How to apologize to a girl. Apologies to your girlfriend in your own words The most touching apology

Confessions to a girl Good morning, beloved Good night, beloved I miss my beloved Apologies to my beloved For the mood of a love girl

If only I could turn back time, I would change everything, correct it, and would not allow you to be offended. And now all that remains is to beg, my love, for your forgiveness and hope that the fire of my love will melt the ice of your resentment, and I will see forgiveness in your eyes.

Forgive me, dear, for the fact that your beautiful, trusting eyes were clouded by burning tears of resentment. I was wrong, and now my heart aches with remorse. Forgive me for your rash actions and your spoiled mood. I need you very, very much.

Darling, from the bitter realization that I have upset you, my heart refuses to beat, please forgive me and smile soon, because only your smile and your happy face can make my heart beat as before.

Darling, I'm sorry! Please accept my guilty smile as a sign of reconciliation. I admit my mistake, I surrender to your mercy and promise not to give cause for offense. Smile back, let it shine, let joy splash out and drive the gray rainy mood out of our lives.

The sky will become sad and remain gloomy forever, the grass and flowers will droop and begin to dry, the sun and the moon will go out, if you don’t forgive me... My dear, my dear, my golden one, forgive me!

I was wrong, I’m sorry, my love - I won’t get tired of repeating these words a thousand times, because my heart is breaking because I offended you, so dear, so beloved. I promise not to allow any more of your tears, heartache, resentment and to make you happy.

Sweet, dear, golden! In the future, I will not make stupid mistakes that cause our quarrels. Sorry! After all, it’s impossible for me to live without your sweet eyes, bright smile, warm attitude.

Darling, forgive me and believe me: it hurts me a hundred times more, because I offended you, that I’m to blame, that I can’t return time, I don’t see your smile and I don’t feel your warmth. I promise to never hurt you, to do everything to make your eyes sparkle with happiness.

I was wrong and I admit it, hear me, dear, let go of the resentment, drive away the sadness, let trust return to our relationship, let your eyes sparkle with joy, and your heart with tenderness. Forgive me, my love, and believe me: I will fill your life with happiness.

I want to become happy again and enjoy meeting you... But for this I need something that only you can generously give. This is your precious and long-awaited forgiveness. I promise not to disappoint you in the future. Sorry!

It's my fault and I need a chance to fix it. Answer, what should I do so that you forget disappointment, resentment and again open your precious and tender heart to my sincere and kind love?

How can I erase my guilt, my love, how can I live without your forgiveness? Without your bright smile the world has lost its colors, without a tender look - my soul is lonely. I ask you, forgive me, give me a chance to return the joy of life, to see the colors of the rainbow, to light the fire of love.

If the sky is gloomy, the sun hides behind the clouds during the day, and the rain is constantly crying, and the stars are not visible at night, it is because of our quarrel. Forgive me, beloved baby, because delicate flowers, glorious grass and slender trees are waiting for the light, and they already have enough water!

Beautiful flowers always forgive the wild wind, because it doesn’t just sway them, but hugs them. Soft waves are not offended by the surf, which drives them to the shore and back, it does it with love! My glorious flower, my sea of ​​happiness, forgive me too!

Darling, believe me, I didn’t want to offend you at all, the sadness in your eyes is a wound in my heart. Forgive me, smile and I can change everything, overcome everything, fix everything. I promise that my love will give you real happiness and heavenly pleasure.

Alina Ogonyok

There are times when, without an apology, the future relationship between a guy and a girl is in jeopardy. If you feel guilty in some situation, then it is better to honestly admit it to your beloved. Some guys even prefer to shift responsibility for an unseemly act onto someone else or simply pretend that nothing happened, but such tactics will not lead to anything good.

Situations when you definitely need to apologize to a girl

Below we will look various situations, which involve mandatory apologies. However, it is worth noting that not all women are ready to make concessions in the examples below and forget the offense. However, you may well try your best to fix it.


Of course, it is necessary to understand that this is more than a serious reason for women’s resentment. In addition, note that not all women, like men, are ready to forget about this offense and continue the relationship. Words alone will not be enough in this situation, and, most likely, you will have to prove your fidelity to your chosen one for a long time. Often, women first forgive cheaters, fearing to be left alone, but over time they realize that trust has been lost and leave anyway.


If you have offended a woman in any way, then, of course, you should apologize to her. We can talk about insults through certain actions or verbal insults. Surely, you yourself would not want to experience such an insult, and you understand that in this situation you should definitely ask for forgiveness.

Drunken antics

Alcohol has ruined many relationships and destroyed many couples who could have lived happily. If your chosen one periodically has to endure your drunken antics, then be prepared for the fact that this relationship is short-lived. It’s one thing if we are talking about a random incident, and quite another if you regularly allow yourself to “go overboard.” In the first case, an apology can still play a positive role, but in the second option, only a complete abstinence from alcohol will help.


