All about hair health. About beauty, about style, about modern life Maya is all about hair health

About the expert: Denis Prokopovich- one of the leading experts in trichology with impressive professional experience, dermatologist-trichologist at the Hair Health Center (specialized trichological clinic).

If the heating temperature of the hair fiber has reached a dangerous maximum, the touch sensor detects this difference, and the device automatically switches to a more gentle mode.

5) Don’t get too carried away in winter hot water for washing hair.

But what if you really want to quickly immerse yourself in a hot bath and warm up?

Fine! But complete the bath procedures by rinsing your hair with water at room temperature.

6) When caring for your hair in winter, don’t limit yourself to just shampooing. m.

The entire range of care products should be used. Please pay Special attention for masks. If in summer the mask can be used rarely, then in the cold season it should be used 1-2 times a week.

This product contains all the ingredients in maximum concentration and very actively nourishes and moisturizes the hair.

7) Why do split ends and what to do about it? First of all, it is worth noting improper care. Steel combs, straightening irons, hair dryer, selected cosmetical tools. As a result, the hair catastrophically loses moisture! Also, do not forget that the longer the hair, the more it is exposed to wind, heat, rain and snow. Besides external factors, may be a marker of internal problems! Lack of vitamins and/or microelements due to dysbiosis and dieting, problems of the gastrointestinal tract - all this very often becomes the cause of split ends of hair. What to do? First of all, if possible, reduce exposure to all the aggressive factors I have listed that affect your hair. Try to provide gentle care for split ends of hair. A big request: well, don’t get carried away with grandma’s folk methods, masks, wrappings! The cosmetics industry has reached such a high level that it is able to offer the most advanced technologies and active ingredients to solve a particular problem.

8) How to get rid of electrified hair? The peculiarity of caring for such hair is its delicate care. Wash your hair with warm, but not hot water.

Try to reduce the use of hair dryers and straightening irons as much as possible. And if it is impossible to completely abandon the hair dryer, pay attention to devices that have an additional ionization function. Also provide your hair with high-quality and gentle combing. Remember that metal combs can make the situation worse.

9) Why do you need hair balms and conditioners? The microelement composition of water, the use of a hair dryer after washing your hair, and, finally, the shampoo itself can slightly “ruffle” the keratin scales of the cuticle. And in this case, the next player enters the hair care arena - hair conditioner. Its task is to carefully smooth out raised scales and close microscopic tears in the cuticle.

In addition, hair balms and conditioners contain a lot of additional caring ingredients that nourish the hair. Therefore, it is advisable to leave the conditioner on your hair for several minutes.

10) Special hair care. Be sure to use the mask 1-2 times a week. The mask contains a very high concentration of active substances, caring ingredients and conditioning additives.

Hair care. My hair history was quite interesting until I was about 20 years old.. In 9th grade, I started actively experimenting with them - bangs, dyeing them chestnut, then blond, then black, then red. Naturally, everything happened at home in the bathroom using the simplest paints. In general, I tried everything and didn’t regret my hair one bit. My hair was long and grew quickly, so I thought little about its quality, and more and more about changing its shades.

In my 5th year at university, I realized it was time to quit. and completely stopped coloring my hair. At the time, I had very long hair and a lot of light brown hair. Everything looked very good except for one thing - the quality of the hair was terrible: it split, broke off, was dull and completely devoid of shine.

I endured it for another year without dyeing them, and grew roots and at one point she cut her hair quite short. The haircut was stupid, it didn’t suit me at all, but I got rid of the hated straw hair and found completely my own hair with soft and manageable ends.

Since then my long story of growing began and life without colors. Actually, to this day I believe that my hair color suits me completely and makes my image noble and calm. It is unlikely that I will ever change the color radically.

