6 weeks of pregnancy what is developing. Sixth week of obstetric pregnancy. Signs and sensations. Photo gallery of acceptable remedies for pregnant women to combat symptoms of influenza and ARVI

It is from this time - 6th obstetric week of pregnancy- changes in the female body can no longer be confused with any others. Morning sickness, dizziness, changes in the condition of the skin, hair, nails, strange tastes in food (strawberries with smoked lard, for example) and, of course, a considerable delay in menstruation - all these factors can no longer be attributed to malaise or illness. It is already obvious and clear that a small life has arisen and is actively developing inside a woman.

We can say that sometimes unpleasant sensations 6 weeks pregnant, especially if their manifestations are too strong, overshadowing the joy of waiting for your child. Toxicosis at that stage is not uncommon. But some lucky girls and women manage to escape with only mild symptoms, and even then for a short time, and some suffer from nausea and headaches for several more weeks.

Relatives and friends of the pregnant woman will have to be patient in advance: the expectant mother becomes irritable, quick-tempered, and whiny. One minute you want to cry over some little thing, and get angry, and break something, and laugh at an absolutely stupid joke.

It is worth saying that such changes in emotional state simply need to be experienced and endured. In just a couple of weeks, the body’s hormonal levels will more or less stabilize, the woman will get used to her new state and status, and will become calmer. Of course, if the manifestations of toxicosis at a given time are too painful, and psychological condition is unbearably difficult, then you should consult a doctor, who may recommend using any medications that are not dangerous for the mother and the unborn baby.

These are the changes in the body and sensations that a pregnant woman will have to face during pregnancy. 6th week:

  • Significant enlargement of the mammary glands and increased sensitivity of the nipples, sometimes even to the point of pain.
  • Frequent dizziness, especially in the morning.
  • There may be a decrease in blood pressure and, as a result, headaches.
  • Increase in body temperature, but insignificant.
  • Excessive salivation.
  • A sharp increase in sensitivity to odors, even weak ones.
  • A change in eating habits, often an unconscious attraction to those foods that previously caused aversion.
  • Frequent urination and constipation.
  • Reduced immunity, which can cause an increased risk of colds or infectious diseases.

Let's make a reservation: these symptoms do not appear in absolutely all pregnant women. They may show themselves earlier or later. It all depends on the individual characteristics of each woman’s body.

Fetal development at 6 weeks of pregnancy

All of the above changes in a woman’s body are associated with the fact that the embryo develops, as they say, “by leaps and bounds.” The growing fetus produces a certain set of hormones, which are the cause of such significant changes. the most “influential” hormone is hCG, an increased level of which in a woman’s blood indicates the exact onset of pregnancy.

However, there is no escape from this: all you have to do is get used to your new state and prepare to meet your long-awaited child.

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo begins to look more and more like a baby, and not like a ball with petals or a flat disk. By this time, the future baby’s brain areas have already been identified. They are, of course, still very small and will develop throughout pregnancy. The thymus gland is also formed, which will be responsible for the work immune system. The formation of the respiratory organs is underway: lungs and bronchi.

At this stage, the formation of the lenses of the eyes and ear placodes begins. The embryo cannot yet hear, but it already senses vibrations from the outside. The fruit begins to move and bend. However, its size is still so small that the mother does not feel such weak movements.

Growth of the unborn child by 6 weeks obstetric pregnancy only 2-4 mm. It's like a tadpole floating in a bubble of liquid.

What factors influence fetal development

On 6 weeks pregnant The fetal placenta is just forming, so any adverse effect on the mother’s body also affects the unborn child. That is why, during pregnancy, women working in production with hazardous working conditions are transferred to other safer positions.

Naturally, the use of alcohol, drugs, potent medications, and smoking is unacceptable. Bad habits can lead to serious deviations in the development of the fetus: the formation of heart defects, pathologies in the development of internal organs, and the development of chronic diseases in the future.

Pregnant women should avoid stressful situations.

What complications may arise at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

The most common risk at this time is risk of miscarriage. The embryo is not yet firmly attached to the wall of the uterus and any unfavorable factor can cause a miscarriage.

Exposure to radiation or toxic substances can cause serious genetic problems in the unborn child.

Usually the first sign of any problems is pain in the lower abdomen and spotting. Fine vaginal discharge for a pregnant woman should be in small quantities, transparent or slightly white, odorless.

If the discharge has a white color and a thick consistency with unpleasant smell taken together, this is most likely a manifestation of candidiasis (thrush). If blood appears, then this is one of the signs of a miscarriage.

In any case, immediate medical attention is required.

Changes in a woman’s body at 6 weeks of pregnancy

A pregnant woman's body has already changed significantly by this time. Gestational age 6 weeks- it is sensitive to pain breast, significantly increasing in size. The skin becomes oilier and the pores expand. However, do not worry if your skin was extremely dry before pregnancy. Such changes will only be beneficial. But for oily skin increased work of the sebaceous glands can provoke the appearance of an unpleasant rash or pimples.

Body weight begins to increase. In thin women at this stage, weight gain may still be insignificant. And this has nothing to do with the amount of food consumed. The body is simply preparing to bear a child. For many it is on 6 weeks pregnant The tummy begins to grow. This is also due to the growth of the uterus and the slowdown of the gastrointestinal tract. In women who were overweight before pregnancy, the tummy may not be noticeable for a long time.

What does it look like pregnant belly in the 6th week, you can see in the photo.

Tests and medical examinations

On sixth week of pregnancy(it differs from embryonic pregnancy by about two weeks) you can safely go to the antenatal clinic and register. Moreover, your test has already given a result of two stripes. Immediately after this, it will be necessary to undergo the entire necessary set of examinations and pass the standard set of tests for this case.

At this time, the gynecologist may prescribe ultrasound examination (ultrasound) to determine the duration of pregnancy, the location of the fetus in the uterus and the number of fetuses, to see what happens to the embryo and placenta. It is better to do this in advance, and not wait until 10-12 weeks. The sooner you get examined, the sooner you can identify all the risks and pathologies and protect both yourself and the unborn child from possible complications in the future.

