Where can a teenager really make money? Where can a teenager get money: all available ways Here are some of my contacts

You will need

  • Of course, there are still labor exchanges and their employees who sincerely want to help everyone who has applied in search of work. But searching for a job online will be more effective and easier. You can also attend job fairs.


Are you only 14? You will have to obtain the consent of your parents for yours, otherwise the employer will not have the right to enter into either an employment or civil law contract with you. According to current legislation, consent must be expressed in writing.
In principle, there are few vacancies for teenagers, especially for those who are only 14. As a rule, at this age you can get a job as a promoter or advertiser, or less often as a courier. Be prepared for your legs to fall off at the end of your working hours. By the way, do not forget that your work is legally limited to only 24 hours a week.

15-year-olds have approximately the same prospects, with the only difference that parental consent is not required to conclude an employment contract. It’s a little easier for those who have already turned 16: they have the right to work 35 hours a week, i.e. It is more profitable for employers to take them. The catalog of positions for teenagers 16-18 is wider: waiter, telephone, sales consultant. Girls can also get jobs as secretaries, especially if they have a high typing speed.

Don't forget about the World Wide Web - it provides quite large opportunities to find remote, uncomplicated work for almost everyone. Copywriters, rewriters, bloggers, and programmers are always needed. Children from linguistic schools can try their hand at simple translations. As a rule, a private customer who does not have the opportunity to pay a real specialist will not be interested in how old you are or whether you have work experience if you need to write a simple text or do a short translation on a general topic.

Unfortunately, not all customers are conscientious. To definitely get money for your work, require an advance payment (for example, a transfer to YandexMoney) or transfer the work to the customer in person, upon meeting. Although here no one is immune from deception.

Finally, the most reliable resource is your parents and friends. Maybe the secretary or courier at the company where your mother's friend works suddenly quit? Maybe the neighbors need someone to babysit their second-grader son and help him do his homework? Take an interest! You definitely won't be deceived here.

The most prosaic question is payment for your work. It definitely won’t be high, but on average a teenager 14-15 years old can easily earn up to 10,000 rubles, and older ones - up to 20,000 (in Moscow).

The main thing is to always enter into an agreement with the employer or, if you are looking for remote work, require payment guarantees (prepayment). Otherwise, you may not get any money at all.

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They may conclude with you not an employment contract, but a civil law contract (a contract for the provision of paid services). For all minors, parental consent is required if imprisoned. It is less profitable to enter into such an agreement than an employment agreement: it contains fewer guarantees for workers.

Helpful advice

Always read the contract you enter into carefully.

Before going for an interview, take the time to read Articles 63 and 265-272 of the Labor Code.

Type in search engines the name of the company from which you received an invitation for an interview and read reviews about it. Special attention pay attention to reviews on sites containing “black lists” of employers, such as www.blackjob.ru. In general, if a company is mentioned there, as a rule, it is better not to work for it.


  • how to make money for a teenager

With the coming summer holidays, almost every schoolchild or student wonders about part-time work for pocket money and entertainment. Let's look at several ways you can make money in the summer.

1. Helper

Often, in summer period, teams of general workers are recruited to construction sites to perform various minor jobs and provide all possible assistance. In this way you can earn 500-1000 rubles per shift, in principle this is normal money, but you should take into account that it is not always easy and there are cases of deception when you may simply not be paid for your work.

2. Work as a loader

In any large store, warehouse, or large industrial company, people are always required to load and unload goods. Moreover, they are often hired for such work without documents. However, it should be taken into account that this type The earnings are quite difficult and are not always adequately paid. Thus, you can earn about 400-800 rubles per working day.

3. Promoter

If you like to be the center of attention, are sociable and active, then working as a promoter will suit you best. You will have to distribute leaflets, present product samples, or simply describe all the delights of the required products. For such work they pay on average 100-150 rubles per hour.

4. Working as a courier

Couriers are engaged in delivering all kinds of goods and documentation to specified addresses. The most important thing is to know the area well; it doesn’t hurt to always have a map with you, in case you suddenly get lost in some place in the city. Payment, as a rule, is made either for the entire working day - about 300-1500 rubles, or for each trip separately - 20-150 rubles. But keep in mind that you are responsible for the integrity and safety of the parcel.

5. Waiter

If you are lucky enough to get a job in a decent establishment, you can earn good money, most of which comes from tips. However, please note this work It’s not easy, you need to be resilient, attentive enough, etc. As a waiter you can earn from 500 to 1500 rubles per shift, not counting tips.

