Massage for infants 3 months old. Proper massage for a baby in the first three months of life. Baby Massage Basics

Massage for infants is necessary for the development of motor skills and the formation of muscle tone. This is a great way to connect with your baby and communicate. If you do a series of exercises every day, this will help improve your baby's health and prevent various diseases.

Infant massage is best done when the baby is good mood, not hungry and doesn't want to sleep. It is not recommended to use different cosmetical tools(creams, oils, lotions). Before giving a massage to a child, the room needs to be ventilated. Wash your hands with soap and warm them. The air temperature should be comfortable (+21 degrees).

A feature of the massage, which is given to a child from 3 to 6 months, is the expansion of the number of types of hand movements. The course includes not only stroking movements, but also rubbing and kneading.

When a massage is performed, all movements are accompanied by counting, and you can recite rhymes to the child in a gentle voice. How long does a restorative massage last? The procedure should not take more than 30 minutes. When the massage is over, the baby needs to be dressed warmly. How many days should you do a massage? The course is usually designed for 10 days.

General massage for infants in the period from 3 to 6 months is carried out with the aim of developing normal tone of the arms and legs, learning to change body position (turning over, sitting independently), preparing the arm muscles for the ability to grasp and hold a toy, and stimulating speech activity.

A course of massage for a child from 3 months can be done in medicinal purposes, for example, with bronchial asthma, pneumonia, hypertension or constipation.

The massage course, which is given to a child from 3 to 6 months, has its contraindications:

  • pustular skin lesions;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • acute phase of any disease;
  • pathological changes in the work and structure of the heart;
  • with increased nervousness of the baby;
  • when does he have heat bodies.

Strong pressing and shock movements, patting are contraindicated. This causes excessive stimulation of the nervous system and irritation of receptors.

Massage technique on various parts of the body


  • Infant foot massage begins with stroking.
  • Then, from the heel to the toes, the back and outside of the hand are drawn several times.
  • Wave-like movements are made with the thumb.
  • The outer and outer part of the heels is rubbed.
  • Then they move on to light tapping with their fingertips. 8 light blows on each foot will be enough.
  • After this, you can bend and straighten your foot.



  • Start with light circular strokes in a clockwise direction.
  • Make simultaneous stroking with both hands in opposite directions.
  • The palms of both hands are directed towards each other.
  • Rubbing with fingertips. Can be done in any direction: clockwise, diagonally, in a spiral.

Rib cage

  • Lightly stroking the surface of the sternum.
  • Rubbing with fingertips from the middle to the axillary area.
  • Then along the middle part from bottom to top and towards the shoulders.
  • The pace can be increased. Pressing with your fingertips, move from the middle to the side surface.
  • Finish the massage with stroking movements.


  • Begin the hand massage with the hands. To do this, fix the hand of one of the hands with the palm and make circular movements.
  • After this, each finger is massaged from base to tip.
  • Next the shoulders are massaged. They are stroked in the direction from the hand to the shoulder. Then you can do a ring rubbing.
  • Hand exercises will strengthen your muscles and gripping skills. Thumb hands are placed in the child's palm. After this, the arms rise and fall smoothly.
  • The child's arms are spread to the sides, and then connected and crossed on the chest.
  • Pull the baby's arms forward. Then bend one handle and straighten the other at the same time.


  • Stroking and rubbing begin from the lower back. Rubbing can be done clockwise, or in different directions from the spine with both hands.
  • When the baby is 4 months old, you can do the sawing movement. The backs of the palms are placed on the baby’s back at a short distance from each other. Movements are carried out in opposite directions.

This massage course lasts 10 days. We must not forget about poems, songs and simple communication.

Toning or relaxation

Toning massage done small child, lasts much less than usual. How long should it last? The desired effect of the massage is noticeable almost immediately. The duration of the massage is no more than 15 minutes. The basis of all exercises is vibrating movement. Kneading, stroking, and tapping are also present. They begin to treat the back muscles first, smoothly moving to the muscles of the arms and legs.

  • The massage begins with stroking and rubbing. This stage is necessary to warm up the body and move on to other exercises.
  • Kneading. Increases blood flow and improves vitality.
  • Patting and tapping improve the functioning of internal organs.
  • Vibration consolidates and complements all other manipulations.

A course of massage for a child up to 6 months helps improve metabolism, increases activity, relieves drowsiness, and normalizes cardiovascular and mental activity.

