Non-traditional drawing technique in the senior group. Non-traditional drawing methods for older children. Summary of a lesson on a non-traditional type of drawing in the senior group “country blotography”

Unusual ways to draw: don't be afraid to experiment! Hello, my dear friends and random blog guests! Tatyana Sukhikh is with you, and the topic of my article is unconventional drawing in the senior group. Perhaps someone accuses kindergartens of conservatism, they say, they use outdated methods of teaching fine arts, the subjects that are offered to children for drawing, sculpting and appliqué are primitive and outdated...

Well, there is some truth in this; we, preschool teachers, agree that it is time to change the program. But I want to defend our “conservatism” - there are decades-tested techniques and practices that really work, even applicable to today’s interactive children. And, in addition, in kindergarten we try to diversify joint activities as much as possible and add something non-standard to class notes.

And non-traditional fine art techniques are one of the ways to raise a creatively developed person.

So, regarding non-standard drawing methods, I personally definitely need to attend the webinar (and I advise you to), which is dedicated to classical and non-traditional materials in children's fine arts. Moreover, UchMag offers a tempting promotion - topping up your personal account and issuing a special webinar participant certificate.

From the literature, I would recommend the manual by G.N. Davydova “22 drawing lessons for preschoolers. Unconventional techniques,” which can be purchased at Ozone or UchMag. This is a good method by which you can compile a competent and interesting summary of unconventional drawing in the senior group, just in our topic. Parents will also find this book useful; it contains excellent materials about non-standard techniques for using paints and improvised objects.

An excellent gift for children would be the “I paint without a brush” set - it contains paints, various rollers, stamps, spatulas, and a design notebook. An inexpensive but cool set that will help your child become more daring in creativity, creative, as they say now.

What non-traditional methods of image transmission exist?

It should be noted that it is extremely important to use unusual drawing methods for children with developmental delays. They don't particularly like to draw, but they find it extremely rewarding to be creative. Therefore, you should show your child that there are many ways to depict something on paper. Remember that the child needs training; take the time to show the children how to draw using available objects.

A love of art instilled in children at an early age will help them grow into versatile individuals.

So, non-traditional drawing in the older group, and indeed for others age groups, involves the use of such techniques:

  • Finger painting - if little children simply like to dip their fingers in liquid and move on paper, then older children already make complex patterns or combine finger painting with other methods. At the same time, older children dip each finger in paint of a different color and try not to stain the white sheet of paper, but to make impressions carefully. If you put a print of an entire palm, then you can draw many different characters from the resulting print.

  • Drawing with pokes - for this you take either a special brush with cut bristles or cotton swabs. You can draw using water or a dry poke. In the latter case, “fluffy” lines are beautifully obtained.
  • Leaf stamps – here a real leaf from a tree, preferably dried, is used as a stamp. The paint is applied over the leaf, which is then gently pressed onto the paper. This technique can be used to create beautiful autumn landscapes.
  • It is impossible to imagine a class on non-traditional drawing in the senior group without blotography - a favorite type of creativity for children. It's simple: put a blot of paint, take a drinking straw and blow through it onto the blot, blowing the paint in different directions. It’s especially interesting to think of what can be added to make the blot turn into someone or something.

You can also drop a blot, fold the sheet in half and get a mirror image of a unique shape.

Threads are also used for blotography - we wet the folded threads in paint different colors, put it on paper, fold it in half or put another sheet of paper on top and pull out the threads from under the paper.

Additional non-standard techniques

  • Prints – there are many options here. Imprints can be made using almost any object: corks, potatoes, crumpled paper, foam rubber and anything that has an interesting texture.
  • Stencils – there are ready-made stencils, you can make them yourself. But in any case, the technique is very interesting, but requires skill.
  • Wet painting - we draw either on a pre-moistened sheet of paper or the finished drawing is lowered into a basin of water for a couple of seconds. It turns out very beautiful!
  • Painting with a toothbrush - spraying. Paint is applied to the brush and sprayed onto a sheet of paper with a stick. You can also draw pictures with a toothbrush, depicting grass, animal fur, etc.

  • Monotopy is a cool technique, everyone knows it. Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. Then on one half we draw a picture or element with paints, bend the sheet, and get a mirror image. This is how you can draw water landscapes. You can also do it another way: we apply the design to the oilcloth, and then press the oilcloth to the paper. It turns out great!
  • A scratchplate is something similar to an engraving. We draw chaotic strokes on white or colored paper. After drying, rub the surface with wax. Next we paint it completely with black gouache. Then we scratch the design with a skewer.
  • Plasticineography - drawing with melted plasticine.
  • Stained glass - a sketch is drawn on paper, maybe graphic. Then apply a layer of PVA along the contour and let it dry. Next, the space inside the contour is painted as in a stained glass window.
  • Drawing with sand, salt, scraps of paper. First, we draw on a sheet of paper with PVA glue, then we sprinkle some loose material on top, shaking off the excess. You can also paint on top of the drawing, it will turn out very unusual.

  • The non-traditional drawing technique in the older group also includes templateography. We take various objects and trace them along the contour, selecting the shape so that in the end we get the intended object.
  • Drawing with different objects: drinking straws, disposable forks, flat comb, toothbrush, wooden chopsticks etc. Thick paints can be applied to paper with spatulas, rollers, or simply with your fingers, as I have already mentioned.

I wonder how you draw with children? Perhaps you have a personal patented drawing technique? Share with us?

Fine arts activities provide an opportunity to enjoy positive emotions and feel like the master of your creativity. Children explore and learn to understand the world around them by copying it. Their drawings reflect their personal attitude to everything that happens around them. A variety of forms, methods and techniques for working in visual arts develops the child’s artistic abilities. This article presents certain types of non-traditional drawing techniques.

What is unconventional drawing?

This is an art that is not based on traditions, does not adhere to them, but is distinguished by its originality and originality. Drawing in an unconventional style captivates, fascinates, delights and surprises children. After all, unusual materials are used here, and most importantly, there is no place for the word “impossible.” You can depict what you want, how you want and with what you want. Moreover, it is not forbidden to come up with a new technique for depicting the image yourself.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in school and kindergarten teach children to express their plans freely, without any restrictions. Children's fears recede, self-confidence appears. The unusual nature of unconventional drawing is that it allows children to quickly get the desired result.

What is the importance of image technique when creating a children's drawing?

In the children's creativity, the world around them opens up differently each time. It depends on the inner state of the little artist: on his desires and feelings. Children are more susceptible to emotions. In their imagination, images appear that defy any explanation. They can draw a red elephant, yellow rain, or a running house.

Why does a child want to create, what motivates him to do this? First of all, of course, an imaginary image in his mind. At first glance, everything seems simple: I saw it and drew it. But in fact, this path is very difficult for a child, and requires a lot of knowledge and impressions from him. These are emotional experiences and the ability to be surprised and observe.

Drawing. Unconventional technique. Senior group

Drawing a drawing on paper with pencils or paints helps the child prepare for the learning process at school. After all, during classes, children show their individuality. Properly organized drawing lessons develop the child’s intellectual abilities and correct mental processes. And this is no coincidence. In such classes, preschoolers have the opportunity to confidently assess their strengths, which is very important for the future school team. Non-traditional drawing techniques contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Children in the senior group of kindergarten learn to paint with fingers, wax, palms, foam rubber, and watercolors. The children draw with great interest using the method of blotography, dot images, prints, and splashing.

Blotography using thread

To paint a picture using this technique, you do not need a brush. The unconventional drawing technique, the photo of which is presented to your attention, is attractive because there are no strictly defined canons. For example, this blot must be drawn in a round shape. Using non-traditional drawing techniques in classes opens up wide opportunities for children's imagination.

So, for the work you need threads, paints and white paper. First, the thread should be dyed in the color you like best. Then lay it out on a prepared sheet of paper in a chaotic manner, but so that the tip remains behind the field. Cover with another sheet on top and pull out the thread. You will get oddly shaped spots and lines. With the help of a pencil they can easily be transformed into the desired image.


There are a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques for children. One of them is splashing, or splashing. In this technique, the drawing should be done with a hard brush or a toothbrush. To get an image, you first need to dip a brush in gouache and then spray it all over the sheet. The result is small droplets, which in some places merge into large spots. Just take a pencil and finish drawing your favorite character or object. If you dip a brush in toothpaste and spray it, you get snow.


