Warm words to parents from their daughter. Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding in verse and prose. Beautiful words of gratitude from the bride and groom, from children to parents on their birthday, on graduation. Luxurious words of gratitude to the groom's parents from the brides

  • A wedding is always special and gala event in the lives of parents and their children. Every newlyweds look forward to their wedding date and prepare for it with special trepidation.
  • The most pleasant moments for two lovers are: the moment of exchanging rings, the first marital kiss and congratulating parents at the wedding.
  • We can confidently say that parents are the people who wish the newlyweds happiness more than all the guests present, and that is why it is worth taking a few minutes of time to thank your loved ones.
  • Of course, a speech of gratitude can be completely improvised, but it is much better when all the words are harmonized and the main thoughts are collected together.
  • Parents should pronounce words with special sensitivity and sincerity. So that every guest present at the wedding understands how deep your love for your family is.

You can write the thank-you speech in advance on a separate sheet of paper (it’s best to use a postcard: it’s both beautiful and convenient), or you can memorize the entire text in advance and recite it by heart. You choose the way to express gratitude yourself.

words of gratitude to the groom's parents from the bride
  • A thank you speech is best given to both newlyweds, both the bride and groom. When two lovers become one, it means that they will complement each other and do everything harmoniously.
  • Try to pronounce the words with all your heart, give your parents a sincere smile, if you want to shed a tear - do not hide your emotions, this speaks of you as a sensual person.
  • You should thank not only your parents, but also the parents of your loved one, because only thanks to them you have love in your life. At the moment of saying gratitude, you should forget all possible misunderstandings, quarrels and resentments that could exist between you.
  • When choosing words and phrases for your speech, avoid too pretentious expressions, construct your speech in the right beautiful language, try to use quotes from famous people who relate to your topic.
  • Words of gratitude can be constructed in prosaic or poetic form. Prose comes easily at the moment of improvisation, but poetry leaves a much stronger impression.

words to thank parents at a wedding

Gratitude from the bride to the groom's parents in prose

Our dear parents! I want to thank you for once giving this world of a kind, honest and good person - my husband. I am eternally grateful to you for accepting me and I promise to be a good daughter, always take care of your son, love him and help him through life. Thank you for allowing me to become his soulmate from now on until the end of his life!

Dear (names of the groom's parents)! Thank you for sparing no effort and raised a kind and wonderful person - your son. Having met him, I found true love which I will carry throughout my entire life!

Mom and Dad! Thank you so much for helping us organize this holiday. Thank you for giving such a wonderful person to the world. And now that he has become my husband, I promise to carry our love through sadness and adversity, wealth and poverty, tears and joy and never leave him!

Gratitude from the bride to the groom's parents in verse

It seems like just yesterday we were children,
They shouted, they were mischievous, they cried, they joked.
Today we made our vow before God
Keep love for each other for hundreds of thousands of years.
You are not sad that your temples are covered with gray hair,
For us, you are young and very good.
We connected each other with good fate
For this, “thank you” from the bottom of my heart!

A little sad, a little anxious,
There is both joy and some sadness in our hearts,
But we still know the way to the house
The veil of memory will not hide it.
Thank you for the holiday and care,
I have great love in my hands.
We both succumbed to the whirlpool
And the feelings overwhelmed us!

Video: " Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding. Bride. Very beautiful"

Beautiful words of gratitude from the groom to the bride's parents

A special place at a wedding celebration is occupied by the groom's thank you speech. Thus, a man, with his courage to express personal thoughts and say “thank you” to the bride’s parents, shows that their daughter is in safe, strong hands. As expected, a man should have a clear word, a concise meaning, beautiful precise phrases and at the same time not be too boring and talkative.

To prepare in advance for a solemn speech, you need to spend a lot of time selecting words, reading relevant literature and statements of famous people on this topic. The work is much simplified by selecting ready-made cliches, which can always be diversified in your own way, supplemented with your own words and memories.

words of gratitude from the groom to the bride's parents

Beautiful words of gratitude from the groom to the bride’s parents in prose

Dear Parents! I want to thank you for being able to raise such a good daughter. (Bride's name) has all the qualities of a wonderful wife and I am incredibly lucky that she chose me. Thank you for your care and help, I promise to protect your daughter from any evil and from any misfortune. I promise to carry my love through all the years of our married life, to be a faithful and kind husband, to cherish and adore! Thank you!!!

(Parents' names)! On this beautiful day I want to thank you for being gave me the opportunity to feel happy, you gave me my beloved. From now on, I promise to keep her as the “apple of my eye,” to protect her, make her happy and fully provide for her. She came into my life like a fairy tale and still remains so.

Mom and Dad! You, like no one, know how good (bride's name) is! Thanks that accepted me with all my heart and allowed me to love your daughter. I am incredibly happy even at the thought that from now on we are husband and wife. Stay close to us and continue, without you we cannot be as happy as everyone sees us today!

Beautiful words of gratitude to the mother and father of the bride from the groom in verse

Thank you for being a smart bride,
She is smart, beautiful and kind.
Let me tell you, I didn’t fall in love with her like a child.
And marriage, in my opinion, is not a game at all!
I will be a faithful and good husband,
I will protect your daughter.
I will be the one she needs to live
And I will kiss her feet!

On your wedding day, parents, you
A huge and low bow.
Believe the heartfelt words
The bride is like a rosebud!
I will cherish her forever,
Make your dreams come true.
She is my dear person
I have nothing else to look for!

Video: " Parents at the wedding. Speech, congratulations for parents. Mom and Dad"

Touching words of gratitude to mom and dad from a daughter

  • A touching moment at a wedding is the solemn speech of gratitude from the bride to her parents. Such words always touch our hearts and bring us to happy tears.
  • Saying “thank you” to parents is very important; this is the only way to thank them for everything they have given their daughter up to this point: education, life skills, love and the holiday itself.
  • As a rule, women are more eloquent than men. They have a better command of words, they know how to touch the “strings of the soul” and that is why their speech leaves a lasting impression.
  • Such words are very firmly “embedded in the memory” and remain in it forever. It is for this reason that speech must be coherent, sensitive and rehearsed.

When it’s difficult to put together a speech on your own, improvisation is “not your thing,” and words often fly out of your memory due to excitement, you need to use ready-made clichés and templates, which are always easy to diversify in your own way, supplement with personal moments and memories, pleasant wishes.

words of gratitude to parents at the wedding from the bride

Words of gratitude to your parents from the bride in a prosaic form

My dear mom and dad! I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you behind that they helped organize this holiday for us. You helped me become the person that everyone knows and sees me now: kind, well-mannered, educated, cultured. Thank you for never losing faith in me and always supporting me difficult situations. I want to say that I am incredibly lucky to be your daughter, to receive your love and affection. I promise not to lose myself and always remember you, help and spend time with you, but now in a different status, in the status of a “happy wife”!

Mommy and Daddy! Today is my wedding. I can’t believe at all that I’ve grown up. It seems to me that I still go to kindergarten, school, discos... and every time I hear your voice: “Be careful!” Thank you for taking care of me all my life. Thank you for giving me everything you had and more. Without you, I wouldn’t be such a kind and honest person! Thank you for your help, for this holiday, for the gifts, for your love and for believing in me. I promise to be a good and faithful wife, to reach heights and achieve success, so that you are proud of me every day!

