How to wash carpet. Carpet cleaning at home: tools and methods, reviews. Using ammonia to clean carpet

Carpet cleaning at home is largely determined by the type of material and pile length. The speed and degree of its pollution, as well as the choice of cleaning agent, depends on the specifics of the floor covering. The table will help you decide.

Table - Features of cleaning different types carpets

Long pile- Dust, hair and other debris clog under the pile
- Products with small particles that can get under the pile
Short pile- Unpretentious in leaving;
- easy to clean
- Hard brush that can damage the adhesive base
Woolen- Subject to strong pollution;
- attracts moths;
- vulnerable to mold
- Wet cleaning, which leads to the appearance of fungus
Synthetics- Unpretentious in leaving;
- quickly loses its appearance with frequent cleaning
- Lemon juice, which can ruin the color

Is it possible to do without a vacuum cleaner

How to clean or wash the carpet at home? It is widely believed that without this household appliance it is impossible to clean the carpet. But it is not so. Of course, with regular cleaning, the convenience and efficiency of its use are undeniable. But there are situations when, for a number of reasons, a vacuum cleaner is not available, for example:

  • you do cleaning in the country, where it simply does not exist;
  • your baby is sleeping and you don't want to wake him up;
  • electricity was cut off in the house.

In this case, the following cleaning methods will help.

mechanical brush

This handy device can be purchased at major hardware stores or online stores. It is a flat dust container about 20 cm wide. Inside there is a round brush, which is in contact with the surface of the coating and sweeps dust particles and small debris into the dust collector. This brush has a long handle, so you don’t have to kneel and bend deeply for such cleaning. The container is easily accessible and easy to clean from accumulated dust.

The device is convenient to use not only for cleaning the entire coating, but also in the case when the dirt has a small area. For example, something inadvertently woke up, and you only vacuumed the carpet yesterday. But it must be borne in mind that such brushes are not suitable for long-haired products.


Peculiarities. This cleaning alternative is suitable for lint-free coverage or when it is very light.


  1. In a liter of water, dilute a quarter cup of table vinegar.
  2. Dip a soft brush in the solution and scrub the carpet.
  3. After 20 minutes, lightly wipe the surface with a cloth dampened with clean water.
  4. Dry with an open window.

On the Internet you can find different tips on how to clean the carpet without a vacuum cleaner. It is recommended to use sauerkraut, tea leaves, and gasoline with sawdust. But how then to pull out even a small pile of rubbish is unknown. And in order not to spoil the appearance of the carpet, it is still better not to experiment.

How to clean carpet with improvised means

Whenever deciding to eat in front of the TV, a person thinks that he will be extremely careful. But often the consequences of a meal are spilled drinks, overturned plates and a scattering of crumbs in the pile. It is especially annoying if a light floor covering is damaged, because it is not always clear how to clean such a carpet at home. Fortunately, the proven folk remedies described in the table will help to effectively clean your carpet from various stains.

Table - How to deal with different types of stains on the carpet

Red wine- Soda;
- washing powder
- Sprinkle the stain with the mixture;
- rub with a brush or the hard side of a kitchen sponge;
- vacuum
Blood- Cold water- Moisten a cloth in cold water;
- apply to the stain;
- rub with a brush after half an hour;
- Wipe with a clean damp cloth
Fat- Sprinkle stain;
- cover with a sheet of paper;
- warm up with an iron;
- brush off the talc
- Sprinkle stain;
- cover with a sheet of paper;
- warm up with an iron;
- brush off the talc
Coffee- Glycerin;
- ammonia;
- water
- Soak a cotton pad with glycerin and rub the stain;
- dilute one part of ammonia in five parts of water;
- rub stain
Ink- Lemon juice- Squeeze juice on the stain;
- rub with the hard side of a kitchen sponge;
- wash acid with water
Urine- Shampoo or soap- Wipe the stain with a wet cloth;
- pour plenty of shampoo on the contaminated place and lather with a sponge;
- clean the carpet with a brush
Gum- Ice- Place a few ice cubes in a sealed bag;
- apply to chewing gum so that it is completely frozen;
- scrape off dirt from the pile;
- if necessary, repeat the procedure with the remaining chewing gum
Vomit- Water;
- manganese;
- iodine
- In a glass of water, dissolve a little manganese to make a pale pink solution;
- add three to five drops of iodine;
- Wipe the stained area and dry with the window open

How to remove plasticine from carpet? For him, as for chewing gum, ice is suitable. If you try to scrape off soft plasticine, it will stain the pile even more.

A mixture of odors

Stains are not the worst thing that can happen to your carpet. Much worse if it absorbs foreign odors. Entering the apartment from the street, you and your guests will immediately feel it. But there is a proven way to get rid of the smell on the carpet.

You will need:

  • baking soda - half a glass;
  • cornmeal - two glasses;
  • table or sea salt - one glass.


  1. Mix all ingredients in one container.
  2. Sprinkle a layer of the mixture on the areas of the carpet that emit the strongest odor.
  3. Spread the remaining product evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the carpet.
  4. Vacuum the surface after two to three hours.
  5. Scrub the pile with a soft, dry brush to remove any remaining product particles.
  6. To give the carpet a pleasant fragrance, additionally go over it with a brush dipped in water and fabric softener.

Animal urine may not leave marks on the carpet, but its smell instantly eats into the fibers and spreads throughout the apartment. You can get rid of the smell of urine from the carpet by sprinkling a fresh stain with cat litter. When the product absorbs moisture, it remains only to vacuum the carpet.

Special household chemicals

On the shelves of hardware stores you can find a lot of products for caring for carpets. "Vanish" is one of the most popular. How to clean the Vanish carpet is described in detail in the instructions on the package. The manufacturer's guidance, combined with the experience of the housewives, creates an effective “cleaning mechanism”. Proceed in six steps.

