We instill cultural and hygienic skills in children of the second junior group. Summary of washing in the second junior group Carrying out washing in the second junior group

I offer my summary directly educational activities during routine moments for children (2-3 years old) on the topic: “Water, water...”. This summary will be useful to teachers working in nursery, 1st junior groups, as well as for parents. This material will teach you how to make the usual washing ritual interesting, entertaining, and will also help develop memory and coherent speech in children.

My notes are aimed at developing cultural and hygienic skills and self-care skills in children.

Summary of direct educational activities during regime moments for children of the 1st junior group on the topic: “Water, water...”

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading” fiction", "Labor", "Socialization", "Music".


Improve the skills of washing your hands and face yourself.

Teach children to correctly name toilet items.

Continue to develop the skill of using an individual towel and comb.

Develop independence and tactile sensations.

Develop cultural and hygienic skills.

Enrich vocabulary: scented, smooth soap, towel.

Activate words in children’s speech that denote action: wash, roll up sleeves, soap, rinse off soap, comb hair.

Continue teaching children to answer simple questions.

Methodical techniques:

Game situation, demonstration of the teacher, actions of the teacher together with the children, questions from the teacher and answers from the children, explanation, showing toilet items, reading nursery rhymes, excerpts from poems, providing children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases when reading familiar nursery rhymes and poems.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the purpose of soap, about what it is like; examination of plot pictures depicting objects used for washing, using for this purpose the didactic games “Wonderful Bag”, “Teaching Katya to Wash”, “Misha Visiting Masha”, “Bathing Dolls”. We got acquainted with water, its properties, where it can be found . Learned new ones sedentary games“We woke up...”, “Washbasin” (the gray bunny is washing his face, apparently going to visit....). Learning nursery rhymes, finger games, reading excerpts from the poem by K. I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, A. and P. Barto “The Dirty Girl” and other works.

Equipment: a bag of soap of different colors and shapes, a towel, a comb, a drawing.


Children are included in the group.

Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them (stand in a circle).

Guys, how beautiful, neat, neat you are. I see you are in a good mood today.”

The teacher invites the children to play a little.

The teacher shows the movements, reads the text of the poem, and the children repeat after the teacher.

We woke up early in the morning (walking in place),

They stretched vigorously, noisily (they rise on their toes, spread their arms out to the sides);

To make sleep go away, they yawned,

The head is slightly shaken (they tilt left and right. They move their arms to their shoulders).

We were woken up by running in place (running in place),

They ran to the bath together (they do the “spring” exercise. Hands on the belt.)

They washed and splashed. They tried to clean their teeth (perform circular movements with their palms near their face).

They combed their hair neatly (they stroked their head with their palms from the crown to the temples).

Everyone dressed up neatly (perform 2 movements from the chest down with their hands, lower their hands to their hips).

We don't want to sleep anymore

Let's have fun playing! (exercise “spring”, clap your hands).

Educator: What great fellows! Now sit down on the chairs.”

There is a knock on the door, a boy comes in (tousled hair, cheeks, hands stained with paint, unkempt clothes).

Educator: Oh, guys, who’s knocking on our door?

A boy comes in: Hello guys! I'm not late? Celebrating a birthday here? And where is the girl Vika, the one whose holiday is today?!! For some reason I don’t see her among you.

Educator: Hello, who are you, what is your name?

Boy: Igorek

Educator: We don’t have such a girl in our group! Are you really going to a birthday party?

Boy: Well, yes, but what? So I prepared a gift for her, I drew it myself, here’s the drawing (shows). My grandmother couldn’t go, but she gave the gift.

Educator: Yes, you were probably so carried away that you didn’t even notice that you were all dirty. And your clothes and hair are not neat, you probably haven’t even looked in the mirror. Is it possible to go on a visit so dirty and untidy?”

The teacher turns to the boy: Look at yourself in the mirror.

Boy: Do you think she will like my gift and my grandmother’s gift?

Educator: What do you have there?

Boy: Gets soap

Educator: Guys, look, what is this? (soap)

Touch it, how does it feel? (smooth)

Smell it (it smells, it's fragrant)

This is the kind of soap here: smooth, fragrant, and comes in different colors.

Do you know what it is needed for? (to wash hands, wash away dirt)

That's right, soap washes away dirt and destroys germs so that you and I don't get sick.

