What is a plastron? Men's scarf: how to tie and what to wear with it. See what "Plastron" is in other dictionaries

There are also ties for special, formal occasions. Such ties include Ascot, Plastron And Shar Pei. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Ascot tie

So, Ascot tie. In Old England there was a small village called Ascot, this area was famous for the fact that it (from the end of the nineteenth century) hosted the most famous horse racing in Europe. As a rule, gentlemen who attended this event wore a scarf around their necks, tied in a unique way. Thus, the classic neckerchief began to be named after the English village - Ascot. It should be noted that in those days the Ascot tie was worn exclusively at receptions, various public events and country meetings, as an element of formal men's clothing. What was an Ascot tie? It was a strip of fabric that was cut at an angle. The tie was tied quite simply and casually: a triangular piece of a scarf was placed over the shirt, the ends of the scarf went around the neck and were placed under the triangle on the chest. It must be said that, as a rule, the material from which the Ascot tie was made was quite rich, but at the same time not pretentious, discreet in color. The knotted scarf was secured in front with a gold safety pin, or a pearl brooch could be used, which made the appearance of the tie even more elegant. For many years, the ascot remained the only type of neckerchief that was adopted from the British even by the refined French themselves, who were considered the trendsetters of European fashion.

Currently, the Ascot tie is widespread mainly in the USA and some European countries. It is used as an indispensable attribute of a men's wedding suit. It must be said that in Lately This type of tie is becoming more and more popular, because wide and loose ties are becoming fashionable by leaps and bounds.

Today the Ascot tie has several varieties. Of course, its classic version remains - a neckerchief, which is worn over the collar of a shirt, as well as under the collar. As a rule, the wide ends of the tie are crossed over the chest and pinned. Another version of Ascot is also popular - a slightly elongated neckerchief, which is tied in a voluminous knot. And, traditionally, a pin with a gold, diamond or pearl head is pinned into the center of the knot. It should be noted that in the latest collections of men's clothing you can often see an Ascot tie as an indispensable accessory to a suit; moreover, the tie goes in addition to the vest, which is made from the same fabric as the tie. In all versions, the Ascot tie is tied in a loose knot and secured with a pin in the center.

As a rule, Ascot ties are quite conservative and do not have a rich palette of colors and patterns. For the most part, Ascot is a monochromatic tie with calm, muted color tones, with a small, one might even say invisible, pattern. When wearing an Ascot tie, one rule must be followed - the top button on the shirt must be undone.

How to tie an Ascot tie? Let's take a look at the instructions:

Plastron tie

Another type of holiday tie is the Plastron tie. Translated from French, the word “plastron” refers to the abdominal part of a tortoise’s shell and is also the name given to a swordsman’s breastplate. That is, already from the translation it is clear that a Plastron tie is such a wide tie that covers not only the neck, but also occupies a significant part of the chest. As a rule, in the past, when men wore a plastron, they did not tie it, but attached it directly to the shirt with a dozen pins. The plastron was a classic attribute of a wedding suit. In fact, he still performs this “honorable” role. Indeed, today the most popular are wedding plastrons, which are tied over the groom’s shirt and secured with a pin or brooch right at the base of the neck. It must be said that in Western countries the Plastron tie is still a mandatory accessory for a wedding suit.

The Plastron tie is considered the great-grandfather of the tie. It originated from a more ancient type of tie, which became widespread at the beginning of the nineteenth century. In the past, it was usually worn for a daytime wedding ceremony or worn with a tailcoat and gray striped trousers. Also, English gentlemen wore a Plastron tie when they were going to hunt foxes; by the way, this tradition has survived to this day (although UK environmentalists have been unsuccessfully seeking a ban on this cruel sport for several decades). At the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century, the Plastron tie became a common item of clothing in a business environment. What did Plastron look like before? It was a wide tie for formal occasions, which had a certain shape, was bent in half, and secured with pins (as we discussed above). This type of tie was sewn from thick silk, which had black or grey colour. Although now you can find a Plastron tie made of thin silk, which is more pleasant for the skin than thick silk. Often the tie is printed with a rich color pattern.

If you carefully watched the film “Four Weddings and a Funeral,” then you could see that the characters in the film, being participants in the wedding, appear before the viewer dressed in camisoles and Plastron ties. Thus, it is clear that according to English custom, the Plastron is worn with a camisole, and this ensemble is the ideal wedding attire for men. By the way, if you follow etiquette, then a camisole should be worn in cases where the event begins before three o’clock in the afternoon. You can only wear it until six o’clock in the evening, then it’s time for a tuxedo. These are the rules of etiquette among the prim English.

