What paint to quickly lighten hair from dark. Lightening black hair

The simplest experiment on appearance is hair coloring. Many of the fair sex try many various means, shades before finding your own, the most suitable, creating an unsurpassed style, image. Experiments are not always successful, so it is often necessary to lighten dyed hair. How to do this as efficiently as possible, without causing excessive harm to the curls, let's try to figure it out.

Lightening dark colored hair

When the result of coloring upsets, I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Is it possible to lighten an unfortunate shade? Fighting dark tones is a complex, ambiguous process. It may be necessary to repeatedly cleanse the acquired pigment. The bright coloring disappears gradually, the color becomes redder, lighter. The main thing is to be patient, strictly follow the recommendations.

What you need to know before the procedure

Dark-colored hair with great difficulty lends itself to the procedure for expelling an alien pigment. Artificial coloring does not go away at once. The use of chemicals in this case causes significant damage to the hair. Each subsequent manipulation of color removal should be done with caution. Careful monitoring of the condition of the curls is inevitable. Weakened by numerous actions of aggressive substances, curls require special treatment. Therapeutic measures for nutrition, moisturizing, recovery will make up a complex of care.

Note! It is more effective to lighten dark-colored hair with special chemicals. Folk recipes can help, but the process will be delayed. The result of such actions may vary depending on the structure, condition of the curls.

In order for the lightening procedure to be more effective, and the curls to suffer less, it is necessary to create conditions for them:

  • apply cosmetical tools on a sulfate-free basis;
  • minimize the use of styling products (varnish, gel, foam);
  • refuse styling with high-temperature devices (hairdryer, ironing);
  • exclude cosmetics designed to maintain color;
  • perform care using substances of natural origin (masks, oils).

Use of chemical brighteners

Lightening of dyed hair, even with the help of potent agents, is carried out in several approaches. In this case, the curls will lose less health, and the effect of the impact will be maximum. There are several options for lightening dyed hair with chemicals:

  • flush;
  • peroxide;
  • shampoo;

The wash is applied to dry curls according to the instructions. The exposure time will depend on the available color. The clarification procedure is completed by washing, neutralizing, intended for this type of substance. This method violates the structure of the hair by oxidizing the pigment. Washing in combination with an oxidizing agent, shampoo, blondoran, water is designed to get rid of the intense color obtained with persistent dyes. Each stage is accompanied by a mandatory thorough washing, drying of the hair. It is best to take a week break between stages. The procedure is extremely harmful to the hair, so subsequent comprehensive care is required.

Advice. Applying balm or nourishing mask in the end, it will have a positive effect on the curls.

Lightening dyed blondes

Knowing how to lighten dyed hair for blondes is also useful. Sometimes the shade obtained during artificial pigmentation is not planned. Fair-haired people also want to get rid of excessive coloring as soon as possible.

Owners of natural light brown usually endowed with a thin type of curls, and the hair of natural brunettes is weakened by constant bleaching, so before deciding to lower the tone, you need to think carefully, really assess the condition of the hair.

It is much easier to give a lighter shade to the owners of artificial coloring in light brown tones. A problem that often occurs in this case is the appearance of yellowness. It depends on the natural color, the shade in which the curls are painted.

If, nevertheless, the blonde decided on further clarification, you should first prepare for the procedure. For 1-2 weeks, refuse styling, nourish the strands (general recommendations were indicated earlier).

Lightening chemicals

The same clarifiers are suitable for blondes as for brunettes, only it is worth resorting to drastic measures in exceptional cases. The available light hair coloring allows the use of less aggressive formulations for this purpose. These include highlighters:

  • oils;

Such compositions contain less aggressive components, take care of the hair, give a lighter shade to the curls. Ready-made products are much easier to use, there is no fear of making a mistake in proportions.

A great way to lighten up a blonde is to do highlighting. This option is especially suitable for owners of thin hair - it will give visual volume. There are various techniques for lightening the strands, giving a completely different look to the hairstyle. If desired, highlighting can always be turned into a uniform more light color.

Folk remedies for lightening blondes

It is much easier for blondes to get lightening of dyed curls with the help of folk remedies. You can use drugs of a milder effect, it will take less time to get the desired effect.