Oh, is there anything else in here? (I take out a towel)

What is this? (towel)

Touch it, how soft it is, but what do we need it for? (to wipe ourselves off)

And you, Igor, probably don’t even know how to wash your face?

Boy: What? No I do not know how to. Guys, maybe you can teach me?

Educator: Well, guys, let's teach Igor to wash himself?

Children: “yes.”

Educator: What do we need to teach Igor to wash himself?

Children: water, soap, towel.

Educator: Correct.

Educator: Look Igorek, we will show you how to wash and dry yourself properly. And you remember and do everything with us.

Let's go to the washroom.

What should we do before washing our hands?

Children: Roll up your sleeves

Educator: That's right, you need to roll up your sleeves so as not to get your clothes wet.

Vanya, show (name) how to roll up your sleeves. And you, Igorek, look and do like Vanya and you guys too (all the children roll up their sleeves).

Reading nursery rhyme:

“You need to wash your hands with soap,

Sleeves should not be wet.

Who doesn't roll up his sleeve,

He won’t get any water.”

Educator: Well, we rolled up our sleeves. Now, let's show you how to wash your hands, one palm washes the other.

Finger gymnastics: “Washing hands”

“Oh water, water, water! (rhythmically rub our palms together to imitate “hand washing”)

Let's always be clean!

Splash to the right, splash to the left! (clench your fingers into a fist, then straighten your fingers with force, as if shaking off water)

Our body became wet!

With a fluffy towel (vigorous movements imitate drying each hand in turn with a towel)

Let's wipe our hands very quickly!

The teacher goes to the tap and reads a nursery rhyme:

“We know, we know, yes, yes, yes,

Where is the water hiding here?

Come out, water, we came to wash ourselves,

Palms, palms

Use soap to wash crumbs"

Request: “First, let’s wet our hands with water, then we’ll lather our hands with soap and rub one palm against the other. And after that, we’ll wash off the foam with water and don’t forget to shake our hands.”

Children wash their hands with soap.

Voss: “Look, Igorek, what kind of hands have the guys got? It's like wearing white gloves. Well, now wash off the foam from your hands and wash your face.”

Reading nursery rhyme:

"Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your cheeks blush,

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your mouth laugh,

So that the tooth bites.”

Educator: Well, Igor, the guys showed you how to wash your hands and face. Now you need to dry them with a towel. Everyone should have their own. And that’s why we decided to give you a towel too, Igorek (I’m giving you a towel).

Boy: Thank you!

Educator: Well, now Igorek, show me how you learned to wash your hands?! (show)

The children are watching.

Boy: I see you all washed your hands well with soap and dried them with a towel. And together with you I learned to wash myself properly.

Educator: Igorek, you also forgot that your hair also needs to be put in order (I hand you a comb and a mirror). Everyone should have their own, too. (They leave the washroom). Now you can go to Vika’s party.

Boy: Yes, I really am very handsome now (admiring himself). And I realized how important it is to take care of yourself - it’s useful and beautiful.

Educator: We are glad that you understood this. After all, if a person always walks clean, then he helps his health.”

“All the children have diseases,

From germs, they say

To always be healthy,

You need to wash your hands with soap"

Boy: That's it, bye guys, I'm off to my birthday party! And I thank you very much for your help (leaves).

To summarize:

Educator: Guys, well, everyone understands that before you go outside you need to look in the mirror. Otherwise, you may end up with a not very pleasant story, like (name). Shall we be neat and clean?"

Children: “Of course!”

The teacher thanks the children.


1. “Ladushki” Russian folk songs and nursery rhymes.

2. K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”.

Summary of the regime moment (washing) in II younger group.

And get some sleep!

At Vstavaikino station,

You will pass and come out there!

And you’ll run into Igraikino,

To friends and miracles!

Well, until we arrived,

At the station Bed,

At this sleepy station,

It's so sweet to fall asleep.


They wanted some goodies,

Because bunnies

We'll get some sleep

We'll lie on our backs

And we'll lie down quietly.

Sleeping Beauty: Now, guys, let's lie sideways and close our eyes. And I went to my fairyland to sleep, and when you wake up and go to bed again, I will ask your teacher how you go to bed. Have a nice sleep. (Leaves)


Summary of the regime (sleep organization) in the middle group.

Goal: 1. Continue to teach cultural and hygienic skills (neatly fold clothes, hang them on a chair, do not jostle near chairs, ensure a restful sleep).

