Is the Normandy mattress comfortable to sleep on? Is it healthy to sleep on a hard mattress? In the budget segment

The human spine experiences enormous daily loads, because it is the support for many organs of the body. Today it is very rare to have a completely healthy spine.

A bed that is too soft is certainly harmful to the back - this can lead to spinal curvature in a growing body or any complications with the musculoskeletal system in adults. Many people choose to sleep on the floor. But is sleeping on the floor beneficial?

To sleep on a hard floor, you do not need expensive orthopedic mattresses or special modern devices that are purchased when arranging a special medical bed. Sleeping on the floor is comfortable and accessible to everyone. However, even this simple method of night rest requires compliance with some rules.

Why is it good to sleep on hard surfaces?

Sleeping on the floor is much healthier than sleeping on a high bed. At the bottom of the room there is higher air humidity and a sufficient amount of oxygen, which is especially necessary for the vessels of the brain. As a result, a person's sleep becomes more restful and deeper.

Of course, sleeping on a regular bed is also harmless. Just the bed should not have a too soft surface. Today, many people prefer to rest on the floor at night. There is no sweltering heat in the room below summer period time, and the hard floor surface provides sufficient comfort.

It is important to understand that sleeping on a low-quality and poor mattress is harmful. If you want to move to the floor, you should stock up on a thick natural rug and high-quality cotton bed linen. After just a couple of weeks, the body itself will adapt to proper sleep on a hard floor surface. However, today many people do not know how harmful or beneficial this type of night rest is to health.

During normal healthy sleep, the human spine must have the necessary support. This function is provided by modern orthopedic mattresses. If the base of this product is too soft, it will inevitably lead to unwanted displacement of the vertebrae. And this is very harmful to humans and is fraught with many complications. The choice of a modern orthopedic mattress must be approached very seriously and all the features of this product must be taken into account.

As for resting on a hard floor surface, this method is certainly less expensive than purchasing an expensive orthopedic mattress. If you don’t have money, you can sleep on the floor and still remain completely healthy. In such a situation, the spine does not experience any load, is in the correct position, and the person himself does not feel any discomfort.

Benefits of sleeping on the floor

Preventative sleep without the presence of a mattress is very useful and necessary. A straightened spine does not experience compression of blood vessels. While sleeping on a solid base, the muscles of the body completely relax, there is no displacement of the vertebrae, and the nerve endings are not compressed.

Thanks to the even distribution of body weight, the spaces between the vertebrae increase and blood circulation improves. The restoration of body cells is stimulated, the body is cleansed, and the internal organs are maximally saturated with the necessary oxygen.

However, it should be remembered that the vertebrae of the neck always need proper support. To sleep on the floor, it is best to purchase a special pillow in the form of a bolster, which will support your head in the desired position and ensure complete rest during sleep. A high-quality pillow activates all the functions of the venous vessels of the neck and brain during sleep.

If you follow these simple rules, sleeping on the floor will be very beneficial for your health. In this position, blood circulation improves and the body is completely restored, as a result of which in the morning you can feel a special surge of strength, vigor and good mood after waking up.

Sleeping on solid foundations also creates excellent posture and helps prevent many spinal diseases. After just a week of such a night's rest, you can notice how your shoulders are aligned, stooping has disappeared, and your well-being has improved.

However, when choosing to rest on the floor, you should not go to extremes. A completely flat, hard floor surface is not the most comfortable for the human spine. Sleeping simply on the floor is not physiological for people.

To ensure the best comfort, you need to use a dense small mattress or a special rug. Otherwise, the muscles will remain tense during sleep. Sleeping on a very hard surface contributes to pinching of soft tissues and blood vessels, as a result of which blood flow in the circulatory system is disrupted. If there is no appropriate mattress for resting on the floor, then you must buy one.

During proper sleep, which will ensure the best complete rest for the whole body at night, it is necessary that the body does not sink into the mattress, but takes a natural position. To do this, the product should not be too soft or thick - a thin, dense mattress will be enough for sleeping.

