Natural oils for hair care. The best hair oil. How to choose? Hair care at home. What vegetable oils are useful in hair care?

Leave-in oils are one of the most popular hair care products for all lengths. Girls love such products for their pronounced cosmetic effect, ease of use and convenient compact packaging. These oils are especially suitable for those with dry, split ends, burned, porous, frizzy, colored and thin hair.

How does leave-in oil work?

To avoid disappointment, you first need to understand that indelible cosmetic oils They provide only visual well-grooming. They are not intended for hair treatment or restoration, but as a preventive measure they are simply ideal.

As a rule, in the first place in the composition of such products are silicones, and thanks to their enveloping ability, they straighten the hair, give it the vaunted smoothness, silky softness and shine, and remove electrification. Silicones also help other components to be evenly distributed along the length.

The second required ingredient is directly basic natural oils , of which there may be several. They nourish and moisturize hair, make it more manageable, enhance natural shine, reduce dry ends, and allow the cut to remain alive and fresh longer after cutting.

Manufacturers also saturate the funds additional additives— vitamins, esters, sunscreens, special pearlescent pigments for a more glossy shine.

Features of using leave-in oils

Under no circumstances should such oils Do not apply to hair roots and scalp! This can lead to clogged pores and prevent oxygen from reaching the bulbs in the required volume.

In addition, it is necessary follow the dosage— it’s easy to overdo it with leave-in oil, and instead of sleek curls you end up with sadly hanging fat icicles. Usually two or three pump presses are enough, but here it all depends on the type and length of the hair and the degree of damage. Each girl will have to use trial and error to determine her individual single portion of the product.

Silicone oils are distributed along the length from approximately the middle of damp or dry hair, moving towards the ends and giving them Special attention. You can first warm the mass slightly in your palms.

And our rating of the best leave-in hair oils, based on expert reviews and reviews from ordinary users, will help you decide which oil manufacturer you should prefer.

Everyone knows that vegetable oils occupy an important place in the daily diet of every person. They are widely used in the cuisines of different nations of the world; not a single holiday or everyday table can do without them. But the scope of use of vegetable oils is not limited to cooking alone, because, among other things, they are indispensable components of homemade cosmetics hair care. In most cases, for these purposes it is recommended to use a fairly expensive olive oil, but it can be completely replaced with a more affordable product - sunflower oil, which, although different from the first in properties and composition, is nevertheless considered very useful.

Sunflower oil for hair - inexpensive, but very effective remedy, which can be an excellent alternative to industrial cosmetics. This product can be used in pure form or as part of various care products - masks, compresses and moisturizing balms. Sunflower oil is great for weakened hair that suffers from dryness, but if desired, you can also use it for oily hair, not as a stand-alone product, but in combination with other products, mainly citrus fruits, low-fat kefir and herbal decoctions. Home remedies with sunflower oil are especially relevant in winter, when unfavorable weather conditions and long stays in rooms with insufficient air humidity provoke thinning, dry and brittle hair, as well as the occurrence of dandruff and other problems associated with the scalp.

For cosmetic purposes, it is best to use premium unrefined oil with a pronounced aroma. roasted sunflower seeds. If there is sediment in the product, this does not indicate poor quality of the oil, since the suspension may appear due to the high content of phosphatides - highly active biological substances that take part in the construction of cell membranes and are also a source of phosphoric acid, which, by the way, is included in the composition of many medications intended to treat alopecia caused by hormonal imbalance or stress.

Benefits of sunflower oil for hair

Sunflower oil is natural product, obtained from the seeds of oilseed sunflower varieties. The main characteristics (composition, color and smell) of this product depend on the method of processing the raw materials. The oil obtained by hot pressing has a dark (golden-yellow or greenish) color and bright aroma, while the cold-pressed product is lighter, almost transparent, with a weak taste and smell.

Sunflower oil contains a large number of essential organic compounds - triglycerides, represented mainly by glycerides of oleic and linoleic acids, which are natural antioxidants. In addition, this product contains vitamins of several groups (tocopherol, retinol, calciferol, B vitamins) and a whole complex of minerals that can provide curls with complete protection from various kinds of negative influences, including from free radicals, which, as known to destroy the keratin layer of hair and promote early cell aging. Thanks to such a rich composition, sunflower oil has earned great popularity as an affordable and effective means for caring for brittle, weakened and deprived natural shine curls. With its regular use you can:

  • moisturize the scalp and eliminate dry dandruff;
  • cure minor skin lesions;
  • replenish the lack of nutrients in the hair follicles;
  • restore strands damaged as a result of chemical exposure;
  • prevent dryness and split ends;
  • make curls soft and manageable;
  • restore hair strength and natural shine;
  • protect hair from ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures;
  • activate hair growth;
  • eliminate the effect of electrification.