There is a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. Monotype is one of them. This is perhaps the most magical genre of drawing: neither painting nor graphics, but something between a magic trick and a beautiful fairy tale. Children's non-traditional drawing techniques provide the opportunity for free self-expression. This drawing method is very enticing for preschoolers, although it is rarely used in art classes. What is it?

This technique is used if you need to get a mirror image. With its help, a reflection on the water and objects located symmetrically are drawn. First, the design is depicted on smooth cellophane. To do this, you will need a soft brush or match wrapped in cotton wool. As a last resort, you can draw with your finger. The paint must be bright and thick so that it does not spread. The further action is as follows: until the paint has dried, turn the cellophane over onto a white sheet of thick paper, pattern down, and blot it, as it were. Then, carefully, so as not to smear, it rises. You get two identical drawings: one on paper, the other on cellophane.


This word translated from French means “scratch, scrape”, hence another name for this technique - scratching. To make a drawing using this technique, you need to fill the cardboard with paraffin, apply ink, wait until it dries completely and scratch out the desired design.


Drawing in this technique is done using water. To do this, a large gouache drawing is depicted on thick paper. When the paint dries, the entire drawing is covered with black ink and appears in water. The gouache will be washed off with water, but the mascara will remain. Unconventional drawing techniques work wonders. Flowers painted using this method are especially beautiful.

Water seal

This is a kind of drawing method. To work you will need a bath of water. Paint of different colors is poured directly onto its surface, and a landscape sheet of paper is placed on top of it. The resulting image can be completed with strokes using a brush.

Drawing with a candle or wax crayons

Unconventional drawing techniques have many names. One of them is drawing with a candle. To do this, you need to color a sheet of white paper with pencils of different colors. Then we draw houses, stars or some other object or image with a candle. After this, we paint over our drawing with watercolors.

Drawing with dots

Children really like unconventional drawing techniques. Writing a picture with dots is an unusual technique. To do this, take colored pencils or felt-tip pens and put dots on a white sheet of paper. But it’s better to do it with paints.

The match is cleaned of sulfur, a piece of cotton wool is wrapped around the tip, dipped in paint and dots are applied.

Foam rubber drawings

Many people associate painting with paints with a brush. But this is not an entirely correct judgment. After all, instead of a brush, you can cut from foam rubber geometric shapes, attach them to an unsharpened pencil or any smooth stick. The homemade brush is ready. Next, each figure is dipped in paint and stamped on paper. Thus, circles, triangles, rhombuses are obtained. You can make an ornament out of them.

Chalk drawing

Children love it when variety is brought into their lives. This can be done using ordinary chalk or coal. They fit well on asphalt, ceramic tiles, stones, and porcelain. Capacious images of subjects are good to draw on asphalt.

If the work is not finished, you can continue the next day. Of course, there may be disappointments if it rains and washes away the entire drawing. Based on the plots drawn, children compose entire stories. It is convenient to depict small objects and patterns on ceramic tiles. But on the large stones are the heads of fairy-tale animals.


A common material to use - potatoes - can be used to depict animals on paper. To do this, you need to make a signet out of a vegetable. The potatoes are cut in half and an animal or object is drawn on the smooth side with a pen. Then, using the tip of a knife, carefully cut along the contour to a height of 1.5 centimeters, attach a handle and the seal is ready. The child applies the stamp to the foam rubber with paint, then applies the stamp to the paper. If the paint color needs to be changed, take another signet and foam rubber. This drawing technique is especially popular with children. After all, one and the same object can be depicted many times, and a whole composition can be made from it.

Leaf prints

When conducting classes with children, you can use a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions. In early spring, when young sticky leaves bloom on the trees, and in late autumn, when they change color and fall off, the child watches them with interest. Therefore, when in class children are asked to print a real birch or maple leaf, they do it with great pleasure. First you need to cover the sheet with paint, and then apply the painted side to white paper. Each time you should take a different piece of paper. This way the veins will be imprinted better. If there is no petiole, no problem. It can be easily painted with a brush.

Blowing paint

If you need to depict shrubs, trees, unusual fairy-tale plants or corals, use this technique. You need to drop some paint onto a sheet of paper and use a cocktail straw to blow it up in accordance with the intended image. The drawing turns out bright and expressive. This technique is especially suitable for those children who have difficulty expressing their creativity through lines.

Drawing on wet paper

The types of non-traditional drawing techniques are so diverse that for each child you can individually choose the most interesting and exciting method for him. One of these is the image of a drawing on wet paper. The fact is that until recently it was considered possible to paint only on dry paper, since paint diluted with water already moistens it.

But there are plots, images, objects into which you need to introduce vagueness and uncertainty. For example, fog, a dream, night. However, the paper should not be too wet, otherwise the drawing will not work. There is no need to submerge all the paper in water. It is enough to wet a piece of cotton wool, squeeze it out and rub it over the surface of the sheet or its individual parts. The paper is prepared for work, you can start depicting images.

Drawing with hands

Children in the senior group of kindergarten enjoy learning this method of unconventional drawing. After all, the work uses fingers, which the child dips into gouache and begins to paint with them without any brush. Every finger can be dipped in paint different colors. This way you get a whole set of brushes. And if you paint your palm and apply it to paper, an imprint will remain on it.

The guys themselves give the image desired shapes. They easily turn him into a dragon, a butterfly, whoever has enough imagination. While completing this task, children make different movements with their hands: blotting, slapping, smearing.

Drawing with a cloth swab. Master class on the topic

This form of conducting classes in kindergarten attracts children, their parents and teachers. Those who wish attend the master class with great pleasure. Unconventional drawing techniques are always interesting for their mystery and novelty. If the theme of the master class is drawing a landscape in black and white, then for the work you will need gouache of the appropriate color, pieces cotton fabric, white sheet of paper, PVA glue, colored cardboard, scissors.

So, let's start working. We crumple the fabric and make a tampon from it of such a size that it is convenient to hold it. This will be your brush. Dip it in black paint and draw a horizontal line on a sheet of paper. It is the horizon, that is, it separates the sky from the earth. The higher this line, the more space opens to the eye.

Let's continue drawing unconventional technology. We will depict a forest at a distance. To do this, we print shrubs and trees from the horizon upward using chaotic touching movements. You should always remember that objects in the foreground are always larger and more distinct than those in the background. This rule also applies to non-traditional drawing techniques. The pictures then turn out beautiful, the objects depicted in them become similar to real ones.

Now we fill in the foreground and draw the shore line by drawing it from left to right. Using the same swab, we print bushes, then using the smear method we draw clouds in the sky. Next we depict ripples on the lake, the sun and its reflection in clear water. Drawing using non-traditional techniques is completed. The picture is ready.

Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea

Municipal budgetary educational institution

for preschool and younger children school age

"Ermakovskaya primary school- kindergarten"

Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea

Lesson notes on unconventional drawing

in the older group

Educator at MBOU "Ermakovskaya"

initial school-kindergarten»:

Davidko Maria Pavlovna

Subject:"Spring Tree"

Target: Continue to strengthen the ability to perform work using non-traditional techniques.

Program content:

Artistic creativity:

Introduce children to a new type of unconventional drawing technique


Introduce the method of drawing with a tube and the method of finishing the drawing with brushes (napkins).

Develop the ability to convey colors.

Develop color perception and sense of composition.

To arouse the desire of children to convey their impressions of the perception of objects in art activities, to bring them to the awareness of an expressive image.


Develop cognitive and research activities.

Develop imagination, attention, memory and thinking.

Develop the respiratory system.


Improve speech as a means of communication.

Improve the ability to accurately characterize an object, make assumptions and draw simple conclusions.

Activating the dictionary: cocktail tube.

Dictionary enrichment: blotography.

Developmental environment:

Excursion through the spring park.

Looking at illustrations on the theme “Spring has come.”

Games with water and a cocktail straw “Battleship”

Blowing air through a tube.

Making a background using the “Wet on wet” technique.


Tinted sheets, diluted gouache, cocktail tubes, water in glasses, sand on plates, brushes. (Paper napkins.)