It is important that the place you choose for your overnight stay is very clean and hygienic. After all, the floor is the area that accumulates the greatest amount of dirt. If you don’t want to move to the floor, you can place a hard wooden board on a regular bed, and lay a mattress with a minimum thickness on top of it. Also, do not sit on the floor in drafty areas.

When choosing bedding for sleeping, you should give preference to natural rather than synthetic materials. It will allow the skin to “breathe” during sleep and will absorb sweat well.

Properly selected bedding will ensure a complete and relaxing rest. If you experience back pain, you should definitely consult a doctor who will recommend how to properly organize sleep on a hard surface.

When choosing a new bed, a new mattress, and sometimes just a new way of life, people are faced with solving an unusual problem: what is healthier, a soft bed or spartan conditions? Let's try to figure it out.

How nice it is, after a long day of work, associated with both muscular and psychological stress, to lie down in a soft, warm bed and sleep sweetly until the morning! It is probably unlikely that anyone will immediately deny this statement. However, for the wife everything is as simple and beautiful as it might seem. Indeed, more and more often people notice that after a soft and warm bed in the morning there is not a hint of vigor: the head is buzzing, the body is lethargic and sleepy, thoughts are scattered, the neck is stiff. . . And if someone has problems with the spine and/or joints, they make themselves felt at night: the person rushes around the bed, tossing from side to side, and cannot find a comfortable position for himself to properly rest. How so? Why is this happening?

Adherents of the “sleeping on hard” movement answer this question quite straightforwardly: because while sleeping on a soft bed, the muscles relax, but the spine and joints, which need constant muscular support, “fail” from lack of elasticity and bend in completely unnecessary places. and eventually get tired. It turns out to be a paradox: the muscles are rested, but the foundation of the whole body is not.

Is it really necessary to give your muscles complete relaxation and rest during sleep? If we remember that all of humanity still belongs to the animal kingdom (and, in general, has not gone too far from it), many physiological things can be observed in animals. So, at first glance, or at any other glance, it is impossible to remember a living mammal that would strive to give “complete and maximum” comfort to its muscles during sleep. All their lives, animals sleep in different positions - not very comfortable - and nothing, they feel great. But a person’s structure is not much more complicated, if we are talking about the body. Therefore, people’s excessive desire for comfort plays a cruel joke on them: while giving temporary psychological joy, it slowly but surely takes away their good health. After all, some muscles of our body must be in constant tone! Unfortunately, not everyone knows this.

At the same time, it is completely unhealthy to sleep only on a bare floor, boards or board. Opponents of an overly Spartan approach (among them, by the way, are doctors) say that the spine is also not an absolutely straight line, it is curved and experiences different loads in different departments, so the support should be adequate, and not " uniformly straight and rigid" throughout its entire length. Sleeping with absolutely no bedding only guarantees joint pain, bruises and, again, unnecessary tension in the spine. Only for the opposite reasons.

Therefore, when choosing how to sleep: soft or hard, you need to adhere to the rule of the golden mean. If a person has no problems with sleep, or with morning fatigue, as well as problems with the spine (and the bed suits him completely), then what is the point of fencing the garden and inventing difficulties where there are none? However, if someone is experiencing back discomfort and suspects that their bed is contributing to it, there really is a reason to change the situation and try more rigid sleeping conditions. Of course, it would be ideal to first consult with a neurologist, who will definitely tell you whether there are problems in the body and how best to solve them (including by recommending specific conditions for sleeping). But if there is no opportunity to meet with a neurologist, you will have to resolve the issue yourself. You can try sleeping on a hard one without purchasing a special mattress: just choose a flat surface on the floor, lay a thin carpet or a regular mattress on it (a cotton one will also do), and be sure to put a low pillow. The main thing is to exclude drafts.

The first 2-3 days in the morning there will be not very familiar sensations, but the experiment must be continued for at least a week: only after a week can you say with confidence whether the option of sleeping on a hard one is suitable or not.

Which mattress is better to sleep on? If it’s monosyllabic, then use a convenient one! But, unfortunately, such an answer does not provide comprehensive information and does not help in any way to choose the ideal mattress, on which you would have a perfect rest. That is why we suggest you study all the parameters that should be considered before purchasing. They will help you understand which mattress is suitable for each specific person.

