Creams for dry scalp. Adir – nourishing cream for scalp and hair. How is seborrhea on the head treated?

Treatment of seborrhea includes a complex of therapeutic actions: diet, drug therapy, stabilization of the emotional background. Ointments based on various medicinal substances are a remedy for seborrhea for topical use, which helps reduce the external manifestation of the disease and relieve symptoms, but does not treat the root cause of the disease.

What is seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Seborrhea can affect different areas of the skin, but in most cases it is localized in the face, on the scalp. A fungal infection (pitirosporum) occurs due to malfunction of the sebaceous glands. U healthy person it is part of the natural microflora, but with metabolic disorders, nervous stress begins to actively reproduce. At this stage, it turns into seborrhea, which literally translates as “salt flow.” The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • the appearance of dandruff;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • red lesions with crust;
  • severe itching;
  • hair loss.

How is seborrhea on the head treated?

Those who are looking for how to treat seborrhea of ​​the scalp should take into account that the approach to therapy must be comprehensive. It is very important to consult a specialist (trichologist, neurologist, dermatologist) so that he can determine the root cause of seborrhea of ​​the scalp. The treatment system is based on suppressing external manifestations, strengthening the immune system, and eliminating the trigger that caused the growth of the fungus. Therapy is usually carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Treatment is based on the following methods:

  • general improvement of the body;
  • restoration of autonomic functions nervous system with the help of drugs;
  • for severe seborrhea, hormonal therapy is used (Advantan, Celestoderm ointments);
  • diet: eat more fermented milk foods, fruits, eggs, oatmeal, vegetables; you need to eat less red meat, canned food, fatty foods, spices, spicy, salty foods.
  • increased intake of vitamins E, D, B, A, preparations containing sulfur, zinc;
  • sometimes physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed;
  • regular physical exercise, walks in the sun, swimming in ponds, hardening.


This is one of the types of seborrhea development, characterized by the appearance of profuse dandruff, excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, acute itching, especially when the head gets wet. This is an external manifestation of the disease; it is not the symptoms that should be treated, but the root cause. You can reduce the risk of oily seborrhea by using medicated shampoo, you should wash your hair no more than 3 times a week. If the disease does occur, then creams and ointments will help get rid of the external manifestations of the disease. It is recommended to use the following solutions:

  • sodium thiosulfate (60%);
  • salicylic acid (2%);
  • Naftalan oil in alcohol;
  • sulsen paste.


This type of seborrhea is characterized by the appearance of fine dandruff that resembles dust on the upper chest, face, neck, and scalp. In acute manifestations, the disease can lead to complete or partial baldness. The skin can be affected by dermatitis, eczema, pustular inflammation, and acne. Use the following products and ointments for seborrhea:

  • sulfur ointment (10%);
  • shampoos containing ketoconazole, tar, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide;
  • boric acid.

What ointment to treat seborrheic dermatitis on the head

How to treat seborrheic dermatitis on the head is determined by the doctor after examination, diagnosis or necessary tests. Treatment is always aimed at eliminating the cause that causes dysfunction of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Seborrhea ointment is intended only to soften the course of the disease and relieve a person from the external manifestations of the disease. The type of medication is determined based on the type of disease and symptoms. Below are possible options ointments for seborrhea, but they must be prescribed by a specialist.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment

Apply the product 1-2 times a day to the affected areas of the skin. To enhance the keratolytic effect, apply the medication under an occlusive dressing. If the ointment is used to treat seborrhea of ​​the scalp, then it should be applied 3 hours before washing your hair. The drug has a low cost, is sold in pharmacies, and is available without a doctor's prescription.

Sulfur-tar ointment

Sulfuric ointment with tar has an antimicrobial, antifungal effect. This drug is classified as a low-hazard substance that, if the dosage is observed, does not cause side effects or complications. The composition of the drug includes:

  • birch tar;
  • Vaseline (auxiliary binder);
  • precipitated sulfur.

