How to teach a parrot to swim in water. Bathing a budgie. Using Wet Grass

Sooner or later, the owners of wavy beauties begin to notice that a drinking bowl or other containers with water are used by their charges as a kind of shower stall. This strange behavior is justified by the natural need of birds for bathing. So, why not create a personal bathroom for your feathered friend? A parrot bath is a must for small exotic birds.

To prevent bathing from harming your pet, learn everything you need about this procedure and create an atmosphere so that bathing days bring joy and pleasure, and not fear of the water element. Read below how to do this.

Important rules for a bath day at home

For a parrot water treatments natural and important

To keep feathers in good condition, a bathing suit for cockatiels and other bird breeds is simply necessary. In addition, taking water procedures is fun entertainment for birds and a way to improve their mood.
To avoid wondering how to bathe a parrot and avoid making mistakes when teaching your pet to take baths, use these tips and everything will be fine:

    1. You need to bathe your pet in a separate container from which he will not drink.
    In this case, a do-it-yourself parrot bathing suit made from a plastic bottle is ideal.

    2. The water in the container for bath procedures must be clean. Do not allow your pet to splash around in cups of tea, as the drink will lead to fading of feathers and an unkempt appearance.
    3. To prevent your pet from getting sick after bathing, the temperature in the room and the temperature coefficient of the water must be the same and be no less than 23 and no more than 25 degrees.
    4. In the cold season, it is better not to bathe your pet, but if the wavy beauty climbed into a container of water, put his cage in a warm place so that he does not catch a cold. Also make sure that there are no drafts in the room.
    5. Not all birds love water treatments, so many owners are faced with the question of how to teach a parrot to bathe without harm to its health? Try to be patient with your baby's fear, show him the water from afar, gradually introducing him to the bath. Perhaps you will help the bright bird overcome its fear, and it will independently begin to clean its feathers with water. The main thing is not to rush and be patient.

    6. If you decide to bathe your pet in winter, then do it no more than twice a month. In this case, your pet should take a bath only in your presence. After bath procedures, it needs to be warmed and dried. In summer, the bathing container can be left directly in the cage, so he can not only care for his feathers, but also cool down during the heat.

How to accustom a bird to water procedures

As a bathing suit, you can use shallow bowls, bowls, basins with small amounts of water

Do you want to teach your pet to take a bath, but don’t know if it’s possible to bathe your budgie in a makeshift bath? The answer to this question is quite simple: it is possible and necessary. Swimming for birds is not only entertainment, but also great benefit for good health.

To arouse your pet's interest in water, show him a bathing area. If your parrot likes to sit on your finger, bring it to a container of water and offer to examine it.

But don’t rush, if the pet doesn’t want to, then there’s no need to force it. You can first put your parrot in the bath or toy, let him walk around in it and get used to it, and then you can pour water into it.

How and where is it better to bathe a “wavy” pet?

Not everyone knows how to bathe budgies at home. Most birds like to take baths in an ordinary deep plate with warm vodka. But the owner must take into account that when bathing, the wavy beauty will splash water and flood the entire cage with it. A bath for budgies can look like this: a bath made of a plastic bottle with an entrance for the parrot and walls so that the bird does not splash water around. Below are some more tips!

Wavys - lovers of swimming
  • Some owners use a cat litter box as a bath. Such a spacious bath for cockatiels and wavy birds will be received with a bang, since it is very convenient to splash around in it with outstretched wings, and for them such freedom of action is a real pleasure.
  • Wavy babies are active and sociable, so they can keep a bathing owner company. But it’s better not to allow this, since in the bathroom the bird can simply drown
  • If you want to give your pet a natural shower, grow oats for him and from time to time spray the green grass with water, offering it to your parrot. In nature, they bathe this way, in the morning dew that collects on the leaves of plants and grass.
  • You can also bathe your pets under running water. To do this, you need to apply a little pressure and adjust the water to a temperature of 25 degrees. The bird will definitely like this shower and improve its mood.
  • You can also arrange showers for birds using a spray bottle. It is necessary to spray water above the bird's head. So, she will not be afraid and will perceive water procedures as tropical rain