Criterias of choice

You should know that you will have to decide not only on the parameters of the mattress, but also evaluate your own characteristics.

So, the main characteristics of the selected product are:

  • ergonomics;
  • orthopedic effect;
  • anatomical compliance;
  • type of filler;
  • environmental Safety;
  • rigidity;
  • type and structure of the model;
  • price.

All these parameters are necessary select based on age, weight, health status and the presence of chronic diseases, as well as individual tastes.

Convenient or not

Neither a sales consultant nor best friend, nor a work colleague.

Each of us has our own preferences. That is why it is best to test the mattress in real conditions before purchasing. This is quite simple to do, because consultants of many stores not only do not prohibit, but insist: “Lie down! Rate it!

Some manufacturers offer completely ideal options. Test the purchased mattress at home, and if for some reason it is not suitable, the consumer has the right to return the product.

Many experienced buyers who are choosing a mattress not for the first time, compare assessing the comfort of a mattress with trying on shoes. No matter how nice the shoes may seem visually, if you feel uncomfortable in them, it won’t work. Of course, shoes can be broken in and calluses can be periodically covered with a band-aid, but shoes or boots will never be perfect. The same goes for the mattress. If you are uncomfortable lying on it and you cannot relax, then you can hardly expect that everything will change at home. It is better to refrain from such a purchase, especially since the choice of analogues is extremely large.

"Magic" effects

If you see a message about the anatomical effect in the description, this means that the mattress is ready “repeat” the contours of the body and provide you with the most comfortable position during rest. It will also help your muscles relax completely.

Orthopedic mattresses with high anatomical characteristics, according to doctors, are best choice for healthy sleep.

An orthopedic product most comfortably supports the spine in the correct position, takes into account its curves and reduces the risk of curvature and the development of various diseases.

Which filler is better

Studying the proposed fillers, it’s easy to get confused. Not only its durability, but also how comfortable your sleep will be depends on the quality of the “filling” of the mattress.

One of the most popular types of fillers is latex - artificial or natural. Both of them are similar in structure to a honeycomb. Both do not cause allergies (provided, of course, that synthetic latex has high quality). With different densities of honeycomb placement, the product has a good or very good orthopedic effect. However, latex is hygroscopic, that is, it absorbs moisture from the air and reluctantly gives it back. This problem is almost completely eliminated if ventilation holes are provided in the design.

Manufacturers are replacing the name “foam rubber”, which scares many consumers, with more harmonious ones - waterlatex, bilaxilast, etc. With characteristics similar to latex, mattresses with foam filling are much cheaper.

Mattresses with foam rubber should not be chosen by overweight people. An excellent option for them would be models with coconut coir or sisal.

Innovative material: memoryform, memoryx, tempura, etc.

Knowing the caution with which many treat foam rubber, manufacturers have proposed a modern alternative - a material with a “memory” effect. The main feature of “smart” foam rubber is that it perfectly follows the contours of the human body. These “abilities” are based on the thermal expansion of the material: the cooler the room, the stiffer it is. However, some buyers are not happy with its characteristics. During sleep, they experience discomfort and a feeling of being “immersed in plasticine.”

Material with a “memory” effect returns to its original position with a delay of a fraction of a second, which can hinder freedom of movement. Such models are not recommended for people with restless sleep.

Spring or not

Spring mattresses are one of the most popular. Particularly in demand are models with an independent spring block, in which the operation of each spring does not depend on the actions of its neighbors. Such a mattress Ideally supports all areas of the body and allows you to have a wonderful rest.

High-quality spring models can have various fillers and their combinations. In addition to those mentioned above, these may be:

  • cotton fibers – create an ideal microclimate;
  • sheep wool – great for the winter version of the mattress;
  • jute or flax - extend service life;
  • coconut coir – increases rigidity.

Another type of spring mattress are models with a dependent spring block. If the quality is poor, the woven springs may lose their function, resulting in a hammock effect. Regular sleep on such a mattress is a direct path to a crooked spine.

