Lunar calendar for August for hair cutting. Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

This time the Moon will help you prepare for the change of seasons. You will enjoy good weather and bright sunshine for a long time, but the breath of autumn will already be felt closer to the end of the month. During this period you need to stock up on energy. How you care for your hair now will determine its health in the fall and winter.


Favorable days

Not favorable days

Neutral period

August 1 0:00 - August 3 7:00- waxing Moon in Libra. This is a great time to visit the hairdresser. Absolutely all manipulations will be successful, and the resulting haircut will suit you very well.

August 3 7:00 - August 5 14:00- waxing Moon in Scorpio. You can't curl your hair or wash your hair. The haircut will turn out so-so, but after it, thin and brittle hair will become stronger. August 4 from 3:00 to 6:00- Moon-Sun square. This is an energetically active time, and before cutting your hair, it is better to consult an astrologer or esotericist to see if it is right for you. Avoid manipulating your hair August 3 from 13:30 to 17:30 and August 4 from 12:00 to 16:00.

August 5 14:00 - August 7 18:30- waxing Moon in Sagittarius. If you really want, you can get a haircut; the Moon in Sagittarius has virtually no effect on the beauty of your hair. After it, the hair may become voluminous and shaggy, but if the haircut is designed to give the hair volume, then this is not bad. It’s more difficult with the esoteric results of haircuts. If you get a haircut during this period, good luck in the social sphere will begin to come your way. But if everything is fine with you, a haircut can take away your luck.

August 7 18:30 - August 9 18:00- waxing Moon in Capricorn. Even though the moon is waxing, hair will grow slowly after cutting. This period is very good for those who love neat and functional hairstyles. The haircut will lie hair to hair and will retain its shape for a long time. It is useful to heal your hair in order to strengthen it. But skip the visit to the hairdresser August 8 from 11:00 to 14:00- this is the time when it is easy to “catch”, lose energy or gain someone else’s bad energy.

August 9 18:00 - August 10 20:30- waxing Moon in Aquarius. The period is considered neutral for both the health and beauty of hair. But in general, it is for those who like experiments. Unusual and extravagant haircuts, various innovations, the most fashionable, newly appeared manipulations will be good. For lovers of classics, it is better to get a haircut on other days. The result of the haircut will be anything but as intended. The same applies to the magical side of things: a haircut will bring changes to your life. Good or bad - you can’t know in advance, you need to take a risk and try.

August 10 20:30 - 24:00- Full moon. This is an energetically active time, and before cutting your hair, it is better to consult an astrologer or esotericist to see if it is right for you.

August 11 0:00 - 17:00- waning Moon in Aquarius. Not the best time for a haircut. The result will be unpredictable with a minus sign, and from a magical point of view, a haircut will bring changes through the disappearance from your life of something that limited your freedom (but could well be important for you): for example, you may lose your job or break up with your partner) . One joy is that after a haircut, hair will grow back faster than on other days of the waning moon.

August 11 17:00 - August 13 17:00- waning Moon in Pisces. Bad time for a hairdresser. The haircut will be ugly, the curl will quickly straighten out, and for the health of the hair, any manipulation will be harmful and will bring dandruff. It's better not to even wash your hair.

August 3 17:00 - August 15 20:00- waning Moon in Aries. You shouldn't cut your hair. The hair will begin to split. There is a risk of damaging your hair or scalp. It is not advisable to even comb your hair, as this will damage the hair structure. From a magical point of view, a haircut will bring changes, but they are unlikely to be good.

August 15 20:00 - August 18 2:30- waning Moon in Taurus. Finally, all those who have been putting off getting a haircut until the right moment can go to the hairdresser. The haircut will be beautiful and beneficial for your hair. Wellness treatments will be very effective. August 17 14:30-18:30- Moon-Sun square. This is an energetically active time, and before cutting your hair, it is better to consult an astrologer or esotericist to see if it is right for you.

August 18 2:30 - August 20 13:00- waning Moon in Gemini. The short-term effect of a haircut can be pleasant: the hairstyle will be voluminous, and the hair will become curly and airy. But after a while they will become thinner, begin to break, and dandruff will appear (especially if the haircut occurs during the days of the Moon in Gemini for several months in a row).

