How to remove wax from clothes: recommendations for removing stains. How to remove wax stains - which method is the best?

Despite the abundance of laundry detergents, none of them can remove paraffin stains from fabric. But don’t despair, you can deal with this trouble yourself, without leaving your home. It is enough to arm yourself with patience and the necessary knowledge, and then engage in battle with the stain.

How to remove wax from clothes: preparatory stage

Clothes made from natural fabrics are not cheap, so it is doubly offensive to ruin them. It's not that hard to get rid of a stain if you deal with it correctly. You can begin removing wax only after it has completely dried. As soon as the mass ceases to be soft, you need to clean the wax from the candle from your clothes. This point does not depend on the type of fabric or type of clothing.

Take an item that will not damage your clothing. Even if you are convinced that you can do this carefully, it is not worth the risk. Let it be better to use a spatula, for example, than scissors. When the wax is removed, a stain will remain in its place, which can be removed different ways depending on the fabric.

Hot methods for wool, cotton and linen

Clothing made from thick natural fabrics, such as cotton, linen or wool, can be saved from wax using the hot method. There are three methods of hot wax removal from fabric products.

  1. Iron. Grab a couple of soft cotton napkins or a couple of towels. On the ironing board or any other surface that plays its role, you need to put a towel, the soiled item, and again a towel or napkins on top. Turn on the iron at the temperature allowed for this type of material. Then the area with the stain needs to be ironed several times so that the napkin absorbs the melted wax. Remove the napkin and check whether more spots. If there is, then put another napkin and iron it again. So until it disappears.
  2. Hair dryer. If the fabric is thin, try using a hair dryer. Here you can get by with a napkin on only one side of the material. Next, the algorithm is the same as in the previous method: heat the stain with a hairdryer and wait until all the wax is absorbed into the napkin.
  3. Steamer. For particularly delicate items, you can use a steamer and follow the steps indicated in the first paragraph. If you don't have a steamer, you can try a similar function on an iron. It needs to be turned on to the steam program and, without touching the surface of the fabric, run over the stain.

The hot method is contraindicated when working with colored paraffin. High temperatures will cause deep absorption of paint into the fibers, and in this case it will be almost impossible to wash wax stains from the fabric.

Fairy method for delicate items

How to remove candle wax from clothes made from delicate fabrics such as fine wool or silk? They cannot stand high temperatures, so the hot method can play a cruel joke on them. Scrape off the stubborn stain, and then apply liquid dishwashing detergent. Housewives praise "Fairy". You need to leave the item in this condition for at least ten hours. After this time (you can wait a little longer), wash the clothes according to the recommendations on the label.

As a rule, after this method the stain disappears. Before putting the item into the drum of the washing machine, do not rinse off the detergent. After washing, the product will be completely washed out and will not leave any marks on clothes.

For suede... put the kettle on

Suede fabric is quite capricious and can be easily damaged by improper care. You can remove drops of wax from suede clothes like this: hold it over steam from a kettle or other container of water for several minutes. You need to wait until the wax melts, then blot it with a napkin or sponge. But you need to act carefully, without rubbing. If the steam trick doesn't help, you can try three more methods.

  1. Refined gasoline. You can try another method: arm yourself with purified gasoline or turpentine and treat the stain with it. It is necessary to moisten a rag in the product and apply it to the dirt for about 20 minutes. Then remove it and wash it by hand in warm water, and then rinse thoroughly.
  2. Soda. You can remove paraffin stains from clothes made of fabrics with pile, such as suede and similar ones, this way: prepare a paste of baking soda and a small amount of water, apply to the stained area and leave to dry. When the soda dries, clean it off with a brush. The wax stain should go away along with the mixture.
  3. "Nuclear" mixture. Another method for removing wax from suede fabric: prepare a mixture of 50 g of purified gasoline, 10 g of wine alcohol and 35 g of ammonia. Soak cotton wool or rags in the solution and place on the stain for a couple of minutes. After this, the product must be washed by hand and rinsed thoroughly as many times as necessary. This method is also suitable for removing wax from velvet items.

Features of processing synthetics

Synthetic fabrics require a different approach than natural ones. For example, they are afraid of high temperatures, so an iron will be useless here. The exception is those items that have a sign on the tag that allows ironing.