So, during the growing period, I didn’t think about style at all. Then it seemed to me that the longer the better! I used numerous folk remedies, but more often professional ones, I took vitamins to speed up hair growth, and I must say, it grew quite quickly. Without haircuts (there were only trims every six months) and coloring, I grew my hair from a haircut above the shoulders to the waist in about 5 years.

2011, Jamaica and my sun-bleached hair. I could have done the currently fashionable surfer girl hairstyle and I’d still be in trend.

2012, Venice, I absolutely seriously wanted my hair to become even longer. I even asked my husband if it was clear that my braid was down to my waist :)

Folk remedies for hair growth.

All these years, during the growing period, I used several basic products, which I still think are very cool.

I can't say that I'm a big fan of folk remedies.: I’m too lazy to cover myself with sour cream, rub onion juice into the roots or pour nettle infusions over my head, and I’ve never done this. However, there are a few homemade masks that I love and use periodically. And during the period of active growth, I did them very often - 2 - 4 times a week!

So, my first favorite mask is cognac-honey.
Just the smell of honey and cognac drives me crazy! You simply buy the thinnest possible honey and mix it with cognac, by eye, you should get a pleasant consistency and rub it into the roots of your hair, distributing the remainder along the entire length. Then all this under a plastic cap and towel. We wear all this on our heads for at least half an hour, and better time or two.

The essence of this mask is to warm up and at the same time a strengthening effect. After the mask, my hair is shiny and smells delicious! The mask is washed off very easily with plain water, you don’t need to wash anything out of your hair!

The second mask, which I consider a very powerful hair growth stimulator, is the dimexide mask. You need to cook it very carefully! Dimexide is a medical drug that is used to speed up the tissue healing process. Thanks to it, all components of care products are easily absorbed by the scalp.

Before use Dimexide (1 teaspoon) diluted with water approximately 1:1, after which oils heated in a water bath are added to it. The oils I use are jojoba and argan (I almost always bring the latter from Italy, where it is of better quality and cheaper). In addition to oils, I add vitamins A and E in oil solutions. If desired, you can add essential oil, the smell of which you like. I usually add rosemary or ylang ylang for shine!

A little warning. This mask, like any oil mask, does not wash off the first time. Especially if you have fine, porous hair like me. However, the result is always amazing - hair is shiny, healthy, soft and smooth!

A minimal set of oils that I always have in my bathroom cabinet. As soon as they run out, I immediately run for new ones. When I’m too lazy to make masks, I add 2-3 drops of jojoba or argan oil to the shampoo, and after washing, rub 2-3 drops of oil in my palms and run my palms through wet hair.

Another cool one folk remedy- salt scalp scrub. I use coarse sea salt for this. Unwashed hair should be slightly moistened, take a pinch of salt and gently rub into the roots, gently massage for 2 - 3 minutes. This scrub will help you exfoliate old skin and open pores. And you will also have the feeling of squeaky clean hair!

Curly hair

Wearing long straight hair for a long time I was quite happy with it. But one day I started to notice how my hair started to curl. It is completely unnoticeable and first in the inner part, near the neck. It was a funny sight, as if the bottom layer of hair was after braiding, and the top layer was after straightening with an iron.

Thanks to this bottom layer of hair it seemed incredibly much, he seemed to push it and I always received a lot of compliments about the thickness of my hair.

But one day this hair “after braids” began to appear all over my head, mixed with straight ones like straw, it didn’t look very good and for the first time I started straightening my hair with an iron. Of course, the hair began to deteriorate, split, and break off.

At that time in my life I made my first attempt hair shortening. Psychologically, I felt more comfortable this way, plus all these strange curly strands mixed with straight ones were terribly annoying. I cut my hair in a perfectly straight cut, straightened my hair, and lived like that for another two years.

Among the products, I used my favorite series from L’oreal Professionel, which I will tell you more about below, and often experimented with cosmetic oils, but never found the perfect ones.

The classic “straight cut” haircut was cut with both scissors and a clipper. But the hair lay so smooth only after ultra-hot styling in the salon or ironing.