Tying a Plastron tie not that difficult, at least easier than tying a bow on a bow tie. When the knot on the tie is already tied, you need to carefully put both ends on top of each other and secure with a special pin with a decorative bead on the head. If you want to impress others, you can purchase such a special decoration for a Plastron tie in an antique store, but it will not be cheap. When you secure your tie with a pin, you can no longer be afraid that during hot wedding dances your knot will lose its shape. By the way, the Plastron knot can be used to tie scarves, scarves and large square scarves, and although this option is less formal, the knot still looks great.

It must be said that at the moment the Plastron tie is again at the peak of its popularity and is one of the important parts of the wardrobe of a stylish and sophisticated man.

How to tie a Plastron tie? We'll tell you how to tie wedding option Plastron tie.

Shar Pei tie.

The closest relative of Ascot and Plastron ties is Shar Pei tie. What can you say about this tie? Outwardly, it is very similar to a neckerchief, because, like a scarf, it is freely located on the man’s chest and forms many folds. The Shar Pei tie is a very original tie that is used only on special occasions. The Shar Pei has a very unusual knot and is the most versatile among other types of holiday ties, because it goes well with any collar and style. Even with a classic suit, this tie looks very elegant and formal. In general, it must be said that recently the Shar Pei tie has become an attribute not only of a men’s wedding suit, as it was before. Now an almost forgotten accessory is experiencing its rebirth and is becoming very popular among men who understand fashion and love to dress with charm. A Shar Pei tie makes a very impressive impression and amazes others with its originality and sophistication. Surely, thanks to these qualities, he has gained such extraordinary popularity recently. By the way, in Scotland the Shar Pei tie is part of the national costume and is worn along with the kilt.

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Plastron necklace. This is an unusual neck decoration. To say that it has become a trend for the new season would not be entirely true. This decoration has been around for a long time, or more precisely, since antiquity. And in the fashionable world of jewelry, having appeared once, it remained at all times. The plastron necklace is time-tested, has a thousand-year history, and therefore will never go out of fashion.

Among neck jewelry, plastron necklaces are the most spectacular and massive, covering most neckline They resemble luxurious collars made of precious stones, beads or sparkling rhinestones.

In 2017, celebrating the opening of his boutique in Moscow in 1897, he created the Hiver Imperal collection, dedicated to the northern country - Russia. For many decades, almost the entire Russian nobility was the clients of the jewelry house.

The source of inspiration for Hiver Imperial was the Russian winter. And the plastron necklace called Baikal was dedicated to Lake Baikal. The white gold piece features a large 78.33-carat Santa Maria aquamarine, shimmering moonstones, pearls, diamonds and aquamarines. Designers' ideas always delight and surprise fans of jewelry, and in a plastron necklace the field for designer imagination is limitless.


The history of plastron necklaces

Researchers of ancient cultures believe that the appearance of neck jewelry began with. The first plastrons can be called the Egyptian uskhs - a collar decoration worn by both men and women of the upper class.

Uskkh symbolized the Sun, the god Ra and was made of colored stones, mainly turquoise, lapis lazuli, carnelian, malachite, as well as enameled gold plates. These decorations were quite heavy; the weight of the pharaoh’s uskha could reach several kilograms. To ensure that the jewelry lay well and comfortably on the chest, a textile or leather lining was attached to it.

Almost all ancient Egyptian jewelry modern world continue their lives, being transformed under the influence of the designers’ fantasies. This happened with Uskkh.

The name "plastron" is of French origin. Many decades ago, this was the name given to the upper part of a man's shirt, which was visible from under the tailcoat. Then into the roast summer time men began to allow themselves to wear not a shirt under a tailcoat, but only its upper part with a collar, or a shirtfront. This part of the costume later began to be called a plastron. But at the same time, in France, women's collar jewelry became especially popular, and they also began to be called plastrons, which were made from pearls, diamonds, silver, gold and other precious stones and noble materials.

Today, not only precious or semi-precious metals and stones are used to create modern plastrons, but also feathers, leather, beads, wood, shells, bone and ceramics. All these decorations are affordable for everyone, with any family budget.

There are unique plastrons in the style of various ethnic cultures. Many girls indulge in the pleasure of purchasing such antique-style necklaces, with spikes, geometric plates, chains, shells or feathers.