2. Continue to develop the ability to undress independently.

3. Continue to educate children to create a calm atmosphere in the room.

Methodical technique:

Sleeping Beauty: Hello children (hello). Children, I love sleep so much.

Sleeping Beauty: Your teacher told me that today you played very well, and now your eyes, arms and legs are tired and want to rest. Just like mine. Let's take all our chairs, start undressing, fold our clothes neatly and hang them on the chairs, don't jostle near the chairs. (I help the children undress together with the teacher). Children, do you remember how to take off your clothes and hang them on chairs? (Yes)

(We put the children in the crib first, who later fall asleep. Then everyone else.) Well done, guys, they correctly laid out the clothes on the high chair. And now, whoever has undressed, goes to bed and covers himself with a blanket.

Hood. Word:

Sleeping Beauty: From Toptushkino station,

To Bed station

We need to get there quickly

And get some sleep!

At Vstavaikino station,

You will pass and come out there!

And you’ll run into Igraikino,

To friends and miracles!

Well, until we arrived,

At the station Bed,

At this sleepy station,

It's so sweet to fall asleep.

Sleeping Beauty: Now, guys, let's lie down sideways and close our eyes, and think about sweets, imagine how sweet and tasty they are, and if you open your eyes, you won't dream about them. And I went to my fairyland to sleep, and when you wake up and go to bed again, I will ask your teacher how you go to bed. And what dreams did you have? Have a nice sleep. (Leaves)

Educator: (During sleep, I watch the children so that they do not fall and open up).


Educator: Well done, the kids all slept very well and gained strength to start playing again.

Summary of the regime (sleep organization) in the senior group.

Goal: 1. Continue to strengthen the ability to cultural and hygienic skills (neatly fold clothes, hang them on a chair, do not jostle near chairs, ensure a restful sleep).

2. Strengthen the ability to undress independently.

3. Continue to educate children to create a calm atmosphere in the room.

Methodical technique:

(I take the children one by one to the toilet, then to the bedroom. Sleeping Beauty comes in.)

Sleeping Beauty: Hello children (hello). Guys, I love sleeping so much.

Educator: Guys, did you find out who came to us in a quiet hour? (Yes)

(Sleeping Beauty enters the bedroom and does not lie down on the straightened bed)

Educator: Guys, look how Sleeping Beauty went to bed, right? (no) let's wake up our Sleeping Beauty and tell her how to go to bed correctly. (They come up and wake you up)

Sleeping beauty: oh, why don't you let me sleep?

Educator: Sleeping beauty, you go to bed incorrectly, and my kids want to teach you.

(Children take chairs and hang their things on this chair, straighten the bed and lie down).

(I watch how they undress and hang their clothes on a high chair, how they straighten the bed and lie down in bed)

Educator: Guys, let's tell our Sleeping Beauty a poem about sleep.

So people are sleeping,

So the animals are sleeping.

Birds sleep on branches

Foxes sleep on the hills,

Hares sleep on the grass,

Ducks are on the ant.

They sleep, they sleep, they tell the whole world to sleep.

Now we lie down on the barrel and close our eyes!

Educator: Well done, guys, they laid out the clothes correctly on the high chair. And they taught our Sleeping Beauty to go to bed.

Sleeping Beauty: Thank you guys, now I know how to go to bed, thank you. Now I want to teach my animals to sleep. Goodbye. (Leaves)

Summing up: Well done kids, they all slept very well and gained strength to start playing again. But Kostya did not sleep at our quiet hour and prevented others from sleeping, but I think he will improve next time. Yes, Kostya? Who came to visit us when we went to bed? (Sleeping Beauty). What did she do when she arrived? (I immediately went to bed). Did she go to bed correctly? (No). Have we taught her to go to bed correctly? (Yes).

Summary of the regime moment (organizing breakfast) in the 2nd junior group.

Goal: 1.Teach basic table manners, how to use a tablespoon, a teaspoon, and a napkin correctly. cultural food skills: eat carefully, chew food thoroughly.

2. Develop the ability to eat carefully.

Methodical techniques:

Children, everyone who has washed their hands, sit down at the table. Sit up straight, don’t slouch, put your legs straight, don’t put your elbows on the table. (There is a knock on the door, Masha comes in, doesn’t greet the guys and sits down to eat).

Educator: Guys, look who came to us, it’s Masha, she seems to have run away from Mishka. Masha, why didn’t you come in and say hello to the kids?