.Helpful advice

Give your pet time to get used to the water temperature

Despite the fact that parrots love to bathe, they need to be given a bath day with caution to avoid disastrous consequences. When you decide to give your bird water treatments, do not fill the bath to the brim. A parrot's bath should be less than half full, so the bird can splash around without drowning. There is no need to dry the bird, just put the cage in a warm place or under a lamp, then the pet will dry out on its own. There should be no hair dryers or towels - such drying methods are deadly for a parrot.

How to make a bath for budgies with your own hands

Almost every observant bird owner notices that from time to time the parrot does not miss the opportunity to plunge into some container of water. This is how the natural need for bathing manifests itself. Why not give your bird the opportunity to take baths whenever he wants? It is worth considering some rules.

The water must be clean, and its temperature should not fall below 23 °C and not exceed 25 °C. The temperature should start at 25 degrees. You definitely shouldn’t force a parrot to bathe, since not everyone likes to do this, but this way you can easily get mistrust.

It is not allowed to give your pet water treatments near its food, as when it gets wet it can become a breeding ground for bacteria, which will consequently lead to diseases.

Well, now in detail about how to make a bath for parrots with your own hands. To do this you will need: an empty container from a 5-liter square plastic bottle, a vinyl tube, a piece of wooden twig, plastic fasteners, stainless steel wire.

  1. We cut the workpiece.

2. Using a felt-tip pen, draw the future entrance.

3. Connect the bottom and top of the bottle and pierce it with an awl in several places.

4. We insert the tie and fix it.

5. It is necessary to repeat on all sides.

6. Having measured the required length of the tube, cut it lengthwise.

7. After treating with glue, attach it to the sides.

8. We make hooks from wire.

9. We insert them from the inside.

10. Bend the ends.

11. Now we make the perch. We pierce a branch (maple is ideal) with wire.

12. We bend it.

13. This is what happened.

14. Fix it at the entrance below and crimp it.

15. This is the result of our bathhouse.

16. Water is drawn in and drained through the hole at the top.


Bathing your parrots is not only a way to clean their feathers, but also a great way to have fun. The splashing feathered mischief evokes affection not only among its owners, but also among their guests.

By following the tips described above, you can not only teach your bird to bathe, but also establish contact with your pet. The main thing is that there is no coercion, and then water procedures will become a real joy for you and your pet.

Water procedures. “Early in the morning at dawn, little mice, and kittens, and ducklings, and bugs, and spiders wash themselves...” What about parrots?

How do they feel about washing and bathing? Just like people: some would not get out of the bath or shower for hours, while others calmly perform these procedures once a week. And not because they are so dirty, it’s just their character.

So are parrots - each has its own character. And his mood: he doesn’t want to go swimming today, and that’s all.

Not all wavy fish like to splash around. If the question is whether it is necessary to wash parrots, then it is still more appropriate to use the word can.

Here we are talking about the purely individual attitude of each specific pet to water procedures.

Moreover, The skill of swimming in birds is an innate property, and he does not need to study specifically - parrots bathe as needed. So don't panic if your pets don't feel the need to bathe.

On the other hand, wavy birds carefully look after their appearance, and in order to keep the skin and feathers moisturized, birds need water treatments in various acceptable forms, especially in the summer heat and dry air in the apartment.

When asked by owners how often their wavy pets should be bathed, the pets themselves will most accurately answer based on their needs and desires.

Some people are happy to splash around every week, others want to cool off only on hot days, and others are quite happy with the proximity of wet grass or leaves. You just need to monitor the behavior of the parrot.

Here the bird climbed into its drinking bowl, splashing water in all directions - this should be taken as a guide to action and satisfy the desire of the feathered friend. And if the wavy gladly places its feathers under drops of water from the greenery placed in the cage, then this “dose” is enough for it.