6. Animator at a seaside resort.

One of the most enjoyable ways to make money in the summer. You can arrange entertainment programs for vacationers, take photos with exotic animals, etc.

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A minor child is any citizen under the age of 18. According to labor code, such a citizen cannot work in heavy industries, on night shifts and more than 20 hours a week, or 4 hours a day. A relatively small number of enterprises employ teenagers. Job offered teenagers, in the general population cannot be qualified, since the teenager most likely does not have a vocational education. Therefore, it is quite difficult for a minor to find a job.


Cafes and restaurants. Most catering establishments hire unemployed young people as waiters. A teenager can get a job in any cafe upon reaching 14 years of age (in some restaurant chains - from 16 years of age, in accordance with the legislation of the country in which the chain is registered). Their working day will last up to 4 hours. When employed in an enterprise, a teenager issues a work book, pension insurance certificate, tax identification number and medical record.

Newspaper editoring. Journalism requires some special skills: knowledge of the Russian language, communication with people, receiving, assimilation and quick analysis of information. For some, these skills are given by nature, and you can try your luck on this path.

A teenager is registered for work without probationary period(as opposed to an adult). When hiring, ask your boss to draw up an employment contract that stipulates the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as your salary, including and excluding taxes.

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How to save money for a teenager. A teenager can save money from his income sources. Usually this is pocket money from parents and relatives. When you receive money from your parents for lunch, spend the money only on normal food at school, don’t buy all sorts of sweets, beautiful notebooks, key rings, etc. just because you want to.

Helpful advice

But where can a teenager get money? You can sell newspapers on weekends, or you can get a job in your father’s company - in both the first and second cases, those parents who teach their child to work from childhood are right. Although they should be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time before, having spent a lot of money on movies, ice cream and computer games, the teenager will learn independence.


  • how to work as a teenager in 2018

Most teenagers try to find work outside of school hours. But some are faced with the problem of selecting vacancies; the current employment market is available mainly to adult citizens. Therefore, we offer several job search options for young people under 18 years of age.


In every city in Russia there are youth exchanges at various public and government organizations. When applying there, the applicant will be asked for a birth certificate or passport, and a number of vacancies will be offered. The advantages of using such services are that all the work is legal and official, low-paid professions.

Another fairly popular way is to make money on the Internet. If a teenager can write competent journalistic texts, then large content sites may be interested in his services. If the child is a programmer or designer, working on the global network is also enough for such masters.

You can try contacting companies that deal with public catering - McDonald's, Rostix, etc. They usually require handymen or other specialists. In such a job, you can always agree with the manager of the establishment about a flexible schedule.

Minor students can contact the dean's office of the educational institution. Typically, departments always require assistants who perform various functions in preparing educational materials, etc. With this kind of work, you will always be able to combine the educational process and carry out any assignments, especially since the teachers will treat you more leniently.

Some parents have vacancies at their enterprises, for example, courier. Usually, young people are invited to such specialties, and if official employment is necessary, then such an additional rate can be applied for one of the relatives.


  • how to make money on the Internet as a minor

Tip 5: What food products are in demand? summer time of the year

With warm days and summer, the demand for pickles, jams, and other canned products drops sharply. They are replaced by fresh vegetables, and later by berries and fruits. Demand for citrus fruits, except lemons, is decreasing. Domestic fruits successfully replace bananas. Another category of products whose consumption is significantly reduced is salted and smoked fish. The third group is cereals and confectionery products.

Fluctuations in demand for pickles in summer

Listen to your gastronomic wishes in the spring. I want green onions and young cabbage, cucumbers and salad. I see, these vegetables are available online. all year round, but in the spring the traditional deficiency of vitamins signals the body to urgently replenish them from fresh vegetables and fruits. Therefore, pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut, lecho and eggplant caviar in the list of desired products fall to the bottom of the ranking of our requests. As a result, the purchase of these products in stores and supermarkets, markets and greengrocers is noticeably reduced. The demand for salted and pickled vegetables remains minimal until the onset of autumn.

A minor need to eat something sour can be successfully solved by preparing lightly salted cucumbers, tomatoes or zucchini.

What happens in summer to the level of demand for salted fish?