The doctor does an examination and can definitely tell by the enlarged uterus that pregnancy has occurred. Additionally, a blood test is done to hCG. At this time, the level of this hormone will be 20,000 - 50,000 mU/μl. But there are also some nuances here: if the indicator is too low, then there is a threat of miscarriage or malposition, or fetal development.

Ultrasound at 6 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound helps to identify an ectopic pregnancy, in which termination is simply necessary, since the fetus will not be able to develop outside the uterus.

However, for interest, ultrasound on early stages is not carried out. However, it cannot be said that frequent ultrasound exposure is harmful - the effect of ultrasound on the body of the mother and child has not been confirmed in any way.

If pregnancy has occurred, then the expectant mother will in any case have to change her usual lifestyle. If she, of course, wants to see her child healthy.

First of all, you should pay attention to proper nutrition during pregnancy. It is clear that in interesting position sometimes you want something “harmful” - salty, smoked, fast food. In small quantities you can amuse your taste buds, but you shouldn’t get carried away.

Switch to a balanced diet with the optimal amount of vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is worth saying that on sixth week of pregnancy food can generally cause nausea and disgust. In this case, try replacing what makes you sick with other healthy foods. Vegetables can be replaced with fruits, pork with chicken, juices with compotes or plain water.

Very often pregnant women may experience constipation. This is a consequence of changes in bowel function. But this unpleasant phenomenon can also be overcome with the right selection of food products. For example, with constipation, a large amount of fluid (about one and a half liters per day), prunes, boiled beets, figs and dried apricots help. You should avoid coarse fiber, otherwise increased gas formation cannot be avoided.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

  • Complete rejection of all bad habits: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs.
  • No stress or worry. If the work is stressful and too active, then it is better to refuse to perform work duties during pregnancy or ask for a transfer to a calmer position.
  • Chronic lack of sleep has a very bad effect on the nervous system of the expectant mother, and, therefore, negatively affects the unborn child.
  • Avoid “harmful” foods – fast food, fatty, smoked, salty.
  • If you have a cold, acute respiratory viral infection, acute respiratory infection or any other disease, do not self-medicate. Take medications only after consulting a doctor. Most medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. WITH folk remedies You also need to be careful - not all grandma's weed is so safe.
  • None physical activity beyond measure. Even if you are a fan of sports, active or extreme recreation, you should significantly reduce the amount of training, or even completely abandon dangerous activities. You will return to your active lifestyle after the birth of your baby.

Sex at 6 weeks pregnant

If pregnancy proceeds normally, without any complications or pathologies, then sex at this stage is not contraindicated. However, a partner should treat his pregnant wife with attention: 6th week of pregnancy Often the unpleasant sensations of toxicosis significantly reduce sexual desire. Although it also happens the other way around.

If a couple likes more intense sensations during sex, then they should be careful with acrobatic poses or the use of toys and other devices.

Sports and physical education

But you should give up professional sports and extreme hobbies. The risk of injury is too high.

Vitamins and medications at 6 weeks of pregnancy

It is optimal that everything necessary vitamins and beneficial microelements were supplied with food. But in conditions modern life this is difficult to achieve. Therefore, many doctors recommend additionally taking special vitamins for pregnant women.

Any medications should only be taken after consultation with a medical specialist. Self-medication can negatively affect the development of the fetus, because at 6 weeks there is an intensive process of formation and development of all systems and internal organs of the unborn child.

Throughout the entire period pregnancy development, every single day for a woman is unusual in its own way and 6th week of pregnancy not an exception. At this stage, a number of interesting and remarkable changes occur in the female body.

The 6th week of pregnancy is considered to be 4 weeks from the moment of conception and is referred to as the period of embryonic development of the fetus. At this time it begins active growth and embryo development.

Expectant mothers who previously did not know about their pregnancy can easily determine it by characteristic signs. The 6th week of pregnancy is considered very important for the growth and development of the embryo. If you suspect the possibility of pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist for a comprehensive examination and receive important recommendations.

Signs and symptoms at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

6th week of pregnancy accompanied by pronounced symptoms and signs that cannot be ignored. At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother feels general weakness, severe fatigue and increased drowsiness. Since the pregnancy process is accompanied by hormonal changes in the female body, salivation increases and sensitivity to certain odors appears. At 6 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis intensifies. If nausea was not present before, then at this stage of pregnancy you cannot do without it. It annoys women both in the morning and after meals. Nausea and vomiting are also provoked by certain odors, which a woman begins to feel very acutely.

Breasts at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

Breasts of a woman 6 weeks pregnant undergoes visible changes. It becomes very sensitive, painful, and tingling sensations are felt. The mammary glands increase in volume and become engorged. This occurs due to hormonal effects, as well as increased blood circulation. The nipples also react painfully to touch, the halos change color and become darker.

The uterus is in the sixth week of pregnancy.

All systems and organs of a pregnant woman are subject to significant changes. This also applies to the uterine cavity, where the fetus grows and develops. At the 6th week of pregnancy, the growth of the uterus is still insignificant and the woman’s belly does not increase much. During this period the uterus reaches the size of a plum. For maintaining pregnancy and its successful course, the woman’s body begins to intensively produce the hormone progesterone. The effects of progesterone also affect the uterus. In this case, this hormone prevents uterine contractions and helps maintain its normal tone. This prevents unexpected termination of pregnancy.

Mandatory tests at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

Most often, women find out about their interesting situation at the 6th week of pregnancy. The expectant mother must register, undergo a comprehensive examination and take tests prescribed by the doctor. This is a very important point and should be approached consciously, since the health of the woman and the unborn child depends on it.

Tests prescribed at 6 weeks of pregnancy, allow you to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, as well as the level of the hormone progesterone in the body of the expectant mother. A progressive increase in the level of these hormones in the body is considered normal. The synthesis of hCG is carried out by the membranes of a growing and developing fetus. Increased production of progesterone contributes to the preservation and normal course of pregnancy. The test results obtained at week 6 allow the doctor to conclude how normal the pregnancy is.

