoncides. It is believed that the plant prevents the spread of viruses indoors, inhibits the activity of fungi and mold, and weakens the influence of magnetic storms. “Pike tail” stabilizes the psycho-emotional state, relieves nervous tension, eliminates suspiciousness and gives self-confidence.

    The homeland of the sansevieria plant, which we have received the strange name pike tail, and in some places - mother-in-law's tongue, is distant Africa, where it grows freely in tropical forests. We are familiar with it as a houseplant, in which the leaves develop directly from the root rosette and can take the shape of an arrow up to 1 meter high or form a spherical rosette with small leaves. Its leaves, as if covered with wax, do not allow the moisture that the plant receives to actively evaporate, which means that it can easily tolerate the absence of watering for some time.

    Be that as it may, this evergreen plant has found a place everywhere: in offices and hospitals, homes and children's institutions. Surprisingly, having settled everywhere, it gave rise to a lot of beliefs and prejudices, as well as disputes about whether the pike tail is a flower, then it is harmful or beneficial.

    Is it possible to keep Sansevieria at home?

    It is known that mystics and astrologers believe that there are flowers that are simply contraindicated to be kept in a residential area, as they can harm their owners. Mother-in-law’s tongue was also included in this “black list”. There is constant debate about its properties. One of the main points of disagreement is the question of whether it is possible to keep a pike tail flower at home. A clear opinion has been established that Sansevieria has a negative effect on. However, those who grow this plant argue that everything depends on the “attitudes” of the owners: pike tail, this wonderful flower, can bring harm or benefit to the owners of the house, depending on what they believe in and what they count on. If they are afraid that the flower will cause harm, so it will be. But those who hope for the best have nothing to fear.

    Moreover, they assure: if there are disagreements in a young family, this plant must be purchased, and then the pike tail will be the flower that will bring real benefits to the young, and peace and tranquility will reign in the family.

    Medicinal properties of the plant
    1. The juice of the plant is used to treat burns and wounds, carefully lubricating the affected areas with it or applying parts of the leaves, cut into pieces, washed and cleared of the upper wax layer, to the wounds.
    2. It contains substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect, which means it can be used for problem skin by wiping it with tampons soaked in juice.
    3. In addition, the pike tail flower exhibits its beneficial features in the fight against infectious diseases, killing harmful microorganisms in the air. That is why this plant can be seen in almost any hospital and clinic.
    4. Sansevieria has an antiviral effect, therefore it is used as a preventative against colds in the form of decoctions.
    5. The diuretic properties of the plant were also discovered, as well as the fungicidal effect of its use, which makes it possible to suppress the development of fungal diseases. This, in essence, removes the question: is the pike tail flower harmful or beneficial?

    However, in fairness, it is necessary to pay attention to the negative consequences that can result from the uncontrolled use of drugs prepared from it. Like any medicinal plant, pike tail flower can cause harm to the body if used thoughtlessly and uncontrollably. It has been established that taking Sansevieria preparations without adjusted proportions can lead to overdose and poisoning. Therefore, if you decide to use your mother-in-law’s tongue for treatment, be extremely careful and careful. Remember that too much is always harmful, don’t overdo it!

    Sansevieria is a plant with succulent leaves. The plant got its name in honor of the name of the Prince of Italy San Severo Raimondo de Sangro, who contributed to the development of botany.

    Comes from tropical latitudes of Africa. In the homes of Russian amateur gardeners, Sansevieria three-striped is most often found. The plant is also called mother-in-law's tongue or pike tail due to its external features.

    In Europe, they began to be bred about two hundred years ago as an ornamental houseplant. Sansevieria is interesting for its unusual flowering pattern and ability to give a rare and fleeting beauty of its culminating time of development.

      Does pike tail bloom?

      Sansevieria rarely blooms.
      Important conditions for successful flowering pike tail are:

      The plant is capable of development even in dim light, but certain conditions must be met to release the peduncle. Bright sunlight plays a decisive role here.
      The plant forms flower stalks when localized in the segment of greatest illumination. Window sills of southern, western and eastern orientation are well suited for this.
      Good light also favors the formation of rich leaf color. But you should remember that too hot sun can damage the leaves. In winter, the lack of sunlight is easily compensated for by artificial lighting.

      Quite unpretentious in care. Needs in moderate watering. Sansevieria is a succulent plant that retains moisture in its cells. Excessive moisture must be avoided, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the root system of the plant.

