When does conception occur after ovulation? How many days after ovulation can you get pregnant? Zygote formation and further division

  • Calendar method. The essence of the technique is that the egg is released 14 days before the start of the next menstruation. This method of calculation is suitable for those women who have a regular cycle.
  • Physiological method. The female body is designed in such a way that ovulation should result in pregnancy. Therefore, during release, estrogen is released, which leads to an increase in libido and a change in the consistency of discharge. Some women feel a peculiar tingling pain in the ovarian area.
  • Temperature method. The day the egg is released differs from other days in that it increases by 0.4 degrees. To calculate such a change, you need to measure your temperature every day for a month with an electronic thermometer, without getting out of bed.
  • . Pharmacies sell special tests to determine ovulation. They are identical in appearance to pregnancy tests, but they respond to a rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) rather than human chorionic gonadotropin (). To accurately determine ovulation, these tests must be performed daily in the middle of the cycle - in exactly the same way as pregnancy tests.
  • Ultrasound control. Using highly sensitive ultrasound diagnostic devices, you can check the growth and maturation of follicles and the release of the egg. But such a study must be carried out on strictly defined days in order to definitely confirm ovulation.

How long does it take for conception to occur?

Fertilization occurs on the day of ovulation. The egg is viable for about 10-14 hours from the moment it leaves the follicle. Male reproductive cells, sperm, can remain viable inside the female body for much longer - up to 72 hours.

Therefore, sexual intercourse on the eve of follicle rupture is considered most favorable for conception.

Pay attention! Sperm are very mobile and can reach the fallopian tube within 1.5-2 hours from the moment of ejaculation. But complete renewal of sperm, taking into account their maturation, occurs in 4-5 days, and therefore with each subsequent sexual intercourse, over the course of one day, the number of active sperm will decrease.

What after?

After fertilization of the egg, the preimplantation period of pregnancy begins. This period lasts 4-5 days. During this time, the egg moves along the fallopian tube to. The following factors contribute to the movement:

  • Contraction of the smooth muscles of the fallopian tube.
  • Movement of cilia of the tubal epithelium.
  • Relaxation of the special sphincter that separates the fallopian tube and uterus.

Active movement is promoted by the hormones of the female body - estrogen and progesterone. During this period, division processes begin to occur inside the cell, thus preparing it for penetration into the wall of the uterus.

This is already an embryo of 16-32 cells. After entering the uterus, it remains in a free state for 2 days, and then implantation occurs.

Offensive period

The optimal period for fertilization is considered to be 4 days - 2 days before ovulation and 2 after. If sperm enter a woman’s body before ovulation, fertilization can occur immediately after the egg is released.

Interesting fact! There are cases where the egg remained viable for up to 72 hours. But in most cases, she is capable of fertilization during the first day after release.

From what day is fertilization unlikely?

Already 96 hours after the egg leaves the follicle, the probability of conception decreases to almost zero. If a woman’s pregnancy is regular, you can try to calculate the most favorable period for fertilization.

To do this, you need to analyze your cycle for last year and choose the longest and shortest. You need to subtract 11 days from the longest one - this is the day when the probability of conception will be reduced to zero.

You need to subtract 18 from the shortest one - this way we get the day of the cycle on which the probability of getting pregnant begins to increase. With a regular cycle lasting 28 days, the probability of fertilization is extremely low from the 17th day.

When to take the test?

Pregnancy tests measure the level of hCG in a woman's urine. This hormone is synthesized during pregnancy. It is produced by the chorion, a cellular structure in the embryo. The appearance and growth of hCG in the urine indicates a successful pregnancy.

The hormone begins to be detected in a woman’s blood from the first days after implantation. That is, from the moment of fertilization until the appearance of the “pregnancy hormone”, at least 7 days must pass.

After the implantation of the embryo, the level of hCG begins to rise rapidly and until the 11th week of pregnancy, its amount in the mother’s body doubles every 48 hours.

You can start taking pregnancy tests 10-12 days after fertilization. In earlier periods, the hormone level will be very low and may not be detected by a conventional rapid test.

Advice! If the pregnancy test shows a weak second line, you need to take it again after 48 hours. During this time, the amount of hormone should double and the results will be more obvious. For repeated testing, it is better to use tests of the same brand - they have the same sensitivity and it will be easier to track the dynamics using them.

Pregnancy symptoms

The first symptoms of pregnancy do not begin to appear immediately after conception, but after the implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus.

  • Implantation bleeding. Occurs 6-9 days after fertilization. Manifests itself as spotting brown or bloody discharge. It is often confused with the onset of menstruation, although it occurs 7-9 days before it begins.
  • A nagging pain in the lower abdomen or a feeling of heaviness. It occurs due to contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus when the embryo is implanted. It is also similar to the onset of menstruation, but appears at least a week before it begins.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands. Another sign that can easily be confused with approaching menstruation. It is distinguished not by simple engorgement, but by a strong increase in nipple sensitivity. They may darken and develop a venous pattern on the mammary glands.
  • Feeling tired. A woman’s body enters hormonal adjustment mode and therefore consumes more energy than usual. This leads to increased fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Change in emotional background. There may be a sudden increase in emotionality or aggressiveness. This symptom also often occurs with PMS, but is less pronounced.
  • Increase in basal temperature. One of the most indicative signs is an increase in basal temperature above average by 0.3 degrees, which indicates successful implantation. Due to increased blood supply to the pelvic organs, basal temperature increases.

Pay attention! The manifestation of the first signs of pregnancy is a purely individual phenomenon. Some women begin to experience nausea and changes in taste preferences from the first days, while others do not experience any symptoms of pregnancy during the first few weeks after conception.

Planning the gender of the child

You can also calculate the gender of the unborn child. The seminal fluid of men contains two types of sperm: some carry the X chromosome, which is “responsible” for sperm, and others carry the Y chromosome, which determines the appearance of a boy.

