Happy birthday wishes for twins. Congratulations for twins Happy birthday cards for men twins

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on an amazingly joyful event, on the double happiness and beauty of life, on the birth of a wonderful twin girls. I wish the girls health and well-being, happy destinies and good roads of life. May a double holiday, great happiness and fun always reign in the house.

Two pairs of small eyes.
Two pairs of tender hands.
From happiness there is nowhere to go,
With the birth of your cute babies!

Let your girls be sisters
Grow and rejoice in success.
Every page of their life
Filled with love and laughter.

So lucky, double happiness, congratulations on the birth of beautiful girls. Girls are joy and hope, love and care, tenderness and beauty, so let your life become brighter, more fun, more beautiful, more amazing with the birth of daughters. I wish your crumbs and you and your whole family health, happiness and prosperity. Let the daughters grow up and delight you every moment with their charming smiles, gentle hugs, ringing laughter, first hairstyles, steps and words!

Two beautiful princesses
Already entered into your life
I want to wish babies
Grow in good health.

Become the center of the whole universe
Let the girls for you
I wish happiness to the whole family
Twins are just class.

Two magical princesses
Born into a wonderful family.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you a lot of happiness.

In a hurricane of bows and dolls
You and the girls got
I wish with them
You have known the world together.

Today there are two more princesses in the world, because you have two beautiful babies! Let your daughters be the happiest in the world, because they got the most wonderful parents! I wish the girls health, beauty, active growth and all the best! Let the daughters live together and only please you!

Two stars in the sky
The bright ones lit up
Do you have twin girls?
Born today.

Two lovely angels
Two gentle souls
Happiness let meet
Fly towards them quickly.

I wish that love
They had enough for two
So that a good fate
She loved girls.

Like snow on your head
Happiness fell on you
Two wonderful girls
appeared in the house.

With newborn twins
I congratulate you
And double happiness
I wish your family.

Let the little ones grow
healthy, beautiful,
Mom and dad let
They will make you happy.

What happiness, two daughters were born at once,
I congratulate you with all my heart!
It looks like your dreams have come true.
Let happiness surround you and your daughters.

Let the little ones grow in joy, love,
May their health grow stronger every day.
Let there be no obstacles on the way
May the sun keep them warm forever.

Two cute princesses
Come to our wonderful world,
Magic beauties
They smile so sweetly.

May beauty and tenderness
Will pour the sky with generosity,
And let the sisters be
Always laugh out loud!

The birth of twins is a miracle! The probability of having twins is not so great, this event is rare.
Although with the development of medicine, the proportion of twins has increased significantly.
Many families dream of having twins and twins. Since ancient times, twins and twins have had a special relationship; they aroused general delight and tenderness in people. Two babies are like two drops of water, but inside, in terms of human qualities, they are almost always different.
Twins can feel each other, and if trouble happens to one of them, then the other will definitely feel something is wrong. What is it like growing up together? And not just together, but with your mirror image? And of course, the twins have the same birthday! So you have to share this solemn day with your brother, sister, and sometimes gifts. But congratulations, of course, do not need to be shared, just give a beautiful congratulatory verse to the twins.

Two identical creatures
Your birthday has come
Such a joke of the universe
With a margin, God sculpted,
To help one another
When the hour is not easy,
Exactly the same, dear,
Twins, we are happy for you!
(We are doubly happy for you!) ©

When are the twins born
Nature jokingly grants them
Doubly everything. And not jealous
Let no one to their success.
Their birthday is a wonderful day
With one rarity,
After all, it does not happen in the whole world
Two identical people! ©

Happy birthday!
Double the inspiration
Talents, joys, luck
Twins - without a doubt!
It remains to wish happiness
Good to earn more
Things are more friendly to storm,
Two - adversity does not break! ©

Two of you so good were born in the same family,
Making dad and mom happy, and to the delight of all relatives!
Let you still have a few years of age - only five,
Multiply by two - ten! So let's congratulate!
Happy birthday, dear and dear kids!
Be together, have fun and frolic from the heart
Smile and learn, be kind always,
Love mom and dad, never be sad! ©

Birthdays - two in one,
Twice happiness enters the house.
Let the twins have today
Filled pockets:
We put smiles in there
Laughter and goldfish
So that everything you desire
Multiply by two! ©

Like two stars in the wondrous firmament,
Ascended, coloring the horizon,
So two souls, forever united,
They came into our world, giving it love.
At least two of you, each has its own
Fate, love, hopes and desires,
May your path be full of magic
And gives life success and prosperity! ©

How interesting!
Mom has two princesses.
They chirp without stopping
Gifts accepting
And crunching delicious treats.
What do you want twins?
Grow up, don't worry.
And warm your mother's soul.
Two lovely angels
Two loud voices.
Live without resentment
May Fate keep you! ©

birthday twins,
Joyfully welcomed,
From the number of congratulations,
Their eyes are shining.

Hands reach for gifts
They have toys and sweets.
If only there was no fight,
From an excess of passion.

Guys, you look like two drops
And they were born on the same day
Congratulations from mom and dad,
It is not too lazy to accept from relatives and friends.
And the congratulations say: may you be twins,
But you are different in heart and soul,
And on this day we want to wish
Everything you wished for!

Guys birthday today
You two, because you are like halves
One soul. Let's remember together
What hats, jackets and boots
You wore in infancy - everything is the same,
However, completely different characters
And my mother suddenly wept with happiness,
When your father held you.

We will arrange a big holiday
After all, it will be for two,
And decorate the whole apartment,
And invite all your friends.

Congratulations on your birthday
Our lovely twins
And we'll cook two cakes,
So that no one is jealous.

