Channels (Meridians). Energy channels (meridians). Taoist circle The course of meridians through the human body

In accordance with the concepts of ancient Chinese medicine, the vital energy chi circulates through channels in the human body, connected into a single network. European researchers called these channels meridians. Basic meridians of the human body(there are 14 of them) are divided into two groups: seven meridians of the body belong to the yang system, seven meridians belong to the yin system. The yang meridians of the human body are mainly located on the outer extensor side of the limbs, on the lateral surfaces of the torso, and also on the back. Yin meridians run along the inside of the limbs and the front of the torso. The Chinese gave each meridian of the human body the name of the organ with which, in their opinion, it is connected: the meridians of the heart, lungs, liver, etc. There are biologically active points on the meridians. By influencing these points at the right time, you can normalize the activity of various organs and systems. In total, about 700 biologically active points have been described, but about 150 are most often used for treatment. The size of the points is 1-2 mm in diameter.


(The table is compiled from the book by Gavaa Luvsan “Traditional and modern aspects of EASTERN REFLEXOTHERAPY” Moscow “Science” 1986)

Name of human body meridian Number of biologically active meridian points Maximum meridian activity during the day The relationship of the meridian to yang or yin energy Transition of Chi energy from meridian to meridian
Lung Meridian

from 3 to 5 o'clock

Passes into the colon meridian
Colon Meridian

from 5 to 7 hours

Passes into the stomach meridian
Stomach meridian

from 7 to 9 hours

Passes into the meridian of the spleen - pancreas
Pancreas Spleen Meridian

from 9 to 11 o'clock

Moves to the heart meridian
Heart Meridian

from 11 to 13 hours

Passes into the small intestine meridian
Small Intestine Meridian

from 13 to 15 hours

Passes into the bladder meridian
Bladder Meridian

from 15 to 17 hours

Moves to the kidney meridian
Kidney meridian

from 17 to 19 hours

Passes into the pericardial meridian
Pericardial meridian

from 19 to 21 hours

Passes into the meridian of three heaters
Meridian of three heaters

from 21 to 23 hours

Passes into the gallbladder meridian
Gall Bladder Meridian

from 23 to 1 hour

Passes into the liver meridian
Liver Meridian

from 1 to 3 hours

Passes into the lung meridian
Postomedial meridian

around the clock

Controls the Yang meridians
Anteromedian meridian

works during the period of greatest human activity

Controls the Yin meridians

European researchers designate each meridian of the human body with one or two letters, and biologically active points with the letters of the meridian and the number of the point on the meridian. In the literature there are French, German and English designations for meridians. The figure below uses the French notation system.

Location of permanent classical meridians.

a-meridians (front view): 1-lungs (P); 2- pericardium (MS); 3 - hearts (C); 4 - spleen and pancreas (RP); 5 - kidney (R); b - liver (F); 7 - bladder (V); 8 - posteromedial meridian du-may (VG); 9 - stomach (E); 10 - anteromedian meridian ren-mai (VC);>

b-meridians (rear view): 1-three heaters (TR); 2 - bladder (V); 3 - posteromedial meridian du-may (VG); 4 - small intestine (IG); c - meridians (side view): 1 - gallbladder meridian (VB); 2 - colon (GI); 3 - spleen and pancreas (RP); 4 - small intestine (N); 5 - three heaters (TR)

Correspondence table for body meridians.





Heart Meridian

Small Intestine Meridian

Intestin grele - IG

Small intestine - Si

Colon Meridian

Grosintestin - GI

Lange intestine - Li

Bladder Meridian

Kidney meridian

Pericardial meridian

Pericard sexualis - MC

Kreislauf-sexus K. S.

Circulation-sex - Cx

Meridian of the three parts of the body, or three heaters

Triple rechauffeur - TR

Drei-Heizer - 3E

Triple warmer - T

Gall Bladder Meridaan

Vesicule biliaire - VB

Gall bladder - G

Liver Meridian

Lung Meridian

Stomach meridian

Spleen Meridian

Rate-Pancreas - RP

Milz-Pankreas - MP

Anterior median meridian

Jenn-Mo - J (CON)

Vassel of conception - CV

Posterior median meridian

Governing vassal - GV

All meridians of the human body are described on the website in the relevant articles under the “reflexotherapy” heading.

What are human meridians?

A meridian is an invisible energy line on the human body, which cannot be seen with your eyes or touched with your hands...

The human body is penetrated by a network of meridians - channels through which nutrients move, life-giving energy circulates and everything that is necessary for life, there is a complete exchange of information between all internal organs.

Meridians perform such important functions as:

  • blood flow control and vital energy,
  • harmonization of yin and yang,
  • revitalization of muscles and bones,
  • relief of joints.