If a 3-month-old child needs to be calmed down, on the contrary, a relaxing massage will help. It makes sense to do a massage course before bed. It is advisable that such exercises be done at the same time. How long does a massage like this last? It should be done no more than 15 minutes.

A relaxing massage includes light stroking, tapping, and rubbing. Any family member can do it. It is best to do a relaxing course of exercises after swimming.

A relaxing massage should begin with the face. Move with stroking movements from the forehead to the cheekbones and chin. You need to touch lightly with your fingertips. All movements are done slowly. You can stop at your earlobes and massage them.

Then the child’s arms are grabbed and spread apart, then crossed over the chest. This exercise is good for the chest muscles. Move to the back. Use your hands to stroke the back from top to bottom, without touching the spine. The tummy is massaged in a clockwise circular motion.

Rocking your body will help relieve tension. The baby is lifted by the armpits and rocked in an upright position, holding the head.

A relaxing massage should be accompanied by a conversation with the child, reciting rhymes, singing songs, or turning on quiet, calm music. A properly performed relaxing massage will set up a 3-6 month old baby for sound and healthy sleep, and will also ensure a good appetite.

Relaxing massage course number 10 is done not only with the goal of setting the baby up for sleep. For hypertonicity (excessive muscle tension), this type of massage is indicated. As a result, the muscles quickly return to normal.

General massage is allowed to be done at home. But first you need to discuss all the exercises with your local pediatrician.

Massage for 3 one month old baby does not necessarily have to be general or therapeutic with the implementation of all techniques and a large set of developmental exercises, since children's body has not yet formed. There is no need to put too much strain on a still weak body.

At home, a three-month-old baby is given a relaxing and strengthening massage against hypertension using stroking. Since children at 3 months still have hypertonicity of the flexors of the legs and arms, the mother will massage the muscles that are in good shape.

We must not forget about contraindications to massage for children. Namely, about the appearance:

  • any febrile condition in a child;
  • diseases: allergies, pyelonephritis, hepatitis, tuberculosis;
  • diseases with the presence of fragile blood vessels and bones;
  • inflammation of the skin: acute or purulent, muscles and bones, lymph nodes.


Massage for children up to three months is performed in the following sequence:

  • hand massage (stroking);
  • foot massage (stroking);
  • laid on the stomach;
  • back massage (stroking);
  • laid out on the back;
  • abdominal massage (stroking);
  • foot massage (rubbing);
  • exercises for the feet (reflex movements);
  • extension of the spine (reflex) on the right and left side;
  • laying on the stomach;
  • reflex crawling.

Children are bathed daily and entertained during massages. They love communication with their mother and her gentle touches. warm hands. DO NOT forget to cut your nails short and remove rough calluses from your hands. Children remember a pleasant procedure, so mother’s touch always lifts children’s spirits, especially if mothers smile, coo with them, and sing funny songs.

Baby massage at three months is done on separate areas of the body. First, stroking of the limbs and buttocks is performed. After some time, attention is paid to the tummy, back and chest. If the baby protests against massaging the arms or fingers, first perform the following exercises:

  • alternately press the arms to the head and lower them along the body;
  • spread the arms to the sides and press them to the chest;
  • Then they stroke the arms, the tone of which is especially increased.

The first sessions last 5-10 minutes; by the end of the third month, baby massage lasts no more than half an hour. If colic bothers you, perform therapeutic massage for 20 days for 5-10 minutes, then a break for 15 days.

Execution technique

Children's massage is performed:

  • gentle and uniform stroking movements of the palm sliding over the skin;
  • rubbing that moves the skin. Performed in different directions;
  • rhythmic spiral kneading with muscle grip.

Stroking and ironing are performed at the beginning, end of the massage and between techniques. The massage is performed easily, slowly and gently, repeating strokes up to 6 times, other techniques up to 12 times. You can apply slight pressure on your baby's relaxed muscles. The impact when moving the hands from top to bottom should be easier than when moving from bottom to top.

For therapeutic massage use:

  • stroking, rubbing and kneading movements on the hands, feet and fingers;
  • stroking techniques on the buttocks with light tapping, legs, back and chest. At the same time, tone decreases, muscles relax, blood and lymph circulation activates;
  • stroking the tummy with the palm or using the knuckles in accordance with the course of the intestines (clockwise).

