Family New Year. Why New Year is a family holiday New Year holiday in a family with children

Old year ends
Good good year.
We won't be sad
After all, the New One is coming to us...
Please accept my wishes,
It’s impossible without them
Be healthy and happy!
S, friends!
Congratulations to everyone,
Greetings to all,
Long live jokes
Fun and laughter! (at these words the firecracker goes off)

The holiday is all about having fun.
Let your faces bloom with a smile,
The songs sound cheerful.
Who knows how to have fun
He knows how not to get bored.

Warm-up before competitions

(small prizes are awarded for correct answers, for example, candies, Christmas tree decorations)

  1. Where do Siberian cats come from? (From South Asia)
  2. It begins with a bird, ends with an animal, what is the name of the city? (Raven-hedgehog)
  3. Who has the longest tongue? (At the anteater)
  4. Santa Claus's informer. (Staff)
  5. An object of Santa Claus's artistic creation? (Window)
  6. Nickname of Santa Claus? (Frost-Red Nose)
  7. Supposed historical name of Santa Claus? (Nikolai)

Competition "Take a prize!"

A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. The competition participants are around the chair. The presenter reads the poem “One, two, three!” Those who attempt to grab the prize in a timely manner are eliminated from the competition.

I'll tell you a story
In one and a half dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!
One day we caught a pike
Gutted, and inside
We counted small fish
And not just one, but TWO.
A seasoned boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once, twice, or better yet FIVE!
Recently a train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends?
When was the opportunity to take it?

Competition "Theatrical"

Interested competitors are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. The prize is fruit. You need to walk in front of the tables like this:

  1. woman with heavy bags;
  2. a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
  3. sentry guarding the food warehouse;
  4. a baby who has just learned to walk;
  5. Alla Pugacheva performing a song.

"Merry Nonsense"

The presenter has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The presenter goes around the tables, the players take turns playing “blindly”, pulling out a question, (reading out loud) then an answer. It turns out to be hilarious nonsense.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you read other people's letters?
  2. Are you sleeping peacefully?
  3. Do you listen to other people's conversations?
  4. Do you break dishes out of anger?
  5. Can you screw over a friend?
  6. Are you writing anonymously?
  7. Are you spreading gossip?
  8. Do you have a habit of promising more than your capabilities?
  9. Would you like to marry for convenience?
  10. Are you intrusive and rude in your actions?

Sample answers:

  1. This is my favorite activity;
  2. Occasionally, for fun;
  3. Only on summer nights;
  4. When the wallet is empty;
  5. Only without witnesses;
  6. Only if this is not associated with material costs;
  7. Especially in someone else's house;
  8. This is my old dream;
  9. No, I'm a very shy person;
  10. I never turn down such an opportunity.

Christmas tree jokes

All participants remove “their” pieces of paper (colored in certain colors) from the tree. Jokes can be perceived as a prediction or a joke.

  1. Dear parents! Would you like any grandchildren?
  2. “Being closer to your mother-in-law means your stomach is fuller; further away from your mother-in-law, your love for her is stronger...”
  3. There can only be two opinions in a family: one is the wife’s, the other is wrong!
  4. Best to give useful gifts. The wife gives her husband handkerchiefs, and he gives her a mink coat.
  5. A compliment doubles a woman's productivity.
  6. I will take on a difficult task -
    I will spend the family budget sparingly.
  7. There are no secrets from me in cooking, I will cook both dinner and lunch!
  8. Between worries, between things.
    I will diligently lie on the sofa.
  9. Sometimes we all go somewhere,
    Let's go, sail, fly like birds,
    To where the unfamiliar shore...
    The road abroad awaits you.
  10. And this month you will dedicate to art -
    Go to the theatre, ballet and opera!
  11. Tomorrow morning you will be a beauty, a star, a berry, a kitty, a little fish, and when you give me a beer, you will become a wife again.

"Candy" on a string

A thread with “sweets” hanging on it stretches across the entire room. Each participant, blindfolded, cuts five “candies” for himself. If the gifts have arrived at the wrong address, then you can, with the consent of both participants, exchange them.