According to ancient Eastern medicine, knowing the structural features of the meridian system, one can trace the paths of disease penetration into the body, its movement and the factors that cause the development of this disease. Diseases can be eliminated along meridian paths from the body, which is what Eastern medicine doctors have done since ancient times.

European medicine did not recognize the presence of meridians in humans for a long time. In 1986, at the Necker Institute in France, when technetium was introduced into biologically active points, trajectories were established on the human body, which completely coincided with the meridians described in ancient Chinese tracts (“Huangdi Neiqing” in the 5th–3rd centuries BC). This is how the existence of meridians (energy channels) was experimentally proven.

In ancient Eastern medicine, all internal organs are combined into organ systems; The meridians are also united into the meridian system, thanks to which our body works as a single whole.

There are a huge variety of meridians,
Ancient Eastern medicine identifies 12 main ones:

Yin - meridians correspond to organs that fill, store and process substances and energies in the body Ian - meridians correspond to hollow organs that perform the functions of excretion (removal), metabolism
1. Lung meridian 2. Large Intestine Meridian
4. Meridian of the spleen and pancreas 3. Stomach meridian
5. Heart meridian 6. Small Intestine Meridian
8. Kidney meridian7. Bladder Meridian
9. Pericardial meridian 10. Meridian of three heaters
12. Liver meridian 11. Gall Bladder Meridian

Meridians communicate with each other in a complex pattern, transferring energy from one to another. As a result of the coordinated work of meridians in healthy body the required energy level is maintained.

When we are sick, our illness is expressed either by an excess or lack of energy in one or several organs at once. If there is an excess of energy in an organ, then it is in the YANG state, and if there is a deficiency, then it is in the YIN state.

There is a large circle of energy circulation, along which the meridians, in a certain order, following each other, form a closed system, which, alternately stimulating each organ, ensures an even distribution of energy throughout the body.

If, for example, a channel is blocked in the area of ​​the limbs, then the movement of energy is hampered throughout the entire channel (remember from physics: when the current strength drops, the voltage in the network decreases...), and this leads to the fact that the organs do not receive enough energy. As a result, they do not work normally and do not perform their functions.

And no matter how much we fill our body with medications and dietary supplements, blocked organs will not be able to process them, and all our treatment efforts will be in vain.

There are many biologically active points (BAP) along the meridians, their locationsubject to certain laws.

As a result of this treatment

  • meridians-channels are cleansed,
  • the balance of the Yin and Yang ratio is regulated,
  • the disease matrix is ​​erased,
  • the functioning of damaged organs is restored,
  • the body's immunity increases.

Oleg 08/29/14

I re-read http://site/catalog/svetoch-pribor (by the way, it’s inconvenient that you can’t ask a question there, but I’ll write it here). You write "To get the maximum result from treatment with the Svetoch device, we recommend that you undergo automated resonance diagnostics (ARD)." Those. - I need to come to you, undergo a diagnosis of ARD, the doctor will tell you everything HOW and what to do with the glasses (i.e., you don’t have to bother, you don’t have to figure it out yourself, but follow the doctor’s recommendations) - and that’s it, get treatment for your health?

From the point of view of Eastern medicine, it is energy meridians human bodies play the most important role in the process of maintaining the health of the body. Unlike their Western colleagues, representatives of the East consider the processes occurring in the human body to be inextricably linked with the events that occur in the energy shell of the Universe. In their opinion, all pathological processes begin on the surface and eventually penetrate deeper. Therefore, if external influences are corrected in time, the very cause of the disease can be eliminated. What are energy meridians according to modern scientists?

The doctrine of biologically active points (BAP)

There are many theories that explain the processes occurring in the human body. One of the works on this topic belongs to V.D. Molostov, he explained the nature of BAPs and their connection with the meridians of the body. Scientists have long proven that all processes of information transmission in the body are electrical impulses that are generated and transmitted by nerve cells. In order to ensure the speed of conduction and minimize the impact of energy loss during the transmission process, the transmission force must be considerable. Partially, the excess remaining energy is absorbed by internal organs and tissues, but the remaining energy needs to be utilized.

It is for the release of excess energy that there are biologically active points - small areas on the body about 2 mm in size. It has been proven that the temperature in these areas of the body is slightly higher than that of the surrounding tissues. According to experts, this is due to the ability of these areas to transform excess energy into heat and, radiating it into the external environment, rid the body of excess energy. Eastern healers, not having modern capabilities, experimentally identified chains of such places on the human body and gave them the name - meridians.

Main paired meridians

There are 12 main pairs, each of which has hours of greatest and least activity and is responsible for certain organ systems.