My dear parents! I want to thank you in front of everyone present. today at our celebration for a great wedding, for great help in preparation, for sleepless nights, anxiety, waste and nerves! Thank you for loving and loving me every day! Thank you for inspiring me to be a good person and constantly telling me that I deserve to be happy. Today I am completely happy, I found a husband and became a beloved wife. I promise you, parents, not to forget you and always share my joys with you. I want to tell you that you are the best best parents in the world!

a grateful speech from the bride on her behalf to her parents

Words of gratitude from the bride to her parents in verse

My parents are so dear,
They have given me their warmth all my life.
I was not afraid of any adversity
And everything turned out well in life.
Thank you for investing your strength in me,
You didn’t get enough sleep at night, you didn’t finish your bread.
Your care preserved my life,
Love protected from all troubles.

Parents, thank you for your understanding..
You are what inspires me to live.
You gave me love and education,
I will thank you forever.

Let me become a wife and independent,
I remember my father's house and bed.
I keep my memories pure
And I will remember them every day!

On our bright wedding day
Thank you!
Thanks for gifts,
Oh, how I love you!
Today I don't say goodbye
“See you later” I’m just saying
I solemnly promise you,
That soon I will give you grandchildren.

Video: “Words from a daughter to her parents at a wedding”

Pleasant words of gratitude to mom and dad from his son in poetry and prose

A son is the pride of any parents, and on a day like a wedding, words of gratitude from his lips are especially important. Such words must necessarily express gratitude to the parents who gave a magnificent celebration, holiday and many gifts. As a rule, all newlyweds use improvisation while making a speech.

It's much better to prepare in advance. Beautiful and pleasant words for parents should sound in a special way: sincerely, sensually and from the heart. Every young man necessarily has thoughts in his head that can become beautiful speech. Unfortunately, the excitement and preparation for the wedding often unsettles you and makes it difficult to concentrate.

An assistant in such situations will be a unique template prepared in advance, into which you can add personal experiences and memories, making the speech more colorful and richer.

words of gratitude from the groom to his parents at the wedding

Words of gratitude from the groom at the wedding to his parents on the wedding day in prose:

My dear parents! Here I stand before you: a handsome groom, kind and a decent person, and now a faithful and caring husband, and all this is your merit. Without you, I would not have become the person my young wife fell in love with me. Thank you for giving me many useful lessons throughout my life and revealing the truths of life. Now I can say with confidence that I was lucky with my parents! Thank you for your support, care and strength that you were not afraid to invest in me!

Mom and Dad! You will remain close and dear to me for the rest of my life. Thank you for once giving me life, spending many sleepless nights, investing all your strength and money in me without a trace. Only thanks to your efforts, I grew up to be a worthy man and decided to take a responsible step by offering my hand and heart to my beloved. Don’t worry, mom, (bride’s name) will take care of me no worse than you. Don't worry, dad, I will show myself as a real master and protector. Thank you, parents, for everything you did for me and for this day!

My beloved parents! On this festive day for us, I would like to share my happiness is with you. Thank you for believing in me from birth and never complaining about fatigue, pain and lack of time, investing the best of yourself in me. I am incredibly glad that today we are together and I want to tell you that I am infinitely happy to have found my beloved wife. I promise to be good faithful husband, provide prosperity for your family and take care of you!

the words spoken at the wedding by the groom should be especially pleasant

Words of gratitude from the groom to his parents on the wedding day in verse:

Thank you, parents, for having me,
Thank you for being present here and now,
I am very grateful to you, as a husband and son,
For the fact that there was not even a day in my life,
May I not be loved!
Thank you for teaching me goodness,
They kept telling me to wait and believe in a bright dream,
I don’t know what I would do without a family like you,
You are the best, my parents!

Mom and dad, my dear ones,
I thank you with a pure soul.
You are so wonderful
I love you with my soul and heart!

Gave me warmth, love, care,
They believed, sometimes they waited without sleep,
It's so important that someone believes
What you can achieve yourself!

My dear parents,
My deepest bow to you
For being raised as a man
And they gave me a cozy home.

For helping out in trouble,
For waiting in the distance.
For missing me
And they gave me everything they could!

Beautiful words of gratitude to his son from his mother and father, words to children in poetry and prose

Parting words from parents on the day of celebration will be an excellent motivation for the newlyweds. Such words should be special, “catch the heartstrings,” reveal the meaning of family life and inspire confidence.

It’s not difficult to find the right words when you wish the best for your children. The problem becomes only anxiety or worries during the wedding, which can become an obstacle to speaking out.

Already prepared templates will help you compose a speech, which you can always add with your own experiences, examples and wishes.

parents speech at wedding beautiful words mothers and fathers of the groom, parting words to the children

Beautiful words from parents to their children for a wedding, parental parting words:

Dear, our children! We are so glad that you took such an important step in your life.- build a family and continue the family line. This symbolizes you as responsible and mature people. We are incredibly glad that you have found each other. Love is a wonderful feeling, it is the best thing we can wish for you on this day. Keep it, carry it through decades, instill it in your children and if you have time, don’t forget about us!

Our beloved son! You are our pride, our hope and support. We raised you in peace and love and now we hand it into the hands of your smart wife. We hope that you will show yourself to be a good owner, protector and self-sufficient man. We wish you to be successful, loved, happy and ask you not to forget your parents. We respect your choice and promise to love your wife like our own daughter!

Children, I congratulate you on the long-awaited day,
May you remember this day!
May you have everything you desire
And no shadow of sadness falls.
Every day may luck rush to you,
Let trouble pass by,
All good things will happen to you,
The pain of loss will never come!

Our dear children,
We wish you well!
Let your whole life sparkle with happiness,
Smiling - always!

Don't be sad about failures
Anyone can cope with sadness.
The main thing is to keep your feelings
And endless love!

Please accept my congratulations,
I want to wish you with my heart
Love, understanding, happiness,
No sorrow, no anxiety.
Love endless, boundless,
Which will be clean
Trust and understanding
Prosperity, good luck, goodness.

Pleasant and beautiful words of gratitude to the guests at the wedding in verse and prose

Guests are special people at a wedding. As a rule, guests are close people, relatives and best friends. For them, your wedding is a special date. That is why it is imperative to devote time to them during the celebration.

Each guest, going to your celebration, spends a lot of effort, time and finances to make your event perfect. Prepare a pleasant thank you speech in which you express all your emotions and feelings to your loved ones.

beautiful words and gratitude to the guests for their presence at the wedding celebration

Choose the most pleasant words for your guests, in which you express your love and respect for them.

Pleasant words to guests at a wedding in verse and prose:

Our dear guests! Thank you very much for taking the time and opportunity. attend our celebration. This is a special holiday for us and without you, it would not be so fun and solemn. We say with confidence that you are our family and our life. Every person present here is important and necessary to us. Thank you for the gifts, but the most important thing is your attention and pleasant congratulatory words in our honor. We promise to preserve our marriage and carry our love through a hundred years!

Dear guests! Pay attention to each other: you are all beautiful, solemn, smile and enjoy today. It is a great joy to have so many people close to your heart and share your happiness with them. Thank you for being able to be here and now. We promise to keep our love, not forget you and believe in the family!

