My family's coat of arms. Family coat of arms. Examples of family coats of arms, photos, projects

You may not have even thought about creating your own coat of arms, but after this article you will definitely want to make one. Family coats of arms are gaining popularity, they are used in the form of stamps, painted on the garage for everyone to see, and so on. Sure, your neighbors will be jealous, but who needs happy neighbors when you have an awesome coat of arms?

If you've ever wondered how to create a coat of arms - and you've certainly had this thought if you've watched Game of Thrones - today is your lucky day. In the Middle Ages, coats of arms were identifiers of families and individuals. The emblem helped to find out who was hiding behind the knight's armor. Today, a family crest is simply a cool family logo that you can show off or print on a T-shirt for the purpose of family reunification.

So, the first thing we need to do to create a coat of arms is to choose a shape. These three general shapes are most often used in the creation of coats of arms. You can download them if you want.

In our example we will use the shield shape. You need to draw this shape with a pencil (and in general you need to make a pencil sketch of the entire coat of arms).

At the bottom of the shield we draw a ribbon on which the family name will be located. If you want, you can skip this step and simply write the name below the coat of arms. Then you need to prepare this tape by drawing guide lines. Draw parallel lines where you want the top and bottom of your letters to be and mark the middle of the tape with one line.

The example uses the surname “Mayeda”. You need to first write the last name on a separate piece of paper and determine where the middle of the name is. In our case, the surname consists of six letters, so it is easy to understand that the middle of the name will pass between the letters “U” and “E”. There is a great trick: start writing a word from the middle (as done in the photo below), and then add the rest of the letters.

We will use the Roman style. It's bold and strong looking, but you can use any style for your crest. Don't be afraid to be creative.

Modern families often place their initials in the center of the coat of arms. You can do the same, or you can draw whatever you want in the center of your coat of arms.

Now we will need to conduct a kind of brainstorm and come up with what the family coat of arms will include. To do this, make a list of everything that can describe your family. In our case, this list will look like this:

  • Engineering (both spouses are engineers)
  • Paris in springtime (what Diana loves)
  • Aikido (Roger practices this)
  • Woodworking (Roger makes great things out of wood)
  • Books (Diana sells books)
  • New Mexico (where the couple live)

This list will help you figure out what to draw on your coat of arms. In our case, there will be aikido swords behind the coat of arms.

Then we will draw the Eiffel Tower. On its own it looks a little bare, so we'll add some cherry blossoms as a nod to Roger's fascination with Japanese culture. Elements of nature (flowers, leaves, fruits, vegetables) can always be used with peace of mind if you need something to fill the empty space.

Then we draw some detail (engineering), some aloe (New Mexico), some calligraphy pens (woodwork), and some lines around the & symbol (as a reference to the New Mexico flag).

Well, let's use these very elements of nature. The branches framing the coat of arms mean nothing. They simply create visual interest.

Now that you're happy with your pencil sketch, it's time to start the actual work. You can draw over the pencil lines, or you can transfer the sketch to another sheet of paper. Using an example, we will translate the sketch, since we would like to have a clean coat of arms without hints of a pencil. To do this, we need something that can illuminate both sheets, and a window is perfect for this role.

You can use any tool for your coat of arms. Be it pencils, wax pencils, acrylic paints, ink, whatever. We chose watercolor. Choose colors that you think will harmonize with each other.

Then draw as many details as possible with the selected tool.

If you are using watercolor, you can apply the paint using fountain pen to draw fine details.

Draw all the elements and your coat of arms is ready!

Great, isn't it?

If you still haven’t decided what your coat of arms should be (or you simply don’t have time for such work), then pay attention to such a simple design, which can also be called a coat of arms.

The process of drawing such a coat of arms is the same as in the previous case: you choose the shape that you think will suit you.

Inside the form you need to draw guides, and then use them to draw the first letter of your last name. Again, feel free to use any style or font you like.

Then draw roses (as in the example) or any other botanical elements.

And we also paint this coat of arms in watercolors.

Again, we remind you that you do not have to use watercolor. Choose the instrument you like.

When you have finished coloring your coat of arms, you need to draw it all up with a regular pen.