Hard or soft

When choosing the firmness of a mattress, most people rely on their own taste. Some people love soft, enveloping feather beds, while others quickly fall asleep almost on the boardwalk. Extremes, as we know, are fraught, because an overly hard mattress can cause disruption of blood circulation, and a soft one can negatively affect the spine.

A high-quality mattress should be elastic enough to “push” the body and not allow the shoulders and hips to sink.

Determining the correct firmness of a mattress is simple by experiment. Lie on your side and assess the position of your spine. If it is curved upward, then the mattress is too soft for you, if the spine “sinks” downward, then it is too hard. The ideal position on the side during healthy sleep is one in which the entire spinal column is parallel to the surface of the mattress.

By the way, Spanish scientists have refuted the stereotype that people with back problems need to sleep on a hard mattress. As a result of three months of testing, experiment participants proved that relief from pain occurred twice as often if the mattress had medium hardness.

Seven zones

Our body can be roughly divided into seven zones, each of which has its own weight and requires an appropriate level of support. Before purchasing, you should ask the seller about the number of zones that are provided in a particular model. Ideally, there will be seven of them. Each zone should have its own rigidity.

Specific smell - a problem or not

It's hard to argue with the fact that any new thing has its own smell. The mattress is no exception. However, the persistent “aroma” may disappear after a few hours, and can cause great harm to health. So how do you know what smell you can tolerate and what smell you should return the product to the seller?

All mattress manufacturers can be divided into two large groups. Some produce high-quality products using safe hot-melt equipment, while others reduce costs using adhesives based on formaldehyde resins and hazardous solvents. Therefore, it is quite logical to find out what technology is used in a particular product and refuse to buy a mattress from those who are trying to save on consumer health.

The criterion of hygiene is no less important. The interior of the mattress should not become a haven for pathogenic bacteria and insects.

How to choose the size and height of a mattress

To calculate the ideal length of a mattress, you need to add 10-15 centimeters to a person’s height, and the ideal width – at least 80 cm for each sleeper.

The height of modern models can range from 5 to 50 cm. Experts are convinced that a 16-18 cm base is enough for a person of standard weight to rest comfortably. If it is greater, then it must be more elastic and have a better orthopedic effect. But models with a height of less than 15 cm are suitable only for temporary rest or as an addition to the main mattress of a bed or sofa.

Please ensure that the height of your bed and mattress is comfortable for you. You should also take into account the height of the bed recess - this is the distance from the base where you place the mattress to the top line of the side wall.

The optimal ratio of the depth and height of the mattress (respectively):

  • up to 5 cm – no more than 17 cm;
  • 5-10 cm – 17-23 cm;
  • 10-15 cm – from 22 cm or more;
  • over 15 cm – from 25 cm and above.

Cheap or expensive

Cost is a parameter that often plays a decisive role. After selecting the required model parameters, compare analogues from several manufacturers, evaluate the warranty terms, shipping options, and return policies offered.

Is it worth paying for silver threads, which, according to the seller, will help the body plunge into a state of relaxation, or shell out thousands for lavender impregnation? Everyone answers these and similar questions independently.

Physiological characteristics of a person

There are a number of typical parameters that will be significant when choosing a specific model.


If in adolescence When the body is forming and the risk of spinal curvature and deterioration of posture is especially high, it is better to choose mattresses of medium hardness or hard models, while in the elderly it will be most comfortable on a soft base that does not interfere with blood circulation and gently envelops the body.

Health status

In case of serious chronic diseases, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations, as well as rely on your own feelings. If the pain on the chosen mattress does not go away, then you should probably return it to the store and try to find a more comfortable replacement or pay attention to special beds for bedridden patients. It is recommended to concentrate on models of medium hardness. And remember that even the best mattress, unfortunately, has no medicinal effect. It can only become part of preventive measures or relieve pain.

Which mattress is suitable for spouses?

When choosing a double mattress, you need to navigate the weight of a heavier partner. If the difference in weight is no more than 40 kg, then you can consider purchasing both a spring and springless mattress.

There are other options:

  • each spouse chooses a mattress to their liking, and then the models are combined with a common mattress cover;
  • if the weight of the spouses differs by more than 40 kg, then it is recommended to give preference to a mattress with different halves of hardness. Of course, such models are more expensive, but they are guaranteed to provide comfort;
  • you can choose a duo mattress with double springs - such models are convenient for people of any weight, since the internal spring, which is built into the main one, begins to “work” only under heavy loads.

