An inexpensive miracle remedy for stretch marks is mumiyo. Shilajit for stretch marks recipe. Baths for stretch marks

Every woman dreams of a beautiful attractive body, but, unfortunately, many factors spoil it appearance. One of these factors is stretch marks, which women often experience after pregnancy or fast weight loss. There are a large number of ways to get rid of them, including radical ones. But you can take a simpler route and use the gifts of nature, for example, mumiyo - a mountain resin that remarkably helps fight various skin defects. Shilajit for stretch marks is simple, effective and affordable. The main thing is to know how to use it correctly.

Scientists have not yet reached a consensus on what this substance is. Some believe that it is of geological origin, others that it is a biological component. However, everyone agrees that this remedy is unique in its kind. It has extremely wide application, including the fight against stretch marks, which are otherwise called stretch marks.

Shilajit against stretch marks solves the following problems:

  • Accelerates cell regeneration processes;
  • Makes stretch marks appear lighter and smaller;
  • Reduces the depth and relief of striae;
  • Makes the skin more elastic;
  • Saturates the epidermis with valuable vitamins and minerals.


Before you start using the product, make sure there are no contraindications. These include the following:

  • individual intolerance to the component;
  • hypertension;
  • bleeding;
  • tumors;
  • urolithiasis disease;

Shilajit for stretch marks: release form and recipes

Shilajit is a substance of organic origin, which includes a huge amount of valuable minerals and amino acids. Because of this, it has numerous beneficial properties and can have complex effects. It can be used to prevent stretch marks; for example, mumiyo is often used for stretch marks during pregnancy. You can purchase the product in the most different forms: tablets, capsules, ready-made creams, gels and lotions. There are also a large number of home recipes using the product.

Altai mumiyo for stretch marks

Altai mumiyo is a gift of nature, created by it over many centuries. IN medicinal purposes it has been used since the times of Arab healers and is still very popular to this day. This mummy is a piece of shiny black mass with a viscous structure. Its difference is characteristic specific smell and bitter taste– they are the confirmation of the naturalness of the product.

Altai mumiyo is often used in cosmetology, especially for stretch marks. It easily penetrates the intercellular barrier and has a good effect on subcutaneous tissue. This remedy is also used in weight loss.

"Golden Mumiyo"

This is a special drug in tablet form, consisting of purified 100% mumiyo. It is produced using original technologies that allow preserving all the beneficial substances of the composition, namely vitamins, amino acids, micro- and macroelements.

Mumiyo capsules

It is very convenient to use the drug in capsules, since you do not have to crush it. Capsules can be added to any of the available recipes. To use the capsule, you need to take it and pull it in different directions over the container. After this, the powder inside the capsule will simply be poured into the container. Tablets, like capsules, are based on hygroscopic dry extract of mumiyo, which is combined with lactose. They must be ground into powder to add to your chosen recipe. It is tablets and capsules that are considered the most convenient and effective to use.

Shilajit for stretch marks, which we will now look at how to use, can become the basis for preparing a large number of effective remedies. It is easiest to use the drug in capsule form. It is already dosed and dissolves well in water. When using Shilajit tablets for stretch marks, you will need to crush them first. The plates need to be immersed in a small amount of water - after 15 minutes they will dissolve.

Let's look at how to prepare a simple but very effective cream with mumiyo for stretch marks. For it you will need the following ingredients:

  • non-metallic container;
  • 2-3 grams of mumiyo;
  • a teaspoon of warm boiled water;
  • 50-70 grams of baby cream.

The preparation is prepared as follows:

  • You need to pour the mummy into the container and combine it with warm water. If you are using tablets, crush them.
  • Allow the product to dissolve completely. The liquid should become saturated Brown color and become homogeneous, free of lumps.
  • Add baby cream and stir well.
  • Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then stir again.

Now the remedy is ready. It's needed store in the refrigerator in a glass container. Under other conditions, the cream can quickly deteriorate and lose its valuable properties.

To ensure that the cream with mumiyo for stretch marks, the recipe for which you already know, brings maximum results, when using it, follow these recommendations:

  • Apply the composition exclusively to clean, steamed skin. First, take a shower and wash yourself with a washcloth. You can use a scrub. This will help remove the top layer of dead cells.
  • Gently apply the cream to the skin where there are stretch marks. Rub it into the skin using circular movements in a clockwise direction.
  • Repeat the procedure every day, morning and evening.

Mask with mumiyo for stretch marks

The cream works great on fresh stretch marks, however, if they are old, you can use harsher preparations. In this case it may help homemade mask with mumiyo for stretch marks. For it you will need the following ingredients:

  • a teaspoon of crushed mummy;
  • a teaspoon of ground coffee;
  • a teaspoon of boiled water;
  • five drops of orange or eucalyptus essential oil;
  • anti-cellulite or baby cream.

The mask is prepared as follows:

  • Combine mumiyo and water and let the product dissolve.
  • Add ground coffee to the mixture, which will add abrasive particles to the product. They will help activate blood circulation in problem areas and cleanse the skin of dead cells.
  • Add essential oil and cream.