If the level of hCG in the body of the expectant mother is low, problems with bearing a child are possible. Indicators of low concentrations of the hormone progesterone may also indicate the presence of this problem. In such cases, doctors often prescribe pregnant women to take certain medications that promote the production of progesterone and hCG in the required quantities.

Ultrasound examination in the sixth week of pregnancy.

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may be referred for an ultrasound examination. Ultrasound in early stages of pregnancy is more informative.

At the 6th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound can confirm the presence of conception in all pregnant women, since during this period there is a significant increase in the size of the uterus, the pulse and heartbeat of the embryo can be heard. It also allows you to identify the possibility multiple pregnancy, identifying two fetal sacs and two yolk sacs (in some cases there are more). If a multiple pregnancy is detected, ultrasound examinations should be carried out more often, since the possibility of complications increases significantly.

The size of the fetus at this stage already reaches 4 mm, and the size of the fertilized egg is 25 mm.

If the pregnancy is singleton, on the monitor of the ultrasound machine you can see an embryo that looks like a bean with tubercles instead of future arms and legs. When using an ultrasound scanner, you can listen to the fetal heartbeat.

The fetus is in the sixth week of pregnancy.

At the 6th week of pregnancy, rapid development of the fetus is observed, the formation of all organs and vital systems of the unborn child continues. At this stage of pregnancy development, any negative factors that would negatively affect the physical and mental health future little man.

Despite the fact that 6 week gestation embryo size just the size of a pea - one can actively listen to his heartbeat, the frequency of which is twice as high as that of an adult. The heart of the unborn baby is in the process of formation; it is not yet divided into atria.

The 6th week of pregnancy is distinguished by the appearance of four small tubercles in the embryo instead of future arms and legs. The development of cartilage tissue is also observed, which is subsequently transformed into bones, tendons, and muscles.

At the 6th week of pregnancy, elements of the fetal face begin to emerge, such as the mouth, nose, ears, and jaw. The eyes of the unborn baby begin to move closer to each other, but still look smaller in comparison with other organs.

The formation of an intestine is observed, which has three loops. In the near future, the formation of the fetal respiratory and digestive system will begin. The active formation and development of internal organs and systems begins, such as the liver, spleen, stomach and pancreas, lungs, and thymus.

The importance of this period also lies in the fact that it is at the 6th week of pregnancy that the elements of nervous system.

The neural tube of the fetus is tightened with tissue from which the brain begins to form. Convolutions and depressions form on the brain of the unborn child, and nerve cells begin to actively divide. During this period, when fetal development is most active, the expectant mother should exclude negative factors, take care of herself, not catch a cold, avoid various stressful situations, and take vitamins and minerals prescribed by the doctor. The successful course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child will depend on this.

In that period of pregnancy development attachment of the placenta to the walls of the uterus and its further active development are observed. At 6 weeks pregnant her size is small, but before giving birth she will weigh a little less than a kilogram.

The fetus is nourished by receiving nutrients from the mother through the umbilical cord, which extends from the placenta. Since the unborn baby is attached to the umbilical cord, he can swim in the amniotic fluid that the bladder fills.

What to watch out for in the 6th week of pregnancy.

Lower back pain in the sixth week of pregnancy.

Doctors believe that if a woman suffers from lower back pain during a short period of pregnancy, this is normal. This disease is caused by increased production of the hormone progesterone, which results in softening of the supporting ligaments and discs of the back. Lumbar pain resulting from the action of progesterone occurs in expectant mothers in first trimester of pregnancy and should go away by 21 weeks.

Lumbar pain is not always caused by hormonal influences. There are a number of unpleasant and dangerous factors that can provoke back pain at 6 weeks of pregnancy. One of the reasons may be an infectious disease of the woman’s bladder. Lower back pain, along with other symptoms, can signal an ectopic pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage. In any case, you should consult a doctor to determine the nature of the pain. This will help minimize the possibility of negative consequences.

Abdominal pain in the sixth week of pregnancy.

At the initial stage of pregnancy, expectant mothers often experience pain in both the back and abdomen.

What can be a sign of abdominal pain at 6 weeks of pregnancy? The main task is to identify the nature of these pains. If the pain is nagging in nature, this is within normal limits. Such pain occurs as a result of spraining the ligaments during pregnancy. But if, at 6 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is accompanied by constant aching pain that is concentrated in the lower abdomen, or evening pain after minor physical exertion, she should urgently visit a doctor. Pain of this nature may indicate the possibility of miscarriage, especially if accompanied by bleeding.

Discharge in the sixth week of pregnancy.

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, discharge from a woman’s genital tract is considered normal if it is clear or slightly whitish, without characteristic odor. In this case, there is no reason to worry. They arise as a result of hormonal changes in a woman’s body. But if at 6 weeks of pregnancy the discharge is brownish, greenish, or yellowish in color, this is a signal of a possible infectious disease. This case requires immediate contact with the supervising doctor. One type of such infection is thrush. Most pregnant women suffer from it. Discharge during thrush has a cheesy structure, is abundant, and light color. They are accompanied by terrible itching and burning of the genitals.

Colpitis is another unpleasant phenomenon that can befall a woman at 6 weeks of pregnancy. The disease is accompanied by copious discharge from the woman’s genital tract, the color of which depends on the causative agent of the infection. They can be purulent, mucous, cheesy in nature. Bloody discharge that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy is also abnormal. Under no circumstances should bloody discharge be ignored, even if it is a drop. The nature of such discharge indicates a high probability of miscarriage.

Bleeding in the sixth week of pregnancy.

If a expectant mother discovers bleeding, she urgently needs to call an ambulance. If you immediately consult a doctor, the danger may pass. Timely delivery medical care contributes to the maintenance of pregnancy and the subsequent successful bearing of a child.

