Types, names and colors of precious stones for jewelry and jewelry: list, brief description with photographs. How to distinguish a natural real stone from a fake, from glass in jewelry? Types and uses of black stones Black gemstone

Classification of precious stones. Varieties of precious stones by color. How to identify a real stone among the many fakes, imitations and hacks?

Today, jewelry specialists have a much more difficult time than their predecessors. If a few decades ago a genuine gemstone could be easily distinguished from a fake, even visually, then in the world of modern technology and progress it is almost impossible to do this by eye.

In addition to the well-known glass hacks, simulators of expensive stones made from cheaper minerals, on the market jewelry Today a new product has appeared - stone grown in laboratory conditions. Such a creation of human hands visually looks no worse than a mineral created by nature over many decades, but it costs several times less. How to distinguish a genuine natural stone from a fake or artificial stone? What precious minerals even exist?

What stones, gems and minerals are classified as precious stones: classification of precious stones

  • It will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand the complex classifications of precious stones. The fact is that today there are quite a lot of them: Sobolevsky, Kluge, Kievlenko, Gurich, Bauer-Fersman, etc.
  • In order not to dwell specifically on each of the classifications, we will try to create one, generalizing one, excluding facing stones from it:
  • The first category of stones is precious stones (the most expensive, valuable stones). This category of minerals includes diamond (brilliant), ruby, emerald, sapphire, alexandrite, etc.
  • The second category of stones is semi-precious stones (more common, but no less valuable). A similar category of minerals includes: amethyst, aquamarine, almadine, apatite, garnet, rock crystal, opal, quartz, topaz, tourmaline, zircon, chrysolite, etc.
  • The third category is jewelry and semi-precious stones. These include: agate, turquoise, amber, cat's eye, moonstone, lapis lazuli, malachite, jasper, tiger's eye.
  • Some classifications group stones into similar categories, however, they also divide minerals into classes. The class indicates the strength of the stone, its high cost and beauty.

Black gems: name, description, photo

There are so many minerals in nature that stand out for their black color. Some of them are so rare that it is almost impossible to find any information about them. In many cases, the name “black” stone can be considered relative, since in fact the mineral has a lighter or non-uniform color. Here are the most common black stones in jewelry:


Black diamond or carbonado

Black Diamond is the greatest rarity and value in jewelry. However, it is worth noting that it never reaches the level of jewelry, since its cutting and processing is very complex - it can only be done using the same stone. In the annals of jewelry there are only a handful of such stones, the most expensive of which was estimated at 1.7 million dollars. The other two became known as "Black Star of Africa" ​​and "Korloff Noir".

True black sapphire does not exist in nature. Almost all black sapphires are the work of scientists. They are obtained by processing blue sapphires. The few black sapphires that are of natural origin can hardly be called black, since their color is closer to the color of the sky at night. The most famous black sapphire is the Black Star of Queensland, worth $100 million.

This type of pearl is also difficult to consider truly black, since its darkness is softened by the mother of pearl of the pearl. However, the cost of such a curiosity remains quite high to this day. The rarest specimens of black pearls are collected in Tahiti in the corresponding museum.

This type of opal is considered one of the most expensive and valuable rocks. Most often, this mineral is found in deposits located in the least developed countries of the world, which causes numerous human losses during its extraction.

Black spinel is one of the most inexpensive types of black gemstones. Its cheapness is easily explained by the fragility of the stone and the complexity of its processing. Most often, spinel is used in needlework or jewelry in the form of cabochons.

Semiprecious stones

Black quartz or morion is the only representative of semi-precious stones of black color. This mineral is most often used in jewelry today. Externally, it has an opaque or barely transparent surface.

Jewelry and ornamental stones

In fact, black agate does not exist in nature. Only dark coal-colored minerals can be found. A rich black color can only be achieved through technological processing of this stone.

Other representatives of black jewelry and ornamental stones are: black onyx, obsidian, black jasper or jet, hematite, argillite and hypersthene.