Although sunflower oil has mass beneficial properties, abuse of this product can lead to heavier and excess oily hair. This is due to the fact that sunflower oil has low penetrating ability and is poorly absorbed into the hair without auxiliary components, that is, to obtain a visible result, the product must be kept for at least 8–10 hours. In addition, the oil has a fairly thick and dense texture, so it is quite difficult to distribute it on the hair and is also difficult to rinse off, especially if the dosage is calculated incorrectly. Therefore, this product is best used in combination with other products, especially since the selection of accompanying components is not difficult.

How to properly use sunflower oil for hair

Sunflower oil is a universal product, suitable for all hair types and has virtually no contraindications for use. But like any other folk remedy, aromatic oil has its own characteristics and specific uses. In order for this product to be as useful as possible and give the desired result, you should familiarize yourself with a number of rules:

  • To prepare cosmetic mixtures, you must use only high-quality and fresh ingredients. When purchasing sunflower oil, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product: it should not contain any additives.
  • Sunflower oil should be heated in a water bath before mixing with other components, but you should not overdo it so as not to get a skin burn. The optimal heating temperature is 30–40 degrees.
  • All mixtures must be prepared immediately before use, since during long-term storage most components lose their beneficial properties.
  • It is advisable to apply masks with sunflower oil to dry, dirty hair, since moisturizing the strands will prevent the penetration of active components into the cuticle cells.
  • When applying mixtures, you must follow the sequence: first, the composition should be gently rubbed into the scalp, and only then distributed along the entire length of the strands. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to wrap your hair cling film, over which it is advisable to wear a scarf or scarf.
  • Time of action oil masks depends on the purpose of the product and the condition of the hair. You should not keep the mixtures longer than indicated in the recipe, since some components can have a very aggressive effect on curls with prolonged contact.
  • In order to completely wash off the oil mixture, you must first apply shampoo to your head and try to foam it dry, then rinse and repeat the procedure again. You can also additionally rinse your curls with water acidified with vinegar or lemon juice.

The frequency of treatments for dry hair is 2-3 times a week, and for normal and oily hair - no more than 4 times a month. Between courses, which include from 10 to 15 sessions, it is necessary to take a break of one and a half to two months.

Popular recipes using sunflower oil for hair

Oil hair wrap

Hot hair wrap is one of the simplest, but at the same time quite effective ways using sunflower oil at home. Thanks to such procedures, you can heal damaged strands, strengthen the roots and prevent massive loss of curls. In order to make a wrap, you need to heat about 50 ml of sunflower oil in a water bath and distribute it evenly on dry strands. Then you need to insulate your hair with cling film and leave for an hour. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to warm the film with a hairdryer set to hot air drying mode. At the end of the procedure, the curls should be thoroughly rinsed with water and shampoo and allowed to dry naturally.

Homemade soap-based shampoo

This recipe will surely appeal to lovers of natural detergents designed for delicate cleansing of curls.

  • 10 g each of dried dandelion and nettle leaves;
  • 200 ml filtered water;
  • 50 ml soap base;
  • 5 ml sunflower oil;
  • 5–6 drops essential oil lavender.


  • Pour water over nettle and dandelion leaves and place in a water bath.
  • Heat the broth over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Strain the resulting solution and mix it with the remaining ingredients. Use the finished product instead of regular shampoo every time you wash your hair until you get a lasting result.

Herbal balm for dandruff

Balm with sunflower oil is an excellent remedy to help get rid of dandruff, itching and irritation of the skin. You should use the prepared balm after washing your hair, leaving the product on for 10–15 minutes and rinsing off with plenty of running water.

  • 30 ml of calendula decoction;
  • 30 ml of chamomile flower decoction;
  • 50 ml of oak bark decoction;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 20 ml sunflower oil;
  • 5 drops of tea tree essential oil.


  • Beat the egg whites into a foam, add vegetable oil, stir and pour medicinal decoctions and tea tree oil into the resulting mass.
  • Shake all ingredients well and immediately use the prepared product for its intended purpose.

Masks with sunflower oil for hair

Mask for oily and combination hair

This product effectively cleanses strands of impurities, eliminates greasy shine and prevents split ends.

  • 30 ml lemon juice;
  • 30 ml sunflower oil;
  • 3 drops of geranium essential oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix all the ingredients and distribute the finished composition on the curls.
  • Warm your hair and leave the mask on for about 40 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with water using shampoo for oily hair.