  1. responsible for metabolism and respiration. Exercises control over the respiratory organs, such as the larynx, pharyngeal ring, and the trachea-bronchi system. Applying pressure to its points reduces breathing problems, lowers temperature, and helps with delayed or sharply decreased urination.
  2. . Very closely related to the previous one, it is responsible for the function of excreting processed food from the human body. It is exposed to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, and disorders of the mucous membranes.
  3. is responsible for the most important energy organ of a person - the stomach. It is here that the main source of human energy - food - is received and processed. Disruption of this organ reduces the overall protective properties.
  4. . These organs are responsible for moving food from the stomach and obtaining the maximum amount of substances beneficial to the body from the food bolus.
  5. responsible for heart function and condition vascular system. He is in charge of such manifestations as thinking, emotions, and sensations. Disruption of its functioning leads to stress, which, in turn, leads to cardiovascular problems.
  6. . This organ is involved in the further process of digesting food; its cells absorb water from it. It forms a Yin-Yang pair to the heart meridian. Exposure to it has a positive effect on pain in the upper body: head, back of the neck, shoulder blades.
  7. . Responsible for the process of removing fluid from the body. Exposure to it is effective for spastic pain in the body. It is also indicated for skin diseases, disorders of various etiologies of the central nervous system, and headaches.
  8. . Its state determines the energy state of the entire organism. Supports the activity of tissues and organs in the human body that are responsible for growth, development and reproduction. Disruption of the flow of energy in this meridian leads to a state of increased nervousness, irritability, and sleep disturbances.
  9. affects the cardiovascular system more broadly; in addition, the sexual nature of a person also falls within its sphere of influence. Supports the functioning of the heart meridian points and affects the nervous system of the body. By influencing its points you can improve the general condition of the nervous system.
  10. closely related to the liver meridian. Exposure to it helps with pain conditions such as pain in the forehead and temples, migraines, arthritis, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.
  11. . The liver is the body's chemical laboratory. This is where the body's most important biochemical processes take place. The correct flow of energy in it contributes to the processes of preservation and self-renewal of the body. Improves the condition and quality of blood, the production of biologically active substances.
  12. “” is a meridian that does not relate to a specific system of organs and tissues of the body.

The latter is divided into three sections:

  • upper - includes organs located in the chest above the diaphragm;
  • middle - body organs located above the navel (stomach, spleen);
  • lower - kidneys, urinary organs, genitals.

The activity of its points affects the excitability of the central nervous system. It is used in cases of spastic and painful conditions.

In addition to the 12 main paired ones, some eastern systems distinguish two more unpaired meridians - anterior and posterior - and eight “wonderful ones”. But this is not the final idea of ​​the energy structure of the body. Some teachings name a much larger number, for example, the teaching of yoga counts about 70,000 human meridians.

Meridians of the body for those who take care of their health

According to Chinese medicine, the vital energy Qi in the human body flows through special channels - meridians, which cannot be detected by modern diagnostic tools, but whose existence has been proven by thousands of years of experience.

Meridians are lines of energy flow within the human body. In Chinese, meridians are called "mai", as are blood vessels. But if the vessels have a clearly limited tubular shape, then the meridians do not have clear contours, and their shape is determined by the actual flow of energy.

The theory of the meridian system is one of the most important theoretical and practical achievements of TCM. Knowledge of meridians has a key impact on diagnosis and choice of treatment methods, and plays a key role in acupuncture, massage and drug therapy. The fact is that the network of meridians (due to its subtle energetic nature) is the first in the human body to perceive all the influences of the external environment, and in case of illness it reflects the pathological picture of the state of the organs, since it has numerous connections with all organs and systems of the body. All biologically active points are located on these channels.

The meridian system, which is a complex network of internal energy flow, consists of:

  • 12 pairs of main meridians
  • 8 special meridians
  • 12 additional meridians
  • 12 muscle meridians
  • 15 branching meridians

12 pairs of main channels are considered the largest flows of vital energy. They originate and end in the hands and feet, where they receive and transmit Qi energy to other main meridians. All main meridians pass through 12 Zhang Fu organs, and therefore are named in accordance with these organs (for example, lung meridian, colon meridian etc.).

8 special meridians do not flow through the internal organs. They resemble “energy networks” that protect the body and serve as a reservoir for energy reserves. That is why they are called “seas” and “lakes” of vital energy. Two of these 8 meridians are the most important: the “Ren” meridian, which runs through the center of the front surface of the body, and the “Du” meridian, which runs through the center of the back surface of the body. The Zhen meridian or the conception meridian is a “sea of ​​Yin energy”; it is responsible for blood circulation. The "du" meridian or the governing meridian is the "sea of ​​yang energy" and controls the circulation of Qi. The remaining 6 auxiliary channels are unpaired and connect the internal organs and limbs of the body.

12 pairs of additional meridians depart from the main ones and are named by analogy with them (for example, additional lung meridian, additional colon meridian). These meridians are long and located deep in the body. They play a very important role by connecting the main meridians with each other and with the internal organs.