August 20 13:00 - August 23 1:00- waning Moon in Cancer. And again - bad days for a haircut. The hairstyle will turn out shapeless, and the hair will deteriorate. It’s better not to even wash your hair (it will still get dirty very quickly).

August 23 1:00 - August 25 13:30- waning Moon in Leo. Beautiful time. The haircut will be beautiful and beneficial for hair health. It is not recommended to do only straightening and light curling: during this period, the hair becomes curled due to manipulations with the hair, and when curled, it becomes very curly. From a magical point of view, a haircut will bring good luck. And if you want great luck, money, love, as well as the richest, most voluminous, stylish and beautiful haircut, get a haircut from August 23, 15:30 to August 24, 8:30.

August 25 13:30 - 16:00- waning Moon in Virgo. Great time for a haircut. Your hair will be healthy, you will “cut off” along with it all the negativity collected over the month and improve the overall health of the body. There is no need to chase the beauty of a haircut; the purpose of a visit to the hairdresser during these hours is to restore order to your head, removing all that is unnecessary.

August 25 16:00 - 20:30- New Moon in Virgo. This is an energetically active time, and before cutting your hair, it is better to consult an astrologer or esotericist to see if it is right for you.

August 25 20:30 - August 28 2:00- growing Moon in Virgo. A wonderful time for a haircut and for healthy hair. The haircut will be beautiful and neat, and will not harm your hair. Perfect for curling. The hairstyle will keep its shape for a long time. Treatments for healthy hair will be very useful and effective.

August 28 2:00 - August 30 13:00- waxing Moon in Libra. Great time again. If you want to outshine everyone with your beauty, go to the hairdresser. Even for a crooked master these days everything will turn out perfect. They won’t cut you too much, they won’t spoil you appearance hair. The color tone and time for curling will be ideally selected. Both haircuts and health treatments will have a beneficial effect on the hair structure.

August 30 13:00 - August 31 24:00- waxing Moon in Scorpio. For the beauty and health of hair, days are neutral, for curling and washing they are bad; from a magical point of view, a haircut can dramatically change relationships with the opposite sex, and from an energetic point of view, it can attract someone else’s negative energy. The only ones who should take the risk are those with thin and brittle hair. Their hair will become coarser and thicker after cutting. In the last hours of the month, it is undesirable for everyone to cut their hair.

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Source: Section: Lunar calendar Category: Lunar haircut calendar

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Introducing detailed hair cutting lunar calendar as of August 2014.

When to cut your hair in August

--- 01.08.2014 ---

Doubtful day for a haircut. Hair grows quickly and “snot coughs.” Haircuts are contraindicated for people prone to colds. It can also lead to “snot tears” and experiences through personal life and the search for harmony and justice (for which the Moon in Libra is responsible).

--- 02.08.2014 ---

Doubtful day for a haircut. A haircut is contraindicated for those who have difficulties in their personal lives (can lead to a quarrel with a loved one) and for those who do not simple relationships with the authorities. Hair and conflicts grow quickly through personal life and the search for harmony and justice (for which the Moon in Libra is responsible).

It is considered a neutral time for a haircut. Hair grows quickly after it, but its structure and condition do not change. Scorpios should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

--- 03.08.2014 ---

Good day for a haircut. Hair grows and strengthens quickly, health and longevity. Your life will look better in the eyes of others and will indeed become more worthy through your personal life and the search for harmony and justice (for which the Moon in Libra is responsible).

It is considered a neutral time for a haircut. Hair grows quickly after it, but its structure and condition do not change. Scorpios should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

--- 04.08.2014 ---

Haircut on Monday is contraindicated for those born on Sunday. For the rest, a haircut will help you get rid of a large number of negative emotions and unresolved problems accumulated in life.

Dangerous day for a haircut. Hair and diseases, if any, grow quickly and intensify. The general state of affairs worsens through sex and relationships with “seniors in rank” (for which the Moon in Scorpio is responsible).

--- 05.08.2014 ---

Haircut on Tuesday is contraindicated for those born on Friday. He will bring it to the rest correct solution problems, will add physical strength or the will to solve some important problem, add activity and relieve the monotony of life.

Doubtful day for a haircut. Hair and minor sores grow quickly and intensify. But getting a haircut on this day helps you win over your superiors, or any other significant people through sex and relationships with “seniors in rank” (for which the Moon in Scorpio is responsible).