Mask for dry hair

This mask will help improve the condition of dry curls, provide them with the necessary moisture and strengthen the roots.

  • 100 ml fat kefir;
  • 30 ml sunflower oil;
  • 15 ml castor oil;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix kefir with oils and heat in a water bath.
  • Add the beaten yolk, mix and apply kefir mask on the hair.
  • Warm your head and wait at least an hour.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with plenty of running water and shampoo.

Hair growth mask

This product serves as an excellent hair growth stimulator, strengthens its structure and roots, restores the strength and elasticity of the strands and returns their natural shine.

  • 50 ml sunflower oil;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 20 g mustard powder.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix dry mustard with cream and add warm sunflower oil.
  • Whisk the mixture and apply the finished composition along the entire length of the strands, starting from the very roots.
  • Warm your hair and leave the product on for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with plenty of warm water.

Sunflower oil is considered a budget cosmetic product, which, if used correctly, can significantly improve the condition of hair, giving it softness, silkiness and a charming shine. Don't be upset if positive result benefits from using this product will not be achieved immediately, since much depends on the choice of recipe and its components. Experimenting with various compositions, you will definitely find the product that will become a real lifesaver for you.

Store-bought masks, of course, are good for everyone: open the jar - apply - hold - get the result. But this result is often temporary, cosmetic: the hair does not get healthier, but just looks good, which, you see, is not the same thing. Therefore, I recommend you several effective oil masks, which will improve your hair and give it a well-groomed look.

Perhaps the most famous - Burr oil , which can be found in any pharmacy. Now manufacturers add other components to this oil, such as wheat germ oil, nettle extract and much more - double. You can apply only burdock or mix it with other oils, in any case your hair will be satisfied!

So, the oil needs to be slightly heated in a water bath or under a hot stream of water and evenly distributed throughout the hair from the roots along the entire length. The mask will be even more effective if you insulate your head - put a plastic bag and a hat on top.

You need to keep the mask on for an hour, then wash it off, which is not so easy. Get ready for a long hair washing procedure; I wash off this mask in three approaches. After drying, the hair is moisturized, shiny, and not electrified. With regular (once a week) use of the mask, hair grows faster, looks healthy and nourished.

The next treasure is . It noticeably thickens the hair structure, so from constant use it seems that the hair is noticeably darker. However, in reality they are simply getting thicker. By the way, you probably know that this oil is useful for lubricating eyelashes and eyebrows, which also become thicker and appear longer.

Before use, castor oil, like burdock oil, is heated and applied to the entire length of the hair from the roots, warmed the head and left for an hour. The oil is quite thick and heavy, so it is difficult to wash it off; you will have to wash your hair at least twice (but preferably three, just to be sure).

  • We take burdock oil as a basis - about 50% of the total composition.

  • Add 20% castor oil, 20% rosehip oil, 10% sea buckthorn oil.

  • Heat the mixture a little in a water bath and apply it in the same way as the previous masks.

  • We wash it off after an hour; for complete cleansing, you will have to rinse your hair three times.

The cosmetics market is rich. The number of ingredients used in them is in the thousands. A large segment among components for various cosmetics is occupied by oils. There are also quite a lot of them and each one can help you solve a lot of questions and problems related to hair, while they are easy to use and affordable. But girls and women are in no hurry to buy miraculous liquids, but increasingly prefer industrial cosmetics. Why is this happening?!

There may be several reasons: they don’t know how to use it, they’re afraid of the difficulty in washing it off, or possible problems when applying, and in general, simple laziness, because it is much easier to buy some product in a store, and there are unlikely to be any overlaps during application.

With oils, of course, it takes longer and is more troublesome. But it's definitely worth it. Several arguments can be given in favor:

  • The product is absolutely natural (usually does not contain harmful additives or other chemicals), unlike store-bought cosmetics, where more than half of the composition is all kinds of achievements of the chemical industry.
  • Rich in nutrients: polyunsaturated fatty acid, antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Comprehensive hair care: nutrition, hydration, restoration, getting rid of dandruff, accelerating growth and reducing hair loss, treatment and normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Hair oils– the best thing you can imagine to replace industrial hair care products.

Types of oils (types)

Oils are divided into several groups according to the amount of fat they contain:

  • Fatty - castor, shea butter;
  • Bold - almond, sunflower and avocado oil;
  • Dry - coconut oil, grape seed oil.

Naturally fatty oils are poorly absorbed by the hair, are difficult to wash off and greatly weigh down the hair. Dry oils are the exact opposite of fatty oils.