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Magic music sounds

Hello, dear wizards! Yes, yes, this is exactly how I address you today, because today you will try to perform real magic.

Reading a poem.

Where are the wizards?

In your fantasies!

Who do wizards hang out with?

And with those who believe in them!

2. Updating knowledge.

What items do wizards use? (A magic wand, an invisibility hat, walking boots, a self-assembled tablecloth, a magic mirror).

You and I are magic artists, that’s why we have our own magic object - a magic tube.


Reading a poem.

We are a magic straw

Let's wave it quietly

And miracles in a plate

We will find it from the sand.

Move the plate with sand towards you and try to blow into the tube, what do you see? (sand swells). Try to draw the sun using a straw and air that you blow out (children draw). Now try this in a bowl of water (the kids do it). It doesn't work. And I suggest you draw on paper with the help of our magic tube, and not just draw, but blow out a drawing, and what will you learn if you guess the riddle.

It's fun in the spring,

It's cold in the summer,

Nourishes in autumn

Warms in winter.(Tree.)

4. Conversation:

Educator: - How did you guess that this was a tree?

Children: Because it cheers, nourishes, and warms.

Educator: - Explain how a tree makes you happy in the spring?

Children: Green leaves appear.

Educator: - How does a tree cool in the summer?

Children: Under a tree in the heat it’s cool, there’s shade.

Educator: - How does a tree nourish in the fall?

Children: Fruits ripen on the trees: apples, pears.

Educator: - How do you understand that a tree warms in winter?

Children: stoves are heated with logs.

Educator: You guys are great, you understood everything correctly. Who can tell what time of year it is? (spring)

What can you say about trees in spring?

(children's answers)

Reading a poem by T. Dmitriev

Buds swell in spring

And the leaves hatched

Look at the maple branches -

How many green noses?

5. Psycho-gymnastics “In the spring forest.”

Imagine that we are in a green, spring forest. (Children disperse in the group). We walk with you along the green, tender grass. (Children walk quietly - quietly). Step by step, one more step. (Children are walking). Listen, (Children stop). Hear the birds singing beautifully in the forest. (Children listen). Now look around. (Children look around). Look what beautiful flowers grow in the forest. Let's smell what they smell like. (Children inhale air). Now, you see, there is a path in the distance. (Children put their palm to their forehead). Go out onto the path. (Children line up behind the teacher) and leave the forest.

6. Work on the topic of the lesson.

We had a nice walk, and now we can get down to business.

Look what we have on the table.

(tubes, album sheets with a prepared background, brushes, diluted gouache, spoons, cups of water, paper napkins)

We will draw trees using our magic tube. First, we will take the paint with a spoon and make a blot at the place where the tree trunk will begin. Then we begin to inflate the blot with a straw, without touching either the paint or the paper. The leaf can be rotated to create a trunk.

To make a drawing beautiful, you need to try hard and do the drawing with love.

Children draw.

When the children draw the trunk and branches of the tree, the teacher invites the children to rest, as the drawing should dry.

Physical education minute.

Trees have grown in the field.
It's good to grow in freedom! (Stretching - arms to the sides)
Everyone is trying
Reaching towards the sky, towards the sun. (Stretching arms up)
A cheerful wind blew
The branches swayed immediately, (Children wave their hands)
Even thick trunks
They bent down to the ground. (Bends forward)
Right-left, back-and-forth -
This is how the wind bends the trees. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward)
He turns them, he turns them.
When will there be a rest? (Rotation of the body)
The wind died down. The moon has risen.
There was silence. (Children sit at tables)

7. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Guys, our tree doesn’t look like a spring tree. What's missing from it?

Independent activity.

8. Summing up.

Guys, look at our wonderful drawings, what helped us make them so beautiful, besides magic? (Diligence, accuracy, attention and, of course, love for nature). If you have such qualities, then I think you can do without magic.

Our lesson has come to an end. Thanks everyone for your work.

If one of the children did not have time to finish the drawing, they finish the drawing. At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition of the resulting works. Viewing children's drawings is carried out with the task of choosing expressive images: the most unusual, bright, elegant, cheerful tree. The realism of the image is noted. It is determined for each child what materials and techniques he used.

Viewing a lesson on visual arts in the senior group “Spring Tree”

Educator MBOU Davidko M.P., tutor Misyakova T.N.

Head: teacher

Startseva O.S.

Sukhoi Log, 2017

Project goal:

    Identification and development creativity for children of the older group by conducting entertaining painting activities with paints.

Project objectives:


    Introduce children to some types of non-traditional drawing techniques.

    Learn to create your own unique image in drawingschoosing a material for unconventional drawing and skillfully using it.


    Develop creativity and imagination.

    Develop a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, the desire to come to the aid of each other.


    Arouse interest in various visual materials and a desire to act with them;

For parents:

    To orient parents to the development of visual creativity in children through joint participation.

    Consultation for parents “Non-traditional drawing techniques.”

Project type: Creative

Project participants: Teachers, children of senior group No. 9, parents.

Implementation period:from 23.01 to 27.01. 2017

Predicted result:

    Increase the dynamics of a high level of development of visual activity;

    Ability to apply learned drawing techniques;

    Strive to be original in choosing the means of your plan;

    Evaluate the products of your own and others’ activities.

Project products: Wall newspaper, exhibitions of children's works.

Relevance of the project:

One of modern problems preschool pedagogy is the education of a creative personality.

Creative activity is a free activity to create a new product that carries a reflection of the personal “I”.

It is the creative activity of a child that makes him a being turned to the future, creating it and modifying his present.

The problem of children's creativity is one of the pressing problems of pedagogy and psychology.

Children's creativity is the creation by a child of a subjective (meaningful primarily for him) new product (drawing, modeling, etc.); and an objectively significant effect for society, obtained in the form of a child’s mental development in the process of creative activity; result (inventing new, previously unused details for the known, characterizing the created image in a new way).

The main types of creative activities include; artistic creative activity (fine arts, arts and crafts, etc.)

Fine arts activities provide an opportunity to enjoy positive emotions and feel like the master of your creativity. Children explore and learn to understand the world around them by copying it. Their drawings reflect their personal attitude to everything that happens around them. A variety of forms, methods and techniques for visual arts develops the child’s artistic abilities.

unconventional drawing is an art that is not based on traditions, does not adhere to them, but is distinguished by unusualness and originality. Drawing in an unconventional style captivates, fascinates, delights and surprises children. After all, unusual materials are used here, and most importantly, there is no place for the word “impossible.” You can depict what you want, how you want and with what you want. Moreover, it is not forbidden to come up with a new technique for depicting the image yourself.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten teach children to express their plans freely, without any restrictions. Children's fears recede, self-confidence appears.

The unusual thing about unconventional drawing is that it allows children to quickly get the desired result.

Project plan:



Development of consultations and memos for parents.

Drawing musing the magic drawing method( Withevening + watercolor).


Drawing-print with crumpled paper.


Blotographywith a straw.


Mirror drawing




Making a wall newspaper


Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 29"

Abstract of GCD

in drawing in the senior group,

using unconventional techniques

(candle and watercolor).

"A Night for Cinderella"


teacher Startseva O.S.

Sukhoi Log, 2017

Types of children's activities:

Form of organization : group.

Target: introduce children to unconventional drawing techniques using candles and watercolors.

Program content:


    developing: to develop artistic taste and expressiveness in children;

    educational: at teach children to depict various phenomena using unconventional drawing methods; to develop artistic taste and expressiveness in children;consolidate the ability to print with a stencil, the ability to draw with a candle and watercolors, learn to create an expressive image of a starry night, and develop aesthetic feelings;

    educational: to cultivate humanity, accuracy, interest in fine arts, and a desire to learn new things.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales with magic

Methods and techniques: conversation, surprise Cinderella moment; use of unconventional drawing techniques, musical accompaniment.

Materials: l a piece of thick paper, a candle, a star stencil, blue, cyan or black watercolors, a piece of foam rubber (for each child), a large book of fairy tales - it contains illustrations for the fairy tale “Cinderella”, clothes for Cinderella, an audio recording.

Progress of direct educational activities.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, today let’s remember different fairy tales. Look at these illustrations and please tell me which fairy tales these illustrations are for?