Quite a controversial case. Inattention from lovers seriously hurts many girls, but men do not always pay attention to this, letting the situation take its course. Of course, most often they have a good reason for such behavior - being busy at work, family problems, or something else like that. And yet, for a girl, most often, this is not a consolation - she wants her chosen one to remember at least sometimes that there is a beloved woman in his life. In these cases, apologies “in words” will not be very appropriate - over time, they are already perceived as excuses. Apologize differently - periodically still find time to please the girl with a bouquet of flowers, an invitation to the theater, cinema or cafe, as well as small surprises.


It's about specifically about groundless jealousy. Some guys probably know that they are jealous. Some of them understand that the problem is not in the chosen one, but in themselves, but others are convinced that the beloved should accept this “peculiarity” of theirs and adapt to it. If you still understand that sometimes you are jealous of a girl for no reason, then this circumstance necessarily requires an apology on your part.

A beautiful apology if you seriously offended or messed up

If you have seriously offended your beloved, then, of course, you need to do everything possible so that she forgives you. Of course, it’s worth starting with a sincere apology. Invite the girl to a meeting or arrange it, then admit that you really regret your action and want to fix everything. Then give your chosen one a large bouquet of her favorite flowers.

Particularly enterprising guys can go even further. If a girl lives in a multi-story building, ask her to look out the window. Your “apology” should be prepared in advance. In the evening, you can post the word “Sorry” with candles (the letters should be clearly visible). If possible, “Sorry” can be made up of the cars of your friends and acquaintances (for this you will have to connect a considerable number of people).

In addition, you can send a bouquet of flowers and a large soft toy- the girl will probably be impressed. Be sure to include a letter or note with the flowers expressing your sincere apologies.

Write a letter of apology in your own words in VK (in contact or other social networks)

There are times when simple words“Excuse me” may not be enough. Some situations require detailed explanations to resolve any misunderstandings. Tell the girl why you acted one way or another, and what you think about the current situation. If you understand that your actions could have offended the girl in some way, and explanations alone will not be enough for her, then, by all means, apologize to her.

SMS text asking for forgiveness and funny pictures

After a quarrel and misunderstanding with her lover, a girl usually hopes for an apology from him. She often glances at the screen of her phone, waiting for the offender to call or at least write something. The girl may not admit that she is waiting for words of forgiveness, but she really needs them. If you feel guilty, be sure to apologize to your beloved, and this can be done via SMS. As you know, SMS does not require long texts (it is still better to use social networks for this), so limit yourself to a laconic phrase. Examples: “Forgive me, I was wrong! I love you very much and don’t want to lose our relationship”, “You are very dear to me, forgive me! How can I make amends?" By the way, the text can be accompanied by a funny picture. A good option would be the image of the cat from “Shrek” with his famous “tearful” look.

Saying "sorry" to move you to tears when you apologize

If you hope to move your beloved to tears while saying your apology, you have to try a lot. By the way, most likely you will have to remember all the most significant moments during the period of your relationship. Of course, we are talking about pleasant moments, which include meeting someone, the first kiss, a marriage proposal and much more. Tell us how you felt in those seconds, and how much you didn’t want to say goodbye to it all. Also ask the girl for a chance to make things right and let your love move on. However, if you sincerely apologize and there are tears in your eyes, then, for sure, this will be able to touch your beloved. You can also tell your chosen one that meeting her is the most amazing thing that has happened in your life, and you don’t want to lose her.

You can ask your loved one for forgiveness in an original way in poetry or prose

If you feel creative potential, then you will be able to apologize to your lover in a very original way. To do this, write a poem about your feelings for your chosen one. It will be great if the rhyming lines contain real facts from your relationship. You can also apologize in prose, outlining your love story. Of course, do not forget about the purpose of your creation - it is important that she sees apology or repentance in your poetry or prose.

What's the best way to apologize to your wife for cheating or drinking?

Such unreasonable actions as constant drinking or cheating have an extremely negative impact on family life. Even if your wife forgives you for something like this, harmony in the relationship will not come immediately. A woman offended and offended by your actions will remember what happened for some time. Even if she does not tell you about it directly, the disappointment she suffered will most likely still make itself felt. How might this manifest itself? In general, a recent grievance may “resurface” again and again in various small ways. A woman may become colder in sex life or periodically express your irritation, seemingly out of nowhere. Although, of course, there are no rules without exceptions, and perhaps your chosen one will quite find the strength to behave in the same way as before. However, women with such strong self-control are still in the minority. Be that as it may, forgiveness must first be achieved.