A little about oils

Do you want beautiful, healthy, great-looking hair?! But just like that, by nature, such hair happens very rarely, but there is a way out! Oil and oil masks will help us with transformation, restoration, and even treatment. All that remains is to decide which specific oil to use and what problems it will help us solve.

The oils that we will talk about today are base oils, that is, they can act as the basis for compound masks, and for essential oils, since they cannot be used separately (too concentrated) and this way they can fully reveal their potential.

Let's take a closer look at several types of oils:


One of the most popular components for masks. Quite versatile and suitable for many. Easy to wash off, semi-greasy.

First of all, it activates growth and fights hair loss, moisturizes the scalp, disinfects and relieves inflammation.

An excellent base for masks. Bold. Vitamin E content is 20 times higher than olive oil.

Well restores damaged hair (from dyeing and curling), healing and tissue regeneration, nutrition and hydration, protective functions.


Very rich in various vitamins and microelements. It contains a particularly high concentration of vitamin F.

Excellent skin nutrition, improvement of cellular metabolism, getting rid of dandruff. Linseed oil A wonderful hair growth activator and hair follicle restorer.


Like mustard itself, oil is a natural antibiotic, a fighter against dandruff, bacteria, and oily seborrhea. In general, this is a lifesaver for oily hair. An indispensable ingredient for masks and an excellent addition to your regular shampoo.

It cleanses the scalp very well of impurities and excess sebum, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, strengthens the roots and promotes the appearance of new hair. Mustard oil is a powerful natural hair growth stimulator.

Almost anyone can use it, but for people with oily hair, pure oil masks are contraindicated, but compound ones are quite suitable.

The oil is very versatile. Helps with a whole range of problems related to the scalp, metabolism, severe hair loss and even baldness, dry and brittle hair, dandruff, loss of color.

In principle, it is suitable for many, but still a little heavy for thin hair, but it is very suitable as part of masks. Difficulties in rinsing or a specific odor are no longer a problem and can be solved without consequences.

The best restorer for faded hair. It will return color, softness, silkiness, and elasticity. In addition, it will help activate growth. Deeply moisturizes and nourishes both the hair shaft and scalp.

Exotic, but already gaining popularity among many ladies. Very neutral, perfectly absorbed. One of the few that can penetrate deep into the hair and scalp. Protects well from the effects of natural processes (sun, wind). You can cook it yourself at home (quality and naturalness are guaranteed 100%).

It is very suitable for colored hair: it nourishes, protects, and perfectly moisturizes it. To increase volume.

Rare, expensive, but very useful and universal remedy. It is a little difficult to wash off, so wash with shampoo 2-3 times.

More suitable for thick hair or medium in thickness, but not very thick for thin ones (due to poor washability). And this restores metabolism, gives shine, removes split ends and excess frizz, improves obedience (easier to style).


Applicable mainly for damaged, dry, split ends and brittle hair. And also for those who have sensitive scalp.

Gentle moisturizing, nourishing weakened hair. Returning silkiness, firmness and elasticity to strands.


Also great and helps dry and brittle strands. Eliminates split ends.

Gives softness to curls, restores shine, as well as a slight platinum tint.

The main thing that this oil is respected for is the abundance of lecithin. It treats hair from many ailments. When choosing oil, give preference to green - it is much healthier.

Tissue regeneration and good hydration are simply salvation for damaged, dry and brittle strands.

Suitable for any hair, but it is especially helpful for those with oily hair. One of the least greasy. The consistency is slightly viscous. Contains a large amount of protein, which forms a protective layer on the skin and hair.

It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, and at the same time does not weigh down the strands at all, and is very easily absorbed. Well restores hair structure. Cleanses away dirt and fat deposits.

Wheat germ oil

Dry hair is a patient for this oil. It contains a lot of helpers for saving dry hair: vitamins, essential antioxidants and acids. It is one of the most viscous and thick. It is advisable to mix with lighter oils when using.

Restores dry, brittle and split ends. Nourishes, moisturizes and gives them new life.

Thin, weak, affected by influence environment curls are the oil for you. Good antioxidant. Contains quite a lot of vitamins A and E. Easy to apply, absorbs well and rinses off well.

Restoration of metabolic processes in the skin, protective functions, as well as restorative ones: the hair will shine again and become silky and soft.

Sea buckthorn

Contains a lot of vitamin A and antioxidants.

Activates growth and participates in the process of skin regeneration. Smoothes split hair areas. Strengthens roots. Works well on dry strands.


Rich in various vitamins, especially E, B2 and B3, F. Very easily absorbed, as it contains oleic acid.