To treat affected areas, apply a little ointment to the lesion and grab a little area of ​​healthy tissue. Rub the product into the skin using gentle massage movements. It is better to apply the ointment in the evening and before bedtime. If massive inflammation or damage to the epidermis is observed, an occlusive dressing should be applied. The drug is sold without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Antipruritic ointments

  1. Hydrocortisone ointment. The most affordable drug from this group. It relieves swelling and itching well. You need to apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. The course of application lasts 2-3 weeks. Do not use if there are open pustules on the skin. The product is produced in aluminum tubes of 15, 20, 100 g.
  2. Elokom ointment has a clear antipruritic, antiexudative, vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory effect. Apply the medication in a thin layer to the affected area once per tap. The course of treatment is determined individually by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease.


  1. Baneocin. The main active ingredients are neomycin and bacitracin. Has pronounced antibacterial properties. The ointment is applied in small quantities 2-3 times a day, and a bandage is used if necessary. The product should not be used by nursing mothers, pregnant women, or patients with extensive skin lesions.
  2. Fucidin G is a drug for external use of a combined type. It has an antibacterial and antipruritic effect due to the presence of hydrocortisone and fusidic acid. Use may be dangerous for pregnant and nursing mothers. The course of treatment with ointment is 2 weeks. Apply a thin layer 2 times a day.

Sensitive scalp reacts sharply to any changes - care products, nutrition or climate.

It's time to run to the doctor if your head is constantly itching, and even small sores or crusts appear on the skin. This is the stage at which preventive measures (homemade masks and fluid products) are no longer effective. A trichologist will tell you in detail about hair and scalp problems (however, you can also contact your local dermatologist). After the first examination, the doctor may recommend B vitamins or attribute the appearance of itching and redness to a banal allergic reaction. However, among the most common causes of increased sensitivity of the scalp are stress, sunburn, hard or chlorinated water, and frequent use of deep cleansing alkaline shampoo.

Sensitive scalp reacts sharply to any changes - care products, nutrition or climate. The first snow has appeared - we protect our hair and put on a felt hat or a soft French beret. A long trip to Goa – I’m sincerely jealous, but don’t forget about a wide-brimmed straw hat. The doctor says that the reason is dysbacteriosis, so we follow the advice and exclude fried foods, flour and one hundred and fifth tequila from the diet on Friday night. The skin feels tight after washing your hair - we change our product to a pharmacy shampoo from the “color and odorless” line (without dyes and fragrances) or a children’s hair care product. Children's shampoos for delicate hair washing are indeed a little softer than “adult” ones; they contain fewer alkaline compounds.

Shampoos with tar are suitable for those who suffer from oily skin head (it can also be sensitive). Tar helps slightly reduce the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Pay attention to salon mud wraps (dosed pharmaceutical masks based on Dead Sea mud are suitable for economical use). It is enough to do them once or twice every two weeks. By the way, in SPA centers, in five out of five cases, treatment with concentrated ampoule preparations awaits. They are more than effective. But only a specialist has the right to prescribe them.

The main mistake is that we often choose hair care products, when we should pay attention to creams, tonics and masks specifically for the scalp. I do not recommend using vaunted onion masks at home. Hair has the rare ability to tightly absorb any pungent odors. The juice of even one single onion really nourishes the scalp and helps restore hair structure after coloring or perm. But the smell will remain for a long time on the bed linen, hats and shoulder of your loved one. Harmless kefir, sour cream and milk masks are suitable for caring for sensitive scalp. A couple of times a week, pamper your scalp with a kefir-based yeast mask (a piece of dry yeast, a spoonful of melted sugar, kefir). All ingredients will have to be mixed and slightly heated in a water bath (half an hour is enough). This mask is convenient because it can be applied not only to the hair roots, but also along the entire length. Kefir and yeast nourish the skin and also help stop hair loss. You should avoid homemade masks made with alcohol (for example, cognac) or pepper. All oil masks will not work either. Often included in ready-made oil masks includes fragrances and dyes. They are contraindicated for sensitive skin. Active ingredients should soothe, reduce itching, have a softening effect and strengthen the protective barrier of the scalp. In skin products, look for zinc, menthol, orange blossom extract, oil tea tree.