12 pairs of muscle meridians serve as additional ones and are located mainly in the limbs and head, located on the surface of the body, but never in the internal organs.

15 pairs of branching meridians or collaterals depart from 12 pairs of main meridians and from the “zhen” and “du” meridians. Collaterals are in turn subdivided into smaller subcollaterals that reach every cell in the human body.

All meridians are interconnected by auxiliary meridians and collaterals and transmit energy to each other, making an endless circulation of Qi energy in the body.

The meridian system is very important for diagnosis, when the principle of reflecting the state of internal organs in the corresponding external organs is applied. For example, by looking into the eyes of a patient, a TCM doctor can tell what condition his liver is in. Because he knows that the liver meridian, which originates at thumb legs, rises up, passes, among other things, through the eyes and connects with the governing meridian “du” at the back of the head.

On these meridians there are numerous energy points, by stimulating them with a needle, finger, or heat, we can influence the flow of energy along this meridian.

* * *

Have you ever wondered why China's population has exceeded a billion? One of the factors for this is that their medicine is at the highest level! And what medicine! They have it not like in the West - cut, remove, cut off, insert an implant and the like, but medicine, which is in harmony with the surrounding nature, has its roots in the depths of centuries and is based on thousands of years of experience.
It is the Chinese who teach all the peoples of the globe the methods of reflexology, acupuncture, cauterization with wormwood cigars (Zhen-Jiu therapy) of points and other methods of influencing BAP (biologically active points) on the human body.
These points were discovered and systematized back in 221 BC. e. and are described in the treatise “Huangdi Neijing” (Treatise on the Internal, or on the nature of life), which states that all internal human organs are interconnected by twelve main Meridians and a whole network of their branches.
By the way, the works of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 - c. 370 BC), the father of the so-called Western medicine, date back to a later time, and the famous work of Avicenna “The Canon of Medical Science” was written in 1012 - 1024 AD era and it was also based on extensive, proven knowledge of the East.

Essentially, the Chinese discovered a magnificent natural system self-regulation of the body with the help of Vessels - Channels - Meridians on the human body invisible to the human eye.
This system is based on the theory of the 5 primary elements in nature, according to which everything in the world around us consists of five substances - water, fire, metal, wood, earth and the vital force “Chi” (otherwise known as Shi, SI, Qi), feeding these elements from space.

In turn, the vital force “Chi” is divided into two opposite principles - yin - and - yang-, expressing the confrontations and limitations of each other.

So what's the deal? The Chinese have described everything: Diagnostic methods, examination, questioning, listening, palpating, treatment with needles, treatment with cauterization with wormwood cigars, many methods of acupressure and other methods of influencing meridian points are described, but the method is rarely used, why?

It has been proven that all humanity has these Meridians, regardless of place of residence and skin color. It is known that when any organ is removed, the Meridian associated with it does not disappear. Why? But because the responsibility for saturating the organs with energy in the body is taken on by others, the so-called SAVIORS - MIRACLE MERIDIANS.

But it’s a pity that they resort to reflexology as a last resort when nothing helps. modern medicine and only then do they turn to acupuncture as the last hope, and this is wrong.

Reflexology can not only cure the disease, but also remove its cause, as well as prevent the disease.
What is the basis of healthcare? Prevention, disease prevention!

In total, there are about a thousand common points on the human body. There are only 365 meridians, according to the number of days in a year, and each Meridian has its own number of important BAPs (biologically active points).

What sometimes scares people about using reflexology methods? Mystic? After all, these Meridian channels are not visible! Isn’t it mystical that a finger heals spontaneously when we accidentally cut it? After all, this process occurs without the participation of our consciousness. We don’t know how everything happens. Isn’t the phantom pain of a distant limb of the human body mystical?
What is an electrocardiogram of the heart? It is definitely a directed energetic driving force. Have you seen this force with your own eyes, this pacemaker outside the human body? No! What is this? Also mystical?

So, if you are not healthy or want to prevent illness and are ready to take advantage of the natural healing method and the achievements of Eastern Chinese medicine, then I will explain to you below how to cure yourself and prevent illness with the help of such Magic Vessels - Channels, which are Meridians.

Using Meridian you can also find:

1. Points for relieving any pain.
2. Points for relieving high blood pressure.
3.Promotion points vitality and blood pressure.
4.Flu prevention point.
5.Removal points high temperature bodies.
6. Weather-dependent points.
7. Points for relieving depression.
8.Points for improving memory and mental abilities.
9. Points for weight loss and cellulite removal.
10. Points for adding weight.
11.Points for improving vision and hearing.
12.Points. improving intestinal motility and waste removal.
13. Joint treatment points.
14.Points for relieving increased appetite.
15. Bust strengthening points.
16. Sexual points.
17. Treatment points for enuresis in children.
18.Points for reducing blood glucose and treating diabetes.
19. Points for relieving bronchial asthma attacks.
20. Treatment points for cholecystitis, pancreatitis, kidneys.
21. Points for relieving pain in osteochondrosis and lumbosacral radiculitis.
22. Points of resuscitation, ambulance, withdrawal of alcohol intoxication.
23.Immunity boosting points

For the effect, the simplest methods of self-massage are used, which consist of linear and acupressure massage.

