Children's birthday menu 1. What to cook and how to decorate a children's birthday table. Here are ideas for wall newspapers

Children grow up very quickly, before you know it, it’s time for parents to choose a scenario for their 1st birthday. But how to plan it so that it is interesting for both adults and children? After all, this is often very difficult, especially since the baby can get very tired from the noise and large number of guests that day. That's why we decided to collect best ideas first birthday celebrations, give useful tips for planning, write a list of the most exciting and funny competitions that are interesting to any generation.


The best place to celebrate your child's first birthday is at home. A cafe or a children's room is not yet interesting at this age. In addition, this is not entirely convenient for parents; the child may want to sleep, eat, or simply be capricious. However, even at home, you can create a festive, fairy-tale atmosphere for a birthday, think through a scenario, and decorate the room.

So, what interesting ideas Can it be used for a first birthday party?

  1. Balloons. 1-year-old babies really love colorful balloons, so you should definitely use them for decorations. For example, you can make unusual airy flowers. For this you will need 4 large hot air balloon(petals) and 1 small (middle). Simply tie them together with ribbon and carefully tape or pin them to the wall. You can make other figures, for example, fairy-tale characters, a unit symbolizing the child’s 1st year, a pacifier made of balloons, and the sun.
  2. Big one. The huge number 1 looks very impressive at a party and makes for great family photos. You can make it from anything - balls, napkins, fabric, children's photographs, mirror paper, etc. As a rule, the selected elements are attached to a base frame (wire, cardboard), and the bottom of the unit is made heavier so that the kids during the celebration of the day birth it was not accidentally knocked over.
  3. Garlands, flags, caps and whistles. Such decorations can be bought ready-made or made yourself. For example, a garland can be made from photographs of a child. Such a thing can be used from year to year, each time replenished with new photographs. Well, where would we be without the “Happy Birthday” inscription, funny caps and whistles? They will decorate any scenario, creating a festive atmosphere throughout the day.
  4. Wall newspaper. Usually, until a child is one year old, parents often take photographs of their child. These pictures can be designed in an interesting way by drawing a wall newspaper (or printing them out in any printing house or photo salon). Drawings in the form of a calendar with 12 months of a baby’s life, a carriage in which the little birthday girl is riding, an old film with frames, a clock dial look interesting. For a boy, you can use a rocket in space or a train with 12 carriages. And somewhere on the side you can place a palm tree with the dynamics of the baby’s height and weight.
  5. Presentation. A slide show accompanied by children's songs will not leave any of the guests indifferent. Presentations look especially interesting together with photographs of close relatives (when they were only one year old). Or you can just make a clip from best photos and videos of the baby, arranging them from birth to one year as they grow.
  6. Musical selection. Cheerful children's music, songs, and cartoon clips will help bring any scenario to life. They will help adults plunge into the world of childhood, and kids will be able to move and dance funny.

Party plan

Regardless of the number of guests and the size of the party, it is better to plan the first birthday celebration in advance. If everything happens in turmoil, then there will be neither time nor energy left for the script. It is very important to decide in what sequence the meal, congratulations, presentation of gifts, holding competitions, etc. will take place. It should also be taken into account that at one year old the baby will not be able to stay awake and have fun throughout the day, so the time for the party should be chosen immediately after his birthday. sleep.

When planning a birthday scenario, you don’t need to schedule everything down to the minute. Don't forget to leave room for unexpected moments and surprises, they are sometimes the ones that leave the best memories


It’s best to start the entertainment part with a presentation; this will put the guests in the right mood. Next, you can move on to the official address to the guests. Thank them for all being here today. Tell us a few funny moments from your child's life. You can find out which famous people were born on the same day as the baby, and it’s interesting to present it. For example, if this is a great composer, you can say: “Sasha probably has excellent hearing and a sense of rhythm...”

Then you can proceed directly to the competitions, but before that, do not forget to take an oath from the guests. It sounds something like this: “I swear on this day to have fun with all my heart, not to refuse, so that they don’t offer me, not to shout “what the kindergarten" or "I don't play like that." In the name of pacifiers, rattles and delicious porridge!

Fortune-telling competition for the baby's future

It is better if the competition begins the scenario when the child is not yet tired and in a good mood. You need to spread a small blanket on the floor, arrange various objects around its perimeter, and place the baby in the center. The essence of the competition is for the child to choose 1 or 2 things that can be used to predict his future. To make the scenario even more exciting, you can invite each guest to guess what the child will choose (write it down on a piece of paper and then check it).

Item Values:

  • money - will become a millionaire, banker, accountant, economist;
  • comb - hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist;
  • spoon - cook, owner of a restaurant business;
  • tablets – medic, doctor;
  • computer mouse - programmer;
  • brush - famous artist;
  • photograph - photographer;
  • toy tank or pistol - military;
  • matches - fireman;
  • gavel - judge, lawyer, jurist;
  • glasses – scientist, teacher;
  • dog figurine – veterinarian, dog handler;
  • car - driver, car dealership owner;
  • flashlight - policeman;
  • telephone – manager;
  • ring - a good family man;
  • mirror – handsome man (beauty), model;
  • a ball of thread - the baby will live a long time;
  • ball – football player, sports career.

The tradition of cutting a child's hair at age 1 arose so long ago that almost no one remembers why it was done. The fact is that previously a large number of children were born in each family, but many of them died, so the hair (the source of strength) was not cut for the first year. It was believed that until the child was 1 year old, he could decide to leave the family. In one year, the first lock of hair was ceremoniously cut off from the top of his head, leaving the rest of his hair untouched. This was a sign that the child had been accepted into the family and was now under its protection.

Today, as before, the first lock of hair is cut God-parents baby. This must be done quickly and carefully, in the shape of a cross. The hairs are placed in a beautiful envelope and carefully stored along with the baptismal shirt. If desired, after the ceremony the child can be shaved bald.