Children's answers: This is an illustration for the fairy tale “Kolobok”. And in this drawing “A wolf and seven kids.”

Educator: What kind of fairy tales are these?

Children: These are tales about animals.

Educator: Well done. Recently we got acquainted with fairy tales. What kind of fairy tales are they?

Children's answers

Educator: What is the magic in these fairy tales, why are they magical?

In fairy tales there are wizards, fairies, and transformations. And one of these fairy tales is the tale of Cinderella. Let's remember what this fairy tale is about.

Educator: Once upon a time there was a girl, her name was Cinderella. She was shy, hardworking and smart, and also very beautiful. She had two sisters, she loved them, respected her stepmother. Cinderella did all the housework.

One fine day her sisters went to a ball. A ball is such a big celebration where everyone has fun, dances in beautiful ballroom dresses. Our Cinderella also really wanted to go to the ball. She went out onto the porch and cried for a long time. And then a miracle - a Fairy appeared with her magic wand. She touched Cinderella, and her old torn dress turned into a ball gown, and her old shoes turned into magnificent glass slippers. And Cinderella rushed to the ball. Guys, tell me, does the Fairy still help the most hardworking, smart girls like this? Who did you like in this fairy tale?

Children's answers.

Educator: Would you like to meet Cinderella?

Children: We really want it!!!

Main part

Educator: Shh-ss! Here she is.Cinderella appears from behind a large book in an old, torn dress with patches.

Educator: Cinderella, why are you so sad and cheerless?

Cinderella (delighted): Do you know me?

Educator: Of course, we know, you are Cinderella, and you came out of this book of fairy tales (pointing to the big book).


Once upon a time, a Fairy - a sorceress

She gave me a beautiful dress.

As soon as night came,

All beauty disappeared away.Hey friends, can you help me?

Tell me what to do!How can we bring back the magic?

Cinderella is crying, the children are comforting her.

Educator: (addresses the children) Do you think we can help Cinderella?

Educator: In order for Cinderella to become a beauty again, we need to draw the night. That's when the magic will return.

Educator: Well, so that the magic would return and the drawings should be magical, now I will show it to you. I propose a new technology (in an unusual way) for drawing: we take thick paper, put a stencil on it, then take a candle, paint it, remove the stencil. Next, we paint the paper blue, dark blue, or black. (2-3 children are called to reinforce the image methods).

Educator: It's winter outside, and what is the main magic of winter? Of course it's snow and snowflakes. Now you and I will turn into snowflakes!

Fizminutka (Game “Magic Transformation”) We are snowflakesWe are snowflakes(children stand freely, hands up)We are winter snowflakesWe were sitting on a branch,(sway)the wind blew and they flew.(they run away)We flew, we flewAnd then you got tired of flying(running, spinning)The breeze has stopped blowing¬We all sat down in a circle(squat down)The wind suddenly blew againAnd the snowflakes quickly blew awayAll the snowflakes have flown awayand sat quietly on the ground

Practical part

Quiet music is playing. The children sit down and do their work. After completing the stencil, children paint the drawing in the desired color. (Assistance is provided while children are working).

Final part

Here Cinderella appears from behind a large book in elegant clothes:

Cinderella: Thank you friends. Now mine beautiful dress will never disappear and I will always be elegant and beautiful.

Cinderella and the teacher discuss the children's drawings.

Upon completion of the work, the drawings are hung on a specially prepared stand (board).

Educator: Cinderella, we wish you to always be as cheerful, elegant and shine at all the balls held in the kingdom.

Educator: You guys are great, thank you! And this is a gift for you from Cinderella (Hands out a coloring book about Cinderella to everyone).

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 29"


Joint activities of the teacher with children in II -th half of the day in the older group


“The hedgehog is our prickly friend!”

Responsible: teacher

Startseva O.S.

Sukhoi Log 2017

Educational area: "Artistic creativity."

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Physical Education”, “Communication”.

Types of children's activities: productive, cognitive, communicative, motor, playful.

Form of organization : subgroup.

Target: learn to depict a “hedgehog” on a plane, modeling its image using plasticine and an unconventional material – seeds.


Develop skills and abilities in working with plasticine - pinching, rolling sausages with fingers, smearing on the base, smoothing finished surfaces, develop general and fine motor skills of the fingers;

Develop speech, imaginative thinking, attention, the ability to create a familiar image based on the life experience of children;

Expand knowledge about hedgehogs. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Material and equipment:

Cardboard with a picture of a hedgehog, size ½ A-4;

Plasticine set;

Modeling board, stack;

Wet wipe for hands;


1. Organizational moment.

Guys, guess the riddle:

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest,

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread.


A picture of a hedgehog appears.

2. Main part.


Who doesn't know a hedgehog? This cute, funny animal can be found in the forest, in the country, even on the side of the road.

Have you seen a real hedgehog? What is he like, tell me? (Children's answers).

What animal is a hedgehog? (to the wild ones)

Hedgehogs are active at night and sleep in their burrows during the day.

Do you know what they eat? (Hedgehogs feed on insects, worms, frogs, lizards, and plant fruits).

Yes, guys, hedgehogs are omnivores - they can even eat a poisonous snake and not get poisoned.

All hedgehogs have a body protected from the back and sides by spines, the muzzle is extended forward and pointed. Why do hedgehogs curl into a ball? (Hide from predators and people)

Therefore, guys, when you meet a hedgehog, do not bother him, let him go his own way, he already has a lot to worry about.

Practical part.

Stage 1. Painting a hedgehog with plasticine.

Let's draw our hedgehogs using plasticine so that they look like they're alive.

The teacher distributes sheets of cardboard with a ready-made silhouette of a hedgehog.

The hedgehog has: a head, a torso, hind and forelimbs. Let's start painting the head and paws of the animal, what color? (black or brown).

Do you remember how to get started? Tell me (pinch off a small piece of plasticine, roll it into a sausage with your fingers, place it on the outline of your head, press it and spread it over the base).

The teacher monitors the children’s work and helps.

Now let’s paint over the hedgehog’s body with plasticine. What color? (Gray)

The teacher resembles an algorithm of actions.

Guys, is our hedgehogs missing something? (Needles)

We will make them from sunflower seeds. We will place the hedgehog on the body, pressing it against the plasticine with the sharp part upwards, in different directions. Teacher's demonstration. Children lay out seeds.

Let's lay out the outline of the animal with thin black sausages. Let's make an ear and an eye, a nose, a mustache. Let's paint the muzzle a little with white plasticine.

Physical education lesson “Hedgehog”

The hedgehog stomped along the path

And he carried a mushroom on his back.

(Walking in a circle one after another.)

The hedgehog stomped slowly,

Quiet leaves rustling.

(Walk in place.)

And a bunny gallops towards me,

Long-eared jumper.

In someone's garden cleverly

I got hold of a slanted carrot.

(Jumping in place.)

Stage 2. Modeling of additional parts.

Hedgehogs have a funny habit of sticking something strong-smelling on their spines, even with unpleasant smell. For example: an orange peel, a sour, aromatic apple, or a rag stained with paint.

Why do you think? (Children's answers)

We will also make apples and mushrooms and put them on the hedgehog’s back.

We pinch off a small piece of red plasticine and roll it into a ball. Place the hedgehog on its back and press down thumb, turning into a cake. We attach a thin short sausage - a knot and green leaves.

We make the mushroom from two brown sausages. (Teacher demonstration)

We will also make grass and flowers for the hedgehog. Grass, what color? (Green). And for flowers, choose any bright colors.

For the center of the flower, roll a yellow ball, press it with your finger, turning it into a small cake. We roll the sausages, flatten them, turning them into petals. (Teacher demonstration)

3. Reflection.

Which wonderful hedgehogs you did it!

Imagine yourself as this animal, what kind of hedgehog would you be? (small, cheerful, sad, scared, angry). Why?

Come up with a name for your hedgehog.

Exhibition of children's works

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 29



Responsible: teacher

Startseva O.S.

Sukhoi Log, 2017

Goal: To help children master the drawing method - making an impression with crumpled paper when depicting tree crowns.

Encourage children to convey in the drawing the shape of the tree, its crown, location, and color scheme.

Develop creative imagination, create conditions for the development of children's creative abilities.