It is considered a risky time to get a haircut.

The risk, first of all, is not so much for the condition of the hair, but for one’s personal life (it can lead to significant changes, and not everyone needs them). Sagittarians should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

--- 06.08.2014 ---

A haircut on Wednesday is contraindicated for those born on Thursday. It will help the rest to learn something new or interesting, meet new friends or attract old ones, increase the number of trips, movements and communication, become more active and cheerful.

Good day for a haircut. Hair grows and strengthens quickly, as well as foresight and mental insight. A haircut at this time will add acuity to your life through spiritual growth and relationships with Higher powers (for which the Moon in Sagittarius is responsible).

--- 07.08.2014 ---

A haircut on Thursday is contraindicated for those born on Wednesday. The rest “become a star”, become famous and attract Fortune and changes in relationships with others with a new hairstyle.

Neutral day for a haircut. Hair grows and becomes stronger quickly and there is a risk of injury. The likelihood of dangerous situations increases through spiritual growth and relationships with Higher powers (for which the Moon in Sagittarius is responsible).

It is considered a neutral time for cutting and has virtually no effect on the condition and structure of the hair.

But everything you think about during a haircut will be directed exactly to the target and will be realized in the near future (as you thought on the waxing Moon and exactly the opposite on the waning Moon). Capricorns should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

--- 08.08.2014 ---

Haircut on Friday is contraindicated for those born on Tuesday. It will help the rest to look prettier, have a general strengthening effect and ensure a good mood.

Good day for a haircut. Hair and external attractiveness grow and become stronger quickly. A haircut will bring happiness through intelligence, social status and strategic planning (for which the Moon in Capricorn is responsible).

--- 09.08.2014 ---

Haircut on Saturday is contraindicated for those born on Monday. For the rest, it will help strengthen their hair and connection with Destiny (the latter is fraught with surprises).

Good day for a haircut. Hair and financial position quickly grow and strengthen, leading to an increase in property and favor with superiors through intelligence, social status and strategic planning (for which the Moon in Capricorn is responsible).

Counts favorable time for haircut. Hair grows well, becomes stronger, improves its structure, and splits less. Aquarians should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

--- 10.08.2014 ---

According to popular belief, by cutting your hair on Sunday you can “kill your luck.” Haircuts on this day are especially contraindicated for people born on Monday.

Doubtful day for a haircut. Hair and headaches grow quickly and intensify, and blood pressure rises. It is also possible for mental disorders to occur through the power of thought and “freedom from” (for which the Moon in Aquarius is responsible).

It is considered a dangerous time for haircuts. There is a risk of hair loss, and with regular haircuts under the Aquarius moon, you can even go bald. Pisces should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

To add strength to your hair and always have perfect hair, read the hair care calendar for August 2014. You can find out when the favorable day for a haircut in August is from the hair care calendar for August 2014.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

To avoid quarrels with like-minded people, do not cut your hair. Hair curled today will add energy. A radical hair change will add sexiness to you.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

A haircut on this day will add bright colors, as well as bring good luck and improve health. You can improve your energy balance by wearing a straight hairstyle. You can't dye your hair today.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio (from 06:31)

Reschedule your haircut to avoid illness. It is better to style your hair by pinning it higher. Hair coloring in light color will save you from failures.

First quarter begins (at 04:49)

Don't cut your hair today, because it will scare away good luck. Comb your hair with a wooden comb throughout the day. You can dye your hair only with natural-based dyes.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius (from 13:19)

A haircut today will add new experiences to your life. Installation must be done carefully. Dyeing your hair copper or gold will bring you income in the future.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius

It is strictly forbidden to cut your hair today, so as not to change your destiny in the worst side. Having done stylish hairstyle, You will receive a positive charge of energy. Using natural dyes when dyeing your hair, you can expect success.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn (from 16:42)

Don't cut your hair today to avoid injury. You can do any styling you want. You can dye your hair only with high-quality natural-based dyes.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn

A haircut on this day will add health and attractiveness, and we also recommend doing your hair yourself. You can't dye your hair today.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius (from 17:15)

A good day for a haircut, because luck will always be with you. You can dye your hair, but only with high-quality dyes.

Moon in the sign of Aquarius.

The Full Moon is coming (at 22:09)

To avoid headaches, do not cut your hair. Straight hair will attract positive energy. You can dye your hair today, but only in dark colors.