My first haircut after a long series straight, undyed hair happened not so long ago, in October 2014, after which, with minimal changes, I stuck to it.

Hair Styling.

The first thing I encountered when I got my haircut, which I fell in love with instantly, this desire to do the same styling! I wanted the same smoothness and the same beautiful curled ends. The master advised me to buy a hair dryer with a rotating brush. That same evening I started googling, and the very next day I became the happy owner of a set: a hair dryer with several attachments.

My choice fell on the Babyliss hair dryer brush with natural bristles. After 2 years of use, I cannot name a single disadvantage, except, perhaps, three additional and completely unnecessary attachments. The brush rotates in different directions, which allows you to easily do salon styling at home. I got used to using the brush the third time and now I can’t imagine any other way to style my hair!

However, it is worth remembering that this is a typical heat styling, which means it is necessary to use thermal protective agents.

Babyliss brush with the only attachment I use

The rest of the attachments that have been lying idle in a beautiful box since the moment of purchase

Burnt hair effect

After about a year I wanted to experiment, and we added “sun highlights” to the haircut. I liked the result and during the last haircut, in the summer of 2016, it was decided to repeat the “highlights”.

Glare or the effect of sun-bleached hair They magically refresh your look, make your skin lighter, and add volume to your hair! But at the same time, the quality of the hair, of course, changes. More serious “support” is required than just shampoo/conditioner.

A month ago I did the Shielding procedure hair Paul Mitchell PM Shines. This moisturizes the hair and protects against exposure environment, UV protection, as well as ammonia-free coloring (tinting). To be honest, the effect did not last long for my hair, although for the first 2 weeks my hair really shone and shone. As a result, I decided to go back to my usual products to maximize hydration for my bleached hair!

foreshadowing questions about installation, I will say that it is done very simply. A strand of hair is curled onto a curling iron from the reverse side, that is, from above, and not from below, as curls are made. You simply hold the tip of the strand in your hand so that it remains straight. This is how you get a careless wavy hairstyle.

Hair care products

Well, now to the funds!

Since we started about Paul Mitchell, where I get my hair cut and do procedures last years, then let's start about their means.

The first product is love - this is the intensely moisturizing hair mask Paul Mitchell Super-Charged Moisturizer. This mask is designed for severely damaged and dry hair, just for me after, albeit light, but still lightening.

The composition contains as moisturizers panthenol, glycerin, algae extract, aloe juice. The mask also contains hydrolyzed soy proteins, which help restore hair structure. After use, the hair is very moisturized and dense, just like after a salon treatment.

The second product is Paul Mitchell Super Skinny serum.. I use it for subsequent styling, plus the serum greatly facilitates combing and evens out the surface of the hair. Does not make hair greasy and is very economical. It does not have a therapeutic effect, since it contains mainly silicones; in fact, for me it is ordinary thermal protection.

Hair masks

In addition to Paul Mitchell, I use L’Oreal products

Professionel. I have been familiar with these products for a very long time and over the past 7-8 years I have been constantly using them, periodically trying products from other brands so that my hair does not get used to it.

I’ve probably tried all the masks from L’Oreal Professionel, shampoos and conditioners, but my favorite ones, which I always return to after any experiments, are the Absolut Repair series.

Favorite Absolut Repair products from L’Oreal Professionel.

The main active ingredients of L’Oreal Professionel products from the Absolut Repair Lipidium series - ceramides, lactic acid, restoring phytokeratin and a protective UV filter, which is important in the summer. You can purchase these products in beauty salons, on the Golden Apple network, or from By the way, this is exactly what I did before, because in Yekaterinburg the products of this brand and this series are sold only in small jars, but from I carried huge bottles and jars, which lasted me for six months or more.

shampoo L'Oreal Professionel

I love the texture of the mask, it just melts on my hair. Porous hair immediately begins to “eat” it. I felt the same effect when applying the Paul Mitchell mask. The main thing is to use the mask “as intended.” That is, only when your hair really needs “feeding” - when it is dull, brittle, dry. Using a mask on healthy hair can make it very heavy and make your hair feel dirty.

mask L'Oreal Professionel from the Absolut Repair Lipidium series

L’Oreal Professionel two-phase serum I decided to try from the Absolut Repair Lipidium series in the summer of 2016. I have never used such products that promise to make the ends of my hair perfect. From the very first use along with the shampoo and mask, I fell in love with this product.