There are many ways to apologize to your spouse, let's look at some of them. So, in addition to verbal apologies, you also need to mark yourself with some kind of plausible act.


Many women dream of breaking out of the cycle of everyday worries or simply diversifying their impressions with positive emotions that an exciting journey can give. If you know that your wife likes trips to warm places by the sea or to ancient cities with majestic architecture, and you can find an opportunity to fulfill this desire, then be sure to take advantage of it. After your unseemly actions, your wife’s mood probably leaves much to be desired, and a trip to an interesting city can change this. Of course, it is better to take a joint tour. If you, even with the best intentions, buy a ticket only for your wife or send her on a trip with best friend, she may decide that you just decided to “get rid” of her, and at this time return to drinking or cheating (depending on what situation you have).

A promise kept

It is possible that your spouse has already asked you for some task for a long time, but you only promised to fulfill it, without ever getting around to fulfilling your words. Think carefully about what you're talking about Lately or a little earlier we talked to my wife and what she wanted. Cases may vary. Perhaps she wanted you to finally fix something, buy a dog, find the time and opportunity for a short trip, or something like that. Surely, if the wife’s request is fulfilled, she will relent. However, please note that we are talking about serious matters and not about sharpening a kitchen knife.


If recently in your family life there was a place for infidelity or drunkenness, then this clearly indicates that your wife had to be in a tense state, and, for sure, she suffered a lot of disappointments. When she married you, most likely, she was hoping for a completely different life together, and now it’s not easy for her to come to terms with the revealed reality. And yet, you have the opportunity to return at least a little of those feelings that were at the dawn of your relationship. At any stage of a relationship, a woman needs romance from her partner, and it is in your power to realize this desire. How to do it? You can easily start with cute little things - especially since this is true if they were not present in your family life at all. Bring flowers to your beloved woman periodically. We are not necessarily talking about luxurious bouquets of one hundred and one roses (although you should pamper your wife with this at least occasionally). Surely, she will also be pleased with wildflowers, banal tulips, chrysanthemums - the main thing is to show her that you want to please her.

In addition, it doesn’t hurt to periodically have romantic dinners - you can organize something similar at home on your own or invite your spouse to a cozy restaurant. In general, if you have such a desire, you will certainly find a way to please your wife with romantic surprises.

Ways to earn trust and beg for forgiveness

When the situation is such that a man has to earn the trust of the woman he loves, we can conclude that for some reason this trust has been lost. You need to start from the incident that ruined your relationship with your chosen one. So, let's look at the most common options.

After betrayal

Many couples lose trust after one partner cheats. If you want to prove to your beloved that there are no other women for you besides herself, you have to show it in practice. First of all, you need to interrupt any contact with the object of betrayal. If you have an intimate relationship with an employee, then it is possible that you will be able to restore trust in the family only if you change your place of work. In general, your beloved should be sure that you do not intersect with her in any way. ex-lover, and this is a natural desire.

Perhaps text flirting has become a problem in the relationship? Then you should show the girl that you are no longer doing this and are not striving for virtual romance. Remove from your contacts all persons who, in the opinion of your chosen one, may cause any harm to your relationship. Many men are reluctant to take such a step, and women view this very negatively. However, since the situation has reached the point where you still need to gain trust, then you have no other choice. At the same time, try not to spend a lot of time in in social networks- this may arouse suspicion in the girl.

Of course, such a violation of freedom of choice will seem humiliating to most men, and in an ordinary situation, when there are no real reasons for jealousy, this is so. However, if you were caught in betrayal, and you yourself understand this, then now, in order to preserve the relationship, you still have to make sacrifices.

After drinking

If your beloved some time ago happened to witness your drinking, then your situation is unenviable. Surely, during this time she has become seriously disappointed, and you will have to earn trust in order for the relationship to return to its former track. By the way, we can talk not only about drinking, but also drugs. In general, women usually have similar impressions of living with an addicted person. In any case, most likely, your companion in such a situation had to deal with lack of money and inappropriate or unpredictable behavior on your part. In order to earn the trust of your beloved again, the mentioned factors must be eliminated.

Let her know that the bad habits are over, and make an effort yourself to ensure that this is truly the case. There can be no talk of “one more” or “last” time. A woman should see that your past hobbies cause you rejection, and not that you can hardly control yourself and only dream of the opportunity to “taste the forbidden fruit” again.

In addition, during the period of drinking, the quality of your life together, has probably gotten worse. Most likely, you spent a considerable amount on alcohol, and it is possible that there was not enough money for a family or (if you are not yet married) for a full-fledged relationship. Show your beloved that she was not mistaken in forgiving you, and now your life will become much better. Give her small and large gifts, invest in your life together. If a woman sees that you have reconsidered your values, then she will begin to trust you.