Attentiveness competition

You should prepare for this competition in advance. You need to cut out large daisy petals from white paper and write a question about the birthday person on each one. In this case, there should be as many questions as there are guests invited (one for each). Then they are attached with double-sided tape to the yellow center.

The questions can be anything, for example:

  1. What weight was the birthday boy born with?
  2. How tall was he?
  3. What does your baby like to eat?
  4. What time did his first tooth come out?
  5. On what day of the week was he born?
  6. When did he take the first step?
  7. At what time was he born?
  8. When was he baptized?
  9. How many months did he start sitting?
  10. What is your baby's favorite toy?
  11. What is his zodiac sign?
  12. What color are your eyes?
  13. What affectionate name do parents call a child?
  14. Who is his first friend?
  15. How many teeth does he have now?
  16. What is the birthday boy's favorite fairy tale?
  17. What does he like more, drawing or dancing?

Fun, funny competitions

Everyone loves to have fun, even grandparents will be delighted with such games. But it is worth considering that 1-year-old children will not be captivated by such a spectacle for long. Therefore, during competitions, you need to come up with an exciting activity for younger guests: get paper and finger paints, plasticine, colored pencils, etc. While the kids are busy, adults can play.

  1. Competition "Guess by Taste". Participants are tightly blindfolded and asked to try baby food. Based on taste, they should determine the contents of 5-6 jars (vegetable, fruit, meat purees). Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.
  2. Competition "Who can drink faster?" Participants are poured adult drinks into baby bottles and asked to drink at speed through a nipple with a large hole.
  3. Competition "Dress the Child". Participants need to quickly, and most importantly, swaddle the doll correctly. Whoever completes the task first must notify everyone with a rattle. The same task can be organized with a diaper, adding socks, a hat and other items of clothing.
  4. Competition "Sliders". For this competition you need to sew large rompers or simply tie the legs of your trousers. Participants must cover the distance from one end of the room to the other. Whoever comes first is the fastest slider.
  5. Competition "Whim of the Day". Participants are given pacifiers, which they must spit out as far as possible. The winner must be awarded a prize (otherwise he will be upset and capricious).
  6. Soap Bubbles Competition. Let bubble loved not only by children, but also by adults. You can compete a little and find out who can blow the biggest bubble, and who releases a huge number of them at a time.

End of the entertainment program

Any script must have a spectacular ending. Therefore, pay special attention to the final part. You can record a congratulatory clip for your child’s birthday. To do this, all guests are given a small candle, the light is slightly dimmed. Then the child’s mother or father lights each person’s candle in turn, after which the guest says a wish to the baby. Touching children's or classical music can play quietly in the background. At the final stage, when all the candles are lit and the guests have spoken, everyone will once again say “Happy birthday to you!” It will be a pleasure to watch such a video with your family year after year.

You can also make a family tree together with your relatives. You need to print out small photographs of your loved ones in advance, and also prepare a mock-up tree. You should start from the very bottom, with a photograph of the birthday boy, then there are photographs of the parents, even higher – of the grandparents, etc.

In order for everyone to be happy and remember your 1st birthday party scenario for a long time, you need to take into account several important points.

  1. Food should not only be tasty and satisfying, but also beautiful. Don't forget about the kids, they will probably get hungry and also want to eat. You can even make a special cake for them. To do this, fruit is cut into pieces in the middle of the plate, and children's cookies are laid out along the edges in a fence; when finished, the cake is tied with a bright ribbon. Other dishes can be served in the form of funny animals - bunnies, pigs, dogs or bear cubs.
  2. Ask guests to place gifts in a specific place. If they give them right away, it will create chaos; numerous new toys will greatly excite the baby. It is better to show them to him a little later, for example, during competitions.
  3. Gifts and souvenirs. The large number of competitions in the scenario suggests that there are many winners waiting for their reward. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on chocolate coins, delicious sweets, and you can make souvenirs for relatives with the image of a child. These could be mugs, calendars, refrigerator magnets, keychains and anything else that comes to mind.
  4. It is worth remembering that a baby’s birthday is a holiday for parents too. Therefore, some responsibilities can be entrusted to relatives. And so that after the birthday you don’t have to spend a long time cleaning up the house, decorations should be given to little guests. It’s useful for you and pleasant for them.

A baby's birthday is a very exciting holiday for parents; you need to prepare for it in advance so as not to miss anything. After all, the first year is remembered stronger and brighter than the rest. Photos taken on this day are viewed many times, so you need to make every effort to ensure that it is filled with happiness, fun and joyful laughter.

This solemn event is associated with troubles, bustle and, of course, impressions that last a lifetime.

It would seem that a year is quite a bit. However, this crucial period contained so much! How to celebrate your baby’s first birthday, remembering everything that happened during this time? Moreover, I want all the guests to have an interesting and fun experience!

Child's birthday. 1 year - a long-awaited holiday for the whole family

So, the date is approaching... The whole family is happily waiting for it, thinking about how the child will be 1 year old. This is a holiday not only for the baby, but also for his parents, so everything should be carefully thought out.

Do not forget that a one-year-old child cannot appreciate the significance of his first birthday. He does not understand that it is he who is the hero of the occasion. Therefore, as a rule, the first year of life is celebrated together with their relatives and friends. The baby’s peers still won’t understand the efforts of adults, and they may also not even get pleasure from communication.

We prepare in advance - we make invitations

The child’s birthday (1 year old) “starts” a few days before the immediate date - when the parents start studying invitation cards. Of course, this is not at all necessary, but many will want to organize this holiday, so to speak, “to the highest standard.” Bright handmade invitations will definitely please all guests.

