Secrets of centenarians. Longevity secrets: apply now! The main way to live longevity

The topic of longevity has excited and continues to excite the minds of scientists for many years. For example, the Chinese emperor sent an expedition to the shores of the mysterious country of Eternal Youth, where rejuvenating fruits grew. According to legend, the hard emperor killed everyone who tried to dissuade him from this adventure. Unfortunately, no one returned from the trip. The emperor lived only 48 years, probably due to his riotous lifestyle and indulgence own desires led to such rapid decline and aging.

Interesting fact! There is a legend about Taoist monks who knew the recipe for a wonderful elixir of youth, but it could only be drunk under certain conditions. First of all, a person had to renounce his own worldly desires, power and money, and regularly train his body and mind. Otherwise, the potion turned into poison.

Today, there are scientific studies by doctors about longevity, because it is known that the resources of the human body are designed to last longer. However, so far only a few have managed to defeat nature and get closer to at least the hundred-year mark.

The Science of Longevity

Humans are a unique species. The fact is that, in accordance with the law of nature, an organism disappears when it loses the ability to procreate, and only humans can take care of the elderly. It is believed that old people are the guardians of life's wisdom and experience. The science of gerontology studies the causes of aging, diseases associated with age-related changes and of course, .

Doctors daily search for ways to increase the active period of life of each person and maximize smooth transition to physiological aging. The best guide to longevity is probably a book Sergei Bubnovsky “Active longevity”.

Good to know! Scientists believe that a person lives less than the allotted time because youth is too abruptly replaced by old age, which is accompanied by illness and infirmity.

The reason for so much rapid aging is the irrational use of the body. Of course, the easiest way is to wait for scientists to invent a wonderful elixir, but in reality, the path to longevity is working on yourself.

Experience of long-livers. General instructions.

In fact, there are very few centenarians on the planet; each of them has their own recipe for how to maintain youth. Having analyzed the principles of centenarians, we can identify the main secrets of youth and longevity from wise elders.

  • In the morning - a cold shower and oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Play chess and calm your nerves.
  • No cars - walk.
  • Just forget about anger and envy, love people.
  • Find a hobby and get better at it.
  • Be modern - master the latest technologies.
  • Don't take pills unless there is a good reason to do so.

In general, the secrets of longevity of record holders in terms of duration come down to quite simple rules- refuse bad habits, move more, and sincerely enjoy life.

Interesting fact! The longevity record belongs to Jeanne Kalman. The woman was born in France in 1875 and lived until 1997 - 122 years. Her record is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Obvious facts

Of course, the basic rules of longevity are known to many people - get enough sleep, move, eat right. Many sources promote a healthy lifestyle as one of the ways to prolong life. Let's take a closer look at what recipes for longevity exist.

Positive thinking

Symbol of longevity - positive thinking. Unfortunately, many have heard about it, but do not know how to set themselves in the right mood. Positive thinking is not only a factor that influences longevity, but also the key to achieving your goals.

The power of positive thinking lies in the following - the world around us can be good and bad. What it turns out to be depends solely on the person himself. First of all, it is important to wait for good events and news, to believe in your own strength and success. However, faith alone is not always enough - it needs to be reinforced. It's all about finding inspiration and possible solutions life situations. Positive thinking provides an unlimited resource of energy.

It is important! Failures will occur along the way - this is inevitable, but positive thinking lies in the ability to relate to them correctly. Understanding that any problems are temporary gives strength, a person becomes stronger.

Principles of positive thinking:

  • love comes first;
  • There are a huge amount of resources in the universe - there is enough for everyone;
  • treat yourself as a wizard capable of performing miracles;
  • love yourself;
  • the universe is fair and to be admired;
  • notice only good things around you.

Physical activity

Longevity technologies are based on, unfortunately, today many city residents lead a sedentary lifestyle and surround themselves with comfort.

Good to know! Lack of physical activity is the fourth leading cause of premature death.

What physical inactivity leads to:

  • development of hypertension;
  • ischemic disease;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

The path to longevity is daily exercise. Exercises for longevity are common morning work-out, walking, jogging in the park. Remember that training should be fun and no discomfort. The sooner you start doing them, the faster they will bring results. It is enough to exercise 20-30 minutes a day.

Movement is a symbol of longevity. Let's consider the basic principles of physical activity:

  • stand up, squat, bend over three times a day for 10 minutes;
  • walk up the stairs;
  • walk to the store and back;
  • Walk part of the way to work;
  • play active games with your children.

Simple, healthy nutrition

The theory of longevity is also based on. It turns out that rejuvenation and longevity depend on what we eat. There is a list of products that you can use to preserve your youth.

  • Broccoli is an effective protection against cancer. Not only cabbage, but also other cruciferous vegetables are recognized as quite strong antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals.
  • Whole grains for cardiovascular health. The product maintains cholesterol levels and protects against diabetes.
  • Berries for healthy bone tissue, brain and muscles.
  • Dark chocolate will help neutralize inflammation. The product contains flavonoids, which slow down the aging process and maintain cell youth.
  • Tomatoes and beets for the prevention of cancer.
  • Walnuts for maintaining cholesterol levels.

Biological rhythms

The rules of longevity involve following biological rhythms. These are periodic changes in biological processes in the body. Such fluctuations develop under the influence of natural factors - the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, Moon, changes in illumination and air temperature, as well as the electromagnetic field.

There are three groups of biological rhythms:

  • high frequency;
  • mid-frequency;
  • low frequency.

According to experts, it is biorhythms that regulate a person’s routine and his life. Thus, by observing, a person is healthy, full of strength and energy.

Good to know! Maximum human activity is observed twice during the day - from 10-00 to noon and from 16-00 to 18-00. The lowest performance occurs at 1-00 am and continues until 5-00 am.