White gemstones: name, description, photo

Naturally white or transparent minerals are considered the most expensive and valuable stones in jewelry. White gemstones include:

Diamond or diamond

It is a transparent diamond or an already cut part of it (diamond) that first comes to the mind of any person (especially women) when mentioning white precious stones. Indeed, this mineral is considered one of the most sought after. Its high cost is easily explained by the few deposits of this mineral in the ground. At the same time, only a small fraction of all mined diamonds are suitable for cutting.

Transparent spinel

Unlike its black counterpart, white spinel is a fairly expensive stone with a high strength. The impeccable purity and the fact that this mineral contains no impurities makes it even more valuable. White spinel is most often used in luxury jewelry.

Colorless topaz

With the naked eye, this mineral can easily be confused with a diamond. However, upon closer inspection, differences can be detected. In jewelry, it is customary to frame colorless topaz in noble white metals - gold, platinum.

Goshenite or colorless beryl

Goshenite is also very similar in appearance to diamond, but its shine can rather be called more chilling and restrained.


White pearls have always managed to captivate the fair sex with their warmth and tenderness. Oddly enough, in nature, pearls rarely have a round shape (such representatives are highly valued) - more often they are oblong and uneven. Pearls also have one more feature - their lifespan. If ordinary minerals will delight the eye with their beauty forever, then a pearl can “go out” at any moment. The lifespan of this mineral does not exceed 300 years.

Achroite or white tourmaline

This type of rock is very rare, since its deposits are located in only one point on the map. Achroite is quite rare in the form of jewelry. This kind of pleasure can only be ordered from a few jewelry workshops in the world.

Semi-precious white stones include: white agate, rock crystal and white opal.

Jewelry and ornamental stones can boast of the presence in their list of such white minerals as milky coral, white jasper, moonstone, and white-green jade.

Blue gems: name, description, photo

Blue or cornflower blue sapphire

Only an experienced specialist will be able to distinguish these two types of mineral by eye. Blue sapphire is valued somewhat lower than cornflower blue sapphire, but it is still considered a precious stone. As for the cornflower blue sapphire, in ancient times it was used only for inlaying royal outfits and jewelry.


Topaz is most often found in blue, but in nature it also comes in other colors - yellow, green, orange, etc. Topaz is not an overly expensive mineral. Most often it is framed in white precious metals - platinum, white gold. Such metals seem to emphasize its gentle radiance.

Already from the very name of the mineral, its origin and associations associated with it become clear. The marine color of this stone helps jewelers create masterpieces. blue color. Aquamarine lovers should pay attention to the fact that this mineral is quite fragile - exposure to chemicals, mechanical damage and heat treatment negatively affect its condition.

This color of stone is extremely rare, which determines its rather high price. Framed, it can only be found in exclusive creations by jewelers, which are often kept in private collections and cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Semi-precious blue stones include: zircon, chalcedony.
Turquoise, apatite, bezoar, and amazonite are considered ornamental blue stones.

Blue gems: name, description, photo



Lapis lazuli is a gemstone that is most often set in yellow gold. This mineral is believed to have strong healing and protective properties.

To semi-precious stones of blue color can be attributed to turquoise, the color range of which includes dozens of shades of blue, green and light blue.

Red gemstones: name, description, photo

Perhaps every person, when mentioning red gemstones, immediately thinks of ruby. This stunningly beautiful mineral is very widely used in jewelry. It is framed in various kinds of precious metals - gold, platinum, silver. A piece of jewelry inlaid with ruby ​​can be quite expensive - everything will depend on the metal, as well as the number and size of minerals. Since ancient times, rubies have been credited with many magical and healing qualities. This stone has always been associated with love, passion and desire.

Semi-precious red stones include garnet, zircon, carnelian, and coral.

Garnet, carbuncle or pyrope

In the myths of various ancient states there were very frequent references to this mineral. It was believed that pomegranate was able to heal many ailments and block the effects of poison and poison.

As for ornamental stones, the most famous representative of them in red color is jasper.

Pink gemstones: name, description, photo

Until recently, this soft pink gemstone was not classified as a separate subgroup - it was simply considered one of the varieties of amethyst. However, thanks to the works of the American Kunz (by whose name it was named), this mineral, based on its composition, different from amethyst, was nevertheless recognized as a completely different stone.

