"Be Healthy" recipes from Yogi Bhajan and Ayurveda for health, beauty and recovery. Mysterious yogi tea Yoga tea yogi bhajan

Yogi Tea

The brand of Ayurvedic products Yogi Tea began its history in 1984. Today, this company, founded by Yogi Bhajan, is recognized as one of the... largest producers healthy food in Europe, USA.

For more than 40 years the company has been producing different kinds teas created on the basis of ancient Ayurvedic recipes, spices, herbs. For the convenience of customers, Yogi Tea tea later began to be packaged in bags. But most of the healthy blends are based on Yogi five spices. These are black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom seeds, ginger root. It was from these spices that the yoga teacher and founder of the Yoga Bajan company, who began practicing kundalini yoga in the USA back in 1969, prepared his amazing invigorating drink.

Holistic lifestyle teacher Yogi Bhajan, master of kundalini yoga, treated students to miraculous spice tea after classes. This drink can fill you with energy, invigorate, and revitalize your senses.

YogiTea teas

The brand's range of teas includes a wide range of Ayurvedic compositions based on red, herbal, green and black tea. Teas based on Ayurvedic recipes carry pieces of care and kindness; Yogi Tea skillfully experiments with combinations of products. Therefore, in the catalog of our online store you can find yoga teas of various varieties with great tastes.

When creating aromatic teas, Yogi Tea strives to give its customers high-quality and healthy products with impeccable aroma and taste. In the process of producing all types of yoga teas, the company also takes care of the environment. When producing healthy products, Yoga Tea uses paper bags, bleached without chlorine, stitched with cotton threads. Each bag with healing contents is carefully packaged; all the properties of the herbs, their aroma, and freshness are preserved in the paper bag. Even yoga tea packaging uses recycled cardboard and paper and natural dyes.

What else you need to know about the Yogi Tea brand

According to Yogi Bhajan's mission, the company produces healthy foods For healthy life. The brand's philosophy is simple: unprocessed healing products - best source to keep the body in good shape. After all, organic food is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. And it is nature that is the basis of health.

Yogi Tea is known for its good deeds. The company supports organic farming, preserving the vitality, fertile characteristics and beauty of the land.

All products of the Ayurvedic brand are certified, their quality has been confirmed by numerous studies. The raw materials used are also carefully tested for pesticide content, heavy metals and other substances unsafe for health. The company adheres to a policy of strictly prohibiting the use of genetically modified components.

You can order high-quality yoga tea in our store at attractive prices. We offer the widest selection of products worldwide famous brand, convenient ordering service and fast delivery.

Do you know that many yogis try to avoid traditional tea and coffee? Not to mention energy drinks. After a cup of coffee or tea, we usually feel a surge of energy and strength, so what's the problem?

The thing is that caffeine and other stimulants themselves are not a source of energy, they only extract additional energy from our own reserves. The body saves energy for special occasions - stress, difficult work, pregnancy, climate change, illness, and you never know what else. And we waste it in vain, without special need, just to cheer ourselves up. It’s as if we had a supply of firewood for the winter, and we would indulge in a fire all summer because there was nothing to do. And then suddenly it turns out that in the bitter cold there is nothing to light the stove with.

How to replace traditional black and green tea? Nowadays there are many alternatives. Herbal teas, rooibos, ginger drink, Russian fireweed tea, Indian masala tea and much more. However, you need to be careful with herbs; they have their own contraindications. If you can drink fireweed or mint as much as you want, then the widespread oregano and St. John's wort are strong herbs that should not be consumed constantly. My friends make wonderful fermented teas from literally everything that grows in their dacha - apple, cherry, raspberry and even Jerusalem artichoke leaves! The simplest processing - and a tasty and healthy drink on the table. I usually drink tulsi (I brought supplies from India), herbal mixtures (I collect most of it myself in the summer), ginger tea or tea with spices, and sometimes sagan-dailya. In the summer, at the dacha or in the village, I simply go out into the field or into the garden and collect suitable leaves. I don’t drink coffee at all, black tea only sometimes in the morning before work, green tea rarely, usually when visiting or in the summer when it’s hot.

If you don't have enough energy, there is a great alternative - this!
Living grain, which has already sprouted, is the most energy-rich food, simply a concentrate of energy. Can you imagine how much strength a plant needs to quickly ascend, reach the sun and grow? Not to mention that sprouts contain a lot of vitamins and other useful elements. Try to include them in your menu and within a week you will probably feel like a fresh Energizer battery.