Although it is recommended not to use a large number of facilities To prevent my hair from getting greasy, I applied a lot, but my hair continued to absorb everything that was given to it, so I never saw any oiliness on my head.

biphasic serum L'Oreal Professionel from the Absolut Repair Lipidium series

sometimes the products of the complex can be bought in a gift box, which is more profitable than buying separately, so always ask if such kits are available

And now I’ll move on to the means that do not so much improve existing hair, how many help new ones grow faster and stronger. This is my recent discovery - products from the Finnish company Sim. This series is highly recommended by trichologists.

The complex includes shampoo, mask-scrub and serum. You can buy all the products together in special boxes, or you can buy them all separately. The manufacturer writes that the products are intended to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp. Antiseptic plant extracts, salicylic acid and menthol disinfect and soothe the scalp, refresh and regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Do you have little hair?

I started using these products, when suddenly, quite suddenly, in the spring of 2016, my hair began to fall out actively. There were no obvious reasons for this and I have never encountered this problem in my life, at least in the last 10 years. Of course, like any girl, I started to panic. And then this wonderful box ended up in my hands.

I’ll say right away that they didn’t produce shampoo with a mask. no impression on me. Once accustomed to salon products, wash your hair medicated shampoos not entirely pleasant. After treatment, the hair is not shiny, fluffy and sticks out in all directions, although it looks quite healthy and shiny.

But I immediately liked the serum. Firstly, its cooling effect due to the menthol included in the composition. Secondly, a rather powerful composition of herbs and oils. The composition also contains Piroctone olamine (eliminates dandruff, cleanses the scalp, and has a powerful antibacterial effect).

Leave-in serum, applied after mask and shampoo, It doesn’t make my dry hair oily (although nothing makes it oily at all, sometimes I think that I don’t even need to wash it, how dry it is). But most importantly, after about 2 weeks of daily rubbing of the serum, the hair loss stopped and has not recurred since then. I'm now halfway through my second bottle, using more as a preventive measure.

I'm not sure yet if I will continue to add light ones. glare or go back to completely natural hair. I like the first option visually, the second is certainly more gentle.

after use professional means+ treatments for about a month after adding light highlights

Well, now in a nutshell about how to use all these tools. I try to alternate them constantly. When I need to sparkle with the beauty of perfect shiny hair and create the effect of a salon style, I use L’Oreal and Paul Mitchel products. When I know I'll be wearing a bun all day - System 4 Sim. It usually turns out that I just alternate them when washing my hair and use them every other time.

Beauty blogs are modern lifesavers and a source of inspiration for girls. Life has become easier with them, if only because they help save time and, most importantly, with their help you can learn about beauty news and learn how to weave a fashionable fishtail or inverted braid. Today we’ll take a look at popular blogs of girls who share their beauty finds and hairstyle ideas on their pages.


For a long time, Christina from Sydney didn't know what to do with her unruly, curly hair. But then she did good haircut and her life began to change before her eyes. Now Christina, with the help of her blog, helps other girls change their attitude towards their hair and shares the secrets of original styling.

What to expect from the blog: many styles, buns, boho braids, step-by-step and video tutorials on creating hairstyles and reviews of hair products.


Hairstyles of Sydney's most glamorous clients in Sydney's most glamorous hair salons - this is the motto of the Australian fashionista's blog. Her strong point is coloring in an avant-garde style.

