Beautiful Thanksgiving. Words of gratitude for congratulations in prose. Beautiful thanks to friends for your congratulations

Each of us has been in a situation where we need to congratulate or thank a friend, parents, colleagues or significant other. And, of course, I want the words you say to be bright, juicy, remembered more than once and, like the first time, warm the soul, bringing a smile to the lips of a dear person.

Words for happy birthday

The most common reason to think about beautiful words ah, it's a loved one's birthday. This is when the brainstorming really begins. Going through the options, we discard them one by one, as insufficiently capacious and unable to fully express everything that we would like to convey.

To help and guide you, here are some options that you can use as a template. Having before your eyes examples of beautiful words and wishes, you can create your own version that will fully suit the special moment.
So, let's begin:

Beautiful words - congratulations:

  • Happiness, many years to live in abundance, “sclerosis” troubles, good luck, health, warmth, kindness, love and may all your dreams come true.
  • friends who are rich in warmth; so that life sparkles like champagne in a glass; always have a backup dream, so that you have something to go to after achieving the main one; From now on, we can only climb up the ladder of success
  • Energy, accomplishments, inspiration, bright days and a little bit of luck
  • Enjoy today, leaving all sorrows in the past, forget adversity and just live; cherish your family
  • By closing your eyes, live the moments most dear to your heart again and again and not lose the taste of life.
  • One day you decide to do something crazy and realize that it was the only right decision...
  • The list can be continued almost indefinitely, but these warm and cozy words can be folded into original congratulations thousands different ways. The main thing is not the number of words and phrases, but a piece of the soul conveyed along with the wish. By the way, here are some nice birthday wishes

    Words of gratitude

    You need to approach the selection of words to express gratitude no less responsibly. After all, the one who is being thanked should feel that the speech you made is filled with sincere gratitude - and not just a formal set beautiful phrases. When thanking a person, do not hesitate to tell them what you have achieved thanks to their advice, help, support, etc.

    When showing gratitude, be sure to use phrases that will help you convey the depth of your gratitude to your opponent. We will tell you a few words and help you say “thank you” sincerely:

    • Dear, respected, dear, my most important people, loving - all these words can be used to address the person or people to whom you want to express gratitude.
    • Invaluable help, excellent advice, wonderful attitude, warm, friendly support - such beautiful, pleasant words for a person that will help to more fully convey the importance of the help provided to you.
    • Thank you; special thanks (if it is necessary to highlight someone); huge gratitude; bow to you; thank you so much; your invaluable help cannot and will not be forgotten; thank you for your work, sleepless nights; gratitude knows no bounds and so on - these expressions will help convey the depth of your gratitude.

    But, the most important thing is that gratitude comes from a pure heart. Let it be a couple of words, but spoken with feeling and a direct look into the face of the one you thank.

    The fact that wishes and beautiful words are usually said in honor of the holiday is common, but the fact that these same words can be spoken to your family and friends every day is often forgotten. Although in our time, when people are always running somewhere, beautiful, nice words are especially important. It is thanks to them that we understand that someone needs us, that we are loved and appreciated. That the advice received from you will be appreciated and used.

    Hurry to tell your loved ones about love, do not save such warm words as "native", "darling", "Darling", "affectionate", "courageous", "strong", "gentle", "expensive", "dear" for special occasions, use them now. Learn to speak "Thank you" And "I love" no matter the case. Let beautiful and gentle words become the norm in your life. And your life will become just as beautiful and melodious.

    It’s not for nothing that words of gratitude are considered “magical” and are memorized from childhood.

    Everyone knows the pleasant feeling when someone sincerely praises you and showers you with pleasantries.

    We ourselves, however, sometimes get lost when and how to properly thank a person who has done us a favor.

    When is it necessary to give thanks?

    You will be surprised, but there is no set of rules for when to thank and when not to. Should I give a box of chocolates, bills in an envelope, a bag with jingling contents, or should I limit myself to a dry handshake?