The frequency of bathing for birds accustomed to this depends on the season and air temperature “in the wild.” If in winter experts advise doing this no more than once a week, so as not to catch a cold, then in the summer the bird can be allowed to splash around every other day.

In general, there is only one exception, when The wavy needs washing - if it gets dirty with something.

Let's go swimming. What will you need?

You need to prepare for parrot water procedures. First, you should decide what or with what you can bathe the bird. There are several options:

There is no need to specially dry the bird after bathing. neither with a towel nor with a hairdryer - the latter is simply deadly for the parrot. If he gets very wet and you are afraid that he will catch a cold, you need to place a table lamp above the cage, and shade the second part of the home with something. The bird, having dried out and warmed up, will find some shade on its own to get rid of overheating.

Proper bathing of a bird

What the correct process of bathing a wavy in a bath will look like can be described step by step as follows:

The algorithm of actions is exactly the same if a bird washes itself in the shower, but ornithologists believe that the option with a bathtub is most preferable for bird bathing.

Swimming for the first time

How to bathe a budgie at home for the first time? It should be borne in mind that you can try to attract the attention of a feathered pet to procedures related to water no earlier than after a month of getting used to it in a new place. It is preferable to do this on a warm sunny morning, when the bird itself may express a desire to splash around in the water.

The quality of water for swimming in a bathing suit or saucer must be treated responsibly, because the bird can drink it. The water should be the same as what the parrot drinks: bottled, filtered tap water or, in extreme cases, settled tap water.

When starting to bathe the bird, Check the temperature of the water in the bath or shower. The water should be warm. Many people consider the optimal temperature to be 25o. All windows and vents must be closed: birds can also catch colds from drafts.

When bathing your feathered friend in the sink or in a large bathtub, try not to make noise so as not to irritate the bird.

Parrots love to do things together with their owner. They will also enjoy “joint” bathing. To do this, just dip your fingers into the bathing suit while playing with the bird. Be sure to praise his butt when he washes his feathers, and after the procedure, treat him with a treat.

How do wavy swimmers swim?

Don’t force things, let the parrot show interest in water on its own. There are several ways to wash parrots.

Some owners practice showering with their pet. Of course, you shouldn’t force a bird into the shower just for the sake of your own whim. Let him first observe how a person does it.

If you like it, use this method. But if the bird is not delighted with this procedure, it is better to bathe in its usual container.

Water flowing from a tap can arouse interest in bathing. Then it will be convenient to wash your pet in a regular sink.

Birds also bathe using a spray bottle. The water is poured into it quite hot, since it cools quickly during the spraying process.

Do not spray directly into the bird’s “face”, It is best to spray water over it. By the way, the spray bottle should not serve as a tool for punishing a parrot for disobedience. This can become a real emotional trauma for the bird and develop a real fear of hydrophobia in it.

A rather unusual and, perhaps, the most gentle method for the bird’s psyche is swimming in greenery. After all, these are the “water procedures” that parrots take in nature. During the summer months, clean plantain leaves or lawn grass will do. And for winter bathing it is recommended to use green salad leaves.

Warm water is poured into the bath and the greens are lowered. Everything else is up to the pets themselves.

And I'm afraid of water!

In principle, accustoming a feathered pet to water is not difficult. First, introduce the bird to the bath, filled with water. Sit next to him, dip your fingers in the water and slowly move them in one direction or another. The parrot will closely monitor your actions. After some time, take water into your palm and carefully pour it over the back of the bird. If this does not throw her into panic, the desired goal will soon be achieved.

Simple and most in an effective way There will be a small container (it can be a deep plate made from a toy dish) with water placed in the wavy cage. We repeat: parrots are very curious, and your pet will definitely be interested in a new object. At first, he will look closely and sniff, then he will dip his beak, try to climb in with his paws, and after some time he will eventually bathe entirely.