In addition, you can also prepare diplomas and certificates for your beloved grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc. By the way, you can also place a photograph of the birthday person on all these “works of art.” Well, everyone can choose the words at their own discretion.

Place for a celebration

Despite the fact that mostly adults celebrate the birthday of a child (one year old), it is necessary to remember that these are not the most ordinary “get-togethers”.

First of all, you need to decide on the place of celebration. At home, for example, it is very easy to accommodate all the guests. At the same time, the child will definitely receive attention.

If you want to stay at any establishment, you need to choose the most convenient place for the baby. The best thing is one of the children's clubs, where you can, in principle, invite guests with kids. In an ordinary restaurant, a child, of course, will be bored. Parents will have to constantly run after him. But in a children's room with toys and ladders it will be at least a little more interesting for the baby.

Well, if it’s warm outside, you can come up with a birthday scenario for a celebration in nature. It is very fun for a baby to celebrate his 1st birthday somewhere in the forest or on the shore of a lake. But here, too, you will need to organize everything properly. The area should be chosen to be clean and safe. In addition, you should not forget about such things as mosquito repellent cream, a first aid kit, water, etc. Naturally, the chosen place needs to be decorated somehow - inflate balloons, hang garlands, attach a poster, but all this is taken with you at the end of the celebration put away.

The holiday has arrived! Where to begin?

Child's birthday... 1 year is a very important date. The baby must be made to understand from the very early morning that something special is happening today. Kiss him, smile, wish him good morning. This will provide him good mood for all day.

It is necessary to calculate all your actions so that the baby does not have to deviate from his usual routine. Otherwise, the baby may become capricious in the midst of the celebration. This is why guests should be invited after or before naptime. The child will be very happy and cheerful, and the impressions from the birthday party will remain only positive.

The baby needs to be introduced to home decoration

Of course, the house also needs to be made bright and colorful before the holiday. The birthday scenario (1 year) will require not only mom and dad's ideas. The holiday involves balloons, candles, and paper lanterns. Some of this is necessary not only for decoration, but also for some competitions for adults, because they also want to have fun.

In any case, from the very morning the child will have to take a so-called “tour”, showing him all the magic that you have prepared for him. Let the baby touch all the decorations and play with them. The corner for future gifts also needs to be shown to the baby in advance.

By the way, you can come up with more interesting decorations - you can perfectly transform your apartment with family photos. They can be inserted into frames, arranging a photo exhibition, or you can make an entire photo newspaper by pasting a wide variety of photographs onto whatman paper.

How to prepare a festive table?

A child? 1 year is a very exciting event for parents. What not to forget? What to do? A holiday is a holiday, and you shouldn’t forget about the banquet. A banal feast is wrong, because it is, after all, a children's holiday.

No, of course, no one has canceled the traditional lunch or dinner, but cake, pastries and tea must be present. In no case should you forget about the candle that your baby will blow out with you.

Parents also need to prepare for the fact that the baby’s outfit will definitely be soiled with all sorts of prepared delicacies, and two small hands will be stuck into the birthday cake. You will have to take this calmly, because these are the first baby steps. Even if the baby will not fully perceive everything that is happening, he will still remember a lot of positive emotions, a feeling of delight and happiness, without a doubt!

Best entertainment

For a child's (1 year old) birthday, parents can come up with any scenario. You can entertain your guests interesting competitions, presentations with photographs of a pregnant mother, a newborn and all the important moments that have happened to him since his birth.

However, from time to time you will need to leave the guests, taking the birthday person with you. Literally 15 minutes every couple of hours in another room to communicate with the baby will allow everyone to avoid any whims, fatigue, or excessive impressions. If guests need to spend a lot of time, you should think about a nanny in advance.

Good old traditions

Parents should, of course, discuss the child’s birthday (1 year) in advance. The holiday script must include some rituals. For example, godparents should cut off strands of hair in the shape of a cross from the baby.

After this, the baby is usually cut to zero. For the first curl, you need to prepare a special box or envelope.

You can also make footprints and handprints of a one-year-old child. It will be very interesting to compare them with the prints made upon discharge from the hospital.

There is another wonderful tradition. A wide variety of objects are laid out in front of the birthday boy, for example, money, a notepad, thread, a book. It is generally accepted that these things can predict the future of the baby. If the baby reaches for a book, he will love to read; if there is money, he will be rich; if there are threads, his profession will be related to sewing.

Musical background

Funny children's songs play an important role on a child's birthday. One year old is an age that requires the baby’s favorite and most familiar music. Parents will need to make a special selection so that the baby doesn’t get bored. Dancing, for example, will take place to rhythmic songs of different genres. In addition, it is also necessary to prepare ceremonial music that will be played when blowing out candles or presenting gifts.

What to gift?

Let’s say the script for a child’s birthday is already ready. One year is a small age. Therefore, you need to think carefully about what to give your baby. It is advisable to coordinate ideas for gifts with the parents of the little ones, because they know best what the birthday boy needs at the moment.

At this age, a child will benefit from bright books with fairy tales, a variety of educational toys, cubes, etc. No child will remain indifferent to special tumbling ottomans and rocking animals. In a word, there are a lot of options. The main thing is to choose exactly what you need.

Guests, by the way, should also take care of a gift for their parents. An excellent present is for photographs. Today, there are many different models available on the modern market. Albums with family tree, pages for photographs of relatives and lines allocated for brief description their biographies, envelopes for the first drawings... All this will cause real delight not only among parents, but also among all family members.

Naturally, a one-year-old child will not immediately appreciate this. He will understand the value of such a gift only after he has matured a little. However, how interesting it will be for him to look at his photographs a few years later!

Games need to be thought through

And yet, how to celebrate a child’s birthday? 1 year is a great time to make sure everyone has fun. Games for guests are of great importance.