In such cases, as a rule, the woman is assigned to be kept in a medical institution, where all conditions will be created for the subsequent normal course of pregnancy. As we see, what has begun bleeding at 6 weeks of pregnancy does not always threaten to interrupt it.

Increase in temperature in the sixth week of pregnancy.

There are many negative phenomena that can contribute to termination of pregnancy. At an early stage of pregnancy, the fetus is very vulnerable to many negative factors, which can lead to miscarriage. An elevated temperature in a woman can cause pregnancy to fail. Most pregnant women have an elevated body temperature in the early stages. It can reach just above 37 degrees. Doctors consider this to be the norm, since the reason for such an elevated temperature lies in the presence of the corpus luteum. In this case, panic is not appropriate, but consultation with a specialist will be necessary.

If the temperature is high, you should immediately contact a medical facility, or even better, call an ambulance.

At the 6th week of pregnancy, you should monitor not only body temperature, but also basal temperature. If her readings have sharply decreased, this is a reason to consult a doctor, as this may signal a possible threat of miscarriage.

Colds in the sixth week of pregnancy.

If for ordinary woman a cold is something minor and is often carried on the legs, then for a woman at 6 weeks of pregnancy this is a very undesirable factor.

A woman’s physical health is directly related to the development and growth of the fetus, especially in the 6th week of pregnancy, when all vital organs and systems are formed. In this regard, it is prohibited to take any medications without a doctor’s prescription. If the expectant mother catches a cold at 6 weeks of pregnancy, the essence of treatment is to ensure complete rest and take herbal remedies. Drinking plenty of hot drinks, raspberry and rosehip tea, and rinsing the respiratory tract with a solution of sea salt will be helpful. If you have an elevated temperature, you can use baby suppositories (as prescribed by your doctor).

There are situations when doctors suggest that a woman with a cold at 6 weeks of pregnancy undergo an induced abortion in order to avoid the negative impact of the mother’s condition on the fetus. But, despite this, many women who suffered from a cold at this stage of pregnancy give birth to completely healthy babies.

Drinking alcohol in the sixth week of pregnancy.

The concepts of alcohol and pregnancy are mutually exclusive. Women who drank alcohol during the 6th week of pregnancy or at other stages of pregnancy regretted what they had done.

Since at the 6th week of pregnancy the vital organs and systems of the unborn child are formed, its brain is formed - drinking alcohol by a woman will lead to irreversible processes of growth and development of the fetus. During this period of pregnancy, the expectant mother must be very responsible, since any negative phenomenon can provoke deviations in the development of the fetus and even contribute to termination of pregnancy.

Alcohol is a toxic substance that has a very detrimental effect on the health of the fetus. Due to reception alcoholic drinks future mother, the child may be born with physical disabilities. This is why every woman should forget about the existence of alcohol for the entire period of pregnancy and lactation.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the sixth week of pregnancy.

A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced. This is the key to a normal pregnancy and birth. healthy baby. At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus develops very actively and should receive nutrients in the form of proteins, fats, vitamins and microelements. For the normal formation of the nervous, circulatory systems and internal organs, vitamins B, E, calcium, phosphorus, and fluorine are needed. In this regard, the expectant mother should consume sufficient quantities of sour milk and meat products, nuts, a lot of greens, vegetables and fruits. Doctors recommend treating a product such as fish with caution, as it contains sulfur. But it must be consumed, albeit in small quantities.

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, you should limit your intake of fried, smoked, salty foods, as well as canned food, green tea and coffee. After consulting with your doctor, it would be appropriate to take vitamin supplements. Portions should be small, but you should eat often. This will help avoid stomach overload and prevent the possibility of nausea and vomiting.

Sex in the sixth week of pregnancy.

Many women wonder if it is safe to have sex at 6 weeks pregnant. Doctors believe that sex at this stage of pregnancy should not harm. But only if the woman has no contraindications and is in good health. The fetus itself is reliably protected at this stage of pregnancy, so you can have sex without harm to the unborn child.

Sex at 6 weeks pregnant It is not contraindicated for a woman; on the contrary, it is encouraged. If you experience nausea, have previously had a negative pregnancy experience, or there is a threat of miscarriage, then you should postpone sex.

As a rule, at 6 weeks of pregnancy the expectant mother already knows about her position and has correctly calculated the number of weeks. The moment of its onset is considered according to the obstetric calendar and is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. The gestational age of 6 weeks coincides with 4 weeks after conception.

Pregnant woman's well-being

During this period, the rapid development of important organs and body parts of the embryo begins, and the mother’s body constantly rearranges its work to carry a child. Therefore, one of the most significant and dangerous stages of the entire pregnancy is 6 weeks. The expectant mother's feelings change every day. Toxicosis and special food preferences appear, increased urination may occur, and sensitivity to odors increases. Hormonal changes in the body contribute to drowsiness, lethargy and irritability. This is due to the production of progesterone, which prevents uterine contractions. Darkening of the skin around the nipples and increased breast tenderness are also inevitable once you reach 6 weeks of pregnancy. The expectant mother’s body has not yet fully realized what is happening, so the unpleasant symptoms will pass closer to 4 months.

How to overcome toxicosis

To make it easier to tolerate toxicosis, you need to eat in small portions. Even if you have a strong aversion to eating meat, you shouldn’t give it up completely. In the morning after waking up, it is advisable to eat an apple or crackers, then lie in bed for another 20-30 minutes.

In this case, the likelihood of morning sickness is minimized. Skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner is unacceptable, even if you have no appetite, since hunger can cause severe nausea. After eating, you should not forget about the vitamins that the body especially needs.

You need to carefully monitor your weight and blood pressure. At 6 weeks of pregnancy, a weight gain of 200 to 300 grams occurs. The total increase in a woman’s body weight from the moment of conception will be from 0.5 to 1.5 kg, depending on the individual characteristics of her body. If changes or increases in pressure occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor and take measures to normalize the condition. The functioning of the thyroid gland requires close attention. Both excess and deficiency of the hormones it produces can provoke serious disturbances in the development of the organs of the unborn baby.