What to give a girl as a sign of reconciliation so that she definitely forgives

Of course, it is no secret that many girls love to receive gifts, and if you want to present your chosen one with some interesting surprise as a sign of reconciliation, then approach this with all responsibility. There are times when you can limit yourself to just a bouquet of flowers, but most often the situation requires a more thorough approach.

So, what gift can please your girlfriend?

SPA treatments. If your beloved likes various treatments for the body and face, then a visit to the spa will be a good surprise for her. You can give her a gift certificate, or pay for some procedures in advance if you know exactly what your girl will like. By the way, we can talk not only about the SPA, but also about some hairdressing services and the like.

Tickets for a premiere or concert. It is possible that your girlfriend will be delighted with tickets to some premiere in a movie or theater, or to a concert of some musical group. However, it could even be a circus! Think about what exactly your chosen one would like, and purchase tickets in accordance with her preferences.

Journey. A trip to another city or country can be a truly amazing and welcome gift for your beloved. However, traveling together will certainly not only please your chosen one, but will also significantly improve the relationship between you. Of course, the main thing is to choose a city that your loved one will definitely like. Most likely, you already know what kind of rest she likes - active or passive. Think about what she would like more - sunbathing on the beach by the sea, excursions along the ancient streets, a ski resort or something else. If you choose a trip in accordance with the preferences of your beloved, then this will have the most favorable effect on your relationship.

Dress. Such a banal gift can significantly lift the mood of most girls. You can simply invite your beloved to go shopping at her favorite store and make a pleasant purchase for her.

Romantic dinner. This is not just about eating pizza together in a cafe that you two have been to more than once. Choose a cozy restaurant that you have rarely visited or is completely unfamiliar to you. Pre-read reviews about the establishment to make sure that romantic dinner it will go as it should. By the way, you can organize dinner yourself. This could be a candlelit meal at your home or a romantic picnic in some picturesque place with light snacks and delicious wine.

Photo album. If your beloved can be considered a romantic person, then, most likely, a photo album with joint photographs will be for her pleasant surprise– especially if you don’t have one yet. Buy a beautiful album and put your pictures in it - from the beginning of your relationship to the present day. Of course, this is true if you have a sufficient number of photos.

Pet. If a girl has long dreamed of a kitten or puppy, and you know for sure that she has the ability to keep an animal, then such a gift will certainly cause her great delight.

Jewelry decoration. Perhaps your girlfriend likes Jewelry? In this case, a ring, earrings or bracelet given as a sign of reconciliation will be a very appropriate surprise. You can choose not just one piece of jewelry, but a beautiful set. However, if you are not sure that your beloved likes such gifts, then it is better to opt for something else.

Why does a person who has offended someone find it so difficult to find the words to apologize? And where to find these words? A little psychology and knowledge of the rules of communication will help you earn forgiveness and restore good relationships.

Common Mistakes

There are three common mistakes.

First mistake- beg for forgiveness at any cost. You can achieve forgiveness, but you will lose the most important thing - her respect. A girl will not respect someone who evokes pity and sympathy.

Never use:

  • pleas for forgiveness;
  • any attempts to arouse pity;
  • complaints about difficulties in one’s life;
  • phrases like “I don’t deserve you”, “My action is unforgivable”, “I’m so unlucky in fate”...

Remember! Under no circumstances should you humiliate yourself in front of a girl.

Second mistake- find the culprit. By shifting responsibility to other people or circumstances, you will demonstrate to the girl that you depend on the circumstances and are unable to manage own life and control your behavior.

Whatever you do, whatever insult you cause, never use excuses:

  • “I was drunk...” (“my friends got me drunk...”);
  • “I was detained at a meeting...”;
  • “I just couldn’t get rid of...”;
  • “I had to take him…”;
  • “a friend advised me...”;
  • “friends persuaded me to come in...”

Remember! You and only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life.

Third mistake- ask for forgiveness via SMS or send some poems in a message on social networks. You need to ask for forgiveness only in person. No SMS, no poetry, no pompous, beautiful phrases– you need to say looking into her eyes in your own words, the simpler the better.

What needs to be said. How to choose the right words

An effective behavior strategy is to apologize while maintaining your dignity and without losing the girl’s respect. Reliable and serious relationship are based only on mutual respect; without it, relationships have no future.

If you want to receive forgiveness, follow these rules:

  • look into the eyes and call by name - this allows you to build trust in subsequent words;
  • admit your guilt: “I made a mistake...;
  • say that you understand the feelings of the offended person: “I understand how hurt/offended/annoyed/unpleasant it was for you when I did/said/acted…”
  • apologize: “Please forgive me for”;
  • make a promise not to repeat the mistake.

Last point- This is a promise to yourself, first of all. It is very important to keep this promise, since it will be impossible to earn forgiveness again.