The same means are used as brunettes (except for cinnamon - it will give a redhead). The result will not keep you waiting. Rinsing with the addition of lemon juice or chamomile infusion (500 ml of water, 150 g of dried flowers brew, insist until cool, strain) helps to gently “remove” the color. Chamomile can be insisted on vodka for 2 weeks, add 50 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Moisten the strands with a solution, hold for 15 minutes, rinse in the usual way.

Note! The effect of lightening from such exposure will be noticeable immediately, but the hair may become noticeably drier.

For blondes, natural honey (linden, acacia is better) will be an effective method of gentle lightening. The product is applied to curls, insulated. The mask can be left on all night. Honey creates the effect of "pickling".

You can effectively lighten dyed hair if you approach this issue correctly. Curls can be deprived of color intensity gradually. In this case, it will be possible to preserve their health, gradually achieve the desired result.

Useful video

In this video, Xana Sher demonstrates how to remove black dye from hair.

In this video, Nastya shares her experience of using Estel color off wash.

Crow-colored curls make a woman strict and mysterious. But for some, this shade can add a few extra years. But what if you don't like the result of a radical image change? How to remove black hair color quickly and without harm?

In order not to harm the strands, return natural color hair, you need to consider some nuances.

  1. If compositions based on henna and basma were selected for coloring, then it is almost impossible to get rid of the dark color.
  2. For weakened and thin hair, acid brighteners, soda and ammonia should not be used - this leads to severe loss. It is better to use products from herbs and other natural ingredients.
  3. Washes based on acids and soda can be applied 1-2 times a year, otherwise the curls will become very dry, brittle.
  4. After any clarifying composition, it is necessary to apply a conditioner, use mild, neutral shampoos.

You should not try to return the natural shade to the hair quickly - haste can cause irreparable harm to the hair, it will take a long time to restore the strands.

How do you lighten hair in salons?

If the curls are painted black, paints of light shades will not be taken. It is necessary to first remove the black pigment from the strands. To do this, you can turn to professionals or use folk recipes at home.

When removing a dark color in the cabin, the strands are evenly coated with a special chemical preparation. But even experienced craftsmen cannot always predict what the final result will be after washing.

What methods are used in salons:

1. Bleaching with special compounds allows you to make dark hair 3-4 tones lighter. The agent is applied to the strands, without affecting the regrown roots. Often, after lightening, the curls acquire a reddish tint, it will be possible to paint over it only after 12-14 days. The main disadvantage - the high content of ammonia in such products causes severe allergic reactions, the curls become brittle, begin to fall out intensively.

2. Oxidizing dyes are a very aggressive way to wash black dye out of your hair. However, they are less effective, greatly destroy the structure of the curls.

3. Highlighting, coloring, ombre staining - alternative and relatively safe methods discoloration. Individual strands gradually lighten up, the hairstyle looks more voluminous, over time, you can achieve a uniform light shade of curls and at the same time maintain their length and health.

4. Cutting your hair is a radical method that will allow you to try on a new look with a short haircut.

Professional products for home use

As an alternative to going to the salon, you can use professional washes or correctors for dark curls at home.

Wash overview:

  • Color off - wash from Estel, one of latest developments to get rid of black. Allows you to remove the dark pigment at home, while not disturbing the structure of the strands.
  • A professional remedy from Brelil - acts quickly, after half an hour you can lighten the strands by several tones.
  • Efassor from L'Oreal - acts gently to completely bleach hair at home, it will take 3-5 procedures.
  • Syoss clarifier - there are 3 types that differ in the degree of impact on the strands. The least concentrated agent makes curls 1-2 tones lighter. The strongest drug brightens strands by 9-10 tones.

You can prepare a wash yourself, which will allow you not only to get rid of black, but also turn into a blonde. To prepare a brightening agent at home, you need to mix peroxide and Supra or Blondoran powder in equal parts. Spread the mixture evenly through the hair, stepping back 0.5 cm from the roots. For a more even discoloration, wrap each strand with foil. After 45 minutes, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

The procedure must be carried out three times - after the first wash, the hair color will become bright red, then it will gradually lighten. After bleaching is completed, you can dye the strands in the desired shade.

Safe way to lighten hair

At home, it is easy to make a gentle remedy for getting rid of black color based on natural oils. This method cannot be called fast, but it will make the shade of the strands lighter, heal and strengthen the curls. It is necessary to carry out an oil wrap 2-3 times a week.