The spray bottle as a method of bathing has already been mentioned above. But this item will also help rid your feathered pet of his fear of water: just spray the “water panty” through a spray bottle a couple of times a day.

Bathing for a parrot: how to train it?

Special bath for birds. A parrot's preferences for bathing can only be determined by trying all the options. Same for the owner in a simple way is a specialized bath for washing parrots, colloquially called a bathing suit.

However some birds are afraid of confined spaces and they cannot be lured there. How to accustom a parrot to a bath?

First of all, play on the curiosity of your feathered friend: if the butt is interested in something, he should definitely explore it. The same bathing suit equipped with a mirror can become such an item. Intrigued by the sight of its own reflection, the wavy will risk climbing into the bath.

The bird's interest will be attracted by its toy placed in the container. or a favorite treat, a shiny ball.

Accustoming to a bath can be done gradually: first, a little grain mixture and sand are placed there, and when the parrot gets used to it and climbs into the bath without fear, a little water is poured in.

You shouldn’t elevate bathing your wavy pet to the level of a problem, much less how to get him to do it. Coercion has never benefited anyone. The stress suffered will lead to persistent hydrophobia and, most importantly, loss of trust in the owner. The bird itself should want to splash in the water, so there is no need to rush things. It is better to try to find a way that is acceptable for both of you and enjoyable for your pet - through play, encouraging curiosity.

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In contact with

All pets, including birds, love to splash around in warm water. But in order for bathing to be beneficial and not harm your feathered friend, you need to know how to properly bathe a budgie. This is not difficult to do at home.

Is it possible and necessary to bathe budgies?

Washing is not the most essential element of caring for and maintaining budgies. Each bird owner must decide for himself whether to bathe a budgie or not, focusing on the need for such bathing and the desire of the pet. There are enough advantages in water procedures:

  • While bathing with parrot feathers All foreign chemicals are washed away, especially if the pet got dirty with paint or glue the day before.
  • Water treatments help moisturizing feathers and skin budgerigar, which is important in the dry air of city apartments.
  • IN summer period water treatments are the best preventing heat stroke at the birds.
  • Many birds love to swim!

Another question is that in cases where a pet flatly refuses to take water procedures - it gets restless, disheveled and shows dissatisfaction in all appearances, you should refuse bathing and consider other types of hygiene maintenance. Forced washing causes severe stress in the parrot, which negatively affects its general condition, mood and prevents good communication with other family members. Once you break your pet's trust, you can spend many years trying to get him back.

How many times can you bathe and how often do you wash your budgie?

The frequency with which it is recommended to bathe budgies depends on several factors:

  1. Seasons. In winter, experts do not recommend getting carried away and washing your pet more than once a month. In summer, it is allowed to increase the number of bathings to three or four times per month. Although, if there are hot summer days outside, when it’s stuffy and you want to freshen up, at this time of year you can bathe the bird every other day. The same applies to winter - if the house is warm and the feathered friend wants to swim (or needs it), then water procedures are allowed once a week.
  2. Bird moods. If your feathered friend is anxious, you should not offer him a bath.
  3. Physical condition of the parrot. All recommended standards for water procedures apply only to healthy birds. If the pet is sick, then water procedures must be canceled until recovery.

You should not bathe in the first two weeks after buying a bird - during this adaptation period the stress will be too strong, which will definitely affect your health. It is best to accustom him to water procedures after the parrot has gotten used to the owner, has settled into the cage and calmly allows himself to be picked up.

Important! To understand whether your budgie needs to be bathed, you should take a close look at your pet: the first signs that it’s time to wash are: active interest in water– playing with a drinking bowl, trying to splash water all over oneself, ruffling feathers at this moment.

How to teach and accustom a budgie to bathe?