Are you intimidated by the Chinese names of points that you think are impossible to remember? And you don't even want to step up? Of course, it’s difficult to remember all of them, but a few are possible and, thanks to translations, easy to remember! And in the names, without even knowing Chinese language, very easy to figure out. The dots have very beautiful, poetic names.
But first, about the techniques of acupressure and linear massage, which I recommend.

Acupressure - performed on individual acupuncture points and stimulates them.
When using acupressure, the area of ​​influence is wider compared to acupuncture, therefore small displacements in the areas of acupuncture points are allowed, which are unacceptable with acupuncture, which greatly simplifies the massage technique and makes it very accessible to everyone. There are harmonizing or neutral techniques of acupressure that enhance the body's defenses. As well as tonic or enhancing functions and sedatives, reducing body functions.

Acupressure techniques:

1. Intermittent movements with the pad of the thumb.
2. Pressing the tips of the fingers or nails.
3. Centripetal movements - the pad of the middle finger is placed on the massaged point (without displacement from the skin) and rotated clockwise from the circumference to the center (from 1 to 5 seconds).
4. Centrifugal movement - the pad of the middle finger is placed on the massaged point (without displacing the skin) and rotated counterclockwise from the center to the circumference (from 1-5 seconds).
5. Combination at one point of the centrifugal and centripetal method with deep pressure and sharp tearing.
6. Stroking and rubbing the point with your fingertips.
7. Pinching a point by grasping the muscles with the skin between the 1st and 2nd or 5th fingers.
8. Tapping and patting with fingers or the edge of the palm of the point and painful area - frequency of blows up to 160-200 per minute.
9. Vibration of the point along with the painful area - carried out with one or several fingers, the edge of the palm (160-200 vibrations per minute).

Linear massage - performed along the course of the Meridian, in the direction of the energy flow and also stimulating it.

Linear massage techniques:

1. Linear stroking along the meridian (from 1 point - entry, to the last point - exit) - performed with several fingers closed together or apart, the base of the hand or the tubercle of the thumb. There are stroking with pressure, with oscillatory-rotational movements with fingertips, vibration (from 50-200 vibrations per minute).
2. Rubbing - a creeping rubbing movement along the meridian with the pads of several fingers, grasping and releasing tissue with the 1st and 2nd fingers.
3. Vibration pinching - tissues grasped in a fold with 2 fingers are given wave-like vibrations.
4. Tapping and tapping along the Meridian with the pad of one or more fingers, the edge of the palm, the back of the fingers or a fist.
5. Pressure (pressure) - intense pressure on the tissue along the Meridian with the pads of the fingers, the edge of the palm or the entire palm.
Acupressure and linear massage can and even preferably be carried out in combination with each other.

So - Meridians. There are only 12 of them. 12 - paired and 2 - unpaired, which are connected - each, by name, with its own internal organ, and also the Meridians are connected to each other by multiple connections. They can be represented in the circle of a watch dial. There are 24 hours in a day, of which every two hours a certain Meridian and the organ associated with it operate.

That is, every 2 hours there is a movement and flow of vital energy - yang - or - yin - from one channel of biologically active points in the Meridian to another. Both energies are necessary, and in a healthy state the opposing influences of yang and yin are balanced. Let's imagine the movement of energy around this circle of hours:

Hours and therapeutic limits of action of meridians:

From 3 - 5 - yin - Lung meridian - chest, lungs, throat, skin.

From 5th to 7th yang - Colon Meridian - head, face, ears, throat, nose, teeth, pain, gastrointestinal tract, temperature.
from 7 - 9 - yang - Stomach meridian - front part of the head, nose, mouth, teeth, throat, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, change in body temperature.
from 9 - 11 - yin - Meridian of the spleen and pancreas - genitourinary organs, gastrointestinal tract, digestion
from 11 - 13 - yin - Heart Meridian - heart, nervous activity (psyche).

From 13 - 15 Jan - Meridian of the small intestine - upper part of the head, nervous system, eyes, ears, throat, nose, psyche, temperature change.

From 15 -17 - Jan - Bladder Meridian - upper part of the head, nose, eyes, lower back, spine, nervous system, change in body temperature.
from 17 to 19 - yin - Kidney meridian - genitourinary system, adrenal glands, impotence, frigidity, ear, nose and throat diseases, mental disorders, depression.
с19 - 21 -yin - Pericardial meridian - chest, heart, stomach, nervous system.