Direction of massage movements

The chest is massaged from the center of the sternum towards the shoulders and again from the center line to the sides.

The buttocks are worked towards the anus from the hip joint.

Hand massage begins from the fingers to the armpit towards the lymph node area.

Back massage is performed from the spine to the sides, from the lower back to the shoulders.

The legs are massaged from the foot towards the groin. To get rid of gas and colic, the legs are slightly bent at the knee and hip.

The leg is fixed under the baby's knee, massaged from the side of the ankle, bypassing the knee, along the thigh.

Important: the kneecap and inside the thigh are not massaged, the genitals are not touched, and the kidney area is not patted.

The upper body is first stroked towards the midline of the chest from the shoulders. Lightly stroke from the shoulders to the wrists. Gentle circles are made across the abdomen to relieve colic, excluding the navel and the skin around it.

Massages for therapeutic purposes

When the child coughs and is tearful, massage the chest using oil with the addition of essential oils, for example, fir or cedar (per 50 ml of base - 15 drops). It is necessary to rub the chest above the heart towards the sternum, on the back - the projection of the lungs until slight hyperemia appears. When coughing, it is useful to rub this oil (in the absence of allergies) into the jugular cavity of the larynx (under the Adam's apple) between the collarbones.

Facial massage is carried out using fingertips. Long strokes from the cervical vertebrae to the sacrum and along the tailbone are useful. A warm compress made of paraffin relaxes the baby with spastic muscle paresis, coughing: applications on the chest, paraffin boots or mittens. It also helps tone the muscles of the legs and feet. It is very convenient to use a paraffin heating pad made of thick polymer material. The bag is filled with paraffin, sewn up and then heated in hot water. Apply to the baby's chest, after wrapping it in a diaper, for coughs, bronchitis and colds.

In case of torticollis, the baby is placed on his back, the head is fixed and then easily pulled towards himself and turned towards the affected side in order to stretch the muscles of the side of the neck. Then you need to tilt your head in the opposite direction from the affected side and turn your chin up. If the baby becomes hysterical, stop the exercise.

If the child calms down, he needs to be turned on his side with the presence of torticollis and the hand that was supporting the head from below is quickly removed in order for the baby to independently hold his head. This exercise is necessary to strengthen the neck muscles on the opposite side. Should be repeated 5-10 times.

For torticollis, massage with:

  • stroking and rubbing the entire chest, gentle vibration with an emphasis on the large pectoral muscles;
  • stroking the tummy;
  • stroking, rubbing, kneading and pressing on the healthy side of the neck;
  • gentle stroking, rubbing, kneading and pressing, labile vibration of the side of the neck with pathology;
  • stroking, pincer-like rubbing, gentle vibration of the cheek from the side of the pathological neck.

Next, the child is turned onto his stomach for a back massage, vigorously rubbing, kneading, vibrating the muscles and performing a finger shower (stocatto). The massage therapist or mother acts along the parovertebral lines. At the same time, the spine reflexively extends.

The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, 15-20 sessions are performed. During surgical intervention, correction of torticollis is carried out in 6-8 sessions, then physiotherapy and massage are prescribed.

If a child is diagnosed with torticollis, he must be placed to sleep on his healthy side against the wall and corrective techniques must be used. They also make and put on a collar to hold the baby’s head straight. The collar is sewn higher on the side of the torticollis, the tie is sewn onto the collar on the healthy side.

The massage complex ends with rocking on the ball, placing the child on the stomach, back and healthy side (for torticollis). It is necessary to hold the baby on the ball and make sure that he does not hit his head on the table.

Massage for a 3 month old baby - video

Usually pediatrician recommends carrying out various general strengthening procedures for favorable development infant. This can be massage, gymnastics, hardening and water diving. A set of these measures will help relieve muscle hypertonicity in infants and increase the body’s resistance to infections. Massaging a 3-month-old child is a wonderful pastime for both parents and their beloved child.

Indications for massage

There are often cases when parents doubt whether it is worth giving massage to healthy newborn children. Some of them oppose any kind of interference and manipulation. As an infant, any baby needs general development. A children's clinic usually provides special booklets with instructions that an adult can follow at home or ask a massage therapist to help.

Massage for newborns at home at 3 months is used to treat many diseases:

  • Short neck syndrome, torticollis.
  • Muscle tone.
  • Rickets.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Hernia.
  • Clubfoot and others.

