How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family. How can you protect yourself from energy vampires at home? I, a magician, am convinced that energy vampires

Every morning, when we wake up, we rush to work. A person who loves his job and the people with whom he communicates is filled with the energy of joy in the morning. Another, waking up, thinks of work as hard labor, curses it, gets up with difficulty, but is forced to go. At the same time, he has neither strength nor health, everything irritates him, something is pressing on his body - this is a classic vampire.

We sit with him on the same bus, tram or subway car. It’s hard for the vampire, he needs to relieve these oppressive energies, and he steps on your foot, on your favorite callus. The vampire will definitely do it painfully, deliberately, to cause your indignation and anger. It is he who fusses and provokes us into irritation, and we turn on.

Your heart begins to beat faster, reacting to this outright rudeness, your internal energy (prana) sways and passes into your outer energy shell (aura). You are shaking and pounding, your joy is gone, and the vampire is still fueling your irritation with insults. And then your energy finally passes to him. The vampire felt better, he relieved his soul, threw off what was bothering him and oppressing him, and was charged with fresh energy, although not best quality, junk, but even that suits him. Still would! And you come to work and for a long time you cannot calm down and concentrate, you have no strength, you are squeezed out like a lemon. You threw your pearls into the swamp, but it does not give circles, you were rolled out in the mud.

Have you noticed how vampires, having shaken someone, feel like heroes, how wildly their eyes sparkle, how proudly they raise their heads? And then the common phrases become clear to us: “You need to take a taxi!”, “And put on a hat!” etc.

If you managed to get to work safely, then a vampire may be waiting for you here too. It's quite common for a boss to be a vampire. It’s a familiar picture when on Mondays he gathers his subordinates and starts scolding them. He will get to everyone's stomach, he will find an offensive word for everyone, he will inflame the entire team, and will discourage any desire to work. And after the planning meeting, he walks away, pats everyone on the shoulder, asks them not to be offended, because he is supposedly trying for the common cause, saying that if you are not pushed, then you will not work. Such a vampire boss does not like his job, it does not make him happy. Like any vampire, he is only happy with something personal, he doesn’t care about everyone, he would rather sit still. Therefore, your boss does not have that life-giving energy that can inspire and energize the entire team, and delight with his mere appearance at work. Everyone hides from him, he keeps the team in fear. He is primarily afraid for himself.

And then it becomes clear to us why he shouts, bangs his fist, insults right in the face, and even in front of everyone. He charges and at the same time grabs his heart. Here is a sign from the Cosmos that in its heart there is no love either for you or for the cause.

It’s good if he charges from you only on Mondays for the whole week, but what if this happens every day, if he is sick until he spends his vampiric “five minutes”?

If a person cannot earn respect through his work, interest, love and kindness, he begins to demand it. Remember how Pushkin said: “When he became seriously ill, he forced himself to be respected...”

The vampire boss has the highest turnover rate. No one wants to work with a vampire or live in daily mental shocks. There are already enough of them in our lives. The worst thing is when vampires run children's institutions. I have seen heads of kindergartens, directors of schools and children's clubs, where, through their fault, there is a constant tense mental field in the team of workers. It’s time for senior management to pay attention to the fact that people quit, which means there is no spiritual comfort, there is no and there will be no real work, because “the fish rots from the head.”

When the boss is a vampire, this is the reason why he gets sycophants and servants. These are weak people, and this is how they protect themselves from energy shocks. But the boss-vampire needs slobs like bread; he will keep them near him constantly, keep those who can be offended and insulted with impunity every day, or, as we are used to putting it, shaken energetically.

It is useless to fight a vampire boss; this will make him even better charged with your energy. You are a “switchman” for him, a “scapegoat”, he is glad to see you every day, he is looking for a meeting with you, you are an invaluable find for him, he cannot live without you, you are his personal donor. You can demand triple or five times the amount of payment for your work - this is compensation for your health. But remember that he will get sick even more until he recharges from you.

Conduct an experiment: do not react to your boss’s rudeness, smile, say something about the weather, and you will see a miracle. He suddenly turns red, turns purple, shakes and clutches his heart. You did not give him your energy, and the symptoms of vampirism were revealed to you: screaming from powerlessness, rudeness from bad manners, rage from anger. This is how everything secret becomes clear.