Herring. Demand is falling significantly. This product increases the feeling of thirst, and on hot days you want to drink even without herring. For this reason, the consumption of smoked fish is significantly reduced. Many people simply play it safe, avoiding spoiled food on the dinner table. In smoked fish, the degree of “spoilage” is quite difficult to determine.

Be extremely careful when buying salted and smoked fish in stores and, especially, in markets in the summer. Pay attention to the date of manufacture of preserves and packaged fish products and storage conditions.

Demand for canned fish is decreasing to a lesser extent. Lovers of hiking in the forest prefer to use canned food, which maintains the level of demand for these products. For obvious reasons, ram, fish balyk and other fish for beer do not experience fluctuations in demand.

Demand for cereals and confectionery in summer

Porridges are traditionally cooked more in winter. In the summer, they are successfully replaced with vegetable stews, casseroles, and simple young ones with dill. A slight decline in demand for oatmeal only. White or colored beans are replaced by green beans. Demand for it decreases before winter. The same thing happens with peas.

Chocolates in the summer will cause more inconvenience than pleasure. They will melt in your purse. They will be too brittle and hard in the refrigerator. Time to remember traditional oriental sweets: Turkish delight, halva. And add regular marshmallows and marmalade to your diet. Useful and safe.

The hot summer months are not the best time to buy cream cakes for safety reasons. The shelf life of such products is short. They spoil very quickly. Therefore, the consumption of cakes is falling. Incorrigible sweet lovers switch to cookies or ice cream cakes.

Schoolchildren often do not have enough money that their parents give them for pocket expenses. That is why from time to time they begin to look for part-time work in their free time. school activities time.

Adolescence is a period when a minor is no longer a toddler, but not yet an independent adult. At this time, final maturation occurs, separation from parents and universal control. Many teenagers begin to wonder where to get money. A teenager always wants something new. The demands of modern children are extensive, and not all parents are ready to satisfy them. Therefore, some young people are looking for ways to earn money or are simply thinking about where they can ask for pocket money at a given age. Next, we will tell you everything about teenagers getting money.


Where can a teenager get money urgently? The most effective and obvious scenario is to contact your parents. They are the legal representatives of minors. Parents are responsible for fully providing for the needs of their children until they reach the age of 18.

Accordingly, if a child needs money, he can ask his mom or dad for it. Modern teenagers are almost always allocated certain funds for pocket expenses. But, as already mentioned, not all parents are ready to satisfy the desires of their children. Teenage appetites are limitless. Buying another phone or gadget is not a vital action. Therefore, some parents refuse to purchase.

Then where can a teenager get money? What to do when parents refuse to finance certain wishes of the child?


The next option is to ask for a loan. It is best to contact close people. For example, to friends or relatives. Especially if the amount is small.

The disadvantage of this approach is that the borrowed funds will still have to be repaid. Therefore, sooner or later you will have to think about where to get the money. A teenager living in modern world, a huge number of different options for the development of events are offered.


Where else can you get money? The most obvious answer is the call to work. This means that a teenager just needs to get a job and receive a certain amount of finance through his labor. Quite normal and common occurrence. Especially in the summer.

Some parents interfere with their children's desires for employment. There is no need to do this. After all, if a child thinks independently about where he can get money for his desires and needs, we can talk about the correct growing up of a minor.

Summer work is extremely popular among teenagers. Where can a teenager get money? Modern employers in Russia offer many vacancies for part-time work. Next we will talk about where exactly modern youth work.


The first way to earn money is to work as a courier. Many say that this type of work is popular in the summer. What exactly to deliver? It is not so important. Most often in practice, children deliver advertisements to mailboxes, as well as free newspapers. Sometimes teenagers are trusted with small loads or food delivery. Having a bicycle is a huge advantage here. In addition, the child must know the city and its roads well.


Where can a teenager get money quickly? You can try to earn it by working at the post office. In general, the process will resemble courier delivery. The only difference is that advertisements for temporary employment must be looked for in post offices.

In some cases, working at the post office involves not only delivering letters and small parcels, but also serving the public. For example, as a cashier-operator. They don't pay very much at post offices, but it will be enough for pocket money.

Garden/plot cleaning

Where can a 14 year old get money? The following vacancy is not suitable for everyone. Usually boys encounter it. We are talking about cleaning gardens and private areas (houses).

The work consists of beautifying gardens and flower beds near various institutions. Such work is in demand in the summer, when gardeners hired for permanent work go on vacation.

In Russia, this type of work is not particularly popular. It is attractive for nature lovers. Planting trees and flowers, caring for gardens and bushes is not so difficult. Even a teenager can cope with the task!

