How to knit booties for girls. How to knit baby booties with knitting needles and crochet with your own hands: step-by-step instructions, patterns for making simple booties, booties-socks and booties-shoes with a description of the knitting steps and photo ideas. How to crochet baby pins

Many young mothers, going on maternity leave, begin to create a "dowry" for their baby. Even if a woman was not fond of needlework before pregnancy, during this period she is often drawn to creativity. And if certain skills are required for sewing, embroidery or felting, then for knitting it is enough to be able to dial and knit loops. Therefore, one of the most common questions among mothers is how to knit booties for beginners.

There are dozens of ways to knit shoes for babies, which can be divided into two types: booties on two knitting needles and booties on five knitting needles. The first of them is more suitable for completely inexperienced needlewomen, as it does not require any special knowledge. The second type is a little more complicated, but it allows you to immediately create a finished shoe, without the step of stitching the work.

Basic concepts

For the knitting methods described below, the following skills will be needed: cast on loops, knit and purl, add and decrease loops, make crochets, close knitting, cast on loops on the closed edge and sew the product with a knitted stitch. Of course, any beginner can dial, knit and close the loops, while the rest of the methods are presented for clarity in the pictures.

Sizes of booties

Before starting knitting, you need to decide on the size of the booties. The easiest way, of course, is to independently measure the length of the baby’s legs, but if the child has not yet been born or the shoes are created “for growth”, then you should know the standard gradation of foot sizes:

  • 0-3 months - 8-9 cm;
  • 3-6 months - 9-10 cm;
  • 6-9 months - 10-11 cm;
  • 9-12 months - 11-12 cm;
  • 12-18 months - 12-14 cm.

In the descriptions below, all calculations are based on an infant up to three months old. You can increase the size of the booties by determining how many loops in knitting make up one centimeter and typing on the knitting needles the corresponding amount more. It should be borne in mind that products that are knitted on two knitting needles are then sewn along the sole, so the increase must be carried out by a double number of loops. Another way to increase the size of the booties will be thicker threads and knitting needles used in knitting.

Booties on two knitting needles

The easiest option for beginners is knitting booties on two knitting needles. In this case, usually one detail is created, which is then sewn with the same threads with a simple knitted seam, which makes the junction invisible externally and imperceptible to the delicate skin of the baby.

Bootees "Marshmallows"

These booties look very impressive and are suitable for both boys and girls. For young fashionistas, you can crochet the trim, sew on a bow or flower, and for future men, it’s more logical to get by with a simpler option - attach a pompom or button.

To knit such shoes, you will need two knitting needles, threads of two colors in a total of 30-50 grams, a hook or a needle for assembly, decoration (for example, two flowers).

Booties are knitted very simply:

  1. Dial 28 loops in any convenient way.
  2. Knit 52 rows in garter stitch: all rows are knit. The first loop is removed, then 26 front, the last one is knitted on the wrong side.
  3. In the 53rd row, close 8 loops, the remaining 20 knit 4 rows with a thread of a different color with the front surface: odd rows are facial, even rows are purl.
  4. Knit 4 rows in purl stitch: purl odd rows, knit even rows.
  5. Repeat this alternation of colors until you get 7 stripes of the main color and 8 stripes of the additional one.
  6. Close all loops.

You will get a part in the form of two rectangles that need to be sewn in several places:

  1. Fold the part in half, wrong side of the striped part up. Sew along the edge, matching the bottom and right parts of knitting.
  2. Pull the thread through all the edge loops of the top of the striped part, pull tight and tie tightly. The remaining small hole will then be covered with decoration.
  3. Turn the work over and pull the thread through the edge loops of the bottom side of the striped piece of knitting, pull tight, fasten and hem if a hole remains.
  4. With the same thread, sew the foot with a knitted seam. Stitching is not carried out to the end, otherwise the heel of the product will turn out to be too sharp. Connect the last third in the same way as the sock: pull the thread through the hem and pull it tight, forming a heel.

After that, the booties can be turned right side out, unscrew the sides and decorate to your liking. The assembly process of the product is shown in more detail in the figure.

Classic booties

This version of shoes for babies is more common and familiar than the previous model. Its creation is a little more complicated, since knitting a toe requires the knitter to be able to add and decrease loops.