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces (from 16:48)

Don't cut your hair today to avoid getting sick in the future. By collecting your hair in one bun, you will be protected from troubles. Having dyed my hair dark color, You will make the right decision in a difficult situation in the future.

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

Avoid cutting your hair today to avoid getting sick or suffering a minor injury. Today it is best to wear your hair in a braid. By dyeing your hair blond or red, you will maintain normal relationships.

Waning Moon in Aries (from 17:16)

Don't cut your hair today to avoid losing valuable thing. Please pay attention Special attention bangs, thereby attracting attention. Dye your hair only your favorite colors.

Waning Moon in Aries

Cutting your hair today will add longevity to your life. And by combing your hair throughout the day, you can receive positive energy. Having dyed my hair natural color, You will make the necessary contacts.

Waning Moon in Aries (until 20:00)

Today it is undesirable to cut your hair and do your hair yourself. We do not recommend dyeing your hair today.

A new haircut today means good luck and prosperity for you. To look “tough” you can pin your hair up with metal pins. By dyeing your hair light, you will soon meet positive people.

Waning Moon under the sign of Taurus

The final quarter begins (at 16:26)

Don't cut your hair today to avoid the possibility of gaining excess weight in the future. Brushing your hair as often as possible to maintain energy balance. You can dye your hair, but it is advisable to use natural tones.

Waning Moon under the sign of Gemini (from 02:00)

A new haircut today means an improvement in your image and will also give you a healthy complexion. We recommend styling using large curls to save energy. You can dye your hair any color today.

Waning Moon in Gemini

Refrain from cutting your hair today, this is the worst day to get a haircut in August. Wave styling is most desirable on this day. We recommend dyeing your hair with dyes based on natural colors.

Waning Moon in the sign Cancer (from 13:38)

Reschedule your haircut to avoid causing vision problems. It is best to cover your hair under a scarf. You can't dye your hair, stay with the same color for now.

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

A haircut today will have a positive effect on your emotions and general mood. Styling is best done by combing. By changing your hair color to natural, you will find it easier mutual language with others.

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

On this day, you can cut your hair as you please, the main thing is that the hairstyle is beautiful and stylish. You can also change your hair color to any one.

Waning Moon in the sign Leo (from 00:15)

A new hairstyle will bring many signs of attention from the opposite sex. On this day, styling should be natural, without “bells and whistles.” Stop dyeing your hair today.

Waning Moon in the sign of Leo.

Don't cut your hair today to avoid problems with mental clarity. Try to make your hairstyle as feminine as possible. A new hair color today means financial stability in the future.

The Moon is in the sign of Virgo (from 13:00)

New Moon arrives (at 18:12)

Do not cut your hair on this day under any circumstances to avoid grief. We recommend braiding your hair today so that others do not negatively influence you. Also, you shouldn’t dye your hair today.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

To avoid conflicts with others, do not cut your hair today. A new hairstyle is desirable on this day, but just do not dye your hair with synthetic dyes.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

You can’t cut your hair today, it can cause health problems in the future. Brush your hair as often as possible on this day. You can change your hair color today, but just don't bleach it.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra (from 01:39)

To avoid unclear fears, refrain from cutting your hair. A quick hairstyle will give you strength for the whole day. It is impossible to radically change your hair color today, but you can dye it your current color.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

A favorable day for a new haircut, as it is the beginning of the lunar cycle. And lush styling will improve your health in the future. To get a good deal, dye your hair blonde.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio (from 11:26)

It is better not to cut your hair today to avoid illness. Hair styling on this day should be of “high quality”; you cannot have disheveled hair. Dying your hair any color today is definitely not recommended.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

To avoid quarrels with like-minded people, reschedule your haircut to another date. To increase positive energy, style your hair using soft curlers. A radical change of hair color on this day is recommended.

Favorable days for cutting hair in August (favorable day + location of the Moon in the Zodiac sign) highlightedin red.