You should not buy a soft mattress, because more easy man will “roll down” to something heavier.

And don’t forget about the main thing - you are choosing a mattress “for yourself”, so you will also have to make the final purchasing decision. But believe me, if you make a good choice, you will be satisfied.

When choosing an orthopedic mattress, it is important not to forget about such a criterion as rigidity. What should the product be - hard, soft or medium hard?

Of course, first of all, each person must individually select this parameter, taking into account their taste preferences, as well as its own weight. But in addition, there are a number of factors that influence the choice.

Many people have back problems. Properly selected mattress firmness promotes proper rest, relieves tension and fatigue, eliminates back pain and helps to “unload” the spine.

Too hard products cause discomfort during sleep and negatively affect its quality. They do not promote even weight distribution in the shoulders and hips. These are the areas in which the main loads are concentrated.

Too soft - do not provide the necessary support and allow the spine to bend. This leads to overstrain of the ligaments and muscles of the body.

There are several factors to consider when choosing stiffness:

  • person's age;
  • sleeping weight;
  • health;
  • lifestyle (active or passive);
  • habits (what position does he like to sleep in);
  • the number of people on the mattress and their weight.

According to the age

For those whose spine has not yet formed, doctors recommend the hardest possible mattress made of coconut fiber.

Over 2-3 years old, it is better to choose a softer mattress, since constantly sleeping on a hard one is harmful. For this age, springless ones with medium hardness are most suitable.

People under 25 years old should buy orthopedic ones with medium and increased rigidity, because it is up to this age that the spine is formed.

For a person from 25 to 50 years old, models of any degree of rigidity are suitable, it all depends on personal preferences, health status, as well as financial capabilities.

People over 45 years of age are not recommended to sleep on a hard mattress due to the risk associated with intervertebral disc problems. It is better to opt for medium-hard or soft models.

By weight

Thin people (up to 55 kg) are best suited for soft mattresses. These can be spring models without coir or springless ones, which consist of natural latex.

People of average build (from 55 to 90 kg) are better off choosing products of medium hardness. Most models with independent spring blocks are suitable for them, for example, mattresses that use a coir-latex combination.

Overweight people (over 90 kg) should pay attention to mattresses with increased rigidity. An excellent option for them would be spring products with reinforced springs made of thick wire or springless ones made of dense, durable materials.

For health

People who have problems in the upper spine are better off purchasing a hard mattress.

By lifestyle and sleeping position

For those whose activities involve large physical activity For those who lead an active lifestyle, rigid models are more suitable. For people with a passive lifestyle, accordingly, they are softer.

The position in which a person likes to sleep is usually also taken into account. For those who sleep on their stomach, a firm mattress is suitable. The soft one will appeal to those who like to sleep on their side.

And those who sleep on their back will appreciate models with a medium degree of firmness.

By the number of people who sleep on it

Very often a mattress is purchased for two people, whose weight may differ. For example, “he” weighs 85 kg, “she” weighs 50 kg. What to give preference in this case?

If it is of medium hardness, then “he” will be comfortable, but “she” will not be very comfortable. When choosing a soft one, everything will be the other way around.

A compromise in such a situation would be to choose a mattress with different sides of different hardness. One side is medium, the other is soft.

Having chosen such a model, the two of you can sleep first on one side, then on the other, and come to a mutual decision which side is more comfortable for both.

I hope this article will help you make your choice.

Today you will learn how orthopedic mattresses differ in degree of hardness, whether everyone benefits from sleeping on a hard mattress, and which one you need.

Not everyone is comfortable sleeping on a hard surface. In youth, the degree of mattress hardness may not be of fundamental importance, but feelings of weakness, lethargy, pain in the lower back or neck appear with age. And the first thing doctors pay attention to is increasing physical activity and right choice mattress for sleeping. At the same time, you can often hear advice that it should be as tough as possible. But not everything is so simple!

How do mattresses differ in terms of firmness?