In the early 90s, kunzite attracted the attention of the entire public. He owed such popularity to the Kennedy family. The fact is that the American president, on the eve of his tragic death, purchased Jacqueline a ring inlaid with kunzite. But John was never destined to give the gift to his beloved wife - he was shot dead a month before the celebration.

Morganite or pink beryl

Morganite (in Russia sparrowite) is a rather rare mineral. Most often it is used to decorate products in the company of diamonds.

Rubellite or pink tourmaline

Rubellite is a fairly inexpensive, but no less beautiful gemstone. Its resemblance to a ruby ​​played into the hands of scammers in ancient times. It was this mineral that was used to counterfeit more expensive rubies.

Semi-precious pink stones include quartz, agate, and corundum.
As for ornamental stones, pink color nature often colors jasper, coral, rhodochrosite and rhodonite.

Green gemstones: name, description, photo

Naturally, the most famous green gemstone is the emerald. Few people know that in its original form this mineral can hardly be called beautiful - only after high-quality cutting can one recognize it as the king of green stones. Emeralds are most often framed in yellow metals. In white version they can only be found in company with white gold and platinum. The price of emeralds is sometimes simply fabulous - from $300 per carat.

Demantoid or green garnet

The high refractive index of the sun's rays of the demantoid raises it to the level of the most regal stone - diamond. Most often, green garnet is confused with emerald, although its color, unlike the latter, is closer to the color of grass. For one carat of this gemstone you will have to pay from $100 to $1000.

Green sapphire Burgundy tourmaline

Semi-precious garnet can also have a beautiful burgundy color.

How to distinguish natural stone from fake, from glass in jewelry?

It will not be difficult for a high-class jeweler or appraiser to identify the authenticity of a stone using special tools and devices. As for the inexperienced layman, it will be very difficult for him to distinguish a real stone from a fake. In such cases, professionals recommend using the following techniques:

  1. Natural stone, as a rule, is much stronger than glass or plastic fakes. If you run a sharp object over it, there should be no mark left on it. In this case, a scratch may form on the fake. But this method is relevant only when it is necessary to distinguish hackwork from a real stone - if the product uses a natural, but less expensive mineral instead of a top-level precious stone, then there is no point in conducting such an experiment.
  2. Natural stones have a cool touch. If you put a stone on your tongue or apply it to your cheek, it will remain cold for a long time. If the product uses glass or plastic, the stone will heat up quite quickly.
  3. Natural stones grown in the depths of the earth are rarely large, but artificial minerals created in laboratories can reach more impressive sizes.
  4. The color of natural stone is rarely very rich and bright. At the same time, creating hackwork of any color and shade is quite simple.
  5. You should not expect that a natural stone will cost a penny - the price per carat of a precious mineral can reach thousands and hundreds of dollars.
  6. When purchasing a product with natural stones, you can ask the seller to provide a certificate of authenticity of the stones.

In fact, all precious minerals have completely different chemical and physical properties. Therefore, the identification of each of them must be approached individually.

Gems: Video

How to distinguish a precious stone from a natural one: Video

Each gemstone is unique in its own way, because the color is formed during the formation of the stone due to impurities that have entered it. Particularly unique black stones, not many of them are known and each of them is quite rare. It is generally accepted that black stones, of which there are not so many in nature, symbolize something mysterious and mystical. Although for the most part these are just speculations related to the “insidious” color of the stone. Of course, nothing bad will happen to the owner of the jewelry, on the contrary, it will become better - the stone will protect against evil forces and improve health.

Black jet

From Greek this name is translated as black amber. This is a very dense stone with a characteristic shine. In other words, black jet is a fossil black coal that is very easy to polish and process. Like all stones, jet has its own properties. It is believed that it strengthens a person’s spirit, adds courage and relieves fears. Parents give jet to their children to prevent various diseases and misfortune. A talisman in the form of a black jet is perfect for pregnant women. If you wear it during pregnancy, there is a high probability of giving birth to strong and healthy children.


This rock characterized by low water content, the proportion of which is less than 1%. When rapid cooling results from the activity of rocks of homogeneous volcanic glass, obsidian is formed. The structure of this stone is glassy and lends itself well to polishing. Obsidian is considered a stone of caution; it can warn against rash actions and decisions. However, it is not recommended for initiative and creative people to wear this stone. Previously, jewelry and tools were made from obsidian. Now this stone is used in medicine to make thin blades and scalpels.