      In summer you can exhibit for fresh air. This will have a beneficial effect on the life of the plant and the formation of new leaves.

      When and how does it bloom?

      When flowering, it sends out an oblong arrow, on which ripening small whitish-green flowers with fragrant drops of nectar under them are located in a frequent order. Small flowers against the background of large bright leaves look amazing. The shape of the flowers is similar to lily flowers. Their aroma is delicate. An amazing feature of flowering is the blooming of flowers late in the day.


      What time of year?

      Sansevieria blooms most often in the warm season.

      With good maintenance and an abundance of daylight, Sansevieria is able to produce a peduncle in the spring, around April or May.

      How many times does a plant bloom (per year, throughout its life)?

      Every rosette is capable of blooming only once in my life. After the peduncle has formed, the rosette stops growing and dies after some time. The plant will no longer grow in height, growing only the side stolons. And flower growers use faded rosettes to propagate the plant.

      How long does flowering last?

      Process intense flowering Sansevieria is approximately a week of 5-7 days.

      Smell when blooming

      Fragile flowers, painted cream with a greenish tint, become very thin nice smell. The delicate aroma is reminiscent of vanilla, which can spread throughout the room.

      Care after flowering

      Does the plant need pruning after flowering?

      As soon as my mother-in-law's tongue bloomed The peduncle must be cut off. And faded rosettes are used for plant propagation. Otherwise, caring for sansevieria after the flowering period is no different from caring for it before the flowering period. Moderate watering and replanting are required no more than 2 times a year.
      When replanting, you should consider the size of the pot into which the plant is transplanted. The container should not be much larger than the previous one, since flowering will occur only when the entire volume of the pot is filled with roots. In addition, she prefers a permanent location. And the leaves of the plant must be kept clean.


      So, for successful flowering, the Mother-in-Law flower needs excellent lighting, necessary care and good air ventilation. In response to proper attention, this indoor plant will give bright, long-awaited flowering and will delight delicate aroma your graceful flowers.

      Flowering on video

      You can see the flowering of Sansevieria in more detail in the following video:

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    Piketail or sansevieria is an original plant without a stem; its leaves, wide and stretching upward, grow from a common nest. The name of the plant is due to its appearance - the bush looks like fish tails sticking out of the ground.

    The height of the pike tail depends on the variety: the leaves can be short, but growing densely from one rosette, or long, reaching a meter in height.

    This plant is an evergreen; it tolerates lack of watering or dry indoor conditions due to the waxy coating on the leaves and creeping rhizome.

    Pike tail blooms in a rather original way - the buds are tied on a peduncle growing from the same rosette as the foliage.

    The flower petals are white-green in color, and their aroma is intense, quite pleasant and has bright notes of vanilla. As a rule, flowers open in the late afternoon and close their petals by dawn.

    Sansevieria, like other plants, is able to purify the air in a room and minimize the level of radiation from a TV, computer and other equipment, so a pot with a plant is often placed near electrical appliances.

    This plant is medicinal, and the range of its uses is quite wide - it is used:

    • as a diuretic, diaphoretic, choleretic agent
    • for bronchitis and cough
    • as an antiviral and immune booster
    • to get rid of inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system
    • for the treatment of wounds, skin fungus and skin inflammation- a leaf of the plant is kneaded with your hands and applied to the damaged area, the effect of treatment is noticeable the very next day

    Pike tail leaves contain essential oils that have positive influence on the nervous system, they help get rid of bad mood, headaches, nervousness, relieve tension and ease difficulty breathing.

    A flower growing in the house will strengthen the immune system, purify the air and relieve insomnia. Aromatherapy performed with essential oil pike tail.

    The harm to the plant, which is often mentioned, as a rule, lies only in superstitions and signs hovering around the pike tail.

    And no real contraindications prohibiting keeping Sansevieria in housing have been identified by either botanists or owners, except for the ban on eating the plant for people or animals, since the saponins it contains cause poisoning, vomiting and nausea.

    Pike tail is considered an “immortal” plant because it requires the most minimal care - even if you don’t water or fertilize it for a long time, it will not lose its presentable appearance appearance and will grow.

    But, if left untreated, the plant will not bloom.- if you want to see flowers covering the appendage, you must follow certain rules.

    The plant should not be grown in the cold - in the warm season the minimum temperature environment should not fall below 15 degrees, and in winter the minimum permissible value drops to 10 degrees.