While visiting a hairdresser, have you noticed that a haircut, made by the same master, can be ideal and does not require styling, but can cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes after a haircut the hair lies well, but sometimes it is impossible to cope with it. Sometimes they grow back quickly, sometimes they grow back very slowly. To be satisfied with your haircut, visit your hairdresser on days when The Moon is in the signs of Leo or Virgo. It's good to get a haircut these days on a growing, so on the waning moon, but better - on a growing one. If you cut your hair during Leo days, your hair will look thick. If you get a haircut on Virgo days, it will grow faster and keep its shape perfectly. You can get your hair cut on other days of the waxing Moon, with the exception of the signs of Pisces and Cancer. A haircut during the waning moon will keep your hair in good condition, but it will grow slowly.

Bad for hair haircut on the waning moon in Capricorn, as well as haircuts in the days of Cancer and Pisces in any phase. If you get a haircut on a bad day, your hair will lie poorly, grow for a long time, may begin to fall out, dandruff may appear in it, split faster and become thinner. It is very harmful to cut your hair during the waning Moon in Aries - it will fall out quickly and heavily! It is also harmful to cut your hair during Gemini days.

Hair curling successfully passes during any phase in the days of Virgo. Any days of any phase are also suitable, except for the days of Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. If you curl your hair during Leo days, the curl will be too strong because the hair curls itself on these days. In the days of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, at any phase, you should not curl your hair, as it will look lifeless, dull, and begin to split and break.

Hair coloring It’s better to do it when the moon is waxing, the paint will last longer. If you dye your hair during the waning moon, the color will wash off faster. If you want to check whether a particular color suits you exactly, use not paint, but coloring shampoo. It will wash off after a few times, and you will see whether the color suits you or not.


There are many methods of hair removal and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laser and photoepilation, hot wax – effective method but painful, the razor has more advantages. When choosing a hair removal method, keep in mind that hair removed during the waxing Moon grows back faster. You can shave them in the morning, and by evening they will have grown back quite a bit. If you remove them while the Moon is waxing in Leo or Virgo, not only will they grow back faster, but they will also become even thicker and denser. It is best to remove hair during the waning Moon in Capricorn. And also on any other days of the waning moon, except for the signs of Virgo and Leo.

We present to your attention:

Conception (pregnancy) calendar. The conception calendar will help calculate the probability of conception, the nature of the pregnancy and the predicted gender of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of intimacy.

Wedding calendar. Personal wedding calendar - the reliability and durability of the marriage, the well-being and psychological climate in the family largely depend on the wedding date. In marriage, the initial astrological situation affects the further course of life. Therefore, use the wedding calendar and choose the most suitable date and time for this. Regardless of the position of the Moon in the Zodiac Signs and auspiciousness lunar day, marriage is unacceptable during all fasts, on the eve or during church holidays, Christmastide, Maslenitsa, etc.


The hair cutting calendar describes each day in August 2014. What is the lunar day and in what zodiac sign is the Moon located on a given day. Indicated in red favorable days and favorable location of the Moon in the Zodiac sign for hair cutting in August.

The calendar is compiled for 12 noon Moscow time. Adjust for your location.Calculate Lunar day on another date in another city and seethe beginning and end of the lunar day in August 2014.

for hair cutting in August 2014

7th lunar day. A day when cutting your hair can lead to conflicts and quarrels with your close circle or senior management. Various types of exacerbations of diseases are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair.Moon in Libra

Until 12:51 pm - 7th lunar day. (Not favorable time) Further 8th lunar day. Perfect day to cut your hair. It promises good health and a comfortable life until old age.

Moon in Libra . The Moon in Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.
8th lunar day Perfect day to cut your hair. It promises good health and a comfortable life until old age.Moon in Scorpio .
9th lunar day. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Diseases and all kinds of problems overtake a person who has the habit of cutting his hair on this day.Moon in Scorpio . The position of the Moon is extremely risky for a haircut, since it can either improve or worsen your personal life and, in general, relationships with the opposite sex.

10th lunar day. It is better to refrain from visiting the hairdresser. According to Tibetan traditions, the “burning day” threatens deterioration of health.

Moon in Scorpio . The position of the Moon is extremely risky for a haircut, since it can either improve or worsen your personal life and, in general, relationships with the opposite sex.

11th lunar day. A haircut on this day develops the acuity of the senses and improves the insight of the mind. A good day to cut your hair.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Sagittarius

12th lunar day. It is better to postpone the haircut to a more favorable period, since on this day you can attract misfortunes and the likelihood of injury, even death, increases.