Buy quality today orthopedic mattress won't be a big deal. The main problem is to correctly select the required level of rigidity. This parameter is very individual and depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the presence or absence of spinal problems, your lifestyle, age and overall health.

All types of modern mattresses can be divided into several large categories according to the degree of hardness:

  • soft with the highest anatomical properties. They absolutely correctly follow all the curves of the body and exert the least pressure on the spine. It is recommended for people over 50 years old to sleep on such mattresses, because... Increased comfort during sleep is important to them. Such models easily bend under the weight of the body, gently enveloping them and giving softness and comfort, but they cannot be used by children under 3 years old, teenagers, or people weighing over 120 kg. A good example of such a mattress is the Ormatek Dream Memo 4d Matrix.
  • medium hard mattresses have the highest orthopedic properties, they tightly and reliably fix the spine. Suitable for a wide range of users and have no special contraindications, for example Ormatek Optima Max EVS, Ormatek Optima Strong EVS620.
  • hard mattress will provide the strongest support; it does not bend at all under the weight of the sleeper. Withstanding even the heaviest loads, they are ideal for people with large weights. And if you are faced with the task of choosing a hard mattress, consider the Ormatek Optima Hard EVS and Ormatek Orma Flex models.

The hardest mattresses are a kind of extreme, which is resorted to in rather complex cases of back diseases.

Fillers for hard mattresses

In the production of modern mattresses it is used a large number of a variety of materials, from the familiar, such as felt or latex, to innovative options, such as coconut or memory foam. In order to achieve maximum rigidity, special technologies have been developed, thanks to which the materials complement each other, enhancing their properties.

To create hard mattresses, as a rule, the following are used:

  • coconut coir- These are product fibers coated with a layer of latex. With its help, mattresses can be given elasticity and excellent rigidity. The advantage is environmental friendliness and durability;
  • derived from the first option is bicoconut is a combination of coir and holofiber. Its differences are high density and wear resistance;
  • sisal, produced from agave, also natural material. It is much stiffer than coir and can take on the heaviest loads. At the same time, both the form and quality indicators will be preserved;
  • linen, who passed a special heat treatment also has high levels of rigidity and strength. It does not form odors, it is resistant to rotting;
  • felt- another environmentally friendly component obtained from sheep wool. In hard mattresses it can play the role of a layer material;
  • latex, natural or artificially produced- an excellent option for a firm mattress. It perfectly restores shape, copes with high loads and has a good orthopedic effect. It is considered one of the most expensive fillers.

A high level of rigidity, on the one hand, creates the most even surface. If it bends under the weight of the body, then only slightly. However, it is worth understanding that the spine and the entire human skeleton are not a stretched bowstring. We have natural curves and protruding parts.

It turns out that when resting on a mattress with a flat and hard surface, the body will still have to bend, trying to maximally adjust all parts to the surrounding conditions. Accordingly, a free and relaxed posture will not work - muscle tension will cause compression of the blood vessels and, as a result, the free flow of blood will be impaired. This will lead to headaches, numbness in body parts and a general state of discomfort.

It’s not for nothing that they say that choosing a mattress is a strictly individual procedure. After all, on an overly soft mattress, again, a “hammock” effect will occur, when the body simply “sags” and in the same way cannot completely relax.

Thus, when choosing the firmness of a mattress, you should be guided by general recommendations:

  • for children under three years of age a high degree of rigidity is indicated. They just need the surface to be perfectly flat. The baby's skeleton is very soft and is being formed. And only on a hard mattress can the main condition be ensured - the absence of deflections;
  • The more a person weighs, the harder the mattress should be. This rule applies for relatively healthy people over 25 years of age;
  • for patients with diagnoses such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other similar disorders, mattresses are selected strictly based on the doctor’s recommendations;
  • If your usual sleeping position is on your stomach, then you will be much more comfortable on a hard mattress.

At home, you can increase or decrease the hardness of mattresses using special toppers or mattress covers. Both options are removable, so if you wish, you can remove them at any time and return to the usual firmness of your mattress.

Thus, sleeping on a hard mattress is not beneficial for everyone. However, now you can make the right choice!


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