In the summer I usually don’t eat sprouts, because there are a lot of fresh vegetables, berries and herbs, but now is the time to switch to sprout salads. Don't forget to add spices to avoid some, ahem, carminative effect. If you don't like salads, you can grind the sprouts in a blender and add them to juices and smoothies. One of these days I’ll soak the first portion :) Join us!

Yogi Tea is a spicy and aromatic drink created according to ancient Ayurvedic recipes. They can be formulated with white or green tea, or with only caffeine-free herbs. Unlike standard pharmacy preparations, yoga mixtures are supplemented with many useful ingredients that can give a good mood, tone the body, restore mental balance and strengthen the immune system.

History of Yogi Tea

The history of tea is closely connected with the famous master and teacher of kundalin yoga and Yogi Bhajan. They say that when he began teaching the art of holistic thinking in the West in 1969, the teacher accompanied each meeting with aromatic tea. Amazing drinks with a specific taste gave the conversations a special meaning and intimacy, setting students up for the perception of wisdom and higher knowledge.

This is interesting. Some followers of Yogi Bhajan, having subsequently opened their own schools, gave the opportunity to taste aromatic and spicy drinks to a wide range of followers, calling them “Yogi tea”. The same name was given to the Ayurvedic company founded in 1984 by Bhajan and his students.

What else you need to know about tea - Yogi Tea philosophy

Drinking Yoga Ti teas is unthinkable without knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of ancient knowledge. What is so unusual about the Yogi Tea ceremony?
Ayurveda or the science of physical and spiritual health teaches the complete fusion of body, soul and mind. It is in this state that a person achieves the highest wisdom and enlightenment.

Ayurvedic recipes for Yoga tea are based on the same law; its ingredients are selected in such a way as to have the greatest healing effect on the body and mind. Therefore, you should drink it while in a certain state of mind.

The philosophy of ancient knowledge is simple - it is unprocessed natural products, selected taking into account the laws of nature, that are a valuable source of health, youth and longevity. After all, living food is not only tasty, but also incredibly healing. Ancient knowledge says that nature is the basis of wisdom and longevity.

Yogi Tea fully adheres to the rules of organic land management, preserving the vitality and natural characteristics of the collected herbs. All products are certified and repeatedly tested to ensure the absence of heavy metal salts, pesticides and other substances harmful to health.

Tea composition: exquisite aromas and magical tastes

Classic Yogi Ti tea was created from 5 components: black pepper, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and cardamom. This mixture of ingredients may not be to everyone’s taste, but the proven therapeutic effect has led to the fact that the recipe for the drink has not changed at all for half a century.

This is interesting. Ginger is not only an excellent remedy for colds. The spice strengthens the immune system, improves digestion and blood composition, and relieves pain in muscles and joints.

The main component of all Yogi Tea teas is cardamom. Also, the composition of drinks often includes cloves, which have a disinfectant and bactericidal effect, warming and restoring the body. The guru did not forget about coriander, which lowers cholesterol, removes toxins and helps with kidney inflammation.

And cinnamon completes the aromatic and flavor composition. Its fragrance is loved and appreciated by all those with a sweet tooth.

Other medicinal herbs included in teas - lemon balm, mint, sage, basil, oregano - help strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body, relieve stress and improve digestion.

What are the benefits of Ayurvedic tea Yogi Tea: harmony and healing

The Yoga Ti drink is beneficial not only for the body, but also for the soul and mind. This one is completely natural product, created from the purest medicinal herbs and roots, is packaged in individual bags stitched with cotton thread. Box made from recycled cardboard keeps everything safe beneficial features drink, its aroma and freshness.

This is interesting. The first tea bags appeared at the beginning of the last century and quickly gained popularity. Today, more than 75% of the tea consumed in Europe is packaged in this way.

Main properties of the Ayurvedic drink:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • calms down nervous system, eliminates the effects of stress and depression;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • promotes digestion;
  • cleanses the liver and kidneys;
  • improves blood composition;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • fights colds;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • eliminates pimples and acne.

For the best healing effect, tea is not brewed in boiling water, but with slightly cooled water and infused for 5–10 minutes. Thrill-seekers can put two bags in a mug at once.

More complete absorption of valuable substances is facilitated by the addition of cow's milk to the drink.