If friends and relatives come with children, they need to be entertained somehow. For five-year-old children, for example, the “Who’s in the Bag?” competition is ideal. To do this, take several small toys, which parents put in a gift bag. The guys take turns feeling them and trying to guess what they are. The birthday boy can also try to play such a game (the only problem is that he can’t speak everything yet). Moreover, many adults also join this competition, because it is actually a lot of fun.

If the holiday is held outdoors, you can also play catch-up. Or you can arrange “skydiving battles”, in which dads will compete to see who can throw their child the highest.

The puppet theater is another opportunity to entertain the kids. Any fairy tale shown by parents will bring a lot of pleasure to the little ones.

The walk is the culmination of the holiday

It is best to finish the event in the fresh air. You can go out for a walk and at the same time see off your guests. If the holiday ends early, you can go to the carousel with the guys. Of course, at the age of one you won’t be able to ride everywhere, but a ride on a children’s train or waterfowl duck boats are quite suitable for a baby. In any case, the walk depends only on the wishes of the children and parents, on their imagination, capabilities and appropriate mood.

The most interesting things are just beginning!

Well, in general, everyone decides for themselves how to celebrate their child’s first birthday. 1 year is just the beginning of a baby's life. At the same time, one of the most difficult stages in life has been passed. Left behind were crying for no reason, the first teething, and colic.

At this age, the child already becomes a person. He can point out what he likes and what he doesn’t like. The baby has his own preferences and desires.

Time flies very quickly. It would seem that recently a small lump was just brought from the maternity hospital. And now, on his first birthday, he can already eat, walk and say something on his own. Children develop at an amazing speed, learn everything and grow up very quickly. Therefore, such an important event as the first name day should be celebrated very cheerfully and brightly. The baby will not be able to remember everything, but somewhere in the subconscious the memories of this holiday will remain with him for the rest of his life. He will be very grateful to his parents, looking at photographs, videos in the future, holding his gifts in his hands, looking at postcards. It's his day! Organize it right! Make your baby happy!

Feeling children's party will make adults happy too. Balloons, colorful noses and hats, soap bubbles... A bright and cheerful holiday will delight everyone. Each guest will be able to feel the joy of childhood, to be a little child, blowing into a pipe, playing various games, dancing to children's songs. Let this celebration be remembered by all those present as a cheerful and unusual day, magical and fabulous, kind and bright!

It's no secret that every month for a newborn baby is as filled with events and changes as an adult's year, or even two, so happy parents, as a rule, celebrate every month. And when your daughter (or son) turns a year old, all the relatives, or even friends and families, gather and a real celebration is held.

We offer an option Children's birthday script "Celebrating the baby's 1st birthday"- universal, here in some entertainments, for example, the name of the girl Ksyushenka is used, but everything is easy to change to a boy and to any name.. Such a holiday can even be organized on your own, and one of your close relatives and friends can act as the host . At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out everything; you can select from the script only those game moments that suit your situation and company.

Scenario "Celebrating the baby's 1st birthday"

Mother: Dear relatives and friends! Today we have a special reason to get together: we invited you to celebrate our son (daughter)....

And a Fairy from a fairy tale flew to us to congratulate our daughter. So, meet the host of our celebration - the fabulous Fairy...!

Fairy enters

Presenter: Please accept my greetings from a fairy tale! I am a fairy and all the fairy-tale characters asked me to congratulate the wonderful girl Ksyusha on her first birthday, but since they could not come, we will create a fairy tale - a holiday in her honor ourselves.

So, let's forget about all the worries and everyday affairs and plunge into the holiday! I brought you magic wands from a fairy tale, and with their help all your wishes will definitely come true. All you have to do is say your wish, wave your wand and say the magic words “Crex-Fex”

Music is playing. To the music, the fairy hands out magic wands to all guests.

Shout - congratulations "Who is the birthday girl today?"

(The fairy invites guests to answer all her questions in chorus: “Ksyushenka, Ksyushenka” - or another name)

Presenter: Who is the birthday girl today?

All: Ksyushenka! Ksyushenka!

Who's the lucky girl today?

All: Ksyushenka! Ksyushenka!

Who is our beauty?

All: Ksyushenka! Ksyushenka!

Who do we really like?

All: Ksyushenka! Ksyushenka!

Happy birthday to you..

All: Ksyushenka! Ksyushenka!

Presenter: And now, for those who want to move further, let’s continue playing? Let’s form a circle and make some noise with you, my friend!

Outdoor game - noisemaker for children and adults

Presenter: Has everyone joined in a round dance? Now, let's play a little game.

Like dogs bark: woof-woof-woof,

How cats meow: meow...,

Like elephants stomp: stomp...,

Like slapping mosquitoes: clap...

And now we'll run in a circle like horses,

We won't catch up with each other. No one can catch us.

Our circle did not disperse. Let's try one more time (repeat from the beginning)

Children's round dance

The presenter leads a round dance, accompanying the text with general actions


Ball, Ball, inflate

try to be big.

Suddenly the wind came

spun and spun.

Flew and flew

and flew into a branch.

Once again...

Presenter: After these fun games, I suggest everyone have a little refreshment! I invite everyone to the table!
(there is a short banquet break during the ceremony)

Presenter (reads verse):

What are our children? These are... miracles!

Cunning eyes make you believe in them.

Rustle in silence - the naughty girl is not sleeping

Fidgets know that mom will forgive everything!

He will decorate the walls, turn the whole house upside down,

So that there is something to do, and fun at that.

Children are children. We can't live without them!

With them new words come into the house,

- “mya” and “la”, “yum-yum” and “tol”...

It means something, only he knows.

We often get tired, but from their love

Everything comes alive here: faces and flowers,

Children make noise, excite the mind

Children give laughter, happiness and success.