For knitting, you will need two knitting needles, threads in the amount of 30-50 grams, a needle or hook for sewing the finished product, lace or ribbon.

Booties are knitted from the bottom up, from the sole:

  1. Dial 39 loops in any convenient way.
  2. Knit the first two rows, then continue in garter st (knit all rows) and inc four sts on each odd row:
    • in the 3rd row - one loop after 2, 18, 21 and 37 loops;
    • in the 5th row - one loop after 3, 19, 24 and 40 loops;
    • in the 7th row - one loop after 4, 20, 27 and 43 loops;
    • in the 9th row - one loop after 5, 21, 30 and 46 loops.
  3. The resulting 55 loops knit 15 rows of garter stitch.
  4. From the 25th row, knitting of the toe of the booties begins. First, knit the 31st stitch, knit the 32nd and 33rd stitches together, leave the other 22 stitches on the left needle.
  5. Turn the work over, knit 8 loops, and the 9th and 10th loops together.
  6. Continue knitting the middle 9 loops, constantly knitting the last 2 together, thus reducing the sides of the booties and forming a toe. So knit until 39 loops remain on the needles.
  7. Knit 6 rows in stocking stitch.
  8. In the 7th row, make holes for the lace. To do this, the first loop is removed, then two are knitted together, yarn over, two together, yarn over and so on until the end of the row.
  9. On the next row, knit all stitches, including yarn overs. In place of the crochets, holes will be obtained, into which it will then be convenient to thread the lace.
  10. Work 10 or more rows in garter st and cast off all sts.

To get a full-fledged bootie, it is enough to sew the connected part with a simple knitted seam along the back and sole. You can insert a lace or ribbon into the holes for convenient fixation of shoes on the baby's leg.

Booties on five knitting needles

It is possible that knitting booties for beginners in this way will seem too complicated. In fact, knitting on five knitting needles differs from working with two knitting needles only by an increase in the number of working tools.

Creating shoes for babies in this way can be divided into two types: knitting from the bootleg and knitting from the sole. In the first case, it will turn out to be a sock rather than a bootie, in the other, the product will resemble a shoe, as with two knitting needles. Therefore, in this section, only a simple knitting option will be considered, starting with the sole.

To work, you will need five knitting needles, threads in the amount of 30-50 grams, lace or ribbon, pompoms.

Knitting booties begins with the sole:

  1. Cast on 8 stitches and knit the first row on two needles.
  2. Next, knit garter stitch (all facial). From the second row, add two loops at the beginning and end of knitting (after the first loop and before the last). Make such increases in the 2nd and 4th rows.
  3. The resulting 12 loops knit garter stitch up to 32 rows.
  4. In the 33rd and 35th rows, decrease two loops at the beginning and end of knitting, knitting two together after the first loop and before the last.
  5. On the 36th row, knit all loops.
  6. Cast on loops along the edges of the resulting sole: 18 loops on the long sides, 8 loops on the short side.
  7. Knit in a circle 7 rows of facial loops.
  8. Knit the eighth row in such a way that 8 loops on one of the knitting needles remain untied. In this part of the work, the formation of the sock begins.
  9. Knit 7 loops, transfer the 8th loop to the left working knitting needle (on which there are 18 loops) and knit two together.
  10. Turn the work over, continue knitting only on a knitting needle with eight loops. Remove the first loop, knit 6 purl, knit the last loop together with the first loop on the next knitting needle.
  11. Continue knitting until there are 8 stitches left on all needles.
  12. Knitting the top of the sock can be done in any convenient way: front stitch (all knit in a circle), purl stitch (all purl in a circle), elastic (for example, elastic 1x1 - 1 front, 1 wrong) or any pattern you like.
  13. If desired, at the desired distance from the toe of the booties, you can make holes for the lace by knitting one row as follows: two together, yarn over, two together, yarn over, and so on.
  14. Tie the product to the desired height and close the loops.

The booties obtained in this way do not need additional seams. It can be decorated with decorative elements as desired and threaded with a ribbon or lace so that the shoes do not slip off the baby's legs.

Knitted booties for very young children. Master class with detailed description and photographic material.

Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, teacher primary school KEI KHMAO-Yugra "Lariak boarding school for students with disabilities".
Description: The ability to knit with knitting needles is extremely useful for all girls and women, but these skills are especially helpful for young mothers. Knitting children's products takes very little time, but it allows you to save a lot, as well as provide the kids with the necessary items of clothing and accessories.
The paper presents a description of white - pink booties.
Purpose: the master class is designed for craftswomen with basic knitting skills.
Target: knitting warm soft booties for children up to a year.
1. Development of fine motor skills of the hand, eye.
2. Cultivate the desire to make the product with your own hands.
3. Cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, bringing the work begun to its logical conclusion.
Materials and tools:
1. Needles number 2.
2. Yarn of two colors, combined with each other.
3. Sewing thread, needle.
4. For decor, you will need beads, rhinestones or satin ribbons.
For children's products, pick up soft yarn. It is desirable that the composition of the thread included fibers of animal origin. Then in any weather the baby will be warm and comfortable.

1. Booties are knitted from top to bottom.
Cast on 35 white stitches.

2. Knit 4 rows in garter stitch. Garter stitch is facial loops in both purl and facial rows.

3. After knitting 4 rows in garter stitch, knit 16 rows with a "fantasy pattern".
fantasy pattern:
1 row (white thread) - all loops are facial;
2 row (pink thread) - knit 1, remove 1 loop, as in purl knitting, thread at work (repeat until the end of the row);
3 row (pink thread) - all loops are facial;
4 row (white thread) - remove 1 loop, as in purl knitting, thread at work, 1 facial (repeat to the end of the row).

4. Next, only the white thread will remain in the work.
On both sides, leave 13 loops on the auxiliary knitting needles.
Knit the central 9 loops in garter stitch for 22 rows. This knitted part will be the toe of the booties.

5. Then, remove 13 loops from one auxiliary knitting needle,
dial 12 loops along the edge of the toe,
attach the central 9 loops,
dial 12 loops on the other side of the toe,
remove the remaining 13 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle.
13+12+9+12+13=59 sts.

6. Cast on 59 stitches, work in garter stitch for 12 rows.

7. For the foot, leave 25 loops on the auxiliary needles and knit the central 9 loops in garter stitch. Knit, grabbing 1 loop from the auxiliary knitting needle on both sides, knitting together with the last of the central loops.

Thus, you will form the plantar toe of the booty.

8. When 4 loops remain on the auxiliary knitting needles, knitting must be completed. To do this, close the remaining 17 loops.

9. Sew the sides with white thread and attach the heel to the sole.

10. Knit a second pair.
Our booties are ready.

11. You can decorate with satin ribbons or bright beads. Be careful with beads. Sew from thoroughly so that the baby cannot tear them off.

12. In order for the booties to sit comfortably and not fly off the child's sole, thread a decorative cord at the beginning of the bootleg.

The booties are ready and waiting for their little master.

They asked me to knit booties for a newborn 2 pairs.
Knitted by video:
№ 35 Turquoise booties on two knitting needles from Erbyagina Svetlana
Thanks to the author, everything is clear. It knits quickly, in three hours one bootie ... well, maybe someone will succeed faster.
For myself, well, maybe someone else will need to make a description of this video:

Booties on 2 needles
Calculation for age 0 - 3 months
Yarn - 100% acrylic "Children's novelty" 200m/50g. I have semi-wool.
Cast on 48 stitches.
1. p - Green color. Face loop.
2. p - faces of the loop.
3. R ​​- Edge, yarn, 22 knit stitches, yarn over, 2 knit stitches, yarn over, 22 knit stitches, yarn over, hem stitch.
4. p - face of the loop. (When knitting the crochets, we cross the loops, that is, we knit as inconveniently so as not to get holes).
5. R - Edge, 1 person p., yarn, 22 person p., yarn, 4 person p., yarn, 22 person p., yarn, 1 person p., edge.
6. p - Loop faces.
7. p - Kromochnaya, 2 persons p., yarn, 22 persons p., yarn, 6 persons p., yarn, 22 persons p., yarn, 2 persons p., edge.
8. p - Loop faces.
9. R - Edge, 3 persons p., yarn, 22 persons p., yarn, 8 persons p., yarn, 22 persons p., yarn, 3 persons p., edge.
10. p - Loop faces.
The sole is tied! At this point, you can remove the knitting from the knitting needle, fold the sole and use a ruler to check the length of the foot, if you need to add length, then follow the same principle in the description to knit a few more rows to the desired length.