Thank you, dear guests,
Why did you come to us today?
You are all like gold to us
We don't need any other awards!
Thank you for a pleasant evening,
For dances, songs and words.
We will be glad to meet you
In family life a year later.

Friends, thank you for coming,
Leave your worries behind
Friends, thank you for joining us
Today all our roads.
Thank you for shouting
“It’s bitter for us!” all day and evening
Thank you, guests, for coming,
We look forward to meeting you!

Video: " Gratitude to sister and guests"

Beautiful words of gratitude for gifts, how to thank for gifts at a wedding?

  • Gratitude from the newlyweds for gifts during the wedding celebration is an important moment that symbolizes the “young” as responsible and serious people. Whatever the gift, it is a sign of attention and therefore deserves respect.
  • Gratitude for gifts can be expressed in the form of a postcard, which each guest receives by mail after the celebration, but it is much more pleasant to listen to words of gratitude at the moment of celebration.
  • Gratitude should be expressed to both newlyweds with sincerity, desire and respect for each guest, even if you do not really need this item (meaning a gift).

words of gratitude to the guests for the gifts presented at the celebrations

Words of gratitude for gifts to guests:

Dear guests! We would like to thank you for making us so happy many nice gifts! We value each of them very much and know that we chose them with special care. We promise to remember you every time and fill your home with memorable gifts, which will instantly become cozy and loved. Thank you!

Thank you guests for giving us so many gifts! We promise What We will spend the entire amount collected on “furnishing our nest” and making it the warmest, most comfortable and “softest.” With all other gifts we will fill the voids in our home and will often remember you, your care and attention!

Our dear guests! Thank you for being able to attend our celebration and were able to gift us with so many useful things. We promise to cherish each of our happy family lives, to spend the entire amount “for future use” and not a penny “to waste.” We are happy that you appreciate and love us. We thank and appreciate you endlessly! Thank you!

Video: “Words of gratitude at a wedding”

A wedding is the day when new family, a new union. You break away from your parents and embark on the path of independent life.

In addition to shouts of “bitter” and words of congratulations addressed to the newlyweds, on this day there must be words of gratitude to the parents - father-in-law and mother-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law, who gave birth, raised, and raised the bride and groom.

Thanks to them, this celebration is happening today - without parents and their daily work, this day would not have happened.

We want to advise you on what words to express your gratitude to your parents at the wedding.

Sample words of gratitude for the loaf

After the official ceremony at the registry office, parents on the threshold of the house or cafe where the celebration will take place greet the newlyweds with bread and salt.

Of course, they will give you warm, heartfelt words of encouragement, thus giving their blessing to your new happy life that is beginning.

That is why, in their response speech, newlyweds usually pronounce a phrase where thank you for the bread and salt.

“Mom and Dad, thank you so much for the warm welcome. By greeting us with bread, you show that you bless our choice. We promise to protect our happiness and our feelings, to value each other as dearly as salt and bread crumbs.

We really hope that you will always help our young family with your advice and support in all endeavors.”

Gratitude for organizing the wedding

It is financially difficult for a young family to pay for a wedding themselves, so often the main financial costs, as well as meetings and agreements for holding the celebration, fall on the shoulders of the parents.

Therefore, at the wedding there should be words of gratitude for the help in holding the celebration.

"Dear Parents! Thank you so much for your help in organizing such a wonderful wedding. This holiday will forever remain in our hearts, and we will review the recordings more than once with you and your future grandchildren.

It was only thanks to your support that everything turned out exactly as we dreamed, and we are sincerely grateful to you for that.”

Gratitude for gifts

In addition to helping in organizing the wedding, parents, of course, give gifts to the newlyweds.

And often these gifts are very significant - a car, an apartment, a honeymoon.

Therefore, the bride and groom simply must thank their families for them.

"Dear Parents! In this life you have given us many gifts, but wedding gifts are especially important and dear to us. Thanks to your generosity, our family foundation has been laid, and we believe that it will be strong and reliable, that we will definitely build our fortress and the first bricks in strong walls were laid by you - our relatives, loved ones.”

Appreciation for caring

We thank our parents, first of all, for their boundless warmth and the enormous efforts that were made to raise you.

For their love, care, tenderness and understanding.

For your support always and in everything, for the fact that they are always there.

“Dear dad and mom! Thank you for your love - it has surrounded and surrounds us since birth, for your support at any moment of our lives.
Thanks to your protection, we confidently enter a new family life, knowing that we always have someone to turn to for advice, kind words, for help".

Gratitude to parents should not be a rehearsed and learned preparation; words of love and gratitude should come from the heart.

Written gratitude

Words of gratitude can not only be said, but also written on special scrolls or charters.

Beautifully designed, they will delight and remind your parents of your love and gratitude.

What is usually written on such scrolls?

  • The fact that your parents are the best in the world and you are incredibly lucky to have them.
  • The fact that they taught you a lot - to think, love, understand another person, take care of him.
  • What is their common family life an example for your couple.
  • That when you go into adulthood, you don’t leave them. On the contrary, now they also have a son (daughter), and after some time you will also give them grandchildren.
  • That you are grateful to them for all those sleepless nights they spent at your bedside when you were sick.
  • Because they stood by your side when you were offended and were rightly harsh when you offended someone.
  • That you ask for forgiveness for situations where you upset them and are sorry for your wrongdoings.
  • That you will try to be just as good parents for your children.

An example of a wedding letter of gratitude to parents “Rainbow of Feelings”:

Mommy and Daddy!
Thank you for teaching us a whole palette of feelings that can be called a rainbow:

Red is the color of strong feelings – love. By your example, you show how deeply and long you love each other and us, your children.

Orange - the color of tangerines - the feeling of magic, the holidays that you always arranged for us.

Yellow is the color of the sun, dandelions are a feeling of kindness that you always show to us and others.

Green is the color of life – a feeling of cheerfulness. You always taught us that life must be loved, it is beautiful and unique.

Blue is the color of dreams - your words that you need to dream and believe in the fulfillment of desires - it’s true, we met our love and are now happy.

Blue is the color of spirituality - we always remember that there is God, Higher Powers, so we need to live according to our conscience and not be afraid of anything.

Purple is the color not so much of feelings as of logic. You always tell us that we need to listen to the heart, but also listen to the mind.

Our dear, beloved parents! Thank you for your wisdom and reliable shoulder. May there always be a bright and warm rainbow above you!

It is very important to say words of gratitude not on a piece of paper and, of course, while standing in front of your parents. Usually, at the end of the speech, the newlyweds bow to their parents.
It will be great if you also say words of gratitude to your godparents.

Gratitude to parents in verse

To mom from the bride

My dear mom,
I say “thank you” to you,
For your support, your look, dimples,
And what a beautiful wedding.
Soaring like a good angel,
You will always share the path with me,
Sweet and real
And be like that for your grandchildren!
I want to hug you now
Bow low to the Earth.
You are the most beautiful mother in the world,
My bow is for mother’s love!

Mother-in-law from son-in-law

A special woman - my wife's mother,
He is worried about giving away his daughter.
Please, don’t be sad, don’t, because you
You are dear to me, like my own.
And they helped to grow my happiness,
He was raised well
And they put so much love into my heart.
Grateful. If only they knew!
We must say “thank you” to you today,
And touchingly, here I repent.
My respect goes to my wife's mother.
I will try to be your son!