Mother: Our beloved daughter turned a whole year old on this day! Let's raise our full glasses and drink to the health of our birthday girl! HURRAY!

Presenter: Dear guests, each of you will have the opportunity to say your magic words to our birthday girl.

Now he will have his say - let's guess who -

Who walks with grandchildren, lulls them to sleep,

Does he always read fairy tales to them and buy them candy?

Of course, the floor is given to our... Grandma!

(Grandmother congratulates)

"Magic chest with wishes and treasures"

Presenter: Time goes by quickly and it's time to start collecting treasures for your daughter. The parents have already put the most precious things in this chest: the first rattle, the first vest, the tags from the arms from the maternity hospital.

Let's add our good wishes?! (everyone takes a piece of paper and writes their wishes to the birthday girl and puts everything in the treasured chest). Don't forget to include your signature, initials and date.

Presenter: And now, to convey my congratulations, the floor is given to - guess who -

Even though wrinkles are intertwined in a network

white chalk gray hair

he carries his granddaughter on his shoulders

and throws up to the clouds

Of course, the floor is given... to Ksyusha's grandfather!

Comic fortune telling at a children's birthday.

Presenter: Let's see who Ksyusha will become when she grows up.

Objects are laid out in front of the child, for example:

book - scientist

money - businessman

toy dishes - housewife

ring - good marriage

candy - confectioner

doll dress - designer

comb - hairdresser

(Whichever subject he is drawn to first is the profession he will choose).

Symbolic rite "Tonsured"

Presenter: Now the floor is given:

the most tender - you are the second mother,

be always by your side

I miss you...

Yes, the word for a magical wish is given... godmother!

Presenter: Do you know what day our birthday girl was born. Together with her, on the same day, such celebrities were born as... The horoscope says that children born on this day are different...

Presenter: Well, after the charming godmother he will say his word:

You give care, warmth and attention

If you find time, you will always come.

Godfather, who gives the law of the universe,

peace and love, in the happiness of every day…. godfather

And now, according to the old custom, the time has come for the godfather and godmother to perform the magical rite.

(godparents carry out a symbolic “haircut” - they cut off the curls (a little at a time) behind the ears, on the back of the head, on the forehead - a cross is obtained)

Presenter: We put these curls in an envelope as a keepsake and hide them in a magic chest.

Game "Guess Ksyushin's tasty treat"

Presenter: It's the kids' turn to have fun. Now the older children will remember when they were as small as our birthday girl. There are small plates in front of you. Well, who will try and guess what it is?

They bring out plates with prepared children's fruit puree (banana, apple, pear, etc.). You have to try it and tell us what it’s made of. Whoever guesses correctly receives a prize (for example, an inflated balloon).

Presenter: And now the competition is more difficult, for adults. Try to guess what you ate. They bring out the same plates for adults, but with a variety of baby food - a variety of baby cereals and different purees (for example, buckwheat porridge with vegetables, broccoli, rice porridge, etc.)

Presenter: We continue congratulations...They say their magical congratulations

They will help, just ask

They will come from the Far East

They will give you the best they have

Always support and support

The floor is given uncle and aunt Ksyusha

"Dads can do anything" competition.

Presenter: Imagine that in front of you is your child, and your mother went to chat with a friend. It is necessary to dress the child. In this case, it is necessary to dress everything correctly and not cause any inconvenience to the child. Get started!

Take out dolls and doll clothes. Dads dress dolls. The fastest and most dexterous dad wins a prize.

Competition for guests "And in chocolates the meaning really..."

Presenter: Everyone, of course, remembers the cartoon in which the height of a boa constrictor was measured: in elephants, monkeys and parrots. Since parents and closest relatives know such information by heart, they are not allowed to participate in the competition. For everyone else, a quick-witted question: how tall is Ksyusha in chocolates? (You need to either measure it in centimeters in advance or actually estimate it in order to know the correct answer) Whoever answers faster and more accurately will receive the unit of measurement itself as a prize, i.e. chocolate.

(game being played)

Competition for guests "How much does happiness weigh..."

Presenter: And now a competition for the most experienced parents. Please do not give any hints to your immediate family. It is clear that the happiness of the parents from the birth of Ksyusha is immeasurable, but still, how much does Ksyusha weigh at the moment? You need to take the birthday girl carefully in your arms or palms and determine the weight in grams. Whoever is more precise also gets a chocolate bar.

(game being played)

Presenter: Attention! Attention! A telegram has been received from all the fairy-tale characters. Unfortunately, it got caught in the rain and not all the words can be made out. Therefore, I hope that the guests will help me fill in the empty spaces, all the adjectives are lost. Tell us who remembers what! (the named adjectives are inserted one by one into the blanks)


And ____ Ksyusha!

All fairy tale characters Congratulations to you, _____ and _____ on your first _____ birthday!

Grow _____ and _____ to the joy of mom and dad, grandparents and all your family and friends. May your ____ birthday be the most ______ holiday every year. We look forward to visiting you in a fairy tale.

Your fairy friends

Forfeits for guests "Magic Pyramid"

Presenter: Now a task for the guests from the birthday girl. Here is her pyramid, which she likes so much. Ksyusha, come on, take off the top ring, who will you give it to? But next to him in the hat are pieces of paper with tasks. Pull one out. What assignment did you receive?

The child takes off one ring and points to one of the guests and gives him the ring. The hat contains folded pieces of paper with tasks. For example, sing Ksyusha a song, dance or crow.

This game can be played without the participation of the birthday girl: the guests themselves choose any ring from the pyramid, and on the task cards it is written what the owner of the yellow or blue ring should do.