From 21 to 23 Jan - Triple Warmer Meridian - cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, body temperature.
from 23 - 1 - Jan - Gallbladder meridian - temporal part of the head, nose, throat, ribs, ears, nervous system, body temperature.
with 1 - 3 -yin - Liver meridian - lower abdomen, genitourinary system, brain, gastrointestinal tract.

Post-median meridian (13th): DU-MAI (translation from Chinese - GUIDANCE VESSEL).

The meridian does not have a specific hourly activity. Its movement is from bottom to top, along the back surface of the body. When the energy circulation system in the main 12 Meridians cannot cope with the disturbances that have appeared, the post-median Meridian turns into the so-called SAVIOR - the Miraculous Meridian - “the sea of ​​all yang meridians.”

Anteromedian meridian (14th): JEN-MAI (translation from Chinese - RESPONSIBLE HIGHER SUPERVISION, GOVERNING VESSEL, CONCEPTIVE VESSEL).
The meridian does not have a specific hourly activity. Its movement is from bottom to top, but from the front. When the energy circulation system in the main meridians cannot cope with the disturbances that have appeared, the front middle meridian also turns into the SAVIOR - the Miraculous Meridian - “the sea of ​​all - yin - meridians”.

How to determine the maximum activity of energy circulation in an organ along the Meridians? For example, as I write these lines, the time shows 14 hours 15 minutes.
Let's look at the table: At this time, from 13-15 hours, the maximum action of the Small Intestine Meridian occurs. That's right, it's lunchtime and the small intestine is working hard.

Dear readers, you will be at home and can use a natural, time-tested method of healing. How?

You need to have in front of you a book with illustrations that clearly indicate the course of each Meridian on the human body*. (Bibliography at the end of the article!) By the way, on the Internet you can find a video with a story about each Meridian, but you should be interested in the external course (along the surface of the skin), not the internal course of the Meridian, in order to influence it using the point and linear self-massage. It will only take you a few minutes a day. You can massage the points, for example, while watching TV.
- How to start this, you ask? I will teach you how to find pain points on the surface of your body and influence them.

The pain point is a blocker, it is closed, the energy does not pass, hence the pain. This point needs to be opened urgently, which is what I recommend.

You don't need acupuncture needles, but you need fingers that run along the meridian and detect pain points. These are the pain points that we need to work on.
Remember the rule: Our thumb is SOOTHING, and our index finger is TONIZING. With a toning finger or nail we press the point, immerse it inside the body tissues, and with a soothing finger we stroke and rub with the least pressure. We alternate one with the other until we remove the pain, dull it and the pain disappears completely.
Many of my friends who suffer from various diseases, such as diseases of the bladder, stomach, liver, kidneys, could not recover until they learned that in Chinese medicine there are such Meridian Channels responsible for these organs.

They began to attend a training group, learned the move and all the points, each of their own Meridian, learned to influence them and were cured. After that, realizing the value of their discovery, they learned the remaining eleven Meridians, then two more - the anterior and posterior medial meridians, then they learned 8 more - the Miraculous Meridians. And these were people who were far from doctors, but without any medical education at all.

There is no need to go to China at all. Everything is described in detail in books on Eastern reflexology. And you don’t have to be a genius to master it. By the way, I believe that many sick people and especially all doctors must know the Meridians. It is important to set a goal and start small. It is this little thing that I want to convey to readers who value their health.

Right now, dear reader, you are sitting at the computer. Please raise your left hand and with your index and middle fingers slowly walk down the midaxillary line to the fourth intercostal space, that is, until it intersects with the horizontal line at the level of the nipples. We stopped. Apply pressure and apply pressure with your fingers to this area. Hurt?

Find the epicenter of this pain and start working on this point using the above acupressure techniques. The pain will dull and begin to spread to the sides. Apply as much pressure as you can tolerate, periodically lightly stroking this point, and rub this area. Apply intermittent pressure. Stroke again. How do you feel? Has the pain disappeared?

Now apply the same method on the opposite side, under your right arm. Also a pain point? Work on it too until the pain disappears. You can work with two hands together, each on its own side (it’s more convenient to use pads thumbs). Remember, each Meridian is a pair and must be passed on both the left and right sides.

And now I will explain to you that your Gall Bladder point was closed, BAT-VB-22 -YUAN-E - “Bottomless Abyss”, “Dark Liquid”, “Whirlpool of Water”. Indications for this point: Intercostal neuralgia, spasms of the chest muscles, infiltration in the hypochondrium, lymphadenitis, pleurisy, sleep disturbance.

Slightly anterior to this point, at the distance of the middle phalanx of your middle finger, there is a signal point VB 23 - ZHE - JIN - “Lateral muscle”. It can also be painful. Work on it. Point indications: Sour belching, vomiting, bronchial asthma, intercostal neuralgia, neurasthenia.