Educator: Guys, what didn’t Masha do to sit down and start eating? (Wash the hands)

(Everyone sits down at the table).

Hood. Word: Educator:

Everyone sits straight

Legs stand together

Elbows off the table

The children eat quietly.

Bon Appetit everyone!
Look what porridge the chefs prepared for us! Guys, what kind of mess is this? (Mashka shouts and speaks incorrectly).

Educator: Masha, your answer is not correct. (children answer semolina). (I make sure that the children sit upright and eat silently. I organize a “Clean Table” competition). Guys, look how clean the table is, who ate it like that? (Sasha children's answer). Well done Sasha. And who didn’t eat carefully? (Mashka children's answer). Masha, have you looked at how you should eat? Next time Masha, use a napkin like Sasha.

Educator: Next time, try to eat more carefully, and you guys too. Guys and you Masha, let's thank our chefs.

Thanks to our chefs,

Because they cook delicious food for us.

Now let's take the chairs to their places. Well done guys.

Masha: Aunt teacher, it seems to me that Mishka has already lost me, I ran to him. (Leaves) Summing up: Guys, what did Masha forget to do? (Say goodbye) Yes guys, this Masha is such a hooligan, but we taught her to wash her hands before eating, and I hope that next time she will eat carefully, right guys? (Yes) And you and I will not forget about this either.

Summary of the routine moment (organizing breakfast) in the middle group.

Goal: 1. Continue to teach cultural skills of eating carefully, taking small amounts of food, chewing well, and eating quietly.

2. Continue to develop the ability to use a napkin and carry the chair back to its place.

3. Raise children, give thanks for food.

Methodical techniques:

Children, everyone who has washed their hands, sit down at the table. Sit up straight, don’t slouch, put your legs straight, don’t put your elbows on the table. Knock on the door, he comes in

Masha doesn’t say hello to the guys and sits down to eat.

Masha: Hello, I really want to eat.

Educator: let's take Masha to the sink so she can wash herself.

Masha: Thank you, Aunt Teacher and the guys.

(Everyone sits down at the table)

Educator: Guys, tell Masha how to eat properly. (Sit up straight, don’t hunch over, put your legs straight, elbows on the table, no lie.) Look at the porridge the cooks prepared for us! Guys, what kind of mess is this? Masha shouts and speaks incorrectly.

Educator: Masha, your answer is not correct. (children answer semolina).

Educator: Guys, look how clean the table is, who ate it like that? (Damir children's answer). Well done Damir. And who didn’t eat carefully? (Mashka children's answer). Masha, have you looked at how you should eat?

Masha: Yes, I looked, Aunt Teacher

Educator: Guys, do you know why Masha didn’t eat carefully? (she didn’t use a napkin) Next time, try to eat more carefully and use a napkin. And you guys too. Guys and you Masha, let's thank our chefs.

Thanks to our chefs,

Because they cook delicious food for us.

Masha: Aunt teacher, it seems to me that Mishka has already lost me, I ran to him. (Leaves)

Summing up: Guys, what did Masha forget to do? (Say goodbye) Yes, guys, this Masha is such a hooligan, but we taught her to wash her hands before eating, and I hope that next time she will eat carefully, right guys? And you and I will not forget about this either.

Summary of the routine moment (organizing breakfast) in the senior group.

Goal: 1. Learn to sit straight at the table, not put your elbows on the table, eat silently, chew food thoroughly.

2. Continue to develop table manners skills.

3. Continue to raise children, thank them for food.

Methodical techniques:

Children, everyone who has washed their hands, sit down at the table. How should you sit? (smoothly, don’t hunch over, put your legs straight, don’t put your elbows on the table).

(There is a knock on the door, Masha comes in, doesn’t greet the guys and sits down to eat).

Educator: Guys, look who came to us. Do you know who this is? (Mashka). She seems to have run away from Mishka. Masha, why didn’t you come in and say hello to the kids?

Masha: Hello, I really want to eat.

Educator: Guys, what didn’t Masha do to sit down and start eating? (Wash the hands).

Educator: let's take Masha to the sink so she can wash herself.

Masha: Thank you, Aunt Teacher and the guys.