(Here is a version of the poetic text for this competition - thanks to the author)


We bought a pyramid
They invited you to play.
Everyone break into pairs,
Don't be embarrassed, don't be shy
And choose a ring,
Do whatever they tell you to do.
You took the blue ring
And they made no mistake.
You need to be in time now
Sing three ditties to Ksyusha.
But, as if under water,
You hold your nose with your hand.
Choosing red
You will amaze the whole world.
Now you will surprise everyone -
Fun circus show:
Trainer Pipen
And a scientific seal.
Green ring!
What, did your heart skip a beat?
It will add interest to everyone
A play in a puppet theater.
Get the wolf and the hare,
Start the show.

"Family tree" for memory

Presenter: Now let's do it. But it's not that simple. You'll have to ask your grandparents for help. Here are photographs of you, your children and grandchildren in infancy. Come on, determine which of them is which and let's build our tree, starting with our birthday girl.

Whatman paper, glue and photographs are brought out. A family tree is being built.

Presenter: the time has come for magical wishes from the most important people in her life, from from dad and mom.

The most important people in the world

We will kiss you many times.

Dad and mom, be happy together

and your baby will delight you!


Presenter: While the main magic is being prepared, let the children make a big and friendly round dance for our birthday girl.

Loaf is being arranged (mother and daughter in the center)

Birthday cake

Presenter: Now let's move on to tea drinking.

A birthday cake with one candle is ceremoniously brought out.

Presenter: The most magical moment comes.

May all your wishes come true quickly

And all life is filled with magic.

Let laughter and smiles, childhood pranks

Paints, flowers and the best drawing, -

Life is like a game throughout your youth

And let our girl be pretty,

Lips like raspberries, eyes like diamonds

Our clever girl is growing beautiful and brave

With love and happiness - from mom and dad!

Blow out the candle on the cake.

Presenter: Well, the celebration is coming to an end. Finally, the children will leave their autographs as souvenirs. And in a year we will compare your autographs with those that will be.

They bring out finger paints and a large sheet of whatman paper. You need to leave a palm print on the sheet.

Presenter: Well done to all the participants. Well, in conclusion, let's launch a sky paper lantern, and everyone can make their own wish cherished wish. I ask everyone to go outside...

Every family has its own holiday traditions. Its youngest members will still have time to plunge into adult life, so you shouldn’t take them to a restaurant or cafe, but it’s better to organize a child’s birthday at home. It’s not that difficult to create a menu; you can even call on your children to help.

I want to celebrate every children's birthday in an interesting and original way. The child is looking forward to this holiday with great impatience. For him these are gifts, surprises and a beautiful festive table. Our article is about what to include in the menu for a child’s birthday, what to prepare to make the holiday memorable for the kids for a long time. Growing up, the child will remember with gratitude happy moments surrounded by family and friends.

Where to begin?

When deciding to hold a children's birthday at home, parents need to seriously consider the holiday scenario. Invite your child to discuss this activity. Ask him who the child wants to invite and what to prepare for this celebration. Find out from him what he would like to treat his friends to. When creating a menu for children's birthday, remember that these are active, spontaneous and cheerful guests who will not be able to sit stiffly at the table and follow all the rules of etiquette.

What to include on the menu for children's birthday?

Meals should be light and nutritious. Do not arrange a large table with various kinds of meat dishes, a variety of salads and drinks.

It is worth considering the age, tastes of the guests and the time of year. Be sure to exclude everything fatty, salty, and smoked from the menu, because such food is not beneficial for children. If the birthday party does not last long, then it can be held in a buffet format. Then it is not recommended to include a hot dish.

What dishes to serve?

Before cooking, be sure to consider the age of the children, because the menu for a schoolchild differs from the menu for a year. For his birthday, a child wants to try something new, unusual, different from what is on the daily table. However, even familiar favorite dishes can be served on the table on this day, they just need to be placed in unusual dishes or decorated effectively.

Most often, the children's menu consists of a hot dish, light snacks, fruit, vegetable, cheese slices, and a variety of sweets. The main highlight of the program will be the birthday cake. You will also need tasty and healthy drinks.

Table setting

Preparing a varied and interesting menu for a child’s birthday is not everything. The table must be set brightly. Use disposable tablecloths and utensils. Firstly, the latter will not break and harm the child. Secondly, retail outlets offer a large selection of bright festive disposable tableware and decorations for any holiday.


For a children's birthday menu, light snacks in the form of baskets or canapés are quite suitable. A waffle or shortbread basket can be filled with salad. It will be quickly and easily eaten by the guest like a sandwich. For little guests, small multi-layered canapés will be entertaining and attractive. Prepared from various ingredients, bright, unusual, they will bring pleasure to every child.

Healthy treats

Every parent wants the treat to be not only tasty, but also healthy, so you should include recipes containing fresh fruits in the menu for your child’s birthday. Fruit salad would be a great option. It's easy to make and kids really like it.

Simple and delicious fruit salad

You just need to cut one banana, one pear and one apple, mix everything together and pour two tablespoons of yogurt. The taste can be varied with honey, nuts, candied fruits, dried apricots or raisins, if children like them. You can take any fruit that your baby likes.

Fruit kebab

What if you serve fruit in the form of a kebab? Pieces of different fruits are strung onto sticks - and you're done! Be sure to include it in the menu for your child’s birthday, 10th birthday or 3rd birthday, it doesn’t matter. This dessert pleases children and leaves no waste. Just don’t serve it to the little ones so that they don’t get hurt by the skewers.

Beautifully cut and placed

If canapés and fruit shish kebab are more suitable for older birthday people, then what should be included in the menu for a child’s birthday? Original cuts of fruits and vegetables are perfect for kids' birthdays. Use them to create a small miniature - it will attract children's attention. Arrange the pieces of fruit in such a way as to create the bright tail of a fabulous Firebird. Create a fabulous forest kingdom from pieces of vegetables. Let the small slices of fish on the platter convey the image of the Goldfish. If the children are small, then they can take the pieces with their hands; place small forks or skewers near each of the guests over three years old so that the children can easily prick a piece and not get dirty.