Teas from Yogi Tea

Today, the YogiTea brand produces more than 40 varieties of Ayurvedic drink, consisting of a variety of herbs, roots and spices. The most popular among customers are Detox classic tea and DeTox Skin tea, Bedtime drink, as well as weight loss supplements.

The most famous varieties of Yoga Ti tea:

  • Yogi Tea Skin Detox;
  • YogiTea Bedtime soothing tea;
  • Sweet Lemon Mate Snack Tea with Green Tea;
  • YogiTeaFasting weight loss tea;
  • Green Tea Super Antioxidant;
  • BlackChai with a mixture of oriental spices;
  • Cinnamon Vanilla Healthy Skin Caffeine Free;
  • GreenChai with exotic spices.

All these unusual drinks are made according to ancient recipes and, in addition to their unique taste, have the wonderful ability to influence the state of a person’s soul, body and mind.

Consumer Reviews

Judging by the reviews, more than 77% of buyers get an excellent effect from drinking teas. Agree, this is a lot. What is so remarkable about Yogi Tea?

It is clear that the majority of buyers are women. It's the ladies who are looking for different ways improve appearance and get rid of skin imperfections. Drinking Yoga Ti tea, most of them noted a very good cleansing of the body, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, which, naturally, could not but affect the condition of the dermis.

The drink perfectly cleanses the skin of acne and painful subcutaneous pimples. The detoxification effect is especially pronounced before menstrual periods, when many women suffer from profuse rashes on the chin. Therefore, if you are concerned about this problem, be sure to try Yogi Tea.

In addition to the pronounced cleansing effect, the fair sex also notice other positive aspects: literally after 7 days the skin becomes fresher, more hydrated and youthful. Many defects that even salon procedures could not cope with disappear.

A Yoga Ti drink helps you not only look 100%, but also feel 100%. Tea perfectly improves immunity and saves you from cold symptoms - it reduces sore throat, runny nose, eliminates cough and helps you fall asleep peacefully. After drinking a mug of hot healing drink, you can be sure that in the morning you won’t even remember your illness.

There are also negative reviews among them. In most cases, they are associated with an allergic reaction to tea. Indeed, the composition of the drink is very rich, so people with hypersensitivity are advised to use it with caution.

Where to buy unique tea?

Where can you buy a wonderful drink? Today, the American online store iHerb is unanimously recognized as the best seller of Yoga Ti teas. On its pages you can not only choose and order the drink you like, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things. At the same time, the site pleases with the presence of the Russian language, pleasant design and easy navigation.

When you start shopping, pay attention to Yogi Tea, Skin DeTox, soothing rose and hibiscus, 16 individual bags, 32 g. The drink has a pleasant taste and a pronounced cleansing effect. A carefully selected composition improves the condition of the skin and eliminates pimples and acne, normalizes hormonal levels, and delays the onset of menopause.

You can buy Yogi Tea, Skin DeTox with rose and hibiscus here

No less interesting and popular is the regular Yogi Tea DeTox without caffeine. Buyers note the pleasant taste of the drink and its excellent cleansing effect on the liver. A mug of tea, drunk in the morning, will charge you with vivacity and energy for the whole day, protect the body from colds and support the immune system.

You can purchase Yogi Tea, Detox, 16 tea bags, 29 g, using this link. https://ru.iherb.com/search?kw=yogi+tea

Presented on IHerb is another very popular and beloved drink by many - Yoga Ti Bedtime, caffeine-free, 16 tea bags, 24 g. This is the best relaxing and calming remedy to take in the evening. A cup of aromatic tea will help you forget about your problems and sleep through the night like a baby. The only drawback is that the drink is quite sweet, although many people like it.

You can buy Yogi Tea, Bedtime, decaffeinated at the link https://ru.iherb.com/search?kw=yogi+tea
When purchasing Ayurvedic products on the iHerb online store, you can be sure of their high quality and compliance with all international standards.

Yogi Tea teas will not only give you an incomparable taste and aroma, but will also help maintain the health of your body and spirit for many years. And the wise aphorisms on each tea bag and unique yoga exercises on the packaging will invite you into the world of ancient knowledge and traditions. Treat yourself in style.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Yogi Bhajan was not only a Master of Kundalini Yoga, but also an expert in the field of Ayurveda. “The entire creative receptivity of a person is concentrated in the stomach. The stomach stimulates the brain to coordinate all body systems. Both the heart and the brain obey the stomach. After the yogis discovered this in ancient times, they developed a whole science of fasting and combining foods.”