Bathing is a purely voluntary and individual matter for each bird. Both the pet and its owner get a lot of pleasure from this action, because watching a parrot splash is pure pleasure. Therefore, it is worth making a little effort so that your feathered friend perceives this procedure as an integral part of his life.

It is worth accustoming to bathing only after the parrot and the owner have trust and close contact has been established. It is better to do this with a young individual. Since if a feathered friend has already developed a persistent aversion to bathing, it will be very difficult to convince him otherwise.

At first time recommended pick up a parrot When the owner washes his hands or bathes, accustom him to the sound of water and small splashes. When the bird gets comfortable and begins to show obvious interest - it’s worth put a separate container of water for it , in which it is recommended to put toys. Some budgies begin to bathe when there is a mirror near the bathing area - such entertainment is very fun.

If the first bath went well, you can reward your parrot with his favorite treat. Some owners even place treats in the bath to encourage the bird to enter the water. Every attempt needs to be bought encourage .

As a rule, birds begin to actively bathe when they are in the mood for it. Therefore, carefully monitor your pet’s behavior.

Do not be upset if the parrot does not accept the procedure offered to him - try to carry it out at another time or offer another way to bathe. Some pets ignore bathing in a cage, but are happy to splash around in any container outside the cage or under running water from a tap. You also need to make sure that the water comfortable temperature. Many birds love to bathe with their owners. Therefore, some owners often take them with them to the bathroom.

If your budgie demonstrates its complete aversion to water procedures, I advise you to think about alternative methods, because parrots, like all living creatures, need to maintain hygiene (hygiene should be observed especially carefully on hot days).

How to prepare for bathing budgies at home?

The first and most important condition for washing a parrot is good mood birds and trusting relationships with the owner. When swimming indoors, any shallow and wide container with water.

You should pay attention to the following points when organizing a bath for your budgie:

  1. The apartment needs keep warm– the temperature indicator in the room should be at least twenty degrees Celsius, the windows must be closed, if there is an air conditioner, it must be turned off. This will prevent the parrot from catching a cold after the water procedure and avoid drafts. It is better not to bathe your budgie when the temperature in the apartment is below the required level.
  2. A bathing suit for budgies should be pour warm drinking water , in case the pet decides to swallow it.
  3. The optimal water level is one that does not exceed the mark in 1.5-2 centimeters.
  4. It is not recommended to swim in brightly lit areas. Twilight allows the parrots to relax and take the procedure more calmly.

If the feathers are heavily soiled, you should also prepare a cleaning agent - it is better to choose specialized shampoos for birds. As a last resort, you can use baby shampoo no fragrance.

Important! Usage detergent When bathing budgies, you should be extremely careful and use it only in cases of really heavy contamination (for example, paint or fly glue) that the bird cannot clean out on its own. The minimum concentration should be used; if the product requires rinsing, it is necessary to rinse the shampoo off the pet as much as possible! Remember that any foreign chemicals can negatively affect the health of your feathered pet!

What methods allow you to effectively bathe budgies at home?

There are many ways to wash budgies. Let's look at the main ones.

How to wash budgies with a spray bottle?

I think this is the easiest way. However, before you use it and bathe your budgie in this way, you need to know some rules:

  • The spray bottle should be warm water - about 25 degrees Celsius.
  • You should not use a spray bottle if the parrot is shy - this will only worsen the fear of your offer to go for a swim.
  • To bathe with a spray bottle you need remove the feeder from the cage, especially if there is still food in it.
  • Spraying water is recommended at a distance of 30 cm, in no case without doing it abruptly.
  • Procedure time – approx. 10-15 minutes, but if the bird shows pleasure, it can be longer.
  • After washing, you need to give your parrot dry off, and dry the cage.

How to bathe a budgie using a bath?

If you have a bathing suit, you can bathe your parrot in it. the main task In this case, the owner needs to interest the pet, attract its attention to bathing, since the bird will independently spray water on itself. There are many tricks in this matter - some put a mirror at the bottom of the bath, or throw waterproof toys or treats into the water.