Heartburn may occur this week. The reason is the outflow of contents from the gastrointestinal tract into the esophagus. Unfortunately, this condition can accompany a pregnant woman throughout her entire pregnancy, but there is a way to get rid of it. To do this, you need to walk around after eating, and if possible try not to lie down. It is also recommended to take acid neutralizing agents. Frequent walks on fresh air, long, sound sleep, as well as a positive attitude will help push poor health into the background, and sometimes even forget about it.

Belly size

The belly at 6 weeks of pregnancy is not yet growing, so it is not yet noticeable. If the expectant mother notices its increase, then you should know that this is a process of fat redistribution associated with hormonal changes in the body or bloating.

When developing gas, it is worth remembering that this is a natural process that in most cases does not require the use of medications. The main causes of bloating in pregnant women are:

An increase in progesterone, resulting in a decrease in muscle tone of internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract.

Pancreatic enzyme deficiency. It can be primary and secondary. The first option is associated with overeating or diseases of the pancreas, and the second occurs with existing liver or gall bladder diseases.

If a pregnant woman has bloating, she must adhere to a certain diet: eat small portions and avoid foods that cause this condition: carbonated drinks, black bread, pickled vegetables, legumes, asparagus, cabbage. If you cannot exclude these foods from your diet, you should try to reduce their consumption to a minimum. Moderate physical activity will also help.

Together, these measures help reduce gas formation in the stomach of the expectant mother. If bloating does not go away for several days, you should consult a specialist. He will prescribe gentle medications that eliminate flatulence. It is not recommended to self-medicate or take any medications without consulting a doctor, as they can be harmful to the health of both the mother and the unborn baby.


Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. Now, more than ever, the body needs a regular supply of vitamins, microelements and proteins. The table should contain: nuts, dairy products (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, milk), fish, eggs, dried fruits.

Taking into account the fact that the unborn baby has just begun to develop, the percentage increase in calorie intake should be no more than ten. The uterus enlarges significantly, causing discomfort in the abdominal area. Even with a visual examination, the doctor is able to accurately determine the occurrence of an “interesting situation.”

Embryo development

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is 4 to 5 millimeters. It is surrounded by amniotic fluid with a volume of 2-3 ml. The child develops the rudiments of legs and arms, and the head takes shape. The prerequisites for the formation of eyes, nose and ears appear. The eyes become like small bubbles. The inner ear and larynx develop. The future baby acquires the main components of the nervous system and acquires the rudiment of the brain. For him, the most important stage of development during the entire pregnancy is 6 weeks. The child’s sensations are already reduced to the ability to feel and respond to influence external stimuli. This happens due to the appearance of the first nerve connections.

The formation of the immune system, bone marrow, organs: spleen, lungs, liver begins. The intestine develops so rapidly that it no longer fits in the abdominal cavity and extends beyond it, occupying part of the space of the umbilical cord. This phenomenon is called an embryonic hernia and goes away as the future baby’s tummy expands to the desired size. The formation of the esophagus and the enlargement of the stomach occur, but the lumen in them will appear only after the development of the outlet from the intestine (rectum), which is still obscured by a special membrane-film.

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the embryonic heart still resembles a tube in appearance, but nevertheless begins to function stably. Cartilaginous structures are formed in place of future bones. The fetus does not yet have genital organs, so it is not possible to determine whether it is a boy or a girl.

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the unborn child gains the ability to move, because muscle tissue becomes developed at a sufficient level. The embryo turns its head and limbs, but the expectant mother does not feel this yet. Blood circulation is already working stably. The liver creates blood cells that travel to different parts of the heart. The functioning of organs is controlled by the brain. At 6 weeks of pregnancy, an important organ of immunity, the thymus, is formed. It takes on the function of controlling the developing cells of the body. The gonads are differentiated into male and female.

During this period, the placenta, called the baby's place, begins its formation. It is formed from the chorion and the corresponding part of the endometrium. In the subsequent months before the birth of the child, the placenta will provide the future baby with the necessary nutrients, perform the function of air exchange, and also protect it from external damage and prevent the penetration of infections, protecting the fetus from all sides. 6 weeks of pregnancy is the starting point for the growth of the baby's place, the weight of which at the time of birth will be about 800 grams.


Among other risks awaiting the expectant mother at this stage is the danger of abortion. Even a minor cold or fever raises the possibility of miscarriage or missed pregnancy. Bloody spots or discharge Pink colour are warning signs. You should also be alert for pain in the lower back or lower abdomen. A woman needs to be extremely attentive to her body and if she feels unwell, consult a doctor. Due to the fact that the level of hCG during an ectopic pregnancy remains low, if there is a delay of more than two weeks and negative pregnancy tests, an urgent consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. However, a positive test in itself does not guarantee the absence of ectopic implantation of the embryo at 6 weeks of pregnancy. An ultrasound scan will help determine what is happening to the fetus.

Ultrasound at 6 weeks

The ultrasound procedure will confirm the presence of an embryo in the uterus, and will also reveal the number of fertilized eggs. If there are two embryos, the doctor will inform you that there will be twins. The heartbeat of the unborn baby can be heard very well on an ultrasound. 6 weeks of pregnancy is the period when the heart rate reaches from 110 to 150 beats per minute. The doctor examines the placenta and its place of attachment, and also evaluates the tone of the uterus and checks it for possible pathologies.

Ultrasound examination itself is not a mandatory procedure for such a short period of time. Nevertheless, the doctor necessarily gives some patients a referral for an ultrasound scan when toxicosis abruptly stops, the signs of which were clearly expressed at the beginning, since this is one of the signals of a missed pregnancy. It is also advisable to undergo an ultrasound procedure for women who have experienced miscarriage due to spontaneous abortion.