Each person chooses the best time for activity individually, since all people are different - there are “larks” who find it easier to work in the morning, and there are “night owls” who find it easier to work in the evening.

All factors of longevity are subordinated correct regimen activity and relaxation. In this case, the person is alert, active and healthy.

Family well-being

Appearance care

Beauty is not just a gift from nature, but daily work. We have collected the secrets of attractiveness of women from all over the world.

  • Australia - perfect hair. Add a few drops of oil to your shampoo tea tree.
  • Brazil – getting rid of cellulite. Use regular wet sand and massage problem areas with it.
  • Egypt – flawless skin. Add 2 liters of milk to the bath.
  • Colombia - avocado for the health and beauty of skin and hair. Use avocado-based masks.
  • China - rice water. This is an excellent cleanser. Soak a handful of rice in clean water and then wash your face with this water.
  • Japan – Protect yourself from the sun to keep your skin healthy.
  • Scandinavian countries - mineral water for youthful skin. It is enough to wipe your face with mineral water.

A person who likes himself is confident in his own abilities, it is easier for him to communicate with people, he is active. Take care of yourself - this is important rule longevity.

Living conditions

The secrets of longevity lie in the conditions in which a person has to live. If possible, choose regions with the most comfortable climate, good ecology, and high safety. If there is no choice, try to adapt to the climatic conditions. Remember, you should be comfortable and easy to live in an apartment or house.

Factors that contribute to longevity include creating a safe environment around yourself. One of the principles of longevity is air ionization. Therefore, purchase a device from a specialized store to saturate the air in your living room with negatively charged ions. This will allow you to enjoy clean air.

How to live happily ever after and not grow old

The secrets of longevity are a set of activities that should become your way of life. All factors contributing to longevity are important. There are several mechanisms and theories that will help prolong youth. What do scientists say about centenarians?

The reasons for longevity are calmness and the ability to adequately respond to difficult situations. life situations. Learn to think positively. Remember that under conditions of chronic stress, the body wears out faster.

Avoid the harmful effects of the external environment in which you live. Protect your skin from sun and wind, low temperatures. The secrets to longevity are hidden in the refrigerator and your menu. Control your diet - avoid harmful products, alcohol and nicotine.

Another secret that doctors are silent about is that optimists who regularly train their brain activity live the longest. Based on this, the main reasons for longevity lie in good mood, goodwill and reading books.

Average life expectancy is 90 years. What's the secret? No hassles! The main thing is fun, positivity in everything. Never talk about politics, only relaxation, entertainment and... girls :) Food: steak and beer, but everything is natural, fresh, no frozen foods or additives. Well, fresh air, of course. You need a house to spend the night, the rest of the time in nature, maximum relaxation, meditation and beauty. Mandatory use of Vegemite (beer malt extract that remains at the bottom of the barrel after beer fermentation). Begin use from 1 year of age. And no negativity, only positivity in everything!

New Zealand

Average life expectancy is 80 years. Every resident of this country will say: “Eat honey, live happily ever after.” New Zealand bees collect honey from a tea tree. It is very useful as it contains many useful vitamins and other substances. Gums hurt - honey. Heart problems - honey. Vessels are acting up - honey. Inflammation - honey. Damaged skin - honey. There is a desire to prolong youth - honey too! But our product is just as healthy, so listen to New Zealanders.



A country where representatives of the stronger sex live longer than their companions. Kenyan Mzee Barnabas Kiptanui Arap Rop, who passed away at the age of 133, preached the Holy Gospel and considered the secret of his longevity to be the confession of holy laws, love of nature and people.


When the leader of the Baue tribe died, he was 126 years old at that time. His wife (one of many) shared the secret that her husband never had problems with teeth, and even in old age he had all his teeth. Also, he's almost up to last days fulfilled his marital duty :)


Oddly enough, given the conditions in which Egyptians live, the average lifespan for women is 73 years, for men - 68. This is a pretty good indicator. Long-livers in Egypt said that diseases can only be treated with herbs. No contraindications, no side effects. Only natural treatment with natural ingredients that we collect ourselves.


Women in this country look very young. They are grateful for their eternal youth and health to argon oil, which they produce themselves from argan fruits. They add it wherever possible: in food, in the bath, on the skin, on the hair. And also, Morocco is the place where volcanic rhassoul clay is born. She is considered one of the most effective means for youthful skin and face. It is used to make cosmetics by the most expensive cosmetic companies. You can’t stop living beautifully :)


Long-lived Ali bin Muhammad al-Omari, who at the age of 127 shared the secrets of his health, said that he achieved such success thanks to work, walks and diet. Every day he took walks along the seashore and breathed the air. Did not consume meat or animal products. He started himself Agriculture and worked constantly.

North America


Do you want to cross the century mark? Three simple rules:

  1. Have sex regularly!
  2. Drink real coffee!
  3. Smoke cigars!

In between these “procedures” it would be a good idea to turn over a glass of rum. Eat fish, eggs, milk, vegetables. The bread is only white. Reduce your addiction to salt and spices. That's all! Take these simple things as your rules, and you can calmly make a list of plans and goals for the next 90 years :)


Mexicans also see the secrets of longevity and health in nutrition. Corn, legumes, pumpkin seeds, cumin, jicama are the foods they recommend eating every day. This food helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Therefore, very few people have diabetes in Mexico.


Canadians are grateful to the country's economic development for their opportunity to live happier, richer and healthier. When the economic level is stable, then the population feels happier. A happy people, are known to live the longest. If the political and financial situation of your country wants to expect better, then use your maximum thinking and strength to start earning money.