It is an almost opaque black silica or quartz. On a cut, morion can easily be confused with obsidian; both of them are never in crystals and have minor gaps. In appearance, morion resembles resin, which is why people often call it tar. This stone is considered a talisman of alchemists, wizards and magicians. It is absolutely safe for human health. Morion is a stone of power, so it was often used in satanic rituals to control the crowd.

Black tourmaline

Witch stone or black tourmaline is also called scherl. This stone is a silicate that contains boron, manganese, magnesium and aluminum. Tourmaline is black in color due to its high iron content. Sherl cleanses the aura and absorbs negative energy. Black tourmaline is a stone of protection; it protects its owner from the negative influences of the environment.

Less well-known stones of the above color have not been noticed in mystical and supernatural incidents.

The dark color of gems attracts people with their beauty and scares them away with the unknown. These minerals are endowed with magical properties. Black stone is loved by psychics and strong people. Dark gems are considered a source of spiritual power. They help you find correct solution in a difficult life situation. Precious and semi-precious black stones are very popular among connoisseurs. Products and jewelry made from natural minerals are called talismans.

List of popular stones dark colors:

  • sapphire;
  • diamond;
  • opal;
  • onyx;
  • nephritis;
  • tourmaline;
  • spinel;
  • pearl;
  • obsidian;
  • jet.

Dark colored gemstones

Black sapphire is considered a sign of wealth. It is given to influential people in gratitude for their deeds. This stone has strong magical properties. A talisman with sapphire brings good luck and heals many diseases. It encourages charity, diplomacy, and spiritual cleansing.

In jewelry stores you can find products with black diamonds. This is the name of a processed dark-colored diamond that harmonizes perfectly with clear stones. It absorbs light and captivates with its appearance. According to some scientists, this diamond is formed from cosmic dust. He is a conductor between people and space. Jewelry made from this diamond gives its owner extraordinary energy.

Spinel, with its sparkling black luster, is considered a noble mineral. This gem helps in love affairs and eliminates diseases of the circulatory system. Rings with a large spinel will help the owner find his soul mate. Noble minerals have the ability to heal. Carry the amulet close to the sore spot, and it will direct all your strength to get rid of the disease.

The black opal gemstone is a powerful talisman. It protects against troubles and negativity, and has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Alternative medicine even uses the water in which the opal was lying. It is believed that contemplation of the gem will lead to healing if you devote at least a few minutes a day to it. Receiving an opal stone talisman as a gift is considered great luck. He will bring love and happiness to the house.

Black tourmaline is considered a masculine gem. It eliminates timidity and gives determination. Tourmaline has a positive effect on all body systems. Products and jewelry made from this gem are in demand among connoisseurs. Tourmaline pleases with variety color range. But black stone is considered the most powerful mineral.

Pearls are a creation of nature that is quite rare in the world. in kind. Black pearls are valued just like diamonds. This is a feminine stone that prolongs beauty and improves the quality of life of the owner. Pearls have a beneficial effect on the entire body. If it fades, then this is a signal of the presence of a serious disease. Black gemstones should be given with pure intentions. In this case, they will bring joy and benefit to the owner.

Semi-precious gems

Interesting to know the name of the stone dark night. This is obsidian, which is widely used by psychics in magical rituals. This mineral was used in the past to make deadly weapons and medical instruments. Obsidian is able to keep its owner in good shape throughout his life.

Black jade protects travelers. There are legends about this natural stone; it protects against violence and the imposition of other people's opinions. In times of war and crisis, the gem helps to get rid of feelings of fear. Jade helps improve morale. This jewelry stone black color is recommended for elderly people to wear to avoid disappointment in life.

Ornamental dark minerals

Men and women who are in search of truth prefer rings with black stones. For males, a ring with a large dark-colored mineral becomes a symbol of power. Black onyx beads were popular among chiefs. It was used to remove damage or the evil eye. The black necklace scared away evil spirits. Onyx is considered a faithful assistant in any endeavor, in business. It brings good luck and happiness to its owner.