Friends on the bath shelf are not luxury new products with a lot of chemical innovations, but one hundred percent natural products. For example, a natural product flew to me from the Dominican Republic together with a childhood friend Coconut oil for hair. It looks more like a thick mask. Nourishes and restores hair, helps soothe the scalp after endless experiments - carving and coloring. I liked applying this thick white oil before washing your hair, leaving it on your hair for 15–20 minutes. Previously, it seemed to me that my scalp was a little dry, this was especially noticeable in the partings. But regular moisturizing helped. By the way, you don’t have to ask for souvenirs from the Dominican Republic; coconut oil can be found in any soap shop. Among the natural, proven products, there is a convenient massage tile for the scalp from Lush. Oils peppermint and tea tree in its composition cleanse the skin of germs and relieve the uncomfortable feeling of “itch”.

REFERENCE: few people know that throughout life, microscopic fungal bacteria live on the surface of the skin of each of us, which, if the body functions normally, if there are no pathological failures, do not show their activity in any way.

But as soon as the slightest changes occur in the body, not for the better, stress or poor lifestyle, or a host of other factors, how an ideal soil for growth is created for bacteria.

When this happens, a person is struck by seborrhea, flaking of the scalp, which, as a rule, indicates other, more serious problems in the body.

Mode of application: rub the product into dry hair and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse warm water. The procedure is carried out every day for a week, after which a break is taken for a day and the course of treatment is repeated.

REFERENCE: The best effect can be achieved if you use shampoos based on tar, ketoconazole or selenium sulfide together with sulfur.

Course of treatment - how long will it take to see the first results?

As a rule, the course of treatment with ointment compositions lasts two to three weeks. It is not permissible to use these drugs for more than this period, as they can lead to both addiction and worsening of the disease.

The first results appear already on the 5-7th day after the start of use. But it is worth remembering: if too painful sensations are observed (excessive burning), it is necessary to stop therapy and choose another, more gentle method.

What are the possible contraindications?

Speaking about ointments for seborrhea of ​​the scalp, the question immediately arises: which one is more effective?

There is no clear answer to this question, because each remedy is effective in its own area of ​​action.

Sulfur ointment is used exclusively for the treatment of dry dandruff., whereas zinc – for the treatment of oily seborrhea.

Salicylic ointment is used in both cases, but more often for the treatment of oily seborrhea, since its powerful drying effect may not always be useful for dry scalp.

In any case, before using the drug, you should consult a dermatologist who will prescribe the right ointment, the concentration that is right for you.

ATTENTION: The concept of ointment concentration is very important. A permissive attitude towards this aspect can lead to irreversible consequences.

As a chemical substance, three types of ointments have a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when using. This:

  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation period;
  • should be used with caution to treat seborrhea, scabies, eczema or diaper rash children infancy , only after consultation with a pediatrician;
  • sulfur ointment should not be used for brittle, weakened hair.


Now you know everything about ointments against seborrhea. In addition to the above, there are other types of ointment compositions based on tar and other, both chemical and natural components.

Each is good in its own way, but in traditional medicine, still, only three types are more often used: sulfur, salicylic and zinc.

But, in addition to the use of pharmaceuticals, the following conditions are necessary for the treatment of seborrhea:

  • conducting healthy image life(refusal of alcohol and tobacco products);
  • increasing physical activity;
  • saturation with sunlight, which promotes the body's production of vitamin D, the main vitamin for healthy hair, skin and nails.

An equally important condition is balanced diet: giving up fatty and excessively sweet foods, replacing them with greens, vegetables and fruits, legumes, cereals, dairy and dairy products, charging the body with the necessary set of vitamins and microelements.