Walking dogs

But that is not all! Where can a teenager get money? For example, you can offer dog walking services. This tradition came to Russia from America. There, many children and young people earn money in this way.

Many citizens simply do not have time to walk their four-legged friends. If a teenager loves dogs, is not afraid of them, and is ready for increased responsibility, such services can be offered. It is advisable to look for clients near your place of residence. Earnings are usually given after walking the dog. You can earn a lot of money this way if you try really hard. For one walk they usually ask for 150-200 rubles.


Where can a 17 year old teenager get money? If a person likes to communicate with children, you can offer tutoring services in a variety of subjects. Often, by the age of 17, teenagers not only learn, but also teach. For example, children from primary school.

In addition, you can help with homework and essays for money. Even some young people and adults, experienced teachers, work as tutors. This great way earnings. Students earn less this way experienced teachers, but you can get money for pocket expenses and more or less large purchases (phone, tablet, etc.). If clients like the lessons, the student will be able to enjoy the fame of a tutor in the future.


Where can a 15 year old teenager get money? You can get a job at summer camp counselors. More precisely, his assistant. Direct counselors are allowed to work only after 18 years of age. This is due to increased responsibility for minor children.

What is the job of a counselor assistant? Such people (they can be of any age) carry out personal assignments for their boss. In fact, teenagers are also counselors, but without criminal liability and with an observer. How much can you earn this way? This is an individual question. It is necessary to agree on earnings in advance, because some camps do not provide for the payment of assistant counselors at all.

Advertisement Poster

Where can a teenager get money for a phone or a not-so-expensive tablet? A vacancy called “advertisement maker” is extremely popular today. The work is somewhat reminiscent of courier delivery - it also requires the child to have good orientation in the city.

What are the employee's tasks? It is necessary to post different advertisements around the city. Usually there are specially designated places for this. But people who put up advertisements are often told to stick the corresponding pieces of paper on poles, entrances and bus stops.

Earnings depend on the number of posted advertisements. Some employers promise daily or weekly payments. So, for 7 days of work, some teenagers earn 2-3 thousand rubles. It is advisable to work without intermediaries. This way you can increase your earnings.


Where can a teenage girl get money? Products are in great demand today self made. They are called hand-made. You can do handicrafts and sell your products. Not a bad way to earn money. Especially if the child really has a talent for some kind of handicraft. Often this approach helps to earn a lot of money.

Not only teenagers, but also adults are engaged in selling handmade goods. What are they buying? Jewelry, textiles, clothes, handmade soap, original chocolates and even candles. Cakes, sweets and other food can also be sold. Earnings will directly depend on the goods sold. The price must be calculated according to the principle of “product cost + own markup”.

Car wash

As a rule, “express” car wash is in great demand among the population. If a teenager offers his services himself, earnings will depend on a personal agreement with the driver. Otherwise, the car service will offer a specific salary based on the work done.

What is needed for employment and successful work? Good physical shape, attentive and friendly. The work is not the easiest, but quite profitable.


A simpler vacancy is the position of promoter. Today, even children aged 10-12 years can find employment in this way. The essence of the work is simple - distribute leaflets.

Earnings will depend on the amount of material distributed. They pay money by agreement with the employee - once a week or daily. Children often work as promoters all year round on weekends. Typically a working day lasts 4 hours. You can earn money for pocket money and small expenses, but for quick and significant earnings you will have to find another place.

Repair work

Where can a teenager make money? The following sentence is ideal for boys who know how to work with technology. They may offer repair services for computers and other gadgets.

Income depends on the number of orders. The advantage is the ability to work on a flexible schedule all year round. Some people start their careers this way.

Internet to help

All previously proposed methods require the child to go outside. But in the modern world, you can earn money without going to work every day. What is it about?

The Internet is a place where some people have learned to make good money. But how exactly? Where can a teenager get money online? The main ways to earn money here require you to be of age!

Among available methods making a profit are distinguished:

  1. Surfing. It consists of viewing websites for money through a browser or specialized programs. You can get up to 2,000 rubles per month from one service offering work. It is recommended to pay attention to VipIP, Wmmail, SeoSprint.
  2. Working with file hosting services. Some file sharing services pay for a certain number of downloads of a particular document. For example, Deposit Files, Vip-File Letitbit and so on. The work is difficult, since the main problem is to attract an audience to download a document that is previously “uploaded” to the service.
  3. Writing reviews. Some review sites pay you to post product reviews. iRecommend is in great demand. It guarantees earnings for the number of views of a review. What to write about? About everything the teenager used. You can't make a lot of money this way. The maximum you can get is 1.5-2 thousand rubles. However, this is a good way to make passive income. It is enough to write new reviews once every few weeks to prevent your profile from being deactivated.