Sperm with an X chromosome move more slowly. They are slightly larger in size and therefore more viable. Sperm that carry the Y chromosome have a longer tail and are smaller in size, and therefore are able to move towards the egg faster.

But they have a smaller supply of nutrients, and therefore have a shorter duration of activity than carriers of the X chromosome.

  • If parents are planning a boy, the likelihood of conceiving is higher on the day of ovulation. Sperm with a Y chromosome will reach the egg faster and, accordingly, conceiving a boy is more likely.
  • If parents are planning a girl, then the likelihood of conceiving will be higher if they have intercourse 1-2 days before ovulation. During this time, sperm with the X chromosome will reach the fallopian tube and be able to fertilize the egg.

This planning method is most explainable from the point of view of human physiology. But it can only be effective if both parents are in absolute reproductive health.

If, for example, a woman's vaginal pH is disturbed, this can significantly slow down the movement of sperm. And we must remember that this method does not provide an absolute guarantee that a child of the desired gender will be conceived.

Conception after ovulation is the most effective way pregnancy planning. Ovulation is the process of the release of a mature egg from the follicle. She moves into the area of ​​the fallopian tubes, where she waits to meet sperm. The result of this is fertilization. Knowing the timing of ovulation, you can increase the chance of pregnancy, as well as plan the gender of your unborn child.

How does fertilization occur after ovulation?

During the normal course of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on the 14th day. The process ends with the release of a mature egg from the follicle, ready for insemination. Its maximum viability period is 1.5 days. This is the time it takes for fertilization to occur after ovulation.

The mature egg moves to the fallopian tube, where it meets sperm. The most active sperm surround the oocyte, trying to destroy its protective shell. For this, male gametes use a special enzyme. One sperm manages to destroy the protection of the egg and penetrate inside. After this, the formation of a new genetic code is launched, which is responsible for the basic characteristics of the organism.

Fusion of gametes

After the sperm enters the vagina, the sperm moves into the uterine cavity. The most active ones reach the fallopian tubes, where the sperm meets the egg. Male germ cells surround the oocyte, attaching to its surface. After this, the sperm begin to produce a special enzyme that dissolves the protective shell of the egg. Only one sperm successfully copes with this, attaching to the inner membrane of the oocyte.

After a few minutes, the egg accepts the sperm and begins to produce substances that prevent the sperm from re-entering. This is how the initial stage of fertilization occurs.

Formation of the genome during egg fertilization

The penetration of a sperm into the cavity of the egg triggers the mechanism of genome formation. A shell is formed around the male genetic material, inside which 23 chromosomes are lined up. The genetic makeup of the parents moves closer to each other until their union occurs.

As a result, a new genetic code is formed, which contains the future characteristics of the organism. This stage completes the entire fertilization process.

How long does an egg live in a woman’s body?

Ovulation ends with the release of a mature egg from the follicle. The oocyte is ready for fertilization and is located in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes, where it awaits a meeting with the sperm. However, the lifespan of a mature egg is 1-1.5 days. Then her death occurs. Therefore, for successful fertilization it is necessary that sperm enter the uterine cavity within the specified period.

Signs - how to determine ovulation?

Ovulation is accompanied by various symptoms. For each woman they are individual. Most often, the release of an egg from the follicles is manifested by aching pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands and their soreness.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

Many women experience aching pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation. In addition, pain can be localized in the lumbar region. These symptoms go away on their own after the ovulatory process is completed.

Dyspeptic disorders (digestion problems)

In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, ovulation is often accompanied by increased gas formation, bloating and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, changes in constipation and diarrhea. Changes in taste habits are typical, but to a lesser extent.

Discomfort in the mammary glands

Ovulation is accompanied by hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands are explained by the action of progesterone. During ovulation, it promotes fluid retention in the body. Therefore, the breasts increase in size and become sensitive.

Sudden cystitis

The release of an egg from the follicle can provoke the appearance of symptoms of cystitis, which include frequent and painful urination, discomfort in the lower abdomen, and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Symptoms appear due to the transfer of microbes from the vagina to the urethra, and then along the ascending path the bacteria enter the bladder.

Change in basal temperature

You can determine the onset of ovulation using a basal temperature chart. The day before the egg leaves the follicle, the temperature drops by several degrees. The next day the numbers increase sharply. All measurements must be included in the chart. Objective results are achieved through daily research.

Change in hCG level

An increased concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin helps confirm the presence of pregnancy. 14 days after fertilization, a jump in hCG levels occurs. Its amount increases as the fetus grows. Maximum growth occurs before the 10th week of pregnancy, then the rate decreases.

Bloody discharge

In some women, ovulation is accompanied by the appearance of spotting. This sign is not considered pathological. Spotting occurs due to an increase in the concentration of progesterone.

How many days does it take for conception to occur after intercourse?

After the mature egg leaves the follicle, it is ready for fertilization within 1-1.5 days. This is the lifespan of an oocyte. If conception does not occur, the egg dies and is excreted from the body along with menstruation. The lifespan of sperm is much longer. They are active for 7 days. Considering the life cycle of germ cells, the highest probability of successful fertilization occurs 7 days before ovulation and 1 day after. If unprotected sexual intercourse took place 5 days before the release of the egg from the follicle, then the process of fertilization will occur in 5-6 days.

Conception occurs after the meeting of the egg and sperm in the fallopian tube. With regular menstruation, ovulation occurs on days 14-17 of the cycle. In this case, conception after intercourse should occur between 7 and 17 days. The fertilization process does not guarantee that it will result in pregnancy.