Ayurveda is the science of the right combination of food that affects human consciousness. It is known that our body, like the surrounding space, consists of five elements; they must be balanced within the body and in accordance with the external manifestations of the elements. In deep winter and early spring, the elements of Water and Earth predominate - cold and wet, which is why winter is called the Kapha period.

Colds and infections

How to avoid colds?

To avoid colds, drink only warm water once a week. Good on Monday or Thursday. Water helps to maintain regular bowel movements.


Apply eucalyptus oil to your throat and chest.


Take basmati rice and the following seeds and nuts in a 3:1:1:1 ratio: shelled almonds, watermelon seeds, zucchini seeds, pumpkin seeds. Soak the almonds overnight, peel them in the morning and chop them into small pieces. For 1 pound of rice (~450g), add 1 ounce of saffron (~30g). Soak the saffron in milk overnight and add the saffron milk when the rice is half cooked. Serve to family once a month as a treat. This will protect you from many viral diseases.

Products for colds.

The following foods will help you with colds: quinine, Yogi Tea and watermelon juice.

Quinine is obtained from the cinchona tree. This is a natural product. We take five granules in a capsule if a cold or fever or flu comes on. It activates energy centers and does not affect blood circulation, leaving no chemical residue that could cause an unwanted side reaction. Be sure to drink plenty of milk, at least 8 ounces, after taking quinine.

Yoga tea recipe

Yoga tea is a delicious tea that acts as a mild stimulant and removes gas cavities from the spine. Three days of a Yogi Tea diet are good for flu or any type of respiratory disease and sinusitis. During the influenza epidemic in India, throughout recent years, one army officer, who was also a yogi, ordered his soldiers to carry Yoga Tea in their thermoses and not drink anything other than it, not even water. All soldiers remained healthy, none contracted influenza, and all were able to perform their regular duties. More recently, an experiment was conducted in the USA, which consisted of taking large quantity Yoga Tea and abstaining from food for three days. This was found to bring rapid recovery during a severe influenza outbreak* (see recipe at end of article).

  • Yoga Tea Recipe

Start with 10 ounces per cup and brew at least four cups at a time. For each cup you want to make, add:

3 seeds of cloves

4 green cardamom seeds

4 black peppercorns

½ cinnamon stick

1 piece ginger root

Boil for 10-15 minutes. Then add ¼ teaspoon of black tea. After 2 minutes add ½

cups milk per cup liquid. Strain and add honey to taste.

If you have a cold, take watermelon juice and drink it. It cleanses and tidies up the liver very well. It has a positive effect on the excretory function of the kidneys, stops the formation of mucus and cools the membranes. Drink this juice instead of food.

Vitamin C

We regularly use vitamin C for people with infectious diseases and for people who are under stress. Stress can come in many forms. This may be stress from physical labor: very hard work, heavy lifting; it could be food stress, in other words, an unhealthy diet. Stress can also be caused by pollutants around us, such as smog or pollution from industrial activities. Vitamin C mainly helps to strengthen and maintain our resistance.

It has special anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties.

There are many, many forms of vitamin C to take by mouth. There is one particular powder that we think is very, very good. It is a combination of ascorbate ions with minerals such as potassium and calcium. Because of the way these ions are combined, ascorbic acid goes straight into the cells and does its job, which is why it is more effective than the tablet form.

The dosage of vitamin C depends on who you are and what your philosophy is.

For people living in polluted, smog-infested areas, we find a daily intake of two to three grams very beneficial. We have found that taking three grams daily is very helpful in reducing smog exposure. People who take excess amounts of ascorbic acid may experience side effects such as diarrhea or nausea caused by the acidic component of ascorbic acid (this usually does not occur until the dosage reaches ten to fifteen grams per day).

This problem can be avoided by taking the ascorbate rather than the acid form of Vitamin C.

When you take a lot of Vitamin C for a cold or infection, let's say you take ten grams a day, then you wake up one morning and you're fine, don't suddenly stop taking Vitamin C because you may experience a backlash in the form of scurvy. Scurvy is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C, and when your body is used to ten grams a day and you suddenly stop taking C, you are experiencing a relative deficiency. When you take these very high doses, always taper off slowly over a period of days or weeks, depending on how long you've been taking it.