Californian centenarians are confident that if you adhere to the “biblical diet,” your life will last happily ever after. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol. Eat oatmeal, nuts, avocado and figs. In general, become a vegetarian and live as long as you want :) Only a small amount of fish is allowed. The motto “Eat to live, don’t live to eat” is perfectly suited to the lifestyle of California’s centenarians. Well, don’t forget about walks fresh air.

South America

Costa Rica

Squash (for us it’s pumpkin), beans and corn are the three most important products that the inhabitants of this country eat every day. Centenarians claim that it is this food that provides them with youth, beauty and health. They almost never suffer from heart disease and have disease-resistant immunity.


Residents of Peru advise not to be upset if you are poor. This is a good ability to live long. The main thing is to strive for money, always be busy, work physically, eat not much. But eat only plant foods, natural, no chemicals or additives. Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, it is harmful. You don't want to die early, do you? Is not it?


Serrano Arenacas, the oldest resident of northern Colombia, recommends never bothering with earthly problems. Everything depends on the will of God. Earthly troubles are given to us so that we can go through them and learn, and not suffer and consider ourselves unhappy. Start thinking about spiritual things, believe in God, and everything will be fine. That’s exactly how it was: 24 children, the last of whom was born when his father turned 70.



Georgian centenarians are grateful for their long years to red wine, especially the one made in Kakheti, and fermented milk products. Fermented milk products in Georgia are traditionally called matsoni. It is argued that regular consumption of small doses of wine and fermented milk products provides the body's cells with all the useful substances that help maintain their youth. Therefore, Georgians recommend adhering to a balanced diet, as well as maintaining spiritual peace.


Lead an active lifestyle and sleep only on your right side. Lu Siqiang, who died at the age of 109, practiced martial arts even at a fairly old age. Long-livers in China advise to be wary of “night” meals and overeating. Are morning, afternoon and evening not enough to please your stomach? Also, Chinese centenarians shared another secret - a song. While working in the fields, they constantly sing. Statistics confirm that people who like to sing visit doctors much less often and almost never experience senile depression. So, go ahead and sing :)


Don't smoke, play sports, run, but not to see doctors. When you first feel unwell, do not go to the hospital. Get used to it, it will become a habit, and you will spend your free time there. A Syrian woman who lived for 128 years admitted that she had never been to a doctor in her entire life, she didn’t even know what a hospital looked like, and the man in the white coat didn’t tell her anything. And this despite the fact that as of 2014, Syria occupied one of the first places in terms of healthcare in the region. Of course, you shouldn’t abuse this rule. But there is a rational grain in this.


Start eating natural seasonings such as cumin, ginger, cinnamon, coriander, curry, and turmeric. These products contain biologically active substances that keep the body’s cells young and also prevent the body from suffering from “age-related diseases.” Although India cannot boast of a large number of centenarians, the number of elderly people suffering from senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease is much less than in other countries. It's all thanks to the spices.


Make lunch your ritual. Never eat on the go. Sit down, chew well, enjoy your food, then run. Never overeat. Consume small portions. Not familiar? Then add hot seasoning to the dish, such as chili pepper. You can not only improve the taste, but also reduce the serving size. Replace coffee green tea. Eat fruits and vegetables 5 times a day. Forget about crispy crust, eggs, cook everything only with olive and canola oil. Borrow from the Japanese tradition of regularly consuming rice, seafood and soybeans. Use only soy milk. Make it a rule to walk, move more and work physically.


To live to be 100 years old, according to the recommendations of the Tibetans, follow a few tips. Learn to solve problems correctly, without worry. If it can somehow influence the consequences, take action. If not, why worry? Let it go. Relax more often (inhale through your nose, hold, and exhale through your mouth). Learn how to self-massage your head. Tibetan centenarians strongly recommend making new acquaintances. Sociable people live much longer, this is a proven fact. Parties should be regular:) Eliminate fried foods from your diet. Eat beans and meat. But once a week, be a vegetarian. And as many tomatoes as possible (in any form).


Turkmens advise consuming a sufficient amount of stearic acid. It is this that prevents the body from aging quickly, improves metabolism, and preserves stem cells in the body. Don't know where to get it? Eat lamb! Turkmens know what they are talking about. It is this product that protects their youth under such difficult living conditions.


Forget about restaurant food. But if you have already gone, order low-calorie dishes. Remember the rule: lunch and dinner are homework. Give preference to steamed dishes. Learn to share with your neighbor. Divide large portions into two. Never get full. Make friends with salmon, tuna and mackerel. Eat fish 3 times a week. Buy a bike and forget about a sedentary lifestyle. Only activity and fresh air!


A glass of red natural dry wine every day and no stress, depression, poor health, or irritation. Quercetin and polyphenols, which are part of brightly colored wine, reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases and improve immunity. This is even longer than enough to live a long and happy life. Young Spaniards drink 2 glasses a day. Elderly people dilute the drink with clean water 1:2. Do you want to prolong your youth using Spanish technology? Then buy only those wines that are made in those countries that are famous for their longevity.


Live - learn - work. Work - study - live. Muscovites, or rather residents of the capital (since there are about 70% of long-livers there), are advised to always work with your “brains”. With constant “brain training” you can improve your financial condition, which naturally activates the happiness hormone. You also activate the work of the whole body.


Ukrainian centenarians recommend eating natural products, drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily, exercise regularly. Walk a lot. Learn to run a hundred meters in 8 seconds, and then you can make plans for the next 100 years :) It is very important to become useful to someone. This will make your life moving. Do what you love. Smile often and do good things. Don't envy anyone. Believe in God, and... work, and work again. Don't forget about the song. Singing prolongs life. Keep love in your heart.