Landscape sheets of paper. Watercolor and gouache paints. A glass of water. Napkin. Tassels of different numbers. Saucers or plastic palette.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations depicting winter landscapes.

Observations of trees during walks and their winter attire.

Compiling descriptive stories about winter nature, learning poems by Russian poets about winter.

Progress of direct educational activities

Educator:listen to the riddles.

When she comes
And he waves his staff,
Autumn will replace itself,
Everything will fall asleep under the snow.
Answer: (ɐwиε)

They're falling from the sky
White beauties,
They spin, they fly,
And they will melt in your hand.
Answer: (andʞlower)

Along the winter path
Crumbs scattered:
White, crispy,
But not real ones.
Answer: (ɹǝнɔ)


Winter has come! The forest put on fluffy white coats. In winter, nature sleeps, covered with a white blanket of snow and ice; winter birds are found on bare tree branches; animals leave footprints in the snow; sometimes there are blizzards and frosts; the days are short and the nights are long and cold.

(showing winter landscapes in illustrations)

Draws attention to how the artists painted the background.

Invites children to take watercolor paints and paint a background for a winter day.


Well done guys, you drew well! Now come to me and look at the illustrations depicting a winter forest.


- Winter season, wonderful time- one of the most beloved in our country. Winter comes slowly and carefully, as if afraid of getting its fur coat dirty. Gradually, a white and fluffy blanket of snow covers the chilled ground, and the trees change their dull autumn outfits for luxurious snow-white fur hats and decorations. You can endlessly admire the beauty of winter, which is often called angry and cold for some reason!

The teacher invites the children to depict trees in winter, the branches swaying in the wind and bending under the snow.


Guys, I suggest you depict a winter forest. We will paint tree trunks with a brush (I show examples of previously completed work).

We will draw the crown of our trees not in the usual way, but with crumpled paper. Magic balls of crumpled paper will replace our brushes. You have several sheets of paper on your tables, let's remember the paper and make a magic ball. (as shown by the teacher, children crumple paper balls. At the same time, fingers and arms are warmed up)


We got balls of crumpled paper, which will help us in depicting the snowy crown of the trees.
(the teacher shows ways to depict a crown by placing a crumpled ball soaked in paint on a landscape sheet.)
Children are shown samples of images of snow-covered trees made using this technique.

Children depict the crown of trees using an unconventional technique of drawing with crumpled paper.


Well done guys, let's see what beautiful winter trees have appeared in our group. (examination of finished works, children’s stories about the trees they depicted)

Exhibition of children's works.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 29"


Responsible: teacher

Startseva O.S.

Sukhoi Log, 2017

Target: Continue to strengthen the ability to perform work using non-traditional techniques.


    Introduce children tounconventional artistic technique blotography with a tube, followed by additional fantasy of the image.

    Continue to teach children, make additions to the drawing that enrich its content.

    Use familiar techniques drawing with a brush when completing a picture.

    Instill interest in a non-traditional type of drawing, to develop coordination and strength of movements, independence, creativity, imagination, imagination of children.

    Cultivate neatness.


Juice straw, plastic spoon, paper, gouache, brush, water, napkin, laptop. Easel, cardboard toy "Live-Blob" , drawings from blots.

Vocabulary work. Blotography, blot.

Individual work. Help in the process of work with leading questions, advice, showing to those who need it, receiving images.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Everyone sat down comfortably. (the teacher receives a letter) I received a letter. (reads the letter)

"Hello! We are residents from Blots We invite you to visit.”

I wonder why they call us? Have you heard about country of Blotography? Anyway, let's eat and see for ourselves country and find out who lives there.

To do this, close your eyes and count to 10 and back. (music sounds)

(at this time the teacher opens the easel with blotted drawings and "Live blot" .

The teacher invites the children to open their eyes. Beret "Live blot" .

"Live blot" . Hello, my name is "Blot" . I am a resident of this countries. What is the name of mine country? Well done. You know, they live here "blots" . Do you know what it is "blot" . (Children's answers) Yes, this is a different drop. Look at the pictures they draw. Guess what it is?

Children. (they say what they see)

Educator. Do you want to learn draw like the villagers "Blotgraphies" ? They painted these drawings are a tube. This view drawing is called blotography with a tube. Let's all repeat the word together blotography. See how you can draw with a tube. (The teacher explains the method drawing)

Scoop up paint with a spoon (there is liquid paint in a jar, pour it onto the sheet, making a small spot (a drop) . Then we blow on this stain from a tube so that its end does not touch either the stain or the paper. We remove the tube.

Look what happened. And the straws are magical. Look how fabulously interesting the drawing turned out. Tell me, what does it look like? (Children's answers.) Something finish drawing brush and get a fabulous image (children give hints, and the teacher completes the image) . Well "Blot" , do you like my drawing?

Let's take a little rest.

Physical education minute.

IN strange country "Blotography" .

Educator. Tell me where we start drawing with a tube?

(Children tell the technique drawing, the teacher helps.)

Educator. Well done. Now let's get started drawing. Don't rush, we work carefully. When you finish working with the tube, look carefully at your image and think about what it looks like and use a brush to fill in the missing details.

Independent activity of children. (Quiet music sounds)

In progress drawing The teacher monitors the technology blotography, helps children if necessary, gives advice.

Analysis of works.

Children talk about their fabulous fantasy images "Blob" .

Blot. Well done everyone today We tried our best and the results were interesting. Show your drawings to other children, teach them too draw with a tube.

Children say goodbye to "Blot" .

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 29"



Responsible: teacher

Startseva O.S.

Sukhoi Log, 2017

Target: Introduce a new technique for drawing double (mirror-symmetrical) images - monotype.


    Arouse interest in a new drawing technique - landscape monotype.

    Summarize children's knowledge about the characteristic features of autumn.

    Develop the ability to convey the color characteristic of golden autumn and select the right colors.

    Improve your painting technique with watercolors.

    Cultivate interest in understanding nature and displaying ideas in visual arts.


Reproductions of paintings: which depict golden and late autumn; trees reflected in the water. Landscape sheets, pencils, watercolors, brushes, jars of water, palettes, napkins.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Looking at paintings. (Children stand near the teacher)

- Guys, what time of year is it now? (Autumn)

- Let's remember the names of the autumn months.

- Now let's go to our art gallery and carefully look at the reproductions of paintings. What season do you think the artists depicted? (They look at it while listening to quiet music).

-Remember what the pictures with nature are called? (landscapes) Yes, these are landscapes - such special paintings in which artists depict pictures of nature. Looking at the landscapes, it’s as if we are looking out the window and seeing a real forest or river, field or meadow... And we want to run outside to run through the grass, smell the flowers, touch the bark of the trees, admire the leaves...

- Determine where autumn is depicted? Why do you think so?

2. Reading a poem.

- Now listen carefully to the poem.

“Autumn was spreading colors at the edges,

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.

The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples turned red

In autumn purple. Only green oak.

Autumn consoles:

- Don't regret the summer!

Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

Z. Fedorovskaya.

- What picture do you think this poem can be attributed to and why? (Children explain)

3. Explanation of methods for performing work.

-Let’s draw a landscape in which trees stand on the shore of a lake and are reflected in the water. How do you think this can be done? (Children express their thoughts).

- And we’ll do it like this:

- Sit down at the tables. Take a piece of paper, place it vertically and fold it in half. Then unfold. Above the fold line are earth and sky, and below is water (river, lake). On the top of the sheet you can draw trees and birds flying to warmer climes. The sky can be blurred with blue watercolor mixed with water. And when you finish the drawing, moisten the lower part of the sheet with clean water using a wide brush, fold it and press it to the second half. Below you will get a lake in which the trees, sky and everything that you drew at the top of the sheet are reflected. The drawing on the top can be tinted later. (I show as I explain).

3. Independent activity of children.

-Now take the paper, put it like this (vertically) and start drawing. (In the process of work, I help those who are experiencing difficulties)

4. At the end of the lesson, children transfer their drawings to a free table, they look at it, share their impressions.

- Look at what beautiful, unusual paintings we have created. What are these paintings called? (scenery)

- Which paintings did you like? Why?

I think your parents will like them too.