A black ornamental stone called jet is often used in jewelry. It is easy to process and has a low price. After polishing, jet figurines and jewelry acquire a beautiful shine. The variety of shapes of the products makes them attractive as souvenirs and talismans. Jet carries the secrets of generations. With its help, you can correct birth errors and change your destiny.

There are several theories about the origin of black stone. Some scientists consider them to be fragments of meteorites. Muslims interpret this phrase in their own way. The main thing is that natural black stones are part of nature. They are endowed with miraculous properties that have been tested for thousands of years. Jewelry with black stones adds elegance. They are popular because they go with any clothing and accessories. Trust the selection of precious stones to professionals. Jewelers will help you avoid fakes.

The black stone is known as a source of powerful energy and a symbol of elegance. Gems in the deep shades of the night sky are in demand in jewelry, costume jewelry and interior decor. The cost of rare types of black minerals can reach $1.7 million.

Black gems are endowed with magical beauty. They are given the characteristics of mystery and hidden power, both good and evil. Stones that reflect the colors of the night represent grief and anxiety in most cultures. At the same time, it is a symbol of power and success, an amulet of determined natures.

Black stones are endowed with great power

From the point of view of modern esotericism, jewelry with a black mineral effectively complements the image of a leader, emphasizing the strong-willed potential of the owner. They are able to enhance character traits such as self-confidence, independence, and determination. If they are worn by a modest and suspicious person, this is fraught with aggravation of the situation, since the evil power of the gem is triggered. Knowing which black stone has the necessary properties, you can independently choose an effective amulet or talisman.

Black gemstones

Black precious stones are distinguished by high physical characteristics and unprecedented beauty, both in their natural form and after processing.


The black stone is called carbonado. In origin it is not at all similar to the light samples of this class of various shades. Black diamond is mined almost on the surface layers of the rock, while the deposits of all other relatives are located deep in the bowels. Moreover, carbonados are approximately 4 billion years older than the light representatives of the class.

Interesting Facts:

  • The ranking of the most expensive black diamonds is topped by a 490-carat nugget. The cost of the sample is estimated at $1.7 million;
  • the famous “Black Star of Africa” of 202 carats impresses with a series of scandalous stories and phenomenal beauty;
  • The Korloff Noir diamond delights with its standard brilliant cut.

Diamond by nature has an exceptionally high level of hardness - 10 Mohs - and this determines the complexity of processing in jewelry. Such indicators are due to the unique structure of the mineral, consisting of millions of fused crystals.


The bulk of the world gemological community doubts the existence of black sapphire in nature. At the same time, a narrow circle of jewelers speaks of nuggets in the shade of the dark night sky as a unique type of stone.

It's interesting that:

  • 95% of black sapphires are a highly transparent mineral that, after heat treatment, displays a rich purple or deep blue color;
  • only 5% of dark sapphires have the color of the night sky;
  • Sapphire hardness level is 9 on the Mohs scale.

The Queensland Black Star sapphire from Australia is known for its impressive parameters and almost a century of history. A nugget weighing more than 1,000 carats was accidentally found in 1938 on the green continent. When the mineral was processed about ten years later, the sample lost about 400 carats. After cutting, the gem created a sensation in the form of a six-rayed star with a bright shine. If in 1949 the famous black sapphire was valued at around $1 million, by 2002 the cost of the crystal had increased to $100 million.


Black pearls are rarer than other varieties of opaque organic stone. The cost of a dark-colored mother-of-pearl ball with a diameter of 10 mm varies between $2000-5000 and more. In ancient times, pearl stone was valued on a par with diamond. The collection of the Black Pearl Museum in Tahiti presents the most valuable nuggets of this category. Pearl hardness level is 3-4 on the Mohs scale.


Transparent and translucent varieties of dark-colored gems are rare. Moreover, black spinel is characterized as one of the less expensive and valuable species of this class. The structure of the stone is fragile and does not have pronounced jewelry properties. Cabochons are mainly made from spinel, since the physical properties of the crystal do not allow jewelry processing with clear edges. The hardness of spinel on the Mohs scale is in the range of 3.58-3.61.