Pour hot water into the basin, as hot as the fabric allows, and place the contaminated product in it. Let it sit for a few minutes, then take it out and blot the stain with a napkin. The procedure may have to be repeated more than once. Under no circumstances should you rub the stain.

You can try to remove the wax trace from synthetics using a piece of cotton wool or soft cloth soaked in turpentine or refined gasoline. But it is better to use this method only when you are sure that the paint will not be damaged.

Don't try to scrub hardened wax off your clothes with quick, chaotic movements, as this will only make things worse. In this case, fast and strong does not mean good. Be patient; you may have to wash the fabric several times before the stain goes away. While the item is wet, you may not notice whether a mark remains, but after drying it will become clear whether washing is still needed.

Intensive wash for jeans

Jeans - pretty practical clothes, due to frequent wear, they are the ones most often exposed to contamination. You can save your favorite denim clothes by washing the product. Fill a basin with hot (about 60°) water, add powder and soak your pants or other item of clothing for half an hour. After this, the item can be washed by hand or in an automatic machine as usual. Jeans is a fabric that can be washed intensively.

Acentone for bologna

Wax can also be removed from a Bolognese coat using a hot method using an iron and napkins made of cotton or other fabric with good absorbency. If you are afraid that the iron will “lead” the fabric, then place the item in a basin with water at the maximum allowed temperature. You can also treat the stain on your coat or jacket with acetone.

It would be a good idea to check on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric how it will behave with the chosen product. For example, if you are processing with acetone, then first apply a little on the inside of the product.

Freezing for skin

It is easier to remove a wax stain from leather fabric than from other fabrics. It is necessary to freeze the stain on a bag or other product. If it’s minus outside, then take the item out onto the balcony or street; if it’s warm outside, then put it in a bag and put it in the freezer. If you can't put the item in the freezer, fill a bag with ice and place it on top of the stain.

Once the wax has hardened, you need to carefully break it in half. You can then remove the wax with a fabric-safe object. Remaining grease stain need to be wiped with a rag or cotton wool. You can do without frost - just wipe the stain with a soft rag and turpentine.

If the wax is cosmetic

Wax, which is used for depilation, has a stickier consistency than beeswax or paraffin. When it dries, it does not scrape off, but hardens very strongly. It will be more difficult to remove wax from fabric after depilation. But you can also get rid of it in literally 5 minutes if you act correctly. Before the wax is absorbed, drop a little oil on it. The one you use during the procedure and the usual herbal one will do. After this, use your hands to rub the area a little.

Now you need not to wash traces of wax from clothes, but to get rid of the greasy oil trace. This is where dishwashing detergent comes to the rescue. It is necessary to wash the damaged fabric with it. Another product that will help in this situation is a special solvent that is used in salons to clean wax from instruments. With its help you can remove stains not only on clothes, but also on any surfaces. But you should use this solvent on fabrics only after you have tested it for stability.

There are several ways and means to remove paraffin from clothes; it is important to act correctly. But you shouldn’t forget about precautions, because it’s always easier to prevent stains from appearing than to get rid of them.

04/06/2017 1 8 120 views

Contamination from wax drops is a rare occurrence, but every time it causes bewilderment: how to remove a stain from candle wax from clothes? It is more difficult to deal with colored wax, because then you will have to deal with the dye. But in fact, you can get rid of such stains at home without going to the dry cleaner.

What should you know?

Before you begin removing stains, you should take note of the information, knowledge of which will help not only remove the stain, but also avoid problems with the fabric:

  • You should always take into account the type of fabric and the specific contamination.
  • The melting point of wax is 45 degrees, so the main way to remove it from the material is thermal exposure.
  • The peculiarity of wax or paraffin is its ability to penetrate into the material and leave a greasy mark on its surface. Therefore, the substance can be removed not only under the influence of heat, but also by exposure to steam.
  • Stains from a colored scented candle are more difficult to remove, and if you immediately treat them thermally, there is a high probability of encountering the problem of getting rid of the dye. In this case, you cannot do without the help of household chemicals.
  • Delicate fabrics such as silk or synthetics should not be exposed to excessive heat as they are likely to deteriorate. appearance or melting the fibers of matter. Therefore, removing wax from such materials requires the use of chemicals.
  • Before using any chemical, you should check the reaction of the material to it. This can be done on an inconspicuous area of ​​the item using a minimal amount of product.
  • The wax can not only be melted, but also exposed to cold: all that remains is to remove the greasy stain.
  • If you need to clean the fur from wax, you need to put the product in the cold for about 2 hours, and then lightly comb the fur fibers, shaking off the wax.