From the bride to dad

There is a beginning in the world and there is an end,
There is heaven and earth, water and fire,
You connected a lot, father,
Your character is kind, but you are hard as a stone.
He raised me to be his princess,
Today you give love to your husband,
But I will remain your daughter
I love you, I need you as much as ever!
Thank you for being my friend and my dad,
And there is always a reason for joy:
Calm and confident with you,
My dad, the most devoted man!

From the groom to dad

Dad, I want to tell you
Thankful that you exist in the world.
Can they take over your mind and strength?
You have grandchildren, my children.
You always taught me goodness,
Hard work, patience, word of honor.
I stand here before you as an adult,
But my eyes are wet.
I have a family and now I
I will continue the glorious, long-standing family, like you.
But I won’t close the door to your house,
Where is the father - teacher and mentor!


Mom of my husband, thank you
For the man of all my dreams.
I catch your features and yours in it
Have you had many trials?
I'm not tearing it off, no,
From family, from well-coordinated traditions.
You are like the Sun, give us light,
Let it flow in bad weather!
I will call you mom
And I will listen to you,
To cherish and cherish, to respect,
After all, such a mother-in-law is a miracle!


My husband's dad, my son looks like you,
And your disposition, and even the flutter of your eyelashes.
You are responsible, decent, good!
And your charisma knows no bounds!
Our dear, I’ll tell you a secret,
That you raised my son for my joy.
You are the best father-in-law on the whole planet,
We must bow to you for this!
You have become like a dad to me too,
Let the clink of glasses sound for you.
There are no medals for fathers,
But we give you a low bow.


A man's friends can be counted
On the fingers of one hand, and yet,
My wife's father is my friend, assistant, father-in-law!
His advice is worth more to me than gold!
I want to shake your hand now,
To say: I'm glad that we are now a family.
Let me consider you my father -
This is the best gift for me!
For parents of newlyweds:
Our dear parents!

“Thank you” to parents from young people

Our dear parents!
Thank you for being there on this important day for us. They say that there is an inextricable bond between mother and child. So, creating new family, as if planting a small fragile tree, we continue to remain in your evergreen garden. We are always with you. We would like to wish you with all our hearts to relax a little, to live for yourself, because loving friend A friend's parents are the strongest foundation for young people. They say that “aspen trees will not produce oranges,” which means you will be happy, and we will repeat after you. Thank you for having us!
Thanks for all!
Thank you for the birth, insomnia, patience,
Zelenka, teachings, cinnamon cookies.
Thank you for your attention, love, understanding,
Lessons, camp, summer, ball
And for the words: “It will pass, don’t cry!”
Thanks for the heartbeat
And for the warmth of your beloved hands,
And for forgiveness, for advice -
There is no one more precious than mom and dad!

Words of gratitude “Parents make children real people”

Our beloved ones!
Parents... So much meaning in this word! Your importance in our lives cannot be overestimated. We love you like birds - the sky, like sunflowers - the sun, like children - Santa Claus. It is not for nothing that there is an opinion that the souls of unborn children choose their parents from heaven. We are happy that you are our mom and dad.
In the fairy tale, Papa Carlo is made from logs
Somehow I was able to make a son for myself.
And a change happened in the log:
He became a man, after all, son!
And Thumbelina, which, by the way, is secret
I dozed off in a pink tulip,
The woman found - and not by chance -
I fell in love because my mother.
Our folklore teaches everyone by examples,
That we need to appreciate parents
After all, they are like gods, even better.
Their love is the highest reward!
We want to bow low to you,
As a sign of love that we are forever grateful.
May goodness always knock on your door.
We are always waiting for you at home!

We invite you to see how warm words of gratitude to parents at a wedding sound from the bride and groom in the video:

Parents are the closest and most beloved people. If it weren’t for them, now the newlyweds would not be standing at the altar with their hearts overflowing with love.
Thank you for life mom and dad!

Almost every company makes a toast to their parents at least once a night. This is usually done by children, the form is not important, the congratulations can be in poetry or prose, the main thing is that what is said is on topic, beautiful and memorable. This collection contains best words for the closest people.

Toasts for both parents

I propose a toast to the parents of our dear N. They are the creators and “culprits” of her wonderful qualities, her intelligence. Let's greet them and wish them many years of happy life!

Our life is full of achievements and adversities, ups and downs. But we always remember to count on the support of our parents. We hold their hands as we take our first steps. Parents come to our aid when even hope is gone. Let's drink to the constant reliability of mother's and father's hands!

Mothers give our spirit warmth, fathers give light. Let's drink to this warmth and light!

“Parenting is the most difficult thing. You think: well, it’s over now! No such luck: it’s just beginning!” - this is how Lermontov spoke about all the vicissitudes of education. Let us remember the folk wisdom that says: “Little children are little troubles. Big kids are serious problems.” So, my dears, you are in trouble: children are for life. I want to drink to my parents and to the fact that their hard lifelong work will bring wonderful results and gratitude!

Pouring a glass (which one is there?),
I ask you to put down your devices
And remember the care of your parents,
About everything they had to endure.
You know, raising children is not easy,
And to go through life is not to cross a field,
And your children, even though they are already adults,
But the main thing is still the same – ahead.
So come on, let's raise our glasses
We are for those who raised this sweet couple!
My deepest regards to you, thank you very much
Because they knew neither sleep nor peace.

Whatever event happens in life, there are always two who will share both joy and sorrow with you. They will listen to successes without envy and will sincerely support you in case of failure. We turn to them for advice and support, for a gentle look and warm hugs. For the parents!

I want to raise a glass to mom and dad!
Let time multiply your strength!
So that music sounds more often in your home
And the years took away all the bad things!

As long as our parents are alive, we remain children. For the long life of our parents!

There is a proverb: why know if you don’t know how. Why know how to do it if you don't do it? So let's drink to those who knew, knew how, did! For the parents!

Growing up was a hard time
But childhood has flown away - call me, don't call me.
I propose a toast to mom and dad
As a sign of respect and eternal love.
For your support and kind views,
For your lessons and your warmth!
I don’t need to wish for better parents:
I am so lucky to be with you, dear ones!

For the birthday girl, it seems
We've already had a drink...
The second toast will be for whom?
To make it easier and brighter for the soul?
Nature pours a bud -
There is color before the fruit.
Who gave the world that miracle daughter,
What better place in the world?
They are the only ones who are happy about success
Always, “from a young age,” yours!
Parents! Our reward is
Words of love, just for you two!
Forget about problems, troubles, pain,
Bring warmth, comfort, light,
Love and be loved
God willing, ten more years!

Movement of planets and stars -
Wonderful game.
Any time is a bridge
From tomorrow to yesterday.
My toast now is extremely simple:
Parents, here's to you!
Your path will be joyful
And starry - every hour!

Well we live
Or we live poorly, -
There is one thing that always
It caresses and warms.
And, of course, this is -
Parental home:
Nothing is sweeter
There is nothing more dear.
And, having gathered today
At this table
We'll raise our toast
For my parents' home!

I want to raise my glass to those who gave us life. For those whose meaning of life we ​​are. For whom our happiness is more important than their own. For those who will always protect, help, take pity and warm you with love. For you, dear parents! Live happily ever after!

Dad mom! I want that if the wind comes into your destinies and it starts to rain, then it will be the wind of luck and a shower of positive emotions! Good weather to you both indoors and outdoors.