The mineral is held in special esteem in jewelry. Black opal is called a noble stone, since the value of dark translucent stones with iridescent iridescence is somewhat higher compared to other types of a large group. The cost of a gem depends on the purity of the spectrum and the number of color shades in the glow. Opal's hardness level on the Mohs scale ranges from 1.98-2.20.


The only representative of black semi-precious stones is morion. In the specialized environment it is called black quartz. Transparent and translucent types of the mineral have a uniform color. Exquisite jewelry is made from morion, and the stone is processed into a cabochon. In the old days, black morion was called the widower's stone; a ring with this gem was worn by men in mourning. It was also assigned complex magical properties and was called the gypsy stone. Morion hardness level is 7 on the Mohs scale.

Decorative and ornamental black stones

This category includes black gems with not very pronounced jewelry characteristics. Decorative and ornamental minerals are used to make exquisite jewelry, original interior elements, souvenirs, finishing details and accessories.


A common richly colored rock, coal agate is a recognized favorite among jewelry makers. There are no gem specimens with identical appearance in nature. Along with crystals of a uniform coal color, dark varieties of agate with multi-colored inclusions and unique impurities are also mined. The structure of natural inclusions, the unique pattern and tonality of the composition are impressive in their diversity. The hardness of coal agate according to Mohs is 6.5-7.


The crystal is highly valued by craftsmen for its decorative properties in the form of a huge variety of patterns and shades on the cut. Nuggets of a homogeneous structure are not found in nature, although at first glance they are a dark, monochromatic rock. Varieties of this unique jewelry and ornamental stone with red, white and green inclusions are widespread. Often the name “black jasper” refers to an absolutely monochromatic jet. The Mohs hardness of jasper is 6-7.

The stone called obsidian has an amorphous texture. Despite the opacity of the structure, patterned lines are clearly visible against the dark background of the nugget. The rock mineral, according to gemologists, was formed during the solidification of lava, it has the properties of volcanic rock. The Mohs hardness of obsidian is 5.


The mineral of red-black tonality in ancient times had fame as a stone of dried blood, hence the second name - bloodstone. Hematite is distinguished by its ability to be magnetized, which is not typical for minerals. The gem is difficult to process due to its high fragility. In ancient times, only decor and household items, including mirrors, were made from hematite; today this ornamental stone is often found in jewelry workshops. The Mohs hardness of hematite is 4.95-5.16.


Petrified wood – jet – is a fragile decorative nugget. At a heating temperature of just above 100°C, the mineral turns into a plastic base for the manufacture of beautiful products with a silky shine. The Mohs hardness of jet is 3.


Stanthienite, also known as black amber, is a fossilized pine resin that is one of the favorites of jewelry makers. The gem looks exquisite and is expensive. Stanthienite is known as a warm and kind stone, the origin of which is associated with the sun's rays. Mohs hardness – 2-3.


In ancient Greek mythology, onyx is represented as the petrified nail of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. The volcanic rock mineral is gray-black or deep black in color and has an opaque structure. Arabic onyx when cut shows an original sequence of black and white layers, in which the dark shade dominates. Sometimes this crystal is confused with inexpensive marble, which is far from the first both in physical properties and in decorativeness. The Mohs hardness of onyx is 2.7.

Jewelry made from black minerals

Decorative and ornamental gems do not accept expensive framing. They are mainly set into alloys for jewelry. Silver is the only precious metal with which decorative and semi-precious minerals coexist. These include: hematite, morion, jet, obsidian, agate, jasper, onyx. Amber and opal are often framed in gold.

Gold and platinum are used as worthy settings for precious stones. The cost of jewelry depends on the value of the mineral and the cutting characteristics; the weight of the metal changes little here.

Selection and Application

Precious gems in the colors of the night sky, framed in gold and platinum, can effectively highlight the luxurious image of successful middle-aged and older ladies. Young women with independent views should be careful when choosing jewelry with charcoal-colored precious crystals. Refined accessories in silver are complementary here; you should also pay attention to exquisite jewelry with stones in the colors of the night. A young lady's daring bow can beautifully support a set with a massive bracelet and earrings decorated with a scattering of black pearls.