Apply the mask to the body, vigorously rubbing it into the skin damaged by stretch marks for five minutes. Then leave the product on the skin for another ten minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. It's worth using a mask two times a week.

Oil for stretch marks with mumiyo

Another effective recipe with mumiyo for stretch marks involves the use of sea buckthorn oil, which enhances the effectiveness of mountain resin.

Sea buckthorn oil has the following properties:

  • improves metabolism;
  • promotes skin healing;
  • accelerates recovery processes.

Preparing the product is incredibly simple: mix mumiyo and sea buckthorn oil in a 1:2 ratio.

Ointment with mumiyo for stretch marks

You can use mummy tablets for stretch marks, the recipe for which will be more effective using honey. This product perfectly cares for the skin, carefully and efficiently removing stretch marks.

You will need the following components:

  • 2 g mummy (pre-crush the tablets;
  • 3 tablespoons of liquid honey;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil.

Mix all ingredients. Apply the composition to the problem area. For the best effect, it is recommended to keep it on the skin for half an hour and then take a shower. This same product works great against cellulite and can also be used to fight acne.

Cream with added essential oil

Shilajit cream for stretch marks using baby cream, the recipe for which you have already considered, can become the basis for preparing another effective remedy. To improve its effectiveness, use essential oils with anti-cellulite effect. These include orange, lemon, grapefruit, rosemary, tangerine, rose, lavender, and neroli oil.

Please note that mumiyo does not dissolve in oil, so you first need to prepare the cream according to the usual recipe, and only then add 7-10 drops of ether.

Having chosen the right recipe for stretch marks with mumiyo, you will notice positive results a month after using it. And even after a couple of weeks the first improvements will be noticeable. To improve the effectiveness of the product used, follow these tips:

  • To achieve results, you need to use the product regularly.
  • It is usually recommended to use Shilajit twice a day - morning and evening.
  • Depending on the mixing of the components, you can get a different consistency of the cream, this should not be scary. If the product turns out very liquid, you can use less water.
  • You can improve the results of using mumiyo if you use a massage roller after applying it. This procedure improves blood microcirculation and accelerates the healing process of stretch marks. Please note that pregnant women should not massage their belly!
  • Shilajit is not a dye and is easy to wash, so don’t be afraid to stain your clothes or towel. Marks on the skin can be removed with makeup remover or lemon juice.

Recipes with mumiyo for stretch marks, in tablets and more - simple and effective method overcome this problem. You can try different variants to understand which one is right for you. But in any case, regularity and correct use of the product is very important - then you can achieve better results.

Recipes for cream with mumiyo for stretch marks on video

Stretch marks on the body can affect both women and men. The reasons why they appear may be different. Women often develop stretch marks during pregnancy. The most “favorite” places for stretch marks are: stomach, thighs, buttocks. Cosmetologists recommend using mumiyo against stretch marks.

Treatments with this natural product are the most effective and efficient. After the second or third procedure, no one will have a question: does mummy help with stretch marks? The answer will be visually visible.

Stretch marks look like white and pink scars and cause a lot of problems for beauties. They don't give in ultraviolet rays and look like “white crows” on a tanned body.

Before you begin procedures to eliminate unsightly scars, it is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance, which can be completely different:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • rapid growth in adolescents;
  • rapid weight gain and loss;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • water balance disturbance;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • sedentary lifestyle, bad habits;
  • heredity.

Stretch marks can also appear in athletes as a result of intense training, especially on the inside of the arms.

The scars first take on a pink tint, the skin on them is thinner compared to other areas of the body, and if left untreated, the stretch marks will fade and will be much more difficult to remove. Scarring white They are called “old”, they become this color after about a year and a half.

By their nature, stretch marks on the skin are microtraumas on the body. For various reasons, the skin cannot stretch, loses elasticity and is injured from the inside. The body itself tries to heal the tear, filling the injured area with connective tissue, which is externally different from other areas of the skin.

Action of mumiyo

The bee product sufficiently possesses all the necessary beneficial and medicinal properties, capable of eliminating unsightly scars on the body.

Has the following healing effects on the skin:

  • normalizes subcutaneous fat metabolism;
  • helps even out skin tone;
  • reduces the depth and length of scars;
  • increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, saturates it with all the necessary vitamins and elements.

When applying products for stretch marks based on mumiyo to problem areas of the skin, positive influence the drug is applied not only to the superficial, but also to the deep layers of the skin, and the damaged dermis is restored much faster.


The process of treating stretch marks is quite labor-intensive; you can get rid of scars only with regular and long-term treatment. Very deep and “old” scars can only be eliminated with the help of plastic surgery, so the more correct way to maintain the beauty of the body is preventive measures, which include simple measures:

  • drink at least two liters of water a day (pure water, not tea, coffee or compote), always maintain optimal water balance in the body;
  • use nourishing and moisturizing creams, balms, milk;
  • If possible, exclude smoked meats and various preservatives from the diet;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • consume vitamins, macro and microelements necessary for the body (zinc, copper, vitamins C, B5, E);
  • consume enough protein, which helps restore skin tissue and prevent ruptures;
  • constantly monitor your weight, periodically “sit down” on therapeutic diets (the most effective and safe is);
  • take the course periodically.