What oils can be used:

  • olives;
  • burdock;
  • linen;
  • almond.

You need to take 15–40 ml of any oil, heat it in a water bath, apply hot to dry, dirty hair. Wrap your head with a plastic bag and a terry towel, periodically you need to warm the towel with a hairdryer. You need to keep the mask for at least 1 hour, and it is better to leave it all night. Oils draw out artificial dyes from the hair, return the natural shade to the strands.

home remedies

Can be used at home effective masks to remove black hair color without harm, or use improvised means.

Laundry soap is an alkaline product that quickly neutralizes artificial coloring pigments. You need to wash your hair with shampoo, whip up a stable soap foam, distribute it evenly over the entire length of the hair, leave for 3-5 minutes. Rinse the strands well with warm water, wash them again with shampoo. The disadvantage of the method is that the paint is not always washed off evenly; after the first application, the hair can become spotty.

Soda acts on black hair like a scrub, allows you to eliminate coloring pigments. You need to mix salt and soda in a ratio of 1:10. The mixture is gradually diluted with warm water until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained. It needs to be distributed over all the curls, warm the head, leave for 40 minutes. Wash off in the usual way, rinse with herbal decoction.

What is necessary:

  • kefir of any fat content - 500 ml;
  • olive oil - 10 ml;
  • ordinary or sea salt - 10 g;
  • raw yolk.

Combine all the components, distribute the mass over all the curls, insulate the head with cling film and a towel. The mask can be washed off after 40 minutes, to enhance the effect and eliminate the unpleasant odor, you can rinse the strands with a decoction of chamomile.

Cinnamon is an anti-black brightening agent that nourishes and strengthens the strands. Mix 30 g of cinnamon powder and warm honey. For oily hair, add 1 egg white, if the hair is dry - 1 yolk. Beat the mixture until a homogeneous consistency, apply to the strands, leave for 2 hours. You can do the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Lemon juice will help restore the strands to a light shade. Grind the peeled fruit in a blender, distribute the mass over all curls, warm the head. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask, apply burdock oil to the strands. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash your hair in the usual way.

Regular ascorbic acid will help restore the natural color to the hair. Mix 20 vitamin C tablets with 120 ml of shampoo, use the vitamin product for daily hair washing. The method works slowly, the strands lighten gradually, but evenly. This shampoo will keep the hair healthy, strengthen it, accelerate growth.

It is difficult to make the color lighter without harm to the hair - the use of professional and folk methods does not always allow you to get the expected result. To preserve the beauty and health of hair, it is better to choose alternative methods - cutting, lightening individual strands.

Lightening dyed black hair is no easy task. Even many professional hairdressers do not like to take on such work. However, there are situations when we are ready for a lot, just to get rid of the black color and become lighter. It is possible that the experiment with coloring in black turned out to be extremely unsuccessful, it is possible that the individual reaction was not what you expected, or maybe the constant dark color just got tired. The biggest problem is that the black pigment is very stable, it impregnates the hair, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it or neutralize it. And yet you can try, because it doesn’t work out only for those who don’t do it.

Ways to lighten dyed black hair

The easiest way is to turn to professionals who will take on such a difficult task. They will accurately select the concentration of components, calculate the exposure time. If it was decided to do it on your own and do the clarification at home, then you need to be very careful, weigh all the risks and opportunities. The most important thing is to try not to harm the hair. Of course, the procedure for lightening black hair cannot be absolutely harmless, but it is likely to minimize the negative impact.

Attention! Be sure to consider two important points: lightening black hair should be done in several steps, this will help save your hair, and second, if you did henna coloring not so long ago, then the result of lightening with chemicals can be unpredictable.

For clarification, two main methods are used:

In the first case, the process will go much faster, however, the hair will suffer more. With the help of folk remedies, you can lighten up with little or no harm to the hair, but you will have to be patient. If with the help of chemicals you can lighten up in 2-3 doses, and in some cases in 1, then for the same result when using folk remedies, you may need 10-12 procedures.

Brighten up with chemistry

So, the most important thing is the maximum possible respect for the hair, so keep in mind that it is better to neutralize the black hair color only in three or even five stages. How many specific procedures you need depends on the condition of your hair, the dyes and bleaches used.

