How to wash clothes so that they smell delicious. How to ensure your laundry smells good after washing. How to make your laundry smell nice

Sleeping on pleasant-smelling linen is incomparably more comfortable than if the bed has bad smell. Unpleasant odor from laundry can occur for various reasons. If the bed linen was left in a dirty drawer and then washed in express mode without air conditioning, if the bed linen was forgotten in the machine, etc., then it will undoubtedly smell bad. It happens that the linen itself is of poor quality and then it smells bad even in the packaging. In order to get rid of unpleasant odor, you need to wash it with a good conditioner or, in extreme cases, with the addition of vinegar; you can pause it in the rinse mode with conditioner for half an hour, and immediately hang it up after washing.

The problem of bad smell from laundry will not arise if it is stored correctly. Firstly, linen should not be stored together with clothes. It can absorb body and street odors. Bed linen should have a separate shelf or compartment. You can conveniently store your laundry in the chest of drawers. Secondly, both the closet and chest of drawers need to be ventilated periodically. Thirdly, washed and ironed linen cannot be immediately put on shelves. It should sit for a while and dry. If you follow these simple rules, the smell of your bed linen will never put you in an awkward position in front of your guests and family.

Very good way to give a pleasant aroma to bed linen - use phytosachet. A sachet is a pillow or bag filled with dry aromatic herbs. Natural phytoproducts are used for linen - verbena, vanilla and other aromas. Textiles absorb odors very well and retain aroma. In summer, refreshing aromas or subtle fruity, delicate herbal scents are good. Lavender is always popular for these purposes, as it also repels moths. The only downside to lavender is that it wears out quickly. For romantic natures, you can use aphrodisiacs, for example, patchouli with a warm woody aroma. For sophisticated women, you can coordinate the scents of bed linen with the scent of a day or evening perfume. Natural calm scents are perfect for any perfume. A huge assortment of aroma sachets from different manufacturers are offered by almost all household chemical stores. Incense sticks and oriental incense smell good.

There are more common ways that busy women use - simply put a piece of fragrant soap under your laundry on the shelf. Some people spray their laundry with perfumed water from a spray bottle when ironing. Good method- put a bottle of your favorite perfume that has run out under your underwear.

Sometimes the washed clothes in the closet begin to emit far from fresh aroma, and then the question arises - how to remove the musty smell from the laundry? The most in an effective way is a new wash. All items must be washed again in a washing machine, with the addition of powder and fabric softener, and then dried in the sun. If you don’t have time for this, you can use one of the proven methods.

A quick way to get rid of the musty smell of things

If things “suffocate” while lying in the closet, you can eliminate the smell as follows:

  1. take all the laundry outside in good hot weather and hang on a rope. Sometimes this is enough to eliminate the musty smell;
  2. put a container with coffee beans. Coffee will absorb the musty aroma and prevent it from arising in the future;
  3. Herbs are a good absorber of unpleasant odors. Dried stems and flowers of lavender, mint and lemon balm, prepared for the season, should be placed in fabric bags and placed in the closet.

You can mask the smell with a bar of soap placed under your laundry. In the future, things should be put away in the closet only after they have been thoroughly dried and ironed. Periodically they need to be taken out and shaken.

Eliminating musty smells with bleach

Often the reason that things begin to smell unpleasant after washing is mold or fungi that grow in a cold and poorly ventilated room. Often, mustiness appears as a result of insufficient drying of laundry or untimely removal of washed items from the machine. Getting rid of this problem is not easy, but there is one proven method that is suitable for white laundry.

This remedy is chlorine, which will really help solve the problem:

  • destroy fungi and mold, which are the source of unpleasant odors;
  • clean laundry from stains;
  • refresh the fabric by removing the musty aroma.

If the smell is old and firmly ingrained in the fibers, then it is better to soak the laundry in water, adding about 100 ml of bleach per 5 liters of water. After soaking for 5-8 hours, the item is washed in a machine or by hand in the usual way.

You can put things directly into the washing machine and add the required amount of liquid detergent. When the drum is filled with warm water, add 200 ml of bleach to the powder compartment. After washing, the laundry should be thoroughly dried in the sun.