  1. Should be happy in abundance
    From the lottery you are now -
    Three wonderful cards
    Lottery drawn for you.
  2. To always be beautiful, hurry to get the cream.
  3. Listen to this advice: fruits are the best diet.
  4. And here’s an elegant, fragrant, delicious, chocolate cheese for you.
  5. If suddenly a child starts crying, you must (you must) calm him down. You'll jump in with a rattle and make him shut up.
  6. To always be neat toothpaste hurry up to get it.
  7. Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby pacifier.
  8. If you suddenly ask what year it is now, we won’t answer you and will give you a rooster.
  9. You got the main prize, get it and share it (chocolate).
  10. Every day you get younger, so look in the mirror more often.
  11. You and your companion never lose heart, and use a washcloth to wipe any place in a hot bath.
  12. By chance you got this tea on your ticket.
  13. To keep your face and sock clean, a piece of fragrant soap was included on the ticket.
  14. Get a hot air balloon and fly into space to the stars.
  15. You look great: both clothes and hairstyle, and it was not in vain that you won a comb as a reward.
  16. Dishwasher. (Mesh for washing dishes)
  17. Mercedes car. (Children's car)
  18. Cotton garbage bin. (Handkerchief)
  19. Your win is quite rare, you got a fir branch; it will make you, without a doubt, participate in landscaping.
  20. Hurry up and get a notebook: write poetry.

Guess the proverb

The presenter reads out a simple explanation of the proverb and offers to name it.

  1. They don’t discuss the gift, they accept what they give... (Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.)
  2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless. (Live and learn!)
  3. If you start something, bring it to the end, even if it’s difficult! (Took hold of the tug, don’t say it’s not hefty!)
  4. Trouble and disaster usually happen where something is unreliable and fragile. (Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks.)
  5. How you treat others is how you will be treated. (As it comes back, so will it respond.)
  6. Don't take on unfamiliar tasks. (If you don’t know the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water.)

What is this?

The same thing, but with animals.

  1. “Repetition is the mother of learning!” - parrot
  2. "Hold your pocket wider!" - kangaroo
  3. "Tears of sorrow will not help!" - crocodile
  4. "There is safety in numbers!" - locust
  5. "Keeping pace" - caterpillar

"Field of Dreams"

The presenter reads the question and names the number of letters in the word. For each word guessed, players receive a prize (a small answer symbol).

  1. First and last name of an elderly man. Ladies' man, dressed in Winter 2005 fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus.
  2. Milk product, maintaining the temperature of winter, but more often used in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.
  3. A tree whose absence of leaves indicates its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: Christmas tree.
  4. A fashion model with a brown braid, always participating in winter holidays. Always appears accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.
  5. Place of long-awaited joy for people who survived until winter. It has always been a symbol located under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: bag.
  6. A liquid that is taken internally during great joy (10 letters). Answer: champagne.

And finally...

A poster is hung with phrases that need to be continued. Everyone participates.

  1. There would be no price for Santa Claus if... (he came every day)
  2. A bad snowdrift is one that does not dream of becoming... (ice cream)
  3. A real tree about an artificial one... ("It's all silicone, and nothing more.")
  4. If Santa Claus is on fire at work, then... (that means the Snow Maiden is on maternity leave.)
  5. Do not shut the mouth of those who... (not worthy of this.)
  6. In terms of the amount of paper per capita, we occupy one of the last places in the world and first... (in terms of the number of brilliant literary works.)

Evgenia Trussenkova

For many New Year associated with Olivier salad, “The Irony of Fate”, fireworks and a decorated Christmas tree. However, the most beautiful thing about this holiday is that it is at this time that you can get together with the whole family and spend the outgoing year together.

“Letidor” has compiled a list of five reasons why New Year is the best family holiday, and it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to argue with us!

New Year unites people of different religions

It doesn't matter who you believe in or what your religious preferences are - on New Year's Day it doesn't matter at all. After all, this holiday has no connection to any belief.

People of all religions say goodbye to the past year with joy and welcome the new one with hopes for a bright future.

On New Year's Day the whole family gets together

Family is the most important thing in the world. And when all our loved ones are gathered, sitting at a common table, smiling, joking and laughing, then we are truly happy.

Nothing can replace your mother's concern about what kind of salad you would like to try, your sister's interesting stories, your husband's gentle hands and the children's funny antics.

On New Year's Eve you can get everything at once, you just have to get everyone together and prepare as many delicious treats as possible!