If you get creative and lower your fingers a little lower into the sixth intercostal space along the anterior axillary line, then you will get to the Spleen-Pancreas point RP21 - YES - BAO - “The Great Breaker”, which switches its energy flow to the Stomach Meridian. If it is painful, it means the energy in it is stagnant and this point also needs to be opened, it is blocked. Massage it. When the pain dulls and disappears, the point has opened.

Acupressure (impacting a point with your fingertips) is harmless because it is not a needle that must enter the point EXACTLY. With acupressure, you can massage the area of ​​the point without the risk of causing harm. Rub the general area of ​​your influence with the edges of your palms, and finally stroke. You can influence the points while wearing clothes, without undressing. Where you cannot reach the points, for example on the Meridian Bladder, you pass this Meridian mentally.

So, dear readers, you got or bought a book on Eastern reflexology. Don’t be afraid, open it right in the middle, where in front of you are tables or diagrams of the location of all Meridians on the human body.

Start with the very first - the Lung Meridian, then comes the Large Intestine Meridian, then the Stomach, Spleen - Pancreas, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidneys, Pericardium, Triple Warmer, Gallbladder and end with the Liver Meridian.

If you walk along one Meridian a day, find and open painful, that is, closed points, then you are on the right path to your health. Use linear and acupressure at the same time. I advise you not to go into detail about the lack or excess of energy in the Meridians, it is unlikely that you will be able to figure it out right away (this is for acupuncture), it is important to first open the blocked painful points so that the vital, healing force circulates in the body harmoniously, and its Trust the general distribution to self-regulation.

By the way, in your spare time, take a look at those pages that will expand your horizons in the field of Eastern reflexology. For example, in the names and descriptions of specific points on each Meridian. Briefly about them:

1.Tonic point - exciting, stimulating.
2. Sedative - calming, inhibitory.
3. YUAN - point - source, primary CHI. Helper (assistant), enhances the effect of tonic and sedative points.
4. LO - a connecting point, a kind of valve, a gateway, regulates the transition of CHI energy from one Meridian to another. Select a) Ordinary LO - on one channel
b) Group LOs - combine 3 channels.
c) General LO - regulate the overall balance - yin-yang - in the body.
5.U - XING-XUE - points of the five elements - initial (inflow) or final (outflow of energy) points of the Meridian. First aid points.
6.SI points - narrow points, cleft points, diagnostic, analgesic (relieve pain).
7. SHU points - points of sympathy, agreement, diagnostic. Available only on the Bladder Meridian.
8.MO points - alarm points, herald points, signal points, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic points.
9. POINT KEY - points in the Miraculous Meridian system.

The Meridians also contain points used in Eastern martial arts.

And now I will describe very important, necessary life points, BAT, which you just need to know by heart, and whoever doesn’t know, let him learn and remember. I'll start with the head area:

Point - VG20 - BAI - HUI - “One hundred meetings”, “a hundredfold collector”. Diagnostic point of the posteromedial, Miraculous Meridian. This point is located on the head and corresponds to the parietal fossa on the line connecting the tops of the ears. It is the highest point by which human height is measured.
Indications for using the BAI-HUI point: Headache, dizziness, cerebrovascular accident, tinnitus, eye and ear diseases, hemorrhoids, neurasthenia, mental disorders, epilepsy, seizures, parkinsonism, prolapse of the uterus and vagina, night terrors in children. Massage this period!

Point - TR5 - WAI-GUAN - “Father of Energy”, “outer border” - group LO point of 3 Yan manual Merilian and Point-Key to the Wonderful Meridian YANG-WEI-MAI. If the hand lies palm down, then you need to place three fingers of the other hand so that the little finger is at the edge of the wrist fold and then the index finger will point in the recess to this important point, which relates to the Meridian of the Three Heaters (three parts of the body, the Meridian of Heat Generation).
Indications for use of the Wai-Guan point: The point has an antipyretic effect - a point of temperature reduction. Other indications: flu, colds, catarrh of the respiratory tract, parkinsonism, pain in the fingers, forearm, elbow joint, paresis and contractures of the arm muscles, lumbago in the neck and lower back, toothache, eye diseases, sleep disturbances, general weakness, migraine, bad tolerance to weather changes, hypotension, mumps, tinnitus, deafness. Massage this point!

Point - MC6 - NEI-GUAN - "Mother of Blood", "inner border" - point LO-point to the Meridian of Three Heaters. Point-Key to the Wonderful Meridian YIN-WEI-MAI. If the hand lies with the palm up, then place three fingers of the other hand with the little finger on the edge of the wrist fold and the index finger will indicate this point (located opposite the WAI-GUAN point).
Indications for using the NEI-GUAN point: Pain in the heart, hypertension, tachycardia, angina pectoris, pain in the elbow joint and shoulder, stomach spasm, collapse after childbirth, conjunctivitis, loss of willpower, shock, unaccountable anxiety and fear, manic state , hysteria, bloodshot eyes, sleep disorder.