Good preventive measures against stretch marks are, which helps stimulate blood circulation in the body, and. To prevent stretch marks, you need to make it a rule to carry out exfoliating procedures using scrubs once a week and take contrasting water procedures at least every other day.

It is necessary to think about the prevention of stretch marks even in adolescence, when weight can change dramatically, hormonal changes and rapid growth of a young body occur. After all, it is always easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it for a long time.

Basic rules for using mumiyo

For those who decide to get rid of unsightly scars at home, the first thing you need to do is be patient. Visible results will appear only after a month’s course of treatment procedures.

To ensure that time and effort are not wasted, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of cosmetologists on the use of cosmetics based on mumiyo:

  • procedures must be taken regularly twice a day (morning and evening) for one to two months;
  • to prepare a mask or cream, you need to use only natural and fresh products, purchase mumiyo only from trusted sellers or at a pharmacy;
  • When buying a product in factory packaging, you must pay attention to the expiration date; it is advisable to take mumiyo with a short shelf life; the longer the bee product is stored, the lower its effectiveness, since during industrial processing, preservation and storage the natural product loses most its healing properties;
  • It is advisable to crush mumiyo in tablets into powder for more complete and rapid dissolution of the drug in water;
  • try to prepare a cosmetic product for stretch marks only in a volume designed for one procedure; it is not recommended to use the home remedy again, since the prepared composition for future use will not bring the desired result (under the influence of air, the mummy loses some of its beneficial properties);
  • Store the remaining healing mixtures in a dark glass container in the refrigerator, but no more than 2-3 days;
  • Use ceramic or glass dishes to prepare masks and creams.

It is not difficult to follow all these simple rules; of course, it will require both time and effort, but the result will be definitely positive.

Recipes for medicinal cosmetics prepared at home

High-quality cosmetics for stretch marks containing mumiyo can be bought at a pharmacy or in a store, but their cost will be higher than average. When buying ready-made cosmetics, you cannot know for sure whether it will suit you, whether it will have the desired effect, or whether it will cause an allergy.

Advantage home cosmetics the fact that it is prepared according to an individual recipe, it contains only those natural products that will benefit and not harm the body. The effect of such masks and creams will be no worse than industrial ones, and they will cost your wallet several times less.

Any cream for stretch marks with mumiyo has a short shelf life, so if the product is packaged in a beautiful glass package with a shelf life of up to a year, you shouldn’t expect the desired results from such cosmetics. With constant contact of such a cream with air and skin, its use period will be a maximum of 2 weeks, after which you can simply throw away the jar with the remains, because there will be nothing useful or medicinal in it.

Homemade cosmetics, prepared independently at home, do not need shelf life restrictions, since they are prepared in volumes necessary for one, maximum 3 procedures.

Balm with baby cream

  • mumiyo - 2–4 g;
  • purified (boiled) water - 1 tsp;
  • baby cream - 50–70 g.

Dissolve the mummy in water; if tablets are used, they must first be crushed into powder. Add baby cream to the solution, stir the ointment until smooth. It is advisable to prepare the balm for one or two procedures. Store leftover product in the refrigerator in a glass container for no longer than 2-3 days.

The resulting cream with mumiyo for stretch marks is recommended to be applied in a thin layer to the area of ​​stretch marks every morning and evening for two to three months. The balm is best absorbed into cleansed and steamed skin. Rub it in with light circular movements, leave on the skin for at least 3-4 hours, after which rinse off the residue with warm water.

Coffee scrub against “old” stretch marks

  • Shilajit powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground coffee - 1 teaspoon;
  • essential oil (preferably orange) - 5–6 drops;
  • warm boiled water - 1 teaspoon;
  • cream suitable for your skin type (can be anti-cellulite) - a sufficient amount to bind the components of the mask.

For cooking cosmetic product You should dissolve the mumiyo powder in water, add ground coffee, essential oil, and mix everything thoroughly. Combine the mass with enough cream to form a medium-viscosity substance.

Before starting the procedure, problem areas must be steamed. The mask should be applied with intense massage movements to the scar area for 5–7 minutes. Leave the scrub on the body for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

The mask has a scrubbing effect and is effective against “old”, deep stretch marks. Recommended course 1-2 times a week for 2-3 months.

Sea buckthorn oil and mumiyo

  • Shilajit powder - 1 part;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 2 parts;
  • warm boiled water - 1 teaspoon.

Dissolve the bee product powder in water, add to the oil, mix the oil mixture thoroughly until smooth. Rub the product into problem areas with light circular movements. The duration of the procedure is 3–4 hours, after which the remaining oil should be washed off with warm water.

Sea buckthorn oil complements the healing effects of mumiyo: improves metabolism, accelerates the healing of microtraumas on the skin, stimulates the process of tissue regeneration. Cosmetics based on sea ​​buckthorn oil and bee product not only effectively fights scars, but nourishes and softens the skin, eliminates excessive sweating, and eliminates calluses.