Important! The third month is marked by the fact that the baby acquires new skills, achievements, and makes discoveries. Watching the little mischief-maker, it’s hard to believe that he’s only three months old. At this time, as a rule, a leap in development occurs. To make this process as natural as possible for all participants, parents should carry out a set of activities for the baby.

Why do you need a massage?

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky strongly recommends massage for infants for 3 months. The doctor suggests doing it at home or turning to professionals. Currently, the cost of a service with a massage therapist visiting your home in Moscow clinics varies between 1000-1500 rubles per session. First of all, from such a procedure, if everything is done correctly, the baby will receive a great charge of energy and positive emotions.

Massage procedures are invaluable for the physical and intellectual development of a baby. During massage, the nervous system is stimulated, most of the receptors and nerve endings that are present on the child’s skin are irritated. It is these receptors that, when stimulated, send certain signals to the brain, prompting them to work. nervous system.

Benefit for health

Massage for a 3 month old baby brings great benefits to him:

  • Improves blood circulation,
  • Develops tactile sensations - touches help him begin to understand the world around him,
  • Improves psycho-emotional state, reduces excitability and increased tone muscles,
  • Strengthens the baby's immunity,
  • Helps minimize or eliminate the presence of colic,
  • Develops the musculoskeletal system: lays the formation correct posture, corrects the presence of torticollis, corrects clubfoot and even deformation of the lower extremities. Optimal physical shape is formed or restored,
  • Helps to carry out preventive actions to prevent the occurrence of various diseases,
  • Improves sleep, helps to eliminate the baby's whims, especially during teething.

Note! You should always contact a professional, especially when it comes to therapeutic massage. Don’t be afraid to ask to see a certificate of education in this field. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to the baby. It is also important to monitor what the room temperature is. If the temperature regime is not observed, the baby may freeze or, conversely, sweat too much and lose the fluid necessary for the body.

There are a number of contraindications for which massage should not be performed:

  • Acute viral infection, cold, high fever,
  • Skin diseases
  • Problems with the baby's circulatory system,
  • If the baby is nervous, worried, screams, and shows with all his actions that this is unpleasant for him,
  • The presence of any kind of disease in the acute stage,
  • Presence of an umbilical hernia. It is imperative that a pediatrician be present in such cases so that he can prevent it from becoming pinched,
  • Presence of heart disease. The presence of a cardiologist is required.

Basic exercises

The main exercises and techniques of influence are:

  • Stroking. They calm the nervous system, improve skin elasticity, increase the child’s appetite,
  • Rubbing. Increase blood flow to muscles and tissues. They must be performed with circular movements of the fingertips,
  • Kneading. Activate deep-lying tissues during rickets, insufficient development of the musculoskeletal system,
  • Vibrations. Massage with their help is not always performed on a 3-month-old child. Vibrations are an energetic technique that helps with overweight and in case of diseases of the spine,
  • Light patting with fingers.

Based on these techniques, sets of exercises are built.

Additional Information. If the child is hypersensitive, hyperactive, then there should be as much stroking and rubbing as possible. This contributes to positive dynamics: the baby will become calmer and fall asleep quickly.

Under no circumstances should you:

  • Hit and press on the baby’s body,
  • Actively slap the skin
  • Massage the place where the fontanel has not closed,
  • The areas of the inner thigh, elbow bend, under the knees and armpits should also not be massaged.

Preventive massage

This type of massage is suitable for almost all babies. Recommendations:

  • You can gently manipulate your baby's wrists, fingers, and ankles. It's best to play it as if it were a game.
  • During the process, the parents or the person performing the massage talks to the baby or sings songs to him.
  • All movements are calm, there are no sharp impacts. This will help produce the hormone oxytocin.
  • You should start the exercises from the bottom, moving gradually upward. Thus, first the legs are massaged and stroked in the direction from the foot to the thigh, then the tummy and back are massaged with soft movements (the baby can be lifted while lying on the tummy, he will hold the head himself), and finally the neck and head areas are worked out.

Developmental massage

This type of massage is especially important for premature babies. If the technique is correct, then they will quickly get stronger physically and “catch up” with their peers.

It is best to do it before bathing, since after the whole set of exercises in the bathroom, the baby will relax as much as possible.