Unconventional drawing promotes development cognitive interest children, their creative abilities, imagination, imaginative thinking. It is very easy for children to be captivated by the creative process of creating unusual masterpieces, unique and unrepeatable each time. The child’s personality is aesthetically enriched, he begins to see beauty in the world around him, notice details, think creatively, and create. The material in the article will help both teachers and parents use various unusual techniques for the older group in order to develop a harmonious and spiritually rich personality of the child.

Today we live in a world with enormous opportunities for the development of our children. Pedagogy and psychology are at the stage of scientific development when they can offer teachers and parents programs, trainings, practical advice and recommendations on the complex all-round development of the child. From an early age, a child goes through various sensitive periods of development step by step, when his intellectual and creative potential becomes receptive to everything new, cognitive activity reaches its apogee. The task of teachers and parents is to ensure that each such period in a child’s life is as saturated as possible with various types of activities that reveal his talents, natural inclinations, and hidden capabilities.

Preschool children are open to new activities, especially when they are playful. Knowledge of the world in preschool age occurs empirically, that is, through experience. Children acquire knowledge, skills and abilities that form their life experiences.

There is a philosophical concept of nativism, dating back to Descartes and Plato, according to which children are born with natural abilities that exist in the form of certain forms that need to be filled with content.

In today's rapidly developing world, the goal of teachers and parents is to develop an educational strategy that would include a rich content component that allows children to discover their inner abilities and talents through experience.

Unconventional drawing: possibilities and prospects

Drawing classes are an excellent platform for the development of a creative and spiritual personality. Art has a positive effect on a child’s spiritual world, fosters an aesthetic perception of the world, artistic taste, and imagination, forming a creative personality capable of making bold decisions and thinking outside the box. The traditional approach to drawing often does not provide such wide scope for a child’s self-expression, driving him into the framework of algorithms and stereotypes. Having mastered standard drawing techniques and not moving further into the rich world of visual possibilities, the child cannot go beyond the boundaries of monotonous plots and forms, turning his drawings into work of the same type, devoid of emotion and individuality.

Non-traditional drawing methods today provide enormous opportunities for the development of children, both in group and individual classes in kindergarten, in drawing clubs, as well as at home with their parents. Various educational master classes are now being held, where both teachers and parents can learn interesting visual techniques. The advantage of non-traditional techniques is their versatility, since they can be used to teach children from the very beginning. early age, complicating the learning process step by step as the child grows up and masters all kinds of drawing techniques. Such drawing evokes a whole storm of positive children's emotions, reveals the possibilities of using familiar objects, awakens fantasy, imagination and the desire to be creative. The possibilities of this technique make it possible to captivate even those children who do not show the ability to draw, and with the traditional approach do not show the proper results and skills.

In teaching practice, there are a large number of non-traditional drawing techniques, which will vary depending on the age of the children. At older preschool age, children can master complex techniques. In the older group, techniques such as scratch painting, landscape monotype, landscape painting with sand, tube blotography, and batik are added. Plots and compositions become more complex. Decorative painting is introduced: Gorodets, Dymkovo in non-traditional techniques, landscape motifs become more complex, the theme of space and fairy-tale scenes appear in the plan. The teacher can combine and complicate techniques for familiar subjects: for example, “Dandelions in the grass” can be done using a poke with a hard brush and semolina in the older group, while in the middle group children painted dandelions with wax crayons and poking.

Let's take a closer look at several non-traditional drawing techniques with children 5–6 years old.

Drawing techniques with a description of the drawing technique and materials used, photographic examples

Drawing with palms

The palm painting technique can be used with younger children. In the older group, the teacher can complicate thematic compositions and techniques for completing the image.

Drawing materials: gouache, wide brush or flat plate, thin brush, paper, jars of water, napkins.

Drawing technique.

  1. The paint is applied to the child’s palm using a wide brush or poured into a wide flat container into which the child dips his palm.
  2. The children make handprints on paper, and then fill in the missing details of the compositional image with a brush or fingers.

This technique provides the opportunity to create both individual and collective compositions. The themes are also varied: “Bouquet in a vase”, “Underwater world” or “Aquarium”, “Landscape of summer or autumn trees”; “Round dance of friendship” (collective drawing).

Photo examples of children's creations

Tulips for mom Four palms and a butterfly is ready A bird walking in a flower meadow

Leaf prints

The leaf print technique allows you to create an interesting textured image using natural leaves of trees, shrubs and paints.

Drawing materials: leaves of trees and shrubs, gouache, brushes, pencils, paper napkins, jars of water.

Drawing technique.

  1. Children create a kind of sketch from leaves according to the topic of the lesson or an invented plot. You can make sketches with a simple pencil and the background of the future drawing.
  2. Children cover the back side of the sheet with gouache, where the veins are clearly visible. It is necessary to remind children to remove excess water from the brush.
  3. The guys carefully place the piece of paper, painted side down, on the paper. Cover the top with a paper napkin and press down lightly. Remove the napkin and the leaf from the drawing on which the image of the leaf remains. The procedure is repeated with other leaves.
  4. When finished, draw out the missing details.

The technique is applicable both for creating individual and collective compositions on various themes: “Autumn Forest”, “Bouquet of Leaves”, “Hedgehog collecting gifts from the forest”.

Photo examples of children's works

Collect leaves and paint a forest Autumn landscape with real leaves Natural materials in drawing Draw a bouquet with leaves

Poking drawing

Drawing materials: gouache, dry hard brush, simple pencils.

Drawing technique.

  1. First, children draw the outline of the object with a simple pencil or trace it according to a template prepared in advance by the teacher.
  2. Then they dip the brush into the paint and, holding it vertically, hit a sheet of paper. When starting to draw, children should poke along the contour from left to right, trying not to leave gaps between the pokes. After the outline of the object is ready, they begin to randomly paint the space inside the outline.
  3. If it is necessary to draw the details of the image or supplement the composition with some plot elements, children do this with the help of another brush and paint.

The poking method allows you to convey the texture of an image (fluffy snow or a squirrel’s fur coat, a prickly tree or a hedgehog).

Photo examples of children's work

We draw a poke of a fluffy squirrel A fluffy bear cub is waiting for his mother A sad kitten wants to sleep We convey the mood of nature


Drawing materials: hard and soft large brushes, jars of water, watercolors, plastic tubes.

Drawing technique.

There are two ways to create a drawing using the blotography method: the drip method and the spreading method.

Drip method.

  1. The child saturates a wide brush with paint and begins to splatter watercolor over a sheet of paper.
  2. If you need a small spot, you can lightly tap the wooden handle of the brush. If the intended image requires a large spot, then the paint-soaked brush should be shaken over the place where the spot should be. Using the drip method you can create beautiful landscapes.

Spreading method.

  1. The child thoroughly saturates a brush (not necessarily a hard one) with paint and, shaking it, makes a large spot.
  2. Using a plastic drinking straw, the child blows the paint in different directions to create a large blot. The basis for creativity is ready.
  3. Children look at the blots and think that the outlines of the blots remind them. To make the image complete, the missing details are drawn. The spreading method can be combined with the drip method, if necessary to implement the plot idea.

There are two directions in blotography that overlap with the two above-mentioned methods.

  • The child thinks in advance about the image he wants to create on paper. For this, the first method is more appropriate.
  • The child creates a shapeless blot, thinks about what object from the surrounding world it reminds him of, and adds details to it in order to recreate this image.

Photo examples of children's work

Beautiful fish from blots Colored fish from a blot Painted eyes on the blot The blot turned into a magic tree

Drawing with candle and watercolor

Drawing materials: white candle, watercolor, wide brush, jars of water, paper, pencils.

Drawing technique.

  1. Children draw a sketch with a simple pencil, since the white candle is not visible on a white sheet of paper.
  2. Trace the outline with a candle
  3. Use a wide brush to paint a sheet of paper. Depending on the theme, you can paint the entire sheet with one or different colors.
  4. As if by magic, previously invisible white patterns appear.

Stages of work completion

Draw the outline with a white candle Paint over the grass with green Paint over the sun and sky Paint over the house The magic drawing is ready

Photo examples of children's work

We draw a snowflake with a candle Forests running through the forest We draw a landscape with a candle and watercolor A branch of a Christmas tree outside the window Polar bears in the snow

Ebru technique

Drawing using the ebru technique is one of the most incredible and fantastic techniques used in fine arts. The versatility of this technique is that both children of all ages and adults can create amazing masterpieces on the water. This technique can especially captivate and instill a love of drawing in children who have difficulty conveying images using traditional drawing methods.