Moon in Sagittarius . A haircut performed these days will become a talisman for your realization and recognition in business circles. An excellent period for a haircut that will promote favorable changes in your career and relationships with colleagues.

13th lunar day . good time for haircut. On this day you will not only gain a beautiful appearance, but also attract good luck and happiness into your life.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Capricorn

14th lunar day. Improvement in all areas of life (from position in society to financial status) awaits a person who schedules a haircut on the fourteenth lunar day.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Capricorn . A good time to visit the hairdresser. The overall condition of the hair will only improve from cutting at this time.

15th lunar day. Unfavorable day for visiting the hairdresser. A haircut on this day is fraught with serious negative consequences in almost all areas (from disruption of the general condition of the body to mental processes).

Moon in Aquarius .

16th lunar day. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. By getting a haircut on this day, you expose yourself to the possibility of personal mistakes and subsequent accidents. It also becomes much more difficult to keep your passions and negative habits under control.

Moon in Aquarius . Aquarius has a rather negative effect on hair. The likelihood of hair loss and baldness increases.
17th lunar day. A haircut creates all sorts of obstacles in business and leads to deterioration in health (from an increased likelihood of injury to mental disorders). According to Eastern traditions, the most harmful spirits are attracted when cutting hair on this day.Moon in Pisces . At this time, it is better to forget about visiting the hairdresser. Haircut leads to dandruff, which will not be easy to eliminate. Even just washing your hair and hair should be done as little as possible. An unfavorable sign for hair cutting.
18th lunar day. Having a haircut on this day increases the likelihood of theft or robbery directed against you, which can lead not only to the loss of property and belongings, but also to subsequent deterioration in health.Moon in Pisces . At this time, it is better to forget about visiting the hairdresser. Haircut leads to dandruff, which will not be easy to eliminate. Even just washing your hair and hair should be done as little as possible. An unfavorable sign for hair cutting.

19th lunar day. On this day, it is better to put things aside and make time to visit the hairdresser, as a haircut on this day prolongs life.

Moon in Aries .
20th lunar day . A haircut on this day changes your attitude towards life. Even the most inveterate optimist will begin to look closely at the negativity of life, to the point of developing a persistent feeling of disgust for life in general and the environment in particular.Moon in Aries . This is a rather unfavorable period for getting a haircut, leading to a weakening of the body’s general immunity, which increases the likelihood of various types of diseases.

21st lunar day. Those who cut their hair on this day are doomed to external and internal beauty and, as a consequence, well-being and a good position. The day is favorable for cutting hair.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Taurus .
22nd lunar day. On the one hand, cutting your hair on this day makes it possible to acquire property, and on the other hand, it can lead to an increase in excess weight, which cannot but affect the overall health.Moon in Taurus . The most ideal time to visit the hairdresser. When cut during this period, the hair grows well, becomes stronger and becomes resistant to external influences, and splits less.

23rd lunar day. Gives a healthy complexion and improves well-being.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Gemini .
24th lunar day. It's a very unfavorable day for a haircut. Threatens deterioration of health, especially if there are already chronic or hidden diseasesMoon in Gemini . The Moon in Gemini and Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.

25th lunar day. On this day, an increase in intraocular pressure or an exacerbation of eye diseases is possible. There is a high probability of stye or inflammation

Moon in Gemini . The Moon in Gemini and Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.

26th lunar day. Positive day. It does not bring any life-changing changes, but the haircut or styling will turn out to be surprisingly pleasing to your eye, which will lead to an amazingly good mood.

Moon in Cancer .

27th lunar day. The readings for this day are the same as the previous one.

Moon in Cancer . After a haircut on such days, the hairstyle does not hold its shape at all, the hair becomes unruly and cannot be styled. During this period, it is not recommended to wash your hair. You should refrain from cutting your hair while the Moon is in the constellation Cancer.

28th lunar day. The appearance you get from visiting a hairdresser will serve you well in attracting acquaintances and charm the right people. A good day to cut your hair.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Leo

29th lunar day . 30th lunar day It is better to postpone hair cutting for a more favorable period.

Moon in Leo . A haircut on such days makes your hair beautiful, voluminous and silky. This position of the Moon in the sky is considered favorable if you want to change the way or rhythm of your life.