The feeling after ovulation, if conception has occurred

The zygote obtained during the fertilization process passes long way before pregnancy occurs. The process takes about 2-3 weeks. If the embryo is successfully attached to the walls of the uterus, the first signs of pregnancy appear. These include:

  1. Lack of menstruation. A sign that all women planning to become a mother pay attention to.
  2. Increase in the size of the mammary glands. In addition, the breasts become sensitive.
  3. The appearance of nausea. In some cases, vomiting is possible.
  4. Frequent headache.
  5. Frequent urination. Many people confuse the manifestations of cystitis with the first signs of pregnancy.
  6. Feeling of weakness, increased fatigue.

These symptoms may not only appear during pregnancy. Therefore, to confirm it, it is necessary to do a test and donate blood to determine the level of hCG.

Conception by day


After the meeting of the egg and sperm, a zygote is formed. A day later, it begins its movement through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. In parallel with this, the fertilized egg begins the process of division, as a result of which blastomeres are formed.

During this period, the embryo consists of 8 blastomeres. The division continues. The embryo acquires a genetic code.

The number of blastomeres doubles. The embryo compacts and moves to the uterus. With a pathological course of pregnancy at this stage, the embryo can enter the fallopian tube. This is how an ectopic pregnancy is formed.

Characterized by the final attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus. During this period, the concentration of human chorionic hormone increases. A blood test will help confirm pregnancy as early as 7 days after fertilization.

Preimplantation period of pregnancy

After the egg meets the sperm, insemination occurs. However, it is too early to talk about pregnancy. After fertilization, the preimplantation period begins, which lasts about 5 days. The zygote moves through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. This period is accompanied by an increase in the amount of estrogen and progesterone. The fertilized egg begins to divide. As a result, an embryo is formed, ready to attach to the walls of the uterus.

Fertilization period

The best period for fertilization is 6 days before ovulation and 1 day after. This is due to the life cycle of sexual gametes. A mature egg is ready for insemination within 36 hours after leaving the follicle. The sperm is active for a week. In case of unsuccessful fertilization, the oocyte dies and leaves the body along with menstruation.

From what day are the chances of fertilization low?

The life cycle of a mature egg is about 24-36 hours. During this time, she must have time to meet the sperm in order for fertilization to occur. After 1.5 days, the egg dies. With each subsequent hour, the likelihood of conception becomes less and less. If you have regular menstruation, which lasts about 28 days, the chance of pregnancy decreases after the 17th day of the cycle. 4 days after ovulation, fertilization is considered impossible. Therefore, attempts to conceive should be postponed until the next menstrual cycle.

When to take a pregnancy test?

Many women are in a hurry to take a pregnancy test, especially if it is expected after in vitro fertilization. The most optimal time for performing the study is considered to be 2 weeks from the moment of fertilization. This time is enough for the embryo to finally attach to the walls of the uterus. The pregnancy test reacts to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. Its concentration increases sharply with positive result after conception. It makes no sense to perform the study earlier than 14 days after fertilization, as the chance of obtaining a false result increases.

Experts recommend performing triple diagnostics using tests from different manufacturers. In this way, greater effectiveness of the procedure is achieved. The advantages of tests are speed and accessibility. The study can be performed at home, which makes this express method the most common type of pregnancy diagnosis. In addition to the test, pregnancy can be confirmed using a blood test for hCG. This method is the most accurate. In addition, it can be performed as early as 7 days after fertilization.

Pregnancy symptoms

The first signs of pregnancy appear 2-3 weeks after conception. During this time, the fertilized egg manages to go all the way from the moment it meets the sperm to the formation of an embryo with its own genetic code. After the embryo has finally attached to the walls of the uterus, the first symptoms of pregnancy appear. Their severity depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

The most common signs of pregnancy include:

  1. Discomfort in the lower abdomen. The attachment of the embryo is accompanied by muscle contractions of the uterus. This is expressed in aching periodic pain in the lower abdomen. The symptom is similar to the manifestations of the first days of menstruation.
  2. Increase in the volume of the mammary glands. Just like the previous symptom, it is taken as a manifestation of the premenstrual period. Enlargement and increased sensitivity of the breasts are associated with increased concentrations of progesterone.
  3. Weakness, sudden loss of strength. Occurs due to hormonal changes associated with the development of pregnancy.
  4. Tearfulness, sudden change moods. Hormone imbalance provokes the development of this symptom. The woman becomes more emotional, sometimes aggressive, and tearfulness appears.
  5. Changes in basal temperature indicators. Pregnancy is characterized by a stable increase in basal temperature values. On average, its indicators increase by 0.3-0.4 degrees. The reason for this will be increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  6. Vaginal discharge. The appearance of a small amount of bloody discharge from the vagina is typical for early dates pregnancy. Many people confuse this symptom with the premature onset of menstruation.

Anovulation and fertilization of the egg

Anovulation is the exact opposite process of ovulation. With this pathological condition, there is no release of a mature egg from the follicle. The reasons for this are:

  • Psycho-emotional stress.
  • Anorexia.
  • Excessive weight gain.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction.

As a result of all of the above conditions, a hormonal imbalance occurs, leading to damage to the reproductive function of the woman’s body. Clinical manifestations of anovulation include obesity, hirsutism (male pattern hair growth in women), skin rashes, and hair loss on the head. Treatment of this pathology depends on the etiological factor. Used for therapy medicines, as well as some methods of surgical intervention.

If anovulation is present, pregnancy is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the causes of the pathology and prescribe the correct treatment.

Planning the gender of the child during IVF

Taking into account some features of chromosomes, you can plan the gender of the unborn child. There are two types of sperm:

  • Containing the X chromosome. They are large in size and therefore move slowly. But due to its size, it is considered more viable. The X chromosome is responsible for the appearance of a girl.
  • Containing a Y chromosome. Sperm of this species have greater mobility and smaller sizes. Thanks to them, boys are conceived. The life cycle of Y chromosomes is shorter than that of X chromosomes.

You can calculate the sex of your child if you have a regular menstrual cycle. To do this it is necessary to determine exact date ovulation. If you plan to give birth to a girl, then sexual intercourse should take place several days before the release of the egg from the follicles. In cases where a couple is expecting a boy, sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation.