Vinegar and baking soda to remove musty smell from laundry

All things that for some reason suddenly began to exude a foul aroma should be put in the washing machine (not very tightly), and then turn on a quick wash. When the drum is filled with water, you need to pour regular table vinegar into the powder compartment. Before rinsing, you need to press pause for about 20-30 minutes to allow the laundry to soak in the acid. Then turn on the start and wait for the washing to finish. To prevent things from “smelling” of vinegar, you need to pour a special liquid into the rinse aid compartment and select the “rinse” mode. Next, clean and fresh items are hung on the dryer and then put away in the closet.

A well-known odor absorber is baking soda. It is often used as a disinfectant, which allows you to simultaneously remove pathogenic flora and clean fabrics (dishes, carpeting, etc.). To remove the musty smell from fabric, you need to fold it in washing machine, adding 100 g of baking soda instead of powder. Wash on a quick wash cycle using the soak procedure.

Before putting clean laundry in the closet, all shelves must be wiped down to remove mold and mildew. This can be done with water with the addition of white, vinegar or baking soda. You can use any detergent suitable for cleaning furniture.

Using Smelloff to remove musty smells from laundry

Smelloff is a universal solution designed to eliminate unpleasant odors of various etiologies. Thanks to its unique composition, the product copes well with old odors of sweat, urine, tobacco smoke, mustiness, spoiled food, etc. Smeloff can be used in public places (hospitals, toilets, etc.) and at home, using it in basements, rooms, closets. Using the neutralizer at home is simple and convenient, and the results will last for a long time, unlike other products.

To remove musty or any other unpleasant odor from fabric, just apply Smelloff over the entire surface and wait until the laundry dries. At the same time, the textiles will be cleared of stains and will acquire a pleasant aroma, like after a good wash.

The product has a convenient release form - a spray, which allows you to quickly and easily treat any surface. Smeloff is an indispensable drug in every home, safe for the health of people and animals, and at the same time universal, helping to keep the house and things perfectly clean.

Do your clothes sometimes smell bad even after you wash them? Don't worry, it's easy to fix! There are ways to freshen up your clothes and make them smell good, even if you only have a few minutes to spare.


How to wash clothes

    More often wash your clothes . The longer you wear clothes, the more they smell. If you have worn an item several times, do not keep it with other clean clothes, otherwise they may also develop an unpleasant odor. Store dirty clothes separate from the clean one. Some items of clothing can only be worn once before washing, while others can be worn for quite a long time before they develop an odor. Try to wash dirty and sweat-smelling clothes immediately.

    • Leggings, shirts, socks, swimsuits, tights, blouses, T-shirts and underwear should be washed every time you wear them.
    • Dresses, jeans, trousers, pajamas, shorts and skirts can be washed after wearing them a few times.
    • The bra can be washed after you wear it 2-3 times. Buy several bras so you don't have to wear the same bra twice in a row.
    • The suit can be worn 3-5 times, then it should be cleaned. In a clean environment, such as an office, the suit can be worn longer. Conversely, you should clean your suit more often if you are in dirty or smoky areas.
  1. Use scented laundry detergent or essential oils. Most laundry detergents have a fresh scent, but some have a stronger scent than others. Choose products that contain a specific scent on the packaging, and do not exceed the recommended dosage. Do not use more funds than indicated on the package, otherwise it may remain on clothing, causing an unpleasant odor. If you're trying to avoid using artificial fragrances, try adding 10-12 drops of essential oil to your washing machine during the final rinse.

    • Before purchasing a particular detergent, make sure you like the smell. Open the lid and smell.
    • Experiment with essential oils and find ones whose scent suits you. Don't be afraid to mix several different essential oils to achieve the scent you want.
  2. Remove clothes from the washing machine immediately after washing. Try not to let clothes sit in the washing machine. Immediately remove washed clothes and hang them on the clothesline or put them in the dryer. Leaving wet clothes in the washing machine for too long can cause mold to form on them, giving them a musty and unpleasant smell. If you accidentally leave your clothes in the washing machine and mold appears on them, you can easily get rid of the unpleasant smell with white vinegar.

    Once every six months, spend deep cleaning washing machine with vinegar. Over time in washing machines Mold forms and an unpleasant odor appears, which is transferred to the clothes. Do not load anything into the washing machine. Pour 2–4 cups (0.5–1 liter) of white vinegar into the detergent dispenser. Run a full wash cycle at maximum intensity and temperature. Then add a cup (260 grams) of baking soda and run another cycle. Afterwards, wipe the drum and the outside of the machine with a microfiber cloth.