How to prepare for an ultrasound at 6 weeks

As a rule, along with the referral, the attending physician gives a note describing the correct preparation for the procedure. Before the examination, you need to drink about two liters of water and try not to urinate. Be sure to have napkins, diapers, sheets, condoms, and shoe covers with you. Before the examination, carry out all hygiene procedures and put on clean underwear.

How is an ultrasound done?

The ultrasound procedure will take a little time. Before it begins, the woman lays a diaper on the couch and lies down on it. The legs are in a half-bent state. The doctor applies a special gel to the lower abdomen and places a special sensor there. After a preliminary examination, the sensor is changed to vaginal. Having first put a condom on it, the doctor inserts it into the vagina and examines the uterus and appendages up close.

After collecting the necessary information, the expectant mother is shown her baby.
There is a service for which many people, if they discover they are pregnant (6 weeks), undergo an ultrasound: a photo of the unborn baby. You will have to pay extra for this, but for the storm of positive emotions that a pregnant woman will experience when looking at a picture of her unborn child, this is a meager payment. Although at 6 weeks of pregnancy a photo of the fetus does not yet give an idea of ​​​​the appearance of the baby, it will still be important for future parents to keep this photo as a souvenir.

At the end of the study, a protocol and conclusion are written and given to the pregnant woman. It is important to remember that obstetric dates may not coincide with the calculations of the expectant mother, and therefore there is a possibility that the paperwork will be 9-10 weeks.

Sexually transmitted diseases at 6 weeks of pregnancy

6 weeks is the best time to register for pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe all the necessary tests and also examine for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted diseases are an extremely undesirable phenomenon during pregnancy, since they, like other bacteria, can negatively affect the development of the fetus. It is important to promptly treat sexually transmitted infections to minimize the risk of infection of the fetus.

Genital herpes can cause miscarriage in early pregnancy, various types of birth defects in the child, and also contributes to premature birth and the birth of a premature baby. The risk of transmission of infection from mother to child during childbirth is very high.

Condylomas, or genital warts, are benign formations both outside and inside the genital organs. An advanced disease provokes significant blood loss during childbirth, so in this case it is prescribed C-section. In case of infection, a newborn may develop growths on the larynx.

Thrush occurs most often in pregnant women, causing itching, burning and discomfort in the vaginal area. Timely treatment will help prevent the child from becoming infected.

At week 6, as throughout the entire period of pregnancy, vaccination against any diseases is not recommended. However, the doctor assesses the possible risks, and if the disease itself will cause more harm than the vaccine, he prescribes a vaccination. Vaccines based on killed microorganisms do absolutely no harm to either the mother or the unborn child.

Nevertheless, you should exclude all contacts with sick friends or relatives, and try not to visit homes where you have recently had an infection.

Thus, for both mother and baby, 6 weeks of pregnancy is an important period, since at this moment the future organs and parts of the body begin to actively develop in the unborn child. A pregnant woman should not overwork, rest more, take vitamins, eat right and carefully monitor her health.

The 6th week of pregnancy is the time when the embryo develops two tubercles on the sides of its body, at the level of the heart - the rudiments of arms. A few days later, the same tubercles - future legs - form in the area of ​​the posterior pole. The arms grow faster than the legs, and by the end of the week the rudiments of the hands are already formed.

The size of the baby at the 6th week of pregnancy is 4 mm (like a pea), weight is 0.9-1.3 g, the body shape resembles the letter C.

By the end of the week, the embryo's tail lengthens and disappears. A thickening appears in the region of the head end of the neural tube - the rudiment of the brain. By the middle of the week, the hemispheres and parts of the brain are formed. The formation of the skull, and in particular the face, begins: the rudiments of the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, upper and lower jaw are determined. Inside the tiny heart, which is not yet fully formed, but is already working, chambers are formed - two atria, two ventricles. Its beat can be clearly seen and heard on an ultrasound, and the baby’s heart contracts more actively than the mother’s: with a frequency of 110-130 or even 150-160 beats per minute. The liver and yolk sac begin to produce blood cells. The rudiments of the stomach, small and large intestines are formed. The development of the genital organs continues, and soon it will be possible to find out the sex of the unborn child.

At the 6th week of embryo development, chorionic villi are formed - this is the future placenta. The umbilical cord, the future umbilical cord, extends from the chorion to the embryo. This is how the child’s body prepares for a full supply of nutrients and oxygen from the mother.

Development of twins

The 6th week of pregnancy with twins is the time when an ultrasound will definitely show that you are expecting not one, but two babies. Moreover, during the procedure you will be able to see and hear their heartbeat.

Both of them are no larger than a cranberry and have C-shaped bodies. The babies develop in the same way as during a normal, singleton pregnancy.

Carrying twins is hard work for an expectant mother. During multiple pregnancy, toxicosis, anemia, frequent urination, swelling, heartburn, drowsiness, lower back pain, fatigue and other symptoms are more pronounced. If you wish, you can register for pregnancy as early as the 6th week and get a doctor’s recommendations. The primary advice of the gynecologist would be to take folic acid in a dosage calculated for two babies (at least 1 mg per day) to prevent the development of neural tube defects in them.

What's happening to mom: sensations

At the 6th week of pregnancy, changes continue in a woman’s body, caused by the growing level of progesterone in the blood - the hormone “responsible” for the successful bearing of a child - and the action of other hormones.

Delayed menstruation. Your period is already 2 weeks late, and even the busiest woman or the one who is not too attentive to her well-being understands that she needs to at least buy a pregnancy test, or better yet, make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Uterine changes. At the 6th week of pregnancy, the uterus reaches the size of a small peach. Hypertonicity of the uterus is dangerous for the baby - increased contractions of its muscle walls, as during labor, which can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus and miscarriage. Increased tone of the uterus manifests itself as severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region or sacrum and requires treatment aimed at the successful bearing of a child.

Frequent urination. Every expectant mother is familiar with this symptom: as the uterus increases in size, it begins to put pressure on bladder, which provokes more frequent urges to go to the toilet. Frequent urination appears as early as the 6th week of pregnancy.