    In what cases is material reinforcement necessary for gratitude, and when is “oral form” sufficient?

    These issues are resolved individually - based on your mentality, upbringing, and financial capabilities. But, most importantly, out of your desire to thank someone.

    Expressing gratitude through material possessions comes with its own set of awkward moments. After all, giving money, flowers, chocolates, and, especially, alcohol is not always convenient.

    How to present a gift correctly without offending the recipient?

    1. Make sure you are alone. If there are several people sitting in the office, ask the person you want to please to come out for a moment.

    2. Immediately explain the purpose of the visit: “I came in to once again, personally, thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is for your tea, thank you again.”

    The words may be different, for example: “You have done me a great service, I can’t imagine how I would have dealt with this problem myself. This is a humble thank you from our family.”

    3. Say all this in a confident tone., without a guilty expression on his face. You are not a petitioner, you came here by at will, with a specific purpose. Basically, you're a bit of a hero, so keep your posture.

    4. Hand over the package immediately/envelope/box, do not crumple it in your hands. Once the gift is in the hands of the right person, thank them again and take your leave. Don't prolong the process, which is awkward for both parties.

    5. Has the recipient started to refuse? Explain that this is important to you, and you will be offended if he does not accept your gratitude.

    In situations where you need to thank immediately after the service has been provided (especially - stranger, which you contacted through third parties), the gift can be left on the table. There is no need to hand the offering from hand to hand, it causes awkwardness.

    A bag of alcohol or tea/coffee is usually placed on the floor next to the table, without drawing too much attention to the gesture, and verbal thanks are given.

    How to thank with words?

    To properly thank a friend or colleague, try to get rid of the standard, popular “thank you” and pour a little energy and kindness into your words.

    1) An honest smile (the one that causes wrinkles to form in the corners of the eyes and lips), a direct friendly look, tactile contact (a pat on the shoulder, a clenched palm, a hug)… All this will flavor your gratitude with sincerity and warmth.

    2) When expressing verbal gratitude, be sure to explain the reason why you showed up with pleasantries. For what service exactly? What was its importance to you?

    But don’t make speeches that are too loud or filled with pathos—this will confuse your friend.

    3) Brevity is the sister of all the best talents. Speak clearly, but briefly. Don’t even think about reading out a list of twenty points (like the one that Hollywood stars come up with in advance for the Oscar ceremony).

    4) Simplicity, sincerity and kindness are the best companions of gratitude.

    Don’t take your “Thank you” to places you don’t want or where it’s not expected. Don’t thank your enemies out of self-interest or your bosses out of fear...

    Or try to make your words truly resonate by finding the moments that really deserve praise.

    5) Remember that when you “give a benefit,” even in words, you tear off a small piece of your own warmth and voluntarily hand it over to another. This is an important gesture.

    If you are embarrassed to approach in person, you can leave a card or letter with kind, sincere words on the desk of your chosen person.

    Just be sure to sign and explain what you are going to thank for. For example, “Thank you for a great evening, yesterday was amazingly fun and super delicious. Hugs, Peter."

    If you want to express your gratitude remotely, it is better to call than write by email or on social networks.

    However, even an ordinary SMS with admiration after a feast will bring a pleasant aftertaste into the lives of both hosts and guests.

    Indeed, to some extent, sincere gratitude is the final chord, the final note of any right and good deed.

    Many people try to find all the words of gratitude at once in the depths of the Internet. That's not where you're looking for them. The human heart is an untapped treasure trove of words of gratitude. Both past and present.

    I’ll say right away that you won’t find all the words of gratitude in this article. This is impossible. Otherwise, you would just read them, read them, read them... But the words are alive. They need the fresh air of life, the sunny smiles of understanding. Sometimes even in a handshake. And you definitely need a human heart. And not just one.

    It’s wonderful that just such a smile has now pulled the corners of your lips upward. I thank you for this...

    Hello, Find Yourself readers!

    For some reason it was in new year holidays words of gratitude became especially in demand.
    I already wrote about . I even compiled a review of my articles.