White color. Knit 6 rows with front stitch (i.e., on the front side - the faces of the loop, and on the wrong side - the inside of the loop).
Kant is connected! It will need to be tightened at the end, while we knit further.


2 rows - face loops white.
2 rows - face loop peach color.
2 rows - face loops green.
The board is ready!
At this stage, there should be 64 loops. We divide them into 4 parts as follows: 12 / 20 / 12 / 20. Heel / side / toe / side.

Green color. We will knit the nose like the author's - rounded.
Knit: 6p faces, (half from the heel), 20p faces (side).
12 loops (spout) are divided into 3 parts: 3 / 6 / 3.
Knit: 3p knit, 6p knit, turn knit on the wrong side, knit 7p faces, turn knit on the front side.
8p faces, turn knitting to the wrong side, knit 9p faces, turn knitting to the front side.
Knit according to this principle until we get 12 loops in the middle.
We continue knitting, capturing one side loop in each rotary row, knitting them together. If the row is purl, then we knit the loops together with the front, if the row is front, then we knit the loops together with the purl.
We knit like this until 16 loops remain on the sides.
We knit to the end of the row of faces with loops, as we started this row.
The nose is ready!

1p.- Loop faces.
14 rows knit elastic band 1 * 1, or 2 * 2.
16r.- White color. Out loop. (For front side cuff)
6 rows knit in stockinette stitch. It must be on the wrong side! (Since at the lapel it will be on the front side).
Change the thread to green and knit 10 rows of faces with loops both on the wrong side and on the front. (If you have knitted everything correctly before, then you will start the first row of 10 from the wrong side).

2 rows of faces loops white.
We knit "Holes" - Yarn, 2 together, yarn, 2 together, etc. to the end of the row.
1 row of faces of the loop, (Knitting yarns, we do not cross the loops, because we need holes).
2 rows of knit loops peach color.
1 row of faces loops green.
Close loops.
Shaft, and the whole booty is ready! It remains to sew it.
Sew along the front side from the top to the end of the gum.
On the wrong side from the gum to the sole.
Sewing a piping:
- we pick up the needle of the darling of the loops of white yarn,
- we skip the thread without tightening along the entire length,
- tighten the thread in small sections.
We sew the sole.
Making twisted lace

We insert it into the holes, sew on the decor as desired and that's it!
…. It remains to repeat everything again!!!
Good luck and creative success!

2 years ago

From birth, mothers instill in their babies a sense of beauty. It all starts with comfortable, soft and warm clothing. Even before the baby has learned to walk, she needs shoes. In today's article, we discuss knitting baby booties with knitting needles.

Perhaps, in the wardrobe of every baby - both a boy and a girl, there are children's booties with knitting needles. Schemes, a description of such a product help even beginner knitters to master this science. It is worth a try, and you will see that only the walking one can do the road.

The first shoes of a person in life are knitted booties for newborns. Their schemes differ not only in model, but also in technique. Therefore, if you are just starting to learn the alphabet of knitting, knit simple booties with knitting needles with descriptions and patterns.

Advice! To make the booties seamless, they can be knitted on stocking needles in the round. Inexperienced knitters can get confused in circular knitting, so start by knitting a pattern of booties on two knitting needles.

Necessary materials:

  • soft yarn for children;
  • knitting needles of the appropriate size.

Step by step description of the process:

  1. Before we start knitting booties, let's decide on the density of knitting. Let's start by calculating the loops.
  2. Take your measurements first. You only need to measure the foot of the crumbs. In this master class, booties are knitted in a length of 8 cm. We determine by the size of the foot.
  3. We collect in the classical way on the knitting needles 27 loops.
  4. We start by knitting the upper part of the booties. Both booties are knitted exactly the same.
  5. We knit the upper part of one bootie approximately 3 cm in height. This is about 12 rows.
  6. We remove the edge loop at the beginning of the row, and we make the second purl. It is advisable to knit it in the grandmother's way.
  7. After knitting 12 rows with a scarf pattern, we proceed to knitting the 13th row. We need to knit holes for the laces.
  8. We knit the 13th row completely with the front ones, of course, with the exception of the edge ones.
  9. 14 row - paired, we knit it with purl loops.
  10. The rapport of the 15th row looks like this: we knit 2 loops at the same time with the front one, making a grip on the back wall, we perform a yarn over, better reverse. 1 loop remains in front of the second edge, we make it front.
  11. In the 16th row, we knit all the loops with purl. To leave holes for the laces, we grab the back wall.
  12. The upper part of the booties is tied, and we need to continue knitting the toe.
  13. We divide all the loops into three equal parts, that is, we get nine loops each.
  14. We transfer the loops on the right and left sides so far to curved auxiliary knitting needles, but it is best to use a knitting pin.
  15. We continue knitting the middle 9 loops.