Chemicals for lightening dyed hair:

  • wash,
  • pickling,
  • Deep cleansing shampoos.

Advice! If for the first time you decide to lighten your dyed hair yourself at home, it is better to first consult with a hairdresser, which method and what products should be chosen. Read the instructions for all the selected products very carefully and follow them exactly.

How to use a wash

This method is the most harmful, but with the help of some professional tools you can even get rid of black paint in one procedure if you go to a beauty salon. At home, it is better to use more gentle products, because there is a high risk of burning your hair. The fact is that the compositions for washing split the structure of the hairs, which allows you to wash out the coloring components from them. Such an action is in any case aggressive, and the hair weakens, becomes dull, can break and fall out.

When should you pay attention to washes? This option is suitable in cases where the issue of black neutralization is particularly acute, when there is no time to wait for natural hair regrowth, and looking at yourself in the mirror is simply unpleasant. Unfortunately, this also happens.

For effective clarification, it is recommended to use blondoran. A professional clarifier will allow you to remove black paint as quickly as possible. When choosing a wash, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product, to the level of clarification, depending on the initial tones.

To remove the old color, the product is applied to dry strands, withstand the time recommended in the instructions, while controlling the lightening process. After that, the head is washed with shampoo and a product is applied to neutralize the aggressive components of the wash. Usually the method of neutralization is indicated in the instructions. When the treatment is finished, it is worth using a recovery mask, because the hair after the procedure loses its protective layer and becomes vulnerable to any influences. Before the next coloring, be sure to let your hair rest for a couple of weeks.

Tips to help you lighten black hair by six tones yourself:

We use a dressing

Etching essentially acts in the same way as a wash, that is, it neutralizes the coloring pigment through oxidation. As a result, the hair is degreased, the scales open, the rate of metabolic processes increases, and the hair becomes discolored. The etchant acts more gently than the wash, so it harms the hair much less and is more suitable for home use.

Most often, hydrogen peroxide is used as an etchant. This tool is aggressive in itself, so it is necessary to observe its concentration and withstand time.

How to lighten with hydrogen peroxide

We buy peroxide at the pharmacy. Usually a 3% solution is sold there, this is just what you need. Pour the product into a spray bottle for easy application to hair.

Step by step lighting:

  1. Preparation: put on gloves, old clothes that you don’t mind ruining.
  2. Hair should be washed and slightly dried with a towel.
  3. Be sure to comb thoroughly, this will help make the color even.
  4. Apply peroxide to your hair with a spray bottle. You can do this by dividing your hair into strands, so it's easier to check if they are fully processed.
  5. Leave the peroxide on your hair and watch the result. After about half an hour, you can already check the degree of clarification. To do this, wash off the solution from one strand and see if the color suits us. Keep the peroxide on your hair for no more than an hour.
  6. Rinse your hair and apply conditioner.
  7. If necessary, repeat the etching procedure until the desired result is obtained, but not earlier than the next day or every other day.

More details about the benefits and procedure of clarification.

Attention! Be careful, if you feel discomfort, itching or burning after applying peroxide to your hair, wash it off immediately.

Advice! To speed up the action and enhance the effect, use heat. To do this, you can wrap your head in foil and heat it with a hair dryer.


With the help of shampoo, of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the black color of dyed hair, but you can make it not so radical. Using a shampoo with deep cleaning properties will help wash out the coloring pigment faster and make the hair more sensitive to the use of natural lightening agents. This is due to the fact that deep cleaning shampoos penetrate deep into the hair, lift the scales and remove all impurities. Their PH value is higher than conventional products, so they help reduce the protective fatty layer of the hair and make it possible to get rid of dark color faster.

Do not expect miracles from using shampoos, they will not turn you from a brunette to a blonde, but will only help soften the color.

A deep cleaning shampoo is used in the same way as a regular one, but professionals do not recommend using these products on their own at home.

Advice! If you take a regular shampoo and add a small amount of citric acid or lemon juice to it, you get a mild deep cleansing agent. The acid helps to neutralize the color, as it destroys the coloring pigments.

Lightening folk remedies

If the issue of lightening dyed hair is not very acute, that is, it is not required to radically correct the color, then folk remedies can be used. They will help lighten by 1-2 tones, but without harm to the hair.