Maybe I’m in vain to write so frankly, but without this we will not learn for a long time to understand who is who and what is what. And therefore I advise you: watch and be silent, watch and see what is happening and how. Silence is golden, the ancients said, that precious grain that should stay with you and not spill out.

Is it only bosses who don’t like their jobs? Do we ourselves love it, the one we go to every day? Work is the energy field of our activity, and in this field we carry out most own life. For many, this is an unhappy part of their life. Will he have strength and health, won’t he take it from his colleagues, and then both at home and on the street? And let it be a signal to you when someone says that they don’t like their job. This is a signal that a vampire is near you. But in general, it’s already clear who and how they relate to work. And let him not be offended that his boss scolds him, and he does not enjoy authority in the team. This is a common feature of vampires - no one likes them, and they do not enjoy authority in their team.

There are many people who do not hide the fact that they do not like their work, that they are, as it were, serving a sentence in it. But at the same time, they are always cheerful and cheerful, they do not pay attention to anyone, because they live in their thoughts in some other world of their own. And at any opportunity they strive to escape from work to where their soul sings and enjoys. This could be sports, art, various technical hobbies, etc. But at the same time, with their idleness, they provoke people to shout at them, and then they get offended and call the offender a vampire.

Isn't there a person at a job you love that you don't like, and that's why he annoys you? And just because you think and talk about him all the time, your energy goes to this person, and you have to periodically recharge from someone.

The person at your work who judges others the most is a potential vampire. Normal, healthy man forgives everyone everything or does not notice the one from whom the spiritual stench emanates.

Even more often, vampires at work are people in “vacant positions”, these are party committees, factory committees, local committees, etc. Here the vampire is immediately visible, because with every gesture and word he emphasizes the importance of his person. They fawn and lisp before some, while with others they have fierce relationships.

Vampires don’t wash, but they’ll still rob you by skiing. They pretend to be deaf, and we have to shout all the time, and this is annoying, because we notice that they can hear a word spoken quietly to them. There is a large group of lunar vampires who pretend not to understand. They have to explain basic things just enough times until we “explode.” And at this time they receive their portion of waste energy. Here is the advice of a sage: “Do not sit under a rotten tree, do not communicate with a person of extinct intelligence.” (E. Roerich “Community”).

Technological progress has given rise to another sophisticated type of vampirism - telephone vampirism. When a telephone vampire calls, he does not share his joy with you, but throws out new or the same problems on you. It could be a relative, an acquaintance, a co-worker - they call almost every day and always at the wrong time, taking up a lot of time, interrupting you from your work. You listen to them with irritation, and in an invisible stream your energy flows to the vampire. Geographic distance does not matter. The telephone channel is most often used by lunar vampires. Here's my advice. When handing out your phone number, warn that your device is old, broken, and during a conversation it will turn off! You can find yours, more effective method. The telephone number identifiers included in our technical service will help us “see” the person with whom you are already tired of communicating.

We already know that the vampire boss recharges himself in the family on weekends. What happens to him if he is on a business trip? Here is a vivid illustration of such an example, taken from the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”

“The fellow traveler turned out to be a maniac”

“A forty-year-old maniac brutally mocked his compartment neighbors for four hours on Saturday night on the Moscow-St. Petersburg train. The passenger apparently had a persecution delusion - he imagined that someone had spilled gasoline outside the door and wanted to set it on fire. He tied up his fellow passengers. (two grandmothers and a thirty-year-old guy) and began to ask them who planted them. At the same time, the enraged passenger beat his victims with the butt of a hunting rifle and poisoned them with a gas canister. He also rummaged through their personal belongings in search of a transmitter. After which he began to fire from a gun, scaring away curious passengers who had crawled out of other compartments, and then, tearing off the stop valve, jumped out through the train window.

The maniac, as we were informed at the Leningrad-Moskovskaya station police station, was detained on the same day. He turned out to be a police major from Norilsk."

As we have already found out, vampires need daily replenishment of psychic energy. Therefore, it is more common for them to have the same environment. This police major is an exception. We have already said that vampire bosses do not enjoy authority in their team, they feel this and therefore at work they care about one thing: how to stay in their place until retirement or promotion. Hence the fears and suspicion. But for some reason, the vampire leaves his usual energy field, and the influx of waste energy drops sharply. One way or another, he will still be charged from others, but without the usual methods, and, therefore, he will still not receive complete satisfaction. This lack will eventually become chronic, and he will have to powerfully generate it somewhere in his favorite manner.