Plastrons today are decorations in different styles and with stunning effects. They can go perfectly with evening and everyday outfits. However, if you are in doubt about choosing an outfit, then you should limit yourself to the simplest silhouette and cut, calm shades, without frills and decorative additions, because you still need to take into account that the plastron necklace is the key thing in the whole image. It's so noticeable and attention-grabbing that everything else needs to be kept low-key.

A plastron necklace is the easiest way to add expressiveness to your look, and the perfect accessory to dress up a plain gray dress or jeans. men's shirt make it a bright and bold outfit.

Capricious and changeable fashion often pleases its admirers with the constant return of favorite clothing items, cuts, accessories and styles. Men of different ages who care about their appearance and keep up with fashion know a lot about stylish accessories. Often, with their help, the image becomes more attractive and modern. Men's scarves most often belong to creative people in their wardrobe, but thanks to modern designers their popularity is growing every day. Not everyone knows how to tie a man's scarf around his neck, and therefore this material will help cope with this task.

Neckerchief - origin story

The history of the origin of this fashionable and stylish accessory dates back to ancient times, when it did not serve as decoration, but had a more practical purpose - it protected from dust and the sun. In ancient paintings and frescoes, Roman soldiers are depicted with scarves around their necks, and in the last century it became reliably known that Chinese warriors in the third century BC also used them during military campaigns. Such scarves (focale) were the subject of additional uniform.

It became a fashionable accessory for decorating a man's wardrobe much later. If you believe fashion historians, by order of King Louis XIV of France (who really liked the neckerchief, which elegantly matched the clothes of the Croatian ambassadors who arrived in Paris for a reception), such newfangled and unusual accessories began to be worn not only by noble persons, but also by ordinary citizens. At the same time, neckerchiefs received a new name “cravate”, which over time transformed into “cravat”. French and English aristocrats in the 18th century considered wearing this accessory a rule of good manners. Over time, the neckerchief became an invariable attribute of select society. Nowadays, this accessory is used in the men's wardrobe not only by creative, sophisticated people and influential people.

Types of neckerchiefs

Neck scarves differ not only in the variety of colors and patterns on the fabric, sizes and cuts. Ascot is considered a classic option - it received this name due to the name of the village of Ascot (Old England), where the most popular horse racing in Europe was held. Then this accessory was an element of clothing for receptions and public events.

Gold safety pins and pearl brooches were used to secure a monochromatic strip of fabric made from expensive materials, cut at an angle. For a long time, the English neckerchief was a one-of-a-kind accessory for men, but over time, French fashion designers came up with the new kind neckerchiefs - foulard.

The peculiarity of the foulard is considered not only to be the difference in color, cut and length (with a width of 10 cm, its length is 1 meter), but also the method of tying. Unlike Ascot, it is wrapped around the neck and the ends are secured with special knots and pins. The colors of such scarves can be bright and rich; you can use fabrics with stripes, polka dots, and with various geometric or floral patterns.

The third type of neckerchief is radically different from the foulard and ascot in shape and width. The plastron not only covers the neck, but also the chest of a man - the wide ends of this neckerchief taper towards the middle. This type of neckerchief is very popular to decorate the groom’s suit at wedding ceremonies.

But classic versions of neckerchiefs are more often included in the wardrobe of true connoisseurs of modern fashion.

How to wear a neckerchief

Modern practical men are increasingly using neckerchiefs instead of a traditional tie or bow tie, which can be worn not only under a classic and formal suit, but also when going to entertainment venues or while on vacation.

Not everyone knows how to tie a man's neckerchief, but even a teenager can cope with this task over time, having become familiar with in simple ways and some practice. It is important to choose the right option that will go well with your clothes and style.

For men who prefer a classic and strict style of clothing, neckerchiefs of a single color in warm tones are suitable - burgundy, blue, brown, white and all shades of black. More daring and relaxed individuals can incorporate bolder printed fabric colors into their wardrobe with classic polka dots, stripes or paisley.

The ideal option is scarves made from natural soft fabrics - such as cotton, silk, fine wool, cashmere. A warm neckerchief will not only add a special touch to your look, but will also warm you up. cold weather. In order to use it in combination with clothes of various styles as effectively as possible, you need not only to know the basic rules for its use, but also to learn how to tie it correctly using various knots.

Basic knots and methods of tying

Ascot knot- cross the ends of the scarf on your chest and place its right end behind the left, thread it through the neck ring. Then you should align and combine both ends of the scarf on your chest. Then you should put the resulting knot behind the collar of the shirt, the ends of the scarf should be located under the shirt on the chest. The top two buttons should be left undone.

Classic foulard knot- place the ends of the plastron on the chest parallel to each other, cross them, place the right end behind the left as in the previous version (below), wrap the right end of the plastron around the left one and lay it behind it, placing the right end behind the left, thread it through the neck ring. In this case, you need to pass the captured end through the resulting loop and smooth it parallel to the other end. Tuck the ends of the neckerchief behind the vest or secure them with a pin or brooch.

Wedding plastron knot- place the ends of the plastron on the chest parallel to each other, cross them and place its right end behind the left one from below and thread it through the neck ring. Align the threaded end on the chest and match both ends of the neckerchief. From below, the upper end should pass the lower end and pass into the resulting loop. The resulting knot should be carefully tightened. Having straightened it properly, slightly cross the ends and secure it with any suitable original brooch or pin. With this method of “tying”, the ends of a man’s neckerchief should be tucked under the vest.

Modern trendsetters have come up with many different new options for tying neckerchiefs. different types. But the classic methods of tying and models of men's scarves remain relevant at all times.

Men's neckerchiefs... / Fashionable recipe

Neckerchief - an accessory that is often associated with the sophistication of a gentleman. There is an opinion that it comes from Croatia, where it was originally used as one of the parts of the military uniform. At the instigation of the French King Louis XIV in the 17th century, the scarf around the neck of men became popular throughout Europe. Today it also holds the palm among the elements that complement a man’s basic wardrobe. So that the question of how to tie a man’s scarf around his neck does not confuse anyone, let’s look at the nuances of using this exquisite accessory.

You can tie a scarf traditional way around the neck, tucking the ends under the shirt. Scarves are also tied over a shirt or worn as a scarf on top of a T-shirt or cardigan. The looser the scarf is tied, the more casual the feeling, and the tighter the knot and raised higher, the more formal the appearance.

Men's neck scarves

In the 18th and 19th centuries, representatives of the aristocratic class of France or England simply could not help but wear a neckerchief. It was from them that the classic forms of men's scarves came, which are relevant to this day.

Let's look at the types of scarves:

  • Ascot - a classic neck accessory named after an English village. Appearance - bias woven edge. Rich fabric, subtle colors.
  • Foulard . The creation of French fashionistas is a piece of fabric measuring 10 cm by 1 m. A loose scarf that does not accept a formalized approach to an outfit. Bright colors, various designs.
  • Plastron. Somewhat wider than the foulard. Covers part of the chest in addition to the neck. The main use is a wedding scarf.

How to tie a men's neckerchief: basic methods

We tie the scarf with an ascot knot:

  1. We throw an ascot or foulard scarf around the neck and cross the ends on the chest.
  2. We bring one of the ends from below behind the other and pass it into the loop formed on the throat.
  3. We compare one corner of the scarf, released through the ring on the throat, with the other and carefully straighten it.
  4. We place the almost finished knot behind the collar of the shirt, and hide the ends inside the shirt.
  5. Done, let’s add a little volume to the accessory and leave the top buttons unfastened.

Plastron node

This accessory for the groom at a wedding is tied to a shirt and secured near the neck with pins:

  1. We throw the scarf around the neck, and place the ends next to each other in front. They should be equidistant from the neck.
  2. Let's cross the ends.
  3. We bring one end under the other and pass it through the loop on the throat.
  4. Combine and trim the ends on the chest.
  5. We bring the upper corner behind the lower one.
  6. We pass part of the plastron from below into the resulting ring.
  7. Let's tighten the knot that has formed.
  8. Straighten the knot, cross the ends a little and secure with a clip or clip.
  9. The node is completed. We put on the vest, fasten it, and hide the ends of the scarf inside.

Fulare knot

Let's look at the classic foulard knot:

  1. We wrap the scarf around the neck (put it on the shirt, not under it), and place the ends on the chest.
  2. Cross the ends of the scarf.
  3. We wind one end from below behind the other.
  4. We continue the movement and draw the same end around the other and again start from below.
  5. We release one end, which is wrapped around the other, from below through the neck ring.
  6. We grab the end and thread it from top to bottom through the resulting loop.
  7. Smooth the ends of the scarf relative to each other and one above the other.
  8. We hide both ends under the vest.

A scarf around the neck is an alternative to a standard tie, only with expanded capabilities. By using its originality and originality of tying methods, we get the opportunity to look stylish in any situation. Good luck in mastering this accessory!

Roman legionnaires were the first to wear a scarf around their necks, not for beauty, but to protect themselves from cold winds. But after several centuries they became a fashion accessory. Louis 14 saw such scarves among the ambassadors from Croatia and decided to make them an element of fashion.

Tying with a knot, called an ascot, came from the British. The edges should be hidden under a shirt or jacket. Stylists say that if you choose the right combination of colors, it will in no way look feminine.

Choose silk or cotton texture. But it is desirable that the color be slightly different from the shirt. Ladies, noticing such an accessory, are delighted.

Consider the popular types: ascot, foulard and plastron.

Ascot- a classic British scarf worn over a shirt, under the collar, and also under the shirt. Do not forget that when wearing this type of wear, the top button on the shirt should be undone.

Foulard- narrow, 10 cm wide, and the length can be up to a meter. It is tied around the neck and secured with a pin. It can be worn with a cardigan or jacket for an informal style.

Plastron- a classic version, a men's scarf instead of a tie, which is worn on special occasions. Wide edges and a narrow center, like a tie. It looks very nice when worn under a vest, and it is tied under the collar and covers the chest.

Don't be afraid to wear with a sweater, and the scarf also looks beautiful with jackets, blazers and even t-shirts.
Choose from the catalog the most popular men's scarves under a shirt; among these 10 scarves you can buy the right one for yourself.

Of course, today a men's neckerchief is not as in demand as it was several decades ago. But this does not mean that it is out of fashion. This accessory is adored by men who adhere to a classic style of clothing and want to look representative and respectable. A neckerchief is an excellent alternative to a tie and bow tie; it can be worn not only on gala event, but also to work, meeting with business partners.

Before putting it on for the first time when going out, we advise you to try it on at home. Since it has an unusual design, at first you may feel that it makes you look too strict. It all depends on habit - just wear a scarf several times and you will feel great with it.

The main rule of tying a scarf- both ends must be hidden under a shirt or sweater.

It is also important to choose the right scarf; your choice depends on your appearance . If you want to look more conservative, choose the classic - monochromatic option. Also in this case, a scarf with a not too prominent pattern - stripes, checks, polka dots - is suitable. If you want to diversify your look with bright elements, opt for a tie of an unusual color or pattern.

How to tie a man's scarf correctly? Much depends not only on the method itself, but also on how loosely or tightly the knot is made. For special occasions, make a tighter knot; for a walk or meeting with friends, make a looser knot.

The classic way to tie a neckerchief:

  • Straighten the ends of the scarf, the right end is located slightly lower than the left.
  • Place the right side over the left and wrap it over your shoulder. Now put the right part on top of the left again, thus creating a knot.
  • Twist the edges into a knot from the inside and turn them inside out. As you can see, we have a beautiful and tight knot that will retain its shape for several hours.

A looser knot under a shirt, vest or sweater

It is much easier to make than the previous option. And it looks uncomplicated and simple, so it’s perfect for an everyday look.

An unusual way to tie a scarf for a celebration: plastron

  • Throw one part over the other, then turn it out as in the picture.
  • Fold the second part right side out, place the second part on top.
  • Turn the end that is located on the inside, under the outer part, and tie a knot. Fold the ends of the scarf as in the photo and secure with a pin so that they do not come apart.

If you think that a tie or bow tie looks too formal, we recommend opting for an elegant men's scarf. It does not restrict movement, looks beautiful and emphasizes your sense of style.

The plastron in its classic version is an analogue of the ascot. This is also a wide silk scarf that has a thinner detail where it wraps around the neck. However, now a plastron is also called a tie, wide on one side, which covers most of the front of the shirt. The plastron is usually worn with a shirt with a starched stand-up collar. Therefore, its appearance should be ideal both from the front and from the back.

Ascot and plastron - are there any differences?

Even though most sources indicate that ascot is the English name for plastron (or vice versa, plastron is the French name for ascot) and there is no difference between them, we still see some differences.

So, if an ascot can be worn both under a shirt and on top, then a plastron can be worn exclusively on a shirt, along with a vest. Also, the ascot can be made of either silk or satin, and the plastron is sewn exclusively from thin silk, which is more pleasant to the touch and fits better. Like the ascot, the plastron is secured with a precious tie pin.

Traditionally, the plastron is sewn from light fabric, while the ascot is more typical dark color. However, there are many interesting colors of the plastron, both plain and richly ornamented. A sign of good form would be to choose a plastron of the same color as the vest. To complete the look, accessorize with a pocket square in the same color.

The plastron is worn exclusively at official social events, such as weddings or recently fashionable balls. Of course, to be completely picky, historically the plastron was worn with a business card jacket, which was worn during the daytime - from 15 to 18 hours. However, now there is no point in comprehending such subtleties of etiquette, because the most important thing is a harmonious image in which there is nothing superfluous, but at the same time every detail serves to complement the whole.

For many men, a tie is not just an accessory business suit. This is a means of self-expression that helps make your image unique. And this is not at all difficult, especially since today the choice of tie models is simply huge.

In our article we will look in detail at such a stylish accessory as a plastron. What is it, how to wear it correctly and how to learn to tie it? Help you create a pattern and sew a tie yourself simple recommendations suggested below.

Plastron - what is it?

Among the variety of tie models, there are those that can be worn every day, and others intended for special occasions. The plastron belongs to the second group of ties. What it is?

A plastron is a wide tie that covers the neck and a significant portion of the chest. The model has wide, angular edges and a narrower middle that hides under the collar of a shirt. The plastron is made from light or heavy silk, usually black, white, gray, red, and other colors.

The history of the plastron

The plastron as a type of wide tie appeared in the middle of the 19th century. At this time, such a fashionable accessory became widespread among English dandies. What does "plastron" mean? This is the French name for a tie, which comes from English word"Ascot". In England, Ascot is the name of a settlement in the county of Berkshire, where the famous Royal Horse Races were held.

The plastron is called the predecessor of the modern tie. It appeared in England around the 19th century and looked like a narrow strip of fabric around the neck with wide, sharp-angled edges. The ends of the tie were bent in half, and the junction was connected with a special pin or brooch. It was sewn from special heavy silk with a decorative pattern. They wore a plastron with a business card - a type of men's suit with long semicircular skirts. They attached the tie directly to the shirt, using at least 12 pins. Business cards were especially popular in the 19th-20th centuries, that is, at the same time as the plastron.

What is this in modern fashion? This is still the same wide tie, but today the plastron is attached directly to the shirt and secured at the base of the neck with a brooch or pin.

What to wear with a plastron

Plastron does not lose its popularity today. In Western countries, especially in the UK, such a tie is still a mandatory wedding accessory, which still goes well with a business card, tailcoat or classic suit.

Banquets, balls, weddings, theater premieres, exhibitions, award presentations and other celebrations - these are the places where you need to wear a suit with a plastron. This tie option is not suitable for everyday wear. In an office setting, it looks too elegant and even pretentious.

Ways to tie a tie

A classic plastron with wide, pointed ends and a narrow middle is tied in the following way and in the following sequence:

  1. Wrap the tie around your neck so that the wide ends hang down in front.
  2. Tie the edges of the plastron into a regular knot.
  3. Raise the upper end and connect it with a volumetric knot to the second end. In this case, there is no need to tighten the knot. Thus, the ends of the plastron are connected by two nodes, one of them performing a practical function, and the second a decorative one.
  4. The loose ends of the tie must be carefully crossed and then secured with a pin at the base of the neck. You can use a beautiful brooch, decorated with stones and emphasizing the solemnity of the event for which this tie is worn.

A plastron tied in this way retains its shape perfectly throughout the day. You don't have to worry that it will come undone during the fun wedding dances.

Plastron: DIY tie pattern

You can sew a stylish plastron with your own hands using a very simple pattern. When cutting, the fabric is folded in half, a drawing is attached to the fold line, which is outlined along the contour. In this case, allowances for seams should be taken into account in those places where they are provided.

When creating a pattern, you should mark a horizontal line (when cutting, it will be located perpendicular to the fold of the fabric). To the left of it, you need to set aside the value of the neck circumference with an increase (usually it is 3 cm). To the right of the horizontal line it is necessary to indicate the shape and width of the plastron (20 cm). Don't forget about seam allowances. The width of each end of the tie is 10 cm, the length is 30-32 cm. The length of the product can be even greater than provided by the pattern. You can finally adjust it during fitting.

How to sew a plastron yourself

Duchess is traditionally chosen for plastron." This is a dense material with a perfectly smooth, silky surface. Products made from it look elegant and expensive. But when working with this fabric, inexperienced craftswomen often have difficulties, since the material slips and it is difficult to achieve a clear match to the pattern when cutting.

To ensure that the plastron is dense and holds its shape well, dublerin is used when sewing. It is glued with an iron to the main fabric. As you work, you need to press the seam allowances well so that they can be easily hidden inside.

What is a plastron, how to wear it and how to create a pattern, you now understand. All that remains is to buy the appropriate silk fabric and start sewing this elegant and stylish accessory.