The Turks suggest not worrying about anything and living one day at a time. You can only think about what will happen tomorrow. Everyone probably has their own opinion on this matter. Agree, this lifestyle has its advantages, but also its disadvantages. The best option is most likely to live today, but do not forget about “tomorrow”. The most ancient inhabitant of Turkey was Zora Agha (154). Her secret was constant physical activity, sense of humor, simple food, no fat, only safflower oil. I ate only black bread, dried in the sun. I have never eaten food prepared artificially.


The average life expectancy of men and women has increased significantly in Lately. Hungarians have never been able to boast of their longevity as much as they do now. How do they do this? Hungarians believe that each resident has his own resource, which tends to be exhausted. Therefore, they save their energy a lot. They don’t overexert themselves at work, don’t get nervous over trifles, don’t freak out for no reason, and don’t take everything to heart. Many Hungarians adhere to the motto: “Spit on everything - keep your health” 🙂 They do not abuse alcohol and cigarettes. They consider this hobby too dangerous. The main thing is that everything in life should be in moderation. Then you will live happily ever after.


The people of Iceland are considered the most healthy people in the world. Their secret is that half of their food comes from fresh sea fish. Russians, for example, eat fresh fish about once a month, when in Iceland it’s fish day every day :) That’s why they live long and healthy. If you want to prolong your youth, eat fish at least 2 times a week. The diet must include fatty fish (mackerel, tuna, trout). Main, .


Don't sit down at the table unless you have some greens, brown rice and orange juice on it. Don't overeat, portions should be small. Bread is your enemy. Only vegetables for garnish. The sound of opening a bottle of red wine should be a daily tradition :) This is not a joke. French wine, compared to other drinks, contains 5 times more nutrients and antioxidants. Do you want to look young and healthy? Incorporate a glass of French red wine into your daily diet.


The rule that long-livers of this country adhere to is: 30% - walking, 10% - cycling, 38% - other mode of transport. Have you compared your lifestyle? Don't ignore him either. Try to move as much as possible. Regulate your time so that as a result of your actions, you still have a lot of it left. Somewhere, about 100 years :)


Did you know that after lunch all public places are closed for 3 hours in order to give people the opportunity to rest and recuperate? This time is called siesta. After all, even if you set aside half an hour a day to take a nap, the body recovers completely. Make it a habit to rest for an hour or two after lunch. Italians also advise not to forget about social contacts. Constant communication with family and friends. More than 80% of centenarians each find time to communicate with people. Active conversations are great for your health.


The Greeks do not eat a large number of fish and very little meat. Instead, various oils, vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains, fresh herbs, honey and goat milk are actively added. If you want to live a long time, maybe you should buy a goat? 🙂


There is quite a lot of fish in this country, but this is not the main guarantee of long-livers in Finland. Compared to Iceland, Finns do not use it as much as it seems. Their hobby: active lifestyle. Even cold weather It never hurts a Finn to go fishing or walk to work, even if the walk takes about an hour. They love winter sports. If you dream of living over 100 years, then regular exercise in the fresh air is what you need. And skis and skates should become your constant friends.


Exercise, an active lifestyle, preferably in the fresh air, good sleep and... whiskey. Don't forget the whiskey. A small glass every day. It is this lifestyle that Englishman Nazar Singh, who celebrated his 111th birthday, is grateful for.


Do you want to celebrate your centenary in full health? Then listen to the advice of the Albanians: start a household, a vegetable garden. Grow your own fruits and vegetables. Spend more time in nature. It is thanks to the healthy climate and fresh products that they eat that Balkan men do not live less than 74 years, and the average lifespan of women is 80 years.


They have adopted a lot from the Finns and follow their tradition: play sports outside as much as possible, and in the gym as little as possible. Also, eat plenty of fish, as fish oil is known to keep your cardiovascular system and joints healthy. Regular consumption of fish helps to avoid senile insanity and Alzheimer's disease.

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Memo to a Russian centenarian

Memo to a Russian centenarian

Academician Fedor Uglov

  1. Love your homeland. And protect her. The homeless don't live long.
  2. Love the job. And physical too.
  3. Know how to control yourself. Don't lose heart under any circumstances.
  4. Never drink or smoke, otherwise all other recommendations will be useless.
  5. Love your family. Know how to answer for her.
  6. Save yours normal weight, no matter what it costs you. Don't overeat!
  7. Be careful on the road. Today it is one of the most dangerous places to live.
  8. Don't be afraid to go to the doctor on time.
  9. Spare your children from health-destroying music.
  10. The mode of work and rest is laid down in the very basis of the work of your body. Love your body, be kind to it.
  11. Individual immortality is unattainable, but the length of your life largely depends on you.
  12. Do good. Evil, unfortunately, will work itself out

Ten Commandments

Every person sooner or later asks the question - how to maintain youth? Found the answer to this question international group doctors, psychologists and nutritionists. They developed the “ten commandments” - recipes for youth that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle, following which we will be able to prolong and make our earthly existence more enjoyable.
1st commandment: do not overeat! Instead of the usual 2,500 calories, be content with 1,500. In this way, you will provide relief to your cells and support their activity. Cells renew themselves faster and the body becomes less susceptible to diseases.

2nd commandment: the menu must be age appropriate. For 30-year-old women, the first wrinkles will appear later if they regularly eat liver and nuts. People over forty years of age benefit from beta-carotene. After 50 years, calcium is in the form of bones, and magnesium is in the heart. Men over forty need selenium, found in cheese and kidneys. Selenium helps relieve stress. After fifty, eating fish will protect the heart and blood vessels.

3rd Commandment: Work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Try to find a job that suits you. Some professions, according to sociologists, help preserve youth. These include the professions of conductor, philosopher, artist and priest.

4th Commandment: Find a mate. Love and tenderness are the best remedy anti-aging. When a person is in love, his body produces the hormone endorphin, which is otherwise called the hormone of happiness. It helps strengthen the immune system.

5th Commandment: Have your own point of view on everything. A person who lives consciously is much less likely to become depressed and depressed than someone who just passively goes with the flow.

6th Commandment: Move. Even eight minutes of exercise or sports a day prolongs life. In the process of movement, growth hormones are released, the production of which is especially reduced after thirty years.

7th Commandment: Sleep in a cool room. It has been proven that those who sleep at a temperature of 17-18 degrees remain young longer. The reason is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

8th Commandment: Treat yourself from time to time. Sometimes, contrary to all recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, allow yourself a tasty morsel.

9th Commandment: You should not always suppress anger in yourself. Anyone who constantly reproaches himself, instead of telling what upsets him, and at times even arguing, exchanging opinions with others, is more susceptible to any disease, including malignant tumors.

10th Commandment: Train your brain. From time to time, do crossword puzzles, play group games that require mental activity, and learn foreign languages. Count in your head, not just on a calculator.

Tips from the Carpathian Mountains

A resident of the Carpathians, Andrey Voronov, died due to an accident at the age of 104 years. Like academician Fyodor Uglov, who lived for more than 103 years and also worked almost until his last time, Andrei Voronov left his advice on the rules of a long life.

He advised:

Find joy in this life and enjoy every minute;

Bring joy to people and be humane;

Forgive everyone and always, including yourself;

Laugh with your face and soul, do not take people and yourself seriously;

Breathe freely, deeply and with pleasure;

Sleep to your heart's content and with pleasure.

If you comment on these seven tips from the Carpathian sage, you will be amazed at their sunnyness, simplicity and accessibility to anyone. It is difficult to stay in this world for a long time if he does not enjoy his life, such as it is; if he does not help people and does not illuminate their lives with the light of joy; if it is filled with envy, resentment, anger. To laugh with your face and soul means to treat people and yourself with a certain degree of carelessness, so inherent in useful to a person in love.

Stability, joy of life and faith in it, these are the main things you can learn from Andrei Voronov to extend your years. He said: “I have lived in one place for decades. I'm doing one job. I have conversations with the same people. I sit at the same table at the same time and eat almost the same food. I go to bed at the same time and in the same bed... Years pass, but nothing changes - neither environment, neither do I. For my soul does not change. And this is good. I look at the images of my grandfather, my father, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and it seems that I have always been in this world. And I will forever..."
We received a lot of advice from this man. Andrei Voronov wrote down his thoughts and they came to us in the form of wise advice, tested in the practice of his life. What remains for us is the simplest and the most difficult - to apply them in our difficult lives. Here are some of them:

  • About nutrition.

    Don't overeat! A hungry animal is more cunning and agile than a well-fed person. With a handful of dates and a mug of wine, the Roman legionaries ran in full gear for 20 kilometers, crashed into enemy ranks and fought without respite... And from satiety and debauchery, the Roman Empire fell.
  • Drink clean water whenever possible without waiting for thirst. Do not drink sweet or salty (mineral) water from bottles. The first will corrode the liver, the second will seal up the blood vessels.
  • When you eat food, do not wash it down. Do not drink before or after meals.
  • There should be vegetables on your table every day. In first place - beets, not on earth better food. Then - beans, pumpkin, berries, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, lettuce, apples, grapes, plums.
  • When you cut vegetables, they lose their earthly strength. It is better to eat them and cook them whole. Onions are twice as useful if you crush them with your hands or a wooden plank.
  • You don't have to drink store-bought tea. For me, the best brew is young pear branches. This tea is very aromatic and medicinal. Removes salts and excess water, relieves pain and inflammation of joints, increases male strength. And coffee, tea, sweet drinks, beer undermine the heart. Boil young pear shoots for 10 - 15 minutes.
  • When berry season comes, you can deny yourself any food, just not berries. Eat at least a cup every day. If the stars are the eyes of the sky, the berries are the eyes of the earth. There are no main or non-main ones among them. Each one will fill you with strength and health - from cherries to watermelons.
  • Don't forget the nuts. A nut is like our brain. It has power for the brain. It is good to consume a teaspoon of nut butter daily.

If there is fish on the table, you are a master. Fish cleanses and rejuvenates, just like the water from where it came. Jesus wore the sign of the fish. Fish, dry rye bread, vegetables are the best treats for you.

Fasting is the greatest grace. Nothing strengthens and rejuvenates me like fasting. The bones become light, like those of a bird. And the heart is cheerful, like a guy’s. With every major post I look several years younger. But not eating meat is not fasting. Not “eating” your neighbor is the first step to fasting. Fasting is not a tradition, not a biblical prescription, not a sacrifice to God. This is a manifestation of love for God. Since it is more important and greater than the love of delicious food, drink and entertainment...

Everything that grows in your garden is for your health and food. Each plant that your hand has tended is twice as nutritious as the one you bought. I enjoy them like children. And they understand it. The plant guesses and gives us what we lack.

  • Our parents knew well that for health we need to eat lard with onions, and during Lent, porridge or beans with butter. And definitely onions. And every day. The onion teases both the tongue and the stomach, and therefore the husband.
  • You can eat meat if you want. But rarely. DO NOT EAT pork, it has sent more than one person to the next world. But a thin slice of lard will do you good. But don't smoke it. Why use resin...
  • Bad food - sausage, fried potatoes, cookies, sweets, canned food, pickles. My food is cereals, beans, greens. The predator has eaten meat - he can barely crawl, lazy. And the horse pulls a cart all day long from oats. Locusts eat grass, which is why they have the strength to fly.
  • It’s better to eat a handful, but often. To eat less, I drink a lot of water and compotes, eat roughage and raw vegetables.
  • I cook hot dishes only for 1-2 servings. Food must be fresh.
  • After dinner I walk around the garden for another half hour.
  1. You don't have to go far to get medicine. Nature prepared them for us in the neighborhood. Willow is one of the first plants; after the flood, it was the first to turn green on the banks. There are countless things that willow helps with: headaches, neuroses, neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, liver, stomach, colds...5. Live where the air is clean. If that doesn’t work, then spend more time in nature.