Crusts on the scalp can be eliminated by proper care. It includes masks of scalp creams extremely rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, necessary for our skin so that it is elastic, does not dry out, does not become irritated, does not peel off and so that crusts do not appear on the skin, cleansing the scalp with the most gentle shampoos And proper nutrition , which will allow the skin to provide the necessary substances from the inside so that it can return to normal.


Most often, mink oil is added to creams in some quantity. The base in our creams is an emulsion of mink oil. Mink oil is very close in composition to human skin and perfectly helps relieve dryness, flaking and irritation of the skin. Mink oil emulsion in itself is an excellent remedy for eliminating crusts and flaking on the scalp. And for people with extremely allergic, sensitive skin, we recommend applying pure mink oil emulsion to the scalp - our children's cream with mink oil. But we also have hair and scalp creams that add mink oil to the emulsion. vegetable oils and healing substances that have a positive effect on the scalp and also help eliminate dry skin, flaking and crusts.

Hair cream with mink oilIt helps to normalize the condition of the scalp very well. The basis of the cream is an emulsion of mink oil and this emulsion is enriched with camelina oil and D-panthenol.Ryzhikis a plant of the mustard family.The main value of camelina oillies in the high content of essential fatty acids: linolenic (from the omega-3 family) and linoleic (from the omega-6 family). These substances are vital for the human body and skin, but they are not synthesized in the human body, therefore they are called “essential”. The human skin and body can only receive these substances through creams and masks, and from the foods we eat.D-panthenol- water-soluble B vitamin. This is a substance that restores very well skin covering, nourishes and heals it.

Hair cream with mink oil not only strengthens the hair roots and restores the hair itself, but also perfectly softens, nourishes and restores the scalp, eliminating flaking, crusts and preventing their occurrence.

If you wash your hair in the morning, the cream should be rubbed into the scalp in the evening before bed and washed in the morning. The cream is quickly absorbed into the skin. It will be enough for you to put a light scarf on your head at night so as not to stain your pillow. The cream should be applied to the scalp at least three times a week. Course: 15-20 masks. Cream consumption: approximately 2 bottles of 200 ml.

If you wash your hair in the evening, you need to apply the cream to the scalp 1.5-2 hours before washing.

If you have allergies, extremelysensitivescalp use our baby cream with mink oil. It should be applied in the same way as mink oil hair cream.Pure mink oil emulsion (our children's cream with mink oil) is officially recommended by the Union of Pediatricians and Immunologists of Russia for the care of children's skin with atopic dermatitis. Pure mink oil emulsion is purchased from us for healing skin care for adults suffering from atopic dermatitis and neurodermatitis, as well as those with diathesis. Mink emulsion perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin, softens crusts, relieves itching, and prevents the formation of new crusts and flaking.


According to our observations, people's skin responds differently to oils.

We have a second cream for hair and scalp, in which D-panthenol and black cumin oil are added to the mink oil emulsion. Hair cream with black cumin oil You Same can be used to eliminate dryness, crusts, flaking and irritation on the scalp. It is applied and used in the same way as camelina oil hair cream. Black cumin oil is widely used to soften and heal the skin, eliminate excessive flaking and also to care for the scalp with psoriasis.

Cosmetic mink oil. It should be applied to the scalp for 1-2 hours and then washed. Course: 10-15 masks. Approximate consumption: 1-2 bottles of 100 ml. Try to apply oil not to your hair, but to your scalp and hair roots, as it is more difficult to wash off than cream.

If you have crusts on your scalp, this problem needs to be solved not only by applying scalp effective cream.

The formation of crusts can be directly related to the fact that your body does not have enough vitamin E and essential unsaturated fatty acids, which the skin of the body needs to keep it from drying out, becoming irritated and flaking, and to prevent the skin from forming crusts.

When you apply our Mink Oil Hair Cream to your scalp, you are applying exactly these substances externally.

In order to help your skin, you should start adding cold-pressed unrefined oils to your food (heated to 50 degrees Celsius during production): sunflower oil, oil walnut, pine nut oil, wheat germ oil, linseed oil. These oils contain the unsaturated fatty acids the body needs.