    It was these articles that were visited during the country's January holidays. They were the ones who remained without comment. Why?

    Because most are looking for ready-made words. Official templates. He strives to collect a collection that will gather dust in albums and souls. Don't believe it? We'll check it out a little later...

    Personal opinion about all the words of gratitude.

    I will speak briefly but succinctly.

    1. I have never said all the words of gratitude to anyone.

    The Russian language is truly comprehensive...

    2. You need to recognize other people’s words, but...

    3. True words of gratitude come from the human heart.

    Definitely a living heart. I hope everyone understands the difference?

    4. Heartfelt gratitude always returns a hundredfold.

    5. She is always selfless.

    You can thank in anticipation of a response. Only it will be more like a bribe.

    It is my human heart that thinks so. I believe my interpretation did not cause any confusion in anyone. If this happens, write it down immediately in the comments. Because the topic of gratitude cannot be put on the back burner. Let's move on to examples.

    Real words of gratitude.

    I'll start with the most important and effective words. I’m not afraid to say that our beautiful world is based on them.


    Everyone already knows that the first means “God bless.” But many people forget that they themselves are gods. Not omnipotent due to their laziness, self-load with household chores, etc.

    “Thank you” doesn’t need any interpretation at all. But it requires not so much pronunciation as actual implementation.

    And when epithets are added to these words, voicing the human heart, and characteristics and direction. There aren’t many such options with the word “thank you.” But, “gratitude” and “thanksgiving”...

    Heartfelt gratitude

    Please accept my most sincere gratitude

    Deepest sincere gratitude for...

    My dearest person. From the very depths of my heart I thank you

    My human heart, in a fit of happiness, is ready to spill out all its delight

    Thanksgiving of heavenly purity and depth

    You can continue for a long time. The more specific your words are, the more significant they will be perceived. What does specificity mean? Talk about your happiness, about the specific person who helped you (gave you a gift) and how your life will change now.

    Do not be afraid of beautiful words when they come “from the most sincere human heart.” From your heart.

    Here's a classic example for you. For me, a classic: Bulat Okudzhava. The song is as short as it is deep. His human heart still sings to everyone. Listen.

    And now a few examples.

    Example of words of gratitude for...

    I searched the statistics for “Find yourself” among the most frequent queries. I have already described step by step how to make a page.

    That’s why I chose another example, “all the words of gratitude for the gift.” It is clear that this is enough for a search engine. Only…

    They may give you a keychain that will only cling to your pockets. Or a car that you don't have a license to drive. Or they might present you with a book or painting that you’ve been dreaming about for a whole year. That’s why I present below not a template, but my own version of gratitude.

    Friends! You can’t even imagine how grateful I feel that you came to me. No... I can’t find suitable words to express all its depths. Even if you showed up without a gift... Tell me honestly, who has such a developed intuition that you thought of giving me one? I hear the voices of your human hearts.

    Even my parents could not imagine that this is exactly what I need now. Thank you very much. This is the kind of gift I’ve been dreaming about for a year now.

    I see: now my life will definitely change. But this is not enough! Because it’s so nice to feel like you’re not just a person, not just the right person. And the person you all need. These are the feelings that overwhelm me when I see you with this gift. Thank you!..

    The most interesting thing is that it was written in 2 minutes. And I put an ellipsis because I could continue for a long time. I repeat: specificity is needed everywhere. Therefore, express your desires in the comments. The first 3 will receive a thank you gift. Let's make it up. Because without your active participation it will turn out sour, stingy, sluggish...

    However, I have already made a similar proposal. I confirm both.
    Of course, words of gratitude can be expressed in shorter terms:

    For everything you have accomplished
    From a heart full of love,
    I'm ready to thank you to the stars.

    Let feelings lack words
    So, the heart will flare up like a new sun.
    And the happiness of life in him will not subside

    In the coming thousand centuries!..

    Does the timing of such gratitude seem exaggerated to anyone? Remember, the sun lives longer.