It must be taken into account that this police major is a solar type, and for them rudeness, pressure and sadism are a means of energy charging. A maniac always suffers from mental complexes, and what he was hiding in his thoughts came to light in such an unexpected way. Therefore, the fall of vampires at work is always terrible, no matter how high they rise, and there is no need to talk about family well-being, it simply does not exist. Thousands of similar examples can be given; we know of many vampire bosses who change chairs and offices only because of their incompatibility with the team, but their business suffers.

Energy vampirism today, unfortunately, is a very common phenomenon from which many people suffer. Vampires, experiencing an acute lack of energy, deliberately introduce us into situations in which we begin to lose vitality, which is fraught in the future with negative health, bad mood, troubles in different areas of life, and so on.

From this material you will learn how to recognize and protect yourself from an energy vampire.

Receiving someone else's energy is quite simple: a person must adapt to the wave of radiation of the energy flows of a particular person and find holes in his biofield. Bloodsuckers differ from each other in that the first part consumes someone else’s energy consciously, and the second part unintentionally, without malicious intent.

Esotericists consider only 3 main types energy vampires, which differ in the methods of tuning to the frequency of energy radiation. Let's look at them in more detail next.

Subtle Energy Sucker

Warning signs include a person constantly trying to look into your eyes, persistently touching your body, and trying to start a conversation with you once again. Recognizing an insinuating vampire is not particularly difficult; your task will be to minimize all possible contacts with such a person. If this is not possible, during the conversation, maintain a distance from your interlocutor.

Vampire manipulator

Defining a vampire of this type is much more difficult than the previous one. In addition, when communicating with manipulators, people even begin to feel somewhat dependent on them: they become attracted to such a person, because manipulators are actively interested in your life and like to discuss your problems. Moreover, they always have enough sympathy and recommendations available for you.

It’s worth remembering one important thing: you shouldn’t let anyone in on your problems. When you do this, your energy is wasted on simply discussing the problem instead of solving it, which is completely pointless. In cases where you do not yet have sufficient psychological stability, always look at whether you provoked a conversation regarding your problems or whether it was your protégé who did it. And don’t forget that by discussing your problems, you only think that it’s becoming easier for you, but in reality you are donating your energy to your interlocutor of your own free will.

How to protect yourself from a manipulative vampire? Answer that everything is fine with you and don’t get carried away by discussing your life.

Vampire provocateur

Acts as the most dangerous type of energy bloodsucker. He regularly makes caustic remarks to others, constantly takes offense or offends others - his manner of behavior is designed to bring a person out of a state of spiritual harmony, then he will be able to receive your energy in the form of a burst of aggression.

The fight against provocateurs consists of completely ignoring their attacks. When they try to piss you off a few times and are convinced that it is ineffective, they will soon leave you alone.

Recognize and protect yourself: signs of vampires

There are also general signs that help identify energy thieves. It is important to know them if you want to protect yourself from the energy pump.

It should be noted that most vampires are not aware of their harmful actions - they unconsciously take away the vitality of others. Energy vampirism is also often caused by severe stress, severe or chronic pathologies, and prolonged loneliness. Be that as it may, energy vampires can be diagnosed based on a number of characteristic signs:

  • after communicating with a vampire, you feel tired, drowsy and irritated, like a squeezed lemon;
  • vampires love arguments, squabbles, scandals: in this way they splash out their aggression on others, which noticeably improves their mood;
  • Also, energy thieves are characterized by incessant complaints about life, complaints about their fate - the vampire needs sympathy and takes up a lot of time. He turns a deaf ear to your advice and makes no effort to improve his life;
  • As a separate subtype of energy vampires, it is necessary to distinguish those who like to communicate and “mass entertainers” who need to be in the center of attention of others. Of course, not all people who fit this description are vampires, but it’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, especially if you react negatively to such individuals;
  • Vampires often lend money without being in a hurry to pay it back.