    For this reason, pike tail is grown at home and not in open ground. At the same time, the plant tolerates well high temperatures- even in the absence of watering, it will not dry out for a long time.

    Pike tail tolerates sunlight well - it is only recommended to periodically shade the flower. But in spring you should not leave it in the scorching sun, as this can lead to burns on the leaves.

    If the plant is preparing to flower, then it should be removed from the abundance of light, which will speed up the opening of buds.

    Plants with variegated leaf colors should always be kept in a well-lit place so that the bright color of the foliage does not fade.

    Sansevieria practically does not need feeding, which makes caring for it much easier. Sansevieria is fed at the first planting and during replanting - adult plants are replanted every 3.5-4 years, and young ones need to carry out the procedure as they grow.

    The pot for the pike tail should be shallow, but wide enough, which is explained by the structural features of the plant’s root system. The soil in the pot must be loosened frequently.

    When replanting, do not remove the earthen lump on the roots - this can damage the rhizome.

    For pike tail, air humidity does not matter at all- the plant feels great both in high humidity and in dry air.

    The leaves of the plant can be periodically sprayed or gently wiped with a cloth to remove dust and moisten.

    Pike tail is propagated by cuttings - 10-13 centimeter pieces are cut from the leaves, the cut area is treated with charcoal.

    Prepared cuttings are placed in damp sand so that the lower 2-4 centimeters are in the ground.

    Rooting of planted plants occurs within two months, while a certain air temperature must be maintained within 22-24 degrees.

    You can propagate the plant by dividing the root, but you should be as careful as possible so as not to damage the rhizome.

    The landing goes like this: separated parts of the root are planted in sand to a depth of a couple of centimeters and left for a month- rooting in this case will be faster and will take about 35 days.

    For example, it is believed that the presence of sansevieria in the house can drive a husband out of the house and scare away suitors from the owner of the plant.

    There are also such superstitions and signs associated with the pike tail:

    • when he appears in the house, scandals subside, swearing and quarrels are extinguished
    • the plant will turn away owners who are envious and have a negative attitude towards the owners of guests
    • if you put a flower at work, next to you, then your colleagues will not be able to slander you and spread gossip
    • if the plant blooms, it’s time for new beginnings, it’s time to start a new project, it will be successful, and there will be a favorable environment and peace in the house

    But if the plant blooms in late autumn or winter, this is a bad sign, promising the owner troubles and losses. The flowering of pike tail in the cold season also indicates the likelihood of family quarrels, discord and swearing.

    According to the teachings of Feng Shui, Sansevieria has powerful and strong energy, so it is recommended to install it only in spacious, large rooms.

    In order for flowers to bring only joy and harmony, you must follow simple rules when placing them:

    • they cannot be placed between two doors
    • Do not place house plants in a straight line between the window and the door
    • an energetically strong plant should be placed at a distance of at least a meter from the workplace or recreation area

    To ensure that the pike tail brings only benefits and joy, take care of it, monitor the health of the flower, and replant it in a timely manner.

    The main thing is that the flower likes its owner, then it will show its positive qualities to the fullest.

    This flower is known in the gardening world as Sansevieria. Among fans it is also called “pike tail”. This plant is considered medicinal and requires good care. Photos of the plant can be viewed on the Internet, on sites dedicated to medicinal plants.

    It must be said that the “pike tail” became the source of the birth of a variety of signs. Some of them can be explained by the elementary laws of chemistry. It is impossible to explain why other reasons appeared.

    Of course, everyone who grows “pike tail” and cares for it at home asks the question: is this plant beneficial, or does it harm its environment?

    Features of Sansevieria

    The originality of this plant lies in the absence of a stem. This is very clearly visible in the photo. Very wide leaves, pointed towards the top. They originate from one nest, and as they grow, they rush to the top. Therefore, a whole bush is really resembles pike tails, stuck into the ground.

    The height of the leaf depends on the specific type of plant. You can find leaves reaching one meter at home, or you can see a “pike tail” with very short leaves, but there are a lot of them, and they originate from one outlet.

    This is a plant requiring careful care, in domestic conditions, belongs to the class of evergreens and is found in Africa and the Asian tropics. “Pike tail” has a creeping rhizome, its leaves are covered with a waxy coating, of a very dense consistency.

    This coating protects the leaves, preventing moisture from evaporating. Therefore, the plant may feel good under short-term drought conditions. It calmly tolerates dry indoor air.