FRUIT OF IMMORTALITY - treatment of fibrosis

Kapha foods are heavy, dense, leafy and juicy. If such foods are not enough in the diet, then Kapha becomes out of balance. And vice versa: an abundance of heavy, indigestible foods will add excessive density to the body. Some internal organs “harden” due to excess Earth elements. In this case, the master taught: “Pears dissolve fibrosis and stones, it does not matter where they are. A study conducted in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas found that people who eat pears do not have stones. Isn't this amazing? After all, mountain water is very mineral and there is a high probability of stone formation even in at a young age. But they eat pears." Pear also enriches the blood with iron, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C - important “conductors” of health in winter. At one of the lectures, the Teacher recommended that the woman drink pear juice for 40 days, after which fibrosis no longer bothered her. Fibrosis is the thickening and proliferation of connective tissue in which toxins accumulate. Ayurveda characterizes the growth of excess tissue and various stagnation phenomena as a Kapha-type disorder. Yogi Bhajan warned that fibrosis can lead to cancer. “But if you take some pears, put six to eight cardamom seeds and a little cinnamon on them, that won't be a bad idea, right? Bake at 250 degrees. Oh, and then you take this dish and eat it. Otherwise, death will eat you." The master explained that in Scripture the pear is called “Amar Phal” - a fruit that bestows immortality.


Plants, like people, are born with a predisposition to a certain type of character. For example, rice is an unpretentious grain that can adapt to any conditions, from floods to frosts. Relatively speaking, rice has not only a solid structure, but also a strong character, resistance to life’s ups and downs. Uplifting and at the same time stabilizing character; light odor; sweet taste - quickly satisfies hunger; cold energy that does not ignite the fire of digestion during eating - indicate that rice belongs to the category of easily digestible and nutritious foods, so suitable for the winter period. But there are subtleties in the method of cleaning and cooking rice: “White rice that is polished is useless,” Yogi Bhajan answered his students when they asked, “Which rice is better - brown or white?” Rice peeled from the whole bran shell is depleted of B vitamins necessary in winter. Swelling, cracked lips, peeling skin, heaviness in the legs are signs of vitamin deficiency. On the other hand, the darker and longer the rice, the more difficult it is to digest, although it is more nutritious. “Brown rice can cause kidney stones. Until the brown rice is boiled in water in a ratio of 1:9 and it really becomes soft,” the teacher warned. And he offered a compromise - basmati rice, which, according to the Ayurvedic tradition, he called: “the king, among all types of rice.” A great recipe for winter is Kheer, or rice porridge. In Yogi Bhajan's lectures, he told a story from the Adi Grantha*, where kheer and ghee were called fragrant ambrosia due to their sattvic qualities.


Already as an officer, holding a prestigious position, Yogi Bhajan decided to study astrology and numerology. He found one of the best teachers in India at that time, Pandit Ram Lal. Yogi G was born in rich family and as he himself said, money didn’t matter to him. The Pandit understood this, and when Yogi Bhajan came to him in his chauffeured car, he said, “Now listen. Every morning at four o'clock, bring me carrot pudding, prepared by you personally. And also, from your house to this place you will need to walk barefoot.” Carrot pudding, or Hajar Halawa, is a popular dish in North India, especially in winter when the red carrots are harvested. With its fiery color, it reminds of its warming effects, having a calming effect on Kapha and Vata, who freeze in winter. Heat-treated carrots increase the content of beta-carotene, famous for its immunostimulating properties. Since Hajar Halawa is served warm, the Master had to get up early, spend an hour preparing the pudding, then another hour to have time to walk four miles through the dry and cold December soil. Already on the third day, his legs burst and began to bleed. And his teacher ate the pudding, gave the bowl and continued teaching others without saying a word to Yogi Ji. This silent training continued for many months. “Every time I remember this, tears come to my eyes,” the Master joked. Once he very respectfully, with a smile, asked the teacher: “Sir, why are you harassing me for so long?” To which Pandit Ram Lal replied: “You know that you were born in a very rich family. When people have money, they lose the meaning of values. I wanted you to learn to appreciate. Knowledge later." Yogi Bhajan mastered the basics of astrology faster than other students in several years.


IN cold weather Skin pores narrow, saving internal heat. A person is likened to a seed lying under a layer of snow: outside there is a hard seed cover, inside there are active biological processes preparing the embryo for spring germination. As a result of the “active biological process,” a person’s appetite increases, on the other hand, the “hard seed coat” slows down cellular metabolism, converting excess food into subcutaneous fat.