Effective methods to protect yourself from a vampire

  • one must try to remain as calm as possible with impartiality. Under no circumstances start an argument with vampires - this is the only way to protect yourself from internal disharmony;
  • You can’t look at people you don’t like point-blank, because the eyes are the most powerful channel for the exchange of energy. If it is impossible to prevent yourself from making eye contact, take care to keep your gaze intermittent;
  • learn to refuse others, say “no” in cases where they regularly interfere with your life with their annoying requests, taking away your time and energy. It is worth limiting even telephone communication with constantly complaining people who are dissatisfied with life if you want to protect yourself from energy losses;
  • do not reveal your energy to strangers. If it happens that you are forced to be in the company of a dubious person, you need to cross your arms over your chest or clasp them together, and you also need to put your feet together. Thanks to these actions, you close your personal space and make it inaccessible to intrusion from the outside;
  • very old, but no less effective method What eskrasens recommend to use is wearing a pin on the inside of your clothes or using a small mirror so that the reflective surface faces away from you. These methods will protect you from negative energy;
  • Donor trees, which are birch, oak and pine, help to accumulate personal power. You need to stand next to them for several minutes, touch or hug them, imagining how a stream begins to flow from the tree to you vitality, which will protect you from any vampire;
  • If possible, try not to conflict with energy vampires, do not fall for any of their provocations. If a quarrel arose, for example, in public places, then it is better to turn around and leave than to lose your valuable life energy;
  • An effective method of protection against vampirism is the installation of a protective “barrier”. To do this, when you talk to a vampire, visualize how a brick wall grows between you;
  • many esotericists call laughter a good defense against energy vampirism. When the energy pump is trying to take energy from you, just imagine it in a very funny position (for example, sitting on the toilet). This will make you relax, and all his attacks will be meaningless;
  • if they are trying to get you emotional, you should smile sweetly and express your agreement with all the comments, even if they seem unfair to you. The main thing is that the vampire cannot hook you, and as soon as he realizes that you remain unperturbed, believe me, he will immediately lose all interest in you and start looking for a new victim.

How to protect yourself: ways to increase personal energy

Every day, various psychic attacks are carried out on us, openly or secretly. Following these recommendations will protect you from the effects of negative energy.

  1. Take a contrast shower in the mornings and evenings - the water will cleanse you of the negative information field. If you come into contact with people you find unpleasant during the day and want to remove all negativity from yourself, simply wash your hands with soap or splash cold water on your face, thanks to this you will at least to a small extent eliminate the negative message.
  2. After contact with vampires, you should drink a cup of herbal tea (the best herbs for this are yarrow, calamus, horsetail) and forgive the person who has offended you.
  3. Add red or black pepper to your diet, and when you drink coffee, put a little nutmeg in your cup - this will make it easier for you to repel negative energy messages from yourself.
  4. It is important to get full sleep: during a night's rest, your energy field is restored and the body's resistance increases.
  5. Wear silver jewelry - this metal has the ability to absorb negative energy flows and also purify thoughts. It is also effective to place the items you want to clean in the same water as the silver items. Silver ions will “revive” the water and give it restorative, antibacterial and protective properties.
  6. It happens that a person himself provokes energy exhaustion due to the fact that he attracts to himself increased attention those around you. To do this, it is enough to have a bright appearance, behave defiantly - and that’s it, you are already hooked. Therefore, you should not engage in such provocations; remember that modesty is often energetically beneficial.
  7. Stay optimistic! Positive people They do not carry negative mental energy within themselves and do not attract it to themselves.
  8. Forgive those around you. Even if a person has experienced a little anger or aggression, his energy field will remain in a negative state for 2 days. The more negativity present in a person, the more harm he causes, first of all, to himself. In turn, a positive attitude, on the contrary, will attract good luck and give you a great mood.

Now you know how to protect yourself from a vampire, use this knowledge constantly to protect your health and life from negative influences from others. And to conclude the topic, we recommend that you watch the expert’s advice on energy protection in the following video.

Any person can turn out to be an energy vampire, even if he has nothing to do with magic and esotericism; he just, unlike a magician, is unlikely to be aware of this. Surely each of us has at least one acquaintance, communication with whom is exhausting, deprives Have a good mood and strength. This happens because this person is “recharged” with energy from those around him, and the more vulnerable the victim, the more the energy vampire can devastate him.

What is this vulnerability?
Firstly, the weaker a person is, the easier it is to take energy from him, because in this case resistance is minimized compared to a strong person.
Secondly, the easier it is to spin a victim’s emotions, the easier it is to feed off of her. Most energy vampires act precisely according to this scheme: first they provoke a person, and then feed on his reaction.

This is explained very simply. The stronger the victim’s emotions, the more energy she gives, and, in fact, the vampire can only warm it up, exhausting her completely. I think a lot of people have encountered people in public transport, queues or any other place that seem to be specifically asking for trouble. And there are always those who react violently to this. This is an example of energy vampirism: provocation of emotions for the sake of obtaining energy.