The answer to the question of whether to ask for forgiveness alone or in the company of friends depends on the circumstances of the quarrel. If the quarrel occurred in front of witnesses, then let these same people become witnesses to the request for forgiveness and reconciliation. You can’t offend someone in front of everyone and then apologize in private!

And this advice may sound unexpected, but it’s worth practicing in front of a mirror.

A good gift will help you earn forgiveness

Flowers given as a sign of a request for reconciliation are a prerequisite.

Great idea - a small gift. Make sure it:

  • chosen with love and care;
  • have symbolic meaning.

Such gifts include all paired figurines or figurines: pigeons, bunnies, dogs. Another gift option is figurines symbolizing a repentant offender (sad teddy bear).

Tickets to the theatre, concert or disco will help you demonstrate your serious intentions. A bright emotional event will add new colors.

An expensive gift will be associated with the desire to pay off for the guilt caused. But elegant jewelry, chosen with taste and love, has been viewed favorably by women of all ages at all times.

Beautiful ways to apologize

The girl will definitely appreciate the time, effort and money invested in preparation. Therefore, one beautiful, non-standard act can sometimes outweigh a thousand words.
Here are a few the most original ways apologize:

  • Apology video. You can also ask your mutual friends to appear in this video. This will give credibility to your request.
  • Collage. Here you also need the help of friends. Ask them to take pictures with signs: “You must forgive him,” “Come back, he won’t do this again,” etc. From these photos you can create a large collage in Photoshop. Remember to place yourself in the center. The picture can be sent to the girl by mail, or printed and hung where she will see it;
  • Inscription on the asphalt under her windows. Pretty corny, but still effective.
  • Ask to pass letter of apology, a completely unexpected person, for example, a teacher who came to give a lecture.

None of these methods cancels personal apology.

Asking for forgiveness from a girl whom you carelessly offended is a noble gesture that requires not only recognition of your wrongdoing, but also effort to overcome yourself. And if a drop of diligence and creativity is added here, then you can be calm: the relationship will be restored.

I have been incredibly lucky in my life that fate gave me you. You are my angel, my favorite girl in the world. I apologize for offending you, my sunshine. Please forgive me. The lack of trust in you was a big lesson for me. Let's make peace, my kitten, because we were made for each other. I promise to make you the happiest girl in the world, just forgive and believe me, my dear. My love will become a talisman for you, my only and desired one.

There are different situations in life. Sometimes, a word can deeply hurt someone close to you. It’s so difficult for me without you, my love, I fully admit my mistake and ask you to forgive me. Let's forget this quarrel forever. You are kind, gentle, affectionate, just an angel in the flesh. I want us to always be together, so that our love flares up brighter and brighter every day. More than anything in the world, I'm afraid of losing you, my love. Therefore, for the hundredth time I ask you for forgiveness, my angel.

“Know how to cherish love!” - winged words of the great poet. And it is true. Love can be strong, but it can also be very fragile. Darling, don’t be offended by me anymore, I’m to blame, and I tearfully ask you for forgiveness. Forgive me, my sunshine, I promise that this will never happen again. I love you, and I don’t want to lose such a gentle, kind, most beautiful girl because of a trifling quarrel. I miss you so much. Let's forget all the bad things and bring back our love. After all, we are simply made for each other.

Every day lived without you is simply an unbearable test. I think about you every minute, my joy. I miss your ringing laughter so much, your cheerful beautiful eyes. I miss you, my sunshine. Please forgive me for offending you. After all, it was not out of malice. I love you more than life. Don't be offended by me anymore. Let's keep our love, because it's so good for us to be together. Darling, I breathe you, I live by you. I need you like I need air, you are the best on the whole planet.

Love is the brightest feeling. A person who loves is the happiest in the world. Today I feel remorse for offending you. Forgive me, my sunshine. Forget the insult like the worst dream of your life. You are my light in the window, my golden ray of warmth. Only next to you, I feel the most happy man. After all, you inspire me with love, give me hope for the future. Darling, forgive me and don’t hold grudges anymore, let’s keep our love.

My most gentle, kindest and most beautiful girl in the world, please forgive me for offending you. I’m so worried about what happened, and what can I say, I’m just ashamed. Excuse me please. Let all the grievances be washed away by the rain, let everything work out for you and me. I love you, breathe you, live you. I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes, if only you would forgive me, my only one. I will make you the happiest girl in the world, believe me, my joy. Let your radiant smile be a sign of our reconciliation.

I have been incredibly lucky in my life, because you are next to me, my kind, gentle, sweet, and most beautiful girl in the whole world. I thought that our happiness was cloudless. But today, as if the earth had disappeared from under my feet, we quarreled with you, my joy. And I alone am to blame for everything. Forgive me, please, my sunshine. I promise this will never happen again. Don't be offended by me anymore, because you know how much I love you. Being apart from you is simply unbearable, forgive me and believe me.