For brutal youth with a decisive character, designers offer rings and tie clips made in a combination of silver and decorative/semi-precious coal-colored minerals.

The fashion collections feature cufflinks, earrings, bracelets and pendants for gallant men who are ready to withstand any whims of fate.

Who are black stones suitable for?

Gems contain powerful energy, so they are chosen with great care. Here it is important to take into account not only character traits, gender, age, zodiac sign, but also your own goals and aspirations.

For example, coal agate is an ideal talisman for women, as it is able to balance excessive emotionality. It is credited with medicinal properties: agate the color of the night sky with starry twinkling has a positive effect on the endocrine system and strengthens cartilage tissue. It suits Capricorns, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo and Gemini.

Jewelry with black stones evokes mixed feelings. Some consider this style classic. Others see in them negative energy that brings misfortune to the owner. Still others attribute beneficial healing properties to dark minerals. Each of the statements is true. How this is possible is explained in an article devoted to gems, which often act as talismans, or, conversely, scare others.

About the meaning of black

There is no people in the world in whose culture black is not considered the secret of magic. The people of Tibet associated with him feminine and was revered as the color symbol of the Earth. The Chinese have assigned it a number of meanings. North, water, turtle, turmoil - all these different concepts were connected by the shade that characterizes them.

In Muslim countries, black stones symbolize Islamic mosques, because the last prophet of Allah spoke under such a banner. A dark onyx is inserted into the wall of the Kaaba in Mecca, which looks at the door with a piercing eye. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks used this mineral to make eyes for divine sculptures. It was believed that in this way they could see.

Minerals that absorbed light were often used during rituals and magical rites. Widows, sorcerers, and witches were distinguished by their jewelry with dark stones. They were seen as supernatural forces leading through life in the right or dark way.

Modern generations of people are not so strongly attached to mysticism and find elegant style, commitment to conservatism and classics in jewelry with black stones. The color is especially attractive for the male half of humanity, as it carries powerful energy and demonstrates the strength and individuality of the owner.

The Mystery of the Black Diamond

Here is a list of precious gems that contain the color of night in their palette:

  • diamond;
  • sapphire;
  • pearl;
  • spinel;
  • opal.

The first is a widely known mineral with high strength (10 units). Due to its coal-like appearance, it is called "carbonado". In nature, opaque crystals with a glassy sheen are found. Colors are not always pure. Dark gray and dark green diamonds also belong to this line.

Some scientists are confident in the cosmic origin of black diamonds, since they contain titanium and nitrogen, which is typical for meteorites. Another version speaks of volcanic formation.

Rare precious specimens were mined in Kamchatka (Avachinskaya Sopka and Kozelsky Volcano). A gem weighing 3,167 carats will be found in Brazil. This weight has not yet been exceeded. Among the processed diamond nuggets, the most famous is the Black Star of Africa carbonado (202 carats).

Secrets of sapphire and spinel

The “Black Star of Queensland” sapphire received a similar name, reflecting the location of the discovery. Its weight after cutting is 733 carats. This is also a first order black gemstone with all chemical and physical characteristics. Mohs hardness - 9, density - 4 g per cubic meter. cm, melts at a temperature of 2040 degrees.

Sapphire was shown to the world at exhibitions only twice. White inclusions did not prevent the stone from being valued at a million dollars back in 1949; at the beginning of the 21st century, the value increased to 100 million.

In nature, such dark nuggets are extremely rare and are valued lower than cornflower blue stones. However, black sapphires often go on sale, but their color is obtained by heat treatment.

Black spinel is called chrome or picotite and is classified as a precious stone. The characteristic color is obtained as a result of replacing aluminum with chromium particles. The mineral shows a hardness of up to 8 units, conchoidal fracture, high transparency and glass luster. Due to its fragility, jewelers prefer to process black stones in cabochon form without highlighting the edges.

Rare color of the night: opal, pearl, morion

Black opals include all dark noble varieties. Their affiliation is revealed by the play of colors and the high transparency of the stones. The main mining region for minerals is Australia. Hardness is inferior to other precious gems and ranges from 5.5 to 6.5.