The frequency of procedures is 1–2 times a week for 1–2 months.

Clay mask

  • mumiyo - 5 g;
  • warm boiled water - 50 ml.;
  • vegetable or olive oil - 100 ml;
  • blue clay - 150 g.

Dissolve the mummy in warm water, add all other ingredients and stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

Apply the finished mask to problem areas of previously cleansed (preferably steamed) skin and cover with cellophane. The duration of the procedure, depending on the depth and age of the stretch marks, is from 2 to 3 hours. It is recommended to finish the procedure with a contrast shower.

The procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a week for 2-3 months.

Mask with cooling effect

  • mumiyo - 3 tablets;
  • warm boiled water - 1–2 teaspoons;
  • baby cream - 50 g;
  • essential oil (preferably mint) - 10 drops.

Crush the tablets into powder and dissolve in water. Add cream and oil to the solution, mix the mixture thoroughly, transfer to a glass container, and store in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

Use the mask daily, rubbing it into the stretch marks with gentle massage movements, for 1–2 months.

Essential oil eliminates bad smell bee product, gives a pleasant cooling sensation when using the product.

Water solution

  • boiled water - 100 ml;
  • Shilajit powder - 10 g.

Dissolve the mummy in water, moisten a cotton pad with the solution, apply to problem areas, and leave until completely dry. To get the best results from the procedure, first cleanse the body with a scrub, lotion or milk. To increase blood flow and speed up metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin, it is advisable to do a light warming massage.

Treatment of stretch marks should be comprehensive: it is advisable to combine procedures with masks and creams with wraps, massage and water treatments.

Contraindications and side effects, interactions with other drugs

Despite the fact that mumiyo is the safest drug, the natural product has several contraindications - these are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • tumor formations;
  • hypertension;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • Elderly people should use mumiyo with caution.

When taking procedures using mumiyo, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Before starting treatment with a bee product, it is necessary to exclude all possible health risks, and if in doubt, be sure to consult a doctor.

The only one side effect when using cosmetics made from mumiyo, this is the appearance of spots on the skin after applying a cream or mask. This problem can easily be eliminated using makeup remover or diluted with water. lemon juice.

Shilajit can be taken simultaneously with other medications, with the exception of medications containing euphilin.

Regular use of mumiyo in the treatment of stretch marks can smooth out even deep scars. The only rule that must be strictly followed is a systematic approach to the problem. As they say: “Beauty requires sacrifice,” therefore, in the struggle for beautiful body you will have to sacrifice free time, some favorite activities, meetings with loved ones and friends, but all these “sacrifices” will not be in vain, and even very wonderful!

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, are not the best decoration for the human body. To combat them, ready-made creams and oils are used, as well as various cosmetic procedures and even plastic surgery. However, the well-known mumiyo will help make this skin defect less noticeable at home.

What is mumiyo

There are many different names for this substance: “mountain resin”, “tears of a giant”, “rock oil”, “blood of the mountain”, “juice of the rock”, “mountain oil”.

Mumiyo is a mixture of a wide variety of organic (plant and animal) and inorganic (mineral) inclusions.

How the substance is formed is unknown to this day. There are several versions about this. The most plausible sounds like this: finely dispersed rock minerals interact with beneficial bacteria and over the course of many years form a sticky resin, which includes components of plant and animal origin.

Mountain resin contains vitamins (A, E, C, group B), amino acids, fatty acid, phospholipids, resins, essential oils, more than 60 minerals, enzymes, flavonoids, tannins and other biologically active components.

Mumiyo is found in rock cracks and mountain crevices all over the world, so the composition of the product is not constant - it depends on the location of the mountainous terrain. The Altai Mountains are also rich in mountain resin.

Raw materials are sold in the form of tablets, capsules, creams, gels, lotions, ointments, pastes, plates, and briquettes. The usual color of rock tar is black or light brown. But you can also find a red tint. This is a golden mumiyo, which is mined in the Altai region, or, as Govoyart, the Altai Mountains.

Mumiyo is used to treat and prevent many diseases. It is used not only in alternative medicine, but also in cosmetology, including to eliminate stretch marks.

Gallery: mumiyo release forms

Mumiyo tablets are the most common form on sale. Mumiyo is purified and sold in the form of plates. One of the forms of mumiyo is paste.

Types of stretch marks

Striae occur as a result of tearing of the inner layer of the epidermis due to excessive stretching of the skin. Stretch marks often appear in pregnant women, bodybuilders, teenagers and others experiencing hormonal changes.

The resulting tears are covered by connective tissue, resulting in the formation of scars - stretch marks. Initially they have a red or purple tint. But over time, the capillaries in the connective tissue die, and the stretch marks gradually turn white.

By the shade of the stretch mark you can determine its type: new or old.

New stretch marks are characterized by the fact that the connective tissue still contains blood vessels, which give the stretch marks a red or purple tint.

In old stretch marks there are no longer capillaries, since the connective tissue has a rather dense structure, vital processes do not occur in it, and the need for vessels disappears (they gradually die off). Old striae have a whitish tint.