It is permissible to heat only natural, sufficiently dense, unpainted material.

  1. If the paraffin has not yet hardened, it can be removed by blotting with a paper napkin, but the paper does not need to be rubbed, otherwise the stain will become larger, and the wax will penetrate into the fabric and become fixed in its structure.
  2. Hardened wax from a church candle can be scraped off with any, preferably plastic, device.
  3. In order for the paraffin to harden better and, accordingly, move away from the material more efficiently, you need to put the item in a regular bag and put it in the freezer for half an hour. A simplified option: place an ice pack on the stain.


Dishwashing detergent works well on grease stains: it should be applied to the stain before putting it in the washing machine. This method is well suited if the fabric is delicate and it is undesirable to subject it to strong mechanical stress.

Among other things, the following will be effective:

  • washing powder;
  • laundry soap;
  • ethanol;
  • ammonia, table vinegar, diluted in water;
  • petrol;
  • liquids containing acetone;
  • solvents;
  • stain removers and bleaches.

You can clean the item from greasy marks manually or using a washing machine. When using a washing machine, you should add bleach to the powder if the instructions for the item allow its use. The delicate cycle is a suitable option for all fabrics when washing with bleach.

When exposing a thing to heat, you need to regulate the temperature in accordance with the maximum permissible for this product. The necessary information is always written on the item's label.

When working with chemicals, you need to take care of your own safety: protect exposed skin and respiratory tract.

How to remove candle wax stains using heat or steam?

Wax contamination can be removed from fabric with a dense structure by resorting to the classic method, which will take a little time and effort. Suitable for cleaning down jackets and bolognese jackets.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Lay the undyed fabric on a flat surface, such as a table.
  2. Cover the fabric with plain paper towels.
  3. Place the soiled item on top and cover the stain with paper, then with a towel or gauze.
  4. Using an iron heated to a temperature of 50 degrees, iron the stain several times, replacing the paper under and on the material.
  5. Gradually the wax will transfer to the paper, all that remains is to wash the item in the usual way.

You can also clean a coat, but with light-colored material you need to be especially careful so that there are no streaks.

If you need to clean your jeans after the procedures described, you can use denatured alcohol, but do not rub, otherwise the area will turn pale. Blot the stain with a lint cloth and wash the entire item.

Steam exposure is suitable for materials that can become deformed when ironed at home, for example, suede.

How to clean with steam?

  • After the top layer of dirt has been removed, the clothes should be left over steam for 20 minutes, then washed in the usual way.
  • Gentle cleaning of delicate fabrics is possible using hot water: hold the desired area under running boiling water for about 5 minutes so that the water passes through the material, but does not flow down it.
  • Using steam is easy: melt the paraffin over steam and carefully, without rubbing, remove the dirt with a paper napkin.
  • Instead of steam, you can use hot air, for example, from a hair dryer.

Additional cleaning methods

  • For wool and thin fabric, remove the wax and lightly wet the item. Apply a little dishwashing detergent to the stained area. Leave for several hours, then wash using washing powder. Thin material can be cleaned like this: make a solution of a teaspoon of ammonia and a liter of water. Apply to the stain and leave for half an hour. Rinse with running water.
  • Velvet and synthetics - suitable chemicals that contain solvent components: alcohol, gasoline, turpentine, etc. They cope with traces of paraffin and do not damage fabric fibers. Apply one of the chemicals to a cotton pad, place it on top of the stain and leave for 40 minutes. To get rid of the strong unpleasant odor, it is recommended to wash the item with added conditioner after treatment. Gasoline cannot be used on synthetics; before using any chemical liquids, it is necessary to test the reaction of the fabric on a small piece of material.
  • Leather – peel off the top layer of paraffin, slightly bruising the leather. Soak a cotton pad in the solution laundry soap and wipe away the greasy mark. Rinse the area with water.