The Moscow IVF clinic on Petrovka treats all types of infertility. Our specialists use modern equipment in their work, which has no analogues in Russia. Thanks to the professionalism of doctors, about 2,765 children were born. According to statistics, the probability of pregnancy after transferring 1 embryo is about 43%. This is 2 times higher than the average for Russia. Multiple pregnancy occurred in only 7% of all embryo transfer cases. After visiting the IVF clinic on Petrovka, about 90% of women were able to get pregnant within a year. Highly qualified doctors will help you fulfill your desire to conceive a child of a certain gender.

Among the common ways to determine the moment when ovulation occurs are the following:

  • ovulation test. This option is the most accurate and expensive method of determining the time of ovulation. In every pharmacy you can buy such products and check 4 or 5 days in advance when ovulation occurs. If the cycle is regular, that is, 28 days, then measurements are taken three days before the expected maturation and release of the egg;
  • calendar method. If we consider the middle of the cycle as the expected date of follicle release, then this method gives more accurate results. In this case, you need to keep a calendar and mark the beginning of the menstrual cycle every month or even every day. This method has been used for about six months, but the results are not always accurate;
  • method of measuring basal temperature. It is carried out over 4 months and allows you to determine the first fertile day. However, before measuring body temperature in the rectum, you should not get out of bed and make sudden movements. Measurements are taken every day;
  • individual feelings. Many women feel an increase in libido within two or three days - they want intimacy. A woman may observe abundant transparent vaginal discharge, similar to mucus, pulling in the lower abdomen. If you listen to your body, you can understand that in 1 or 2 days the period of ovulation will occur and pregnancy is possible.

Do not forget that fertilization can occur on the second day after ovulation, because this process lasts for two days. On the 3rd day after ovulation, the chances of getting pregnant are minimal if the cycle is regular. Therefore, plan to conceive a day before or immediately after ovulation, and not vice versa.

Main features

If you monitor your well-being, a girl will notice physical signs of fertile days. Changes occur in a woman’s body, and these processes have their own symptoms. Physiological signs indicate a favorable period for fertilization and pregnancy: changes in the level of hormones in the body, an increase in temperature in the anus. During this period, the chances of pregnancy increase.

Plus one

There are 6 known signs that fertile days are approaching, which are noticeable without consulting a doctor:

  • copious discharge. 3 days before ovulation, you can observe an increase in discharge from the woman’s genital tract: it acquires a viscous consistency and is secreted abundantly;
  • bloating and pain. One day before ovulation, a woman feels aching pain in the lower abdomen and side, which is associated with the release of the egg from the follicle. Increased gas formation is often observed, which disappears after the end of the fertile period;
  • blood discharge. Sometimes, in addition to clear mucus, scant bloody discharge is observed - this indicates that ovulation will occur in a few days;
  • chest pain. If the mammary glands have become sensitive and painful, the cause is hormonal changes that are observed 1 day before the fertile period;
  • increased libido. Many women have a desire for intimacy a couple of days before ovulation. This is explained by a natural feature, so that the period favorable for fertilization is not missed;
  • altered taste sensations. Due to changes in the level of hormones in the blood, a short-term exacerbation of taste buds is observed.

How to calculate the most favorable days

Let's look at the chance of getting pregnant during the fertile period using the example of a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days:

  1. The first phase is follicular, its duration is 13-14 days.
  2. The second is luteal, the same period of time.
  3. For this process, normal ovulation occurs approximately on the 14th day of the cycle. Therefore, fertilization occurs on days 14-16.
  4. If the oocyte matures by 10-12 days, then early maturation of the egg has occurred.
  5. If the follicle ruptures at the end of the menstrual cycle, the egg matures late.

If the timing of the fertile period shifts after ovulation, you can get pregnant with the same success, and the process of conception is tied to the time of follicle maturation. Such a failure only affects the calculation of the approximate period, which is counted from the day of “classic” ovulation.

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation?

The next 3 days after ovulation, the probability of fertilization is also present, while sperm can enter the uterus 6 days earlier - this is exactly the period of time that a man’s sex cells can live in a woman’s body and are ready to merge with female chromosomes. Therefore, there is a possibility of getting pregnant after ovulation.

Ovulation is a serious process

Sometimes conception occurs on other days when, according to the woman’s calculations, it cannot occur. This is explained by the fact that menstruation depends on hormonal levels. If there is a malfunction in the system, the egg is released from the follicle on the “wrong” days, sometimes two weeks after the expected date of fertile days or at the end of menstruation.

The reasons for such violations include:

  • change of climatic zones when moving to another country;
  • deviations in the field of gynecology;
  • severe emotional shock, stressful situations;
  • intensive physical activity;
  • past viral infections and diseases;
  • taking certain medications;
  • poisoning of the body with toxic substances;
  • exposure to hormonal drugs;
  • maturation of the egg twice per cycle.

In rare cases with significant impact external factors on the body, the fertile period begins even at the time of menstruation in a woman. Without finding out the details, “safe” days can become a period for fertilization. For this reason, there is a misconception that you can get pregnant a week after ovulation.

Chance of getting pregnant the day after ovulation

This question interests most girls who dream of becoming a mother. Whether it is possible to get pregnant the day after ovulation depends on the viability of the egg and the fertile day.

The duration of ovulation is usually about one day. If a woman has it for 48 hours, the likelihood of getting pregnant after ovulation will be high. It is difficult to calculate how long the fertile period is, so conception after ovulation is possible within two days after it.

What is the chance of conception 2-3 days after ovulation?

If ovulation has passed, getting pregnant 2 days after is very difficult, almost impossible. The best period for fertilization is 2 days before fertile days and the ovulatory day itself. If a woman is wondering whether it is possible to get pregnant one day after ovulation, then the probability is low.