    • If desired, you can use bleach or a commercial washing machine cleaner instead of vinegar.
    • If you use bleach, wash white items the first time after cleaning your machine.
    • When you are not using your washing machine, leave the loading door slightly open to allow any remaining moisture to evaporate from the drum, otherwise mold and odor-causing bacteria may grow in there.

    How to dry clothes

    1. Make sure your clothes are completely dry before putting them away in the closet. Do not put wet clothes in the wardrobe as they may become moldy and cause an unpleasant odor. If clothes are not completely dry after being tumble dryed, dry them again for about 15 minutes. You can also hang your clothes out to air dry.

      Add strips or essential oils to your dryer. Drying strips give clothes a pleasant smell, soften the fabric and act as an antistatic agent. When loading a load of washed clothes, simply place a strip in the dryer and run on the normal drying cycle. If you use a particular scented laundry detergent, check to see if there are dryer strips available from the same manufacturer.

      • To add a pleasant scent to your clothes, you can also apply a few drops of essential oil to a piece of fabric and place it in the dryer with the clothes.
      • Use a fresh drying strip every time.
    2. Maintain your dryer properly. Do not forget to clean the lint filter after each drying, otherwise odors may remain on it, which will then transfer to your clothes. At least once a year, remove the filter and wash it warm water with soft detergent. At least once a month, wipe the dryer drum with a microfiber cloth soaked in a 1:1 solution of hot water and white vinegar.

      • You can also soak a few towels in vinegar and dry them as normal. Vinegar kills odor-causing bacteria.
    3. Hang clothes to dry. Some people prefer not to use a dryer and hang their clothes on special racks or clothes lines. After drying in the open air, the clothes acquire a pleasant smell of freshness and cleanliness. If you dry your clothes on fresh air Please note that some fabrics may fade in the sun. If you hang clothes indoors, it should be well ventilated - for example, you can dry clothes near open windows.

      • Hang it out white clothes in the sun. Sunlight will whiten the fabric, and fresh air will give clothes a pleasant, clean smell.
      • Please note that when drying in the fresh air, the fabric may not be as soft as it is after the dryer.

    How to store clothes

    1. Place scented sachets and dryer strips in your wardrobes and chests of drawers. Freshen the air in your closets and chests of drawers with sachets of your favorite scents of dried herbs, flowers and spices. You can buy such bags in a store or make your own: pour aromatic mixtures or dried herbs into gauze bags and tie them with ribbons. Place the bags in wardrobes and chests of drawers.

      • To eliminate unpleasant odors and freshen clothes, you can also use dryer strips. Place them in wardrobes and chests of drawers, as well as in shoes.
    2. Use essential oils or perfumes. Apply 2-5 drops of your favorite essential oil or perfume to a piece of cloth, paper towel, or cotton balls and place them in your closets and dressers. You can also apply a few drops of essential oil to the inside wall of your cabinet. Wait for the oil to dry before placing clothes in the closet. Also try using scented candles or soap.

      • Place an unlit candle or a bar of scented soap on the closet shelf.
      • You can also freshen the air in your wardrobe with bath bombs.
    3. Spray the inside of the cabinet with air freshener or disinfectant. Typically, these products only mask bad odors rather than eliminate them. It is best to use an odor neutralizing product with a pleasant scent, such as Febreze. You can also make your own air freshener by filling a spray bottle with ½ cup (120 ml) white vinegar and ½ cup (120 ml) water and adding ten drops of your favorite essential oil.

      Use wood with a strong scent as a natural air freshener. Cedar and sandalwood work well for this. Place one or two pieces of wood in your wardrobe so that your clothes are saturated with their aroma. Cedar repels insects and absorbs moisture, which is one of the main causes of musty smell in clothes.

    4. Get rid of unpleasant odors using baking soda. Place an open bag of baking soda at the bottom of your wardrobe or in the corner of your dresser. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the baking soda for extra flavor. Make your own air freshener by taking a small tin or plastic jar and pouring baking soda into it. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and stir the baking soda with a fork. Make several holes in the lid and close the jar.

      • You don't have to cover the jar with a lid, but this is not recommended if you have small children or overly curious pets.
      • Sprinkle some baking soda into your shoes to eliminate unpleasant odors. However, don’t forget to shake out the baking soda the next day!