In the fight against colored spots, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Carefully scrape off the wax without damaging the fabric.
  2. Soak clothes in warm water. Add bleach or stain remover according to label directions. Leave for 4 hours.
  3. Wash the item with powder.
  4. If there is a greasy mark left, you can remove it using an iron, steaming or chemicals, taking into account the care instructions for this clothing.

How to remove wax from a carpet?

There are several ways to remove a candle stain from a carpet.

  • Using freezing. The essence of the method is to cool the paraffin to achieve maximum hardening of the substance. Ice is suitable for this purpose and should be placed on the contaminated area for several minutes. Then remove the wax and use a carpet cleaner or spray. After the procedure, blot the area with a cloth with clean water and vacuum the carpet.
  • Using meltdown. Place a brown paper bag, such as a grocery bag, over the stain. Preheat the iron and, without using steam, iron the bag. It should be constantly pulled over the unsoaked area to lift all the wax from the carpet. If a colored trace remains, moisten it with alcohol, cover with a cloth and steam with an iron - the dye should remain on the fabric. Vacuum the carpet to distribute the pile evenly. Instead of an iron, you can use a hair dryer, then the paper bag should be replaced with a paper towel, since the hair dryer gives off less heat.

A stain from a tablecloth is removed in the same way as in most cases: using two layers of paper on both sides of the cloth and ironing. Getting rid of a fresh stain is much easier than scrubbing an old one.

Wax drops on linoleum are cleaned as follows: you need to scrape off the top layer, apply gasoline to the area, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water and detergent.

Video: 2 best ways to remove wax.

Removing stains from furniture

Wooden furniture is easier to clean than upholstered furniture: you need to scrape off the wax without damaging the varnished surface, wipe the area with a soft cloth moistened with a special polishing agent, and wipe the wood dry.

If it is possible to remove the cover from a chair or sofa, then you need to put a towel under the back of the canvas, and place a porous fabric or highly absorbent paper on the front side. Next, iron the stain with an iron, changing the soaked paper from time to time. The iron temperature should be set taking into account the type of finishing material. Finally, wash the cover in a warm soapy solution and rinse well.

Traces from a colored candle are more difficult to remove; during a thermal procedure, there is a possibility that the dye will become even more ingrained into the fabric. Therefore, you need to try out the stain remover, first checking its effect on a piece of scrap, which is usually included with new things.

If the upholstery color is permanent, you can put the stained area in boiling water, then all the wax will drain, all that remains is to wash the cover with powder.

If the upholstery cannot be removed, you need to freeze the paraffin using ice and scrape it off. Then apply an absorbent agent - potato starch or chalk. Heat the sifted absorbent powder in a frying pan, pour it onto the greasy stain and cover with paper napkins in several layers. Press down with something heavy and leave overnight. The fat must be absorbed. Clean off the powder crust with a brush, treat the area with soapy water, and rinse with water, soaking a foam sponge in it.

You can use ammonia, treat the greasy mark with it, and then rinse with clean water. It is convenient to dry furniture with a hairdryer.

The difficulty in removing wax stains is that this substance does not dissolve in water. Cooling and heating are two main techniques in the fight against this type of pollution. Subjecting items to one or another temperature test and using chemical reagents should only be done after carefully studying the instructions for caring for the product or after first checking the reaction of the fabric to cleaning agents.

Often candle wax drips onto clothes and a noticeable stain remains in this place, similar to a greasy mark. You can ruin a thing when using decorative candles, in church during a service, when creating homemade paraffin candles, and simply by moving a candle from one room to another in the absence of light. And as luck would have it, the candle drips onto good, expensive and high-quality things that you have been planning to wear for more than one year. In fact, it is possible to remove a candle stain, and it is not very difficult. The main thing is not to make mistakes and act strictly according to the instructions.