Ovulation - the process of the release of an egg from the follicle - normally occurs regularly

When girls ask what is the probability of getting pregnant on the 4th day after ovulation, gynecologists note that the chances are scanty, but conception still occurs. This happens if the ovulatory phase is determined incorrectly.

Let's look at the probability of getting pregnant after five, 6 days or more:

What can affect the stages of ovulation

If 7 days have passed since ovulation, then the probability of fertilization is very low. It decreases within a day after the fertile period. To become pregnant after sex, you need to have sex two days before ovulation - the probability of conception is 33%.
If you know for sure that ovulation occurred yesterday, having found this out using a test strip, then fertilization is still possible today. If the calendar method of counting is used, then conception is possible on the fourth, 5th day or even a week later. There are several reasons for this scatter.

Eye to eye

Climate change

If you are planning a vacation in exotic countries where the time zone and climate are different, this may affect the rate of follicle growth. They burst earlier or later than the expected period, so the risk of fertilization is present on any day of the cycle.

Infections, diseases

During the course of the disease, the body weakens, sometimes the level of hormones jumps, which affects the maturation of the dominant follicle. As a result, it matures too late, and signs of pregnancy appear after ovulation.


During a strong emotional shock, the body develops a defensive reaction, as a result of which many physiological processes are inhibited. The question of how long it will take to reach the fertile period is complex. It all depends on the rate of follicle maturation, which can decrease with each passing hour. Therefore, conception occurs closer to menstruation.

Late and double ovulatory phase

Sometimes two ovulations occur in one cycle. This means that two dominant follicles have each released one egg, while the second of them is waiting in the wings and may be released several hours or days later. Then it turns out that the fertilization that occurred is considered impossible, because it happened on the fifth day after ovulation.

How and when can pregnancy be determined?

  • cramps in the lower abdomen. Pregnancy can be determined by pain in the lower abdomen, which is sometimes localized on the side;
  • changes in the mammary glands. Breast pain appears, possibly enlargement, areolas change color and size;
  • blood discharge. A week after ovulation, if conception is successful, spotting may appear, which is called implantation bleeding. It indicates the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus;
  • digestive system disorders. Before the onset of toxicosis, the expectant mother experiences unpleasant sensations - increased gas formation and bloating;
  • basal temperature indicator. After fertilization, high basal temperatures persist throughout the remaining phase of the cycle.

You can get pregnant 10 days before ovulation, but symptoms will only appear towards the end of the cycle. At the same time, the signs of the fertile period and pregnancy are similar, so they are sometimes confused. Don't just rely on your personal feelings, but take a pregnancy test to see if there is a new life inside you.

If fertilization occurs, the egg will attach to the wall of the uterus

  1. Do not use lubricants or grease. These products contain substances harmful to sperm, so the process of conception may be delayed.
  2. Intimacy at intervals. Doctors advise having sex once every 3 days. During this time, the sperm will accumulate a sufficient number of sperm to fertilize the egg.
  3. Proper nutrition. The diet should be balanced, with plenty of seafood, vitamins and microelements. Women start drinking several months before their planned pregnancy. folic acid 1 tablet per day. Drinking a large amount of water also has a beneficial effect on conception, which speeds up the circulation of fluid in the body and sperm make their way to the egg faster.
  4. Take care of your health. Avoid fertilization during the season of colds and viral attacks, because taking antibiotics during pregnancy is unacceptable. To support your immune system, take vitamins.
  5. Age limits. If one of the partners is under 30 years old, the chances of fertilization are 15% in each month. After a year of attempts with the condition of full health of both partners, the probability increases to 90%. After turning 30, the chances drop sharply.

Recommendations for fertilization with a girl and a boy

  1. To get pregnant with a girl, intimacy must take place several days before the fertile period, then the sperm of boys simply will not live to see it. If sex occurs in the last hours before ovulation, a boy will be born.
  2. During the fertile period and after it, abstain from sex, then a girl will be born.
  3. For a boy to be born, a woman must have an orgasm. In its process, a substance is produced that kills x-sperm.
  4. According to reviews, acidic environment increases the likelihood of pregnancy with a girl. For this purpose, vinegar douching is performed immediately before sex: dilute 2 tbsp per 1 liter of boiled water. spoons of vinegar.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Often, when planning a pregnancy, a woman calculates conception by ovulation, focusing solely on this day. However, fertilization can occur both a few days before and after.

Conception after ovulation occurs quite often, although the probability percentage is still lower than during it.

Fusion of gametes

This process is called conception, and gametes are male and female cells. The fusion of gametes can only occur after ovulation, and sperm can wait for this moment from 3 to 5 days. While the life of an unfertilized egg is maximum 2 days.

Thus, the fusion of gametes occurs either on the day of ovulation or after. If ejaculation occurs after ovulation, then the egg released from the follicle awaits fertilization within 2 days. Once in the vagina, sperm actively move into the uterus and fallopian tubes, but approximately 100 gametes out of 300-500 million reach the egg.

Formation of the genome during egg fertilization

The egg contains the genotype of the mother, and the sperm contains the genotype of the father, each of them carries 23 chromosomes. After fertilization, the head of the sperm, containing its genotype, is absorbed into the egg along with the nucleus. After which the 2 pronuclei mix, forming a zygote with 46 chromosomes, this is the unborn child.

As a rule, the male genome has a more pronounced and obvious character. Dark-skinned people, people with dark color eye or rare race.

How long does an egg live in a woman’s body?

The female cycle lasts on average 28 days and is divided into 2 phases. The first phase has an individual duration, and the second phase lasts no more than 14 days. The first phase ends with ovulation, that is, the release of the egg from the follicle.

If sperm enters the vagina a few days before ovulation, the likelihood of conception remains high. But after ovulation, the viability of the egg lasts no more than 2 days, the probability of conception is reduced to zero. Conception by days after ovulation can be calculated using an ovulation test.