To avoid excess weight , it is important to choose foods that do not whet your appetite, but are still rich in nutrients. During winter, Yogi Bhajan recommended eating seeds and nuts. Despite the fact that nuts are a heavy, oily food, they are beneficial in moderation, proper preparation and combination of foods.

For sore throat: Make a nut : whole milk: take a few grains pre-soaked in water walnut, a pinch of turmeric, add warm boiled water, mix everything in a blender. The Master advised drinking this drink in the morning, especially for those who wanted to recover from a sore throat. The nut restores strength, gives energy, and, like turmeric, improves fat metabolism and has an anti-inflammatory effect. “Do you know that the shape of your brain and the shape of a walnut are similar?” - this is how the Master drew the students’ attention to the fact that the walnut is useful for brain activity. The nut kernels contain fatty acid Omega-3 - they strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This is especially true in winter, when weak walls cannot withstand temperature changes and burst. There is a wonderful recipe for cheese made from seeds and nuts.


From the 1971 recordings of Shakti Parva Kaur Khalsa

This delicious Yogi Bhajan recipe, featuring three active roots: onion, garlic and ginger, is a balanced, complete meal in itself.

Wash the potatoes and bake them.On olive oil fry:

85 g finely chopped ginger root

115 g chopped onion

A pinch of turmeric

Cumin seeds

Red pepper (to your taste, be careful - it is very hot)

A pinch of ground cardamom

Several carnations

A pinch of ground cinnamon

Fry all this until the onion turns golden. Add cottage cheese to taste.
Cut the baked potatoes in half lengthwise, remove the inside and mash. Then fill each half of the potatoes with a mixture of mashed potatoes and half of the cooked fry (1:1 proportion). Place a piece of Cheddar cheese on top and bake the potatoes with the filling in the oven for a while.

As a side dish, slice fresh pineapple, radishes and green peppers. This is indeed a very nutritious dish! So it is recommended to eat no more than two potato halves at a time.

Serve baked potatoes with salad and a cup of yogurt.

Remember to always repeat mantras while preparing food. Never start eating without thanking God for giving you this food, and always repeat mantras when cooking - the vibrations of the mantras penetrate into the food. Add prayers to everything you want to feed your family and friends. They will feel it If you have ever had the opportunity to taste food prepared by Yogi Bhajan, you would understand what I am talking about.


During the flu period, you need to have special food. Preventing a disease is easier than curing it! This beetroot dish has a wonderful taste and has a beneficial effect on the liver and intestines. However, if you suffer from hypoglycemia,
Be careful - beets are very sweet.


4 medium beets

1 large yam (sweet potato)

1 large onion, finely chopped

1/4 finely chopped or grated ginger root

5 cloves garlic, minced

1 jalapeno (dark green Mexican pepper), chopped as desired

1 teaspoon turmeric

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon cardamom powder

1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

3 tablespoons Ghee (refined butter)

Steam or pressure cook beets and sweet potatoes. Remove the sweet potatoes after 10 minutes, and continue to cook the beets for another 10-15 minutes, or until they become soft.

In a large saucepan, melt the Ghee and add the finely chopped onion. After 3-5 minutes, add the ginger, garlic and jalapeno (Mexican pepper). Continue to fry until the onions are soft enough. Cook over low heat so that the onions do not burn. When The mixture is ready, add spices and fry over low heat for a few more minutes.

Remove the beets from the pressure cooker, run them under cold water and peel them. Peel the sweet potatoes too. Cut the sweet potatoes and beets into small cubes (the smaller the better). Add the vegetables to the onion, garlic and ginger and stir slowly.

You can sprinkle fresh chopped cilantro on top of the dish. It is good served with saffron rice and yoga tea!

Mysterious Yogic Tea Yogic tea is extremely beneficial. Once you try it, you won't be able to refuse it. This is my opinion, of course, but it's up to you to decide. The spices that go well in this tea will help you cleanse your blood, improve digestion, restore your nervous system and physical strength, protect you from flu and colds, and lift your spirits. Those who want to get a more powerful cleansing effect can refuse food for 3 days, replacing it with this tea. You need to drink 10 to 21 cups of yoga tea per day. Yogic tea has a wonderful taste and can be an excellent substitute for morning coffee due to its energy effect. What you need: 9 clove buds 9 pieces of cardamom 1 cinnamon stick 4 teaspoons of turmeric 5-10 teaspoons of ginger 0.5 teaspoon of good black tea Preparation: 1. The dosage of spices can be changed as desired, that is, varied to taste. You may want to put more of something, or less of something. 2. Place all ingredients (except tea. Tea is added at the very end) into boiling water (2 liters). Boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Add 1 cup milk and bring to a boil. If desired, you can add a little milk. Drink with honey and always be healthy.