You can also dance, hug and believe in miracles. And also - all together.

On New Year's Day, you can remember all the good things and let go of the bad.

When was the last time you sat down and looked through a family album of old photos? A holiday night is a great opportunity for this.

After a fun feast, take out your photos, find old videos and immerse your whole family in memories of the past year.

We are sure that you will have something to remember and laugh at!

This is a holiday when you can make plans for the future

New Year new life . It is at this time that we must boldly make plans and set goals for ourselves.

Have you ever dreamed of going to an exotic country? Interested in taking cooking classes or dance classes? New Year is the time for big resolutions.

You can even make yourself a list of wishes/goals and follow them for 12 months, each time checking off the completed task. The list will be filled with “checkmarks”, and at the end of December you will be surprised how much you have managed to do!

There is a magical atmosphere everywhere

Flickering lights, the smell of fresh cookies, snow outside the window and your favorite movies on TV - this is what creates a truly fabulous mood. The house is filled with warmth and comfort, all family members, after household chores, sit down at the large table and raise glasses of champagne.

Family traditions of New Year's Eve

Pochaeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher-psychologist MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 2" Konakovo

The second tradition is preparing sweets for the New Year with the children. It's rare that a child doesn't like working with dough. And although the children's cooking is far from perfect, it is exhibited at festive table. In my parental family, it was customary to cook dumplings and put a lot of pepper in one of them. It was a “lucky” dumpling.

I kept the idea, but instead of dumplings, we now prepare cookies, inside of which we put pieces of paper with wishes and predictions. Of course, only I know about the contents of these notes. The pieces of paper are rolled up and sealed in a piece of foil. Then, while drinking tea, everyone excitedly chooses their “lot” and reads the “predictions”.
These are the wishes and predictions used this year:
Good luck awaits you!
You will have a lot of pleasant troubles.
Time for business, time for fun.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
If you want to eat rolls, don’t lie on the stove.
IN holidays It doesn't hurt to be careful while driving.
The New Year holidays will be full of fun and new acquaintances.
The parents planned something good.
By summer you will have grown 7 centimeters.
Laugh carelessly so that happiness lasts forever.
Seven times measure cut once!
Listen to everyone. Ideas come from everywhere.
Focus on family and harmony with the world around you.
Well done is better than well said.
Anyone who does not expect gratitude will never be disappointed.
Everything that is done is for the better.
Don't look for external enemies: to understand what is hindering your development, look inside yourself.
Be attentive to the clues of fate.
Be persistent in the battle with your own selfishness.

When I choose expressions, I think about who it suits. We can say that I even hope that the prediction will become prophetic and the person will change for the better. (“It’s rare to get it right, but that’s why everyone is happy, except me).

Preparing for the carnival- another one new year tradition.
Nowadays it is customary to organize not just a Christmas tree at school, but a carnival, therefore, a costume is needed. You can buy a costume in a store, or you can sew it yourself, which is much more interesting and useful in all respects. The child and his family members are involved in the process of preparing the costume, which is very uniting. The child comes up with an image, looks for the necessary accessories, chooses a style, tries on different outfits, gets into character, and anticipates the holiday, which is very good. Children preschool age are happy to join this process. And although they have few offers of their own, they are happy to dress up and play a role.

Children up to a certain age believe in the real Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and we try in every possible way not to destroy their faith in miracles and create surprise moments. This year I recorded a video in which the beautiful Snow Maiden (our kindergarten teacher) congratulated her grandchildren on the New Year and wished them to grow up to be kind and obedient children. This video message was shown during children's party. A little later, when the grandchildren were engrossed in the game, the doorbell rang. It turned out that they had brought a package from “Santa Claus” with a real wax seal and postage stamps. The gift impressed not only the children, but also their parents.
The next tradition is welcoming guests in the form of an animal symbolizing the coming year. So last year I met my grandchildren in a Goat wig, and this year my grandfather put on a Monkey mask and scared some and made them laugh with his antics.
Photography, of course, is a long-standing family tradition, thanks to which children remember well the events of their lives, and we adults remember them with tenderness when we were little.
Preparing gifts and souvenirs for all family members- another tradition. The grandchildren prepare gifts for their great-grandparents and grandparents with their own hands under the guidance of their parents. For this purpose, various creative sets are used, the choice of which is unusually wide. The idea is put into the minds of children that a gift made with their own hands will please their relatives much more than one bought with parental money. All other family members exchange traditional gifts. And we prefer to give children impressions, namely: tickets to the theater, to the Christmas tree, a trip to Moscow, travel, etc.
We exchange gifts after the game program to maintain intrigue and keep the children's attention.
By the way, this year I immediately announced that the gifts from under the tree had disappeared, but there is a chance to find them if you fulfill all the demands of the evil trolls. The grandchildren did not find out where the trolls came from in the city apartment, but immediately began searching. (By the way, not only gifts disappeared, but also some of my notes - assignments and even one fortune cookie, which is still impossible to explain logically, as if the trolls were to blame!)
I don’t want to make a festive feast the main event of a family holiday, although I love to cook and my guests love to eat. Since we Russians are distinguished by their hospitality, I believe that my grandchildren will easily accept these traditions, and I would like to instill in them the rest.