Determination of ovulation by signs

In addition to the ovulation test, you can focus on sensations. Often a woman feels ovulation physically; it manifests itself as stabbing pain in one of the ovaries or on both sides at once.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

Most women feel ovulation physically. This is manifested by painful sensations, tingling on one or both sides of the ovaries. This is due to the fact that when the ovary leaves the follicle, blood vessels burst. The blood irritates the receptors and pain is felt. In addition to blood, follicular fluid is released, which provokes uterine contractions.

If the pain is pronounced, this may be a sign of adhesions in the pelvic organs. The nature of the pain can be different - cramping, cutting or stabbing. These symptoms disappear within a few hours or 2 days. If you have to resort to painkillers every month, you should consult a doctor.

Pain may occur alternately on both sides of the abdomen, as the egg matures in both ovaries.

Digestive problems, dyspepsia

Due to changes in hormonal levels during ovulation, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and bloating are possible. Excessive levels of estrogen cause fluid stagnation in the body, so constipation and flatulence are possible.

You can eliminate these symptoms in the following ways:

  • drink more water;
  • reduce consumption of fatty, salty and flour foods;
  • Do not consume dairy and meat products these days.

Discomfort in the mammary glands

Shortly before ovulation, hormonal levels change, which can lead to discomfort in the chest. In addition, excess water, which is retained in the body due to increased progesterone, puts pressure on the mammary gland tissue and swelling appears.

After ovulation, the breasts continue to hurt, this is normal, as the body is preparing for a possible pregnancy. If fertilization has occurred, the mammary gland is rebuilt and enlarged due to a sharp increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone, otherwise all unpleasant sensations gradually disappear.

Sudden cystitis

During the period of ovulation, immunity noticeably decreases, so the body is vulnerable to various types of infectious pathogens.

Cystitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain and discomfort when visiting the toilet;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

The causes of cystitis during ovulation are:

  • increased blood flow in the uterus - for this reason, the remaining pelvic organs suffer due to blood deficiency, which leads to decreased immunity in the excretory organs. Bacteria appear that cause inflammation;
  • enlarged uterus - endometrial cells grow rapidly, which increases pressure on the pelvic organs, including the bladder;
  • decrease in basal temperature and general body temperature.

To accurately determine cystitis, it is necessary to take a urine test. Treatment is prescribed with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Progressive and chronic cystitis can cause decreased fertility and lack of ovulation.

Before ovulation, cystitis can only manifest itself in frequent urination, and after that the symptoms noticeably intensify. The urine becomes dark, the smell and consistency changes. Blood may appear.

Change in basal temperature

Basal temperature is measured immediately after waking up at rest, in a lying position. To determine ovulation basal temperature measured over 3 cycles, a graph is constructed, which can subsequently be used to identify favorable days for conception.

Basal temperature can be measured in the rectum, orally, or vaginally. The schedule is built from the first day of the cycle; the table indicates the day, temperature and some factors that can affect it.

It is better to divide the schedule into periods of the cycle - before, during and after ovulation. Between these periods, the temperature varies from 0.4 to 0.5 o C. You will notice that on the day of ovulation itself, the basal temperature will be at its highest. This indicator will remain until the first day of menstruation.

Change in hCG level

A few days before your expected period, hCG levels begin to rise. If conception occurs, the rate increases sharply. In just one day, it can rise by dozens of points. To establish the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, it is necessary to examine venous blood. The hormone is produced by the placenta, so its increase undoubtedly means pregnancy has occurred.

In addition to a blood test, pregnancy can be determined using a test strip, which shows the result based on the level of hCG in the urine.

On the 7th day after ovulation, the hCG analysis will be reliable, but a false negative result is also possible, so for accuracy it is worth waiting until your menstruation is missed.


Fatigue, lack of energy and apathy can be symptoms of ovulation. These signs occur as a result of hormonal imbalance and adjustment. In addition, mood swings, unexpected changes in tastes, hysteria and depression may be a concern. Throughout the cycle, a woman's behavior changes due to different levels of estrogen and progesterone.

What does the color of discharge after conception and before menstruation indicate?

Throughout the cycle, the nature of vaginal discharge changes. Ovulation can be determined by color, intensity and consistency.

White discharge after conception and in the second half of the cycle

During the period of ovulation, the appearance of transparent mucus in the form of clots is typical. It is formed by the cervix with the help of progesterone and estrogen. The consistency of the protein helps sperm to maintain viability and mobility for some time. After ovulation, the discharge becomes less elastic and its quantity decreases slightly.

Mucus these days accumulates in the cervix in order to act as a barrier to infections upon successful conception. If conception does not occur, the cervical mucus becomes creamy and whitish, and remains this way until menstruation. Shortly before a new cycle, the discharge takes on a watery consistency due to a decrease in progesterone levels.

It is worth paying attention not only to the density of the discharge, but also the color, smell and severity. An excessive amount may indicate pregnancy or pathological processes in the pelvic organs.


A similar color of discharge indicates the presence of an infection or inflammatory process. Their presence is not normal, so it is necessary to monitor the color saturation. If such discharge is odorless and short-term in nature, this may indicate individual characteristics. But if available unpleasant odor and color saturation, you should immediately consult a doctor and take a smear.

Also, yellow discharge appears with purulent and infectious diseases sexually transmitted diseases.

Transparent secret

Colorless discharge is the norm for the female body, regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle. Their intensity and consistency are individual, depending on age, hormonal levels and phase of the cycle.

Transparent discharge is normal in the absence of:

  • itching, redness and irritation;
  • smell;
  • pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • cycle disorders.

If there is an odor, it is worth getting examined, as this indicates the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

Red, brown, pink discharge

The only normal option for such discharge is conception, namely bleeding due to implantation.