UNIQUE RECIPES FOR CLEANING THE LUNG AND BRONCHI As a result of exposure to pathogenic microorganisms and frequent colds Mucus can accumulate in our lungs, which, stagnating in the respiratory tract, interferes with the normal functioning of the bronchopulmonary system, hence the cough, the appearance of sputum, and discomfort in the bronchi. We have selected the best for you folk recipes, which will allow you to cleanse the bronchi and lungs. Cleansing the lungs with milk and oats: you need to pour a glass of whole oat grains with 500 ml of milk, put on low heat and evaporate the milk until the mixture is reduced by half. After which you should remove the composition from the heat, cool and rub through a sieve to obtain a sweetish mass. The healing composition should be taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, half an hour before meals for one week. Cleansing the lungs with a decoction pine cones: you need to collect a kilogram of young pine cones in the spring, pour cold water into them in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for 6-8 hours over medium heat, stirring and removing the film. We should get a composition similar to regular jam, after which we need to strain it, add sugar and cook for an hour. The healing composition should be taken two teaspoons twenty minutes before meals. Cleansing a smoker's lungs: not an easy task, however, there are proven folk remedies, which will allow you to significantly reduce the consequences of your addiction. Cleansing the lungs with garlic and onions: you need to chop a large onion and garlic, add sugar and let it brew for about two hours until a syrup forms. Healing syrup should be drunk one tablespoon two to three times a day after meals. Phytoncides contained in garlic and onions kill pathogenic microbes, and essential oils have a cleansing and healing effect. Cleansing the lungs with essential oils: inhalation from essential oils(eucalyptus, coniferous trees) have a beneficial effect on the bronchopulmonary system of our body. The procedure is very simple: boil a pan of water, add one teaspoon of essential oil to it, cover your head with a towel and breathe over the pan for five minutes. You can also take warm baths with essential oils. After the procedures, we immediately lie down in a warm bed and fall asleep. The healing effects of essential oils are not limited to the bronchi and lungs.

The best recipes. The most delicious dishes for every day for the whole family

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5 miracle cures based on turmeric that will make you forget the way to the pharmacy! 1. Against obesity, atherosclerosis and diabetes Turmeric can not only help you lose weight, but also cleanse blood vessels and lower blood sugar levels. It's no secret that this spice is included in many dietary supplements and dietary products. But why buy them if you can prepare an equally effective medicine yourself. PREPARATION Pour in 1 tsp. turmeric powder, red hot pepper on the tip of a knife and the same amount of ground mumiyo with a glass of boiled water. Mix this mixture thoroughly. Drink one glass half an hour before meals three times a day. 2. Treatment of colds There are 2 recipes for quite effective cold medicines made from turmeric. The first is a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory warm drink. PREPARATION Boil a glass of milk, cool to a temperature of approximately 40 degrees. Then add to it a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of honey, preferably linden honey. Mix this mixture thoroughly and consume three times a day one hour before meals or two hours after meals. The second recipe will come to the rescue if you catch a sore throat. From turmeric you can prepare a kind of local antibiotic, which is best used after thoroughly gargling a sore throat. PREPARATION Mix a little candied honey and turmeric powder in a teaspoon. Place this mixture in your mouth and suck it slowly for at least five minutes. After this, you need to refrain from drinking and eating for two to three hours. It is best to take this medicine before bed. 3. Medicine for burns, wounds and acne Turmeric has healing properties, so it can be used to prepare a medicinal composition for wraps and masks. Dressings with the product must be changed every three hours. Turmeric will also help deal with weeping whiteheads. To do this, you need to apply the medicinal composition to clean face as a mask and keep for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with boiled water. PREPARATION Apply 3–5 tbsp. l. turmeric into a glass or porcelain cup. Then squeeze the juice of indoor aloe leaves into the same place until you get a creamy mass that is convenient to apply to the skin. Do not store this mixture, use it immediately. 4. Honey sweets for hypertension This recipe traditional medicine will be a salvation for everyone who suffers from high blood pressure. Although the recipe is more complex, the effect of this medicine is invaluable. INGREDIENTS ● 1 tbsp. l. flax seeds ● 1 tbsp. l. sesame seeds ● 1 tbsp. l. maca ● 1 tsp. turmeric ● 2 tbsp. l. honey PREPARATION Grind the first four ingredients in a coffee grinder and mix them with honey. Roll 4-5 candies from the resulting mass. They should be enough for 1 day of treatment. And to prevent hypertension, 1 candy a day will be enough.