  16. Having reached the 33rd row, we will capture the side loops. Let's work on the left side first. We insert the knitting needle into the edge loop in front and pick up 2 half loops.

  17. By analogy, we raise eight loops on the left. We get the original plexus at the point of lifting the loops.
  18. Further, the pattern of knitting booties with knitting needles is as follows. We knit all the loops on the front side.
  19. Turn the canvas to the opposite side. We knit the center of the booties and one side part with facial loops.
  20. We continue knitting booties for newborns by raising the loops on the right side. Next, we introduce a free knitting needle from behind and knit two loops at the same time with the front one.
  21. Just like on the left side, we lift up 8 loops. On the right, you should get a symmetrical pigtail.
  22. We knit all the remaining loops with facial ones. As a result, we get 43 loops on the knitting needles.
  23. We knit the side of the booties. We knit 12 rows with a garter pattern.
  24. From the next row, that is, on the front side, we proceed to knitting the soles of the booties.
  25. We divide the loops in this way: 17:9:17. We throw 17 loops on the right and left on the pins and leave for now.
  26. We will knit in height 9 loops in the middle.
  27. We knit and attach the loops of the side parts one by one.
  28. We remove the first loop of the middle row without knitting, and unfold the last one, while grabbing one loop from the side. We knit them together with a front loop.
  29. In the remaining rows, only the front ones, we do everything in the same way, but without turning the loop over.
  30. We knit the purl rows according to a different pattern. We knit every ninth loop of the middle part purl simultaneously with 1 side loop.
  31. We knit in this way only 34 rows. This will be the sole of the booties.
  32. Be sure to attach all the loops on the right and left.
  33. As a result, only 9 loops remain on the knitting needles.
  34. We knit the back of the shoe. We remove the first loop from the knitting needle without knitting.
  35. Knit the remaining loops of the row. We remove the last loop without knitting.
  36. With the left knitting needle we grab both half loops of the edge loop from behind.
  37. We move the untied loop to the same knitting needle and knit it together with the front edge. It is best to knit the loops in the grandmother's way, so the pattern will turn out more beautiful.
  38. From the wrong side, the row fits in the same way. We also remove the loop without knitting, but we only capture the latter from the front.
  39. We return the loop that was not knitted to the knitting needle. Only now we knit two loops at the same time on the wrong side.
  40. Thus, on both sides we attach nine loops.
  41. Next, we knit according to this rapport: we knit the first row with facial loops, the second, respectively, with purl loops.
  42. In the next odd row, 1 loop will be front, we perform a reverse crochet, we knit 2 loops at the same time and we knit a crochet. We repeat the rapport to the end of the row.
  43. In the pair row, all loops will be purl.
  44. We continue to knit with a garter pattern, capturing the side loops.
  45. When 9 loops remain on the needle, they must be closed in the classic way.
  46. It remains to crochet the laces, sew the booties.

Knitting booties with knitting needles is a very exciting activity for expectant mothers, because it's so nice to knit cute booties that will warm your baby's legs.

But if before you came across knitting only at school in labor lessons, you know only the basics of knitting and are afraid that you won’t be able to cope even with a small thing on your own, then our master class will come to your aid. These knitted booties for beginner craftswomen will come in handy. They With step by step description, photo and diagram of the sole.

We will tell you in detail how to knit a beautiful model of booties for a newborn, which can become the basis for your future creativity. For example, for knitting, or knitting.

These booties are designed for the fact that their child will wear up to 3 months. A little for growth. Sole length - 9 cm.