In the Middle Ages, black pearls were valued on a par with diamonds. But they were never transparent. Pearl is a stone of animal origin containing a mineral (aragonite). Pearl grows in the shells of bivalve mollusks called noble pinna, which are found in the Mediterranean Sea.

The stones do not require processing, which attracts the attention of jewelers. Dark pearls are rare. The largest collection of jewelry is kept in a museum on the island of Tahiti.

Morion is one of the night-colored semi-precious minerals. It is also called black quartz and is a type of rauchtopaz. The crystal is absolutely not transparent, but shiny. Due to its characteristic color, the Urals nicknamed the gem “gypsy.” Mine locations: Madagascar, USA, Ukraine.

Obsidian knives and agate rings

Unique jewelry is made from precious and semi-precious black stones, framed in white gold or platinum. Modern jewelers actively use decorative and semi-precious stones for the manufacture of costume jewelry and souvenirs, the palette of which includes the color black:

  • agate;
  • obsidian;
  • jasper;
  • onyx;
  • hematite.

The charcoal color of agate is unique, but there are also simply dark varieties with uneven coloring in the form of streaks. Used by jewelers to make jewelry (rings, earrings, bracelets). Emphasizes the elegance and strength of masculine character. Moreover, this stone is not always set with metal in a product. Often, a ring, for example, is simply cut from a single nugget. This decoration costs 600-700 rubles.

Obsidian, a black stone obtained by cooling volcanic lava, represents the power of the gods. This is the national symbol of the Mayans and other tribes of South America. Knives, figurines, masks are made from it, and the body is decorated with beads and pendants without frames.

Popular with stone carvers

Onyx rarely comes in a pure color. This mineral has brown, yellow, orange and white plates in its color along with black stripes.

The black and white stripes of onyx formed the basis of a legend where the stone was called Aphrodite's fingernail. In ancient times, Jewish priests decorated their clothes with it; the first pages of the Bible are reminiscent of this stone. The best specimens are mined in Arabia and Brazil.

Nature does not create monochromatic jasper. White, red or green dots are always added to the dark. Cutting masters value cut patterns in stone.

When the expression “black jasper” is used, it means. Sometimes it is called black amber. The beautiful oily sheen of this type of coal and ease of processing made the rock popular among carvers.

In the service of magicians and in everyday life

All of the above-mentioned decorative and ornamental black stones are suitable for the production of souvenir products - boxes, vases, supplies. Beads and rosaries are common.

Mourning jewelry is popular in Christian countries of Europe. Brooches and medallions - for women. Cufflinks and key rings are intended for grieving men.

Astrologers believe that black colored gemstones help calm the soul and enlighten the mind. It is recommended to wear jewelry with dark-colored precious minerals for those who are overly susceptible to negative emotions and mental disorders. People who were born under the signs of Scorpio, Aries and Leo are advised to acquire talismans.

The constant presence of an assistant in the color of night helps to cope with feelings and curb an explosive nature. Representatives of this zodiac sign will find determination and confidence in action, which Libra so lacks, in black minerals.

It is believed that these properties appear due to the ability of stones to accumulate energy. For the same reason, they resist damage and the evil eye.

It is contraindicated for people with weak character to wear jewelry with a black stone. This applies to all zodiac signs.

Opinion has changed

Centuries ago, all black stones were considered assistants to sorcerers and evoked fear of the darkness of life. However, today this is becoming a thing of the past. White magic wins and puts the color of the night at the service of good.

Now most esotericists are confident that black agate and jet are stones of the earthly element, carry its positive energy and generously share it with people. To the above stones we will add diopside, goethite, calcite, flint, labradorite, magnetite, tektite, scherl. They all have strong energy. Decorations and household items made from them will protect the well-being of the home and the health of the owner.

Black gemstones (diamond, sapphire) perform several tasks at once. Their beauty attracts attention to the owner, and their rarity and price emphasize their status. At the same time, the energy accumulated over thousands of years protects against the evil eye and helps treat nervous disorders, bronchitis, and the heart.

Rules for night mascot owners

Black pearls from a stone of grief and sadness today have turned into a talisman of wealth. To fully express the power, a white gold or platinum frame is required. Suitable for people born under the constellation Capricorn.