New Year is the brightest holiday of childhood! A family holiday, when all the people close to you gather around one table in anticipation of a miracle. How close it all is! Here I am, still very little, running around, getting under the feet of my mother, who is making a salad. I pester my grandmother, who is setting the table. I spend a long time looking at the Christmas tree decorations that my great-grandfather brought in a large box and hung on the tree. Great-grandmother also contributes to the preparations, adjusting the tinsel hanging on the tree and throughout the house. There is a feeling of something unusual and desirable in the air. Everyone is waiting for a miracle! Do you remember the big red star that every year was attached to the very top of the forest beauty’s head!?

Each toy was something unusual for me; looking at each one, I found myself in a fairy tale. Here are glass beads, like from the kingdom of the Snow Queen, heavy, but very fragile, like pieces of ice that fell into Kai’s heart. Do you remember multi-colored garlands in the form of cones? It took a very long time to untangle them, but when they shimmered, illuminating the tree, a feeling of something magical immediately reigned in the house! Guests always came to the holiday: close friends, neighbors, relatives. Already tired of the running around, the bustle, the brilliance, the indescribable sensations, I was still afraid to fall asleep, I was waiting for Santa Claus to come... and didn’t wait. But in the morning, I got out of bed, ran to the tree and found gifts under it . And she firmly believed in Santa Claus! Having matured, being already a student, I continued to celebrate the New Year with my family, it was sacred! Then I called up my friends, and the holiday continued among friends. I will never forget the New Year holidays with my mother, grandfather and grandmothers. They gave me a fairy tale, which I now want to tell my son, to introduce him to the world of magic with the smell of pine needles and tangerines. And even though now the toys and garlands on the Christmas trees don’t break or get tangled, for my baby I kept those fragile “ice toys” from my childhood, which he tested for strength this year by dropping the Christmas tree installed at home twice. Oh, happiness, our rarities were not broken! How I want the fairy tale to continue for my son!

And now, as a mother and wife, I want to give some advice. If you decide to celebrate the New Year with your child, then turn the fairy tale he is waiting for into reality. This New Year is special for our family. The theme is one year and two months old, and he is now directly involved in decorating the New Year's beauty. Only mom and dad hang up the decorations, and he immediately takes off the balls and hides them. The garlands fascinate him, he crouches down and watches the colorful lights sparkle, giving his parents some time of silence and the opportunity to quickly hang up their toys. The needles near the Christmas tree do not scare him away either; he carefully touches them first with his fingers, and then, emboldened, even tries to bite them. When it encounters resistance from a forest miracle, it retreats.

Tinsel is everywhere in our home this year. Toy bears and hares, cars and airplanes are all wrapped in it. Christmas tree decorations can sometimes be found even in the cupboard in the kitchen, under the sofa, in the dressing room and even in the washing machine. It's the same with sweets. When our dad brought home from work a New Year's gift package for the child from the organization, which contained a lot of candy in shiny candy wrappers, Tema could not hold back his emotions. All the time was occupied by this brilliant confectioner. No, he didn’t rush to unwrap them and stuff them into his mouth. The child counted them, calling for the process and hid us, parents, carried them in cars, fed them to our favorite teddy bears and horses. Emotions faded over time, attention switched to something else. And the parents, that is, my husband and I, put the gift high on the wall; my mother, that is, me, who really loves sweets, will get to it later.