Trace your initials with a pen.

Once you've completed all the other lines, wait a couple of minutes for the ink to dry before erasing the pencil lines.

And you're done! This emblem will take 10 minutes of your time, but it can also make a big impression (because who else has a family crest? Hmm?)

Although we all do not belong to the well-born aristocracy, a family coat of arms put together can become a powerful symbol of a strong, friendly family and continuity of generations. In addition, its creation, as a rule, turns into a fun activity for both children and adults. Dads and moms willingly study articles on heraldry on the Internet, creating a unique coat of arms that will probably live for many more generations.

Interesting materials from teachers on organizing classes on family coats of arms, ready-made solutions on this topic, illustrated with drawings and photographs, are presented in a wide range on the pages of this section.

Entertaining child-parent heraldry in MAAM style!

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All sections | Family coat of arms. Examples of family coats of arms, photos, projects

Presentation for the project in the second junior group “Family Coat of Arms” 1. Relevance project : Modern parental distance families from instilling in children the moral values ​​of their ancestry. Now, in a period of instability in society, there is a need to return to the best traditions of our people, to its age-old roots, to such eternal...

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Type of project: creative, short-term, information-practice-oriented. Age and composition of participants: 15 families of senior pupils preschool age. Time planned for project implementation: 3 weeks. Problem: lack of ideas about history, traditions,...

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Family coat of arms. Examples of family coats of arms, photos, projects - Photo report “Coat of arms of the Klimenko family”

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In our kindergarten“Sunshine” of the city of Nolinsk hosted a review-competition “Coat of Arms of My Family!” All 11 groups took part in the competition. The purpose of this competition: Formation of a value attitude towards family traditions, fostering a sense of respect and love for your family, educating...

To draw coat of arms And flag Russia, first look at their pictures in a book or on the Internet. This will make your work easier and help you complete the drawing correctly. Study carefully coat of arms. Working on the image of an eagle figure with attributes requires attention and accuracy. In order to make a drawing, you will need auxiliary lines and calculation of proportions.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - ruler;
  • - colored pencils or paints.


Take a piece of paper and place it vertically. It's better to portray coat of arms And flag on separate sheets. For the preliminary drawing you will need simple pencils and a ruler. First draw coat of arms, which is a figure of a double-headed crowned eagle with the image of the historical Moscow coat of arms and on the chest.

In the center of the sheet, draw a vertical rectangle with rounded bottom corners and a pointed bottom. Using a ruler, divide the rectangle in half with a vertical line. Then draw four horizontal lines dividing the rectangle into five equal parts. These auxiliary lines will help you correctly draw the eagle figure and its accompanying attributes.

At the level of the top line, outline the tops of the crowns with ribbons, draw eagle heads with an open beak and protruding tongue, and two necks merging into one. Since the eagle's figure is symmetrical, try to depict the details together. That is, if you draw one head, immediately draw another. Draw a large crown in the center above the eagle's heads.

The second line runs at the level of the upper side of the historical coat of arms and Moscow, located on the chest of an eagle. This coat of arms is the same rectangle with rounded ends and a pointed bottom. It contains a figure of a horse with a rider holding a spear and striking a serpent. Draw this composition schematically; you should not draw all the small details. From coat of arms and draw the open wings of an eagle.

The third line runs along the lower border of the Moscow Historical coat of arms A. From this line, start drawing the eagle's paws. In the right paw, draw a scepter in the form of a rod, decorated with a gold tip and rings. On the left, draw an orb, which is a golden ball with a tip in the form of a cross. The fourth line separates the segment in which the image of the eagle’s tail, which is five stylized feathers, is located.

After you have completed the drawing coat of arms and with a simple pencil, start coloring with colored pencils or paints. You will need the following colors - yellow, black, red, blue, white, gray. First, color the eagle figure in yellow, draw the entire outline of the feathers in black, then proceed to the details - attributes of royal power, crowns, coat of arms u. After that, cover the entire background with red. Drawing coat of arms and ready.