In other cases, these may be symptoms:

How many days does it take for conception to occur after intercourse?

Sperm motility is individual for each man. Speed ​​may be reduced as a result various diseases, and also if the cervical mucus in the vagina is “not comfortable enough” for them. The maximum period for conception is 7 hours (if ovulation occurs).

Conception by days after ovulation can be calculated even if it happened after intercourse. Male cells can wait up to 7 days for an egg. Then, over the course of a week, the egg moves to the uterus and implantation occurs.

The feeling if conception has occurred

The most common indicator of a successful conception is implantation discharge in the form of a few drops of blood or brown spots. This occurs due to injury to the endometrium at the site of attachment of the egg. Most women note engorgement and enlargement of the breasts, swollen nipples and frequent urge to go to the toilet. It is impossible to physically experience direct conception.

Conception table by days after ovulation

Conception by days after ovulation can be calculated using the following table:

Conception by days after ovulation in the photo. This is how a fertilized cell begins to divide.
Day Peculiarities
The birth of the zygote. The day after conception, the fertilized egg moves into the uterus, and division inside it does not stop.
3 The division continues, the genome of the unborn child is laid
4 The future embryo is located in the uterus
6-7 Implantation occurs, the hCG level rises sharply, and pregnancy can already be determined.

Preimplantation period of pregnancy

Before a fertilized egg attaches to the endometrium, the following gestational stages must occur:

  1. The resulting zygote passes through the tubes and stops in the uterus.
  2. At the same time, estrogen and progesterone increase sharply.
  3. Continuous cell division occurs inside the egg; this is the future fetus.
  4. Implantation.

This period lasts an average of 5 days.

Fertilization period

Successful conception is possible either 4-6 days before the release of the egg, or immediately after, on 1 day. These deadlines are set due to the short life of female cells.

When the egg is released from the follicle, it can only be fertilized after 36 hours, and the male gamete can be active for up to 1 week. If fertilization does not take place, all cells self-destruct and are released with blood and endometrial particles.

From what day are the chances of fertilization low?

The egg lives up to 2 days. It is during this short period that she must prepare to meet the sperm and conceive, otherwise she will die. Therefore, the earlier conception occurs, the more successful it will be. On the 17th day of a normal cycle, the chance of conception drops noticeably. If 4-5 days have passed immediately after ovulation, the chance of conceiving is reset to zero.

When to take a pregnancy test?

Often, if a woman is constantly waiting for a long time to become pregnant, she rushes to take a test even before her menstruation is missed. This is a mistake because it can be a false negative if done early. The test will be positive at least a couple of weeks after the expected fertilization. It is at this time that implantation occurs, and the level of hCG increases tens of times.

Conception is difficult to immediately determine by the days after ovulation. It is better to do the test in the morning 2-3 weeks after waking up. The urine is cleared at this time. If the result is questionable, repeat the test from another manufacturer the next morning. In addition to test strips, you can take a blood test. The results will be more accurate.

Pregnancy symptoms

A couple of weeks after conception, the first signs of pregnancy may appear, including:

  • unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen - associated with uterine contractions, the condition is similar to the period when menstruation begins;
  • breast changes - as a result of an increase in progesterone, the breasts become enlarged and become sensitive;
  • due to changes in hormonal levels, constant fatigue and apathy may occur;
  • for the same reason, a woman’s mood often changes, tearfulness and irritability appear;
  • with the onset of pregnancy, the basal temperature increases by an average of 0.4 o C due to increased blood flow in the pelvic organs;
  • during pregnancy, the discharge becomes more pronounced, in addition, on the day of the expected menstruation, blood discharge may appear;
  • frequent urination - this occurs even due to a slight enlargement of the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy.

Anovulation and fertilization of the egg

Anovulation is the regular absence of ovulation, when conception becomes impossible. This pathology is characterized by a disruption in the functioning of the hormonal system, which leads to dysfunction of the woman’s reproductive organs.

Causes of anovulation:

  • nervous tension;
  • weight deficiency;
  • obesity, severe overweight;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

To eliminate this disease, medication methods are used, as well as surgery in extreme cases.

Is it possible to conceive on the day of ovulation?

During ejaculation, more than 200 million male cells enter the vagina, but fertilization is impossible without a ready-made egg. Percent successful conception on the day of ovulation – 22%. This is the best time for fertilization, as the amount of necessary hormones increases.

After ovulation, hormone levels decrease, the egg is destroyed, and conception becomes impossible these days. Its cells self-destruct and are excreted.

Article format: Ilchenko Oksana

Video about conception by ovulation days

Conceiving a child. The ovulation process in the video:

A woman who plans to soon become a mother closely monitors her health and tries not to miss a single change that occurs in the body at the initial stage of pregnancy - even before the test confirms it. The first signs are not always objective and have varying degrees of manifestation, but in any case, the expectant mother needs to know why metamorphoses are happening to her body, so as not to get scared and miss something important.

The first days after conception: what happens to the embryo?

Expectant mothers need to remember that the date of conception does not coincide with the date of ovulation or sexual intercourse. Gynecologists believe that after sexual intercourse, fertilization can occur in any of the next seven days after ovulation, when the egg has already been released from the ovary, and the sperm that has entered the uterus is still alive. However, there is an opinion that the egg has a short lifespan and must be fertilized within 12–24 hours, otherwise it will die in two days.

From the first to the seventh day after fertilization

After conception, the cell begins to actively divide in geometric progression, so in a few days a zygote is formed with a complete double set of chromosomes, which has 58 cells and fits into 1/3 of a millimeter. This active activity occurs in motion - the zygote moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus with the help of villi, in order to finally gain a foothold there for the next 9 months.

The zygote gradually transforms into an embryonic vesicle - a blastula, consisting of an outer layer of small cells (blastoderm), which form the outer shells of the embryo during development, and large cells (blastocoel) located inside. By day 4–5, the embryo should reach the uterus. If by this time he has not achieved the goal, then an ectopic pregnancy may occur, which requires immediate medical intervention.