Execution sequence:

  • First, stroke the baby’s body, then add rubbing,
  • Take the baby's palms in your hands, open the fist, massage your palm towards each finger, later moving to the forearm. At the end, shake the hands slightly
  • Take your arms, spread them to the sides, then cross them over your chest. Run several times
  • Moving your fingertips from the shoulder to the lower back, stop at the navel. Make 1-2 circles clockwise,
  • Next, use the pads of your fingers to move from the lower back to the feet, with your toes. Then bend each leg and bring it to the tummy and back.
  • Stretch your feet, tickle lightly, touch each toe,
  • Turn the baby over onto his tummy, massage the baby's buttocks from the center to the sides,
  • Turn the baby on his side, walk from the neck to the tailbone and back.

Each point can be performed from 3 to 5 times. Remember that the session time does not exceed 15 minutes.

Firming massage

A strengthening massage helps to work out every muscle in the body. An excellent “massage” simulator is a fitball, which can be used both during and after a session for relaxation.


  • Stroke the arms, cross them over the chest and spread them apart. Run several times
  • Pat the tummy (clockwise),
  • Bend and unbend the legs, bring them to the tummy (it is permissible to do it simultaneously for two legs). Raise straight legs towards the head, towards the opposite ears. Spread your legs in different directions. Everything is done as gently, slowly, calmly as possible,
  • Turn over onto your tummy. Lightly pat the buttocks and back,
  • Perform “Airplane” (you can use a fitball; it is more effective and safer to have a flat surface on which the child lies): lift the baby’s upper body and fix it at the maximum natural height for him, slowly lower him to the starting position,
  • Turn over onto the back. Slowly raise the baby to a semi-sitting position and return to the starting position.
  • Finish the session with relaxing exercises in the form of stroking or simply place it on a fitball with the back up and rock back and forth.

Preparing your baby for massage

In order for your baby to receive maximum benefit and relaxation from the massage, you must follow the preparation rules:

  • The first sessions are carried out for 15-25 minutes, gradually increasing their duration as the child grows older.
  • Hands must be clean and nails trimmed before the session. All jewelry and bracelets have been removed. Babies' skin is very sensitive, so it can easily be injured.
  • The session is carried out no less than an hour after the last meal.

Additional Information. The time at which the massage is performed is determined by the parents themselves. To do this, you need to know exactly when the baby is calm and will not become nervous or worried. As a rule, many kids love such procedures most in the morning, when they have had enough sleep and are not hungry.

  • Massage to a 3-month-old baby by an adult at home is performed after full training this practice. Before the session, it is better to watch the training video additionally,
  • The massage therapist must be in a good mood, especially if it is mom or dad. The child reads everything and very strongly feels all the emotions of the one who touches him,
  • You should not use creams, oils, or powders during the massage. This will only clog the pores in the skin and may even have a negative effect on the entire procedure,
  • Before the session, ventilate the room well, and during it, avoid drafts.
  • The room temperature should be at least 18-19 degrees, but not higher than 23. Massage for infants from 3 months, as from birth, is always carried out in a warm place,
  • During the session, you should tell the baby everything that is happening to him. It would be very appropriate to sing songs or nursery rhymes that are familiar to him. Firstly, this will make him feel calmer (babies understand everything, don’t underestimate them!), secondly, a native voice or a calm, chesty timbre will help the child get positive emotions from the procedure and consolidate further positive results,
  • Prepare a changing table or some wide place with a flat surface. It is best to cover it with a thick flannel diaper, lay an oilcloth or absorbent napkin underneath,
  • If you need to use oils, for example, if you have dry skin of a baby, then in this case take only natural, plant-based types,
  • Prepare the baby himself. Take him in your arms, try to slowly move him with soft, gentle movements along the arms and legs, make sure that the baby is calm and ready for the session, does not experience discomfort, then lay him on the changing table.

The very first year of a baby’s life is an important time for both him and his parents. The baby changes physically and emotionally every month. A massage will help a three-month-old baby not only receive positive emotions, but will also help strengthen the muscular system. If you take care of your child, massage according to correct scheme and gymnastics, then subsequently the little fidget will definitely be healthy and strong.