In our young family, despite the fact that we are celebrating the family New Year for the second time, we already have our own traditions. Three weeks before the holiday, we start counting down - we hang a special calendar on the refrigerator, on which it says “There are... days left until the New Year.” When we add another number, we feel how smoothly we are approaching our favorite holiday. Every year we definitely go to a photo shoot. We were there this year too. The photo studio (its design) always fascinates with its beauty and mystery. What happens during filming immerses you in a sweet world of magic. Every year we buy several new Christmas tree decorations. I want some of them to be preserved for Temina’s family, for his children and grandchildren. I also have these “transitional toys”. One of these has already visited 40 Christmas trees. A simple toy in the shape of a lemon, already with slightly worn paint on the sides, but I tirelessly continue to hang this retro toy as a symbol of my mother’s youth, as a symbol of my childhood, as a talisman of fate.

I hang up my lemon and again plunge into childhood, remembering how my mother collected sweet gifts for my brother and me with all sorts of goodies. They seemed the best to me then. I can still taste them, feel their unique smell. I haven’t lived with my parents for a long time. But every New Year's Eve at my mother's house, gifts are waiting for me under the Christmas tree. And this year will be no exception. And at 26 years old, I will go with childish joy to pick up my “bag” of sweets. I still believe in Santa Claus, only now I know him, I see him, I can touch and kiss him. And also... I can say thank you to my mom, who creates the most ordinary miracle for me.

It has become a tradition to review new year holidays fairy tale films “Morozko”, “New Year Miracles”, “The Adventure of the Snowman”, comedies “Gentlemen of Fortune” or “The Irony of Fate”. Somehow, without them, something is missing in the New Year’s bustle. Every year we come up with something new. What brings variety to long New Year holidays. Something takes root, but something, without saying goodbye, leaves and does not return. And that's great. We are happy only for wonderful moments! And we will definitely try to pass on the traditions to our baby, our future children.

I especially remember December 31, 2017. My husband and I decided to give a New Year's miracle not only to our son, but also to the children of our friends. Having dressed up as Father Frost and Snow Maiden in the morning, we went on a short shopping trip; by the way, they didn’t want to let us go there for a long time, everyone loves fairy tales, so we bought toys and sweets and went to congratulate us. They went around everyone, congratulated them, and cheered up not only their friends and their children. But also to ourselves. The husband, who had never played the role of Frost before, did an excellent job with it. And most importantly, he liked it! There are so many happy people happy faces we saw it early in the morning. The most important Morozik was waiting for my grandmother and me to go home. We sewed Artem a Grandfather’s costume in advance, which greatly amused the baby. The son, who was still quite unintelligent, pulled long beard Frost and laughed fervently. Probably over the fact that strange outfit did mom and dad choose for the baby?! A New Year's costume would suit him better! And, trying to rip off his beard and filling the rooms with cheerful laughter, he seemed to hint to us about this. But nevertheless, everyone had a good time! Let it be good all year round, and miracles happen on New Year's Day. Smile, friends! And believe in miracles! Believe me, they come true!

New Year in a warm family atmosphere - good idea. Such a holiday will be remembered for its comfort, great mood and exciting communication. To make New Year's Eve exciting and bright, you can prepare scenarios, games and other entertainment.

How to organize New Year's Eve at home with your family: 5 important tips

How to have fun celebrating New Year with your family?

We offer exciting and funny games that both children and adults will enjoy.

Competition "New Year's Card"

This is wonderful and simple game for a cozy family holiday.

How to play?

  1. A few days before the festive evening, invite each participant to do greeting card with your own hands and write a New Year’s wish on it. You cannot show crafts to each other. Prepare pencils, paper and other materials at home. If anyone forgets about the card, they will make it during the holiday party.
  2. When everyone is ready for the game, the cards are collected (it is advisable that the participants do not see each other’s crafts), put in a beautiful box and mixed.
  3. Now each of the family members in turn goes to the box and by touch pulls out a card with wishes for themselves. Before picking up the gift, wishes must be read aloud. Most likely, many of them will amuse the guests; it may happen that they will wish the baby obedient grandchildren, and the mother - good grades at school. Also invite guests to guess the author of the postcard.
  4. At the end of the game, conduct a secret or open vote, determine the author of the most beautiful and interesting postcard and reward him with a symbolic prize.