If you only need booties for discharge, you can go to a smaller size. Or, when knitting according to this pattern, use a thinner thread and a hook.

To create booties you will need:

  • yarn for knitting children's things - 25-30 grams (this is less than half of one skein);
  • stocking knitting needles No. 2.5-3;
  • hook number 2.5;
  • large needle for sewing knitwear;

Knitted booties for a newborn (from 0 to 3 months) - Master class for beginners with a diagram and description:

1. We will start knitting booties from the sole. We collect 8 loops + 2 edge loops on two knitting needles.

2. We start knitting with front stitch, i.e. The front rows are knitted with facial loops, and the purl rows are purl. We knit the first row without adding loops, and in the second we are already starting to make increases according to the scheme.

Picture Scheme of the soles of booties

3. We perform the increments as follows - we remove the first (edge) loop and insert a knitting needle into the jumper between the loops - we get an extra yarn, which we knit like a front loop. We also make an increase before the last (edge) loop.

4. In the third row, we also perform increases according to the scheme, and then we knit 7 rows with a straight cloth and again we knit a row with increases on each side.

5. Knit with a straight fabric for another 10-12 rows, depending on how long you need the sole. For an older child, respectively, we knit more rows, for a newborn, 10 rows will be enough.

6. Next, we perform rows with decreases in loops - for this, in front of the edge loops, we knit two loops together from the front or back, depending on the side on which the row is located. We do not close the last row.

7. We leave the last row on the knitting needle (the front row should be knitted last) and we collect loops for the side walls of the booties - 14 loops on the sides and 8 loops on the heel, the same 10 loops remain on the toe.

8. Next, we knit in a circle with facial rows, we knit 3 rows. In order for a ruffle to form on the booties, you need to perform the next row - we knit two loops together with the front, we make a crochet, then again two together with the front and a crochet. So we knit the whole row.

9. Next, we knit 3 front rows, which will relate to the frill. We knit the yarn over as one knit.

If you bend the knitted fabric at this stage, you will see "teeth" that will form a frill.

10. Now we knit 10 rows with front stitch - the fabric has formed the side walls of the booties.

11. It's time to close the sock. To do this, we will perform decreases on both sides of the toe. We knit the front row of the sock (10 loops), throw one loop from the adjacent knitting needle and knit it together with the last tenth loop of the row, which will form the toe of the bootie.

12. We unfold the knitting and knit the purl row, also throw the loop from the adjacent knitting needle and knit two loops together with the purl.

13. Thus, we knit the toe of the booties with knitting needles until 8 loops remain on the adjacent knitting needles.

14. We knit another front row of the sock, while making a decrease on each side. So we get 8 loops on each knitting needle.

15. Next, we continue knitting in a circle with facial rows. We knit 5 rows and perform 1 row in the same way as we formed a frill on the sole, i.e. two together front, yarn over and again two together. A ribbon will then be inserted into this row, which will fix the bootie on the leg of the newborn baby.

16. We knit another 5-7 rows and knit a row again to form "teeth".

17. We knit 3 more rows of facial and close the loops as follows - cut off the working thread (tail about 40 cm) and insert it into the needle for sewing knitwear. With a needle and the same working thread that was knitted, but cut off, we begin to close the loops - we lower one loop from the knitting needle and sew on at the level of the third row from the place where the row was made to form the “teeth”. So we sew all the loops on the knitting needles. We fix the thread from the wrong side and cut off the tail.

This is how a frill of “cloves” is obtained, by the way, in this way it is possible to process the edges of not only booties, but also blouses, as well as the necks and sleeves of various products.

18. Now we sew a frill on the sole of the booties. We fix the thread from the wrong side and on the front side we lay the seam “back with a needle”.

It turns out here is such an almost finished bootie.

19. Crochet a lace of 100 air loops.

20. Insert it into the holes on the booties and tie a bow.

21. Similarly, we knit the second bootie.

Now your baby's first knitted shoes are ready. You can decorate booties for a newborn according to your taste and imagination - beautiful baby buttons, beads, ribbons, ruffles and everything that is in your needlework bins can also be used.

booties knitted I got it - 9 cm. For a child from 0 to 3 months.

A master class on knitting booties with knitting needles for beginners was prepared by Nikonova Irina.