Let there be no sadness
Let no trouble come your way,
Stay like this
As is, forever.
Joy in the home and happiness
They gave me a year.
May the father be strong
And the mother is young!

So that the star shines brighter for you, the sun is warmer! Well, we, your children, will simply try to create comfort in your lives! Dad and Mom are here for you!

“Every person is always someone’s child,” said Beaumarchais. This is a truth that no one will argue with.
I propose a toast to parents and children, for their mutual understanding.

Dates like this are not celebrated often.
But since it’s time to celebrate this day,
We sincerely wish you a lot of happiness,
And with it - health, vigor, goodness.
So be protected by fate in future!
On your golden wedding day
We wish you love and peace,
Souls eternally young!

Dear Parents!
May health, joy, happiness
They make friends with you every hour.
Let severe bad weather
He avoids you.
Let nothing sadden you,
Trouble doesn't concern me.
May nature give you
Life for many years!

The girl asks young man:
– Did you ask my dad for permission for our marriage?
- Yes. I called him on the phone and he said, “I don’t know who’s saying this, but I don’t mind.”
Let's drink to the parents who trust their children entirely!

Glory, praise and honor to the parents!
I think the people will agree
Why should we raise a toast to our parents?
We wish you health and happiness!

Toasts to mom

The beloved loves the most, the wife the best, the mother the longest. To the longest love - the love of our mothers - we will drink!

Among the high words
The word “mother” is above all!
Allow me, dear,
Fall at your feet!
In difficult moments
You came to my aid
From various troubles
Saved it on the way.
Gave me so much
Warmth of soul,
That even the night is with you,
It was as bright as day!
You are everyone in the world
Closer and dearer!
I wish you
Many clear days.
Forget all the troubles
Like a bitter dream
And low to the ground,
Take a bow!

One wise man was asked:
– What would you say if you met an intelligent, kind and attentive woman?
The sage replied:
– I would say: “Hello, mom!”
I propose to drink to smart, kind and attentive women, to our mothers!

I drink to MMM! For My Dear Mom! For the most beautiful, kindest and gentle woman in the world. I want to confess to you, dear mother, that I love you, love at first sight. Thank you for giving birth and raising me! Thank you very much for everything! For you, MMM!

You gave so many years to your family!
She cooked, washed and baked,
She gave us the light of her smile,
She carefully took care of the family hearth.
Responding with care to care,
We all idolize you for a long time.
Be healthy and happy, dear!
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything!
We will forever glorify
That woman whose name is mother.

You give the mystery of dawn
And kiss the warmth,
Streams of sunlight
Your holy kindness!
Know, mommy, that you are priceless,
Be cheerful and young!
Your smile is precious
And you don’t care about the years!

Our dear mothers,
A toast to you - the most beloved ones,
Understanding, skillful,
Kind, affectionate and brave,
And on all earthly paths
Forever close and dear!

Let's drink to FNM - the Figure of Our Mom, who managed to give birth and raise us without losing her slimness, her charming and captivating beauty, her femininity and tenderness. Dear mom, may this day and all the days following it bring you a lot of joy, happiness and fun! Be as slim, as beautiful, as gentle and kind! All the children drink to the dregs for you!

Our beloved mother!
Happy birthday to you! You are the best, you are a source of warmth and light for us, you bring so much sun, joy and hope into our lives. Always remain the same cheerful, energetic, young soul. I wish you happiness, health and long life!

Happy holiday to you,
We wish you all the best in your life.
So that you never get sick,
So that you never grow old
To be forever young,

Thank you, dear, that we have you,
That we see and hear you every hour.
For your kind soul and warm word,
For not seeing anything bad in life,
Thank you, our dear person!
We wish you health for your long life.

Women can do a lot not only because of their beautiful and noble facial features that captivate a man’s heart, their slender figure and chiseled figure, but also because of their natural flair that never lets them down. Moreover, fleeting female gaze able to see what even a hundred male eyes cannot see. So let's drink to our mothers, who are never wrong, and to their wonderful choice! Let their charming and all-seeing eyes always remain alluring and shining, like two moons in the night sky, surrounded by thick and long eyelashes, like light clouds!

Let the crystal of the glasses ring
And the soul is filled
With love, with daring joy:
We'll have a drink in no hurry.
There are a lot of toasts in the world,
And I want to say: “For mom!”
Sometimes in life it’s not easy for us,
But the “shield of love” has been given to us since childhood.
Protect from misfortune
And a tear trembles in joy.
Patience to you, health, happiness
And may the soul not grow old!

The day before his birth, the child asked God:
“I don’t know why I’m going into this world.” What should I do?
God replied:
– I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.
- But how will I understand him, because I don’t know his language?
– The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.
– How and when should I return to you?
– Your angel will tell you everything.
– What is the name of my angel?
– It doesn’t matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him MOM! For my mom!

Peaceful sky, happiness, warmth,
May you always be healthy.
Many years have already flown by,
How many wrinkles do you have on your face?
How many sleepless nights did I spend?
You raised all the children to their feet.
Low bow to you, kind mother,
We wish you long life.

I would like to congratulate my beloved mother with the words of a famous parable: Two children are talking in the belly of a pregnant woman. One of them says:
“Very soon we will see our mother, she will take care of us.”
The second one answers him:
- Do you believe in mom? Where is she?
“She is around us, she is always nearby, we can hear her voice, feel her touch, dissolve in her love and tenderness. Only mommy can make our life real.
I want to drink to you, for the fact that at the age of 50 you were able to preserve your beauty and tenderness, boundless love for us and life. Thank you for having us!

Many of your nights have passed without sleep,
There are countless worries and worries for us,
Bow to you, dear mother
For the fact that you exist in this world.

Let's go for mom, for warmth,
For what led us in life,
For generosity, wisdom and kindness,
So that evil may bypass us!

The parents unexpectedly returned home and found their son in bed with a girl. “They couldn’t have arrived a minute later,” the guy thought. “Well, now he’s going to marry me!” – the girl thought. “But my son has completely grown up. It’s time to buy him a motorcycle,” the father thought. “My God, what a pose she has - it’s uncomfortable for the boy,” thought the mother.
So let's drink to mothers, who are more caring than anyone in the world!

Your kindness is endless,
And care knows no fatigue,
Mother's soul beauty
Unaffected by adversity and old age.
Let the years go by
And the wrinkles stubbornly appear.
Be healthy, mother, always,
Be happy, dear mother!

Our dear, beloved mother,
Grandmother is glorious, irreplaceable!
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you all the best in your life,
So that you never get sick,
So that you never grow old,
To be forever young,
Cheerful, kind and gentle!
We kiss kind, glorious hands.
With love to you, your children and grandchildren.

Mother says to daughter:
- This admirer of yours disgusts me so much that I will gladly become his mother-in-law!
I propose a toast to those wise women who, even from a nasty admirer of their daughter, can raise a loving son-in-law!

You gave us your mother's love,
Like a bird, sheltering you from troubles with its wing.
And now it's our turn
To help you, our mother, in everything.
Happy birthday, dear, we congratulate you,
We wish you many joyful days,
Let smiles and happiness warm you,
Let the attention of children warm you!

Toasts to dad

Our dad is just a treasure,
Everyone is glad to have one.
We tell you again
That we adore you!
We want to raise a glass to you,
We wish you health and happiness!