Hot dish

Don't forget about the hot dish. What to cook for children that is tasty, light and nutritious? Include dishes made from rabbit, turkey or minced meat into your holiday menu. Whatever dish you create, it is advisable to decorate it or make a child’s picture on the plate. It could be a landscape or the face of an animal. The ingredients of the dish will tell you how you can be creative in creating and serving delicious hot dishes. A hot meat dish can also be included in the menu for a one-year-old child. For your baby’s birthday, it’s better not to experiment, but to feed him what he loves and what he’s already gotten used to at his age.

Delicious meatballs - a hot dish for big and small

Our recipe is for about a kilogram of meat. You can take one variety or mix several; housewives often choose pork and beef.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder with one small onion and two cloves of garlic. Cut out the pulp by removing the crust from one or two slices of loaf or white bread, and soak it in raw chicken egg. One or two medium-sized potatoes need to be grated. Combine minced meat, bread pulp, potatoes and add one glass of boiled rice. Distribute the ingredients evenly, mixing them thoroughly. Don't forget to add salt and ground pepper. It is better to leave the resulting mass in the refrigerator for an hour or two so that it hardens a little and becomes harder.

In order to prepare the fry, you will need one small carrot, which needs to be grated on a medium grater, as well as one onion, which is best finely chopped. Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil. Approximately two tablespoons of wheat flour should be dissolved in half a glass warm water. Stir well so that there are no lumps, and pour into the frying onions and carrots. Let the mixture boil a little, if necessary add a little more hot boiled water. The gravy is ready.

Remove the minced meat from the refrigerator and form it into ball-shaped meatballs. Place them in a mold or on a baking sheet, pour over the prepared gravy. Place in the oven for about half an hour. It is better to bake at a temperature of 160-180 degrees.

The meatballs turn out soft and juicy. Adults and children like it.

For little sweet tooths

What to cook for a sweet table on your birthday? You can give up traditional treats and create a themed sweet table. This could be a menu for a little princess or a young gentleman, pirates or travelers.

Whatever the mood of the holiday will be, make the sweet table that way. An original tablecloth, unusually shaped dishes, the use of designer decor, a variety of colors - all this will be attractive to guests. On the table there may be oriental sweets, candied fruits, chocolate medals or figurines, small cupcakes, lollipops. Little ones with a sweet tooth will also like fruit and berry jelly. Include it on your child's birthday menu. The photos will tell you how to decorate the table, or at least give you some creative ideas.

The peak of the feast - taking out the cake

The list of the festive menu ends with a birthday cake. This is the culmination of the birthday. A cake in which the number of candles is equal to the child’s years is brought into the hall to the enthusiastic exclamations of the children. After all, it is on your birthday that you need to blow out all the candles to make your dreams come true. The cake is made to order the day before, secretly from the birthday person. Culinary specialists offer a large number of options. You can order baked goods decorated with the child’s name and figurines of fairy-tale characters. Each such cake will be one and only.

What's for dessert?

A holiday menu cannot be complete without ice cream. This dessert always causes great delight among children. Get creative with your ice cream. Fill the bowls with colorful circles of sweets, sprinkle with chocolate chips or crushed nuts.

For the little ones

When preparing a holiday menu for a one-year-old child’s birthday, you should consider several rules. Dishes should be light and tasty, there should not be a lot of them, because a one-year-old baby cannot eat a lot. The ingredients must be natural and healthy. Decor festive table must be original and fabulous to attract the baby's attention. On this day, the feast can be turned into a game: let mini airplane sandwiches fly into your mouth, let edible bunnies jump around the table.


It is best to choose natural drinks. These can be compotes, juices, cocktails, fruit drinks. Add pieces of fruit to your drinks. On your birthday, decorate your glasses with pretty straws and paper umbrellas. Children will enjoy drinking, so prepare more drinks. Soda is harmful to children's health, so it is better not to use it in children's birthday menus. Store-bought juice boxes contain very few vitamins, so it’s better to prepare your own drink from some fresh fruits or berries. For example, apple compote.

Fresh apple compote

You will need about half a kilogram of ripe sweet apples, they need to be peeled and cut into cubes or slices. Place the pieces in one and a half liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for about fifteen minutes until the apples are soft. Add some sugar. It is better to leave the compote covered for a while so that it can brew until it gets a rich apple taste. Can be served either warm or chilled. A tasty and healthy drink for children!

When throwing a child's birthday party at home, try to create a unique creative masterpiece. A variety of festive menus will decorate the celebration. And the guests and the birthday boy himself will remember this birthday for a long time.

How quickly time flies! Your baby's first birthday is coming soon! Many parents even want to celebrate this, the very first holiday in their child’s life, in an unusual, bright and solemn way. They start preparing in advance - after all, there is a lot to consider!

Where will the holiday be?

When planning the first celebration in honor of your child’s birthday, you will have to focus in all matters on his requirements and needs. Although let's be honest, the child will not especially remember or appreciate this very first day of his birth.

So we take into account his life comforts and needs rather than options for celebration.

Restaurant or cafe

Adults often prefer to spend holidays in cafes or restaurants. Of course, it is convenient and pleasant - a beautifully decorated hall, deliciously prepared dishes, service staff...

But we wouldn’t recommend celebrating a child’s birthday in such conditions - small children are bored there, have nothing to do, and the special menu requires a non-standard approach.


You can organize a trip to nature. If your baby is lucky enough to be born in the warmer months, you can have a very fun holiday. Children will have a wonderful time playing on the blankets laid out on the grass and breathing in the fresh air.

It is only important to take into account the safety rules if you light a fire or sit near a pond.