Drawing materials: special water (a solution of water and starch) and paints, tray, fan brush, palette, sticks, paper, napkins.

Drawing technique.

  1. Pre-prepared liquid for drawing ebru is poured into a special tray.
  2. In the palette, children prepare paints of different colors.
  3. Children take a fan brush, dip it in paint and spray it over the water, creating a background for the future drawing. The background can be made using several colors. You can pick up paint with a stick and touch it to the surface of the water.
  4. Children smoothly move the sharp end of the stick through the water, connecting colors. You shouldn’t think about the result, you can just let yourself and your imagination go amazing world creativity and enjoy the process of transforming dots and lines into a pattern that captivates with its mystery.
  5. Children (with the help of a teacher) take a sheet of paper and lower it into the water with the rough side for a few seconds. Then they take the sheet by the edges and smoothly pull it out, removing excess moisture on the side of the tray.
  6. In about an hour the masterpiece is ready!

Ebru is a kind of art therapy that allows a child to express his emotions and feelings through drawing, when each time he gets a unique drawing, unique and individual.

For children with mental problems who experience difficulties in communication, ebru is a godsend that heals the psyche, harmonizing the child’s personality through the possibility of self-expression and knowledge of the world around him.

Photo examples of children's work

Ebru develops the imagination Fabulous landscapes in the Ebru style We create amazing paintings using the Ebru technique

Imitation batik

Batik is the art of painting fabric, known since ancient times.

Drawing materials: fabric stretched on a stretcher (linen, silk, cotton), a reserve composition, a glass tube for applying the reserve, paints for painting fabrics, brushes, jars of water, a palette, a drawing blank on paper.

Drawing technique.

  1. The teacher first draws sketches.
  2. Children translate the sketch: put it on the wrong side of the fabric, and on the front side, lightly touching it with a tube with a reserve, trace the sketch along the lines. The main thing is to explain to the children that they need to draw the line without breaking away, so that there are no gaps and the paint does not spread across the fabric.
  3. The outlined drawing must dry. This will take approximately three hours.
  4. Working with paints. At this stage, you can remind children about the rules for mixing paints and obtaining composite shades from the three primary colors of the palette. To do this, the teacher shows a color mixing table, also reminding that if you add white to any shade, you can get a pastel tone of different saturation.
  5. Children first paint over the light details of the picture, then move on to darker elements. The teacher reminds the children that if they need to do smooth transition from one color to another, you need to apply thinly diluted paint.

Color Mixing Chart

Yellow, blue, red
How do we mix paints? Mix paints correctly.

Photo examples of children's work

Bright butterfly in batik style. Draw flowers using batik technique. Draw fairy-tale characters in batik style.

Drawing on crumpled paper

Drawing materials: paper, brushes, paints, palette, jars of water, napkins.

Drawing technique.

  1. Preparing the sheet for work. Children moisten a napkin with water and wipe the album sheet. You can pre-create a background for the future drawing. To do this, apply several colored spots to a damp sheet with a brush or napkin.
  2. Without waiting for it to dry, the children begin to gently crumple and wrinkle it.
  3. While the sheet of paper is still wet, straighten it with smooth movements, slightly smoothing it out. The surface of the paper turned out to be uneven, or even a little rough.
  4. Children paint a pre-conceived composition with paints, according to the theme proposed by the teacher.

Photo examples of children's work

Mint paper works wonders Create on crumpled paper Textured flowers on crumpled paper Fish on crumpled paper

Fine art on wet paper

Drawing materials: paper, watercolor, large round brushes, thin brushes, jars of water, sponge, napkins.

Drawing technique.

  1. The teacher helps the children wet sheets of paper with a sponge. You can first sketch the drawing with a simple pencil.
  2. Children first fill in the background of the picture using a large brush, mixing paints and selecting transparent shades. The teacher reminds the children that they need to lightly touch the paper with the brush and watch how the paint spreads over the surface of the sheet.
  3. Children draw the main elements with light strokes or touch.
  4. Using a thin brush, draw individual decorative details. To apply thin lines, you need to wait until the work dries a little to avoid the outline from spreading too much.
  5. Leave the drawing on the work surface to dry completely.

Photo examples of children's work

Wet paper works wonders Delicate image on wet paper Nature on wet paper

Method using foam rubber

Drawing materials: stencils, foam sponges, gouache in flat plates, brushes.

Drawing technique.

  1. The teacher prepares stencils depicting objects according to the topic of the lesson.
  2. Children apply a stencil to a sheet of paper based on the intended composition.
  3. Children dip a sponge in paint and use tapping movements to paint the space inside the stencil, then carefully remove the stencil.
  4. The missing details of the image are drawn with a brush.

Photo examples of children's work

The sponge works wonders. So what? Let's play Invent and draw

Line drawing

Drawing materials: simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paper.

Drawing technique.

  1. The teacher introduces children to graphics, the concept of a stroke and shows various types shading.
  2. Children draw objects according to the theme proposed by the teacher, practicing the size, slope and rhythm of shading. They learn to convey not only color, but also shape, material, character.

Photo examples of children's work

Spiky strokes Strokes work wonders Fluffy strokes

Sand painting

Drawing materials: white or colored sheets of paper, simple pencils, PVA glue, regular sand/colored sand.

Drawing technique.

  1. Children draw a picture on a sheet of paper, using templates.
  2. Gradually trace the outline of the resulting pattern with glue.
  3. Sprinkle with sand. Those parts of the image that should be darker are sprinkled with a large amount of sand. The remaining sand is carefully shaken off.
  4. You can use colored sand in your work, then the pictures will turn out bright, interesting and with an unusual texture.

Photo examples of children's work

Colored sand conveys texture Bright as from a cartoon Colored sand makes the world brighter Rushing at full speed Fluffy and bright from colored sand Palm trees on the seashore

New uses for toothpaste

Drawing materials: colored cardboard, toothpaste, gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins.

Drawing technique.

The description of the method of teaching drawing with toothpaste is directly related to the topic of the lesson. Depending on the intended image, the method of applying toothpaste to the cardboard, the process of smearing it and the method - with a finger or a hard brush, as well as further drawing of the details will depend.

  1. Children squeeze toothpaste onto a sheet of colored cardboard.
  2. Using a finger or a stiff brush, children smear the paste to create an image.
  3. Draw details to create a finished image. You can use other non-traditional drawing techniques: with your fingers, cotton swabs, scratch paper, combined with plasticine.

Photo examples of children's work

Draw clouds and waves with toothpaste Draw snow with toothpaste Draw snow patterns with toothpaste

Drawing with soap bubbles

The technique of drawing with soap bubbles is an immersion in a fairy tale, an amazing world that will bring a lot of joy and positive emotions children.

Drawing materials: paper, watercolors, cocktail straws, liquid soap, water, plastic cups.

Drawing technique.

  1. The teacher prepares a solution from water, liquid soap and watercolor paints.
  2. Children take straws, dip them in colored water and blow until they form large quantity bubbles.
  3. Remove the stick and apply a sheet of paper to the foam from soap bubbles. It is advisable to take solutions of different colors so that the picture turns out bright and there is more room for imagination.
  4. Examine the resulting chaotic pattern of bubble prints.
  5. They come up with a plot composition and draw details to complete the image.

Photo examples of children's work

Soap fantasy turned into a cockerel Bubbles turned out to look like flowers Children's imagination knows no bounds An underwater kingdom made of soap bubbles

Semolina is not just a healthy cereal

Drawing materials: tinted sheets of paper/colored cardboard, PVA glue, semolina, pencils, gouache, brushes.

Drawing technique.

The semolina painting technique is very similar to the sand painting technique. The advantage of semolina is that it is an environmentally friendly and completely safe product that can be used in classes with very young children.

  1. Children sketch a drawing with a simple pencil. Depending on the theme and idea of ​​the final result, the teacher can make a sketch of the future masterpiece in advance.
  2. Children apply glue to the outline, individual elements of the design and sprinkle with semolina.
  3. When the drawing dries, carefully shake off the excess semolina.
  4. If necessary, individual details of the picture are completed.