So let's drink to the most worthy of real men - to our fathers, who successfully withstood all the hardships of life and made our mothers happy! They can be proud of their choice!

Dear daddy! One man who had five children was asked what it meant to be a father. And he replied: “It means being a sponsor, a guard, a supervisor, a mentor, a lecturer, a punisher, a praiser and sometimes a horse.” I raise my glass to ensure that your seriousness is always softened with a dose of humor!

I raise a glass to my father’s pedagogical academy and wish you, father, longevity, good health and happiness!

There are lords, kings, generals and other great ranks, and there is a rank more important than these fathers. Daddy, you are the most authoritative for me. Thank you for your always correct advice. You are the best mentor. Happy Birthday to You! Health and prosperity to you!

A man does not suit regret, but pride and happiness. Dad! Look at beautiful woman next to you, to your mother, who throughout life together never left your side or left you. This is your happiness. Now look at me, at your exact copy: in character and thoughts. This is your pride. Happy anniversary, dad! Let every day of the happiest man be special and bright.

I raise this glass to my father! And I want to say that for me he is and will be the person whom I will never tire of imitating and taking as an example from him! If only because he chose my mother for me!

I propose a toast to the parents who gave birth to these two charming children. You have already done a lot in life for them, and there is still so much more to do. I'm not talking about material costs, this is a money-making business. Support is much more important. Health and strength to you, dear parents!

We owe our life choices, successes and self-realization to a great extent to our parents. They are our faithful and reliable guides along the difficult roads of life, support and support in difficult periods of our existence.
For beloved parents!

There are times when we quarrel with our parents, get offended, and even threaten to leave home. But then everyone sits down on a chair, thinks, and understands that there is no one more valuable than mom and dad on the whole Earth. Let's drink to the most precious thing we have in life. Appreciate your parents!

Parents are a more important and more important title than any general, because you stand, loving, caring and protecting, to protect us - your children 24 hours a day all our lives. And my toast to you, dearest ones, health and happiness to you! May the warmth and kindness that you radiate return to you threefold.

At birth, the angel hands us into the hands of our parents and leaves us in their care. Some people are not very lucky, or the angel confuses something when he chooses their unlucky dad and mom. But this daddy and mommy are just wonderful. Thank you for raising your children with love and care. I raise a glass to my parents.

They say that there are seconds in life for which you wouldn’t mind giving up years of your life. I want to raise this glass to the parents who are the most... best years gave it to raise their children!

They say that when something collapses in your life, you need to think about what you can build in the vacant space. I want to raise this glass to my parents. Their place in our hearts will never be taken by anything!

It’s so good when family and friends get together. There is nothing better than a feast in pleasant company. Let's drink to the people who brought us all here. To our parents, those wonderful and loving, caring and believing in our success.

The sage was asked which mineral is the most valuable in the world. The old man didn’t think for long and his answer was unexpected for the questioners - water. “But why water, because there’s plenty of it around?” - people asked the question again. He said: “Only water gives us life.” Let's raise a glass to our parents, the most valuable people in the world who give us life.

I drink to those who gave us life,
Who gives understanding, love,
So that you are always healthy,
I'll drink to this again and again!

To live in abundance and happiness,
And we will always help you with this,
Parents, you are the dearest,
I wish you never to grow old!

Parents are the people who gave us life. Of course, no matter what important event happens to us after - graduation in the 9th or 11th grade, the birth of a son, daughter, marriage - we say to them: “Thank you.” Brides and grooms say words of gratitude to their parents at the wedding for giving them the opportunity to finally meet their love. Later, having already become parents themselves, the former newlyweds share their joy of fatherhood and motherhood, proudly showing their tiny sons and daughters to mom and dad. As a rule, they thank relatives in their own words in prose and beautiful poetry, examples of which you will find here.

Beautiful words of gratitude at the wedding to the groom's parents from the bride

At a wedding, a huge number of toasts are always made, among which the most important are words of gratitude to the groom's parents from the bride. The bride should not worry and choose the right phrases to address her beloved’s mom and dad. Addressing them, the young wife should say “thank you” for the opportunity given to her to become a member of a new family, to share her life with the most precious thing they have - their son.

Examples of words of gratitude from the groom's parent to the bride at a wedding

Thanks to her groom's mom and dad at the wedding, the bride must promise them to be a faithful, loving wife to their son, not to offend him with inattention or rudeness, to be an affectionate and obedient wife and a caring mother of future children. A young wife can kiss her husband's parents and assure them that she will always take care of their beloved son. Of course, she realizes how difficult it is for parents to let their child, even if he is already an adult, go into another life. However, in her sincere speech there should be lines that now they can be calm about their son.

That mother whose son more valuable than the world,
More precious than the sun is yourself.
To the mother who kept
His dreams, caring and loving.

Who praised and scolded,
She taught me to be the kindest and bravest.
Which, without knowing, helped
One day you will love him very much.

Maybe I’m not the only one, I don’t know.
But at this moment I am with him. And I'm alone.
I accept the past as a memory.
And my life is like a new spring.

And I want it so sincerely, so subtly
Talk about things that aren't talked about.
What are the lights burning in the eyes of a child?
What are some more eyes burning about?

Thank you for the fact that he forgives.
For comforting you in difficult times.
For not promising anything
Empty. And for loving you.

Because he himself, sometimes without knowing
Just say a word and there will be peace in your soul.
Because he understands me so much.
And he accepts me as I am.

And if together we are on the same road
Go. Laugh together and be sad.
I swear to you that I will not be strict,
That I can always forgive him.

That I will try to be like you, reliable,
And affectionate and kind and direct.
And in this life, joyful and complex
To love him as I am given alone.

And maybe later. I will believe.
Just like me, afraid of everything.
He will quietly say: “I will not forget you.
Thank you for my husband"

I want to say thank you today
For the fact that you managed to become close to me!
For your son, for your Love,
And may I be your daughter-in-law, and you my mother-in-law,
But mutual language you and I found,
I want to bow to my mother today,
Let mom not be the first, let mom be second,
After all, you managed to become my dear mother!
I found the best adviser in you!
There is no bitterness or evil in your speeches!
And if we had disputes,
I want to ask you for forgiveness,
So that I don’t offend you with a dashing word in the future!
I wish you to shine like sunshine in the future,
And kindle us with this flame again,
Instilling Respect and Love into our marriage!

Mother-in-law, my dear!
You are my mother, not a stranger,
She raised a son for me,
And now we have a family with him.
Don't worry about us yet.
Yes, and I won’t offend you.
I'm just embarrassed to see it.
And it seems that she’s not nice,
And that I’m not a daughter, but a daughter-in-law
I want recognition from you,
Teach me to live, your knowledge,
Without pride, I will accept it as a gift
And I will live in harmony with you

Sincere words of appreciation and gratitude to the bride's parents from the groom

The Mendelssohn march has already finished, the wedding dinner is in full swing, and the time has come for the groom to say words of gratitude to the parents of his bride - his young wife. Addressing the father and mother of his newfound wife, the young man must sincerely say “Thank you” to them for giving him the woman he loves. A young husband must promise his mother-in-law and father-in-law to take care of and cherish his wife, expectant mother their common children, take care of her health and financially provide for the family.