Important! When using a bathing suit, budgies splash drops of liquid far around them. Therefore, if it is installed in a cage, you need to protect the space around it, otherwise, place it where splashes can be easily removed.

In some parrot cages, the bath is permanently installed and cannot be removed. In this case, you need to make sure that there is always pure water. Such cages are an ideal option for unobtrusively accustoming a budgerigar to bathing, so that he, without knowing it, gradually gets used to water procedures.

But there are pitfalls here too - if the font is located on an elevated surface, then you cannot leave your budgerigar unattended while swimming. Wet plumage makes birds less agile, and they can easily damage themselves if they fall from a height.

After washing, it is necessary to replace the water with clean water so that the bird does not drink dirty liquid. In addition, after taking such baths you need a pet dry with a towel. Please note that hair dryers should not be used when drying parrots - they greatly dry out the skin and feathers, which leads to deterioration of plumage, and sometimes its loss. If your pet is very wet, it is better to place it under a regular lamp– from its warmth it will dry out successfully and no harm will be caused to health.

How else can you wash a budgie at home?

Using Wet Grass

This is one of the variations of washing in a bathing suit, but closer to how parrots bathe in natural conditions a habitat. At the bottom of the bath (you can do without it) lettuce leaves are placed, which he can peck, or other grass so that he can rub himself. The minimum amount of water is poured, the main thing is the wet leaves. Bathing occurs when the parrot begins to rub on the grass or play with it - this moisturizes the feather cover and cleans it. Wild parrots often clean their feathers on dew on plants, so this process is as natural as possible.

Bathing in a stream from a water tap

This procedure is for those who are brave and absolutely confident in their friend - the owner. The parrot should be as manual so that after they finish bathing him, you don’t have to chase him around the entire apartment. Water needs to be made warm temperature. In this case, the flow from the tap should be thin stream. The bird can either spray itself or wash itself with the help of its owner’s spray.

Attention! Remember! Never carry out such procedures if your water supply chlorinated water . In addition, do not direct the stream from the faucet directly to the bird. Firstly, this kind of bathing will not bring any pleasure. Secondly, it can harm the bird if it suddenly decides to take a sip of water.

Bathing with detergent

Although parrots only need clean water to simply keep their feathers and skin clean, sometimes pets manage to get so dirty that they can no longer do without using shampoo.

Bathing with detergent has a number of features:

  • The bird is necessary fix in hands to apply shampoo. To do this, you need to hold the bird by the area below the cheeks with your thumb and forefinger, and use the remaining fingers to secure the body so that the pet does not break free and cause harm to itself.
  • Shampoo applied directly to the contaminated area, then rinse thoroughly warm water. If necessary, this operation is repeated.
  • Important wash off detergent from feather cover.
  • If contamination (especially paint or other toxic substances) is not completely washed off, you need to be careful trim feathers from contaminated areas. Otherwise, when cleaning the feathers, the parrot may ingest chemicals and become poisoned.
  • Apply detergent is only needed in the direction of feather growth, without being zealous and without rubbing it deep into the feather cover.

Bathing with talcum powder or mineral sand

You can also use talc-based baby powder, without fragrances, for cleansing. In this case, you need to apply the powder, fixing the pet with your fingers, and then carefully remove it with a towel or napkins.

Still, if possible, I advise give preference to cleaning feathers using water.

The main problems that arise when bathing budgies

The problems that most often arise when washing budgies are the following:

  1. The bird must be carefully protected from colds. Since feathered friends are very sensitive to drafts, they can easily catch a cold even in the summer. Especially if the cage is near an open window. At the first signs of a cold, you need to contact a veterinarian who will prescribe adequate treatment.
  2. Getting water or detergent into your nostrils birds. In this case, the pet must be carefully turned upside down and held in this position, but no longer than 10 seconds.
  3. Some budgies begin to actively scratch feathers, which is mistaken by bird owners for a disease. But there is no need to worry - this is a natural reaction of birds, this is how they bring their beauty to perfection.