Folk remedies for clarification:

  • Lemon juice,
  • Chamomile decoction,
  • Kefir,

These simple products are applied as a mask, they degrease the hair to some extent and neutralize the black pigment. To enhance the effect, oils, for example, olive or burdock, are added to the clarifying agents, and the head is warmed with a towel after application.

If you make brightening masks twice a week, then after 3-4 weeks you can completely get rid of the black color, moreover, without harming your hair at all.

So, if you have dyed black hair and need to lighten it, choose one of the methods, but be sure to keep in mind that the more noticeable and faster the effect comes, the more aggressive the product will be. If you have strong healthy thick hair, then you can try to take a chance, but if it is thin and weakened, then you should carefully consider the need for lightening, and it is better to have it done by a professional hairdresser.

Today it is rare to find a woman who has never changed the color of her hair in her life. This is the simplest and affordable way change appearance.

However, if used incorrectly, bleaching at home can lead to annoying problems: hair fragility, dryness and lifelessness. How to properly carry out such a procedure, consider below.

General rules

If your curls are painted in dark colors, and you want to radically change your appearance and make them lighter, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Black hair can acquire a beautiful light color if it is first lightened, and only then a dye is used. Any coloring changes the structure of the hair, but the wrong one can also lead to overdrying and brittleness.
  • Staining should occur smoothly: first, the regrown part is covered, and then a shade is selected a tone lighter. Do not touch the colored tips, otherwise they may be damaged.
  • When using natural ingredients, make sure that you are not allergic to them. Apply the product you want to use on the skin in more sensitive areas (back of ear and inside of arm).

The benefits of natural dyes

Although advertising for various products for changing the color of curls promises a beautiful, rich shade, it is silent about how much damage these dyes do to hair. Quite another thing - natural ingredients.

Masks made at home will not only not spoil the curls, but also significantly improve their condition. Instead of harsh synthetic procedures, you can improve your hair: it will become stronger, softer, more obedient and stop falling out.

Chemically dyed hair is bound to become brittle and dry. And this does not depend on the cost of the dye - the bleaching process is always accompanied by such an effect.

When using natural ingredients, a huge advantage is their availability and the ability to carry out the procedure at home. So, to lighten your curls will help:

  • chamomile;
  • lemon;
  • cinnamon;
  • kefir.

The only drawback that can be noted in natural dyes is the repetition of the procedure - black hair does not lighten instantly.

Brighten with honey, lemon and chamomile

To protect your hair from the negative effects of aggressive dyes, you can try to lighten them at home using natural ingredients.

  • Honey. An excellent product that perfectly saturates and moisturizes the hair. Since honey contains a natural enzyme that produces a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, this product can also lighten. After several manipulations, honey can lighten the hair a little, giving it shine. Honey can be applied directly to dark hair on the principle of a mask. You can add water to thin the honey. It is applied to slightly damp curls, a special cap is put on and left for 30-40 minutes. Removed with shampoo. You can combine honey with olive oil (in equal amounts) and distribute through the hair. The principle of the mask is the same as the previous one. For saturation, you can add half a banana to the mask. Honey can be combined with conditioner. Apply on a clean head.

  • Chamomile. A great way to lighten hair at home without harm. Put the chamomile in a container, fill with water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 30 minutes. Get a strong decoction. After it cools down, filter it. After applying the decoction, the hair should dry naturally and preferably in the open air. To change the color of the curls, you can 2-3 tbsp. add spoons to shampoo (conditioner). There is also the option of using a decoction for rinsing. If you want to lighten your hair, such manipulations should be repeated 2-3 times a week.
  • Lemon. For decades, this fruit has been used to bleach curls at home. Its juice is effective for light colors, but it can also be used for black. Under the influence of the sun, citric acid revitalizes and opens the hair follicle to cleanse the pigment. Because, after using it, you need to use air conditioning. To achieve the desired effect, masks are made 3 times a week.

Dilute lemon juice and water in a 1:1 ratio. Pour into a spray bottle and generously distribute through damp hair. Dry in the sun. Rinse them afterwards to get rid of the dullness.

Combine a little lemon juice with honey, olive oil or chamomile decoction. So you can not only lighten your curls, but also nourish them.