Examples of words of gratitude to the bride's parents from the groom at a wedding

A wedding is one of the most important events in a person’s life. A new family is born - children leave their parents' "nest". Of course, now is the time to say words of gratitude to your beloved’s parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. As a rule, such speeches are not prepared by improvising, pronouncing words spontaneously. It’s not at all scary if, thanks to his second mom and dad, a young man stumbles and confuses his words: the main thing is to be sincere and sincere.

Today is a holiday for you too,
Which of course I congratulate
I want to say thank you
We are walking now because of you.

You gave me happiness.
And here she is, standing with me.
We promise to live together
And be a mountain for each other.

Thank you for being
This is how my bride was raised.
Raised in happiness and love,
They helped with all problems.

They raised me a princess
They gave her only the best.
and all your cherished dreams
when you could you performed.

She will always understand, forgive,
He will look into your eyes with love.
Yes, and sometimes it flares up,
But little things are not a problem for us.

Thank you for this hour
We have become a strong family.
May all adversity if anything
We are all being passed over.

It's not easy for you today, I know
From the heart, let go of your son.
But I honestly promise you
Be caring and gentle
Share joy and sorrow with him,
Protect and strengthen the family.
I want you to know about this:
I love your son!
For a real man
For giving me happiness
For a wonderful son
I am doubly grateful to you!
Protects with your care
My peace and honor.
Thank you for accepting
Me as I am!

Beautiful words of true gratitude to parents at a wedding

Traditionally, at wedding banquets, brides and grooms say beautiful words of true gratitude to their parents. It will be wonderful if the bride and groom unite and make a common speech from the two - now they have become one. There is no need to be overly pretentious: sincerity and simplicity come first here.

Examples of beautiful words of gratitude at a wedding to parents

In many countries, parents greet newlyweds with bread and salt, inviting the bride and groom to break off a piece of bread and feed their partner. Young spouses should accept a treat from the hands of their parents with words of gratitude, bow to them and sincerely say “Thank you!”

Parents, thank you, dear ones
During those sleepless nights for us,
When with love in your heart, young people,
We were at the cradle at a late hour...
For that love, support and care,
What we were given as children and always.
Being mom and dad - best job,
Which never gets boring.
Thank you for the golden son,
For a precious husband, after all, no
Another equally reliable one.
They brought Happiness into the world for me!
Thank you for the unearthly Baby,
For a wise and kind wife,
Attentive and sensitive.
I love her as March loves spring.
Thank you for teaching us once
People worthy of being worthy in life.
Love in hearts is always more valuable than gold.
And we were able to recognize it.
After all, if it weren’t for you, then both of us
There would be no Miracle on the way.
And now we will double our love
And fortunately we can find all the keys.
We hope for your understanding
And we will thank you with our grandchildren.
Thank you for your patience and effort.
We love you, appreciate you and keep you in our hearts!

Thank you for the tears you shed,
For the nights that you sat awake,
Protecting our peace and dreams
Over the baby's cradle until late.

For the first breath, for the first smile,
For the first step we took.
For birthdays, for the first mistake,
For all the surprises that were presented.

For helping us rise
And find the connecting thread.
And in difficult times you won’t break down from life,
That the question was not: “How to continue to live?”

You helped gnaw the granite of science,
We were guided with a firm hand.
Thank you for everything: for the pain, for the torment,
For our happiness, peace above our heads.

We are here with you today in this room.
Gathered for the birth of a family,
And, as they once promised in childhood
We bring our bow to the ground.

Dad and mom are the main people
The best people on this earth!
If you're nearby, I know what will happen
Peace of mind in life for both me and you.

Your warmth will warm you in the bitter cold,
Strong hands will always support you,
Dear heart, when you get sick,
He can cure you without difficulty.

May God grant you long life, health,
Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes!
My dears, thank you for everything!
We compose an ode to you in these verses.

The wind of change has burst into our lives,
We fell in love, you supported us,
We want to protect you in return.
From anxiety, from worry, from sadness.
In gratitude, we will give you grandchildren,
Five boys or five girls
Let them bawle and scream
Getting out of my diapers.
Our gratitude for the love
We can no longer express it in words.
We are both your life and your blood,
We will remain with you forever.

General words from the couple: “Our dear parents, today, on such a special day, on the day when we created our family, we sincerely want to thank you for the most important thing that you gave us - for our lives. You gave us the upbringing and childhood that we could only dream of, support and faith. We thank you for your effort, diligence and perseverance."
Bride: “I bow to you for your son, who managed to make my life incredible, happy, amazing. He is very kind, sensitive and nice, and this, I am sure, is only your merit.”
Groom: “I want to thank you too for your magnificent princess, who today became my wife. She is incredible, magical, gentle and understanding, and I have dreamed about her all my life. I promise, with me she will not know tears or grief.”

Dear parents, on our Wedding Day
We would like to thank you for your warmth,
For your love, attention and tenderness,
For helping us make our dream come true!

Thank you for your concern, congratulations,
For your kind, wonderful words.
For your blessing to us
Thank you. We love you always!

Wonderful words of gratitude to parents from the bride and groom - Beautiful poems for a wedding

Often the bride and groom, thanking their parents at the wedding, read wonderful lines of beautiful poetry to them. Of course, they express their sincere gratitude not only for the material support and gifts given on their wedding day, but for the trust placed in them. The young people thank their mothers and fathers for their patience and endurance in raising them.

Examples of words of gratitude from the bride and groom - Beautiful poems for parents for a wedding

Not a single wedding is complete without gifts, toasts and kind words of gratitude to parents. While saying “Thank you” to dads and moms, the bride and groom can read beautiful poems to them, examples of which they can find in toast books or on this page.

Let us say the words
After all, there is a new chapter in life.
From our young family,
For those who saved our lives.

Parents, our relatives,
Thank you for your concern.
For everything they did for us,
For the fact that we are here now.

We will always be by your side,
Let's support with deeds, not words.
We love you very much, we appreciate you,
You are everything to us in this life!

To our parents “Thank you!”
At our wedding we say,
For loving, raising,
Today we thank you.

For affection, love and care,
For hundreds of sleepless nights,
Thank you, our beloved ones,
There are no relatives in the world.

We wish you happiness, health,
Happy and joyful years,
We know with our love
You will save us from troubles.

Relatives, dear dad, mom,
You led me by the hand into marriage.
Thank you for raising, educating,
Sorry what I did wrong.
Thank you for your love, care,
For not letting me fall,
For being from Sunday to Saturday
They could not sleep at night because of me,
That they were fair in their upbringing,
What they protected from mistakes, from troubles,
For making my life happy.
May God grant you a long life of up to a hundred years!

Words of gratitude from a daughter to her parents on her birthday

Parents are the most important people in the life of each of us. They gave us life, the joy of childhood, the feeling of the warmth of our parents' home. Wherever fate takes us, we remember with longing and tenderness warm hands mother and father's support. On her birthday, a girl, receiving a lot of congratulations from friends and acquaintances, must herself write a message to her parents with words of gratitude. If your daughter is unable to call her mom and dad, you can always send them an SMS - a message filled with respect, warmth and tenderness.

Examples of words of gratitude from a daughter to her parents on her birthday

On her birthday, a daughter must call her parents or write them a letter with words of gratitude. Perhaps the girl will want to choose in advance beautiful postcard and sign it for mom and dad with kind poems that radiate tenderness and warmth.