Old stretch marks are much more difficult to get rid of than new ones.

Gallery: types in the photo

Bright red stretch marks often appear during pregnancy in the abdominal area New stretch marks are colored red or purple Old stretch marks have a characteristic whitish tint. Old stretch marks are much more difficult to remove from the surface of the skin

Methods of using mumiyo for stretch marks

Before you start fighting stretch marks, you need to be patient. You need to understand that this skin defect is difficult to treat, so you should not expect results after the first use of mumiyo.

In order for mountain resin to effectively affect the skin, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  • Before applying a composition based on this medicine, you should take a hot shower, preferably using a scrub. In this case, the skin will be well steamed and cleansed of the stratum corneum, which will allow the active components of the mountain substance to penetrate as deeply as possible into the epidermis layer;
  • products with mumiyo need to be rubbed in quite vigorously;
  • It is best to carry out the procedures in the evening before bedtime.

Ready-made cosmetic product

To eliminate stretch marks, you can use a ready-made cream with mumiyo, elastin and collagen every day.

The product is applied to problem areas and rubbed in thoroughly. According to consumer reviews, the cream is best used in the evening, since it has a strong specific odor due to the oils and plant extracts it contains.

According to the manufacturer, there are no restrictions on the duration of use of the product.

Cream against stretch marks

At home, a cream that contains the following ingredients has proven itself to be effective in combating stretch marks:

  • mumiyo - 4 g;
  • purified water - 2 tsp;
  • baby cream - 100 g.

Mumiyo should be dissolved in water. Since mountain resin takes a long time to dissolve, it is better to grind it and take warm water (up to 40 °C). Shilajit will dissolve faster in hot water, but will lose many of its beneficial properties.

The resulting solution must be combined with baby cream and mixed. This amount is enough for 1 month of use, so the cream should be stored in the refrigerator.

The finished product is rubbed into places where stretch marks accumulate until the composition is completely absorbed. The cream can be used daily 1-2 times a day after a shower for 2 months. Then you should take a break for 10–14 days and repeat the course again, if necessary.

Homemade cream for stretch marks can be enriched with 3-5 drops of essential oil:

  • mint and lavender activates blood flow in the problem area, increasing the effectiveness of the fight against stretch marks;
  • incense makes scars less noticeable;
  • rosemary has a beneficial effect on cell renewal.

Video: cream for stretch marks based on mumiyo


For the procedure you will need:

  • mumiyo - 3–4 tablets;
  • purified water - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Crush mumiyo tablets and dissolve in warm water, add honey and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas. Treated areas should be wrapped in cling film. After 25–30 minutes. The composition must be washed off with warm water.

The course of wraps consists of 15 procedures, the break between sessions is 2-3 days.

If the result is insufficient, then after 10–14 days the wraps can be resumed.

Scrub that removes stretch marks


  • mumiyo - 3–4 tablets;
  • ground coffee - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • shower gel - 1 tbsp. l.

Crush the mountain resin tablets, combine them with shower gel and allow them to dissolve. Then add ground coffee to the prepared mixture.

The resulting scrub is rubbed into problem areas for 5 minutes. After this, the product is left on the body for another 10 minutes. Ground coffee removes the stratum corneum, and mumiyo helps smooth out scars.

The procedure should be carried out 2 times a week for 1.5–2 months.


Stretch marks become less noticeable with massage. This is explained by the fact that during the procedure, blood flow to problem areas is stimulated, which promotes cell regeneration. The effectiveness of the massage will be higher if you add mumiyo to the massage product.


  • mumiyo - 3–4 tablets;
  • oil of choice (jojoba, avacado, grape seed, etc.) – 1 tbsp. l.

Crush the tablets and dissolve in oil. Using the resulting product, you need to massage problem areas for 15–20 minutes. Remaining oil should be wiped off with a napkin.


The procedure makes the skin more elastic and old stretch marks less noticeable. For lotions you will need:

  • mumiyo - 3 g;
  • purified water - 100 ml;
  • oil of choice (coconut, apricot, etc.) – 2 tbsp. l.

Mumiyo dissolves in water and oil is added to the solution. Gauze should be soaked in the solution and applied to the stretch marks for 30–40 minutes. It is better to apply lotions at night every day for 2 months.

Contraindications for use

When mumiyo is used externally, there are practically no contraindications to its use. The only limitation is individual intolerance and allergy to mountain resin.

It is also necessary to take into account the body’s reaction to other components that are used in the prepared formulations.

How can you use mumiyo for stretch marks? Recipes traditional medicine, creams, wraps, scrubs with mumiyo and other methods of use.

Every second representative of the fairer sex faces the problem of stretch marks. Stretch marks, or as experts call them, stretch marks, appear on the bodies of women who have sharply lost or gained weight, or have problems at the hormonal level. Most often, stretch marks are found on the skin after pregnancy and lactation. To successfully get rid of stretch marks, you first need to understand what they are.

Stretch marks are scars on the skin caused by prolonged or excessive stretching of the skin. Most often, stripe-shaped scars can be found on the abdomen, thighs, chest, lower back, and even on the arms. Stretch marks can be either white or burgundy-blue, which undoubtedly spoils any body.