It has a very multifaceted effect on the hair roots and on the hair itself: restoration, nutrition, hydration, normalization of sebum secretion, fights inflammatory processes, activates growth.


Very gentle oil. Can be added to shampoos for enrichment. Incredibly pleasant smell.

Activates hair growth. Helps color-treated strands maintain health and wellness appearance. Adds volume and thickness to hair. The curls fit well and become manageable.

And there is also corn, hemp, pumpkin, cedar, sesame and many others - the list is huge. These are truly saviors of hair and scalp, deliverers of everything related to hair, they can even regenerate the skin, improve the health of even the most “dead” hair and restore its former beauty and shine.

Rules: application

  • choose unrefined varieties of oils, since refined ones are too highly refined and almost always do not provide any benefit;
  • oils are rather short-lived products and quickly become rancid, so be sure to smell the oil - it should smell good, aromatic, not sour;
  • before use, the oil should be warm, so its nutrients will more effectively penetrate both the hair shaft and the scalp;
  • be sure to massage your scalp when applying oil or oil masks, and don’t be afraid that greasy hair will become even fatter - on the contrary, this will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improve blood microcirculation in the scalp;
  • on Thin hair Only dry oils can be used, since they do not weigh down the strands, and for normal and thick hair, the use of any type of oil is acceptable;
  • oil is a real salvation for dry hair;
  • oil masks should not be used too often, as there is a high probability of clogging the pores;
  • when choosing oil, try to choose only a 100% natural product without any additives (preservatives, silicone, dyes...);
  • the oil can be added to your regular shampoo or conditioner, and thereby enrich it with useful substances, while you will know exactly how much and what quality of oil is in the cosmetic product.

Oil masks for hair: application

It is better to use thick or very fatty oils not as an independent product, but as a component of a mask and in combination with lighter base oils; it is also highly recommended to enrich them with essential oils or other beneficial ingredients.

  1. Apply the mask to dry, unwashed hair: you can use your hands, but for better distribution, use a brush and apply along the partings.
  2. Before applying, comb the strands well so that there are no difficulties when distributing the mask.
  3. Keep the mask on as long as possible (many oils recommend applying it overnight).
  4. Pack your head well: plastic (or film), and wrap a towel on top (you can wear a hat).
  5. It is necessary to rinse off in two stages: first, on dry hair, without water, apply shampoo and foam - the shampoo will take away all the remaining oil, and rinse it off, and then wash your hair as usual.

Careful hair care requires a lot of money and effort. Currently, hair care with the addition of natural essential oils is becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising - essential oils contain a huge collection of useful components and substances. And the right oil will help problematic hair.

When choosing oils, you should definitely take into account the properties and structure of the hair. After all, dry, damaged, oily and normal hair require different care.

Oils for the care of damaged and dry hair:

  • Lavender.
  • Pink tree.
  • Mandarin.
  • Sandalwood.
  • Patchouli.
  • Ylang - ylang.

Oils for the care of oily and combination hair:

  • Cypress.
  • Pine.
  • Verbena.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Lemon.
  • Tea tree.
  • Oils for normal hair care

    • Ylang-ylang.
    • Rosemary.
    • Mint.
    • Patchouli.
    • Basil.

    Oils that prevent hair loss:

    • Rosemary.
    • Cypress.
    • Mint.
    • Pine.
    • Verbena.

    How to use essential oils

    Essential oils should not be used on their own due to their high concentration.

    Having a good shampoo is also good for your hair.

    The most common method is to add oil to shampoo. You don’t need to add it to the whole bottle at once, but every time you wash your hair, apply a few drops to the shampoo and wash your hair with this mixture. Another way is to add essential oils to a balm or hair mask using the same principle. But it would still be better to add essential oils to your homemade and natural masks, not industrial.

    Essential oils are an excellent addition to homemade cosmetic masks for hair. It is enough to mix 2-5 tablespoons of any fatty oil with 4-6 drops of the required essential oil. The resulting mixture of oils must be applied to dirty, dry hair. Keep under film or shower cap for several hours and rinse. The effect is amazing.

    Aroma combing has an excellent strengthening effect - apply 4-6 drops of your favorite oil to a wooden comb and comb dry or slightly damp clean hair.

    Another excellent method for strengthening hair roots is a scalp scrub made at home with coarse salt and an essential oil such as patchouli, ylang-ylang or rosemary. The scalp is thus cleansed, blood flow improves, and the oils strengthen the hair roots from the inside, thereby enhancing growth and preventing hair loss.

    Essential oils are great natural ingredients in the battle for beautiful hair. Careful and delicate care with oils will make your hair thick, shiny and strong.