At home

Most often, children's parties at this age are held at home. With such small children, this is, of course, the best option. A familiar environment will not make the child nervous, and therefore capricious; at home it is more convenient to wash, change clothes and feed children.

In addition, you will not be limited in time when inviting your family. Even if they come during the child’s quiet time, you will not disturb the baby.

We invite guests

Who will come to your baby's first party? We would like to warn you right away - a large number of guests for a child may be ordeal. Too many impressions overload the psyche of a small child and can provoke whims or tears.

Relatives and family

Usually, relatives and closest family friends come to the child’s first birthday. This option is good in the sense that the baby will feel comfortable and calm when surrounded by guests.

Again, let’s be honest, by and large, this is still a holiday for parents and relatives who are happy to celebrate the first “round” date of their treasure.

Acquaintances and “friends in the sandbox”

Another common option is when friends with children of the same age come to visit. As a rule, these are your baby's first friends, as they say, sandbox mates.

However, if you decide to invite children to the holiday, keep in mind that these should only be a few mothers who are well known and pleasant to you. Children at this age do not play together yet, so you will have to keep them occupied on your own.

Celebration format and entertainment: what can you do?

Another difficult question is in what format to celebrate a child’s one year anniversary? They still can’t sit like adults at a table and have small talk, nor can they participate in competitions or sing karaoke. Of course, we are joking, but there is some truth in every joke.

On the other hand, organizing gatherings for friends and relatives, leaving the kids to play on the rug, is also not good. Therefore, you should come up with ideas for entertaining guests, at least approximately.


We dedicate the beginning of the event to the “highlight of the program.” It makes sense for everyone to sit down at the table together - both children and relatives. Let's congratulate the baby and wish him all the best in his future, such a long life.

Time to give gifts

When to give gifts - you know better. It depends on whether you will keep the kids busy with some activities and games or whether you think that you should feed the children first (if, for example, guests come after quiet time).

Just keep in mind that toy gifts will keep the children occupied for a while and you can relax a little and chat with your family.

Entertainment for adults

If the children are busy with their own affairs, entertain the adult guests. Invite them to draw a portrait of the hero of the occasion, hold a quiz competition “Who knows the birthday boy best” (time of birth, weight, height, first word, when he learned to sit and walk, etc.).

Adults love winning competitions just as much as children, so prepare funny prizes for those who excel.

Children's competitions and games

Don't forget that this is still a child's birthday. Play different games and competitions with them. Of course, absolutely everyone should win here. Every year you can simply dance in circles, dance or play ball.

Staging a puppet show

You can show the children a small puppet show. Absolutely any adult can handle a small role. You can choose a fairy tale known to children, or you can come up with an idea of ​​how different animals came to congratulate the birthday boy.

By the way, if you write the texts in advance, then your guests will be able to familiarize themselves with the role and perform at the premiere in a few minutes.

What to choose for room decor?


Of course, on your birthday you want to decorate everything around. However, again we take into account the age of your birthday person. The best decoration of the year is balloons.

You can purchase helium balloons that float under the ceiling, or you can, like in the good old days, inflate the balloons yourself.

There is something in it when mom and dad inflate and hang balloons in their child’s room at night, anticipating his surprise and joy!

Flowers and banners

It’s probably not worth decorating a room with fresh flowers. One-year-old children are very inquisitive and want to test everything they see by touch and tongue. Let the vases with flowers remain for later.

Streamers with words of congratulations on one year old are also not very relevant, but paper or fabric decorations will do. Show your child all the decorations, tell him that this is all for him, in honor of his holiday.

What to put on the holiday table?

A festive table is an indispensable attribute of a birthday celebration. For adults, prepare traditional treats, but children do not need delicacies. Provide them with juice with straws and cut up some fruit. Otherwise, food for children should be what they eat regularly, according to their age.

If you plan on him eating it (or trying it), it's best to make your own. This way you will be sure that there is nothing harmful in it for children who are only 1 year old.

Not confident in your culinary skills? Buy ready-made cakes and coat them with homemade cream. The main thing is to light a candle! Well, you can buy a cake for adult guests.

Who is the cutest in the world? Dressing up the hero of the occasion

And, of course, the birthday boy needs a beautiful outfit for the celebration. Even such a little princess or prince wants to be dressed up for their birthday!

Which outfit do you prefer for a girl?

For girls, there are gorgeous dresses with original accessories on sale. As a rule, few people at this age can boast of luxurious braids, so choose a matching hairband with a bright flower or bow. Your beauty will be simply irresistible!

How to dress up a birthday boy?

The boy should also be dressed up formally. Let the child develop taste from early childhood. Dress your son in pants and a shirt and tie. Even such a young prince looks respectable with a traditional bow tie around his neck.

The baby may not like the bow tie with an elastic band placed around his neck. Yes, it's not very safe. But if, for example, you sew such a tie directly to the collar of a shirt, it will not interfere at all.

What should I give you, my dear man?

No birthday should be complete without gifts. What will we give to the baby when he is one year old?

Traditional toys

You can give a boy cars, a garage, some specialized equipment, and a girl a doll. Just let it not be a fashionable Barbie, but an ordinary child doll, so that the baby can undress and dress her, feed her, put her to bed and bathe her.

Educational gifts for children

Educational toys are an ideal choice at this age. Considering that they are not cheap, a holiday is just the perfect reason to buy.

We will highlight such gifts as rolling cars, children's rocking chairs, and home swings as a separate item. A great gift for a one year old.

In fact, the children's industry is currently so developed that it is dizzying. We are sure that your baby will not be left without gifts.

Pay maximum attention to your children on this day. The first birthday is a very important holiday! Your baby may not remember it for the rest of his life, but you can save photos or videos for him so that he knows how much he is loved and happy on his birthday!