  1. Preparation. Remove dust, hair, cat hair and other small debris from the carpet. To do this, it must be vacuumed or knocked out.
  2. Solution preparation. Dissolve one part of the product in nine parts of warm water. Using a sponge, beat the solution into foam.
  3. Treatment. Spread the foam evenly over the surface. If there are old stains, before applying the foam, treat them with a small amount of product in pure form.
  4. Cleaning. Use a dry stiff brush to rub the foam into the pile. It is best to do this in a circular motion.
  5. Expectation. The foam must dry completely. To make this happen as quickly as possible, open a window in the room and do not walk on the carpet.
  6. Foam removal. Vacuum the rug without applying too much pressure to the brush. You should not rub the foam into the fibres, but scrape off any remaining foam from the surface.

After reviewing the reviews, you can stumble upon negative comments indicating the appearance of stains after using Vanish. This is indeed possible if you do not vacuum the coating thoroughly enough before applying the product.

Washing the carpet at home, ridding it of stains and dust is a difficult task that takes a lot of time and effort. To keep your flooring perfectly clean and make cleaning more enjoyable and easy, follow these nine top housewives tips.

  1. Clean regularly. Vacuum your carpets at least once a week. If you have walkways in the kitchen and hallway, they need to be vacuumed every other day.
  2. Use modern technology. If you want to keep your carpets clean and save time, you can't go wrong with a vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner. It will not only draw dust out of the pile, but also help get rid of stains. The devices of the company "Karcher" have proven themselves excellently.
  3. Act fast. If you plant a stain on the carpet, put aside everything and immediately begin to scrub it. The longer you delay cleaning, the higher the risk that unsightly marks will remain on your carpet.
  4. Ventilate. The room where the carpet is laid should be aired daily at any time of the year. At least a couple of times a year, it needs to be removed from the floor and taken out into the street. The hot sun will dry the carpet well, and the snow will give freshness.
  5. Don't walk in the wet. After wet cleaning, the coating must dry completely. If you start walking on wet pile, it will not be fluffy and may become covered with new spots. This will be especially noticeable on a white coating.
  6. Look under the carpet. You need to start cleaning by wiping the floors under the rug, and then vacuuming its wrong side. Only then do they move on to the front.
  7. Protect the floor. If you plan to do art with the kids or host a family dinner in the living room, be sure to cover the carpet with oilcloth or cloth. The carpet especially needs such protection, because it cannot be removed and handed over for cleaning.
  8. Try to dry the carpet quickly. If you spill liquid on it, immediately open the windows or take the carpet outside. If the coating is not dried, it can be affected by fungus.
  9. Be careful. Before applying this or that product to the carpet, you must make sure that this will not lead to damage to it. Treat a small inconspicuous area with the composition to check the reaction of the material.

The average lifetime of a carpet guaranteed by the manufacturer is 15 years. But this is only about strength. But the brightness, freshness and purity of the coating remains entirely on the conscience of the hostess. You can quickly and effectively clean the carpet using household chemicals, as well as modern technology. A wide range of folk remedies for dealing with dust and stains is available to supporters of an ecological approach.

Any hostess who loves cleanliness in the house often puzzles over what how to clean carpet, because this is perhaps the most time-consuming part of the housework. From time immemorial, carpets have been made in order to keep the comfort and warmth in the house as much as possible. They have existed for centuries, but thanks to the comfort and convenience that they give to all family members, carpets will never go out of style.

Many different types of carpets: woolen and synthetic, square and round, Persian and Turkish, even old grandmother's rugs create a special atmosphere in every home, but they still require special care and careful cleaning.

If you properly clean and care for your carpet, it will last you the prescribed 15 years, as the manufacturers promise, because proper cleaning is the secret to the longevity of any carpet.

Modern cleaning companies are ready to gladly come to your aid and clean your carpet efficiently and effectively, but not everyone can afford this expensive pleasure. I would like to please you, hostesses, and reassure you, because you can perfectly clean the carpet at home using improvised means (you will find all the recommendations on this matter not only in the article, but also in the video below it).

Many people reduce carpet cleaning and care to a vacuum cleaner, but do not forget that it is not only dust that contaminates your carpet. Carpet cleaning should be done in the following cases:

In such cases, it would be more appropriate to manually clean the carpet, especially since there are a huge number of home methods that will help you clean your carpet as efficiently and effectively as possible. There are a number of recommendations that you need to know in order to successfully cope with this job:

  • The most common and basic type of carpet cleaning at home is a vacuum cleaner. If you regularly clean the carpet, it will not have time to acquire complex pollution, and you will not need to puzzle over what tools to use and what to do in order to clean the carpet with high quality;
  • the ideal option for cleaning carpets is the dry method of cleaning, as this will prevent the appearance of dampness and mold in the pile of your favorite carpet;
  • a brush with hard bristles and too hot water can ruin the pile, therefore, in no case do not use these tools in your "arsenal" when cleaning the carpet;
  • Before applying a newly purchased carpet cleaner, carefully read the instructions for use, as one or another product may be intended for different carpets.

If it happens that your carpet is so dirty that pests have started in it, it is necessary to carry out its complete disinfection. However, don't rush.

Before applying a disinfectant to the entire carpet, it is worth checking how it will behave and whether they will "make friends" with your carpet. If the carpet has not changed color or structure, then you can safely apply this product to the entire area that is affected by pests.

In case your carpet has acquired foreign odors, you should not be upset, because you can get rid of them with the following mixture: half a glass of baking soda, two glasses of cornmeal and one glass table salt(You can also use sea salt). Mix these products in one container. This mixture must be scattered over the entire surface of the carpet, focusing on areas that have the strongest odor, spread deeper into the pile and leave for several hours. At the end of the specified time, vacuum the carpet thoroughly, but since the cornmeal is quite fine, it is better to vacuum the carpet several times.

How to clean carpet on the floor?

Every weekend you start cleaning and panic when it comes to carpeting. But you should not panic, our caring hostesses, because we will now consider the main recommendations that will help you effectively clean the carpet on the floor.

Surely, you often vacuum your favorite carpet, but the dirt gets deeper and deeper into the thick pile. Sometimes even troubles occur, and various liquids are spilled on the carpet or pets leave dirty paw prints. But often carpets are quite expensive, and not any means are suitable to effectively clean them. But there are a few recommendations for you, following which you will prevent severe pollution, and your carpets will delight you with cleanliness and well-groomed appearance.