Pain and cramps in the lower abdomen. Moderate painful sensations in the lower abdomen, as with premenstrual syndrome, are not a cause for alarm. These sensations are caused by the growing uterus and the processes occurring with the embryo. But if the pain is severe, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Lower back pain. Minor nagging pains during this period are caused by the fact that the spine is also preparing for the fact that the load on it will increase over the next few months. The cause of pain is often softening of the supporting ligaments and discs of the spinal column due to the fact that the level of the hormone progesterone in a woman’s body increases. Severe discomfort in the lower back is a reason to consult a doctor, as this symptom may indicate pelvic neuralgia, hypertonicity of the uterus.

Breast changes. In the 6th week of pregnancy, the breasts become softer and a little larger, as blood flow accelerates in them, and the swelling of its tissues provokes an increased level of sex hormones. Increased sensitivity persists, especially in the nipple area, and a feeling of heaviness and tingling may appear. In some expectant mothers, under the influence of hormones, the nipple areolas become darker. However, the absence of discomfort in the chest at the 6th week of pregnancy is also quite normal.

Vaginal discharge. Transparent white discharge, similar to raw protein chicken egg, having a slight sour smell is the norm throughout pregnancy. They are caused by hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother: lactic acid bacteria inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal microflora. Small bleeding may occur after sexual intercourse - this is caused by softening of the walls of the uterus. Curd-white, bloody, purulent discharge is a mandatory reason to consult a doctor, as these are symptoms of a threatened miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or complications such as thrush (candidiasis), inflammatory processes and diseases in the woman’s genitourinary system.

The sixth week of pregnancy is the period when you notice the first changes in your condition. Many expectant mothers are just learning about their delicate situation. First sensations, first joy. Very soon your baby will delight you with his first move, and then with his first laugh.

Only four weeks have passed since conception (obstetricians consider pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation). Now the foundations of all the baby’s organs are being laid. This is a period that requires maximum caution from the mother and careful attitude to health.

How many months have passed? This period is one and a half obstetric months. At this time, the first changes appear: the breasts begin to enlarge, the areolas of the nipples darken, a strong reaction to odors and irritability appear. Nausea and weakness may appear - the body is undergoing hormonal changes. Week 6 is the period of active development of the embryo.

What's happening?

While the belly is still almost invisible, the uterus has increased to the size of a plum. It is at the 6th week of pregnancy that the expectant mother most often registers for pregnancy. In the first trimester, toxicosis may begin, drowsiness and weakness may appear. Many women lose a lot of weight due to the development of toxicosis. Some women become irritable, some - on the contrary, calm.

Fetal development at 6 weeks of pregnancy

The fruit size is only 5 mm. The sixth week is characterized by the formation of the nervous system of the future little man. In the beginning of the formation of the cranium, the process of the birth of the central nervous system occurs. The baby’s heart is already slowly starting to work. The liver controls the circulatory process and supplies blood cells to the newly born heart.

The small bulge in the fetal chest area is the heart. On an ultrasound you can see the baby's heartbeat. The baby's pulse rate is from 100 to 160 beats per minute.

The rudiments of arms and future legs are formed. And by the beginning of next week, the rudiments of future fingers will appear. The face begins to form, you can discern where the baby’s eye sockets are; the mouth is visible, on the sides there are small bulges - the baby's future ears. The places where the eyes and nostrils will be appear as dark dots.

The formation of the inner ear and the development of other body systems - muscular, immune - are underway. At this time, the rudiment of the bone marrow is formed, as well as the organ of the immune system - the thymus gland. The fetus has developed sensitivity, but cannot hear yet. The bones have not yet formed, the fetus has only cartilage, which subsequently ossifies. Any external irritation causes a response in the baby.

It is impossible to determine the sex of the fetus because the genitals are not yet developed. Internal organs are actively developing. The umbilical cord is formed, and the baby begins to float in the amniotic fluid.

Fetal photo, ultrasound

Proper nutrition

Almost all women develop toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy. To avoid worsening the situation, you need to give up perfumes, household chemicals, fatty foods, and avoid stress.

It is advisable to take a complex of vitamins for pregnant women, drink as much water as possible (if toxicosis is accompanied by vomiting), eat in small portions, do not overeat, follow a routine and get plenty of rest. IN severe cases you need to consult a doctor for help.

The nutrition of the expectant mother in the sixth week should be balanced, because right now the formation and formation of all the systems and organs of the child is taking place. We often hear advice that a pregnant woman should eat for two. It is not right. Many women who do not experience toxicosis gain 3–4 kilograms in the first months. Further weight gain will lead to problems during childbirth associated with excess weight.

In the sixth week of pregnancy you need to eat natural products: cottage cheese, fermented milk products, lean meats, sea fish, fresh fruits, various vegetable salads, all types of nuts. A sufficient amount of fiber will help prevent constipation, and fresh fruits and vegetables will replenish the body with vitamins. It is not recommended to eat smoked meats, pickles, or spicy foods.

Mom's feelings

At the sixth week, the mother still does not feel her baby well. The fruit is so small that it practically does not make itself felt. All signs of pregnancy are mainly toxicosis with poor health, fatigue.

At this stage of pregnancy, tingling or burning in the chest and mild soreness appear. This is how the body prepares the breasts for feeding. The breast increases in size, the color of the nipple areola changes, and the nipple swells.

Urination becomes more frequent due to the increasing pressure of the uterus on the bladder. The tummy has practically not grown. There are painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

Toxicosis, especially accompanied by vomiting, sometimes exhausts a woman, and this can cause depression. In this case, you need to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe treatment to improve the condition of the pregnant woman. It is during this period that attention from the family and the support of her husband are especially important for a pregnant woman.

Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy

In the sixth week of pregnancy, light discharge is considered normal. Alarming discharge is odoriferous, yellow, cheesy, or greenish. Such discharge indicates the development of an infection. Often at this stage of pregnancy thrush (candidiasis) develops, as well as colpitis. Bloody discharge accompanied by pain is a sign of premature termination of pregnancy. You should immediately seek help from a doctor. Timely treatment will help avoid complications.