Sleep is the key to our well-being and health, which means that everything connected with it in the house should be best quality. This applies to the choice of bed and mattress, selection of bed linen. Linen should be comfortable, pleasant to the body, clean and fresh. How to make it pleasant to go to bed? How to turn your bed into a fragrant space? We will talk about this in our article.

Fragrances occupy a special place in our lives; we all depend on our sense of smell. Fragrances for bed linen will create a cozy and individual atmosphere in the bedroom. Just imagine - you walk into a room and smell the pleasant smell of fresh bed linen...

How to give your laundry a pleasant smell?

The easiest way is to use conditioners with fragrances when washing. Modern market products offers a whole host of fragrances for every taste: alpine freshness, Scandinavian spring, floral aromas. However, not everyone will like this method: artificial odors are valued much less than natural flavors.

For those who appreciate natural scents, the use of essential oils will be to their taste:

  • To create a concentrated scent, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the conditioner compartment. Be careful to add oil to the machine just before the final rinse and not while distributing the powder and loading the machine. Otherwise, it may damage your washing machine.
  • If you are using a steam steamer, then add oil to the water compartment. If the iron has a steam function, then into a special hole on the iron.
  • In the closet where bed linen is stored, it is also necessary to create a fragrant environment - this is perfect for this. empty essential oil bottle, which still gives off an odor for a month or two. It is also advisable to wipe the cabinet shelves with water to which oil has been added.
  • To refresh pillowcases, duvet covers and sheets, You can put napkins between them, onto which you first drop a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. The fragrance, lying in the sheets, will work while the linen is stored in the closet.

How to make your own bed linen spray?

Flavored or aromatic water is one of the indispensable elements for the home. It's perfect for making your bed linen smell nice. This water can be bought in stores - it is usually sold in the form of sprays or perfumes for laundry, but you can also prepare it yourself.

For this you will need one liter of warm clean water, 50 ml of alcohol and a couple of drops of lavender essential oil or geranium oil. Lavender has calming and analgesic properties, and geranium has healing properties; this particular aroma will help get rid of insomnia, and will also scare away moths in the closet, if this scourge worries you.

Add alcohol to warm water, stir and drop in essential oil. It is better to leave the resulting mixture for several days so that it infuses, then pour the liquid into a spray bottle, shake and use to irrigate the closet and the bedding itself. When using fragrant water directly on laundry, be careful not to overdo it, otherwise the smell will turn out cloying and too intrusive.

The finished aromatic water is stored at room temperature for several months. You just need to add a few drops of aroma oil about once a week to prevent the liquid from fermenting, while shaking it.

Take care of the quality of your sleep, making the process not only useful, but also enjoyable!


If you want your laundry to smell fresh and pleasant, use essential oils. In addition, they have excellent disinfectant properties. The main thing is to follow the rules for using oils so as not to spoil things or the washing machine. So, how to scent your laundry using essential oils.

Buy only real and high-quality essential oils. Because dubious synthetic products masquerading as essential oils can ruin the washing machine and damage all its parts. Remember, real essential oil cannot be cheap; it is sold only in bottles with darkened glass and must have a dispenser. A quality essential oil has a clean aroma: eucalyptus smells like eucalyptus, not mint, and orange smells like orange, not tangerine.

Do not add essential oil in the compartment for washing powder or fabric softener. Essential oils are concentrated substances and can damage plastic. In addition, this is simply uneconomical - drops of essential oil will seep through the tubes and nothing will reach your laundry.

To give your laundry a pleasant scent, After the laundry's spin cycle, add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil to a dish towel and place it in the dryer with the rest of your laundry.

Essential oils can also be added to water when rinsing. Dilute 7 drops of essential oil in 25 liters of warm water and rinse the laundry. Before adding, drop the oil onto 1 tablespoon of sea salt. If you simply add essential oil to water, the water will become covered with a film and there will be no effect.

Use essential oils for washing only soft colors. For example, yarrow or blue chamomile are definitely not suitable; they can stain the laundry.

While ironing clothes Add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the water for a steam iron. This will give the laundry a pleasant aroma.

If you don't want to bother with laundry, simply wipe down the linen closet with water essential oil. To do this, add 4 drops of the selected oil per liter of warm water, remembering to first mix the oil with salt.

Use scented bags for the closet. Take a small piece of cotton wool, drop 5 drops of oil on it and place the cotton wool in a small plastic bag with mini holes made for air to enter. Place the bags in the closet - you are guaranteed a pleasant smell.