How to remove wax stains from clothes

  1. If you immediately notice that wax has dripped onto your clothes, do not panic and scrape off the uncured paraffin. This way you will simply spread the soft composition over the fabric, increasing the area of ​​contamination. Leave the wax until completely dry.
  2. If the wax does not harden for a long time, it can be “frozen”. Place the item of clothing in the freezer to allow the wax to set properly.
  3. Once the wax is strong, carefully scrape off the hardened stain with a sharp object. This can be done with a spoon, a coin or the back of a knife.
  4. Once the top of the stain is removed, rub the cloth gently to break up the hardened pieces of wax. Rub the fabric as if you were hand washing it. After this, brush away the wax crumbs from the damaged item.
  5. At this stage, you will only have a stain on the fabric that looks like a grease mark. In fact, this is a thin layer of paraffin that can also be removed. For this we need paper, a piece of cotton fabric and an iron.
  6. Place the item so that the stain covers a piece of clean fabric. Place paper over the stain. The result is a three-layer structure that needs to be ironed. After heating the fabric with an iron, the wax melts and flows out of the structure of the material. You need to change the fabric every time and substitute a clean area. If the paper also gets dirty, you need to change it too.
  7. Usually, after such cleansing, there is no trace of paraffin left on the clothes, or it is very insignificant. Remains of wax stains will completely disappear after washing the item at 60 degrees.

Most often, candle stains spoil things dear to the heart that are made of delicate fabrics, and they need to be dealt with in different ways, taking into account the structure and properties of the material.

  1. Suede leather. Shoes, bags, gloves and other accessories are made from this material. Most suede products are quite difficult to iron due to the uneven surface of the product. To clean suede from wax stains, you need to expose the stain to a stream of steam. When the material is hot enough, the wax will begin to melt. After this, you need to apply a clean cloth or paper napkin to the stain to absorb the wax. This needs to be repeated several times. Be extremely careful not to spread the liquid wax over an even larger area.
  2. Silk. Silk is a very thin and delicate material that requires careful handling. Silk items are the easiest to clean. They are placed in the freezer and the wax is removed while frozen. Usually the wax crumbs are completely removed from the fabric without a trace.
  3. Wool. To save woolen items, you need to apply a little dishwashing detergent to the candle stain and leave for half an hour. Dishwashing gel contains special components that perfectly break down fat. After this you need to wash the item in washing machine on a cycle designed for washing woolen items.
  4. Synthetics. It is difficult to clean synthetic products without harming the fabric itself, because synthetic fibers are very thin and fragile. When heated with an iron, the fabric may simply melt, so we will use moderately high temperatures to remove the stain. Prepare a three-layer sandwich from the fabric, as you would for removing wax using an iron. This time we will only heat the fabric with a hairdryer. Gently direct hot air onto the stain and heat the wax. Soak the melting wax each time with clean napkins. Do not bring the hair dryer too close to avoid melting the fabric.
  5. Velvet. It is quite difficult to clean this type of fabric, since the wax eats into the fibers, and it can be almost impossible to return them to their previous appearance. There is one way that can save velvet products. For this you will need turpentine. Soak a cotton pad in turpentine and apply it to the contaminated area. Leave for 20-40 minutes depending on the reaction. From time to time, clean the wax softened with turpentine with a clean cloth and apply a fresh cotton pad. The process is quite labor-intensive, but what can you do to save your favorite thing!
  6. Leather. It is quite simple to clean leather products from wax - paraffin, when frozen, falls off on its own. But to remove greasy marks that may remain on artificial leather, you can use alcohol. Soak a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the stain with it. Usually this measure is enough and not a trace remains of the stain.
  7. Fur. It is quite difficult to rid fur products of wax stains. It is necessary to gradually heat the fur with an iron through cloth napkin, and then clean the fibers from wax. The same should be done if wax gets on the carpet. If it is impossible to remove an old candle stain, you just need to carefully cut off the top fibers of the carpet. If the carpet is colorful, the defect will not be noticeable at all.

How to remove residual grease stains from fabric

Sometimes it happens that the wax stain eats away so much that greasy marks remain on the fabric. To get rid of them, you need to heat the cloth and sprinkle the stain with talcum powder. The talc adsorbs the melted wax, making the stain much less noticeable. After this, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of water. You need to test the reverse side of the product with the prepared composition. This is done in order to check the tissue's reaction to ammonia. If the fabric has not faded and remains in the same condition, you can soak a napkin in the solution and treat the stain with alcohol. After cleaning, wash the item on a gentle cycle in the washing machine.