    Sansevieria: pike tail or mother-in-law's tongue

    Only a small number of gardeners who grow and properly care for “pike tail” at home know that this plant is not considered an ornamental foliage, it has the ability to bloom.

    Its buds begin to set on a very thin peduncle, which originates from one or several rosettes with leaves. The petals of the flower usually have a white-green tint.

    The flower begins to bloom and bloom in the evening and closes with sunrise. During this period, the plant requires special care and attention.

    In addition to such an unusual cycle home life plants, gardeners talk about strong pleasant aroma of flowers, reminiscent of vanilla.

    The nectar released attracts insects to the sansevieria. Therefore, pots with “pike tail” are often installed near bushes that require pollination. Such a neighborhood can be considered mutually beneficial.

    How does the pike tail reproduce?

    The best time for this is considered to be the end of spring or the beginning of summer. The simplest method of propagation is to use side shoots. They are planted in a tight pot, which accelerates their growth and development.

    The plant can reproduce different ways: side shoots, leaves and division of the rhizome.

    To propagate the “pike tail” by dividing the rhizome, you need to use a sharp knife to divide the root into parts in which a growth point must be present. The section area should be sprinkled with coal.

    Each bush is planted in a pot into which a sandy substrate is previously poured. Transplanted bushes do not need to be watered very often, once a day is enough.

    For leaf propagation, the leaf is cut into small pieces, six cm in size. The cut is dried in air. Then it is treated with “Kornevin”, after which planted in peat mixture with sand to a depth of two cm. The humidity of the mixture should be moderate, otherwise the plant may begin to rot.

    What benefits does the “pike tail” bring?

    This plant is used in a variety of areas. First of all, it is an excellent choleretic agent. Traditional medicine uses Sansevieria as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Leaves applied to the wound promote rapid healing.

    Such properties allow the home plant to be used externally or as an internal preparation. Homemade pike tail leaves can be used similarly to aloe leaves; they should be applied to the wound for quick healing.

    Almost all elements of homemade pike tail are used in medicine. Finely chopped root has strong immunomodulatory effect. Medicinal decoctions are made from it, which have a preventive effect on colds.

    In addition, homemade pike tail has several useful properties:

    • Antiviral.
    • Fungicidal.
    • Diuretic.

    Of course, if you use this home plant haphazardly, you can harm yourself. To use it, you need to know well the individual tolerance of your body and the diagnosis of the disease.

    Basically the plant is absolutely harmless. It can be used to treat a wide variety of colds:

    1. Cough.
    2. Bronchitis.

    The use of Sansevieria in the treatment of other diseases has a great positive effect:

    • acne;
    • dermatitis;
    • skin ulcers;
    • women's diseases.

    Medicinal properties of the plant “Pike tail”

    According to traditional medicine, the plant has a beneficial effect on the human nervous state, it perfectly purifies the air. The microclimate in the room improves.

    Medical professionals are skeptical about the benefits of this plant. However, it has long been recognized medicinal plant , but not widely used in comparison with, say, chamomile.

    It must be said that the “pike tail”, with proper care, reduces the harmful effects of radiation from a computer, so it is often installed next to the monitor.

    The mythical properties of the plant, which cannot be explained by natural laws, are also of interest. For example, where there is a home flower, people very rarely quarrel, there are no scandals or petty squabbles.

    People who are often near the flower and who constantly care for it begin to feel more confident, and men's potency improves.

    The human body practically ceases to feel magnetic storms. Room cleared of viruses, especially from ARVI carriers.

    “Pike tail” helps if a person has:

    • Stressful state.
    • Mood swings.
    • Fatigue.
    • Decreased concentration.

    This is due to the fact that the home flower has a strong influence to work nervous system and brain.

    The harmful effects of the flower are mainly associated with various signs that have no scientific basis. For example, a domestic flowering plant, as popular rumor says, causes discord in family relationships.

    However, there is another opinion. This plant is a must have in a house where there are frequent quarrels or constant conflict situations.

    There is no general opinion regarding the harm that a flower can cause. The opinion of the home owner matters a lot. If he thinks that the pike tail brings joy to the house, it usually does.

    The plant can cause real harm to your health if you start taking it internally. not following the dosage. The consequences may be irreversible.

    Most often, the plant is used as external wound healing agent. This method is considered the safest; it has no contraindications.

    “Pike tail” belongs to the plants of the highly allergenic group. People who have allergic diseases need to remember this. In this case, it is better not to experiment with herbal remedies.