1. Spotting is best prevented. You need to take good care of your carpet and develop a number of specific measures that will help protect it from the accumulation of dirt and various stains. Vacuum the carpet regularly and avoid running on it in street shoes when you are in a hurry to get to work. Even house shoes can carry dirt from different parts of your apartment, so it is best to walk barefoot on the carpet. Place your favorite carpet as far away from the front door as possible, as every opening of the door brings in a huge amount of dust, which will certainly settle on the home carpet.

2. Be sure to find out what your carpet is made of.. This will help you choose the right care for your type of carpet. Do not forget that All washing shampoos for carpets designed exclusively for coverings made of synthetic fibers. Even if your carpet on the floor is made from this type of fiber, it is necessary to test it before use and apply a small amount of detergent to the corner of the carpet before cleaning it completely. If the paints do not change their color, you can start applying this product to the entire surface. Carpets that are made from wool fibers do not like any kind of soap and water interference, so it is recommended to clean them in dry cleaners.

3. Remove stains in time. As soon as you notice that a stain has appeared on your carpet, remove it immediately, as fresh stains are removed much easier than old ones. If you have special stain removers, immediately apply them to the stain that appeared on the carpet, only too zealous and intensively rubbing the pile is not worth it, since you can mess up its structure. It is enough to pour a fresh stain with this product and leave it for the amount of time recommended in the instructions, after which you can blot excess moisture with a dry cloth or paper towels. If the stain is not completely removed, then the remnants can be removed from the carpet by cleaning it with a soft brush and a small amount of powder.

4. Heating of the carpet must be avoided. If you've just removed a new stain or have cleaned the carpet on the floor, don't be in a hurry to try to dry it with a hair dryer or any other heat method. Interacting with the fibers of the carpet, heat can fix poorly removed as well as old stains, so it's best to blot the carpet with enough dry paper towels, or let the carpet dry naturally.

5. Try to prevent mold. If it so happened that you spilled water on the carpet or it got wet due to another trouble, ensure good ventilation in the room by opening the window completely. It would be best if you take the carpet outside and dry it in the shade (it is not recommended to hang it in direct sunlight). But if you do not have such an opportunity, then you will have to dry the carpet in the apartment. Make sure that the carpet does not have a musty smell or mold, because if it occurs, it will be very problematic to reanimate your carpet. It is better to put dry rags under the carpet and create a draft, or send a fan to the wet area of ​​the carpet.

6. Destruction of mold fungus. If, nevertheless, you were not able to dry the carpet with high quality, and the mold had time to appear, you can try to remove it with hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2). Try spraying a small area of ​​the carpet with peroxide first to see if it changes color. If all is well, then you can safely try to remove the mold. Perhaps one treatment of the affected area will not be enough, so the procedure will need to be repeated several times.

7. Vacuum your carpet regularly. You probably vacuum your carpet every day, but the secret is how you clean it. Vacuuming the carpet quickly and doing several strokes in one direction will not effectively clean the carpet and get rid of accumulated dust. Brush should be carried out very slowly, several times in the same place in different directions. Only by carefully and confidently cleaning your carpet with a vacuum cleaner will you ensure maximum cleanliness and prevent the occurrence of dirt.

8. Useuse home remedies for carpet cleaning. It will be most effective for the carpet and as calm as possible for you if you use proven home remedies. In order to clean the carpet, you can use ammonia or ammonium hydroxide, for this you should dilute several tablespoons of ammonia in one liter of slightly warm water. Take a soft brush and, constantly wetting in the resulting solution, apply it to the entire surface of your carpet. After you clean the carpet on the floor, thoroughly blot out any excess moisture with dry rags and ensure that the room is well ventilated.

You can clean the carpet well with citric acid and salt. Fill a small bucket with two liters of warm water, add 2 tablespoons of salt and 4 teaspoons of citric acid to it. Using a soft-bristled brush, work the entire surface of the carpet, then dry thoroughly. This method can be used once every three months, it will perfectly help you clean your carpet on the floor.

9. Sawdust, snow and salt. Thanks to these tools, you can effectively clean the carpet. It is necessary to scatter the selected agent around the entire perimeter of the carpet, then carefully sweep it with a broom several times, and then vacuum it. This procedure should be repeated until the cleaner of your choice is completely clean.

  • any material from which the carpet is made does not like hot water;
  • when cleaning the carpet, it is not recommended to use hard brushes, as they can easily damage the structure of the pile;
  • it is undesirable to clean the carpet against the direction of the fibers;
  • absolutely all carpets, whether woolen or synthetic, do not like excessive moisture, so wet cleaning should be carried out no more than every three to four months;
  • newly formed stains should be removed immediately, they can be removed even with the help of cold water. But it will be very difficult to deal with old forgotten stains.

Dear hostesses, if you always adhere to these rules, under your feet there will always be a soft, fluffy and clean carpet that will create a cozy atmosphere of a home nest.

Cleaning at home

Having covered the floor with a new carpet, be prepared for the fact that soon it will be covered with dust or other possible contaminants, so now we will figure out what means you can use to clean the carpet at home.

Before going directly to different ways cleaning the carpet at home, it is necessary to vacuum it thoroughly. But in order for this process to be as efficient as possible, you should start from the inside of the carpet and vacuum it first.

If you start cleaning the carpet from the front side, all the dirt that has accumulated under it will pass from the inside through the entire surface of the fiber to the outside, which will lead to even more pollution.

Well, hostesses, write down the methods for cleaning the carpet at home.

home remedy

Carpet cleaning process

washing powder

This is most likely the first thing you thought about when you decided to clean the carpet. Laundry detergent is perfect for any type of carpet. Before you start cleaning the carpet at home, you should dissolve a small amount of powder in slightly warm water (not higher than 30 degrees), and add a small amount of kerosene, and then mix everything thoroughly. Now take a soft sponge and, plentifully wetting it in the resulting solution, start cleaning the carpet. You will see that thanks to the resulting mixture, dirt and dust will be easily removed, and after a few minutes the prepared solution will turn dirty in color. This tool will remove even old stains from your favorite carpet, but remember that after this procedure, the apartment will need to be ventilated for several days, due to the pronounced smell of kerosene. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out this cleaning in the warm season, since in winter it will be impossible to ventilate the room from the smell of kerosene for three days.