(Everyone sits down at the table)

Educator: Guys, tell Masha how to eat properly. (Sit up straight, don’t hunch over, put your legs straight, elbows on the table, no lie.) Look at the porridge the cooks prepared for us! Guys, what kind of mess is this? Masha shouts and speaks incorrectly. Guys, tell Masha what to do when you want to answer a question? (raise hand and answer)

Educator: Masha, your answer is not correct. (children answer semolina). Do you know why it is called that? (no) When Moses and the Jews were starving in the desert, God sent heavenly manna (food) from heaven in the form of cereals.

(I make sure that the children sit upright and eat silently. I organize a “Clean Table” competition).

Educator: Guys, look how clean the table is, who ate it like that? (Petya children's answer). Well done Petya. And who didn’t eat carefully? (Mashka children's answer). Masha, have you looked at how you should eat?

Masha: Yes, I looked, Aunt Teacher

Educator: Who else? (Katya) Katya, eat more carefully next time, okay? Guys, do you know why Masha and Katya didn’t eat carefully? (they didn't use a napkin) Next time, try to eat more carefully and use a napkin. And you guys too. Guys and you Masha, let's thank our chefs.

Thanks to our chefs,

Because they cook delicious food for us.

Educator: Now let’s take the chairs to their places. Well done guys.

Masha: Aunt teacher, it seems to me that Mishka has already lost me, I ran to him. (Leaves) Summing up: Guys, what did Masha forget to do? (Say goodbye) Yes, guys, this Masha is such a hooligan, but we taught her to wash her hands before eating, and I hope that next time she will eat carefully, right guys? And you and I will not forget about this either.

Summary of a routine moment (organizing a walk) in the middle group.

Goal: 1. Continue to teach how to dress in the correct sequence, notice and correct untidiness in clothing.

2. Continue to develop independence in the process of dressing.

3. Continue to cultivate goodwill towards each other.

Methodological technique: (I remind the children to go to the toilet after this, I invite them to the locker room).

Hood. Word: If you want to take a walk,

Need to get dressed quickly

Open the closet door

Dress in order.

Dunno: Hello, children. (Hello). Guys, I came to you to see how you know how to dress for a walk. I myself recently learned to dress properly, my friends taught me, and I want to teach you guys.

Educator: We already know how to dress ourselves, don’t we guys? (yes) Well, Dunno, you can see how the guys will dress.

Dunno: Okay. Guys, do you remember that you need to keep things in order, what you need to wear? (Yes).

(I help the children and accompany the children’s actions with words) Masha, what color are your pants? (blue). Petya, what are we putting on our heads? (hat). Katya, how do we put on a blouse? (over the head)

Dunno: Children, the weather is outside... you need to dress...

Summing up: Dunno: The children are young, everyone got dressed so quickly and neatly. I'm happy for you. And you didn't even need my help. But Tanya needs to be more careful, next time don’t rush. Have a nice walk. But I need to go to the other kids, I want to see how they can dress quickly and neatly. And I will also ask your teacher how you dressed and whether you obeyed or not. Agreed? (Yes)

Summary of the regime moment (organization of a walk) in the 2nd junior group.

Goal: 1. Learn to dress in the correct sequence, notice and correct untidiness in clothing.

2. Develop and activate vocabulary (reinforce the names of items of clothing, actions).

3. Foster independence and the ability to dress yourself.

Methodical technique: I take the children to the toilet, then to the locker room.

One two three four five

We're going for a walk.
Literary word: If you want to take a walk,

Need to get dressed quickly

Open the closet door

Dress in order.

Progress: (Knock on the door, “Dunno” comes in)

Dunno: Hello, children. (Hello)

Dunno: guys, I came to you to see how you know how to dress for a walk. I myself recently learned to dress properly, my friends taught me, and I want to teach you guys. We put on socks first, then pants, blouses, hats, jackets, scarves, boots, mittens. (Dress appropriately for the weather)

Carcasses, carcasses, where are your ears?

Ears in a hat

Paws won't reach

So that your ears don't hurt

They quickly put on the hat.

And then a jacket

For a long walk
One two three four five

We're going for a walk.

Knotted Lenochka

The scarf is striped.

Put it on your feet

Felt boots.

And let's quickly go for a walk,

Jump, run and gallop.

Summing up: Dunno: The children are young, everyone got dressed so quickly and neatly. I'm happy for you. But I need to go to the other kids, I want to see how they can dress quickly and neatly. And I will also ask your teacher how you dressed and whether you obeyed or not. Agreed? (Yes)

Summary of the regime moment (organization of a walk) in the senior group.

Summary of the regime moment “Washing” in the 1st junior group

Program content : consolidate the skill correctlyuse soap; under the supervision of an adult, wash your hands whenever they become dirty and before eating, wipe dry with a personal towel, hang the towel back; promote the emergence of positive emotions in children from the washing process; develop attention and memory; cultivate cultural and hygienic skills and neatness.

Material: soap, soap dishes, doll.

Vocabulary work: soap dish, lather, wash off, soap, towel.

Progress of the regime moment:

There's a knock on the door. The doll Marina enters (her hands are dirty)

I am a doll - Marinka

It was like a picture!

Now it's clear

I've become terrible


What should I do?

Alone without the guys

I need to wash myself

But I can't

Well, who will help me!

Well, who will regret

Wash it off, please.

Educator: Let's help Marina, children? Let’s go with you to the washroom and show Marina where we wash ourselves.

Teacher and children:

We know, we know yes, yes, yes

Where is the water hiding here?

Come out water,

We came to wash ourselves!

Educator: Where is our water? (In the tap). Now, Marina, we will teach you how to wash your hands. Oh, what is this in our sink? (Soap dishes).

Educator: They contain soap. These are soap houses. What kind of soap, let's take it and feel it. What is it like? (Smooth, hard). And how delicious it smells! (Children sniff). Such a fragrant soap.

Educator addresses the doll:

Now let's show Marina how we can wash our hands.

Before opening the tap we must roll up our sleeves.

Roll up your sleeves -

Sleeves should not be wet.

Educator: Open the tap

Clear water flows

We know how to wash ourselves clean.

We wet our hands and take soap.

Hands must be washed with soap

In order to be clean.

Palm is friendly with palm, stroking each other. Lather your hands in a circular motion. We soaped our hands and put the soap in the house - a soap dish. Now let's wash it off. Shake the remaining droplets from the handles into the sink, trying not to splash them on the floor. Don't forget to wash your face.

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks red,

To make your mouth laugh,
And the tooth bit.

Now let's dry ourselves off. We take off the towel, unfold it and wipe our palms: first one, then the other and the face.

Do you like to wash your face?

Don't forget to dry yourself.

(Children wash themselves, the teacher helps them, reminds them of the washing process). Then the children show their palms to the doll.

Now let's help Marina wash her hands. (Children help the doll: soap their hands, rinse, wipe).

At the end of the regime process, the Marina doll thanks the children.

Thank you guys, you taught me how to wash my hands properly, now I will always be clean and tidy.

Goodbye! (Children say goodbye to the doll).

Notes on washing in the 2nd junior group.

Topic: “Let’s teach a doll to wash itself”
Program content: To develop in children the simplest washing skills - using soap correctly, washing hands carefully, wiping dry with a towel, hanging it in place, the need to maintain hygiene and neatness in everyday life.
Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand asked question, it’s clear to answer it.
To cultivate neatness, cultural and hygienic skills.
Lesson equipment: toiletries (soap, towel), a doll, toiletries for her, pictures depicting the washing algorithm.
Preliminary work: Examination of the painting “Children wash themselves”, conversation about it, reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, finger game“Water, water,” looking at the washing algorithm in pictures.
Progress of the lesson:
Part 1 – Surprise moment “The grimy doll.” The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that the doll is crying. The children ask her why she is crying? They find out that the doll has dirty its hands and face, but does not know how to wash itself. The teacher offers to help the doll:
- Let's teach the doll to wash itself? Where do we start washing?
(You need to roll up the sleeves first).
- What then?
(Open the tap)…
The children tell the whole sequence of washing, and at the same time the teacher calls the children one by one, who perform all the actions with the doll.
- Go, Nastya, show me how to roll up the sleeves.
- Come, Vladik, show me how to wash my hands and face.
- Show me, Varya, how to dry yourself with a towel. Etc.
Dynamic pause
Outdoor game "Washbasin"
We'll soap our hands,
One-two-three, one-two-three,
And above the hands, like clouds,
Bubbles, bubbles.
Part 2:
Educator - And now it’s time for us to wash ourselves, because soon it’s time for us to have lunch, and before eating we always need to do something?
(To wash hands)
Children in subgroups of 4 go to the washroom to wash. During the washing process, the teacher reminds you to pay attention to the pictures depicting the washing algorithm.
After all the children have washed their hands, and, if necessary, their faces, the teacher once again draws attention to the clean doll and the children’s clean hands. Reads a poem from the fairy tale “Moidodyr”, encouraging children to repeat individual words and phrases:
“We must, we must wash ourselves in the mornings and evenings,
And shame on unclean chimney sweeps!”