The cause of stretch marks may be a lack of important proteins such as collagen and elastin in the body. If collagen and elastin are produced by the body in the right quantities, the skin becomes elastic, smooth and resistant to stretching. Otherwise, at the slightest tension, the skin will tear, and scar tissue will grow at the site of the tear, which is commonly called stretch marks.

Stretch marks themselves are not inherited, but the same cannot be said about a tendency towards them. Those whose relatives have also experienced this problem are more likely to get unsightly skin breaks. Moreover, male representatives are not immune from stretch marks.

In pursuit of body beauty, women are ready to try any means to get rid of stretch marks. From folk remedies or olive. Various ones have also proven themselves well. There are probably hundreds of manufactured drugs. But none of them are expensive cosmetic oil or cream cannot be compared in its effectiveness with such a unique natural product as mumiyo.

Mumiyo: what is this?

Mountain resin, which is credited with almost mythical properties, and which includes products of animal and plant origin, is called mumiyo. Mumiyo is found in the mountains and caves in the form of dark pieces with all sorts of inclusions. These pieces have a specific smell due to the fact that they contain animal waste products.

Humanity has thousands of years of experience in using mumiyo in alternative medicine. In particular, mountain resin helps boost immunity and relieve allergic reactions.

Perhaps there is not a single disease against which mumiyo would not be used. This is also a problem with cardiovascular system, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, any respiratory diseases from the runny nose to tuberculosis, problems with the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the genital organs, organs of vision and hearing, disruptions in the endocrine system. This is not a complete list of applications of this unique natural product.

What is the secret of the miracle cure for all diseases? The answer is simple - in its origin. No chemicals, only natural ingredients, more than fifty active minerals.

How and what kind of mumiyo to use against stretch marks?

Thanks to its regenerating properties, mumiyo is actively used in cosmetology, in particular in the fight against stretch marks on the skin. Due to the fact that the process of formation of mountain balsam is natural, its molecular composition may differ slightly depending on the region of origin.

This natural product goes on sale purified from harmful impurities and processed. The form of release of mumiyo is different - in the form of powder, thick ointment, tablets or capsules. The consumer has the right to choose the option that suits him.

It is most convenient to use powder to treat stretch marks. The tablets will have to be further crushed before adding mumiyo to the cream. Capsules, in turn, are convenient because the dose of so-called mountain resin in them is precisely calculated, unlike powder and ointment.

In order not to run into a fake, buy mumiyo, which is produced by trusted manufacturers. You shouldn’t pay exorbitant sums for the product.

Mumiyo, mined in Russia, produced in tablets, costs from 100 rubles per package, in the form of an ointment - from 150 rubles. The final cost depends on the manufacturer's pricing policy. You should not order resin from dubious sites that offer to buy a miraculous product at a huge discount, while guaranteeing its quality. Mumiyo is sold in almost every pharmacy.

Recipes with mumiyo to combat stretch marks

Of course, you can buy a ready-made cream containing mumiyo at the pharmacy and apply it daily to problem areas. But you can buy mumiyo in tablets or powder for making all kinds of scrubs, creams and masks yourself. This way you can save money and have the opportunity to experiment with ways of applying mountain resin to your skin.


If stretch marks appear along with cellulite, then you can fight these two problems at once with the help of a coffee scrub.

To do this, mix ground coffee with mountain resin powder. Apply the resulting mixture to a wet body and massage problem areas in a circular motion for 5-7 minutes. The procedure should be repeated at least twice a week.

Homemade cream

You can prepare a cream for stretch marks yourself by dissolving one mummy tablet in a teaspoon of warm water. Mix the resulting solution with regular body lotion and apply with massage movements to problem areas. This cream should be applied to the body before bed every day until the desired result appears.


Wraps will be very effective on the hips.

To do this, mix mumiyo powder with regular baby cream, apply to problem areas and cover with cling film on top. For greater effect, you can wear warm pants on top to allow all nutrients to penetrate more deeply under the skin. After 15-20 minutes, remove the film and wash off the cream.

Oil massage

A mixture of oils with the addition of mumiyo for self-massage at home will also be effective.

Mix 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 5 drops of rosemary essential oil, 2 drops of wheat germ oil and 1 crushed mummy tablet. Twice a week, massage the skin covered with stretch marks for 7-10 minutes with the resulting oil. The effect will not take long to appear.

Adding to shower gel

Add a little mumiyo powder to the shower gel you usually use to wash your face and rub the areas of your body covered with stretch marks with a washcloth. The more intensely you rub, the better the effect will be.

What is important to remember

It is very important to start treating stretch marks as early as possible. The later you start treatment, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the unfortunate scars.

  • If you want to achieve a good effect from using mumiyo, then carry out treatment procedures regularly! Stretching will not go away with just one or two sessions.
  • Mumiyo will penetrate the skin faster if you first steam the body and rub problem areas with a washcloth to increase blood flow.
  • Mumiyo should be applied to stretch marks using massage movements. The more intensely you rub the stretch marks, the faster they will go away. This rule does not apply to scrubs.
  • Try to use mumiyo 2 times a day. For example, in the morning you can take a shower with the addition of powder to the shower gel, and in the evening do a massage or body wrap.