To draw flag Russia, take a sheet of paper and place it horizontally. Draw a rectangle whose width is 2/3 of its length. Divide the rectangle into 3 equal horizontal stripes, color the bottom one red, the middle one blue, and leave the top one white. Trace the outline flag A dark color. The drawing is ready.


  • who is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia

The family is a separate “state”. It has its own foundations, rules, hierarchy. Like any state, a family must have its own coat of arms. It should express all family principles and objectives. Children are often given a goal in kindergarten or school - to draw their family coat of arms. This makes it easier for teachers and educators to find out how the family lives and what goals it has for itself. There are many templates for such drawings on the Internet, but it is still preferable to draw the coat of arms yourself.

Before you transfer the family coat of arms to paper, you should think about how it will look. It is important that it reflects all the family's values, views, dreams and prospects. This is not just a drawing. The family coat of arms allows you to understand where each family member stands. It is especially important to analyze it if the drawing was drawn by a child.

It is important to take into account all the nuances: the shape of the coat of arms, its color, the arrangement of elements, the symbols used and the motto. All these parts fully characterize family values.

The special science of heraldry helps to draw the coat of arms correctly. But the children are not familiar with it, so they draw from the heart. Therefore, the end result always comes out real, sincere, even if visually done with blots.

A child can turn to elders and ask about his “roots.” Then the drawing will be more saturated with elements. Perhaps the family has its own heirloom that can be included in the image.

A selection of drawings depicting family coats of arms will help you create your own version.

If family members have hobbies, then they should definitely be used. Psychologists always pay attention to the order in which the child places them. Whose hobby was drawn first is considered by the child to be the leader in the family.

You should also consider the main motto that will be printed on the family coat of arms. This could be a well-known phrase or personal thoughts. The main thing is that the motto is concise and reflects the goals and objectives of the family.

What the family strives for can be reflected not only in the motto, but also on the coat of arms itself.

You can also enter the family name. This will immediately lead to the idea that it is the family coat of arms that is in front of the person.

The drawing can be supplemented with appliqué. This will make the coat of arms look more voluminous.

Whatever option is chosen, it is important that the image does not go against the values ​​of the family. Otherwise, such a coat of arms will not become its “face”.

Family coat of arms drawings for school

Often, getting to know students at school begins with the task of drawing a family coat of arms. Such a drawing for school will help the teacher figure out what priorities the family sets for itself, and how respectful the child is towards his family.

What does the teacher pay attention to? The first is whether the child drew the coat of arms himself or whether his parents helped him. This will immediately indicate how independent the student is.

Also, an experienced teacher with the makings of a psychologist will immediately note:

  1. What colors does the child use: gray, black shades will indicate a depressed psychological state.
  2. How will he place the coat of arms on paper: will he draw it small or will the drawing take up the entire sheet (the second option indicates that attention is paid to family values ​​in the family).
  3. How many elements is it divided into: if there are 4 family members in a family, and on the coat of arms there are only 3 cells with relatives’ hobbies, for example, then the child has a tense relationship with one family member. He deliberately ignores him.
  4. Is the child’s “I” present in the drawing: some children leave a separate place on the coat of arms for their image. If such a prototype is in the center, then the child has egoistic tendencies and considers himself the center of the family “universe”.

After analyzing the family coat of arms, teachers always ask the student to tell them about it personally and recommend presenting their drawing. This makes it easier to conduct a pedagogical analysis.

Before you begin the creative process, you should develop an action plan. And it should include the following points:

  • selection of the form of the coat of arms;
  • choice of colors;
  • selection of one or more basic characters;
  • additional elements that will emphasize the individuality of the family coat of arms;
  • writing a motto.

A lot also depends on the correct visual presentation. Therefore, you can bring your drawing to school in a frame under glass.

How to draw a family coat of arms 5th grade, step by step

Fifth graders are independent children with their own vision of what is happening. They approach the task openly and try to depict the foundations of their family in the drawing as truthfully as possible. If high school students can embellish the coat of arms in order to idealize it, then 5th grade students practically do not hide information. This principle allows teachers to get to know students and their families better.

To understand how to draw a family coat of arms in 5th grade, you should develop a step-by-step algorithm of actions.