It will also be very good if you buy granulated lecithin at the pharmacy and start eating it. Lecithin is needed to prevent the skin from drying out and flaking, and to prevent crusts from forming on the skin. If you don't like the taste, you can dissolve it in any yogurt you like. The membranes of nerve cells in the brain are made from lecithin. It is needed for good hair growth and for the skin to be sufficiently elastic.

The second main reason for the formation of crusts on the scalp is exposure to chemicals on the scalp. Do not use scented, colored shampoos with a high content of surfactants (surfactants) to wash your scalp.

NOTE: If you not only have crusts on your scalp, but also irritation (do not use salt and mustard to wash your hair). First, make a course of masks for the scalp from our baby cream, let the skin recover, and then you can wash your hair with shampoos that contain salts and mustard. If you dye your hair, use natural plant dyes. Minimize or eliminate mousses and hairsprays.

Trichologist Tamara Berechikidze ( @dr.tamaraberechikidze) told what should be included in moisturizers, and recommended masks and lotions for vacation.

Tamara Berechikidze trichologist, specialist at the Romanov Beauty and Health Center

In summer, be sure to use moisturizing hair products. Firstly, it is protection from ultraviolet radiation (leave-in sprays and lotions most often contain UV filters), and secondly, they save dry, hard, porous hair (the scales do not fit tightly to each other, breaks in the bonds between keratinocytes are formed, which causes leads to “dehydration”). When choosing a moisturizer, look at the ingredients. It should contain glycerin, aloe (binds water thanks to complex polysaccharide), sugars, panthenol, inositol, hyaluronic acid (one molecule hyaluronic acid capable of holding 200 - 500 water molecules), natural amino acids, Sodium PCA (water-retaining agent).

Moisturizing mask for dry and damaged hair Bed Head Urban Anti+Dotes Recovery, TIGI

The mask is suitable for those who are afraid of the “dirty hair” effect after using such products. It does not create a film on the strands and scalp. Use it once a week instead of conditioner. Moreover, the product is suitable both for maintaining hair in good condition and for restoration - the mask moisturizes dry strands well. A big plus: the products from the Bed Head line (there is also shampoo and conditioner) have a cumulative effect. It contains glycerin, which retains water in the hair, preventing it from evaporating.

Damage Repairing & Rehydrating Leave-In Treatment, Kiehl's

The product can be used daily, applied to towel-dried or dry hair. Contains moringa tree oil, ceramide and hyaluronic acid derivative to retain moisture in the hair. Moringa tree oil contains proteins, calcium, and amino acids. The cream does not weigh down the hair, but it removes frizz. The product is very economical - 75 ml. enough for a long time!

Sun and sea water protection cream Swimcap Cream, Philip Kingsley

Philip Kingsley is a famous English trichologist who not only founded his own cosmetics brand and opened a trichological clinic in London, but also wrote three encyclopedia books. Among his clients are Kate Winslet, Cher, Madonna.

I highly recommend taking this product with you on vacation. The cream protects hair from ultraviolet rays, chlorinated and sea water. Apply it before going to the sea or to the pool on damp hair and renew after swimming. At the end of the day, rinse with shampoo. Swimcap perfectly moisturizes hair!

Moisturizing mask for dry hair Mending Masque, Bumble and Bumble

Use to moisturize very dry hair and scalp. Apply once a week for 10-15 minutes and take it with you on vacation. After using Mending Masque, your hair will be very easy to comb (at sea - this is a real problem). Linoleic acid, barley, wheat extract and phospholipids moisturize and soften hair, panthenol provides moisture balance, and phytantriol protects against heat damage.

Instant Amino Energizer Lotion No. 5.5.1, DSD de Luxe

Colorists add it to hair dye to protect hair. But the amino energizer was created primarily for home use as an SOS remedy. The package contains 10 ampoules of 10 ml each. Before use, shake the ampoule and distribute its contents throughout the hair and scalp. The composition contains panthenol, biotin, phospholipids, algae extract - constant components of moisturizers.

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