But that is not all. There are other options for working on the Internet. What is it about?

Promoting communities

Where can a teenager get money on the World Wide Web? Programmers and web designers can offer in social networks community promotion services. We need to attract new users to public pages. The person will be paid money for this.

In addition, some are asked to complete simple tasks like “like”, “repost”, “add as friends”. For such work, it is better to use a variety of services and programs. For example, LikesRock or VKTarget. You can get several thousand rubles this way.

For photographers

Some teenagers are interested in photography. You can make good money from this hobby. The thing is that there are photo banking sites on the Internet. They pay for downloading certain photos. By posting your creations here, your child can earn a little extra money.

Having a professional or semi-professional camera, as well as Photoshop skills, is desirable. This way you will be able to create truly interesting and attractive photos and pictures.


Now it’s clear where a teenager can get money. If your parents don’t give you pocket money, you just need to find a job. In addition to the listed vacancies, teenagers and students are often employed as waiters, sales managers, cashiers and workers in fast food cafes.

What to give preference to? The answer directly depends on the child’s wishes. It is not recommended to protect him from independence. Especially if he wants to consistently receive money for personal expenses.

Schoolchildren at the age of 16 are already sufficiently developed physically and intellectually to be trusted to do this or that work. They are ready and eager to earn money, and there is no need to limit these impulses. Teenagers and their parents first need to study the legislative framework, assess their capabilities and desires, and draw up an optimal work schedule that does not interfere with their studies. Today's millionaires, for the most part, are people who started their careers and businesses in their teenage years, who have studied all the possibilities and limitations from the inside and thoroughly. And, with youthful maximalism, they believed in the impossible and achieved their goal.

Here are some examples of such success:

  1. F. Doherty, who at the age of 14 began producing jam according to his grandmother’s recipe and selling it to neighbors and acquaintances. Already at 16, he registered the SuperJam brand, under which he not only produced a sweet product, but also published collections of recipes (the SuperJam cookbook, a popular publication of Internet auctions).
  2. K. Johnson. It all started with the design invitation card, which the parents asked the boy to make. The design impressed the guests and their friends so much that a few years later the child was able to open his own line of cards under the Cheers And Tears brand, and even before finishing high school generate a capital of $1 million.
  3. David And Catherine Cook, the brother and sister who created the popular online school planner at MyYearbook.com.

What does it take to replicate and exceed their experience? to work, to have interesting idea and come up with ways to implement it. And – help and support from loved ones. For example, David and Catherine Cook were able to accelerate their success because their older brother Jason believed in them and their idea, and loaned $250,000 to start the business.

It is important to know! Not everyone in the family has the opportunity to help financially, but every parent can provide moral support and deal with the legal aspects of earnings for sixteen-year-old schoolchildren.

What does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation say about the employment of 16-year-olds?

The law does not prohibit working and doing business at this age. There are some restrictions that you should know and follow.

Schoolchildren 16 years oldDuring the academic yearDuring school holidays
Allowed to work a dayno more than 4 hoursno more than 7 hours
Allowed to work a weekno more than 17.5 hoursno more than 35 hours
Working with harmful and dangerous substancesforbiddenforbidden
Work involving significant physical and psychological stressforbiddenforbidden
Work related to making responsible decisionsforbiddenforbidden

Hello! In this article we will discuss how you can earn money as a teenager.

Today you will learn:

  • How much can you receive per month?
  • How to avoid being scammed.

Can a teenager earn

Often teenagers do not know how to earn money. And this is a really big problem. Because even in the summer it can be quite problematic.

But with the Internet everything is different. Nobody knows who is sitting on the other side of the monitor. That is why there are a huge number of ways for teenagers to earn money, and almost everyone can choose the right option for themselves.

In the article we will look at popular ones. I will tell you how to earn money as a teenager, approximately how much you can earn and how to increase your earnings.

Ways to make money for teenagers on the Internet

First, we will look at where a teenager can make money online. These methods are available to everyone, and most of them do not require special skills.