Game "Family History"

How interesting is it to spend the New Year with your family? Suggest this game. It will help you remember the most important and warm moments of the year and bring the participants of the holiday closer together.

How to play?

Let everyone remember the warmest, brightest or interesting story, which occurred in the past year and is connected with your family. You can tell stories one by one. This is a great way to sum up the year, thank your relatives for the good things they have done for you, and just smile again.

Competition "New Year's Quartet"

If you have not yet decided how to celebrate the New Year at home with your family, you can hold this fun and noisy competition. It is especially fun and interesting if there are many guests gathered for the holiday.

Props: pots, pencils, sheets of paper, rattles and any other objects with which you can make sounds.

How to play?

Game "Decorate the Christmas tree"

This competition will come to the aid of those who do not know how interesting it is to celebrate the New Year with family and children, if the kids still want to have fun, and the adults are already tired and dream of peace. The game is suitable for any number of children. Even one child will happily decorate the Christmas tree.

Props: a sheet of paper, pencils or markers, sticker pictures, a blindfold.

How to play?

Game "What's in Santa Claus's bag?"

The competition can be held spontaneously because it does not require props.

How to play?

Invite participants to take turns listing the items that Santa Claus has. Each next player must name all the previous gifts in the correct order, and then add his own. The player behind him repeats the updated list and adds one more word. For example, the first one says: “Santa Claus has a bear,” the second: “Santa Claus has a bear and a candle,” and the third: “Santa Claus has a bear, a candle and a Christmas tree toy,” etc.
If the items are named incorrectly, the participant loses. The one who lasts the longest wins. In order not to argue about the correctness of the list, you can select a leader. This person will not play, but will write down the sequence of words and will check the participants' answers against it.

Competition "Fruit or Candy Santa Claus"

To have a fun New Year's Eve at home, hold creativity competitions. People of all ages enjoy these tasks.

Props. For the game, prepare the same or similar sets of pieces of different fruits (it is important that they are different colors and sizes). You can also use candies in multi-colored wrappers.

How to play?

Scenario for the New Year in the family circle

If your family is creative and cheerful, you can not only celebrate the holiday with competitions, but also come up with a New Year's Eve scenario. We offer two interesting ideas.

"Magic Masquerade"

Before the holiday, get together with your family and choose a fairy tale to which the festive evening will be dedicated. Let it be kind and good famous story, for example, on the plot of “The Snow Queen”, “Morozko”, and the cartoon “12 Months”.
Assign roles and have each guest prepare a costume for themselves. But the celebration doesn't end there. Assignment for the whole evening or part of it: match the image of your character. You can also hold a riddle competition dedicated to history, act out scenes from a fairy tale and play the games that we suggested above.

"Journey to Another Country"

Another interesting scenario on New Year's Eve at home with children - it's a holiday in the style of another country. You can travel to warm Italy, snowy Finland, distant Japan or another corner of the planet.
Invite everyone to choose their roles and prepare costumes. Don't forget about the themed table and decorations.

Game "Stories and Legends"

To reduce organizational issues, let each guest prepare a themed decor for the interior, as well as a fascinating story about the appearance and use of this item. This task can be thought of as a competition. At the end, conduct a vote and give a symbolic prize to the person who prepared the most interesting subject and story about it.

Funny riddles

Also prepare riddles and questions about the country. For example, for Japanese New Year you can ask:

How many Santa Clauses are there in Japan? (There are two of them, the traditional Segatsu-san and the young Oji-san).
What color is Santa Claus's kimono? (Blue or cyan).
How long does it take Segatsu-san to congratulate all Japanese people? (A week).
Who gives gifts to children for the New Year? (Parents).
So that quiz participants can answer the questions, advise guests to prepare for the holiday and read about the traditions of the country.

Other games

Also, for the New Year in the Japanese style, you can hold a haiku competition to decide “Who can cook sushi better?” or “Who can eat rice faster using chopsticks?” and come up with other themed entertainment. The New Year's scenario should include the competitions that we indicated above.

A theme evening is a great idea not only for a family holiday, but for those who don’t know how to have fun celebrating the New Year at home with friends, a scenario in the style of another country is a solution for almost any holiday.

Have a nice holiday and magical events in the coming year!