Point - G 14 -HE - GU - “Sea of ​​life”, “deep valley”, “meeting in the valley”, “closed palm”, “connection of bones”. The point of support for the Large Intestine Meridian is located on the back of the palm with the thumb attached, on the tubercle at the edge of the fold of its apex. Action on this point is contraindicated for pregnant women! (Miscarriage!). Massage this point! Used in Eastern martial arts.
Indications for the use of the HE-GU point: A point for relieving pain of any localization. BAP t. is used as a general strengthening for the purpose of prevention. Asthma, suffocation, collapse, tinnitus, deafness, difficulty expectorating sputum, colds, nosebleeds, toothache, pain in the shoulder blade, leukoma, insomnia, neurasthenia, tonsillitis, night sweats, amenorrhea, pain in the lower back and spine. Point from 100 diseases. Massage this point on the left and right side of your hand!

Point -E36 -ZU-SAN-LI 36 - “Spirit Hole”, “Three spaces on the leg”, “three spheres”. Is the BAT of the Stomach meridian. Massaging this point prolongs a person’s life to 100 years. If, in a sitting position, you place your palm (its center) on the kneecap, then ring finger will point to this point. Rub and massage this place! You can intensively prick the nails of three fingers connected together.
Indications for use of the TZU-SAN-LI point: General strengthening and preventive point. General tonic effect against 100 diseases. Potentiates the healing effect of other points. Lesions and diseases of the knee joint, paralysis of the lower extremities, acute and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, mastitis, eye diseases, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, general exhaustion, flatulence, peritonitis, constipation and diarrhea, atherosclerosis, hypertension, various pains, headache , dizziness, hiccups, insomnia, neurasthenia, fever, shock and collapse. It is a point of First Aid and a point of LONGEVITY. (The topographic anatomy of the point is indicated in books on Eastern reflexology).

Shen-men point 7 - “Gate of the spirit”, “divine gate” - Yuan point - spring, helper, sedative. Refers to the Heart Meridian. The point is located at the ulnar edge of the wrist fold in a depression with the arm slightly bent (palm facing up). Is an ambulance point.
Indications for use of the Shen Men point: Effects at this point are especially indicated for psychosis and heart disease. Pain in the heart with a feeling of anxiety, shortness of breath, insomnia, phobias, memory impairment, increased body temperature, delay mental development, vomiting blood, hemoptysis, yellowness of the sclera, loss of appetite, heat in the palms, rhinitis, paralysis of the muscles of the sublingual region, blood loss after childbirth, lymphadenitis, nightmares, hysteria, epilepsy.

Point R 1 - “Boiling, bubbling spring”, “bubbling spring” - Sedative point of the Kidney Meridian. The point will be determined in a sitting or lying position with the toes bent, in the center of the formed fold.
Indications for use of Point R 1 - First Aid point for shock, sunstroke, drowning, hypertensive crisis, stroke. Hyperemia and coldness of the sole, muscle cramps of the lower extremities, pain on the inner thigh, acute tonsillitis, hoarseness, cough, paralysis of the muscles of the sublingual region, convulsions in children, urinary retention in the postpartum period, prolapse of the uterus, hysteria, jaundice, decreased visual acuity, dry mouth, sore throat, urinary incontinence, loss of voice. Vomiting, diarrhea, constipation. Massage this point!

So, dear readers, I come to the end of the story about the Magic Meridians and what I said is only a drop in the ocean of information about them. I advise you, together with the use of linear and acupressure self-massage along the Meridians, to rub your back (with a massager with two handles), hands and feet - where all the entrances and exits of the hand and foot Meridians are located, as well as rub and massage the ears. The Bladder Meridian runs along the back, where there are a lot of BAP and sympathetic points leading to all the internal organs of the body. It is difficult to reach these points with your hands, which is why a back massage is necessary.

I wish you all health and long life!

*General contraindications to acupressure and linear massage:

1. Benign and malignant neoplasms.
2. Diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs.
3. Pregnancy.
4.acute infectious and febrile conditions of unknown etiology (cause).
5. Diseases requiring intensive care or urgent surgery.
6. Inflammation, damage, scarring of the skin at the site of exposure.
7.Severe exhaustion.
7. Pigment spots in the affected area.

Gavaa Luvsan "Traditional and modern aspects of EASTERN REFLEXOTHERAPY."
Gavaa Luvsan - Essays on the methods of Eastern reflexology.
Drobysheva N.A.” Reflexology for various diseases: The most effective combinations of acupuncture points used by ancient Chinese specialists (ancient Chinese recipes).”
A.M. Ovechkin: “Basics of ZHEN-JIU therapy”