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Newborns develop very quickly, so from the first months you need to add new elements to gymnastics and massage. By the age of 3-4 months, children are already interested in a lot of things, they want to communicate, so massage and gymnastics are an important moment not only for physical development, but also for mental development. At about 3 months of age, children's muscle tone in their legs and arms decreases, so movements become a little more conscious and precise - this means that passive exercises can be added to gymnastics. The baby will not be able to do them himself yet, but with the help of adults he will cope. In addition, classes can be longer, gradually become more complex, and the massage becomes more intense.

After the third month of life, the baby's body becomes more pliable physical activity, therefore, new interesting elements of greater complexity can be introduced into gymnastics and massage

Why work with a baby?

  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • development of manual skills;
  • development of skills in changing body position.

To achieve results, you need to communicate with the baby, talk to him, put a suitable toy in his hand, do various massage and gymnastic movements according to age. Movements based on reflexes, passive exercises, and also accompanied by light shaking are required.

When and where is the best time to practice?

To get the maximum possible benefit from your exercises, you should choose the right time. It is convenient to conduct sessions between feedings, closer to the next one. According to the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky, the ideal time is in the evening before taking a bath. The baby will not be weighed down by food, he will still be quite vigorous. You should not exercise immediately before bed, as this has an stimulating effect on the body - it will be more difficult for it to fall asleep.

Charging sessions and general massage with infants at 3 months of age spend in a regular room. It should be ventilated in advance, the most suitable temperature is 20-22 C. The baby is placed on a comfortable table with a diaper or towel. The baby may be completely naked or dressed in a very light vest.

Lessons for 3-4 months

It is not difficult to give a restorative massage to a child of 3 months, you need to follow simple rules and perform all movements smoothly and calmly. There should be no sudden movements, and you should not pull the child’s arms and legs. If he is not in the mood, then you need to either postpone the lesson for a while, or distract him with affectionate conversation or a bright toy. Most often, children respond with pleasure to massage and gymnastics done by their mother or someone close to them. At this age, it is necessary to add new movements to everyday activities.

Sample lesson plan

  • hand massage;
  • "boxing";
  • foot massage;
  • stepping over;
  • flexion-extension of legs;
  • "coachman";
  • tummy massage;
  • corner;
  • tummy roll;
  • "swimming";
  • massage of the back and buttocks;
  • crawling simulation;
  • swinging on the ball.

Massage of the arms, legs, torso, buttocks is performed in the same way as in more early age. The tummy is massaged clockwise. Rocking on the ball on the tummy and on the back remains relevant. Now we will talk about new exercises and movements that will be useful for the child.

New exercises

  • “Boxing” is performed with the child lying on his back. An adult places his hands in his thumbs and holds him by the wrists. An adult bends and straightens his arms, as if imitating the movements of a boxer. The movements should be smooth but intense so that the baby turns from side to side. Do 5-6 repetitions with each hand - this exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms and shoulders.
  • Stepping is performed when the baby is lying on his back. First, the adult takes the child by the ankles and, bending his legs at the knees, presses his feet to the table. After this, the baby’s legs need to be bent and unbent in such a way as to imitate steps on the table. You need to perform 4-5 repetitions.
  • Leg flexion-extension exercise performed together and alternately in a supine position. An adult takes the baby by the knees so that the thumbs are on top. Calmly bend both legs at the same time, spreading your knees and lightly pressing on your tummy. After this, we straighten the legs. If the child does not want to straighten his legs, you can shake them slightly to relax the muscles. Next, we do the same thing, only with each leg in turn.
  • When performing “coachman’s movements” The adult's thumbs are placed in the child's palms, the hands are held lightly. We spread the arms to the sides, then bring them together, crossing them on the chest. The left and right hands are on top alternately. Repeated 5-6 times at a slow pace.
  • Exercise "corner" strengthens the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. It is necessary to raise the legs of a child lying on his back to a vertical position. The legs should be straight, but if the muscle tone is still high and the legs are difficult to straighten, shake them a little. After lifting, the legs are slowly lowered to a horizontal position.

Body exercises

  • Turns from back to tummy while being performed with the help of an adult. This not only strengthens certain muscle groups, but also teaches the baby to roll over. You need to repeat it 2-3 times. The index finger of the adult’s left hand is placed in the child’s palm and the hand is held. With our right hand we bend the child’s leg and turn the pelvis to the right. He will reflexively turn his head and upper body to the right. By holding the hand, we slightly help the baby turn, but hold him a little on his side to train the muscles. A rollover onto the tummy through the other side is also performed.
  • “Swimming” is performed while lying on your tummy. We slightly lift the baby's legs with our left hand, and place our right hand under the tummy. We slightly lift the child above the table and hold it for a few seconds. This exercise is useful for strengthening the back muscles.