No investment

Here I have collected for you all the methods that do not require depositing your own funds. You can get paid for performing simple actions.

Clicks, likes, viewing ads

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Research promotion.
  2. Gain basic copywriting experience.
  3. Create a website using the WordPress engine, buy a domain, upload it to hosting.
  4. Start publishing materials.
  5. Wait for visitors.
  6. After 6 - 12 months you can add advertising.

You're unlikely to succeed the first time. But sites really bring in a lot of income, so the first, second or third will bring experience that you can monetize.

In fact, to make a high-quality website, you will need more than 2,000 rubles. But if you do everything yourself, don’t rush and work for several years, 500 - 1000 rubles a year will be enough.

Task services (Work-zilla, Youdo)

I classified this method of earning money as a paid method, because you have to pay for access to the sites. For teenagers, these two projects have simple tasks: translate audio into text, call clients, find information, write a simple article, etc.

The essence of earning money is as follows:

  1. Registration in the service.
  2. Passing the test.
  3. Payment (—month of work, Yudu—number of applications).
  4. Selecting a task and applying.
  5. If the application is approved, the task is completed.
  6. If all is well - receiving money.

This method of earning money is extremely promising for those who want to make money on the Internet, but don’t know how to do anything. Suitable for teenagers 14 years old.

Reselling articles

An interesting way to make money, but poorly scalable. When I worked as a copywriter on the Etxt exchange, there was a common practice there: to look for newcomers, give them cheap orders, and resell the received articles. This way, webmasters get cheap content, copywriters get first experience, and the intermediary gets profit.

The essence of earning money is as follows:

  1. Register on the Etxt exchange (you can also use others, but this is the easiest place to work).
  2. Deposit money into your account (you can start even with 300 rubles).
  3. You do several tasks for authors (you can check with experienced intermediaries).
  4. You give them all the tasks that the authors will respond to.
  5. You check the received articles, write reviews, finalize them and put them up in the store.
  6. As soon as the article is purchased, you make a profit.

It is best to start working with as much money as possible. This will make it easier to get back to normal. Personally, when I was playing with this method of earning money, I set the price at 15 rubles/1,000 characters and put it in the store at a price of 21 - 27 rubles per 1,000 characters. Profits at low volumes are minimal, but articles are bought with enviable regularity.

If you put this method of earning money on stream, you can reach an income of 10 - 12 thousand rubles in just 1 - 2 months.

But you will have to independently refine many articles, improve their uniqueness, so as not to waste time. Plus, you can also sell your own articles to increase the volume of articles in your store.

These are all popular ways for a teenager to earn money at home. Choose the one you like, try it and earn money. There are a lot of opportunities on the Internet.

Make money for a teenager without the Internet

Now about where to make money in the summer or after studying.

Help with assignments

This is a great way to earn money if you are studying at a technical school. At the age of 16-17, many are already weaned from school and prefer not to do the assignments that are given in technical schools and in the first years of college. This is used by many excellent students who take tests, give reports, etc. for money.

The method is almost the same as writing reports on the Internet. The only difference is that you already have a ready-made customer base that will contact you if something happens.

Seasonal work

There are 2 seasonal earning opportunities: summer and holidays. Let's look at each of the options.

The easiest time to earn money is before the holidays. You can either sell holiday goods that you bought or made yourself, or get a job for just a couple of days. For example, during the holidays, various attractions are put on the streets, such as “hitting a ball with a dart.” And these days their owners need workers.

Finding income in the summer is much easier. If you like fun, city parks are often suitable for teenagers. If you are already 18, then you can try yourself as a counselor at a summer camp. For teenagers aged 14-15, there is an opportunity to sell ice cream, help in the village, work at a construction site, car wash, etc.


Waiter is a fairly simple but stressful job. The cafe hires teenagers because rarely does anyone work as a waiter for a long time. If you want to earn extra money in the summer or after school, this is a good option. Just keep in mind that the work will be stressful and thankless.


I have 2 friends who started making money as a tutor at the age of 17. In the first year of the institute, they already knew English well and therefore coached schoolchildren, and one even began preparing for the Unified State Exam at 18. Quite a promising niche; it is almost entirely occupied by teachers. But if you have friends, try starting with them.

Providing small services

If you know how to do something, you can easily make money from it. For example, if you know about computers, you can post an ad on Avito about repairing computers, setting up an operating system, etc. You can find many options for what people really need. And as a platform for posting advertisements, use, for example, Vkontakte groups.