Sauerkraut or raw potatoes

Most likely, you now laughed and thought that today is the day of the pranks. But no. In fact, sauerkraut is the most environmentally friendly way to clean carpet effectively. To get started, choose sauerkraut, which is cooked without vinegar and various spices. It should be squeezed out of excess brine as much as possible and rinsed thoroughly so that the carpet is not saturated with its specific smell. Then you should evenly scatter it on the carpet and rub it a little into the fibers. When it acquires a dirty color and accumulates all the dirt from the carpet, you should sweep it with a broom, you need to do the same procedure until the cabbage is clean. Then we carefully collect all the cabbage and let the rug dry thoroughly, only after that you can vacuum it. Instead of sauerkraut, you can use raw potatoes, as they also perfectly collect all the dirt from the carpet villi. To do this, it needs to be cleaned and grated on a coarse grater, and then repeat the same procedure with cabbage.

tea leaves

This carpet cleaner at home can be safely called folk. In order to clean the carpet, it is necessary to use tea leaves that have already been brewed. Yes, hostesses, do not rush to throw away tea leaves, as it will effectively help to cope with pollution. Be sure to use fresh tea leaves, otherwise your carpet will get new stains. It should be slightly damp. It is necessary to cover with it all areas of the carpet that are heavily soiled, let it lie on it until the tea leaves are completely dry. However, as they dry, dirt from the carpet accumulates on their surface, and you only need to vacuum. This tool will help clean the carpet from wax, nail polish, dust, hair, wool and much more. But do not use tea leaves on light-colored carpets, as it will stain them.

rock salt

Salt is an excellent tool with which you can perfectly clean the carpet from stains and other contaminants at home. Rock salt should be sprinkled abundantly on contaminated areas and left for 15 minutes, then gently sweep it with a broom, which must be moistened in a weak solution of water and soap. A damp broom will collect all the salt from the pile along with various contaminants and dust. After processing with a damp broom, the carpet should be thoroughly dried with paper towels. Extra class salt will bring the maximum effect, since small particles can penetrate deeper into the pile of the carpet.

Baking soda

Using baking soda to clean your carpet will give you good results, as it will rid the carpet of various contaminants and freshen up its color beautifully. In order to start cleaning the carpet at home, you need to dissolve half a glass of baking soda in a small basin of warm water. The prepared solution should be poured into a container with a sprayer and applied to the surface of your carpet or carpet. After that it is worth wait a few hours for the soda to have the most effective effect on carpet stains and also neutralized bad smell. After the carpet dries, it needs to be thoroughly vacuumed several times so that the dried soda grains are removed from the pile. If the contamination of the carpet is small, then you can simply sprinkle soda on the entire surface, after which you need to wipe the carpet with a dry cloth. Dry cleaning should also be completed with a vacuum cleaner.

Laundry soap

In a basin with warm water should be dissolved in equal proportions grated laundry soap and turpentine. Using a soft bristled brush, apply the resulting mixture to the entire surface of the carpet, then rub it with a damp cloth several times. Then be sure to dry the carpet with a dry cloth or thick paper towels. This method will perfectly help to clean even old greasy spots, but after you finish cleaning, you should ventilate the room well and take the carpet outside for a few hours.


One of the most effective ways cleaning carpet at home is to use sawdust. It is necessary to mix ten parts of a soap solution and one part of gasoline. Thoroughly saturate all the sawdust with the resulting product. Then sprinkle the stained areas of the carpet with these sawdust. When all the sawdust is dry, they can be swept out of the carpet, and all dirt and dust will go with them. It is strictly forbidden to use a vacuum cleaner in this case, since its filter will become clogged with sawdust instantly. This tool is as delicate as possible for silk fibers, especially when it is necessary to get rid of the pungent smell of cat urine.

alcohol solution

In order for this product to bring maximum benefit when cleaning carpets, it must be mixed in the following proportions: a few tablespoons should be dissolved in five liters of water washing powder and one dessert spoon of ammonia. In the prepared solution, moisten a small piece of cloth abundantly and carefully treat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe carpet that has suffered from contamination. It should be noted that this tool is not inferior to professional methods of cleaning carpet surfaces, even more than that, it far exceeds their quality and effectiveness in removing stains.


This product is great for freshening up your carpet and getting rid of surface dirt and dust. Therefore, take the children - and forward to the street to beat the carpet. Lay it face down and you're good to go. Children can jump on it, and you carefully beat it with a stick or other device. Then it should be transferred to clean snow and turned over, repeating the same procedure. I think it is not worth specifying that the carpet must be laid on exceptionally white snow without any yellow spots J

With these methods of cleaning your rug or carpet at home, guests will admire your ability to keep carpets extraordinarily clean.

Since ancient times, carpets have been present in our homes, because people have always sought to create comfort in their home. At first, there were skins of dead animals on the walls and floors. But as a person mastered the art of sewing, carpets became widespread and acquired different forms. Today, they are also actively used in both modern and retro styles. Being an integral part of interior design, they require careful treatment and care. In order for carpets to serve for a long time and have a good appearance, it is necessary to monitor their condition and carry out periodic cleaning. At home, you can clean the carpet yourself, without resorting to the services of dry cleaners. So let's consider existing methods carpet cleaning.

When is the carpet cleaned?

Of course, regular vacuuming is the key to the good condition of the carpet, including the wall. But not always cleaning the dust can clean its surface. Let's look at some other cases when carpet cleaning is required:

  1. Very often, outwardly, the carpet does not seem dirty, but it can emit an extraneous “aroma”. This happens if the carpet is in the kitchen or in an environment where strong odors are constantly present. Here it is necessary to take the carpet out into the fresh air and “knock it out” well.
  2. When the carpet has been physically soiled by dirty shoes, groceries, a pet messed up its toilet, etc. In this case, a specific cleaning method is used depending on the damage. It should be immediately taken for cleaning, preventing contamination thoroughly impregnate the carpet.
  3. For various reasons, the carpet has become covered with a layer of dust and requires a thorough cleaning.