First, you should think about the concept of the drawing: what symbolism can fully characterize the family, what hobbies and values ​​are considered key, etc.

At this stage, it is important to give the child time to comprehend the theme of the coat of arms.

Now you need to decide on the form. It can be different: simple or more complex. In 5th grade, children can draw even the most bizarre shapes. If you give their imagination freedom, an original family coat of arms may be “born.”

If the shape turns out to be clumsy by hand, then it is better to use a template. You can use a ruler with templates geometric shapes or print these from the Internet.

Then you should select a background. It is important to have basic knowledge of color selection: colors must be combined with each other. It is also important to maintain a sense of proportion here. Too flashy colors will distract from the main idea of ​​the family coat of arms.

Now you can move on to filling out the coat of arms. What can become the central image:

  • family photo;
  • general hobby, passion;
  • type of activity (family business);
  • symbols representing the family as a whole or each of its members individually.

Such symbols include animals, plants, birds, mythical creatures, etc. Children in the 5th grade are already familiar with mythology, so this topic can be used. For example, take a griffin or phoenix as a symbol.

It is important to pay attention to small details and the framing of the coat of arms. Schoolchildren at this age can draw a beautiful ornament.

In the middle, the coat of arms can be divided into several parts. Each is dedicated to a specific family member. You can depict an object that characterizes a person. For example, flowers if mom is into floristry, or a piano if dad is a musician.

At the bottom you can write the family name or a general motto.

The coat of arms can be fully drawn or partially appliquéd. There are also coloring books - family coats of arms.

Family coat of arms drawings of children in kindergarten, step by step

Children's drawings in kindergarten are varied. They also draw the family coat of arms. But educators begin to get acquainted with it in the middle and older groups. Children in the nursery and younger group too young to understand the essence of this task. But older children will be able to learn how to correctly draw a family coat of arms and present it already in kindergarten.

The task should be completed step by step. First, educators are required to conduct an introductory conversation:

  1. Explain what a coat of arms is and its history. Episodes from the story of knights and family coats of arms are very captivating for children, so you can focus on this.
  2. Explain how a family coat of arms differs from a simple one.
  3. To convey an important point - you need to draw based on your family.
  4. Talk about the main components of such a coat of arms.

From the technical side, the procedure will go like this:

  1. Children should pick up simple pencils and draw the outline of the coat of arms on paper.
  2. Now draw additional elements. You can also cut them out of colored paper and glue them to the outline of the coat of arms.
  3. Using paints, markers or colored pencils, draw each element.
  4. To make the coat of arms three-dimensional, individual elements can be cut out and glued with glue.
  5. You can also use glitter, stickers, stickers.

It is important to explain to children the structure of the coat of arms. If they know what it should consist of, they will be able to quickly draw what they have planned.

The family coat of arms has the following components:

When children in kindergarten are first introduced to the family coat of arms, they should not immediately take on complex options. We need to start simple so that children understand the essence of the process and understand their task.

Over time, the process becomes more complicated, and already in preparatory group Children can master more complex sketches of coats of arms.

Family coat of arms drawings for kindergarten samples templates

If in kindergarten you were given the task of drawing a family coat of arms, then samples and templates will come in handy. They will allow you to complete the task faster and also inspire new ideas. Such drawings for kindergarten should fully reveal the theme, and the child should also present his work and tell why he considers this particular coat of arms to represent his family.

Below are 3 options that are worthy of being an example.

A very symbolic design: each element represents a family member. In the middle is a child (the tree suggests that he remembers his roots). A dove is a symbol of peace (can be attributed to dad), blooming roses are a mother, and a good-natured animal is a brother or sister.

Another version of the family coat of arms, which depicts the passions of each family member.

The family coat of arms can take the form of a flower or leaf, for example.

Family coat of arms coloring book for children

The family coat of arms in the form of a coloring book for children can be an excellent alternative to drawing. This option is suitable for anyone who does not have artistic talents. You just need to download such a coloring book from the Internet, arm yourself with felt-tip pens, pencils or paints and decorate the coat of arms at your discretion.