On the 6th–7th day of life, the blastula becomes overgrown with small villi, which cling to the walls of the uterine cavity, ready to meet the embryo and become looser, with overgrown vessels. After successful implantation, the villi become smaller, and the placenta begins to form at the attachment site.

Second week of new life

Experts call the beginning of the second week the first critical period, because at this time the embryo is not protected from the effects of teratogenic factors (radiation, infections, chemicals and drugs) and may not attach tightly enough. In this case, the pregnancy may be terminated and the woman will begin menstruation.

During the normal course of the initial stage of pregnancy on days 10–11 future baby has already comfortably settled in the uterine cavity, and the blastula has divided into 2 vesicles - ectoblastic and endoblastic. The cells of the ectoblastic vesicle begin to fuse with the uterine mucosa and form the umbilical cord and buds nervous system. The embryo reaches approximately 1 millimeter in length. 13 days after the release of the egg into the tube is considered the deadline for completion of implantation.

Third week (from 15th to 21st day)

From day 15–16, the embryo begins to develop gender characteristics (at the cellular level), blood vessels, neural tube, and brain structures. The embryo produces immunoprocessor proteins that are foreign to the mother's body, because they belong to the father of the unborn baby, and the uterus must try to accept them. At this stage, the embryo will already be visible on the ultrasound scanner monitor as a small dot in the uterine cavity.

What happens at the same time to the mother’s body?

Women who listen especially carefully to their internal state and wait for pregnancy to occur know about the main signs of successful conception, but experts believe that until the embryo has attached to the wall of the uterus, not a single reliable sign can be noticed. On average, the preimplantation period lasts 7–10 days.

First week after conception

In the first 7 days after conception, while doing her usual things, a woman most likely will not notice any serious changes, but especially sensitive expectant mothers may notice the following signs:

  • on the first day you may feel tired;
  • on the second and third days - a slight increase in body temperature and symptoms of a mild cold or malaise due to increased estrogen production and an increased load on the immune system of the expectant mother;
  • day 4 – periodically there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, bloating or gas formation;
  • on the fifth day, basal temperature indicators remain at 37 degrees due to the acceleration of metabolic processes and the creation of a comfortable environment for the formation of a zygote, slight chills and periodic attacks of dizziness may occur;
  • Days 6 and 7 may be remembered by the expectant mother as a feeling of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, similar to premenstrual pain, and faint pale pink or brownish discharge due to embryo implantation.

Second week: changes begin

From the moment the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, more obvious signs changes that may alert a woman and prompt her to buy a pregnancy test:

  • fatigue and malaise;
  • signs of physiological mastopathy - engorgement of the mammary glands (swelling, darkening of the areola, increase in breast size, pain, increased sensitivity);
  • sudden mood swings due to hormonal changes;
  • change in food preferences, aversion to certain smells;
  • absence of the usual manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (migraine, pain in the lumbar spine and lower abdomen).

Third week: missed period - time to take a test!

The period from the 15th to the 21st day is the time when the woman has already realized that her period did not come on time and she should try some kind of pregnancy test. The modern pharmacological market offers many different devices with varying degrees of sensitivity - cassette, inkjet, electronic, tablet, reusable and disposable. Each woman decides for herself which one to choose. Experts believe that using the test is not the most reliable way to check the body for pregnancy. It is advisable to donate blood, do an ultrasound, or visit a gynecologist.

Most expectant mothers note that it is from the third week that constant drowsiness and increased sexual desire. Also at this stage, the formation of Montgomery tubercles occurs - small bumps resembling pimples or goose bumps located on the areola of the nipple. Experts associate the protrusion of the parapapillary glands with preparation female breast to feeding a baby.

Subjective signs of pregnancy: feelings of the expectant mother

It is not in vain that specialists conduct special clinical studies after implantation of the embryo, because before the implantation of the embryo, most of the signs may turn out to be a confirmation not of the onset of pregnancy, but of the development of an inflammatory process, gynecological diseases and other pathological changes in the female body. The following sensations of a woman that arise at the initial stage of pregnancy are considered subjective signs:

  • drowsiness, malaise and weakness;
  • changes in taste and olfactory preferences;
  • sudden changes in mood (tearfulness, apathy, excessive touchiness, depression);
  • frequent urge to urinate (may be a symptom diabetes mellitus, cystitis or kidney problems);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system and intestines;
  • nausea;
  • increased breast sensitivity.

Objective signs

A specialist must reliably determine the onset of pregnancy by conducting the necessary studies and examination. There are many signs that can be determined upon examination: cessation of menstruation (amenorrhea), softening of the uterus in the isthmus area (Horwitz-Hegar symptom); mobility of the cervix (Gubarev and Gauss's sign), development of asymmetry of the uterine sac at the site of attachment of the embryo (Piskachek's sign). There are two objective signs which can be checked expectant mother at home, - measuring the level of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and basal temperature indicators.

Increased hCG levels

The hCG hormone begins to be produced from the moment of implantation of the embryo, or from the 13th day after ovulation, and its concentration gradually increases in accordance with the gestation period. By the second trimester, its level stabilizes and begins to gradually decrease. It is this hormone that all pharmacy tests react to.

Experts have developed a table to help determine the correspondence of the amount of hormone to the weeks of pregnancy:

Basal temperature measurement results

Basal temperature is the body temperature at rest. Most often, it differs by several divisions from the usual indicators. Basal temperature is measured in the morning after sleep before waking up. During ovulation, it rises to 37–37.3 degrees, and then decreases to the usual levels.

If fertilization has occurred and the body begins to intensively produce progesterone, the basal temperature does not decrease. The absence of an elevated temperature may be an unfavorable signal, indicating a lack of progesterone and threatening termination of pregnancy.