6 weeks pregnant, twins

If you have a multiple pregnancy determined by ultrasound, your doctor will help you with advice on how to avoid complications and reduce the risk of miscarriage. Since a multiple pregnancy creates a double burden on the mother’s body, there are all conditions for the development of complications.

There are no obstacles to sex in the sixth week of pregnancy. An obstacle may be severe toxicosis of the pregnant woman or the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Pain at 6 weeks of pregnancy

Pain at this stage of pregnancy can occur both in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen. In most cases, this is considered normal: the uterus grows, ligaments stretch, and the load on the spine increases. Throughout pregnancy, a woman will be bothered by pain in the lumbar region, and in the later stages, pain in the abdomen.

The main thing is to distinguish in time between the pain that accompanies the normal course of pregnancy and the pain associated with some pathology. Pain with a sensation of a lump in the abdomen may be a harbinger of miscarriage. Nagging pain is most often associated with sprained abdominal ligaments. If bloody discharge appears, immediately seek help from a doctor.

The chest is also painful. Tingling or burning appears in the mammary glands. The breasts become larger in size and are painful to the touch. All this is due to hormonal changes in the body.

Most women register for pregnancy at this stage. After the examination, the doctor directs the expectant mother to undergo tests: for determination, blood tests for sexually transmitted and viral diseases, analysis for the content of progesterone in the woman’s blood,. If an ultrasound is prescribed, it is only to establish a multiple pregnancy. With the help of these examinations, the doctor learns about the readiness of the pregnant woman’s body to bear a fetus and about possible risks due to the woman’s health condition.

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Questions - answers

What threat does alcohol pose to the baby in the sixth week of pregnancy?

Alcohol consumption is contraindicated at all stages of pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during the development of fetal systems and organs is most destructive. It can cause the development of various pathologies and deformities. A large number of Alcohol consumption can cause miscarriage.

I have severe toxicosis, I am six weeks pregnant. How can you alleviate your condition?

First, remove all strong-smelling items: perfumes, creams, deodorants. Try not to come into contact with household chemicals: washing powders, dishwashing detergent and others. Let your family take on all the household responsibilities during this time. Identify foods that also make you feel nauseous and eliminate them. Try to switch to frequent, small meals. Choose foods that you enjoy eating, but do not forget about your child’s needs for vitamins and microelements.

Drink fresh, home-squeezed juices. If you vomit frequently, drink as much fluid as possible to avoid dehydration. Give yourself a break as often as possible. If you feel very bad, take a vacation for this period. This will allow you to relax a little and pay more attention to yourself. If you have toxicosis, do not eat fatty foods and smoked foods - this will only worsen your condition. Try to experience positive emotions- stress increases toxicosis. Be patient, soon the toxicosis will end, and you will enjoy your position as a future mother. Don’t forget, taking good care of your health will allow you to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

During the six weeks of pregnancy, I gained 5 kg in weight. What weight gain in the sixth week of pregnancy is considered normal?

There is a table from which you can calculate the rate of weight gain taking into account your build. You need to divide your weight in kilograms by your height in square meters. This will give you the coefficient of your physique. A coefficient up to 19.8 is a thin build, from 19.8 to 26 is an average build, and over 26 is a plump woman.

Then, after studying the data in the table, you can see the rate of weight gain for your body type and stage of pregnancy. You should have gained between 0.6 and 1.4 kg. According to this table, your weight is above the norm. You need to reconsider your diet, limit carbohydrates, especially simple ones, consume more fiber, vegetables, and sweet fruits with caution. Large weight gain can lead to obesity.

I'm six weeks pregnant, but I can't quit smoking. Is smoking during the sixth week of pregnancy dangerous for the fetus?

The composition of cigarettes itself is poisonous. Nicotine has a negative effect on blood vessels, narrowing them; hydrogen cyanide is part of the rat poison; carbon monoxide reduces oxygen levels in the blood; benzene is one of the carcinogens; formaldehyde is toxic, an aqueous solution is used to create anatomical materials. This is the complex composition of poisons you offer your baby. You are not only destroying your own body, you are also killing your baby. Studies have shown that the placenta is not a barrier to toxins that reach the child from a smoking mother.

Toxic substances entering the mother's blood narrow the vessels of the uterus, reducing blood flow to the baby. The baby is experiencing oxygen starvation. The child is underweight. Mothers who smoked during pregnancy give birth to babies who are underweight, weak and require special care. Maternal smoking also harms the fetal brain. If both parents smoke, the risk of sudden death syndrome increases.

Is flying in the sixth week of pregnancy dangerous for the baby?

Air travel is restricted at 37 weeks. At this stage, during the flight, labor may begin. For periods longer than 14 weeks, you can afford to travel by plane or train. There are certain restrictions for women with increased uterine tone or the threat of miscarriage. The most dangerous period The first trimester of pregnancy is considered for travel. The first trimester of pregnancy is a difficult period of adaptation for the female body. Hormonal changes, toxicosis - not best time for travel.

There are contraindications for traveling by plane: toxicosis, pregnancy after IVF, threat of miscarriage, anemia of 1st and 2nd degrees, inflammatory processes or exacerbation of chronic diseases. Climate change plays a big role. A woman’s body already experiences increased stress associated with pregnancy, and climatic adaptation is also imposed. Before you get ready to travel, think about whether this will harm your unborn child?

Why do you need an hCG test in the sixth week of pregnancy?

This is an analysis that determines pregnancy through the presence of chorionic tissue and human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman’s body. With the help you can determine (after 6 days) whether a woman is pregnant or not. At the beginning of pregnancy, this hormone stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone for the normal course of pregnancy. This process is then controlled by the placenta. HCG is prescribed to women to exclude ectopic pregnancy, to determine pregnancy at the earliest stages, if there is a threat of miscarriage or suspicion that the fetus has frozen.