The world seems gray and so sad, because you and I are in a quarrel, my beloved. I often remember those wonderful moments spent with you, and my heart just breaks into pieces with pain. Forgive me, my joy, for offending you. I just got excited, and now I repent, and for the hundredth time I ask you for forgiveness. We are simply made for each other. I miss your smile so much, your tender, affectionate lips. I miss you, my only one, and I want to take it all back. Don’t be offended by me anymore, and let’s erase this quarrel from your life.

Darling, you are the best best girl in the world. Every day spent with you is a miracle. Your ringing laughter, your smile always make me happy. And everything would be fine if it weren’t for our quarrel. You are offended by me and don’t even want to listen to my excuses. Forgive me, my sunshine, for offending you. God knows, I didn't want this. It all happened by chance. I promise that this will never happen again. Let's make peace and forget all the grievances. After all, you are the most important person in life for me.

My joy, my sunshine, my beloved, please forgive me for offending you, for not immediately asking for an apology, and now you are angry with me, you don’t even look in my direction. But we had such a good time together with you. I remember our meetings, your loud, cheerful laughter, your lips as sweet as honey. I can’t live in peace because I feel guilty before you. Forgive me, my dear, let's forget all the grievances, and let's give our love the opportunity to flare up with a bright flame. I love you more than life.

Life does not always present us with only surprises; sometimes we suffer, suffer and are responsible for our mistakes. My heart just breaks into pieces because you are offended by me. Forgive me, please, my sunshine. I know that I feel very guilty towards you. I miss you, and for the hundredth time I apologize. You are my light in the window, my dream, my guardian angel. You are the best on earth. Let's forget our quarrel and be together always. Honey, let's keep our love. I'm sure everything will be fine with you and me.

My kind, sweet, gentle, most beautiful girl in the world, please forgive me for offending you. It all happened so unexpectedly, just a surge of emotions. I understand that no apologies justify me, but still, forgive me, my angel. I promise that there will be no more disagreements between us. Let's try to return our old feelings, because for me you are everything in life. Don’t be angry with me, my sunshine, because we feel so good together. You are my soulmate, and we simply cannot lose each other.

The whole world seems bright when you're next to me. But today for me everything is gray color, because I am in a quarrel with you, my dear. How I blame myself for offending you. The worst thing for me is that you don’t want to talk to me. I am ready to do the most incredible act, if only my joy would forgive me. I look forward to meeting you, and I hope that you will listen and forgive me, because I love you more than life itself. Don't be offended by me, I promise that this will never happen again.

Today the world is dear to me, because you are not nearby, my beloved, gentle, unique, and the best girl in the world. I can't forgive myself for hurting you. Believe me, dear, I didn’t want to hurt you at all, but it just happened. I am ready to suffer the greatest punishment, if only you would forgive me, my joy. Let's make peace and be together again, as before, because we are made for each other. I love you more than life itself, my dear, and I want to see you at your happiest.

For me, you are like light in a window, like the sun that gives warmth. But today my sun went behind a cloud because we had a fight. And it's all my fault. Forgive me, my beloved, give me a chance to correct my mistake. You are the most kind girl in the world, I just don’t want to, and I’m afraid of losing you. Because with no one I will experience such happiness as with you, my angel. I'm sorry, and don't be offended by me anymore. Let our quarrel melt like snow in spring, and let our love be strong like granite.

My kind, gentle, sweetheart, you have an angelic character, and just a heart of gold. Today I offended you, and I admit my guilt. As they say, the word is not a sparrow, you can’t catch it. I didn’t want to quarrel with you at all, and therefore, please forgive me. Don't be angry with me, and forgive me. After all, even the Almighty himself said that we need to forgive. Excuse me, my joy. Let's not offend our love, because it is so fragile and tender. Forgive me, my sunshine, and forget all these troubles, and I will help you with this. My dear, accept these beautiful wildflowers as a sign of reconciliation. You are perfection itself. You are my ideal. One can only dream of a girl like mouths.

And I had this happiness in my hands, but I couldn’t hold it, forgive me, my beloved. Let today's quarrel be a huge lesson for us. I promise that this will never happen again. I am ready to fulfill all your whims, my princess, if only you would forgive me, I love you, and I want to be only with you, my joy. I love you.

I’m not in the mood at all, because you and I are in a quarrel, my beloved. It so happened that because of some trifle, we parted with you, and now we miss each other, and I am absolutely sure of this, because we were made for each other. Forgive me, my beloved, and don’t hold me against me anymore. I realized my mistake, and I am ready to atone for it with anything valuable. Believe me, my sunshine, and don’t be offended anymore. Let the quarrel evaporate like fog, and happiness return to us again. Let my love be a reliable talisman for the two of us, just forgive me.