    8. In order not to go with your child to hospitals and pharmacies, give him into the hands of Nature. From an early age, teach to step on the ground barefoot. This is the strongest hardening. If a child gets sunburned in the sun - this will be good for him, if he is bitten by a bee or an ant - this is also good, if he is stung by nettles, he bathed in cool water, was pricked by a thorn, he ate carrion in the garden - this means that he has hardened himself from illnesses, become stronger in body and spirit.

For good health

  1. I was only in hospital once in Siberia, when my leg was broken. But I’ve never been to a pharmacy. I treat myself and treat others. These medicines are very simple, cheap and accessible. For example, water. It refreshes the brain, strengthens the heart and calms the nerves. Note: not any drink, but only pure water. And at least a liter daily, or better yet two. And coffee, tea and sweet drinks undermine the heart. Sit less, but get plenty of sleep. Healthy sleep is a healing power, but it needs to be earned every day through some kind of workload and effort. It’s good to take a half-hour nap on your back in the middle of the day so that the blood refreshes your head and face. It is bad to sleep after eating, because then the blood becomes thick and fat settles on the vessels.
  • Move more. A stone that rolls does not grow moss. Never be afraid to start learning a new thing - you will update yourself.
  • I have never been to a resort, nor have I spent a Sunday. My vacation is a change of activities. Nerves rest when hands work. The body gains strength when the head works.
  • You need to walk a lot. When walking, the soles rub and nourish the brain.
  • Look for a chance to be near the water. It will relieve fatigue and clear thoughts. Try to be outdoors more. Train yourself to live in a cool room. It is enough to keep your feet and hands warm, but your head cool. The body withers and ages from heat.
  • In order not to go with your child to hospitals and pharmacies, give him into the hands of Nature. From an early age, teach to walk barefoot on the ground. This is the strongest hardening. If a child gets sunburned in the sun - this will be good for him, if he was bitten by a wasp or an ant - this is also good, if he was stung by a nettle, bathed in cool water, scratched by a thorn, ate a carrion in the garden - this means he has hardened himself from illnesses, become stronger in body, stronger in spirit.
  • If you are tired, weak, sore, just give your body a rest. Let your nutrition become easier. To do this, eat the same dish for one day. The next day another. And so on for at least a week or two.

    15. Don't overwork. After several days of hard work, rest.

    If you are tired, weak, or sore, just give your body a rest. Let your nutrition become easier. To do this, you need to eat one dish throughout the day. The next day - another dish. And so on for at least a week or two.

  • When you feel that your body is quickly getting tired, that everything is irritating, and work, as they say, is getting out of hand - this means you need to take carrots two or three times a day. This way you will regain your strength.
  • To avoid a cold, don't wash yourself hot water, eat nuts and garlic every day, walk barefoot on the corn piled on the floor and sleep a lot.
  • I rarely resort to soap (no shampoos, but I don’t deny myself a steam room. I made myself a large stove out of clay. I burn branches, leaves, sap. When it burns out, I climb into Cherin (a platform above the arch of a Russian stove) and lie down on a wooden grate. While steaming, I wipe myself with corn grits and hay sponges, which softens the bones well, cleanses the skin and washes away impure salt.
  1. If a person takes at least a third of a glass of pumpkin juice or puree daily, he will feel strong for a long time. On this score, I’ll give you one more tip: don’t wear warm and tight clothes. underwear. Nature has built man in such a way that his genitals protrude from the body. Therefore, they should always be in the cold and in the air.

Try to avoid salt. There are three dangers for men: salt, sugar and white bread. There is also a fourth danger - vodka. This is not your food or your drink. There is enough salt and malt in earthly fruits and herbs. And take honey without fear and cordially. On an empty stomach with water. And you will see that your head will be bright and your body light.

  • Do you want to stay young and live long? Once a week, have a nut-apple day. In the morning, prepare 8 apples and 8 nuts. About every 2:00, eat one apple and one nut. To keep your stomach busy throughout the day.
  1. A man living with two women (mistresses) dies before his women.
  • To keep the flu out of your home. You just need to chop the onion and garlic and spread it on a towel in the corners of the room and front door. A bad virus will not enter the house.
  • Strengthen your weak, frozen body with herbs. Steam a handful of herbs, berries, leaves, currant branches, raspberries, strawberries with boiling water and drink all day. In winter from this great benefit you'll get it.
  1. Pear is a fruit for men. But the medicinal pear is the only one that smells. In addition, it lowers blood pressure. You can't eat rotten pears.

    21. We forget that medicines grow from the earth. For example, buckwheat. It normalizes blood pressure and helps with diabetes mellitus. Buckwheat will replace both potatoes and bread for the patient. Anyone who suffers from sclerosis, rheumatism, or arthritis should also include buckwheat in their menu. Buckwheat strengthens blood vessels and cleanses the eyes.

    22. The best things to lower blood pressure are celery, cranberries, and grapefruit.

    23. The most valuable nuts are unripe. They contain several tens of times more vitamins than dried ones. Therefore, do not be lazy to clean unripe grains with vodka, honey or syrup. Here is your pharmacy.