    Practice yourself. Don't be ashamed to be grateful right here and now. Reveal your humanity first to yourself, and then to the world. And you will see all the words of gratitude on the faces you meet. And soon you will feel it yourself.

    Still having trouble with words? Simple ones have been invented on the Internet

    Read. Install it for yourself. Click here.

    With Heartfelt Gratitude

    Any employee can receive a letter of gratitude from the organization; such gratitude is expressed in case of good work. This is a business document containing words of gratitude, and the reason can be different: high-quality provision of services, well-done work, successful cooperation, assistance or assistance. A non-commercial business letter is addressed to one person or an entire team.

    What is a thank you letter

    An individual or a group can receive a letter of gratitude. This emphasizes the importance of people and their merits. Such a letter can be a response to a congratulation or an invitation. The letter of gratitude meets all the requirements of a business style; it contains the main parts: the header of the document, the address, the main text, the paper is accompanied by the signature of the manager, and a seal is affixed. The letter is written on company letterhead, has a clear form, and is one of the types of business communication between people.


    Letter of thanks is considered a business document, but some deviations from the rules are allowed here. The header is indicated if necessary; it is an optional element. It gives information about the person (or people) to whom gratitude is expressed. Below is the appeal. Then words of gratitude are placed, which consist of template phrases. And at the bottom left there should be a signature with the basic information of the person expressing gratitude: full name and position title. All this is often documented on letterhead on behalf of the manager.

    You can download sample thank you letters on the Internet:

    • for cooperation;
    • employee;
    • organizations;
    • to the teacher;
    • doctor;
    • to the student;
    • for help;
    • for charity;
    • gratitude to parents, veterans, volunteers, etc.

    Writing samples may be as follows:

    • Option 1:
      • The company (name) provides heartfelt expressions of gratitude and sincere gratitude to the company (name) and company managers for the high-quality and timely delivery of furniture (other goods).
      • We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations, we would like to express hope for further mutually beneficial, fruitful cooperation.
      • Position, signature, full name.
    • Option 2:
      • Dear (name, patronymic)!
      • We express our gratitude to you for your many years of work; you make a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the company!
      • On your 50th birthday, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, the accomplishment of all your endeavors, further success, good health, joy, and happiness!
      • Sincerely, (position) signature, full name

    What do you express gratitude for in a letter?

    A thank you message is written for a job well done, assistance provided, and support. If people financially sponsored or were suppliers of equipment, furniture, and other necessary things, they can be sent thanks by email for their help, expressing deep gratitude with warm words that will lift the mood of the recipient and encourage him to do new good deeds.

    For conscientious work

    Some people devote many years to their work, they put in all their strength, they work conscientiously. They thank an employee of the organization with such a letter; it must indicate the name and patronymic of the person, how long he worked in the organization, and what merits he had during this time. Compose a text that mentions the person’s personal and professional qualities, and the projects the person has worked on. The purpose of a thank you message is to please a person and raise his strength to a new level, so it is important to write it correctly.

    Sample letter thanking an employee:

    1. Dear (name, patronymic)!
    2. We express our gratitude to you, sincere appreciation for the fact that you have been working with us for 15 years and making a huge contribution to the development of the company!
    3. On your anniversary, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, success, good health, happiness, creative achievements, and material wealth!
    4. Job title, signature, full name.

    Gratitude for the work

    The employee's immediate superior should write a thank-you note to the employee and then sign it. The text contains an appeal to both one person and the entire team of the company. Expressed if the project was completed on time or even earlier. If the team worked harmoniously and successfully, after which the company received a large profit, then the letter will also be in good form. Approximate structure:

    • Dear (name, patronymic or team so-and-so)!
    • I would like to take this opportunity to thank the employees of the company (name) for the service provided, high quality work, efficiency and timely assistance in resolving pressing issues.
    • I hope for further long-term, fruitful cooperation.
    • Sincerely, (last name, first name).