I started looking for a way to make money on the Internet at the age of 16, and the banal lack of free money saved me from many deceptions. And based on my own experience and the experience of my colleagues, I can give 3 pieces of advice.

1. Choose a profession.

If you want to really start earning money, and not limit yourself to 10-12 thousand rubles a month, then you will have to choose a specialization. You won't earn much on simple tasks. For example, a copywriter who is developing, in six months, crosses the bar of 1,000 rubles per working day.

Therefore, if you want to make money on the Internet in the future, you need to study professions. Choose the direction you like and study free manuals.

Just don't need to buy anything. Until you reach a stable income of 30 thousand rubles per month, you will not need paid information.

2. Don't count on easy money.

There used to be a lot of scammers on the Internet. They offered to make money quickly, but first you had to pay. Exchangers, betting, automatic earnings from programs, reprinting articles, etc. - I’ll say right away that all this is a lie. There are no freebies on the Internet.

A teenager will not be able to make money quickly. You will have to work and gradually integrate into a new field.

3. Work and work again.

As I said above, there are no freebies. Nobody will pay you money just like that. Therefore, you will have to really work. If you complete tasks, you will have to do them well. If you start writing text, you need to follow the terms of reference and. Your reputation on services is the basis of your earnings. Of course, you can always create a new account, but this is additional time that is best not wasted.

How much can a teenager earn?

Now to the question of how much teenagers earn. I’ll tell you right away: you won’t be able to earn a lot. Nobody on the Internet will pay 30 thousand just for what you do. simple work. At the same time, you shouldn’t think about any “spend 2-3 hours a day and get 15-20 thousand in a month.”

If you do something easy, like clicks, likes, surveys, etc., you can count on 2 - 3 thousand rubles for 3 - 4 hours of activity every day. If you do something more serious - 8 - 10 thousand rubles.

It is best to focus on an income of 5-6 thousand rubles in the first few months of working on the Internet.

If you start developing in your profession at the age of 15-16, then by the age of 17 you can reach a decent income of 25-30 thousand rubles.


The main advantage of making money on the Internet is that no one knows who is on the other side of the monitor. That is why, even if you are a teenager, you can easily start earning money. It's just worth putting some effort into it and working on yourself.

Good day, dear visitors of the site about making money. If you are reading my blog, then you are interested in all the possible ways to earn extra income online. Such activities are becoming more relevant and in demand every day, since absolutely everyone can do it: from students to qualified specialists in various fields. Online work is especially popular among students who are starting to live independently and are looking for various sources of income. In this article you will learn about how you can make money at 18 years old. I'll tell you about the most interesting methods work without investment. So, you can choose the most suitable options and immediately start making a profit, combining part-time work with study and other important matters.

Features of earning money for 18 year olds

Many users sooner or later face the problem of lack of money. Therefore, they are looking for all sorts of methods of earning extra money, in particular online. It is working online that will allow you to combine earning income with other important matters (such as household chores, study, etc.).

Adult users face many difficulties when looking for a job, because they need to find a way to earn money that would not take up all their free time and allow them to study at the same time without compromising their work and vice versa. In addition, due to the lack of experience in any field, not every potential employer is ready to employ them.

Another serious obstacle is the fact that many employers do not appreciate the work of teenagers. They are usually paid lower wages, but have fairly high demands. Therefore, there is a need to search for reliable sources of income, where all efforts and labors will be adequately rewarded.

This is why many 18-year-olds are looking for work on the Internet. And this correct solution, because today many people from different parts of the world make money online. The most are described on my website. I suggest you familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Paid surveys

Filling out surveys is the best way to make money when you're 18 years old. This type of work does not require any specialized knowledge, skills or abilities. You will only be required to answer a variety of questions that relate to consumer products (food, drinks, communication services, etc.).

You only need your personal life experience and the desire to earn money. The essence of this activity is simple, and consists of performing the following steps:

  • familiarization with various survey sites, studying the main features of working with them, the rules and conditions of payments;
  • choosing one or more projects in which you will earn money; in this case, it is recommended to choose as many sites as possible that suit you, so you can increase your earnings;
  • completing the registration procedure on all selected resources (when registering, you must provide a valid email, confirm your profile and provide in detail all the required information);
  • waiting for invitations to arrive by email and responding to them in a timely manner (it is important to immediately follow the links to complete the survey, since surveys may close over time);
  • filling out a survey (you must read the questions carefully and give truthful answers to each of them; many projects today skillfully identify unscrupulous participants, after which their profiles are blocked or invitations to participate stop coming regularly).