In order to effectively clean carpets at home, you need to apply the right means cleaning to specific carpeting. But there are general tips for cleaning carpets regardless of soiling conditions:

  • The first step is to regularly clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, preventing it from getting very dirty. After a long absence of cleaning, even a new carpet will lose its appearance, and it will take a lot of effort to restore it.
  • When choosing a cleaning method, the dry method should always be preferred, if it is allowed. This is especially true for wool carpets.
  • If water is used when cleaning the product, it should be thoroughly dried at the end of the process. You can use a hair dryer or a fan with warm air. Otherwise, fungus and mold may form in the carpet.
  • Carpets "do not tolerate" hard brushes and hot water, as it promotes absorption and deeper penetration of dirt into the fibers. Such cleaning methods should be immediately abandoned.
  • Existing carpet cleaning products have different compositions and are applied to completely different materials. It is impossible to clean any coatings with one means. In order not to damage the carpet, you need to determine the material on which a particular product can be used. When cleaning natural materials It is better to avoid the use of chemicals altogether.

Carpet cleaning with snow

This simplest and most applicable method will help to refresh the carpet, rid it of mild odors and remove small dirt. You need to find a place with dry, clean snow and place the carpet on it with the face in the snow. After the carpet is turned over and we sweep snow on it so that it absorbs surface dirt. Naturally, there is no need to be zealous, it is enough to powder the surface - persistent dirt cannot be removed in this way anyway. After the snow is swept away. If the effect was not noticeable, you can repeat the procedure.

Cleaning with soda solution

This method is generally accepted and received a lot of positive feedback. At home, cleaning carpets with baking soda is one of the most affordable and lint-friendly methods. In addition, to useful properties baking soda treats not only old stains from the surface, but also disinfection. A solution is prepared in the proportion of half a glass of soda to 5 liters of warm water. Next, the solution is evenly applied to the surface of the carpet (it is better to use a spray gun) and left for about 40 minutes. During this time, the soda will perfectly absorb the dirt, and then it must be removed with a vacuum cleaner. As a result, the carpet will restore the appearance with fresh colors.

But it should be noted that woolen and silk products, long pile do not “tolerate” moisture well, and therefore it is recommended to use dry cleaning with this substance for them.

Dry cleaning with soda

Dry cleaning of the carpet at home is also effectively handled by soda. The powder is scattered all over the carpet and rubbed into or with a sponge. At the end of the procedure, the carpet remains in this form for an hour. After the vacuum cleaner cleans the surface.

In order to care for the carpet and give it shine, you can stir baking soda with salt in equal amounts and follow the above procedure. By the way, this proportion is also useful for wet cleaning. To obtain a greater effect, the entire cleaning procedure can be repeated.

In general, carpet cleaning with soda at home has a number of advantages such as absolute safety for the health of people and their pets, the absence of an unpleasant chemical odor after treatment (as is often the case when using special chemicals) and unconditional accessibility to everyone.

This method is also used for cleaning fur or sheepskin coats.

Vinegar cleaning

Vinegar can significantly refresh faded carpet colors. For cleaning, an vinegar solution is used, which consists of a liter of warm water and one tablespoon of vinegar. Before processing, the carpet must be cleaned of dust. Using a brush, the solution is rubbed in the direction of the pile. You can also add a tablespoon of powder to the liquid to enhance the cleaning ability. After half an hour, the entire surface is washed with a wet sponge. Next, the carpet is vacuumed.

Interestingly, based on home carpet cleaning reviews, vinegar is not able to remove serious stains. Moreover, it is actively used in the textile industry to fix dyes, that is, it has the ability not to fight stain removal, but rather to fix it. This suggests the conclusion that cleaning carpets with vinegar at home is allowed only if there is no significant contamination on the carpet and only to refresh the appearance of the product.

Cleaning with baking soda and vinegar

These products occupy a leading position in the recipes for cleaning carpets at home, because they act on stains very effectively and are always at hand. It is thanks to the chemical reaction that these two substances enter into when mixed, accompanied by the active release of carbon dioxide, that even old dirt can be removed from carpets. It is important to apply the reagent to the dirty place during the mixing of soda and vinegar. And by adding washing powder, you can enhance the effect.

The solution is prepared as follows: 4 tablespoons of vinegar are added to half a glass of warm water, as well as one tablespoon of baking soda and washing powder. Everything is thoroughly mixed and quickly applied to the surface of the carpet. For convenience, you can pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray. But you need to act quickly while the reaction lasts. For half an hour, the solution should be on the carpet, and then wiped with a rag or brush. Especially dirty places can be rubbed.

There are cases when the housewives mixed the vinegar solution with soda and powder right at the site of contamination and immediately brushed to get the maximum effect. But experts advise to first treat a small part of the carpet in an inconspicuous place to see the effect of the reaction on the coating. Thus, it can be carried out at home.

Cleaning with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

This method is used for the most difficult and difficult stains, since it is the peroxide that can penetrate deep into the fibers of the pile and dissolve the dirt. Two tablespoons of soda are stirred in half a glass of 3% peroxide. The mixture poured onto the stain is wiped with a rag and left for 15 minutes. After you need to remove the dirt from the treated area.

It is important to remember that peroxide has bleaching properties. Therefore, this cleaning method is used exclusively on light and white tones of the coating.

ammonia cleaning

If you need to remove a stain from wine or fruit juice, ammonia is considered the most effective tool for home cleaning. The rules are roughly the same: first you need to clean the floor. After that, add 2 teaspoons of ammonia to a liter of water. Only it is not the place of contamination that is wetted, but the brush. When cleaning the base, it is better not to touch it. After wiping, the treated area is left for 5 minutes, and then cleaned with a dry, clean cloth.

Cleaning sauerkraut

Even sauerkraut can be used to clean carpets at home. The cover is dust free. Since the product has a strong smell that the carpet obviously does not need, the cabbage should be washed well before use. Cabbage should also be without vinegar. It is evenly scattered on the carpet and rolled with a broom, broom or brush until it becomes dirty. After the cabbage is collected, washed and the procedure is repeated until the cabbage is no longer dirty on the carpet. At the end of this cleaning, the cabbage is collected and the carpet is vacuumed.

Cleaning with gasoline and sawdust

This method is used for cleaning carpets at home with such difficult contaminants as nail polish, plasticine, chocolate, wine, urine, and so on. The disadvantage of this method is immediately “striking”, which consists in a persistent and unpleasant odor that does not leave the carpet for several days after cleaning. To begin with, a soap solution is prepared and mixed with gasoline in a ratio of 10 to 1. Add sawdust to the resulting solution, which should be well saturated. After these sawdust are poured out on dirty places and dry, absorbing stains. At the end, the sawdust is removed with a broom.

Cleaning with special chemicals

You can also replace dry cleaning at home using special chemicals. Usually, such products are available in the form of a spray, shampoo, powder or granules. The last two perform dry cleaning if they are evenly scattered over the carpet and rubbed into the pile with a brush. It remains only to collect them with a vacuum cleaner.

Shampoos dissolve in water and foam is whipped. It is with its help that dirty places are cleaned by applying foam to them. Rubbing is not required. After some time, the foam will dry and it will be possible to remove its remnants with a vacuum cleaner. It is important that the liquid itself does not get on the pile, as it is a very aggressive agent and can change or even discolor the coating.

The spray is sprayed on the desired place and rubbed into the surface with a sponge. Such cleaning can also be carried out after the applied agent remains on the contamination for 2-3 minutes. And then it remains only to wait for the spray to dry and vacuum.

Naturally, the presence of chemicals in the composition of such products ensures their toxicity. Therefore, at the end of cleaning, the room should be well ventilated.

Fight stains without wet cleaning

To remove a stain from a carpet at home, dry cleaning will be the first way to start. Of course, removing the stain without the help of liquids will not be an easy task. But when the carpet does not allow the use of wet procedures, it remains only to try dry stain removal with soda. The procedure for dry cleaning is about the same as cleaning the entire carpet. The only difference is rubbing soda into the stain from the edges to the center. You can rub more aggressively with the palm of your hand or a brush, but with a pile of medium hardness. It is advisable to carry out this procedure immediately after the appearance of the stain.

As you can see, it is possible to effectively clean the carpet without any extra effort, without going to the dry cleaners, thereby protecting yourself and your loved ones from unwanted chemical fumes and unnecessary costs.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Home carpets require special treatment: dust, dirt, pet hair accumulate at the base of the pile, they cannot be removed by dry cleaning alone. How to clean the carpet so that even old stains come to naught, and the colors play with their former brightness? In what cases should you not trust carpeting with household chemicals, when you can do without the help of professionals or, conversely, use their services? Simple secrets will help to cope with the task.

Dry cleaning of carpets at home

Dirty carpet is easy to clean with your own hands. The modern housewife has many assistants: special equipment, household chemicals. No less effective are folk remedies that can be found in the kitchen of any home. The main thing is to know how to clean a particular type of carpet. It is necessary to be able to determine the type of product, because washing a woolen or Persian, long-haired carpet or an ordinary synthetic coating is not an equivalent task.

How to clean

Vanish-type shampoos for carpet cleaning have gained wide popularity. This professional tool does the job: with regular use, floors will shine with cleanliness. The product is recommended for products made of artificial materials. Woolen or silk carpet will be ruined. How to clean the Vanish carpet, the instructions on the package will tell you:

  • the specified amount of shampoo (for different types of coatings it has its own) dilute in water;
  • beat the foam, apply it to the carpet;
  • after a while, clean it with a brush or a vacuum cleaner with a washing function.

Stain removers will help in the fight against chronic pollution. They are sold as a powder, aerosol, or liquid. The cleaner is applied to the stain itself. Do not delay cleaning: the faster the procedure is completed, the greater the chance that your favorite white carpet will remain light. When using stain removers, frequent washing of carpets is not required.

How to clean

A universal way to clean any carpet is to walk on the floor with a conventional vacuum cleaner, it will absorb up to 90% of the settled dust. It's great if you can clean carpets with a washing vacuum cleaner: even if it's water without professional tool, remove will get a lot more dirt. Cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner from Karcher has proven itself perfectly. This brand is associated with putting things in order in large areas, but it will also cope with homework with a bang. Special knowledge on how to wash the Karcher carpet is not needed.

A gentle, albeit time-consuming method is manual carpet cleaning. With a regular brush, without a vacuum cleaner, it is permissible to process any surface. She is not afraid to entrust any carpet, no carpet, no pile carpet. In doing so, observe several conditions:

  • it is ideal to keep several brushes at home: soft - for long pile, hard - for a carpet or a situation when you need to clean woolen carpets;
  • Rinse brushes thoroughly after each use, because they accumulate dust and especially pet hair;
  • change tools annually.

An alternative way is to use a steam cleaner. Such a technique is not for every time and not for every occasion: cleaning will take time, and constant wet cleaning will not benefit the carpet. And yet, steam cleaning is more effective than manual processing. This method, how to clean the carpet well, is ideal for allergy sufferers: no chemicals, just water. The steam will freshen up the item and remove small stains.

Folk remedies for cleaning carpets at home

Do not trust chemistry or intend to refresh the carpet in the children's room, and your baby does not tolerate strong synthetic odors? In the arsenal of knowledgeable housewives there is more than one folk remedy for cleaning carpets at home. Synthetic and natural, with short and long pile, products will find their original purity after processing ... with ordinary snow! A tried and tested method to clean your carpet quickly and without a penny. After heavy rainfall, take the carpets outside, cover them with clean snow, and scrub vigorously with a brush. No smell, no dirt!

Cleaning carpets at home with soda will also solve the problem: 1 tbsp will refresh them. l. soda mixed with 500 ml of water. After spraying the product on the carpet, leave it for 40 minutes, then vacuum or brush it. But dry soda will remove a fresh stain: rub it into the pollution, vacuum this place after about an hour. Instead of soda for dry cleaning, it is permissible to use fine salt: its absorbent properties are no worse.

The question of how to clean the carpet is also relevant: it is easy to restore freshness to it with ordinary vinegar. Pour into 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, spray the solution over the product, after 40–50 minutes, clean it with a regular brush. This method is used both as a preventive measure and to remove unpleasant odors: carpet is very convenient in the kitchen, where food aromas constantly replace each other.

How to clean carpet

Ordinary pollution is easily amenable to even not very skillful hands. And how to clean the carpet at home if you spilled coffee on it? Or juice? How to clean the carpet if the kid who played on it missed the urge to go to the toilet? Each type of difficult stain has its own, reliable and proven home recipes. The main thing here is to act quickly and accurately.

From wool

Before the owners of cats and dogs, the question of how to clean the carpet from wool is constantly on the mind. Washing does not achieve a result: the hairs will only go deeper into the pile. Vacuuming with a special nozzle, a regular wet brush or a damp cloth wrapped around the palm is much more effective. Wool sticks well to cleaning products. These brushes with a short stiff pile do not cope with dirt, but they perfectly cling and hold the hairs.

From the smell of urine

Blot a fresh puddle dry with paper, then spray the stain liberally with a solution of 9% vinegar: 3-4 tbsp. l. liquids per liter of water. After 5-10 minutes, blot the place again with rags, let it dry completely. Pour the stain with soda and immediately cover with foam formed by mixing 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of water, tsp. liquid dishwashing detergent. Remove the foam after 3 hours.

From dirt

Dog owners face such a problem more often than others: a pet running on the street in rainy weather brings a lot of dirt on its paws. Do not rush to wash it! To get rid of stains, let the dirt dry completely, then dry brush or vacuum the carpet. Knock down a strong foam from 250 ml of water and 1 tsp. dishwashing detergent, apply it to the stain. It is important that there is no liquid in it: bubbles will absorb dirt. After 2-3 hours, wipe the carpet with a dry brush or cloth, vacuum.

Carpet cleaning with export

You can’t clean carpets on your own, and there is no time to take them to professionals? Today, every locality has its own dry-cleaning of carpets with export. They can do capricious work: cleaning woolen carpets, washing silk or rare carpets. Technologists select their method of processing depending on the composition, type of pollution, and the “venerable age” of the stains. Pickup and delivery of carpets in dry cleaners is free.

Video: dry carpet odor cleaning

Because of the musty, stagnant smell, you don’t want to use a carpet that has lain rolled up for more than one year. How to proceed? The video below contains the answer to the question of how to get rid of an unpleasant smell and not leave hundreds of rubles in a store or dry cleaner. Just two penny remedies that are easy to find in every home will cope with the problem in one fell swoop.

The question of how to clean the carpet at home is of interest to many, because no matter what kind of coating is used, it gets dirty over time. The carpet of the house always suffers from stains, dust and dirt more than other interior items. Pollution is especially noticeable on a soft and fluffy product. But they do not favor a short pile either.

Care and cleaning largely depends on the length of the pile, material, color, size and even the place of use in the house. There is no universal option for cleaning. For sure, the removal of stains in dry cleaning will be successful, they will pick up a suitable remedy there. But this option is not the most convenient and affordable.

There are a number of care rules that will help keep the carpet clean under any conditions:

  • A universal assistant is a conventional dry vacuum cleaner. Using it 2-3 times a week, you can forget about dust deposits and small specks in the pile.
  • For those who are interested in how to clean the carpet without a household vacuum cleaner, the answer is simple - knock it out. Moreover, if there is no desire or opportunity to use a household assistant, you need to do this a couple of times a month. Intermediate care consists in sweeping the debris with a broom or brush.
  • Such products do not like an excess of moisture and hot water. If such cleaning is necessary, the carpet should be washed with a washing vacuum cleaner.
  • If the product is wet, then its pile, regardless of length, must be dried. Ideal outdoors, on a flat surface. The use of a clothesline is not recommended.
  • If you want to clean the carpet from hair, you do not need to use hard brushes, and certainly there is no need to clean the lint. Such methods will affect appearance not for the better. It is better to do this with a vacuum cleaner, a damp broom or a soft brush.
  • The Karcher steam generator will cope well with various contaminants, cleaning the carpet with a steam cleaner will become a universal solution.

Important! Before using any chemical products, even the most gentle ones, you should test them on a small, inconspicuous area.

How to clean carpet with Vanish?

It is quite easy to remove various types of contaminants with special chemicals. Among them:

  • "Vanish";
  • washing powder for hand washing;
  • special shampoo.

Cleaning any carpet at home with these products will not be a problem. It is necessary to use detergents that are designed for the material from which the carpet is made. For synthetics and natural fibers, they can be different.

Before applying the product to a contaminated surface, you should carefully study the instructions. But, in general, the cleaning algorithm is the same for powders and Vanish, namely:

  1. Prepare the product - it must be well lathered. It is the foam that has cleaning properties.
  2. Then apply to the entire surface or locally on contamination. Leave for a period of a couple of minutes to several hours, depending on the intensity of contamination and the strength of the product.
  3. After such treatment, remove the foam with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner, then dry. In this case, do not use a hair dryer or iron.

How to clean carpet with baking soda and vinegar?

Soda and vinegar are universal helpers in the care of various items in the house. Often they are mixed together to achieve a more tangible result, but in the case of carpets, this is not necessary. Soda and vinegar in this case are used separately.

What unites them is the ability to get rid of old stains. How to use soda:

  1. Mix 0.5 tbsp. soda and 5 liters of warm water, mix thoroughly.
  2. Apply the solution to the carpet with a spray gun.
  3. Leave for half an hour.
  4. After vacuuming with a regular vacuum cleaner.

Soda will help a lot if you need to refresh the color of the carpet. When dry, it should be scattered on the surface of the carpet, gently rubbed into the pile. Leave for 30-60 minutes and remove residues with a vacuum cleaner.

Vinegar is a universal helper if you need to return the product to its original color, but here you need to be careful and not overdo it. The order is this:

  1. Vacuum the carpet.
  2. Prepare a solution of 15 ml of vinegar and 1 liter of water at room temperature.
  3. Apply the solution to the pile. This can be done with a brush or cloth.
  4. Leave for half an hour.
  5. After drying with a sponge, vacuum again.

Important! After cleaning with vinegar, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

Other home remedies

There are many home remedies that can clean any type of carpet from any kind of dirt. Consider effective, and at the same time simple.


Salt cleaning is quite easy, but fine Extra salt should be used. It will help get rid of dirt, if they have not yet eaten. The order is as follows:

  1. Apply a little salt to the pile, rub gently with your hands.
  2. Leave for a couple of minutes, then vacuum.
  3. If possible, send the carpet outside and carefully knock it out.

The cleaning process here is based on the fact that salt has the ability to absorb grease and moisture.

Soapy solution

This is a great tool that will help remove even difficult stains. In its pure form, it is impossible to apply soap on a pile of any length, as this will literally blur the piles and the carpet will look untidy.

The cleaning method in this case is as follows:

  1. Prepare soap solution. For 0.5 liters of water, you need to take 5 grams of grated soap, stir well. You need to use a regular brown bar.
  2. With a soft brush or a broom dipped in soapy water, apply the solution to the entire surface.
  3. Leave for half an hour. After rinse with a damp cloth, dry.

Lemon acid

If the carpet is dark, a great cleaning option is to use citric acid. It quickly and effectively removes stains of various types and intensity. For cleaning, dilute 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid in water. Sprinkle the solution with pollution and leave for a couple of minutes, then rinse with a damp cloth.

ammonium chloride

It is necessary to prepare a solution from ammonia: dissolve 2 tablespoons of ammonia in 1 liter of water. Sponge or soft brush to apply on the pile, in a circular motion, gently rubbing. Pollution will disappear before your eyes. After such cleaning, you need to thoroughly rinse the ammonia (with warm water) and ventilate the premises well so that there is no unpleasant odor.

Important! If ventilation does not help, and the smell remains, wash the carpet with soap, by analogy with the method where laundry soap is used.


One of the most non-standard ways of cleaning, but effective. Cleaning algorithm:

  1. Squeeze the cabbage from the brine.
  2. Spread it on the surface in a thin layer and leave for a couple of hours.
  3. Use a brush with moderately hard bristles to remove the cabbage.
  4. Rinse it under running water and place it on the carpet.
  5. The procedure is repeated until the cabbage remains perfectly white.

After such cleaning, the carpet must be thoroughly rinsed and dried in the fresh air.


This method is specific, since snow cleaning is possible only in winter and at persistent sub-zero temperatures. True, this is the most inexpensive option. Procedure:

  1. Carry out the carpet outside in the snow and spread it with a nap down.
  2. Carefully trample on it, and then beat it off with a stick.
  3. Then turn over to the other side and repeat the steps.
  4. Snow that darkens should be swept away and not left on the pile for a long time, especially if it is medium or long.
  5. As the snow gets dirty, move the carpet over the snow.

Cleaning different types of carpets

Cleaning methods depend on the material of the carpet - natural or artificial, the color and length of the pile.

natural materials

Clean carpet with natural pile not so difficult, but it should be remembered that only gentle methods can be used. Natural carpet is the most prone to dirt, so you will have to take care of it very carefully. Before you clean any wool carpet at home, you should test even the most the best remedy in a small area of ​​it.

The answer to the question of how to clean silk carpet at home, it is interesting to everyone who uses such a chic product. It is worth remembering that the material will not tolerate moisture, and when mechanical cleaning should be handled very delicately natural fibers are quickly destroyed. The best option is to use a vacuum cleaner at low power.

Clean carpet from viscose at home, you can use soda, starch or using a vacuum cleaner. For mechanical cleaning use only brushes with soft bristles.

Important! Natural carpets should be cleaned as often as possible, as this is an ideal breeding ground for moths, mold and fungi.

Synthetic materials

Synthetics are unpretentious in care, besides, a synthetic carpet is more difficult to get dirty than a natural one. Regular use of a vacuum cleaner is the key to the cleanliness of such a carpet product. If there is contamination from something spilled or scattered, then the soda cleaning method is suitable, the algorithm for its application is described above.

Long pile

How you can clean a carpet with a long pile at home is of interest to those who decide to purchase one. It is certainly very beautiful and comfortable, but cleaning it is a big problem. The vacuum cleaner will not cope, and using brushes can ruin it. Tu will help only one method - a soapy solution, a special tool for carpets. It is prepared as indicated above, gently applied with a rag to the pile (its entire length). You need to leave it for 10 minutes. Next, treat the surface with a steam cleaner or other professional equipment.

Short pile

It is quite easy to clean a carpet with a short pile. In this case, any of the proposed methods will help get rid of dirt. It is only important to choose a method with an eye on the color of the product, because only the wrong choice of the color method can ruin it.

How to clean light carpet

The use of one method or another depends on the color. But in any case, the taboo is the use of any solutions based on lemon juice. A white carpet or any light carpet will turn yellow from it, but you will not get rid of these spots. Only the following are suitable:

  • Soap solutions.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • White powders - starch, soda, flour.

dark pile

For cleaning carpets with dark pile, it is not recommended to use powder, white products (soda, flour, starch). If during the cleaning process moisture gets on them, then there is a risk that stains will remain, it is extremely difficult to remove them. The best options are ammonia, turpentine, vinegar.

Laundry soap is not the best option. But since it had to be used on difficult stains, the product must be washed off very carefully.

How to clean carpet from animal hair

Pet owners often have to clean the carpet from dog or cat hair. Methods for cleaning a carpet or carpet:

  • Sweeping with a damp broom - this will help to partially remove the wool.
  • Wet rag. You will need to manually go through each piece of carpet, moving from one edge to the other. The method is painstaking, but will allow you to get rid of all the hair in one pass.
  • Scotch. You should wrap your hand with tape and press it against the carpet until it is completely filled with wool. Change the "sticker" and continue until the carpet is clean.
  • Use a special mitt for combing animals. She will collect most wool.

Cleaning carpets from various contaminants is real, it is only important not to run stains and then this task will not be overwhelming.