What to expect from the blog: a large number of creative coloring options, coloring in technicolor style, ombre and a separate section - haircuts, the Before & After section.


The authors of this blog are two girls who simply love braids. Therefore, the main topic of the posts on this blog is a selection of photographs with various intricate weaves. Braids on long hair, braids in a bun, boho braids... In a word, a real treasure trove for those who love braiding and are looking for new options for braiding them.

What to expect from the blog: a sea of ​​pictures of different hairstyles with braids.


The blog was created as an online assistant for girls who are trying to tame their curly hair. The author of the blog is African American and knows about the problems firsthand. The closest attention in the blog is paid to posts with examples of styling for curly hair, which are shared by the same curly girls.


On the page of this pretty girl (who works as a hairdresser) you can find many video tutorials on creating beautiful and sometimes very complex hairstyles with braids. Kylie admits that she just loves braids.

What to expect from the blog: cute shots with colorful and intricate braids for both long and long short hair, video tutorials with instructions, makeup ideas.


The beauty blog of a girl named Steph Brinkerhoff will tell you how to style your hair in a romantic style and do stylish makeup.

What to expect from the blog: a large selection of hairstyles for “special occasions”. More suitable for girls who have mastered all types of weaving or professional hairdressers.


Sarah is a famous hair stylist. Sarah's Instagram collection includes long-term photo projects, for example, “100 days and 100 hairstyles.” Photo and video tutorials will show you how to quickly style your hair into beautiful curls, tousle your braid correctly, or create a retro hairstyle.

What to expect from the blog: Cute and practical hairstyles, hairstyles for every day, celebrity looks from carpets and events.

Photos: Alena Ermishina

Interview: Margarita Virova

About the blog and attitude towards cosmetics

I once faced a choice: go to work in the marketing department of the largest exhibition company in the world and earn chronic stress, or leave for the position of editor-in-chief of a portal about aesthetics and plastic surgery. Despite the fact that I had zero experience in editorial work, I was confident that I could handle it. After I chose the position of editor, life turned out to be inextricably linked with the beauty industry. That's when I started blogging. At first it was in LiveJournal, then on a separate site; Now I have left myself a telegram channel and an Instagram account.

Attitudes towards cosmetics have been constantly changing for six years. At first there was admiration and a sense of involvement in beauty, then - a desire to try everything that could be bought and talk about wonderful new products. Then fatigue. Then criticism (kamon, it’s just cosmetics!). I used to think that another couple of years would pass and I wouldn’t wash or put on makeup at all, by God. At such moments, I took a break - and invariably the desire to blog returned.

Now I feel free from the judgments of others. All this multi-colored hair - gray, blue - green lipstick is trending - it's wonderful. Simply because now you have a choice and you don’t have to compromise with yourself when it comes to makeup. I remember the moment when I posted a photo with blue lipstick on LiveJournal, and Lera Skromni posted a photo with green lipstick. Readers were not ready then, but now this surprises few people. There is nothing permanent or correct in beauty, and we still have to work on the culture of writing, relations with readers and interaction with PR services. There are a lot of blind spots now, and no one knows what to do with them.

About acne and acids

I had acne for many years, and I was able to get it under control only with the help of acids - now I use minimal care, cosmeceuticals. By the way, I’m preparing a review of the new brand RejudiCare Synergy: I actively use it and so far I’m delighted with the gels with retinol and glycolic acid. Their Skincleanse wash is also excellent - the skin after it is smooth, smooth and soft. I experiment mainly with masks and moisturizing. I don’t like hoarding millions of cans; if something doesn’t suit me, I give it to friends and keep only the most effective ones for myself. In addition to cosmeceuticals, Erborian and L’Occitane skincare works well for me. Since I use acids, I almost never need to deep cleanse. If I feel that something is wrong with my skin, I take Aevit vitamins and linseed oil, after consulting with a cosmetologist.