The advantage of this method of creating a family coat of arms is that you can find very original options online. These cannot always be invented and implemented on your own. The disadvantages include the fact that such images are difficult to adapt to your specific case. If a child wants to write in his motto or paste in a photograph, then this should be in harmony with what is already depicted on the paper.

Examples of 5 such coloring pages:

Drawings on the theme of family coat of arms options

Drawings on the theme “Family coat of arms” can be varied. If a child has a vivid imagination and developed creative abilities, then you can be sure that the family coat of arms will come out unusual.

The top 3 options will show that you shouldn't avoid experimenting. The main thing is to portray everything truthfully. Sometimes it is difficult for a child to choose correct images, which fully characterize each family member. A little help from adults and now the family coat of arms is ready.

A small but bright option:

Advanced family coat of arms:

A simpler option:

Family coat of arms drawing 6th grade with description

A sixth-grader can make a complex appliqué or drawing—the family coat of arms. Children of this age skillfully handle paints, glue and scissors. In 6th grade, children already understand the purpose of this lesson - to talk about their family through symbols. Therefore, they take the creation of a coat of arms seriously.

It will look impressive if you make it voluminous. To do this, the drawing should not be drawn, but laid out from separate cut-off parts. This application is reminiscent of books with three-dimensional drawings, when the picture is not just glued to the paper, but there is a distance between them.

Drawing - coat of arms of a 6th grade child’s family with description:

This is the kind of family coat of arms a sixth grader can make with his own hands. At the top you can enter the family name. If space allows, this element can be placed at the bottom.

The coat of arms itself has a classic shape, but is framed by monograms. This is a good combination, because a too complex form of the coat of arms would “draw” attention to itself.

A yellow background was chosen - a symbol of wealth, comfort, warmth. A dotted pattern will add originality.

You can also choose other colors if you need to convey different information:

In the middle the coat of arms is not divided into separate parts. The horse symbolizes loyalty, nobility, generosity. The color of the horse is white, which is also symbolic. This indicates purity of thoughts and kindness.

At the top above the coat of arms is a photograph of the family. This photo exudes family comfort and love. Below is the main motto of the family.

The monograms of the coat of arms are painted in different colors. It looks appropriate against the classic yellow background.

Each element of the coat of arms is cut out and glued to paper. Your child will need the following material:

  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • blanks in the form of photos, printouts of monograms and coat of arms.

How to draw a family coat of arms drawing 4th grade, in detail

To explain in detail to a child in grade 4 how to draw a family coat of arms, you should first tell the story of its origin. The coat of arms first appeared in the 10th century and first denoted a person's property.

After a short pre-story, it will be much easier for children to portray what they have in mind.

In 4th grade, children have every chance to make a coat of arms of a more complex shape. First, they should decide on the shape and “filling” of the coat of arms. The middle can be divided into parts: equal or not.

Once the desired background color has been selected, you can proceed with the active action:

  • take a pencil and sketch the coat of arms;
  • use paints or markers to decorate the “middle”;
  • write in beautiful handwriting family motto(you can even enter the family name);
  • outline the contours of the coat of arms. If there are shortcomings, they should be eliminated;
  • fill in the background around the coat of arms. To do this, you should choose a light tone (sand, cream, etc.).

You can also use a family photo. If you harmoniously glue it to the coat of arms, the result will definitely impress others.

If a child cannot figure out what his family coat of arms should look like, you can show him a few examples.

It is also important that the child actively present his work, tell why he chose certain elements and style. This will help others form a more accurate opinion about him and his family, and this is also a plus for the student himself. Such public speaking shapes one's personality.

You can tell us about your family different ways: words, music or video. Or you can draw your family coat of arms and include in it all the values, principles and goals of your family. This is a subject of analysis for teachers and educators and pride for children.

The family coat of arms of a family, no worse than a photo of its members, is capable of capturing the memory of relatives and demonstrating the cohesion and unity of generations. This is an artistic depiction that reflects the personal qualities, occupation or achievements of family members. Drawings for a family coat of arms have a deep meaning, so choosing them is not so easy. To make it easier for you to understand how to depict a family symbol, determine the shape, color and figures, there is a special science - heraldry. Based on this ancient and interesting science, we have selected some useful, simple and understandable recommendations for you. You can create a family emblem that will decorate your home, part of your history and ancestry. And describing and demonstrating the result of your joint creativity to your descendants will become a beautiful family tradition.