If mumiyo gets on your clothes, don’t worry! It can be easily washed off with regular laundry soap.

Those who are bothered by the unpleasant smell of mountain resin can mask it by adding a few drops of essential oils to the product. Rosemary, orange, wheat germ, lavender and lemon oils are most effective in the fight against stretch marks.


There are no direct prohibitions on using mumiyo for one reason or another. But, in any case, it is worth limiting its use to pregnant and lactating women.

  • You should not use mumiyo if you have cancer, as mumiyo can provoke accelerated growth of a malignant tumor.
  • Using mumiyo during menstruation in women can cause heavy bleeding.
  • Shilajit should not be used by people suffering from hypertension. Thanks to its stimulating properties, mountain tar can further increase blood pressure and make the heart beat faster.
  • Old people and young children should avoid using mumiyo.
  • You should not use products containing mumiyo before bed, as this natural product has a pronounced tonic effect, which can lead to insomnia.
  • In any case, carefully study the properties of mumiyo before use and try not to abuse it.

Prevention of stretch marks

Like any other skin problem, stretch marks are easier to prevent than to remove. Therefore, you should know about some ways to prevent stretch marks.

The most important thing is to try to avoid sudden changes in body weight. Weight fluctuations are the most common cause of stretch marks. Pay attention to your diet. The diet should be varied with the obligatory inclusion of protein. Do not neglect to drink clean water, as a lack of it in the body can make the skin vulnerable to tears.

Don’t forget to speed up metabolic processes in the layers of the skin with massage and a contrast shower - rub and pinch the skin, change the water temperature during water procedures.

Even at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, it is worth applying nourishing oils to the skin of the abdomen, hips and chest every day. Olive or olive oil is best suited for this. linseed oil. This will help the skin be nourished with nutrients and prepare for further stretching.

You can successfully fight stretch marks at home using the unique natural product mumiyo. It is important to start procedures as early as possible, or even better, to prevent stretch marks from appearing at all.

Many women experience discomfort after pregnancy due to stretch marks (stretch marks) appearing on their body. Women spend a lot of money to eliminate this deficiency. Newfangled ointments and creams and various cosmetic procedures are very expensive.

In this case, an excellent remedy comes to the rescue - mumiyo, which saves you from stretch marks. But now you don’t need to drop everything and run to the pharmacy to buy this drug. First, you should find out what mummy is and how it helps fight stretch marks and skin unevenness, as well as how to use it correctly.

What is mumiyo?

Shilajit is a mountain resin that consists of a natural mixture of inorganic and organic elements. This substance is mined in the mountains of Asia, but the most valuable common mumiyo is transported to us from Altai. This mass is homogeneous, brown or almost black in color. Mumiyo has an unusual smell and bitter taste. Most often it is produced in the form of tablets; in some pharmacies you can find mumiyo in the form of plates and capsules.

The healing power of this remedy on the body has been known for more than three thousand years. The area of ​​application of mumiyo is very diverse, it is an excellent healing “elixir”, and this makes one wonder how such an excellent remedy remained unknown for many years. But it is little known only to our countries, and oriental medicine cannot do without treatment with the help of mumiyo. This can be traced in ancient medical records and treatises from Mongolia, India, Tibet and Asia.

What is mummy used for?

Mumiyo contains many useful elements and substances. For this reason, mumiyo has a huge range of healing properties that help improve treatment. Shilajit is used to heal various wounds and to generally strengthen the immune system. Wounds with the help of mumiyo can be healed, both external and internal. In traumatology, this remedy has also found wide application. It is prescribed to speed up the process of tissue regeneration, to quickly restore bones after fractures, and also to treat ulcers.

With the help of mumiyo you can get rid of skin irregularities that have arisen, as well as acne. If a person is allergic to anything, then mumiyo helps relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions. This healing substance in tissues reduces inflammatory processes, promotes the resorption of scars, and improves metabolism. It is for this reason that cream with mumiyo for stretch marks is one of the most effective and efficient means for getting rid of this cosmetic problem.

Using mumiyo against stretch marks

You can hear from many girls that regular use of mummy cream against stretch marks is very effective. This is actually true. But you need to know that it can only help you if you prepare the solution or cream yourself and do not buy it in a store. Factory-made preparations with mumiyo most often do not bring the desired results, and some of them can even cause allergic reactions or irritations that will take a long time to treat.

A high-quality cream with the addition of mumiyo for stretch marks has a very short shelf life. If it often comes into contact with the skin and air, for example, if the cream is packaged not in a tube, but in a jar with a large neck), then the shelf life of such a cream becomes two weeks shorter. Therefore, you should not expect positive changes when purchasing any cosmetic product with the addition of mumiyo, which has a shelf life of one year. In this case, you will only be wasting your money. So, to save your money, you can prepare cream with mumiyo yourself at home. In this case, the treatment will be effective.