As usual, we offer you the Lunar haircut calendar for August 2014!
The lunar calendar can tell you which day is the right time to get a haircut, and will also indicate money haircuts, days that are suitable for hair coloring, and much more.
We have prepared August 2014 for you!

We use red to mark favorable days for cutting hair.

August 1 The waxing Moon is in Libra, 6 lunar day. On this day, all haircuts will be favorable for hair growth and strengthening. Create a haircut on this day, it is energetically filled with a positive charge of emotions.
August 2, 7 lunar day, the Waxing Moon is in Libra. This is a favorable day for hair cutting, as well as creative solutions. Unusual haircuts are best done on this day.
August 3, 8 lunar day, the Waxing Moon is in Scorpio. On this day it is not recommended to cut your hair, but you are allowed to dye your hair.
August 4, The waxing Moon is in Scorpio. On this day it is strictly forbidden to cut your hair. The moon negatively affects human health; there is a risk of not only getting a bad haircut, but also poor hair growth.
On August 5, the waxing Moon is in Sagittarius, 10 lunar day. On this day it is best to dye your hair, but if you decide to create a simple haircut, feel free to go to the hairdresser.
On August 6, the waxing Moon is in Sagittarius, 11th lunar day. Favorable day for a money haircut. On this day you can not only save on haircuts, but also earn money.
On August 7, the waxing Moon is in Capricorn. This haircut will have a positive effect on hair health. On this day you can also dye your hair and cut your bangs.
On August 8, the waxing Moon is in Capricorn. A positive day for hair cutting and coloring.
On August 9, the waxing Moon is in Aquarius, 14 lunar day. On this day, astrologers recommend not to dye or cut your hair, as it can negatively affect your health.
August 10 Full Moon The Moon is in Aquarius, 15th lunar day. Undesirable day for cutting hair.
On August 11, the Waning Moon is in Pisces, 16 lunar day. The moon is not predisposed to cutting hair.
On August 12, the Waning Moon is in Pisces, 17 lunar day. On this day, only hair coloring is recommended, but you should hold off on cutting your hair.
On August 13, the Waning Moon is in Aries, 18 lunar day. You should not cut your hair on this day; it can negatively affect the health of your hair.
On August 14, the Waning Moon is in Aries, 19 lunar day. It’s better to hold off on cutting your hair; it’s an unfavorable day for manipulating your hair.

On August 15, the Waning Moon is in Taurus, 20 lunar day. A good day to cut your hair. In addition, if possible on this day. You can experiment with hair color without worrying about the consequences.
On August 16, the Waning Moon is in Taurus. If you decide to update your look, do it today, because astrologers have determined this day as favorable for cutting your hair.
On August 17, the Waning Moon is in Taurus, 22 lunar days. Auspicious day for salon procedures and, in particular, for cutting hair.
On August 18, the Waning Moon is in Gemini. This day is very unfavorable for cutting hair; it can ruin your health.
On August 19, the Waning Moon is in Gemini. On this day you should stop cutting your hair.
On August 20, the Waning Moon is in Cancer, 24 lunar days. A great day to update your look and experiment with hair shades.
On August 21, the Waning Moon is in Cancer. This day will be one of the most unfavorable in August. It is better to postpone cutting and coloring your hair.
On August 22, the Waning Moon is in Cancer, 26 lunar days. You can dye your hair and it is better to choose natural dyes, but it is recommended to postpone cutting your hair.
August 23 Waning The Moon is in Leo. Great day to visit the hairdresser.
On August 24, the Waning Moon is in Leo, 28 lunar days. A money haircut that promotes hair growth. A great day for salon treatments, especially hair coloring and bleaching.
August 25 New Moon The moon is in Virgo. This is an unfavorable day for cutting hair.
On August 26, the waxing Moon is in Virgo, 1 lunar day. Today it is better to refrain from going to the hairdresser; this is not a good day for cutting your hair.
On August 27, the waxing Moon is in Virgo. It’s better to put off drastic hair cuts for later, and today you can do gentle coloring.
On August 28, the waxing Moon is in Libra. You can cut and color your hair.
On August 29, the waxing Moon is in Libra, 4th lunar day. Astrologers celebrate a favorable day for a radical change of image.
On August 30, the waxing Moon is in Scorpio. This is a neutral day for cutting hair.
On August 31, the waxing Moon is in Scorpio. Today you can dye your hair, but you should refrain from cutting your hair.