Morning exercises of Tibetan lamas Morning exercises of Tibetan lamas takes no more than 7 minutes, but gives a colossal effect: you get up as if born again! 1. When you wake up, lie down with your eyes closed for five minutes. Then rub your hands until they become hot. Then massage your ears (the ear is the control panel for the entire body): take the index, thumb and middle finger in a handful and rub the ear from top to bottom 30 times ( thumb it is located behind the ear). 2. Place your right palm on your forehead (on the eyebrow line), cover it with your left palm, focus on the third eye point (between the eyebrows) and move the skin of your forehead left and right with your palm 30 times. (By the way, this also helps a lot with headaches). 3. Make a fist with your knuckles thumbs Massage your closed eyes 15 times - from the nose to the ears. This exercise improves vision and blood supply to the brain. 4. Place your right palm on the thyroid area, your left palm on top and move your hands, pressing lightly, from top to bottom - from the throat to the solar plexus 30 times. 5. Lying down, pull in and inflate your stomach as much as possible – 30 times. Breathing is voluntary. All congestion in the digestive tract goes away. 6. Lying on your back, slowly, while inhaling, first pull your right knee to your chest - 15 times. Then the same amount - left. 7. Place your right hand on the solar plexus, your left hand on top, make circles around the stomach with clockwise pressure - 30 times. 8. Legs extended, hands on the back of the head, inhale - raise your legs behind your head, exhale - lower them. You need to do this 10 times. Improves male potency and digestion. Very good for the spine. 9. Sit on the edge of the bed, eyes open, place your left foot on your right knee, and rub the indentation on your foot with your knuckles 30 times. The same with the right leg. This stimulates all organs. 10. While sitting, place your right palm on the back of your head, your left hand on top and move your hands, pressing, left and right 15 times. After gymnastics, drink half a glass of warm water (or better yet, 1-2 glasses at normal room temperature).

10 BEST TIPS FROM OSHO 1. People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden for them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer. 2. Every action leads to an immediate result. Just be alert and watch. Mature man- one who observed himself and found what was right and wrong for him; what is good and what is bad. And thanks to the fact that he found it himself, he has enormous authority: even if the whole World says something different, nothing will change for him. He has own experience , on which he can rely, and that is enough. 3. We are all unique. Never ask anyone what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment to find out what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes you may do something wrong, but it will give you relevant experience from which you will immediately benefit. 4. There are times when God comes and knocks on your door. This is love - God knocking at your door. Through a woman, through a man, through a child, through love, through a flower, through a sunset or dawn... God can knock in a million different ways. 5. The desire to be unusual is a very common desire. Relaxing and being ordinary is truly extraordinary. 6. Life is a mystery. It cannot be predicted. But there are many people who would like to live a predictable life, because then there would be no fear. Everything would be certain, there would be no doubt about anything. But will there be room for growth then? If there is no risk, how can you grow? If there is no danger, how can you strengthen your consciousness? If there is no possibility of you deviating, how can you walk on the right path? If there is no alternative to the devil, will there be any possibility of reaching God? 7. Become solitary first. Start enjoying yourself first. First become so truly happy that it will not matter if no one comes to you; you are full, overflowing. Even if no one knocks on your door, it's still okay - you're not missing out on anything. You don't expect anyone to come and knock on your door. You are at home. If someone comes to you, good, great. If no one comes, that’s also good and wonderful. Then you can go into relationships with others. Now you can do this as a master and not as a slave, as an emperor and not as a beggar. 8. If you are rich, don’t think about it, if you are poor, don’t take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it. 9. Courage is moving into the unknown, regardless of all fears. Courage is not fearlessness. Fearlessness happens when you become bolder and bolder. This is the highest experience of courage - Fearlessness; courage has become absolute. But at the very beginning the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great. The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on. A daredevil goes into the unknown despite all his fears. 10. You change every moment. You are a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow will be different. I never saw the same face twice. It is changing. It is constantly changing. But you need to have discerning eyes to see it. Otherwise the dust settles and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.