Today is the unluckiest day of my life. Immediately everything became gray, dull and uninteresting. I am ashamed of my actions, for offending you, my beloved. Don’t be offended by me anymore, let’s forget our quarrel like a bad dream. Let everything soon fall into place, and we will be together as before. I love you more than anyone in the world, and I want our love to give us only pleasure, because we are made for each other, we are one. Don't be angry with me anymore, forgive me, and believe in my love.

How lucky I am in life that I met you, my beloved. You are my dream, my ideal, my best girl in the whole Universe. Only with you I feel happy. Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. Everything would be great if it weren’t for my hot temper. I offended you, my sunshine, and I ask you to forgive me. For the sake of your forgiveness, I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes, any of your whims. Don’t be offended by me, my joy, I promise that this will never happen again.

There is such a proverb - “Darlings scold, they only amuse themselves!” But I don’t agree with these words at all. After our quarrel with you, my love, I consider myself completely alone. Being apart from you is simply unbearable. I dream of you every night, so cheerful and so loving that I don’t want to wake up. Forgive me, please, my unique one, I am very guilty before you. I am ready to suffer any punishment, if only you would forgive me. Let's not let our fire of love go out.

Words forgive your beloved girl:

Hello dear readers. Often in relationships, when two characters are just getting used to each other, quarrels arise. Often the partner is offended by some action of her gentleman. In this article you will learn how a guy should behave in such a situation, how to apologize to an offended girl. Let us separately consider the case when a young man admits his own guilt.

Why was the girl offended

A guy cannot always understand why his beloved is offended by him, what exactly provoked such emotions in her. Sometimes such behavior of the chosen one is perceived as a way of flirting or a means of blackmail. Over time, the guy will understand in which situations the offense is real and in which it is not.

It is necessary to realize that you can hurt a young lady with a bad joke or a rude word. You need to understand that men's humor is not always perceived by women. It is important to learn to recognize the behavior of your chosen one, to see what is in her soul, to notice resentment in a timely manner, so that it is easier to understand what exactly influenced the girl’s state of mind.

The most common reasons that force a young lady to “pout” include:

  • the guy accidentally called the girl the name of another woman, in particular his ex;
  • looked appraisingly at his girlfriend’s friend or another representative of the fair half of humanity;
  • he was rude to his beloved when she called at work - at that moment there was a strong rush;
  • the guy made a stupid joke, hitting the girl to the quick.

Preparatory stage

  1. Any action of a person must be balanced and carefully thought out.
  2. Before asking for forgiveness, you need to think through a plan of action.
  3. If you decide to apologize using words, you need to think about what names will be appropriate in this situation, make sure that they are convincing, will be sufficiently emotional, not hysterical, and will not contain obscene words.
  4. You need to remember words like “sorry”, “excuse me”. The offended young lady will definitely expect something like this.
  5. Before making an appointment with your loved one, you also need to think through the answers to the questions that may be asked. The girl may be interested in:
  • Do you know what the reason for the offense was;
  • what exactly allowed you to behave this way;
  • How do you plan to avoid such behavior in the future?


  1. Talk sincerely, be calm.
  2. Control the tone of your conversation, intonation and choose the right words.
  3. Start a conversation with the phrase “can I talk to you.”
  4. Ask what exactly offended her if you don’t know the reason.
  5. Try to put yourself in her place and realize that this act really hurt the girl.
  6. Promise that this will not happen again in the future, and you will try your best to prevent this from happening.
  7. If the situation is right, smile and kiss your partner.

If the girl has not yet managed to calm down, there is no need to take any action. It’s better to wait, otherwise you might run into a big scandal and aggression on her part.

If a guy knows how to approach his chosen one correctly in order to win her favor again, then he is very lucky. It’s more difficult when a girl’s feelings have simply cooled down, if resentment is a way to hasten the separation. In such a situation, the young man will think about how to apologize, and the girl will look for a reason to be more offended.

If the couple, in principle, does not think about breaking up, then after asking for forgiveness, it is necessary:

  • try to have a heart-to-heart talk, even if the girl is trying to push her out the door;
  • you need to explain the purpose of your coming;
  • if she wants to express her complaints and throw a tantrum, there is no need to interfere;
  • it is important to clearly explain the reasons for your action, wait to see how the girl reacts;
  • There is no need to interrupt the young lady, let her speak out about all the painful things.

If you admit your guilt

If you offended your loved one and admit that you did wrong.