Trust between the owner and the bird, patience and perseverance will help to introduce the pet to water procedures and make them fun for both the pet and his friend - the owner!

The homeland of budgerigars is Australia, where precipitation is a seasonal phenomenon, and parrots simply do not have the opportunity to enjoy frequent water procedures.

In order for bathing a budgie to become an integral part of its life, first of all, it needs to be interested in the bath procedure and the owner needs to be patient.

How to bathe a budgie

Attempts should be made to involve the bird in water procedures only after a month of adaptation of the bird to its new home, but not earlier. It would be best to offer your parrot a swim for the first time on a sunny, warm morning; it will be a great temptation for the bird to splash around in the water in the sun.

As a rule, budgies themselves encourage their owners to consider bathing through their behavior. This may include characteristic movements of the head and body, fluffy feathers, dancing at the drinking bowl, and splashing water from it.

Also, when you offer your pet freshly washed grass, fruits or berries, the parrot may begin to rub against the droplets of water on the food. If your budgie behaves this way, then you can safely offer him abundantly soaked lettuce leaves, a saucer of water, a special hanging bathing suit or a small bath with a mirror bottom for budgies.

Some owners invent fountains with a continuously flowing stream of water, the murmur of which brings budgies to unimaginable delight.

First of all, the breeder chooses bathing equipment for his pets at his own discretion, what he considers necessary, and such factors as safety, convenience, quality, appearance, price, but if your budgerigar chooses a regular plastic cover from the many options offered to him, you can only give up.

For tame parrots, there is another method: you go to the tap with the bird on your shoulder, turn on the water and start washing your hands or bathing his ringing toy.

Under no circumstances should you forcibly put the “wavy” under water or plant it in a bathing suit! By these actions, you will not only cause fear of water in your budgie, but there is also a chance of ruining the relationship between you.

It is useless to force a parrot to bathe - birds are guided solely by their desires, so there is no point in recommending a certain number of bath procedures.

Only budgies will decide how often to bathe. There are those who bathe weekly, others only when it’s hot, some just need to rub themselves on the grass. You can only offer them or arouse their interest in the procedure.

Based on observations, budgerigars bathe most often in the summer, in winter time Birds are in the mood for water treatments no more than 3-6 times a month, or even less often.

Almost everyone, without exception, loves sprouted grass; it is enough to create artificial dew with a spray bottle so that your parrot can take a bath while running through the grass.

Some owners leave a bathing bag filled with a small amount of organic sand from sea shells, about 0.5 cm in winter, when the temperature in the apartment does not allow bathing the bird in water.

The only contraindication is that your parrot eats sand a lot and you have to avoid leaving sand in the cage for a long time. Most often, organic sand is present in the feeder anyway, and you can simply pour it into a hanging bathing suit, where the budgie will happily “dust” its feathers.

The water for bathing your budgie must be warm and drinkable, since during water procedures your friend will certainly take several sips; the amount of water at the bottom of the bathing suit or saucer should be a maximum of the height of the phalanx of the finger.

Ornithologists recommend using a water temperature of 40*C, and gradually reducing it, try to bring it to room temperature - this is also a method of hardening the bird. Some parrots love impromptu “rain” from a spray bottle. It is sprayed over the bird’s head or away from it; the water in the bottle should be hot, since the droplets cool when sprayed.

Take the quality of water seriously: you should use the same water that is present in your parrot’s drinking bowl: bottled, filtered tap water, or, as a last resort, settled tap water.

If it is not a hot summer sunny day, then the lamp above the cage will be an important element, since the bird must dry thoroughly after bathing and, of course, a warm room and no drafts. Monitor the water temperature and its replacement if you leave the bathing suit with your pet for a long time.

You can only find out exactly how your budgie likes to swim by going through all the options. Some birds don't go to the bath because they are scared closed space, so the method with a saucer is the most optimal for them; other parrots love wet dishes without water - this should also be taken into account.