    For the assistance provided

    Expressions of gratitude in business letters often follow how some kind of assistance has been provided to a company or a specific person by another organization or individual. Help is expressed in moral support and the organization of an event. Often help comes in the form of sponsorship from a company or person in his new project.

    • Dear (io)!
    • The administration of [name] expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in organizing the anniversary of the humanitarian university. The performances of the musicians were at the highest level, and the light show was extremely beautiful! We express our special gratitude to you, because the successful implementation of this project would not have been possible without your participation.
    • We wish you and the entire team of (company name) health, interesting ideas, their successful implementation, good clients, and growth in professionalism.
    • Sincerely, (name, surname).

    Gratitude for cooperation

    This type of letter is very common; it is sent to people both within the company itself and to various business partners, and can be given at an official presentation. Approximate structure:

    • Dear (name, patronymic)!
    • We highly appreciate working together with your company. We are well aware that we owe our success, first of all, to the companies offering our services and to successful cooperation with you. We wish you and your company success and prosperity!
    • Sincerely (name, surname of the boss).

    For sponsorship

    Very often, companies express gratitude to their sponsors for their help, support, and writing a letter is similar to all previous options:

    • Dear (name, patronymic)!
    • The administration of [institution name] expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in organizing the regional competition children's creativity. The successful implementation of this socially significant project would not be possible without your participation.
    • We wish you health, interesting ideas and their successful implementation, and further prosperity of the company.
    • Sincerely, (name, surname).

    Rules for writing a thank you letter

    A letter of thanks is an official document, so it has clear standards and rules for filling it out:

    1. The header is located at the top right, but options without it are allowed.
    2. There must be an appeal either to one person or to a group of people.
    3. The main part consists of template, standard phrases that are based on compliments and kind words.
    4. At the end of the letter there must be a signature of the person who compiled this paper. In this case, the first and last name is indicated, there may be a mention of the position, and a personal signature is placed.


    This is a mandatory element that is present in any official paper. Since a letter of gratitude is a document, the address is always there, often accompanied by the word “dear.” A person is called by his first name and patronymic; rarely a surname can be added. If gratitude is sent to the entire team, then write “dear colleagues (name of organization).”

    Letter details

    Details can be presented in a letter at a minimum: only the name of the organization, the position of the person who draws up the document. But there is an option when the details are specified in great detail:

    • name of company;
    • position of expressing gratitude;
    • organization address;
    • phone number, fax number of the organization;
    • TIN/KPP, other important details;
    • date of;
    • thank you number.

    Information about the compiler

    This paragraph of the letter does not take up much space. At the end, the position of the person expressing gratitude and his full name are simply indicated. There may also be a signature. In some cases, they write in detail: the name of the organization, the position held by the person thanking, his full name and abbreviated signature. If the letter is intended for parents, then there is no need to indicate the position, just the name is enough.

    Thank you letter text

    How to write a thank you note correctly? Due to the fact that written gratitude is an official document, its content is always formulaic. It necessarily includes standard phrases about expressing gratitude. The personal qualities of the people to whom this letter is sent are emphasized. Standard phrases are perceived as mandatory, but people are still pleased to receive such a paper.

    How to properly express gratitude

    You can thank a person using simple but effective phrases. At the same time, you should not wait for a more convenient opportunity; it is better to do this whenever possible:

    1. Let me express my gratitude for...
    2. Our company would like to express our sincere gratitude for...
    3. Thank you for your congratulations on the occasion of the company's anniversary...
    4. I would like to thank you for...
    5. Thank you very much for...

    How to avoid cliched phrases

    It is clear that a letter of gratitude is an official document that consists of generally accepted phrases and figures of speech, but you can try to avoid cliched expressions or reduce their number a little. You should not speak in general terms, it is better to specify this case: mention real people, their merits, actions, professional qualities, etc. The letter does not indicate the mistakes of colleagues, the shortcomings of their work, they try to emphasize only positive sides. It is better to use more sincere words and phrases “on your own behalf.”

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