Cinnamon, Amla oil and kefir

Dyed hair already has a broken structure. Therefore, to lighten them, it is advisable to use products at home that will help restore their health. As strange as it may sound, regular cinnamon is a great way to lighten your hair without harm. The only feature is that the curls will have a reddish tint.

  • Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons ground cinnamon with 4 tablespoons conditioner. Apply the mass to the roots and distribute along the entire length with a comb. At first, you may feel a slight tingling of the skin, but this passes after a few minutes. Wrap with polyethylene and keep the mask for at least 4 hours. Some recommend leaving overnight. At the end of the procedure, wash the mixture thoroughly.

  • 0.5 cups of honey, 200 ml of conditioner, mix ground cinnamon. Apply to washed hair over the entire surface (without touching the scalp). Wear a hat or plastic bag, wrap with a towel. Keep 1.5 hours. Rinse thoroughly after the procedure. The curls will be the lighter, the more often such a mask is used.
  • Cinnamon (4 tablespoons) can be supplemented with honey (200 g) and olive oil (3 tablespoons). Mix all components and dilute with water. Distribute through hair and leave for 4 hours. Wash your hair with shampoo. After bleaching with cinnamon, the hair will have a pleasant aroma. An excellent tool for coloring even gray hair is an Amla oil mask. Carry out the procedure at least 3 times in 7 days.
  • 3 art. tablespoons of oil, juice of 1 lemon and a little water, stir until a slurry is formed. Apply to hair and keep for 2-3 hours. After the procedure, wash your head. It will help to lighten your hair without harm and ordinary kefir. The valuable elements contained in it simply magically act on the hair structure. With kefir, you can not only change the tone of curls at home, but also restore the structure and accelerate their growth.
  • You will need: 50 g of kefir, 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac, 1 egg, a teaspoon of shampoo, juice of 0.5 lemon. Mix everything properly and spread over the entire surface. Cover the head with a film and insulate. Keep 8 hours.

Clarification with hydroperite

If you want to lighten your hair as soon as possible, and the duration of natural procedures does not suit you, you can resort to other means. But such a decision can be risky. For example, you can bleach curls with peroxide.

This method is the cheapest and most affordable, because hydroperite tablets can be purchased at any pharmacy. In order not to harm your hair, you must strictly adhere to the technology. The concentration should be no more than 30% (1 tablet per 1 ml of water). Each type of hair requires its own concentration.

It happens that after dyeing the hair, their color turns out to be somewhat darker than expected. It is not difficult to lighten dyed hair, it is enough to know a few secrets.

How to lighten dark hair?

You can lighten dyed hair with citric acid shampoo.

The duration of the procedures and the quality of hair lightening depend on the applied paint. You can speed up the wash of color by some procedures:

  • Wash your hair immediately after unsuccessful painting with a deep cleansing shampoo that washes away some of the paint from the curls.
  • Do not use cosmetics for color fastness.
  • Apply oil compresses to the curls, which eat away the coloring pigment.

In addition, a conditioner with lemon juice will help to gradually lighten dark dyed hair. To do this, add the juice of one lemon to any suitable conditioner, apply the product as needed.

How to lighten dark hair at home?

Hot oil compresses will help lighten hair without damaging its structure. To lighten dark hair, burdock oil is used, which is evenly distributed over the strands. To improve the effect during the procedure, put on a shower cap, and then wrap your head with a towel. This mask can be left overnight, and in the morning wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.

Soda masks quickly and effectively lighten hair by one tone. Baking soda is mixed with water to a mushy state and applied to the hair, being careful not to get on the skin. The duration of one procedure is about 15 minutes. After the soda mask, the hair is softened with a balm.

A quick and noticeable result is given by a mask based on lemon juice and chamomile infusion. Pharmaceutical chamomile is brewed in a glass of boiling water, combined with the juice of one lemon and a couple of tablespoons of castor oil

Naturally dry hair can be bleached with kefir. It will not only remove the coloring pigment, but also improve the structure of the curls. To prepare the mask, use 2 tbsp. l. kefir, cognac, juice of one lemon, egg yolk and a spoonful of shampoo. All components are mixed and applied to dry, clean hair. During the procedure, the head is warmed with a towel. Maintain the mask for 30 minutes.

Lightening dark hair without harming its structure is quite simple. It is enough to try out a few of the above tips. Remember that the effect of home procedures does not appear immediately.