Only by choosing the most suitable option will bathing your budgie become his favorite pastime.

If your budgie is afraid of water and does not understand what you want from him, then use his most popular toys: a ball, a mirror, beads, sprigs of grass, ladders or leaves of dandelions and other grass that your friend prefers.

Show the bird what happens to them in the water, play with them, and you will see how your parrot will certainly run up to try to do the same. Carefully observe the bird’s reaction to your suggestions, take an active part in playing with a ball, a bell, and gradually introduce a saucer of water.

Bathing a budgie is not only a useful procedure and a pleasant process for the bird, but also a very exciting spectacle for the owner.

Today there are many different home and professional videos about bathing parrots and how creative bird owners become when we're talking about about their pets having fun.

Bathing a budgie under a tap:

Bowl bathing:

In a hanging bathing suit:

In a homemade fountain:

In lettuce leaves:

In a bowl with lettuce:

Swimming budgie:

Many parrots love to swim

Pet owners often compete with each other over who is the most caring pet. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes they manage to show their care even where it is not entirely appropriate. However, today we will talk about those situations when such a manifestation of care is not only appropriate, but also necessary - we will tell you about how to bathe a parrot...

Is it possible to bathe a parrot

You have become the happy owner of a bird and we are even happy for you. But, you are probably also interested in such issues of cleanliness and hygiene as bathing. Is it possible to bathe a parrot and how to do it correctly? In order to find the answer to this question, let's remember how parrots live in natural conditions, whether they swim there. It turns out that, yes, it is true, such parrots do not take water procedures in baths or showers, but rather bathe in dew and rainwater. Based on this, we can conclude that

parrots are not afraid of water and it will not harm them, they can swim.

True, there are exceptions to the rules, and a bird may be afraid of water, but most likely this is not because it has aquaphobia, which is genetic, but because the parrot was once afraid of water.

What to bathe a parrot in

Well, with the fact that you can bathe a parrot (on

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is it necessary to count - we won’t argue with you, since you think it’s necessary - let it be so) - we figured it out, now let’s find out what and how you can bathe a parrot. Bathtubs and showers are not suitable for these purposes - don’t even argue with that. But a special hanging bath made of plexiglass or plastic or special mini-baths that you can purchase at a pet store are very suitable for these purposes. But, even if you don’t have all this at hand, if you wish, you can arrange water treatments for your parrot either in a saucer or in a deep (not too deep!) plate.

You should not pour water into a saucer higher than 2 centimeters. The bird may choke and drown.

Bathing water

You can only bathe your parrot in warm water - there should be no hot or cold water. Also, it is worth remembering that while bathing, parrots drink water very often, so make sure that the water used for bathing is potable and not technical, otherwise your water treatments may end.

And, parrots also love to splash water while bathing. Therefore, if bathing takes place in a cage, it is better to remove the plates with food away, since wet food is no longer suitable for consumption.

Video of a parrot bathing in a homemade fountain:

How to dry a parrot

When you bathe your parrot, make sure that there are no drafts in the room and that the air in the room is warm - the bird can catch a cold if it freezes. Therefore, after bathing, it is better to wrap the parrot in a towel and dry it, and only then let it fly freely around your apartment.

Parrots cannot be dried with a hairdryer. The fact is that these birds have very delicate skin and there are practically no sebaceous glands on it. Therefore, such a hair dryer dries out the bird’s skin and microcracks can form on it, through which an infection can enter the bird’s body. You should also not use a hairdryer for the simple reason that the elements of a hairdryer with a non-stick coating, as a result of heating, emit fumes that are fatal to a parrot. The bird can be poisoned by these fumes and die.

Well, an alternative to a towel can be an ordinary table lamp - place a wet parrot under such a switched-on lamp - under such “incubator” light and heat it will definitely warm up and dry faster.