How to remove wax stains from colored fabrics

Products made from delicate colored fabrics must be handled very carefully so as not to spoil the shade. To do this, you may need gasoline or thinner. Soak a cotton swab in the chosen product and carefully treat the contaminated area. Apply gasoline from the center of the stain to its edges so that the area of ​​the stain does not increase. In this case, you need to place paper or a napkin on the bottom of the fabric. Clothing decorations in the form of embroidery, rhinestones, beads or other details can be cleaned with acetone. Soak it in it cotton swab and carefully clean the small parts of the decoration.

When we put stubborn stains on our clothes, we mentally say goodbye to this item of clothing with bitter regret. With the help of our tips, you can save damaged items and extend their life.

Video: how to remove wax from clothes

Sometimes wax residues can be found on clothing and surrounding objects. I decided to find out how to remove wax stains from clothes at home with my own hands. Now, having tested many methods, I will share with you the most effective ones.

Variety of methods

Removing wax from fabric without ruining it is quite a difficult task. It is necessary to take into account the type of fabric so as not to damage the fibers during the cleaning process.

Universal solution: 2 ways

A universal method can be called removing wax from clothes using freezing. So, it is almost impossible to spoil the thing.

Instructions on how to clean fabric from greasy wax stains when frozen:

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Method 1. Frosty weather

If the weather is frosty outside, you can remove the wax as follows:

  1. Hang the laundry on the balcony or outside and leave it for two hours.
  2. After some time, transfer the still slightly “frozen” items to a warm room and use the blunt side of a knife to scrape off the frozen wax.
  3. Shake off any excess thoroughly.
Method 2: Freezer
  1. Place wax-stained clothing in a plastic bag.
  2. Place it on the top shelf of the freezer (example in the photo).
  3. Leave the item for 6 hours.
  4. After a while, scrape off the paraffin stain and shake off the residue.

In this way you can remove stains from leather, leatherette and fur products.

The stain removal process is best done when the paraffin has hardened naturally. If you try to wipe it off immediately, there is a risk of simply smearing it and thereby increasing the area of ​​contamination.

Types of fabrics and 5 ways to remove wax from them

What removal methods can be applied to different types of tissues. Details are in the table:

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Method 1. For natural fabrics
  1. Place the clothing on a flat surface with the stained side facing up so that the wax can be easily removed.
  2. Cover the stain with any paper napkin (in our case, a bag).
  3. Iron the desired area with a hot iron.
  4. The paraffin should melt and imprint on the paper.
  5. Change the paper when it gets dirty.
  6. Finally, wash any remaining grease stain using a regular machine wash.

In this way you can save flax, cotton and wool.

Method 2. For fur
  1. Freeze the item (outside or in the freezer).
  2. Once the paraffin has set, lightly rub the fibers against each other.
  3. Then lay the product on a flat surface and comb out any residue using a fine-toothed comb.

This method is suitable for both natural and faux fur.

Method 3. Synthetics
  1. Soak the item in hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. Rub it with your hands in the area of ​​contamination.
  3. To enhance the effect, you can rub the affected area with a soft brush.
  4. Rinse any remaining paraffin from synthetics with cool water.

The first time you may not be able to completely remove traces of wax, so you can repeat the procedure several times.

Method 4. Leather and suede
  1. Remove most hardened wax from suede or leather with the blunt side of a knife.
  2. Hold the item over the steam for two minutes.
  3. Remove any remaining paraffin with a soft cloth.

Method 5. Jeans
  1. Place the jeans in a bag and place them in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  2. Take out the item and thoroughly rub the stained area.

Delicate fabrics: 4 ways to remove wax

Delicate fabrics need to be handled especially carefully; the price of excessive exposure is a damaged item. How and with what to remove wax from clothes in such cases:

Image Recommendations

Method 1. Boiling water
  1. Boil the kettle and at the same time place the item in a deep basin.
  2. Pour boiling water directly onto the stain; the paraffin should dissolve.

Method 2. Alcohol
  1. Place a towel under the product.
  2. Pour some alcohol onto the stained area.
  3. Blot excess with a napkin.

This method is excellent for removing colored wax stains.