You can use colored semolina in your work. To do this, you need to crumble the lead of colored pencils or wax crayons into white semolina into dust. The images are textured, bright and attractive.

Photo examples of children's work

Colored balls for the joy of children Working with colored semolina brings joy White semolina looks like snow

Grattage technique

Scratching is a technique of scratching a design with a sharp object.

Drawing materials: base-blank for scratch paper, handle.

Drawing technique.

  1. The teacher prepares the basis for scratching in advance. To do this, a sheet of paper is painted over with multi-colored wax crayons or a white candle; the choice depends on the theme of the future drawing. Then the sheet is covered with black ink, to which a little liquid soap is added. After drying, the base is ready for use.
  2. Children begin to scratch the drawing with a non-writing ballpoint pen. The grattage technique is related to the technique of drawing with strokes. Children can create drawings using different types of shading.

The subjects of works using the grattage technique are very diverse: “Still Life”, “Vase with Flowers”, “Underwater World”, “Space” and many others.

Photo examples of children's work

Colored scratching Strokes and scratching Mysterious space in scratching style Hatching in scratching style


Pointillism is a technique of drawing with dots.

Drawing materials: paper, simple pencils, cotton swabs and gouache or felt-tip pens.

Drawing technique.

  1. On a sheet of paper, children draw a sketch of the future composition with a simple pencil.
  2. The dot technique allows you to draw with felt-tip pens or gouache and cotton swabs. Children first place dots along the contour of the drawn objects, then fill the space inside with dots.
  3. Using the same scheme, children work with gouache and cotton swabs. After working with a certain color, carefully put the stick aside and take a clean stick for another color.

The pointillism technique develops perseverance and fine motor skills, as well as a love of art, since “dot” images differ from traditional drawings, revealing opportunities for creativity.

Photo examples of children's work

Drawing trees with dots Drawing underwater plants with dots Beautiful fish with dots Cosmic pointillism

Topics of non-traditional drawing classes: main points

In non-traditional drawing classes, the teacher can use fabrics instead of landscape sheets of paper and conduct a lesson on the topic “Painted fabrics” (painting according to design). When painting fabrics, the teacher suggests combining traditional gouache painting techniques with the technique of applying patterns using stamps and much more.

Coal landscapes

By expanding children's understanding of graphics, the teacher can introduce children to the technique of drawing with charcoal pencils, talk about their ability to convey mood, despite the fact that the artist draws only in black, varying only its saturation. In addition, the teacher introduces two ways of working with charcoal: drawing with the tip for making fine lines, and drawing with the flat for shading large surfaces or backgrounds. Landscapes made using coal technique are interesting, allowing one to convey the mood of nature and the weather.

Drawing birds with wax crayons

Drawing with wax crayons can be combined with watercolor work. When working on the topic “Migratory Birds,” the teacher teaches children to depict birds, use different types hatching, holding the pencil at different angles. Then you can add watercolor details to the composition, and what you drew with crayons will miraculously shimmer and stand out against the background of watercolor motifs.

Drawing an elephant with your palm

In a lesson on the topic “Drawing an elephant with your palm,” the teacher refines knowledge about the proportions, structure, characteristic features of the animal, and also develops the ability to complete the details of the image until the desired image is obtained. To make an elephant, children paint their palm, thumb and the remaining fingers up to the first phalanx are applied to a sheet of paper, moving the thumb to the side. The missing details of the composition are completed with a brush.

Photo examples of children's work

Stages of drawing an elephant with your palm Elephant in Africa Conveying the mood of nature Conveying the serenity of nature Drawing funny patterns on fabric

Practical tips for making notes for a drawing lesson in the senior group

A prerequisite is a motivating start to the lesson, as in the case of working in traditional drawing techniques. The teacher must also remember about game moments and physical education sessions. If you plan to use complex equipment or the direct participation of a teacher, then it is better to conduct such a lesson in small subgroups or organize art clubs.

When drawing up lesson notes, you need to pay attention to the sequence and types of work that are planned to be involved and correctly allocate time for each educational stage:

  1. Preliminary work (2–3 minutes)
  2. Main part (15–17 minutes)
  3. Physical education minute (1–2 minutes)
  4. Final part (summarizing) (2–3 minutes)

Let's give an example of a drawing lesson summary for a senior group.

HE. Mishchuk. Lesson on unconventional drawing on the theme “Winter Forest”

Author's summary of a drawing lesson using unconventional semolina drawing techniques

Organizational educational activities
Type of activity Topic/Materials Objectives/Program content
Blue cardboard, semolina, PVA glue, gouache, brushes, jars of water
Introduce children to a new technique for depicting winter themes (semolina).
Develop creative thinking, imagination, fine motor skills.
Cultivate an interest in creativity and artistic taste.
Lesson stage GCD content
Preliminary workLook at pictures depicting a winter landscape. Observe the snow and discuss its properties. Talk about the possibilities of using semolina in drawing.
Main part Conversation with children
The teacher says that today an unusual guest came to their lesson, because she came straight from a fairy tale. Reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” asking the children to guess what fairy tale it is and who came to visit them.
- Of course, this is a small but very brave Gerda, who went in search of Kai.
Asks questions about the fairy tale.
Shows illustrations.
– And here is the same ice palace where the Snow Queen and Kai live. He has an icy heart, he lives in the kingdom of cold. Gerda has been looking for Kai for a very long time, and it seems that she is very tired and a little lost.
- Guys, do you want Gerda to find Kai and melt his heart? (Children's answers).
- Let's help her and draw a winter forest, a road that will lead her to the kingdom of the Snow Queen. You can also draw forest animals (hares) that can help her get to ice castle, or a hut in which Gerda can rest before a long journey.

Reads a poem about the Snow Queen.

At the Snow Queen's
the clothes are so white
Diamonds in carats
they are strewn.
From the Queen's fur coat -
snowflakes are like fluff
Flying and twirling in dance -
She sits and rules herself
horses in sleighs,
And the horses of the white three
they beat their hoofs in the snow.
At the Snow Queen's
breathing is pure coldness,
Freezing indiscriminately -
no matter old or young.
The Queen doesn't care
no one at all
My heart doesn't beat at all
her cold.

The teacher tells the children that today they will draw with unusual materials - semolina and glue, since they are visiting a girl from a fairy tale today, their forest should turn out to be fabulous.
He offers to touch the semolina and see that it looks like snow, just as fluffy and white.
The teacher says that with the help of semolina and glue you can create interesting drawings. Asks to show imagination and accuracy in work.

Explanation of the drawing scheme.

Physical education minute Winter gymnastics
Winter has come to us again, Children spread their arms to the sides,
The houses have become white, they fold their hands over their heads,
It's snowing outside, they show how the snow is falling,
A janitor sweeps the street, they show
We sled, squat, arms forward,
There are snowmen in the yards, rolling a snowball,
We ski quickly, they show skiers,
And we play snowballs. make and throw snowballs.
Final part (summarizing)– What beautiful drawings you made. A real winter fairy tale: fluffy snow, trees and Christmas trees in the snow, white bunnies, houses. In whose house will Gerda rest? Which of the forest animals will show her the way to the Snow Queen's castle?
- Guys, you are great! Now Gerda will definitely find her Kai, melt his icy heart, they will play together again, sledding, and maybe even guests will come to you together.
Exhibition of children's works. In the center is a drawing of the Snow Queen's palace. From the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” From the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” From the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” From the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” From the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” Sunny winter day in the forest Frost glistens in the sun Winter twilight leads into the forest Winter peace in the village Winter road to the mountains Let's help Gerda find Kaya Gerda is resting before the road Snowfall in the winter forest Who will help Gerda find a friend A house for Gerda The forest comes to life and helps

Possessing basic visual skills, the inquisitive and inquisitive mind of a child seeks other forms of knowledge; his boundless imagination needs the right frame. Traditional drawing provides a foundation that can serve as the basis for a child’s further development. Non-traditional techniques provide a huge number of opportunities for carrying out interesting activities on drawing, master classes for teachers and parents, organizing art studios and clubs. Come up with and bring the most unusual artistic ideas to life. Create with children and for children.