Mommy is sweet, tender, sweet,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness,
“Thank you” for everything I say to you!


Back, back to childhood,
Warm yourself in the fires of love,
Cling to someone's heart
Forgetting about everything.

To admit to ourselves,
That it's hard to break up
And it's so easy to fall in love
In heat carriers.

Wake up quickly in the morning
And immediately smile
And reach for the sun,
To the trees outside the window.

Forget the frost and cold,
To feel needed
Eat mom's delicious dinner
And play with dad.

See Buddha in a book
And suddenly believe in a miracle,
See a fairy tale everywhere
And fly away through dreams.

Wonderful jam
And the honey of the poem,
Animal revelations
And the smells of spring.

But it's all so close
And you just have to believe,
That my life is a reward,
The answer to my dream.

And in New Year me again
I’ve been catching the word for centuries,
What was revealed to me in childhood
In love and beauty.

I'm not sixteen anymore, mom!

Well, why aren’t you sleeping and still stubbornly waiting?
No need. Forget your worries.
More for me! And this, perhaps, is the point.

I know, it’s just the way it is in the world,
And I even foresee your answer,
That children are always children to mothers,
Let them be at least twenty, at least thirty years old.

And yet, over the years, former means
Somehow something has to change.
And the same supervision and control, as in childhood,
They are already offensive and unnecessary.

After all, there is, well, something very personal!..
When they force you: say yes, say! -
Then often, in addition to hunting,
You are forced to resort to lies.

My dear, don’t look tired!
Our love is even stronger now.
Well, did you raise me badly?
Believe me, please, really believe me!

And don’t let your heart beat in fear,
After all, I won't fall in love foolishly,
I won’t go out to meet anyone I have to,
I won't associate with bad company.

And I won’t climb into a hole somewhere,
And if I encounter trouble on the way,
I'll come right away for advice, mom,
I’ll feel it right away and come.

Someday you have to be bolder,
And if sometimes I do the wrong thing,
Well, that means I’ll be smarter later,
And a bruise is better than a bell jar.

Let me kiss your hands,
The kindest people in the whole world.
Don't, mom, don't be jealous of me,
Children, they are not children forever!

And don't sit stubbornly by the window,
Preparing question after question in my soul.
I'm not sixteen anymore, mom!
Understand. And look at me seriously.

I ask you: throw sadness out of your heart,
And don’t let anxiety wear you down.
Don't be afraid, dear, I'll be back soon!
Sleep, mom. Sleep tight. Good night!

Tender words of gratitude to parents on their son’s birthday

On your birthday loving son must definitely tell his mom and dad how grateful he is to them for the life they gave him, for all the years of upbringing, warmth, and care devoted to him. He must tell them “Thank you” for the first breath and smile, the first step taken with the support of his parents. The form of gratitude can be any - prose, poetry or song. The main thing is not to hide your true feelings and experiences.

Tender words of gratitude to mom and dad on their birthday

Whatever form of words of gratitude the son chooses when telling his parents “Thank you!” on his birthday, he should remain sincere, sensitive, gentle. Perhaps his speech will move mom and dad to tears - in this case, he must console his dearest people on earth, assuring them of his devotion and love.

My family, mom, dad,
I say thank you today.
You have always been my support,
I respect and love you.

Let your eyes sparkle happily
Be healthy and cheerful.
Thank you for your understanding,
You are dearer to me than anyone in the world.

You gave life and were there,
When I got lost along the paths.
I am your tenderness and care,
Beloved, I haven’t forgotten.

I'll say thank you on a beautiful day
For everything that was given to me in life.
Your prayer and participation
They gave light in pitch darkness.

Thanks dear parents
For love and sleepless nights.
After all, in any of my endeavors
They were always there until the end.

I bow my head to you today,
As a sign of gratitude and love.
I wish you a healthy life
And happily, my dears.

Real words of gratitude for 11th grade graduation to parents

Every year thousands of graduates graduate from 11th grade, going to new life. Their parents are often present at the graduation. Of course, this event is not complete without congratulatory and thank-you speeches dedicated to the mothers and fathers of the graduates. Parents are thanked for their wisdom, endurance, and long-suffering; for the fact that they supported their daughters and sons for eleven years, helped them cope with difficult homework, and worried with them about their academic performance. A speech of gratitude to parents can be delivered in both prose and poetry.

Examples of words of gratitude to parents at graduation in 11th grade

Graduation in 11th grade is an exciting, long-awaited event for both students and their parents. It was mothers who stayed up at night all these years, ironing their children’s school shirts and re-checking whether their son or daughter had put all the textbooks in their schoolbag. Dads taught children courage, honesty, and masculinity. In honor of parents who support former schoolchildren in their studies and good aspirations, words of gratitude are heard in poetry and prose.

Everyone talks about teachers on holiday,
But parents should not be forgotten either.
Who accompanies you tremblingly at the door,
Like the parents: father and mother?

Please accept my words of gratitude
From class teacher Today.
May the road be difficult for children,
But may luck find them everywhere!

Many words are dedicated to us
Today only pleasant ones,
From dear graduates
There is a rush of hugs.

And we want to congratulate you
And thank you
Beloved parents,
After all, it’s easier to live with you.

You helped in difficulties
Active in class life.
It's on the news today
Lots of wishes for you!

Oh school moments!
You have so many dreams,
So many sentiments
Love and kindness...

These years have flown by
And they will never be returned,
And the children have grown up
The way is open today.

Thanks for your help
I'll give it to you for graduation.
Parents tried
I want to celebrate!

For what you raised
Decent people
The words were dedicated to you
On this beautiful day!

Heartfelt words of gratitude to parents at 9th grade graduation

Many students, finishing 9th grade, plan to continue their education in colleges. Some guys go to work, helping their parents. Of course, graduation becomes a significant day for them - the point of departure into a new, as yet unknown life. Saying goodbye to childhood, graduates thank their mothers and fathers for their support and understanding.

Examples of sincere words of gratitude for graduation in 9th grade - Poems for parents

Children finishing 9th grade and leaving school should thank not only the teachers and the principal, the class teacher, but also their parents for everything. How often mothers and fathers, especially in the first years of their children’s education, spent hours with them, patiently explaining to them problems and spelling of words! No one except parents worried so much about their children, who sometimes were late in classes. Today, ninth-graders thank their closest loved ones for their love, patience and kindness!

Thank you for your help, our parents,
We appreciate your concern and response!
And at this solemn hour, graduation
We bow to you on earth!

The words are flowing brightly today,
My long-awaited graduation has arrived.
I wish my parents health.
Thank you for your tenderness, support, love!

Thank you parents
On this soulful evening.
It became a graduation ceremony for the children,
He heals your souls!

You and your children
Back at school again
The days were spent in tasks,
At dances, at football...

Thank you for your patience,
Attention, activity.
For this, words from the heart
We present it to you beautifully!

Mom and dad are the people closest to us, who gave us not only life, but also gave all their time to our upbringing. Entering a new life, their children - already brides and grooms - say beautiful words of gratitude to their parents at the wedding. Daughters and sons finishing grades 9 and 11 give them wonderful lines of poetry for graduation. Every birthday, mom and dad are sure to be congratulated with cards, heartfelt SMS, in your own words in prose. Take care of your parents and love them!