  1. Come to the girl with a guilty face.
  2. Ask to talk.
  3. Say right away that you are guilty.
  4. Try to explain why you acted this way.
  5. Sincerely ask for forgiveness.
  6. Point out that you realize that you were wrong and pledge not to do that again.
  7. Be sure to indicate how much you value your relationship.
  8. Try to take the girl's hands or hug her.

When you talk about the reasons that prompted you to commit a bad act, speak in a guilty voice with a pitiful intonation. There is no need to think that this will humiliate your dignity.

Possible mistakes

  1. If you are planning a meeting with a young lady in order to reconcile, but at the same time some event occurs that throws you off balance, then better date postpone. Otherwise, the quarrel will only get worse.
  2. If the girl is not ready to see you yet and is very offended, then you don’t need to follow her, be too intrusive, or call often. Let her be alone for some time, there is no need to remind her of yourself and irritate her even more.
  3. If a girl calls first or somehow hints that she is ready to communicate, there is no need to pause. It’s better to immediately make contact, offer to meet and go for a walk.
  4. It is unacceptable to immediately insist on sex after reconciliation. At such a moment, the girl will be touched, there is no need to vulgarize everything. The exception is if the beloved begins to act on her own.

Examples of apologies

How exactly to ask for forgiveness will directly depend on what happened. Here are four examples of apologies.

  1. Forgive me, I understand that my actions greatly offended you. I will not justify my behavior. I understand that this is impossible. Please remember the good times we had together. Is it really because of my rash action that everything needs to be crossed out?
  2. Forgive me for the way I acted. These actions were based on natural instincts. I want you to understand that I don’t need anyone but you. I looked in the direction of your friend only out of curiosity. I love you, other girls don’t exist for me.
  3. Sorry for being rude. At that moment I was very busy and could not give you the attention you deserve. To a greater extent, you fell under the hot hand. I recognize that such behavior is unacceptable. I shouldn't have offended you. I'm ashamed that I couldn't. I promise that I will start working on myself so that this doesn’t happen again.
  4. Sorry for the inappropriate joke. I didn't think at all that she might be unpleasant for you. I will not do such rash things in the future. Please forgive me.

Reconciliation in VK

  1. Leave graffiti with words of forgiveness on her wall. Follow it up with a heart or a kiss. A sad face would also be appropriate.
  2. You can choose music or video clips that contain words about forgiveness. And send a selection to the girl’s wall. It’s better to first listen to the songs from beginning to end, so that it doesn’t turn out that some phrase will anger or upset your chosen one even more.
  3. You can send your beloved a collage of your photos together, namely pictures of the happy moments of your life. So the girl will see what she can lose. It would also be useful to add words about an apology, maybe a musical track, especially one that symbolizes the beginning of your relationship.
  4. A guy can make a video in which he asks the girl for forgiveness and tells her how much he loves her. Send this video to your VKontakte wall.

In a letter

Sometimes it’s very difficult for a guy to get over himself and say “I’m sorry” to a girl. In such situations, a handwritten message will help you apologize correctly. It could be:

  • a note attached to the mirror or left on the refrigerator, on the table;
  • message on social network;
  • letter sent by email;
  • a romantic option - an ordinary paper letter left in the mailbox;
  • You can send a courier to her home with a bouquet of flowers, which will contain a note of apology.

To understand what to do if you mess up badly, you need to listen to the following recommendations.

  1. There is no need to tell everyone that the girl was offended. People can come to the young lady's defense. And some people can tell the girl herself about this, slightly turning your story around. Which will further aggravate the current situation.
  2. The guy must analyze his actions, determine the cause of the offense, and think carefully about how exactly he will apologize.
  3. You need to be sincere, let the girl see a real desire to improve the relationship.
  4. Apologize better words. You need to speak in a calm and confident voice, and be able to control your emotions.
  5. If you still don’t understand what exactly influenced the girl’s offense, then it’s better to apologize anyway. It will be good if you can later clarify what exactly the action upset her. This is important to do in order to avoid making similar mistakes in the future.
  6. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness in person. It is better to schedule it during the day, choosing the right time so that the girl is free.
  7. The guy should start his conversation with the phrase “I realized that I did wrong...” or “I would like to apologize...” or “I am very guilty of you...”.
  8. Along with your apology, you can give a small gift, something symbolic or made with your own hands.
  9. It is important to discuss what happened and think about how to behave in the future.
  10. You don’t need to give up, even if the girl pushes you away and doesn’t let you apologize. Perhaps she was just very offended. She needs time to cool down.

Now you know how to apologize to a girl you offended. Remember that representatives of the fair half of humanity are very vulnerable. Think about your every action and word, so as not to hurt your beloved. If the girl is already offended, then do not delay in apologizing. Speed ​​up reconciliation if the young lady is really dear to you and you have no desire to lose her.