Method 3. Detergent for dishes
  1. Pour a little dishwashing liquid onto the desired area.
  2. Rub the dirt with a soft sponge.
  3. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
Method 4. Hydrogen peroxide
  1. Place a plastic bag on both sides of the stained area.
  2. Pour peroxide directly onto the stain, cover with the top bag and place in a dark place for an hour.
  3. Check the result and repeat if necessary.

Cleaning shoes

If paraffin needs to be removed from shoes, there are two effective methods:

  1. Mechanical. Use iron and paper, freeze, steam and the dull side of a knife. Suitable for leather and suede shoes.
  2. Chemical. It is necessary to treat the required area with glycerin (patent leather), turpentine ( Genuine Leather), alcohol and ammonia (suede). Finally, you need to remove any remaining product with a soft, damp sponge.


We found out that you can remove paraffin from clothes different ways. By using the above mentioned tricks, you can easily remove wax from any surface. The video in this article will clearly confirm the words. If you have questions, ask and discuss in the comments.

If clothes are stained with drops of wax, it is not necessary to take them to the dry cleaner. Stains can be removed at home. There are several ways to remove it yourself beeswax and paraffin from clothes. The main thing is that you don’t need to try to wash the stain right away, because this way you will only be able to rub the dirt over the surface. You need to wait for the drop to harden.

What should you pay attention to first?

Usually wax gets on the fabric during a holiday, depilation or a romantic date. Such stains can be easily removed. There is no need to immediately try to remove the wax from the fabric, because you can get burned, and the stain will be absorbed into the material even deeper.

If wax gets on your clothes, you can first remove the bulk with a napkin, and then remove the residue.

You need to know that if the wax stain is not removed in the first hours, then after two days no home remedies will help.

Removing wax from natural fabric clothing

The easiest way to wipe off wax drops that are on natural fabrics. It is necessary to lay a pair under the contaminated area paper napkins, and put a thin fabric on top and iron it with an iron. As a result, drops from the candle will end up on the paper. This action must be repeated several times, replacing dirty napkins with new ones. To get rid of small stains, you can use a spoon preheated in boiling water.

You can remove the stain using boiling water. To do this, you need to boil water and dip the soiled item into it. The spots should float to the surface. When this happens, the thing needs to be carefully examined. If there are still marks on the fabric, the process must be repeated. After this, you should wash your clothes.

There is no need to use this method if the candle was colored. In this case, the dye will be strongly absorbed into the fabric, and it will be difficult to remove the stain. In such a situation, it is recommended to use a special stain remover.

Removing wax from jeans and synthetics

Wax marks that remain on jeans can be removed using an iron. The product will need to be frozen first. After this, the fabric is easy to clean, because the wax will crumble easily. You only need to remove the remaining particles using an iron and napkins.

If you need to remove candle drops from clothes made of synthetic fabrics, then in most cases you will have to do without an iron or not heat it above the temperature indicated on the product.

To get rid of wax stains, it is recommended to soak synthetic items in hot water. As soon as the substance gets wet, it can be removed with a napkin or cloth. After washing, there will be no trace of fat left. There are fabrics that cannot be ironed or other mechanical actions applied to them. In this case, the wax stain can be removed using a solvent. They need to moisten a cotton pad and rub the dried wax. Then the fabric should be washed in warm water.

It is recommended to use solvent on the back side first. If the area of ​​fabric being treated is not damaged, the product can also be used on the front side. Otherwise, it is recommended to use a stain remover.

You can try removing candle drops using dishwashing detergent. You need to drop it on the problem area and leave the thing for three hours. Then the product needs to be washed.

Removing stains from delicate fabrics

If the clothing has been damaged by traces of a colored candle, it will be more difficult to remove the wax. The dye remains deep in the tissue, and it becomes almost impossible to cope with the problem. There is no need to try to wash the stains, because the substance can penetrate even deeper into the fabric.

You can try to fix the problem by freezing. Then you need to apply a stain remover to the problem area and wash the item.

Suede and fur products

You need to freeze your clothes. After this, the paraffin can be easily removed. To clean suede, you need to place it between a soft cloth and a hot iron. But you need to act very carefully and remove the electrical appliance in time. If the product overheats, dents may appear.