Tips for the soul

  • Cherish your inner feeling of joy and charm with life. Learn to see all living things around and enjoy them - grass, trees, birds, animals, earth, sky. Peer at them with kind eyes and an attentive heart - and knowledge will be revealed to you that you will not find in books. And you will see yourself in them - tamed and renewed.
  • Be kind and attentive to people. You can learn something from each of them, even empty ones. Do not make your enemies or friends out of people. And then you won't get any trouble from them.
  • What is meant for you will be given. Just learn to wait humbly. Something you shouldn't have and shouldn't expect. Let your soul be light.
  • When you feel bad, you need to walk a lot. Better in a field, forest, over water. The water will carry your sadness. But remember: the best medicine for body and soul is physical work.
  • Don’t be cunning to take advantage of everything, but try to be useful yourself. A vine that does not bear fruit soon dries up.
  • Find time for silence, for calming down, for a spiritual conversation with yourself. What is good and what is bad - let the heart tell you, and not human rumor.
  • Don't worry about who thinks and says what about you. Be your own judge in purity and dignity. Don't be angry with people. Don't judge them. Every person you forgive will add to your self-love.
  • Don't compete with anyone in anything. To each his own. Do not argue. Everyone has their own truth and their own grievance. Don't teach people how to live, what to do. I never lecture, I only advise when asked for advice. Do not consider yourself the smartest and most decent, better than others.
  • The poor is not the one who has little, but the one who has little.
  • Never hit children or yell at them. Otherwise they will grow up to be slaves.

The advice of the Carpathian centenarian should be taken very simply - the more you apply it to your life, the better and longer you will live. In conclusion, seven more principles of life from Andrey Voronov:

  • If you're afraid to do it, don't do it, but if you do it, don't be afraid.
  • Not everything is subject to reason. But everything is subject to perseverance.
  1. Don't argue. Everyone has their own truth and their own grievance.
  2. Happiness lies in what long-livers say, but not individually, but all together - in the totality of their advice.

Seven blessings

One doctor asked me what gave me many good years. I thought about it and wrote it to him on a piece of paper. There are 7 benefits.

  1. 1. Moderate nutrition,
    Constant moderate physical work, habit of walking a lot.

    4. Sun.

    6. Rest.
    7. Faith.

7 main things

  1. Moderate nutrition
    2. Constant moderate physical work, habit of walking a lot.
    3. Clean water and clean air.
    4. Sun.
    5. Self-control, self-restraint.
    6. Rest.
    7. Faith.

7 main things you need to learn:

  1. Find joy in this life. The joy of every minute given to you.
    2. Bring joy to others. Be humane.
    3. Forgive. Always. Everyone, including yourself.
    4. Repent. Free yourself from sin and mistakes.
    5. Laugh. Face and soul. (Does not take people or himself seriously).
    6. Breathe. Freely, deeply and with pleasure.
    7. Sleep. To your heart's content and with pleasure.

7 treasured dishes

They were presented to the person from Above not only as the best food, but also as medicine.

  1. Beet
    2. Cucumbers and onions.
    3. Curdled milk.
    4. Fish.
    5. Porridge (millet, buckwheat, corn, beans).
    6. Apple.
    7. Berries and nuts.

7 treasured liquids

  1. Spring water.
    Green tea.
    3. Grape juice (wine).
    4. Tea made from leaves, twigs and berry flowers.
    5. Kvass.
    6. Compote from the sexton.
    7. Cabbage brine.
  • While you live and are free...
    Even barefoot, but go forward.
    Although lame, go ahead.
    Although legless, go forward.
  • If you are faced with a difficult choice or a difficult decision, make a wish for yourself in the evening with a light heart, then in the morning when you get up, you will have the answer. And so it will be.
  • If you don't know what to do, do at least something that you can.
    If you're afraid to do it, don't do it.
    But if you do, don't be afraid.
  • There is no such thing as “bad”, useless, empty work.
  • If you don’t know what to do, act according to your heart’s desire, but do not violate the rules.
  • Not everything is subject to reason. But everything is subject to perseverance.
  • And nothing is impossible for you as long as you live and are free.

Dan Buettner

Famous American traveler and writer. Explored the Earth's "blue zones" as part of the National Geographic project.

Buettner, along with a team of researchers from the National Geographic Society, spent more than a decade studying the five places on Earth where people live the longest and have very low rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.

He calls such places "blue zones" and in his book Blue Zones in Practice describes the characteristics of each zone. Wherein Special attention he pays attention to nutrition. Here are some tips from Dan Buettner.

What's worth eating

The best foods for longevity

Include at least three foods in your daily diet:

  • Legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils).
  • Greens (spinach, kale, chard, fennel).
  • Sweet potato.
  • Nuts.
  • Olive oil (preferably cold pressed).
  • Oatmeal.
  • Barley cereals.
  • Fruits (any kind).
  • Green and herbal tea.
  • Turmeric.

Best drinks

  • Water.
  • Coffee.
  • Green tea.
  • (no more than two glasses per day).

What you shouldn't eat

Products that should be limited in consumption

  • Meat. Eat meat twice a week or less, but you can eat fish every day.
  • Dairy products: cheese, cream, butter. Try to eat them as little as possible. Goat and sheep milk products are more beneficial.
  • Eggs. Eat no more than three eggs per week.
  • Sugar. Try to avoid it completely. Better eat honey and fruits.
  • Bread. Give preference to whole grain bread, as well as sourdough bread.

Foods to avoid

  • Drinks with high sugar content (sparkling water, juices).
  • Salty snacks (chips, crackers).
  • Meat products (sausages, sausage, smoked meat).
  • Sweets (cookies, chocolate).

Nutrition rules

  1. 95% of food should be of plant origin.
  2. Eat the largest portion for breakfast, medium for lunch and small for dinner.
  3. Stop eating when you feel about 80% full.
  4. If you want a snack, eat a piece of fruit or some nuts.
  5. Cook at home and eat with family and friends as often as possible.