How to draw a family coat of arms with your own hands step by step

The emblem must not just be an image, but must comply with certain canons. This is what the drawing should look like according to the rules of heraldry:

  • The main element is drawn in the form of a shield.
  • There should be shield holders on the sides (animal figures, floral patterns).
  • At the bottom, the shield is framed by a ribbon with the family motto.

In the photo you see a family coat of arms template drawn in pencil. It indicates exactly how and in what sequence the elements should be arranged. Each of the components plays a special role and has its own meaning. These features must be taken into account when composing an image so that it turns out not only bright and beautiful, but also symbolic. And now it’s time to turn to heraldry again and talk about how to draw the family coat of arms of the family with your own hands using these elements, talk about their role and find out what they are intended for.


The shield was chosen as the most important and largest component of the emblem, and not by chance. Previously, there was a belief that he protects the family, protects its members from enemies and evil forces. Its shape is copied from real battle shields. That is why they amaze with their diversity, because since the Middle Ages, knights of different states have used shields of the most diverse, bizarre designs to hide from enemy weapons. In heraldry, the following types are distinguished:


  • French (old and new)
  • Spanish
  • English
  • German
  • Polish
  • Swiss
  • Italian


  • square
  • diamond-shaped
  • round
  • oval

You can guess from the name that national shields previously reflected the location of the clan and the country of its origin. Such figures look much more attractive and intricate, but they are also more difficult to depict. Since your children will also want to draw a family coat of arms, it is better to choose simple designs - an oval, a rhombus, a circle or a square. Your sons and daughters will definitely cope with this task. Or you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with your own version. This will make your image even more individual, special and interesting.

Images that have a connection with family members are placed on the shield. Although they are in the same space, they need to be differentiated so that it is clear whose line and drawings it is not to merge into one incomprehensible, chaotic and disorderly set. To do this, the shield is divided into several parts, in each of which a symbol of a particular representative of the clan is placed.

Coat of arms figures

They carry the meaning of the emblem and convey important information about family members. Figures are divided into heraldic and non-heraldic. Let's look at their main differences and types.


They are depicted as straight, oblique or broken lines and have a conditional meaning. In heraldry they are usually divided into honorary and simple. Honorable ones occupy a large area on the shield, about one third. These include:

  • chapter
  • extremity
  • belt
  • pillar
  • sling
  • rafter

The painted family coat of arms is described starting with the shield, and is immediately followed by a description of the honorary figures. Simple ones are their modifications: reduced, truncated, doubled. These include circles, pyramids, rhombuses, and arcs.


These are all other symbolic images: people, animals, plants, objects. They are also divided into two groups:

  • natural (images of plants, animals, people, celestial bodies, natural phenomena)
  • artificial (images of inanimate objects: blades, horseshoes)

Choosing a figure is a responsible and important stage when creating a family coat of arms. Let's look at the symbolism of the most common figures and their meaning.

  • Leo – strength and courage
  • dove - harmony
  • dog - eternal devotion
  • oak – strength of character, resilience
  • fish - material well-being
  • bee - diligence, love of work
  • dragon - power
  • rooster - fighting character
  • phoenix – rebirth, immortality, eternity
  • swan - affection, fidelity
  • book – knowledge, intelligence, wisdom

You can use these symbols and combine them, thus reflecting the individual set of qualities of each family member. And if you want to invent something of your own, come up with your own symbols. For example, animals that represent you or objects related to your profession: for a musician - his instrument, a red cross for a doctor, a board and a pointer for a teacher.

What does the color of the family coat of arms symbolize?

Color also plays an important role in composing your family tree logo. Each of them has a special meaning and meaning. Here are the main and most popular colors in heraldry:

  • white – innocence and purity
  • yellow, gold – justice, virtue, generosity
  • blue, light blue – truth, faith
  • red – love, courage
  • green – youth, freedom
  • black – humility, humility, modesty
  • purple – prudence, dignity

Colors can be used both to color the main element - the shield, and for additional details, images, backgrounds, letters and figures. They can be combined to indicate several important and significant qualities at once.