Sample lesson plan

  • hand massage;
  • "coachman";
  • foot massage;
  • "boxing";
  • spreading and closing the legs;
  • abdominal massage (more details in the article:);
  • sitting down by the handles;
  • tummy roll;
  • massage of the back and buttocks;
  • "swimming";
  • tummy crawling;
  • circles with hands;
  • flexion and extension of legs.

Classes help children develop and grow healthy. At this time, adults communicate with them, teach them various movements.

New movements

  • Breeding and bringing together legs The baby is performed in a supine position. The child's legs are bent at the knees and hips. An adult holds them by the shins. The legs are spread apart and then brought together. Performed 4-6 times.
  • Sitting on the handles good for neck and abdominal muscles. It must be done carefully so that the baby does not hit the back of his head when lowering. It’s not worth sitting a child down at this age yet, so we just lift him by the arms and gently lower him back onto the table. When lowering it, we lay it not on its back, but on its side, alternately on the left and right.
  • To encourage baby to crawl. An adult grabs the baby's feet, bends and straightens his legs, imitating the movements of a frog's legs. When you have completed several repetitions, you need to leave your legs bent and allow your baby to push off on his own. To make it more interesting for him, place a bright toy not far in front. When he manages to push off, he will move forward a little, then bend his legs again and allow him to push off.
  • Another new movement “arm circles”. The child lies on his back, holding the adult’s thumbs with his hands. The adult performs circular movements with the child's hands: first to the sides, then to the head and then forward and down. The movements are performed smoothly and calmly. Make two circles in one direction, then two circles in the other direction. The exercise is suitable only for those children who have already mastered “boxing” and “coachman”.

Remember that children are constantly growing and developing - this means that they need to regularly increase the load. If it is obvious that the baby is not yet able to do some exercises, you should not force things. Most likely, after some time the baby will master all the movements.

Face massage. The baby lies on his back. Start the massage from the forehead area, gently stroking and lightly pressing the skin of the forehead with your fingertips, then move from the middle of the forehead through the temples down to the cheeks. Run your fingers along the eyebrows, along the sides along the nose and then along the cheeks towards the neck. Massage the jaw area and behind the baby's ears.

Hand massage. The child lies on his back. Perform light stroking movements on each hand 5-6 times. Then start rubbing each hand in a circle 2-3 times. Stroke each hand again.

Foot massage. The baby lies on his back. Start stroking movements 2-3 times on each leg, then do circular rubbing of the legs 5-6 times and finally, stroking (2-3 movements) each leg.

Massage of the back and buttocks. Place your baby on his tummy. Using light stroking movements, massage the baby's back 2-4 times, then continue rubbing the surface of the back and buttocks with your fingertips (2-3 times). Finally, lightly stroke your back and buttocks (2-3 times).

Abdominal massage. The child lies on his back. Start the massage with circular stroking movements on the stomach; then stroke the oblique abdominal muscles (2-4 times), then rub the entire surface of the abdomen with your fingertips (2-4 times), finally stroke the abdomen clockwise (2-4 times).

Spine massage on the side. The baby is lying on his side. Gently massage the spine along the longitudinal muscles with your fingertips. Then turn the baby over to the other side and repeat the massage.

Foot massage. The baby lies on his back and then on his stomach. Begin the massage by lightly stroking the feet, and then vigorously rub the soles of the child's feet with the pads of your fingers. Rub in a circle. Then rub the outer and inner edges of the foot in the direction from the heel to the toes.

Foot tapping. The baby lies on his back. Holding the baby's foot with one hand, lightly tap the foot with the back of your fingers. Repeat this exercise 7 times from heel to toes and back.

Flexion and extension of the feet. The child lies on his back. Start the massage with stroking movements. stop, then move on to pressing at the base of the toes, thereby causing a reflex flexion of the foot and tucking of the toes. Finally, vigorously rub your foot along its edge. While performing this movement, the baby extends his foot.

Exercise on the ball. This activity requires a large ball. Place your baby on it with his stomach down, legs spread wide apart. Rock the baby back and forth, left and right, and in a circle.

Book "Children's Health"

Video of baby massage 3-4 months