Attached files

Methodology for improving cultural and hygienic skills

in the process of washing in the second junior group

Program content:

To form and consolidate in children the simplest washing skills - using soap correctly, washing hands carefully; Wipe dry with a personal towel after washing, hang it in place.

Didactic material: toiletries (soap, towel), a doll, toiletries for her, pictures depicting the washing algorithm, dirty hands, the washing process.

Vocabulary work: soap, soap dish, lather, rinse, towel, soap foam.

Techniques: conversation, surprise moment, artistic expression, manifestation of the skills and creativity of the teacher, expression of a positive attitude, manifestations of kindness, attention, care, trust.

Progress of the regime moment:

1. Conversation.

Show children pictures of dirty hands, invite them to look at their palms, ask if any of them have the same hands. After listening to the children's statements, ask what should be done if the hands are dirty, then show an illustration of hands under running water. Let the children talk about washing, help them if difficulties arise. Next, we show the children an illustration of the washing algorithm, look at it, and discuss it. Then ask: “What do we do next after we’ve washed our hands?” After listening to the answers, we ask the question: “What towel do we wipe our hands with?” Thus, we focus the children’s attention on the fact that each child wipes himself with his own towel, remembering in turn with each child what picture is shown next to his towel. Then we ask: “We’ve wiped our hands, but what do we do next?” We give the children the opportunity to respond, we praise those children who think that we hang the towel back in its place.

2. Surprise moment.

There's a knock on the door. We are surprised together with the children: “I wonder who came to visit us?”

The doll Marinka enters (her hands are dirty).

I am a doll - Marinka
It was like a picture!
Now it's clear
I've become terrible
What should I do?
Alone without the boys.
I need to wash myself
But I can't.
Well, who will help?
Well, who will regret it?
Wash it off, please.

I’m wondering: “Can we help the doll Marina?” After listening to the children’s answers, I propose to show the children how to properly soap their hands and dry them with a towel, first in a group, then by going to the washroom. I distribute soap to the children (or maybe new, in a wrapper). Let’s take it. Feel how smooth it is and how nice smell! The kids are sniffing. What are we going to do with soap?

I show it myself, using a literary word:

I’ll take a piece of soap and rub my palms with it.

The soap will foam and the dirt will go somewhere.

I wash my hands clean with warm water.

Next, invite the children to show the Marina doll how to soap their hands, while repeating the poem. Then, ask the children what we do when we soap our hands, after listening to the answers, we explain that we will show the doll Marina how to rinse her hands in the washroom. Ask the children what we are doing after rinsing our hands. We hand out towels, show them how to properly dry their hands, and then ask the children to show them.

Then, we clarify with the children what those children who have long sleeves need to do. After listening to the answers, we clarify - roll up.

We go to the washroom and show Marinka where we wash ourselves.

The teacher says and the children repeat with him:

We know, we know yes, yes, yes
Where is the water hiding here?
Come out, vodka,
We came to wash ourselves!

I wonder: “Where is our water?”

The children answer: “In the tap (washbasin).

Educator: Look, Marinka, we’ll teach you how to wash your hands. Oh, what is this on our washbasin?

Children: Soap dishes.

Educator: How colorful they are, let's see what color they are! And they contain soap. These are soap houses.

Educator: I will now show you how to make soap gloves: I turn on the tap, wet my hands, and take the soap. Palm is friendly with palm, stroking each other, each finger so that your hands are covered in foam, like gloves. It's okay, if you drop the soap, you can pick it up. We soaped our hands and put the soap in the house - a soap dish. Now let's wash off our gloves! Dirty streams flowed from the handles. Let's squeeze our hands so they don't drip onto the floor. Now let's wipe it off. Where's my towel? And here it is, I take it off the hook, unfold it and wipe my palms, first one, then the other. Look, Marinka, how clean my hands are! Now show Marinka how you can wash your hands. (The children wash themselves, the teacher helps them and reminds them of the whole washing process; the children show their palms to Marinka). What a great fellow you are!

Doll Marinka thanks the children and says goodbye to them.