Preparing cream with mumiyo for stretch marks

The recipe itself is quite simple. To prepare stretch mark cream with mumiyo you need very little patience and time. The main active remedy can be any natural mummy, but it is best and most convenient to use mummy in capsules. When buying mummy in capsules, you do not have to measure and weigh the exact amount of powder, since it is already dosed in advance. Also, mumiyo in capsules is more convenient because it dissolves much faster.

If mummy in capsules is very difficult to find in pharmacies in your city, then you can completely use regular mummy in tablet form. They can be used whole, but to make it more convenient, the tablets should first be crushed into powder. Mumiyo in plates is best dissolved in a small amount of water. Cream with mumiyo for stretch marks can be prepared in different ways, diversify it.

Recipe for cream with mumiyo for stretch marks

To prepare mummy cream at home you will need:

  1. Non-metallic cup;
  2. Two to three grams of purified mumiyo;
  3. A portion of the cream you usually use on your body. The cream should be taken in such a way that the portion is used once or twice.
  4. One teaspoon of warm water, but not hot (boiled).


In a bowl or clean cup, you need to mix one teaspoon of warm water with the crushed mummy and wait for complete dissolution. This way you will get a brown liquid without sediment. Add a portion of cream to this liquid, which you will need for one or two applications. After this, thoroughly mix the cream with the mummy. If you have crushed the mummy in advance, you can immediately mix it with the cream without using water. The mixture should sit for ten to fifteen minutes, after which it should be thoroughly mixed again. The finished cream can be transferred to a jar, preferably a glass one, or applied immediately after preparation. The product must be stored in the refrigerator, because the cream with a combination of natural mumiyo is a perishable product.

How to neutralize the unpleasant odor of mummy cream for stretch marks?

If the mumiyo is really high quality, then it has a specific smell, which is not very pleasant and few people will like it. To get rid of this smell, you can experiment with creams. Some creams can neutralize the unpleasant odor of mountain tar, or can make it less noticeable. If you still don’t want to give up your favorite mummy cream, then you can try adding natural essential oils to it. To ensure that after applying the cream your skin has a pleasant aroma and not the repulsive smell of mumiyo, it is enough to add just two or three drops of essential oil to the cream.

The following oils are perfect for this procedure:

  • Peppermint oil, which softens and soothes the skin;
  • All types of citrus oils also help get rid of cellulite;
  • Rose oil - has a healing property, can relieve irritation;
  • Ylang-ylang is a natural aphrodisiac and a good antiseptic;
  • Grapeseed oil - perfectly moisturizes the skin.

And this is not a complete list of possible flavors that can be added to home recipe. But you need to be careful, as some can further enhance the smell of mumiyo, instead of masking it. For example, such oils are bergamot oil, lavender oil and coffee oil.

Prevention of stretch marks

In order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks during a diet or during pregnancy, you need to regularly use mummy cream, two to three times a week. This will help maintain skin tone and help it be elastic, because stretch marks occur precisely because the skin loses its elasticity. Even if a tissue tear has already occurred, you must apply the above recipe and lubricate the stretch. Thus, you can reduce the size of the stretch mark, and sometimes even get rid of it.

Use of mumiyo during pregnancy and lactation

The first stretch marks begin to appear during pregnancy. Therefore, the question of the safety of using this substance during this period worries women most of all. In general, taking such a dietary supplement during pregnancy is contraindicated, but using cream with mumiyo is acceptable.

You just need to know that this substance is very toxic in large doses; no research has been conducted in this area. So before using mumiyo during pregnancy, you should first consult with your doctor. He will be able to tell you exactly whether it is possible to use mumiyo during pregnancy in your case.

cream with the addition of mumiyo should be used very carefully. Under no circumstances should it be applied to the breast so that it does not get into the baby’s mouth during feeding. You also need to carefully choose the oil with which you muffle the smell of mumiyo, as it can have a negative effect on the baby’s behavior.

A positive result can be seen already a month after regular use of mumiyo. And after two weeks you can see the first changes with the naked eye. To get rid of stretch marks as quickly as possible and make them less noticeable, you need to follow these tips:

  1. To speed up the healing process of the skin, you need to use mummy regularly. It is advisable to apply it twice a day - morning and evening.
  2. In some cases, when mixed, the cream with mumiyo may change its consistency. But that's absolutely normal. And if you are confused by the fact that the product is very liquid, you can change the brand of cream or reduce the amount of mumiyo.
  3. In order to enhance the effect, you can use a massage roller when applying the cream. This will promote improved blood flow and also speed up the healing of stretch marks. During the period of bearing a child, there is no need to massage the abdomen.
  4. If traces of mumiyo appear on linen or clothes, they can be easily washed off using laundry soap with a weak solution of lemon juice. For half a liter of water you need to take one tablespoon of juice.
  5. If the mumiyo leaves dark marks on the skin and hands, rub the area with makeup remover or lemon juice.
  6. After applying the cream, it does not need to be washed off for three to four hours.
  7. During pregnancy, the cream should be used with caution. If redness or irritation occurs, immediately stop using the mummy.