They wrote congratulations
Let's start our holiday
Everyone is already dancing
Gemini, we appreciate you.

Happy Birthday,
We wish you happiness and luck.
Health, success, kindness,
Joy to always be.

May there be many wonderful days
Full of laughter and good luck
Let your life be bright
And problems are easily solved.

You twins, I am today
Happy Birthday,
in the same shirts
Children are just amazing.

I am 2 times more happy
I want to wish for you
For you to be happy
Every day and every hour.

Mom and dad to carry
You are a double joy
So that you have good in fate
It doubled.

Two mirror reflections
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Be all your life you support each other -
Then you will move any mountains!
We wish that friends and relatives do not confuse you,
To make life happier every minute!

Dear twins, how you are still alike,
We simply cannot look at you without smiling!
Happy birthday to you - be friendly, healthy,
We wish that you always have a reason for joy,
Grow strong, in love, in parental care,
To your happiness, you will attract huge success,
I wish, children, to prosper and learn wisdom,
Let your sadness, your anxiety - just dissolve!

Guys, you look like each other,
And equally you wrinkle your noses,
For mom and dad there is no more expensive you in the world,
On your birthday, we send you a message of joy.

May there be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness in your life,
May you never know grief
Stay close, you be part of each other,
We want to learn how to win.

You, baby, are lucky
You are one of two.
If suddenly depressed
Another will lift the spirit!

Be, dear, happy,
Make us happy always.
Shines above fate
Let the bright star!

Changeable and impatient
But a sharp mind, love for the foundations -
Here is your asset and your liability
And how do you decide which is worth more?

Showing sequins of charm,
You're looking for a goal beyond the distant garden
And, showing the radiance of the mind,
You will miss the one that is now nearby.

Let your losses lead
you to your finds
And chimeras will not run away
For the fast boat life!

Best birthday wishes for twins

We congratulate you two on your birthday!
We love you two, no doubt!
You are like two drops of water
We will give you two flowers!

We want you to grow up healthy!
So that, to the joy of dad and mom, they bloomed,
To make your childhood joyful,
We will give you gifts now!

Beautiful birthday greetings for twins

Raising twins is not easy.
Doubly they need milk
Double - attention and comfort.
And cry together, sleep and drink...
We just love them.
After all, happiness is also for two.
And the birthday is divided
He is twice as happy.
And then let them look at us
Two pairs of adorable eyes
Two pairs of the most tender hands
We will suddenly be hugged by the neck.
Two hearts beat as one.
Not many people get it!

Happy birthday wishes for twins

You look like each other!
The same ... faces!
Only you are different -
Here it is impossible not to agree!

Walk through life with a smile
Set goals for yourself
Successfully achieve them all
To make everyone around stunned!)

Happy Birthday to twins in verse

Our lovely twins
Our daughters are twins,
You look like two drops
Distinguish you, it's unlikely

In one hour you were born
And gone well!
Accept congratulations,
From mom and dad on your birthday!

And we want to wish you
So that, as now, you live together,
To cut everything in half
And to value each other!

Touching birthday wishes for twins

And our twins have a birthday,
This means that congratulations will double,
May your dreams come true soon
Step by step, each of them will come true.
Let grief be unknown to you,
Only good ones so that there are adventures in life,
You are not afraid of the fate of steps and barriers,
An expensive diamond of a hundred carats is waiting for you somewhere.

Happy Birthday to your beloved twins

So I want to wish you a lot
Well, first of all, I want to study for five.
Secondly, let health be strong
And there will be no doubts in life.

May there always be true friends
And your family is supportive.
Let love come into your life
And gives happiness again and again.

Let this bright hour not be forgotten,
Let's be happy right now.

Happy birthday sms for twins

Mom smiled happiness -
The twins have arrived!
Everyone knows in advance
Children will be great!

We wish them good health
Appetite, sweet dreams!
Luck lies ahead
And universal love!

Funny birthday greetings for twins

There are two of you - it means a birthday
A special holiday for two.
Twins sound - congratulations,
And the verse is divided in half.
Divide the cake into halves
And candles equally on them.
On your birthday you are one
One holiday for two.

Short birthday wishes for twins

Our joy is our children
We live for their happiness
And today on the planet
There are more than two!

God sent twin kids
And double joy to everyone!
May they live with dignity
No worries or problems!

Short birthday wishes for twins

From joy the soul sings -
You have two cute babies!
Twice as much happiness
Twice as long joy
Divide love.
Health, happiness kids!

Perhaps the most common mistake of guests is one congratulation to the twins on their birthday. Think well! After all, these are two different people with their own views and beliefs, which means that there should also be two congratulations. It is not at all necessary to buy different gifts, although one style is welcome.

You do not want to quarrel loved ones on this solemn day, do you? Then give gifts that differ only in color. Although often there are twins with completely different tastes. In order for the congratulation to take place, it is worth considering gifts that correspond to the interests of the future owner.

On one of the brightest days
Two were born, similar to each other.
Parents, friends, friends of friends congratulate you,
People from best communication circle.
And even if you are on the same face,
Actually different inside.
We wish you love and laughter
As well as happiness, health and fun.

Today, two people have a great holiday at once -
May all the gifts, wishes of the guests,
They will lift your spirits!
On any road together you
And you will always be there!
To find such understanding
We have to go around the floor of the Earth!
So I want to see you happy all the time,
And joy, and happiness so that it is enough!
And if you share something for two,
So that everyone does not seem small!

Our beloved twins, happy birthday
Your smiles always give us fun,
Immediately it becomes warm inside,
Thank you my dears!
Let all difficulties be your joy,
And you would pass them together easily!
And if something upsets you,
You can do it, the two of you are only given!
All the best will appear and will be forever,
You become happy forever!