Now I have discovered a whole category of care - thermal water and mists: I used to underestimate them, but in vain. I’m also researching eye patches, but haven’t found the perfect ones yet. For the body, I really like to use oil scrubs, which both exfoliate and nourish the skin. Sometimes I want to create a home spa in my bathroom, but since I work remotely and have two children, I choose to save time. Time is the most valuable resource, and I consider it irrational to spend it on such a long process.

About sports for love

Until recently, I considered myself a completely unsportsmanlike person - although I did not complain about my health and was generally in good physical shape. But two children make their own adjustments, and a couple of years ago I went to the pool and began swimming a kilometer a day. I really liked the result: the volume did not go away, but the body became toned, and additional energy appeared. In addition, methodical movements and water relieved stress.

This summer I couldn’t get into the pool, so I pulled my bike out from under the centuries-old dust. For almost ten years he has been waiting in the wings! Now I just love riding: in the summer I tried to cover eight to ten kilometers every day, and I have great company - my four-year-old son is always in favor of going with me. The main thing I understood is: there is no need to force yourself. Sometimes the best thing we can do is give ourselves the power to choose and come to useful things not through “need”, but through “want”. Now I’m looking forward to next summer so I can ride with my husband and daughter.

About makeup

I love wearing makeup and this blog has been incredibly helpful. Although I cannot be called a “god” level makeup artist, I know the features of my face pretty well: smokey eyes, bright lips, Instagram eyebrows, and simply combed ones suit me equally well. Now I have come to the conclusion that the most important thing in makeup is well-done skin. My ideal makeup for every day is an even tone, glowing skin, detailed eyebrows and mascara. You can add bright lips and blush to match.

I try to try new brands all the time. Among the latest discoveries are Natasha Denona eyeshadows (divine quality, especially metallic ones), Milk highlighter, and new KKW products. But I still try to choose and not be an omnivore. Of the Russian brands, we are very pleased with the brands “Art-Visage”, Promakeup Lab, Estrade - but in fairness it should be noted that they are all part of one concern.

About textbooks and blogs

I read textbooks on cosmetology and cosmetic ingredients and manuals for cosmetologists (Tatyana Puchkova, Elena Hernandez). This helps to systematically approach the choice of cosmetics and understand its effect on the skin. Many books are sold at the Russian Perfume and Cosmetic Association. Some are at the stands of publishing houses at Intercharm - look for the stands of the Old Fortress and the Publishing House Cosmetics and Medicine.

If we talk about bloggers, among the Russian ones I like the Beauty Insider project, mainly for its non-standard presentation of material. I still remember how the girls checked the fat content of hand creams leather bag, and the durability of lipstick is due to eating cheesecakes. After I installed Telegram, I almost stopped reading social networks and blogs. I like Adele’s channels for their scientific approach, I like “Beauty over 300” for its humor - I don’t like it when cosmetics are taken too seriously. I discovered the Parf4you perfume channels of my beloved Maria Kondratieva (I’ve known her for a long time, a great trainer and perfume guru) and Lyubov Berlyanskaya. Talented girl Katya - I really like her makeup style. Now she has completed an intensive course at the Chilly Dash school - I will ask her secrets.

About coffee and family

I'm a rabid squirrel addicted to caffeine. Besides the fact that I work remotely in beauty on three projects, I run Instagram, a Telegram channel, and I have two young children at home. That's why I drink liters of coffee, and the best gift I got a cool coffee machine for my wedding anniversary. I still can’t refuse it, although caffeine causes fluid retention and dehydration. Therefore, my only wish to myself is to drink more water. I would also like to train myself to smear myself with masks while I’m sitting at my laptop.

I prefer active holidays: walks or trips to new places. I try to spend more time with my loved ones and not be afraid to tell them about my feelings - whether I’m tired or happy - and don’t be shy to ask them to leave me alone for a few minutes. Family is an invaluable resource, if you don’t think that everyone has to read your thoughts.