List of the most popular products for longevity by zone

Ikaria Island, Greece

  • Olive oil.
  • Greenery.
  • Potato.
  • Legumes.
  • Feta and goat cheese.
  • Sourdough bread.
  • Lemons.
  • Herb tea.
  • Coffee.
  • Wine.

Okinawa, Japan

  • Tofu.
  • Sweet potato.
  • Brown rice.
  • Shiitake mushrooms.
  • Seaweed.
  • Garlic.
  • Turmeric.
  • Green tea.

Sardinia, Italy

  • Olive oil.
  • Legumes.
  • Goat and sheep milk.
  • Barley.
  • Sourdough bread.
  • Fennel.
  • Potato.
  • Greenery.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Zucchini.
  • Cabbage.
  • Lemons.
  • Almond.
  • Wine.

Loma Linda, California

  • Avocado.
  • Salmon.
  • Nuts.
  • Fruits.
  • Legumes.
  • Water (seven glasses a day).
  • Oatmeal.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Soy milk.

Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica

  • Corn flour tortillas.
  • Black beans.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Papaya.
  • Bananas.
  1. Get moving (such as walking) every day.
  2. Communicate more, especially with your family.
  3. Know why you get up in the morning. It has been found that knowing your purpose adds up to 7 years to your average life expectancy.
  4. Believe. It has been found that attending religious services four times a month (no matter what your religion) adds 4 to 14 years to your life.
  5. Choose one life partner. This can add up to 3 years to the average.
  6. Try to sleep 8 hours.
  7. Have sex. 80% of Ikaria residents between the ages of 65 and 100 still have sex. It has been proven to prolong life.

Eat well, worry less, move more and love more.

Dan Buettner

As you know, people’s life expectancy is decreasing every year, this is especially noted in Russia and Ukraine. Poor environment, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, bad habits, viruses - all this can cause various acute and chronic diseases that can appear as early as 30-40 years of age. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep your body in good condition from a young age.

If you are one of those people who plan to be healthy and live long, then you need to give up bad habits, cleanse your body of waste and toxins, and start being active. healthy image life, establish proper eating behavior. Under proper nutrition You should understand the regular consumption of foods rich in beneficial components and the exclusion of those that are harmful. Your daily diet must contain foods that contain powerful antioxidants - polyphenols, which have the ability to restore damaged cells. These products include coffee, dark chocolate, tea. An essential part of a healthy diet should include vegetables, fruits, berries, such as blueberries, black currants, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, bran bread, apples and oranges. Nutritionists believe that fish, meat, cereals, and dairy products nourish the body with useful components. Fruits, vegetables, and freshly squeezed juices contain special components that can prolong life.

Why do Japanese people live longer?

Did you know that in Japan there are more than 40,000 centenarians over 100 years old? To find out the reason for their longevity, let's try to study the menu of the average Japanese. Basic Japanese daily diet is rice that is used as a side dish and bread. Seaweed, fish, cabbage, liver, apples, and ginger can be added to rice.

Scientists have concluded that rice can be called an ideal product. It contains the most necessary for a person Components. Rice contains enough carbohydrates that promote the burning of fat in the cells of our body. At the same time, even its constant use will not cause fat deposits. In 150 g of rice there is no more fat than in a third of a piece of bread, and about the same amount of protein as in 250 g of milk, the amount of calcium is equal to its amount in a medium-sized tomato, and there is as much magnesium as in five stalks of asparagus . Rice also contains vitamins E and B, plant fiber and iron.

Liver and cabbage contain a very important substance for the body - biotin. It helps keep our nails, hair and skin in good condition. As you age, your body lacks biotin, and to replenish it, you need to include foods rich in this component in your diet. Large amounts of biotin can be found in chicken yolk and liver. From plant products biotin is present in peanuts, soybeans, beans, and peas. The most biotin is found in cauliflower and liver. Therefore, it will be useful to include cauliflower in your daily menu, and consume liver at least once a week. As for apples, it is advisable to eat from one to five apples during the day, depending on the person’s weight. The vitamins they contain prevent the formation of free radicals in cells. In addition, apples have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Seaweed is very rich in iodine, which is essential for healthy body. For people living in large cities, mountainous areas, far from natural bodies of water, iodine deficiency is the main cause of thyroid diseases. Therefore, regularly including seaweed or seafood in your diet will help solve this problem. However, it must be borne in mind that an excess of iodine can be no less dangerous than its lack. For example, one standard Japanese roll contains 95 mcg of iodine, and the daily dose of iodine for an adult is 150 mcg. Therefore, you should not abuse this product.

Everyone knows about the benefits of fish and other seafood. In addition to iodine, they contain a very large amount of useful substances: vitamins A, D, E, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc. The inclusion of seafood in the diet has a beneficial effect on mental activity, the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, organs of vision, helps normalize blood clotting function, lower the level of bad cholesterol, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, bones and teeth, and prevent thyroid diseases glands.

Ginger is very useful - it is, first of all, a strong antioxidant and also an immunostimulant.

The specific Japanese seasoning wasabi is endowed with antiseptic, antibacterial and anticoagulant properties.

The usefulness of the above products is undeniable, but do not forget that food requires variety and a sense of proportion. If you rely on the same product day after day, or overeat at every meal, your health will not improve.

Another important factor for healthy life and longevity is water. In regions famous for a large number of centenarians, a common feature was discovered - this is soft natural water, with a low content of calcium ions (no more than 20 mg/l.) Where the amount of calcium in the water increased, the number of centenarians decreased significantly.

So what is the secret to longevity? And there is no secret. The fact is that living long is a natural property of people, and only various unfavorable life factors and a disregard for our own body shorten our lives.