Family motto

At the bottom of the shield there is a ribbon framing the family coat of arms. The family motto is written on it - a short saying that has a special meaning for members of your family. It's great if you already have one. If not, no problem. Get together and come up with it together with your relatives. Use words that indicate your family principles, credo, views. A proverb, saying, or catchphrase can also serve as a motto. It has long been the custom that the most popular are wise sayings in Latin.

How to organize a presentation

We have already discussed how to draw a family coat of arms using templates. But you will probably want to show your creation to your close friends, relatives and acquaintances. To effectively present the emblem - the result of your joint efforts and the pride of the family, a visual demonstration alone is not enough. To make the description interesting, think through and prepare a detailed, exciting presentation in advance. Prepare a concise short story, talk to guests about shape and color, symbolism and figures. Explain why you chose them, what they represent and what meaning they carry. This way you will give your guests the opportunity to learn more about your family and demonstrate the cohesion of family members.

DIY family coat of arms ideas

The process of creating an emblem may seem complicated, long and troublesome to many. In fact, it all depends on your mood. If you really want to have a symbol of unity between your loved ones, you will find this an exciting and interesting activity. How to draw a family coat of arms easily? Involve as many relatives as possible in the creation so that you have many original ideas. Together, it will be easier for you to find information that will help you choose text, colors and designs. Remember places, events, dates that are important to your family. Ask what favorite activities and hobbies your parents, children or spouses have, list your family values. To avoid missing anything, make a list of what is especially important to you and your loved ones. All of these can be used as symbols on your coat of arms. It also makes sense to take an interest in the history of your family. Probably, events took place there or prominent personalities met, whose memory can be reflected on the emblem. Or it may turn out that your family already had well-born ancestors who had their own symbolism. You can borrow it or combine it with a new one, reflecting the continuity of generations.

Try to include all the most important information about your family in the picture. But don't overdo it. You should not overload the drawing, otherwise it will look ridiculous, and grasping the meaning of the images and connecting threads will be a difficult task. Remember that the optimal number of figures is no more than four. They will be quite enough to demonstrate the distinctive features and characteristics of your family.

How to draw a family coat of arms step by step

It is much better to sketch with a pencil than with paints or felt-tip pens. If unsuccessful, the image can be erased with an eraser and corrected. Collect everything necessary materials, call your relatives and get down to business.

  • Take a thick sheet of cardboard or whatman paper. You should not make a coat of arms from thin, fragile paper. It will look less solid and may become wrinkled or torn.
  • To make your logo large and beautiful, use a format of A4 or larger.
  • Use a simple pencil to sketch. First, draw the shape of the coat of arms and its main elements, then the figures and auxiliary elements
  • The shapes can be drawn on a separate sheet of paper or the images can be printed and then cut out and glued on top
  • Carefully cut along the contour using scissors or special paper knives. Create unusual decorative elements: patterns, monograms, teeth.
  • Color your logo with bright colors. Watercolors and colored pencils are not very suitable for this; it is better to take gouache, markers, felt-tip pens, multi-colored gel pens to trace the lines.
  • To decorate, use elements cut out of colored paper or fabric, shiny gels, and foil. Make a frame along the contour using braid or bright satin ribbon.
  • Post your family's motto. Letters can also be cut out, made voluminous, or simply written in a beautiful original font.
  • The result of your family creativity put it in a frame and decorate your wall with it. Or place your family crest next to a photo of your family members. Get a corner dedicated to your ancestry

As you can see, you can draw the coat of arms of your family with your own hands, at home, among your loved ones and without the help of specialists, artists and computer technology. This is an incredibly exciting and creative process in which both children and adults will be happy to actively participate. This is not only an interesting and educational form of leisure. Creating a family symbol is a great way to learn a lot of new, interesting and important things about your loved ones, pay attention to their positive qualities, remember and experience the most happy moments and events in your life.