If all these conditions are met, this method of earning money for 18-year-olds can bring good additional income. On average, participants receive from 50 to 100 rubles for one completed survey. At the same time, you will spend an average of half an hour completing it.

I present to your attention a list of the most common projects that consistently send invitations and are guaranteed to make payments to all participants.

is one of the largest survey projects that conducts not only various marketing research, but also interesting competitions, where you can win different prizes. Funds earned in the project are easily withdrawn to a phone number, card, or transferred to Yandex Money.

is a well-known and popular questionnaire today, trusted by many Russians. By registering and filling out your profile, you can expect invitations and fill out surveys for a small fee. Earned funds can be transferred to Yandex Money or donated to charity. Output to a mobile phone is also available.

is a young but promising questionnaire that is suitable for all 18-year-olds who want to make money. Payment here is calculated in rubles, and they, in turn, are transferred to payment systems without problems or delays. To withdraw money, Russian residents only need to save at least 300 rubles.

— a survey site that conducts interesting marketing research with the support of the SINT company. Here, not only 18-year-olds, but also 14-year-old citizens of Russia and Ukraine can make a profit. Within a month, users are quite capable of earning the minimum amount of money for withdrawal.

is a popular questionnaire that conducts marketing research and gives rewards in the form of bonuses for this. Received bonuses can be exchanged for various prizes, discount coupons, or donated to charity.

is a fairly popular survey site among users of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus. Offers earnings to 18-year-olds (about 20-60 rubles per completed survey). Money can be withdrawn to electronic wallets and then cashed out.

- a project with surveys that awards a bonus 80 rubles to everyone who has completed the registration procedure and filled out a profile. After this, you will receive invitations by email and will be able to receive financial rewards for completed tests.

— an international questionnaire that asks participants profitable terms cooperation. Good pay, regular invitations and stable payments to electronic wallets are not all the advantages of this project. An excellent part-time job option for both students and professionals looking for additional income.

Internet Opros is a Russian survey project that has managed to gain the trust of a large audience of users. The essence of working on this resource is extremely simple: you register, wait for invitations, fill out the form completely and receive a reward for this. Withdrawal of funds is only possible to a mobile phone account.

GlobalTestMarket- a very useful questionnaire for adult citizens of Russia. Users here get paid well for completing surveys in the form of points. In the future, each participant can convert them into real money and withdraw them to PayPal or exchange them for various vouchers.

ThePanelStation is a project in which registration is available to everyone who has received a special invitation. Surveys appear quite regularly, and payment for them is calculated in points. The site system involves exchanging received points for money, which is subsequently withdrawn to electronic wallets.

These are the most popular projects in which you can earn small money and spend it for your personal purposes. I recommend studying the features of each site in detail and registering in all suitable projects.

Earning money by recognizing captcha

This is another good one. To earn money at the age of 18 on captcha, you must comply minimum requirements:

  • have a computer or laptop with Internet access;
  • be able to type quickly enough on the keyboard;
  • have some free time and a desire to earn money.

Surely, you have already encountered captcha in Everyday life while surfing the net. It is a picture with encrypted characters that must be entered into a special field to confirm that you are not a robot. Today there are various projects that are willing to pay money to decipher such pictures.

All you need to do is register in one or more of these projects and get started. The payment here is small, but in 2-3 hours it is quite possible to earn about 100 rubles. I suggest you consider The most popular projects for this method of earning money:

is a fairly large project that has been operating for many years, and during this time it has managed to gain the trust of a large audience of users. The faster and better you solve pictures, the more short term you can get your profit. This project is suitable for almost all 18-year-olds to earn money, since they do not need to work hard and have any experience.

is a stable project that offers a wide variety of captcha recognition tasks. So, you can decipher a regular captcha, consisting of numbers and letters, as well as a recaptcha, which is a set of pictures, among which you need to select images of the same topic. Diligent workers receive certain incentives.

These are the two largest and most reliable projects that allow teenagers to earn money by solving captchas. You can register on one site or two at once to evaluate their differences, advantages and disadvantages.

Working on social networks

Any adult user can. Since social networks today are extremely popular among people all over the world, working on these sites is also in high demand. The variety of tasks offered is quite wide. So, you can receive cash rewards for the following actions: