What is good about mental arithmetic? Mental arithmetic in simple language. Works. Application of mental arithmetic

Today, mental arithmetic classes are gaining popularity. Courses, schools and small development centers are opening to teach mental mathematics. Perhaps you have watched videos online where children calculate faster than a calculator, or from your friends, your child is taking these courses and has already begun to show good results in adding and subtracting two-digit numbers. And you have several questions: What is it and why is it needed and how does it affect the development of the child. And also, how to learn mental arithmetic? Below we will consider all these questions and analyze in detail examples of invoices and what additional materials we will need for this. Let's watch free video lessons on mental arithmetic.

Mental arithmetic is the process of learning to do quick math in your head. The founder of this method was the Turk Shenom. The entire method is based on the use of abacus invented in China about five thousand years ago. Such abacus is called an abacus. Perhaps someone might think that it was necessary to call this method abacus arithmetic or something else, using the name abacus, but an abacus is just a tool that makes it easier to solve arithmetic problems. The whole point of the method is mental calculation. The word mental comes from Lat. mentalis - mental, rational. When counting with this method, imagine these abacus in their minds, move the beads in the required order and count the required example.

In 1993, this educational program began operating in Asia for the first time. At the moment, more than 5,000 training centers are studying this method around the world. This program is most developed in countries such as the USA, Canada, Austria, Thailand, China and Australia.

Many similar schools and courses for teaching mental arithmetic are now opening in Russia. The cost of classes starts from 500 rubles for one lesson or from 4000 rubles for a subscription. Not everyone can afford such amounts and many want to learn this method on their own and teach their child in the future.

At first glance, mental arithmetic may seem like a difficult way to solve examples. But if you have a little patience and read the article to the end and solve all the examples. This method will not be as difficult as it was before reading this article.

What you need for training

The first thing we need to learn mental arithmetic is an abacus or soroban abacus. Unlike the standard Soviet-era abacus, these abacus are half the width. They have only five beads on horizontal lines, while ours have ten. And one column with one bead in each row, separated from the rest of the vertical partition, this is if you hold the abacus vertically, as we would hold our regular abacus. The abacus is usually held in a horizontal position and there is a row with one bead at the top, and columns of 4 beads each at the bottom.

You can buy them here ( buy an abacus ), they are not expensive there, I buy many and leave them good feedback. You can look in stores in your city, but they will be more expensive, and it will take more time to search.

You can make an abacus with your own hands from old abacus. Disassemble the abacus and remove 5 beads from each row. Separate one bead in each row with a vertical partition and the abacus is ready. To make them more like Chinese ones, you can shorten the knitting needles on which the beads are held and the horizontal guides at the top and bottom.

If you don’t have any old abacus and don’t want to invent something, or while you’re waiting for your new abacus to arrive, you should use online simulators to practice and teach abacus. In Google Play, type “soroban”, there are a lot of these games. This article uses screenshots from the Simple Soroban application. A very convenient application for learning.

Having decided on the scores, we need to move on to training.

Basics of mental arithmetic

You already know what an abacus abacus looks like and what it consists of. Now we need to understand how to dial numbers.

We place the soroban as in the figure above. In front of us are the columns, the standard Soroban has 13 of them. We will use an abacus with nine columns (the same as in the Simple Soroban application). Starting from the far right column, this column contains ones. That is, here you can make up a number from 0 to 9. The next column is tens, here the numbers are from 10 to 90. In the subsequent ones, hundreds, thousands, etc., respectively. On the top of the soroban there is one bead, in accordance with its column they indicate a number that is a multiple of five, i.e. in the first column it is 5, in the second it is 50, in the third it is 500, and so on. To show us the number five, we need to lower the top bead down, it will be five. In the initial position, when the top beads are at the top and the bottom ones are at the bottom, this is zero. To make it clearer, let’s look at a few numbers:

  • To make the number 7, you need to lower the top bead in the first column, it will be 5, and raise two beads from the bottom, i.e. We added 2 to 5 and it turned out to be 7.
  • The number 9 is the lowered top bead and 4 lower beads raised up to the dividing bar.

As soon as we have learned to quickly type units, we move on to two-digit numbers, i.e. to tens.

We dial the number 73, to do this we lower the top bead from the second column, it turned out to be 50, we raise two more lower beads from the same column with tens, it turned out to be 70. In the first column we raise the three lower beads, and in the end we get 73.

Practice a few times and everything will be clear, then move on to hundreds and so on.

All movements of the beads must be done with certain hands and the sequence must not be changed. In the units column we do everything with our right hand, while raising the beads thumb, and omit the index. For example, when we want to make the number 5, we need to lower the top bead with the index finger of our right hand. If you need to make the number 2, you need to lift two beads from the first column with the thumb of your right hand. Remember the rule up is thumb, index down. In the tens column, everything is the same only with the left hand. If you watched the video of the children counting, you could notice how they twirled their fingers. So they imagine how they move the beads on the abacus and thereby carry out calculations in their heads on an imaginary soroban.

Since the whole essence of the method comes down to ensuring that all calculations take place in the mind and without any auxiliary tools, you need to learn to remember numbers and combinations of beads. To do this, we will need auxiliary cards that we can make ourselves. On one side we write a number, and on the other its graphic designation in the form of a fragment of an account. An example in the photo below.

After we have learned to use cards and quickly name the numbers located on them, we move on to simple arithmetic calculations, the first thing we will look at is addition.


The first arithmetic operation we'll look at is addition. This is the simplest action performed on a soroban. Let's take as an example: 13+23
We lay out the number 13: in the first column we raise the three lower beads, in the second we get the lower one - 13.

To add 23 in the first column, with units, you need to add three beads, since only one bead is left unused at the bottom, you need to omit the bead from the top part of the soroban, so we add 5, after that we omit two beads from the bottom and it turns out in column with units number 6.

To consolidate the material and better understand, let's consider a more complex example: 17+14.

First, let's make up the number 17, we won't describe how we make it up, we'll just write the total for verification and to coordinate our actions. Look at the photo to see what happened.

Next, we move on to addition, add 4, since 7 + 4 = 11, then we raise one lower bead in the first column and immediately go to the tens and there we raise one lower bead, which was obtained by adding the units, then we add 10, which remained from the original number 14, for this we also lift one bead from the bottom. Total 17+14=31

Video lesson: Addition


Let's move on to next action, subtraction. For example, let's take 83-56.

We put the number 83 on the soroban, we check what we got from the photo.

When subtracting, all operations must be done in reverse order and you need to start with tens. We need to remove 5 beads from the tens, to do this we lift the top bead. We need to subtract 6 from the units, since we only have 3 units, we take the ten from the second column, i.e. we omit one bead. In units, you need to subtract 6 from 13, you get 7, set this number on the soroban. As a result, 83-56=27

Video lesson: Subtraction


The next action is multiplication, here you need to strain your brains a little more. For example, let's multiply two two-digit numbers: 13*22

First, we multiply the tens of both numbers 10*20=200 and set 200 on the abacus:

Then the units of the first number with the tens of the second 3*20=60:

The last step is to multiply the units of both numbers 3*2=6:

The result was 286

Video lesson: multiplication


The next action is division. For example, let's divide 62 by 2. To do this, divide the soroban by floor or, for example, into two parts relative to the point on the soroban. On the right we put the number that needs to be divided, and on the left we leave space for the answer, if the number is two-digit, then we leave a maximum of 2 columns for the answer, if it’s three-digit, then three, etc. And so we need 62/2, we put the number 62 on the right On the left side we will write the answer, I suggest writing it starting from the far left column, so that if you come across a number, when divided, a remainder appears, then there are free columns for writing the remainder. The number has been set, first we divide the number 6 since it is a multiple of two and gives the full number without a remainder and it will be 3, we type three in the far left column. And on the right side we subtract 6 from the column with tens, leaving 2. Divide 2 by 2, we get 1, type it in the second column from the left edge. As a result, we got the answer 31.

Video lesson: Division

This division method corresponds to the one shown in the video above, but if you follow the recommendation from this article, use the Simple Soroban application (this application is free) from the Google Play store for learning. It is more convenient to write the number that needs to be divided on the left, and the answer on the right. Thus, you will not get confused and will quickly solve tests from this application. An example of how to count tests in the Simple Soroban application:

We looked at all the arithmetic operations that can be calculated using the abacus count. It seems that there is nothing complicated, you just need to train often and you will learn mental arithmetic at home, just as if you attended courses of the same name for money.

All parents dream that their heirs will succeed in dancing, sports, games, and music. Why not? Parents are ready to invest more and more energy in mental and physical development own children. Kids go to various trainings, early development, learning speed reading, and also studying Abacus abacus.

The topic of today's conversation is mental arithmetic for children: at what age to study, what are the advantages of learning, as well as negative aspects, we will consider how lessons are taught for 4-5 years old and 6-7 years old, is it possible to teach at 12.

Do kids need to learn mental arithmetic?

There are a number of benefits for children who learn mental arithmetic. First and foremost, they are really, really good at mental arithmetic. Mathematics becomes a very easy science for them.

But more importantly, there are subtle benefits such as improved concentration, focus, memory, logical thinking. And this helps them do well in other subjects.

When a child operates an Abacus abacus, he or she uses both hands to move the balls of the instrument. The movement of the fingers activates sensors in the brain, the right ones are coordinated with the left side of the brain and vice versa. This, in turn, provides unlimited benefits for children's brains. Listed below are some of the benefits of using it for brain development.

Here are some of them:

  • Helps improve numeracy skills, making them better and faster than ever before;
  • Helps in improving children's problem solving ability. This curriculum is very effective for those who do not like to study mathematics;
  • Mental arithmetic teaches logical reasoning;
  • Helps in enhancing concentration and observation ability;
  • Strengthens mental visualization skills;
  • Improves photographic memory and also helps to read and write better;
  • One of the main benefits of teaching mental arithmetic is that it makes math meaningful, useful and interesting for children.

Ideal age for a child to learn mental arithmetic

In my opinion, any child who can read and write the numbers 1 through 99 is an excellent candidate for an introduction to mental math. In my experience, closer to 5-6 years - ​​ good age, as they have well-developed motor skills to manipulate the Abacus abacus with confidence.

The more important question is, at what age will it be difficult for your child to start classes? If parents do not help in mastering the material, I would say that this is the age of 10 years. They have so many other activities and interests that it can be difficult to cope without help, especially when multiplication and division begin.

However, if the parent continues to engage with the child and works with them, the students show impressive results and develop mental abilities until about 12-13 years of age.

Is there a conflict between teaching arithmetic in school and mental math?

This begs the question, if Abacus arithmetic is not the same as in school and other memorization techniques are used, won’t there be problems in mastering school material?

There are two opinions and, accordingly, two answers to this question. So, numeracy teachers say that there will be no problems, since the children's brain is much more flexible and is able to process and filter a lot of information. In addition, the development of two hemispheres of the brain will contribute to better memorization school material.

There is also the opinion of parents who say that at first the child may get confused with calculation methods at school and in mental arithmetic lessons. But children quickly adapt and adapt and subsequently have no problems with this.

But if parents are worried that the baby will not cope with the load at school and courses, it is recommended to try studying at summer holidays. But the best option, if the baby started his studies before school.

How to quickly expect the first results?

Let me start with the fact that teaching mental arithmetic to children is a marathon, not a sprint. This means that learning to count and developing mental skills is a process that works best slowly with consistent practice.

Over-aggressive workouts won't produce long-term results any faster than consistent workouts week after week.

Visualization training develops over 12-24 months, followed by maintenance exercises once a week. This restructuring of the child's brain occurs gradually and abilities develop.

The classes give excellent results, but there is one thing. The most important thing is systematicity. That is, you cannot study for two weeks and expect a miraculous result from your child. This is work, you have to do it constantly.

How are mental arithmetic lessons going with little ones?

As a rule, schools have 12 levels. Each of them lasts 3-4 months. Classes are held twice a week and homework is also given.

Many teachers say that it is much easier to teach children who do not yet have knowledge of numeracy. They don't need to be retrained. But older students who already know how to count are not immediately ready to accept the system, since it has its own characteristics. These guys have to relearn.

The optimal age to start is 5-6 years. Some children are ready at 4 years old, everything is very individual. But this does not mean that at the age of 12-14 children will not be able to learn mental arithmetic. This is also quite real.

The peculiarity of the classes is that the student has to simultaneously work with both his right and left hands. And this in turn leads to the activation of two hemispheres of the brain, and all actions become more effective.

Features of mental arithmetic classes with children 4-5 years old?

To start studying at 4 years old, a child must:

  • Fluently pronounce and write numbers from 1 to 99;
  • The baby must have good motor skills so that he can perform actions with abacus;
  • It is desirable that the child is active, not shy, and talkative. The more confident the baby is, the easier it is to work with him. But this does not mean that shy children will not master the material; the teacher just needs to find contact with such a child.

Classes from the age of 4 are primarily a game. Don’t put pressure on the little one, let him get carried away with these exercises.

Even if he wants to, at 4 years old the baby will not multiply or divide four-digit numbers in his head. But, you see, this is not the most important thing.

The main thing is to teach the child to use knowledge not only for counting (although this is paramount), but also for solving any logical or everyday problems.

Then the children will move on to simple account: First addition within 10, and then subtraction. Then the examples will become more complicated. And by the end of the first year of schooling, you can see this picture with your baby. In the video the girl is 3 years and 8 months old, look how she counts:

What does a 6-7 year old child study?

I think the age of 6-7 years is optimal for starting mental arithmetic. The baby can already accurately count within 99. He can write down these numbers. He is more diligent than younger children. And the brain is ready to accept new material.

The knowledge gained will help you study at school with ease. It will be much easier for your child to remember the information received, and there will be no problems with mathematics at all.

Examples of lessons: you will be surprised how quickly our little ones can count

Now let's see what little students who do mental arithmetic can do. Their results are simply amazing.

Conclusions: pros and cons of mental counting exercises for babies

It so happened that almost the entire article talked about how cool it is to do mental arithmetic. Are there really no negative aspects?

Of course they exist. I'll try to put them into a list:

  • Expensive. Yes, training is quite expensive;
  • For a long time. If you want to achieve good results, you won’t be able to work out for a couple of months, you’ll have to do it for several years;
  • Much depends on the teacher, how well he can interest children and find an approach to them;
  • If you want your child to succeed in mental mathematics, do it with him. Without your support the result will be much worse;
  • There are children for whom these lessons are not suitable. And this doesn't mean the system is bad, it's just not for you. Not everyone dances or plays chess. Each child has his own preferences and this must be treated with respect;
  • Even if you have completed all the levels and become an expert, you will have to constantly maintain your knowledge and constantly practice. It's like learning languages, if you don't practice, your knowledge is lost.

That's probably all for today. I look forward to your comments and additions to the article. Perhaps I forgot to say something, feel free to write to me, I will be happy to add useful information.

The development of a child begins literally from the first days of his life. As he grows up, he needs the professional influence of teachers who can correctly assess the child’s potential and guide him in a creative direction. Mental arithmetic is one of the youngest and most promising techniques children's education. She is able to develop mental skills so much that any arithmetic problems will become simple and quick mental calculations for him. What is mental arithmetic: another business idea or useful program training?


The innovative technique was invented by the Turk Shen. It is based on the ancient abacus - an abacus invented in China five thousand years ago. Later, the Japanese improved them more than once, and today we use a technical modification of the abacus - a calculator. However, the device of ancient accounts, according to experts, turned out to be more useful for children. Their use in the educational process contributed to the formation of a new program, which was called “mental arithmetic”, or “menard”. It was first launched in 1993 in Asia. Currently, there are about five thousand educational centers in 50 countries that teach. The most active in this regard are schools in the USA, Austria, Canada, Australia, Thailand, China and the Middle East. Specialized centers are opening in Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Thus, mental arithmetic has already achieved high results and ratings from parents in Astana and Moscow.

Why does a child need this?

It is known that in humans the right is responsible for creativity, perception and creation of images, and the left is for logic. Working with our left hand, we “turn on” the right hemisphere, and with our right hand, the left. The synchronized work of both hemispheres provides enormous potential for the development of a child. And the task of mental arithmetic is to involve the entire brain in the educational process. This is done by performing transactions on accounts with both hands. Mental arithmetic not only helps you master quick calculation skills, but also promotes development. If modern calculators relax mental processes, the abacus, on the contrary, trains and improves them.

How does menard work?

The mental arithmetic training program conventionally consists of two stages. They master the technique of counting with bones, using two hands at once for these operations. Involving both hemispheres of the brain in the counting process ensures quick execution and memorization of actions. With the abacus, children can freely add, subtract, divide and multiply, as well as calculate square and cube roots.

At the second stage of the program, students move on to counting in their heads, or at the mental level. Each lesson here involves gradually loosening the connection to abacus and stimulating children's imagination. perceives numbers, the right - a picture of abacus seeds. Thus, the child learns to make the proposed calculations in his mind. He imagines an abacus in front of him and mentally performs the necessary operations. That is, we work with an imaginary abacus. Now numbers are perceived as pictures, and the process of calculation is associated with the corresponding movement of the abacus tiles.


In the period from 4 to 12 (sometimes up to 16) years, the most active development of the human brain occurs. Therefore, the acquisition of basic skills should be carried out during this period. That is why experts recommend that at this age children study foreign languages, master playing musical instruments and other types of activities. Mental arithmetic also fits harmoniously into this list. This kind of brain stimulation makes further learning easier and more productive.

Goals and results

The main goals of menard are concentration, development of photographic memory and creative thinking, logic and imagination, hearing and observation. At professional approach and successful achievement of goals, the child can perform complex arithmetic tasks in his head. For example, you can add 10-digit numbers in a few seconds, as well as solve more complex computational problems faster than a calculator.

The program not only covers the mathematical area, but also helps the child in other educational areas. She gives him confidence, gives him the opportunity to cope with several things at the same time.


Today, thousands of private educational children's centers around the world include mental arithmetic in their system. Training (classes at all levels) usually lasts from two to three years. In addition to the stages of the methodology for mastering menara, there are 10 levels, each of which the student completes in 2-3 months. Of course, in different schools the program is built individually. But there are still general rules. Groups are formed according to the age of the students. For example, there are three main types: kinder, kids and junior. Classes are taught by experienced and qualified educational psychologists who have undergone appropriate training and certification.

Teacher training

In addition to centers teaching menara to children, there are schools for training specialists in this field. As a rule, a teacher of mental arithmetic is a person who already has the education of a teacher, psychologist and experience in this field. Because in the process of teaching this subject, not only mathematical knowledge and skills in using the abacus are very important, but also methods of teaching menara, awareness of the psychological level of development of the child.

In addition, teacher training centers regularly conduct seminars and trainings that allow you to maintain a high level of skill and monitor the statistics of teachers and their students in the subject “mental arithmetic”. Training for teachers involves certification in the form of exams and obtaining certificates and diplomas. Such documents help parents assess the level of qualifications of the teacher and make the right choice.

Manuals and textbooks

Many training centers have their own methods. In general, they differ slightly from each other. Children aged 4-10 years are very active, and the subject requires perseverance and attention. Therefore, the system of approaches to teaching menara to children is based on the psychological, age-related characteristics of the student’s perception of information. Without this, the teacher’s practice will turn into dry memorization of rules and will not bring positive results.

There are two categories of educational materials: manuals for teachers and textbooks for schoolchildren on the subject “Mental Arithmetic”. The manuals include methodological collections, video lessons and explanatory brochures for textbooks. They are constantly updated and supplemented with auxiliary materials.

The textbook on mental arithmetic is classically presented in two versions: theoretical and practical. Thanks to the first, the student learns the rules and techniques of computational operations on ancient abacus and operations with bones. The workshops provide exercises to sharpen and consolidate theoretical knowledge. The textbooks are clearly divided by program levels and student age.

Mental arithmetic is a system for developing children's intelligence, built on teaching quick mental arithmetic using an unusual method. By mastering this technique, the child develops imagination and logic, trains memory and learns to quickly and easily cope with complex examples in mathematics.

To make it easier for you to decide whether your child should learn mental arithmetic, we will tell you how useful this skill is for school performance and how an unusual calculation method affects the child’s thinking.

Who is this teaching method suitable for?

Learning mental arithmetic is a mental process that involves intensive growth of neural connections. Therefore, it is recommended for children from 4 to 16 years old to learn this technique, that is, during the period of active formation of brain cells. After 16 years of age, the learning process will take longer.

Children who are not interested in the exact sciences or feel insecure when solving problems in mathematics will find creativity in mental arithmetic, which will help them become interested in learning and express themselves. Specific ability to count in your head in an unusual way Gives you confidence and courage to face learning challenges.

And the active development of thinking will help the child improve his performance at school and become more diligent.

How is mental arithmetic useful?

    Develops imagination and logic
    Children begin learning using special abacus (in China they are called “abacus”, in Japan - “soroban”). Gradually they fix the image of this instrument in their mind and work using their imagination. In numerous videos of the learning process, you can see that the child makes movements with his fingers, moving imaginary bones.

    Develops both hemispheres of the brain
    Calculations are logical, rational actions, that is, a task of the left hemisphere of the brain. And imagination and creative thinking- This is already the right hemisphere. By combining the rational and the creative, mental arithmetic helps to develop both hemispheres and thereby achieve great success in solving mathematical problems.

    Improves memory
    The child remembers a new technique, an image of an abacus, and many specific manipulations. All this actively trains the memory. If you work intensively in this direction from childhood, then in the future it will not be difficult for him to remember large amounts of information.

    Trains concentration and perseverance
    Such an unusual and complex calculation technique requires complete concentration, so from the very first lesson the child trains endurance and willpower to achieve results. He learns patience and perseverance.

    Develops math skills
    We have placed this item at the end of the list, since mental arithmetic is a set of skills and abilities that involve the general development of intelligence. But still, the course is focused specifically on mathematical calculations and will significantly facilitate the child’s process of learning mathematics at school.

Advantages of the technique

    Development of thinking and fine motor skills
    Working with abacus is also a training of finger movements, which develops their dexterity and tenacity.

    Memory improvement
    A child who masters mental arithmetic will find it much easier to remember large amounts of information in all subjects.

    Increasing interest in learning
    An extraordinary method of calculation and a variety of interesting facts will help your child understand how much useful and exciting things can be found in lessons at school.

    High concentration
    Mental arithmetic classes require special concentration, and this skill remains with the child both in lessons at school and when doing homework.

Disadvantages of the technique

    The child is in a hurry and makes mistakes in decisions
    During the learning period, the child excitedly “jumps” through the numbers and strives to do everything as quickly as possible. Sometimes he forgets to think about it and therefore makes mistakes. Training will remove this effect over time when the child gets used to it.

    A child can be overloaded with such intense activities
    Mastering mental arithmetic is intellectual work. It is important to comply correct mode and do not force the child to study too much, because he may get tired both physically and mentally, and therefore lose interest.

How is mental arithmetic taught?

As a rule, the first results of learning mental arithmetic are noticeable 2-3 months after the start of weekly classes and completing daily short homework. To fully master the technique, a child will need approximately 2 years of constant training.

In the first year, the child will master the operations of adding and subtracting numbers, and the second major stage is the ability to multiply and divide.

Since children usually begin learning at early age, the classes are structured in a playful way. Teachers strive to captivate the child and give him motivation to train.

Before you start teaching mental arithmetic, consult with a teacher and test your child to see his potential and understand whether he is ready to master this technique. Don't be afraid to try new, innovative ways to develop your child's thinking, and you will see what heights he can achieve.

Mental arithmetic is a set of exercises for training and developing the brain in the process of mental visualization of calculations on special abacus. Together with 1timer.ru, we will look at how, using mental arithmetic techniques, we lay the foundation for the future successes and achievements of our children

If you want your child to develop talents, develop not only practical skills and logic, but give space for the development of creativity and imagination. Integrate more right-brain activities. The mental arithmetic program connects spontaneity and imagination to the process of mathematical calculations - take a pencil!.

What is mental arithmetic anyway?

This is brain pumping work aimed at developing the left and right hemispheres of the brain in the process of visualizing calculations on special accounts in the head. To use mental abacus, the child must remember the location of the bones on the knitting needles and the key manipulations with them. At the first stage of learning mental arithmetic, abacus or soroban abacus are used - chips that develop fine motor skills of the hands and help memorize numbers and their meanings during calculations.

Abacus or Soroban abacus for mental arithmetic

Abacus abacus is a frame with crossbars and six knitting needles with five dominoes strung on them. Moreover, the number of knitting needles is different, while one of the five bones is separated by a transverse bar. The set can be made of plastic or wood

As they grow older, the abacus toy is replaced by its mental (imaginary) counterpart, and the child “clicks” more and more complex mathematical calculations in his mind, without the help of a calculator. With age, unique people reach such a level of development that at the same time as solving an example in their head, they read a book or recite poetry.

To start practicing mental arithmetic with your child, teach him how to count from 1 to 10, subtraction and addition. This will already be a great first step!

A child between the ages of 4 and 12 absorbs as much as possible, gains new experiences and knowledge that determine his preferences and increase his opportunities to become a whole person in adulthood. Give more of yourself to the development of the child, his “tree of talent,” until the end of the period of second childhood. In these years, for 1 unit of time, 3 units of result will be returned to you.

There are more than 100 schools of mental arithmetic operating in Russian cities as of 2019. These are both online platforms and offline child development centers.

For readers of 1taimer.ru we have collected the top 8 schools of mental arithmetic in Russia:

  1. Soroban Int (Nizhny Novgorod).
  2. Academy for the Development of Intelligence AMAKIDS (Moscow).
  3. School IQ007 (Moscow).
  4. “Abacus” (Moscow and a number of Russian cities).
  5. Smartykids (online learning).
  6. English Class School of mental arithmetic in Rostov-on-Don.
  7. "Soroban" Ekaterinburg, Yalta.
  8. "Academy of Growth" Kazan.

In China and Japan, mental mathematics is included as part of the compulsory school curriculum. During learning, children hone their mental calculation skills; they look at results, not showmanship.

At the same time, the methods used by Asian teachers are very different from European and Russian ones. The course of school mathematics and mental arithmetic are different disciplines that harmoniously complement each other. The goal in itself of a school course in mental arithmetic is not only to teach a child to quickly count in his head, but also to develop his mental abilities to the maximum.

Good reasons to use mental arithmetic for children

Mental arithmetic will not solve all problems, and it will not create miracles. But if you use mental arithmetic on a regular basis, you can expect:

  1. Skill in quick mental arithmetic, multiplication and division of six-digit numbers;

  2. Training for brain development - both its creative and logical components;

  3. Speed ​​reading and the ability to easily learn any foreign language;

  4. High concentration of attention, regardless of external conditions;

  5. Significant increase mental abilities, academic performance in all school disciplines, including the humanities and exact sciences, increases many times;

  6. Communication skills are significantly improved - the child finds it easier and more willingly mutual language both with peers and with older people, his speech becomes more correct;

  7. Mental mathematics teaches you to think independently; for every fact, the child will form his own opinion, which is rare.

MA can be studied in development centers with qualified teachers, and at home using textbooks. There are many training videos and manuals on the Internet on how to properly handle the abacus counting board.

How mental arithmetic developed historically

The modern founder of the program for children is Halit Shin, a Turkish teacher, but the abacus itself appeared in Ancient Babylon, then came to China. Mental arithmetic how effective method teaching began to be widely used in Japan, and then in Europe, from where it came to Russia and gained popularity among teachers and parents. Today, more than five thousand mental mathematics schools operate successfully all over the world.