The most basic way to protect yourself from an energy vampire is to not become its victim at all. In many cases, vampirism towards yourself can be avoided.

As stated earlier, vampires choose the most vulnerable victims. Don't let yourself be provoked! If you are absolutely calm, then there will simply be nothing to take from you. Abstract yourself from what is happening. Communicate with the vampire emphatically politely, calmly, without a shadow negative emotions. Be firm enough. Most likely, they will quickly lose interest in you.

1 Do not look the energy vampire in the eye, clasp your palms together.

2 Using the “central gaze” technique (laid out), through the efforts of will, instruct yourself not to obey the vampire and put a mental screen in front of you - a glass wall through which you see the person, but he does not see you.

* This method works especially well when communicating with a vampire person who pumps out energy unconsciously.

* This method of protection is good to use in advance, before the energy vampire appears. The protection will last for about 3 hours. Helps to resist those people who consciously pump out energy (their strength is much higher than that of “unconscious” vampires)

A powerful telepathic defense technique - creating an etheric double

This protection technique is used by professional psychics, mediums, clairvoyants and even magicians and healers. The technique is very powerful, but requires significant energy expenditure from the practitioner.

1. Being next to an energy vampire, the practitioner mentally collects all his energy in the solar plexus area.

2. Then he also mentally transfers this energy to the brain and concentrates it in the area of ​​the third eye (this can cause a burning sensation or other unusual sensations in the area between the eyebrows).

“I am protected”, “I am surrounded by powerful protection”, “I am invisible to you”…

This impulse must be mentally directed directly into the head of the energy vampire for several minutes.

N the most convenient and easiest method to implement

Imagine that you are surrounded by an impenetrable cocoon. It should be located a short distance from you. The cocoon can be either transparent or mirrored: in the first case, it will only protect you from external influences, in the second, it will send negativity back.

For greater effect, especially at first, you can imagine how everything bad hits your defense and cannot harm you. The cocoon needs to be exposed periodically for the sake of prevention, especially if you are in a crowded place.

Technique for restoring lost energy

This technique can be performed to restore energy potential after an attack by an energy vampire, as well as to replenish energy reserves spent on defense.
1. The practitioner sits comfortably in a chair.

2. Places hands on knees, palms up.

3. Closes his eyes and completely relaxes.

4. Mentally appeals to the Cosmos with a request to fill the body with vital force.

5. Imagines that a ray of energy penetrates the body through the crown (the color of the energy ray will be different for everyone).

The visualization lasts about 15 minutes, after which the practitioner takes a deep breath, exhales and opens his eyes.

* It is better to perform the exercise before sunset. To maintain proper energy levels, experts recommend performing this technique at least once a week.

Protection from energy vampires - MUDRA

Nowadays, there is hardly a person who has not heard about energy vampires - people who replenish their energy reserves by absorbing the energy of other people.

What can you do quickly and quietly to protect yourself?

There are many ways to protect and restore yourself during an energy attack. One of the ways of protection is mudras.

1 The first option for creating a protection block: you need to interlace your fingers and hold your hands at the level of the solar plexus. The palms should be turned towards the stomach, and thumbs They can touch each other, or they can lie freely. Breathe deeply and calmly. Protection will be enhanced if you mentally imagine a protective cocoon of silver, golden, white or purple around you.

2 Mudra “INSERTING A RING” - connect the thumb and index fingers of one hand into a ring, place this ring in the palm of the other hand. Place the thumb and forefinger of your other hand into the already formed ring and do the same with your other hand. Repeat these steps 3 times.

After the third time, many people experience a feeling of tightness around their head. This is a sign that you have achieved what you wanted - your biofield has become denser, and its energy circuit has closed.

The third option for closing your energy circuit is to connect the thumb and index fingers of one hand with the corresponding fingers of the other hand, the tips of the remaining three fingers either overlap each other or touch their tips.

And the list ends with a mudra called “Shield of Shambhala.”

To perform the mudra, women clench their right hand into a fist and place the back of it on the palm of their straightened left hand, thumb presses against the palm. Men do the same thing exactly the opposite way - that is, the left hand is clenched into a fist, and the right is straightened.

Communication with an energy vampire is fraught with big troubles: sleep disturbances, bad mood, health problems and prolonged depression. However, it is not always possible to end such relationships: “dangerous” individuals can surround you at work, in the company of friends, and even in the family. For those who have to communicate with people who feed on other people’s emotions, the following tips will help protect themselves from the aggression of an energy vampire.

Calm, just calm!

Getting a boost of energy from a stranger is not so easy. To destroy the biofield and overcome natural defenses, you need to introduce discomfort into the emotional state of the “victim”.

Stress, anxiety, and anxiety of the donor are an ideal option for a vampire when you can safely begin your “feeding”. Therefore, the main rule for those who want to protect themselves from nervous and emotional exhaustion is to remain calm in all situations. It is clear that there are cases when it is very difficult to maintain equanimity, however, more often than not, a potential donor may simply not succumb to provocations.

Telephone conversations with an unwanted interlocutor can be interrupted as soon as it becomes clear that he will not communicate anything important. It is enough to confidently refer to being busy, and, without waiting for an answer, hang up.

A good means of protecting yourself at home and at work is to launch a counter “attack.” When an energy vampire, upon meeting, begins to complain about endless problems and worries, you can safely tell him about your illnesses, evil management or noisy neighbors. It is not necessary to lay out all your innermost secrets frankly: the main thing is to make it clear to your interlocutor that they can also “drain” energy from him, and in this case he will not be able to replenish his resources.

Special amulets will help protect yourself from the evil actions of a vampire - rings, bracelets, hair hoops or other round objects charged with the positive energy of their owner.

Family and home are the most vulnerable places that require protection

Unfortunately, there are often cases when an energy bloodsucker is a family member who, despite a close, warm relationship, does not miss the opportunity to “use the services” of a donor. How to protect yourself from a husband, father or other relative - an energy vampire in the family? After all, you cannot reduce communication with your loved ones to zero and erase them from your life...

Experts have proven that energy vampires can gain strength not only by drawing the energy of those around them. Closeness to nature gives them a powerful charge of energy. Trips with the family for various picnics, joint sports activities fresh air, walks in the forest - all this is good protection from energy vampires - loved ones, especially if we're talking about about young children (signs of vampirism can appear in a person from the age of five or six).

People become vampires not only from childhood: having overcome the half-century mark, people’s own energy becomes insufficient, so they learn to receive strength “from the outside” - from those around them, most often, children and grandchildren. To ensure protection from energy vampires at home, you need to try to ensure that potentially “dangerous” relatives do not lack positive impressions.

The main thing is that a person at any age has something to do, then he will not have time to search for a donor. You can entice your relatives with some hobbies, hobbies, or suggest a business of interest. Helping around the house, knitting, fishing - these and other activities can distract older people and help them overcome the “crisis of their years.”

Aromatic oils and aroma lamps are good home amulets. The smell of citrus fruits, coniferous trees, wild or garden flowers can fill the house with an atmosphere of harmony and peace of mind, setting the domestic aggressor in a positive mood.

What to do when the energy absorber is your husband?

It’s one thing when people of a “vulnerable” age – children and the elderly – try to take away energy; but the situation is completely different - if the energy predator is a husband, a person with whom it was once promised to always be together, both in sorrow and in joy... How to confront your soulmate if she is endlessly trying to launch “combat actions” - start showdown, throw a scandal and even resort to assault in order to get another portion of the coveted energy?

To protect yourself from an energy vampire – your husband, you need to learn to respond competently to his provocations. The best in each controversial situation go to another room or even leave the house in order to protect yourself from empty nagging and hassle. Of course, it won’t be possible to run away from your own home every time, so experts recommend developing your own behavior strategy - completely ignoring all attacks.

All attempts by your husband to start a loud quarrel must be immediately switched to a whisper - this is a very effective way to calm the brawler. No one wants to strain their vocal cords when their opponent responds in a calm whisper.

Does your spouse not scream, but constantly, with enviable regularity, complain about his problems with his health, work or car? This is also a kind of vampirism, when the wife, sincerely worried, gives the vampire what he needs - her emotions. Tired of listening to the same lamentations every evening? You can clearly and confidently tell your husband: “Unfortunately, I can’t fix the carburetor in your car, but what are you going to do about it?” This simple and impartial question will make it clear that the vampire will have to deal with the problems himself, and he will not receive the expected “dose” in the form of a surge of negative energy.

Home amulets can be a good defense against vampirism: you need to decorate the space so that the design includes as many circle patterns as possible. Ideally, circles or rings should be embroidered on textiles (napkins, tablecloths, bed linen) yourself, using regular red thread. It is not necessary for the so-called “rings of fire” to be enormous in size; Even a small ornament is enough to fill your home with positivity and mutual understanding.

Very often the husband becomes an aggressor under the influence bad habits– alcohol or drugs. In this case, in order to protect yourself and your children, you need to make a decision to eradicate the underlying problem.

Video - advice from a psychotherapist:

Energy bloodsuckers at work. What to do?

Often, while performing his official duties at the workplace, a person feels a sudden loss of strength, a sharp headache, and a change in mood. As a rule, this happens after communicating with a certain person, who may turn out to be an energy vampire who feeds on other people's energy. How to protect yourself at work so that someone else's thirst for negative emotions does not cause work troubles?

Amulets and amulets will come to the rescue, which you should always keep with you. So, you can put a small round mirror on your desktop, the main thing is that it is positioned with a reflective surface towards those around you.

Good amulets against energy vampires are fresh fruits that have the power of nature. Few people know, but even after drinking tea with a slice of lemon, a person significantly strengthens his protective field and becomes less vulnerable to the negative influence of vampirism.

No less powerful amulets and amulets are clean seeds of fresh fruits. After a cherry, pomegranate or apple is eaten, there is no need to throw away their seeds: it is recommended to wrap the tiny seeds in a white handkerchief or napkin and put the package in a bag so that it is always nearby and the power of nature can protect the owner of the amulet.

It is important to remember that these and other amulets will be ineffective if you do not cultivate resistance to empty provocations. Even the most inveterate energetic aggressor will stop trying to get a portion of emotions if he sees that the potential donor remains indifferent to his tricks.

Each of us has more than once encountered an energy vampire - a person, after communicating with whom we feel inner emptiness and fatigue. This phenomenon is not that rare. Your friends and loved ones can also be energy vampires. How to determine that energy is being drained from you, how to protect yourself from energy vampires and preserve your resource for your goals, read in this article.

I don’t want to set the goal of this article to expose energy vampires in order to then somehow condemn them and exclude them from my life, although it may be worth keeping communication with some to a minimum. Because you and I are conscious people most of the time, we strive to show wisdom and love in relation to various kinds of circumstances and people’s reactions. I suggest you use this information to focus your main focus on conserving your energy through the lens of compassion and awareness, rather than division.

Equal and unequal exchange of energy between people

When people communicate with each other, energy is exchanged. When communication is productive for both people, then balance is maintained.

A person gives away part of his energy and receives the same amount in return.

Or for example, a person listens to some speaker on personal growth, which in this case shares information. And the listener gives him his energy in the form of gratitude or money, since money is also energy.

This is how a mutual, equivalent exchange of energy occurs.

Productive, healthy communication is communication in which both interlocutors are equally interested. They equally exchange information, knowledge, impressions (energy).

Or when one person gives, and another receives, and the energy returns back in the form of gratitude.

When a person comes into contact with an energy vampire, he gives all the time, but receives nothing in return. After such communication, one feels tired and empty. The balance in energy exchange is not maintained.

The energy vampire complained, received a dose of energy and went on to look for victims. You got involved in his situation, gave him a bunch of advice (he asked, as it seemed to you), but the man did nothing, because he had a different goal - feed off your energy.

Who are energy vampires?

Energy vampires are people who take your energy when communicating, most often without realizing it.

Their energy system is poorly developed, and the exchange of energy with the Earth and Space is disrupted. They are cut off energetically from the Earth or from Space.

The risk group includes older people who have lost their orientation in the world, the meaning of life, and live in the past. They want to be needed, they want everything to be like it used to be when they were young.

They lack energy to live a full life, and they need to get it somewhere. The easiest way is to provoke a conflict, complain, constantly grumble, express dissatisfaction.

Your task is to learn not only to recognize energy vampires, but also to see situations where you are giving more energy than necessary in order to prevent this.

Now let’s take a closer look at the types of energy vampires.

Types of Energy Vampires

Human victims

If a person remains in the victim state for a long time, he turns into an energy vampire.

Such people whine all the time, cry, demand attention, and want to be pitied. They have a noticeable lack of their resource, energy.

You've probably noticed that if you talk to such a person for some time, you become squeezed like a lemon. It's as if all the juice has been drained from you.

He simply takes away your energy during communication. At first you want to help, you sympathize, but the further you go, the more intrusive this communication becomes, and your space narrows.

These energy vampires are also called lunar. They can call, hang on the phone for hours, loading them with their problems. If you actively respond to them with empathy, turn on, they receive a portion of energy. And sometimes it’s not so easy to stop.

Human Aggressors

Or solar vampires. Such people, in order to feed off someone else’s energy, provoke conflicts among others and provoke quarrels.

In this way they hurt you until they find the pain point. No matter how much you endure, no matter how hard you try to remain silent and control yourself, you end up exploding.

During a flash of anger, a powerful stream of energy breaks out, and the person simply takes it for himself.

This often happens to people in old age. They have nowhere to get the energy they lack. It is useless to educate them, and it is also useless to defend themselves.

The aggressive type can often be found in public places. The person seems to be looking for a victim in order to provoke a conflict. Someone stepped on your foot, accidentally touched it, and such a storm of negativity arises: insults, curses, that it is impossible not to react.

This is how he receives your energy in the form of reciprocal indignation.

Become aware of where and what you spend your energy on.

The first thing you need to do is learn to understand where and how you spend your energy.

Are there people in your environment who feed off your energy through complaints and conflicts? In what situations do you react negatively to the behavior of people around you, in what situations do you become unnecessarily involved in other people's problems?

Observe yourself for a few days and try to identify such weak points.

When the whole picture is before your eyes, you will be able to control situations when they are trying to feed on your energy.

Keep your vertical

An energy vampire often feeds on negative energy because it is easier to obtain.

When you are in a conscious state, in balance, without emotion, you are invulnerable to it.

An energy vampire often provokes other people into aggression and presses red buttons.

Your task is not to give in. Stay open, but don't get sucked into the situation.

The moment you react emotionally to his attacks and behavior, you allow the person to take your energy. But if you don’t turn on, no one can take it away from you.

Learn not to get emotional, no matter what the person says or does. The easiest way to do this is in a state of balance, equilibrium.

Put up a wall

Learn to stop unnecessary communication in a timely manner.

If you are talking with a person and realize that you are spending too much energy on him, and it is not coming back, put up a wall: “I’m busy, I’m not ready to give you more time.”, “Don’t bother me for the next few days.”

This is natural because you are careful about your energy and what you spend. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and cut ties.

Don't try to be good to everyone, it will make you worse.

If you learn to clearly express what you like and what you don’t, and do this constantly and at the same time firmly hold your position, then after some time a retuning will occur among people from your inner circle.

They will get used to the rules regarding your boundaries.

For example, you don't want to listen to discussions about government, politicians, and other related topics. If relatives once again begin to complain about low salaries, while they don’t want to change anything in their lives, put up a wall: “I don’t talk about this topic.”

You are not trying to prove anything to them (this is useless), you are simply stopping such conversations: “On this topic, communicate with those who are interested in it.”

It is useless to give advice to a person who is in a victim state. You won't change it. Victims need to cry, tell how bad everything is, blame someone, so that they can sympathize with them.

People who live in this mode constantly turn into energy vampires.

You are trying to help, but they only need your attention, indulgence and, accordingly, your energy. You got involved in the situation, and left devastated.

If we are talking about your loved ones or people you care about, learn not to give advice until you feel that the person has really decided to change.

In the meantime, just send him your support and love in moments when you are filled from within.

Be proactive

This helps a lot in communicating with elderly relatives. If you live with them or communicate frequently, this is often a test for you.

Because many older people want to be paid attention to. They feel unnecessary and try to replenish their energy vessel by any means.

If in a positive way If it doesn’t work out (showing concern for children and grandchildren is often unnecessary), then they provoke conflicts.

To minimize this, act proactively. When you are in a harmonious state, send them rays of light and love. Then they won't have to extort this energy in other non-ecological ways.

Do this in doses so that they don’t get used to it. a large number incoming energy from you, otherwise dependence will arise and the reverse process will begin - extortion of this energy.

Use energy protection techniques

This method helps when you unexpectedly encounter a person who is pulling the blanket over himself, making a scandal, or you know that a meeting with an energy vampire cannot be avoided.

For example, you go to an appointment at some authority, you will have to sit in line for a long time, or travel by public transport. Often in such places there are people dissatisfied with life who turn themselves and those around them half-heartedly. published .

Natalia Prokofieva

If you have any questions, please ask

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet