Why do you need hair on your head? Why does a person need hair on his legs? Why is hair needed on the human body?

Why does a person need hair on his head?

Hair plays a protective role. The hair on the head plays a protective role, protecting against overheating, hypothermia, and injury. Curly hair retains air, serves as thermal insulation, and protects against heat stroke.

Why do we need hair on our legs?

Hair on the legs is a protective function of a person from insects. Hair prevents insects from getting on you and traps them. For example, it is more difficult for ticks to reach the groin or other important organ because of the hair on the legs.

Why does a person need eyebrows?

Brows help a person express emotions. Due to the fact that the eyebrows are arched, sweat and raindrops flow down the edges of our face and prevent moisture from getting into the eyes. Thanks to the eyebrows, sweat and rain do not interfere with our view. Eyebrows protect your eyes from salty sweat, which can irritate the membranes of the eyes.

Why does a person need eyelashes?

People receive information about the outside world, in most cases, through vision. We do not have such a keen sense of smell as a dog or hearing as a cat. Eyelashes, like eyebrows, protect the eyes from external irritants.

Why does a person have nose hair?

Scientists say that You can't pull hair out of your nose. Nose hair is a filter for our entire body. Nasal hairs catch and hold dirt, viruses, bacteria, and toxins until we blow them out or sneeze. People with a small amount of nasal hair get sick much more often than those who have more.

Why does a person need hair in their groin?

Groin hair is needed to protect the genitals from damage. The most important thing is protection from insects that can get inside.

Why is armpit hair needed?

For You formed my inward parts and knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works, and my soul is fully aware of this. My bones were not hidden from You when I was created in secret, formed in the depths of the womb. Your eyes have seen my embryo; in Your book are written all the days appointed for me, when not one of them was yet. How lofty are Your thoughts to me, O God, and how great are their number! (Psalm 139:13-18)

The Heavenly Father created the Human body, which has all the necessary protective functions, because there is a rule that God did not create anything unnecessary.

Why do you need hair on your head?

But even the hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10:30). How intimately our Savior knows and loves us! But what is hair for?

Hair acts as a protective barrier; it plays a protective function, and a multifunctional one. The hair on the head protects from overheating, as well as from hypothermia of the head and from injury. Curly hair retains air better, which is good thermal insulation and protects against heat stroke.

Why do you need eyebrow hair?

Eyebrows are a part of every person's face and also help us express our emotions. Due to the arched shape of the eyebrows, sweat and dripping rain flows down the edges of our face, preventing moisture from entering the eyes. Due to this, sweat or rain does not interfere with our vision. Without eyebrows it would be difficult for us, because sweat contains salt, which irritates the membranes of the eyes, causing the eyes to hurt and itch. For example, when sweat poured down like hail, eyebrows prevented it from getting into the eyes.

Why are eyelashes needed?

The eyes are a very vulnerable human organ, and it is necessary to protect them because people receive information about the world around them, relying on vision more than on other abilities of the body. (We do not have such a keen sense of smell, that is, the ability to distinguish odors, like dogs, or such excellent hearing as cats.)

Eyebrows protect your eyes from sweat, dust and dirt. Eyelashes do the same thing, protecting the delicate surface of the eyeball.

Why do we need nose hair?

We often have to pull out nose hair, but recent scientific research shows that this is absolutely not possible. Nasal hair is an important air filter for our body.

After conducting an X-ray contrast study, scientists found that the hairs catch and hold dirt, viruses, bacteria and toxins until we blow them away or sneeze.

Scientists from a medical university in Turkey determined that patients with a small amount of nasal hair are almost three times more likely to suffer from asthma than those with dense growth of hair in the nostrils.

Why do we need ear hair and why do we need earwax?

So that flies, mosquitoes, beetles, spiders, ticks and other evil spirits cannot get into the ear. Earwax serves to clean and lubricate the ear canals and also provides protection against bacteria, fungi and insects. And the hair in the ears is also an important filter for our body.

Why do you need hair in the groin?

First of all, hair in the groin is needed to protect the body from various negative factors. In the groin, a layer of long, coarse hair protects the delicate skin and genitals from damage. The most important thing is from small insects that can get inside.

Why is armpit hair needed?

Armpit hair prevents a tight fit skin these areas, thereby protecting against diaper rash, abrasions, infection, etc.

Armpit hair is also needed to protect the lymph nodes and from infections.

Why do we need hair on our legs?

Hair on the legs is one of the protective functions against insects. Remember the moments when you were in the forest or at the dacha, every time insects or ants try to crawl on you, but your hair holds them back well. For example, there were cases where it was more difficult for ticks to reach the groin or other important organ because of the hair on the legs.

Why do we need body hair?

There are only two places on the human body where hair does not grow: on the palms of the hands and on the soles of the feet. Hair is present throughout the rest of the body. They are needed for touch. This is why each hair has a nerve ending.

Why are fingernails needed?

Fingernails grow 2 times faster than toenails. Men's nails grow faster than women's.

God did it this way because men are more often engaged in hard work and their nails wear out quickly, so the nails must grow quickly to compensate for the losses. For example, in animals, nails, claws and hooves wear down by themselves, since animals constantly use them, and so do men who are busy with labor and work as carpenters, builders, etc.

For many, nails are a very convenient tool necessary for professional or ordinary household activities. In conclusion, let us note another function of human nails – protective. Nails are a kind of armor for our fingers and toes, protecting them from wounds and bruises.

Why are toenails needed?

The nail protects the sensitive top of the fingertip. This is where there are a lot of nerves. Toenails help distribute pressure and make the toes stiffer at the tips. If there were no toenails, they would look like soft sausages. Toenails play an important role and if anyone has never had a toenail or fingernail, they can remember the problems they had to face in Everyday life.

Why do Asians have narrow eyes?

Have you ever wondered why East Asians narrow eyes? Why is their appearance different from the appearance of a European? The fact is that God created an amazing human mechanism that adapts to the climate in which it lives.

The Mongoloid race is not considered ancient. A person needed a narrow eye shape because of the desert area where this race originated. Constant sandy winds narrowed the size of the eyes, and the eyelashes became even thicker.

The Chukchi, who live far from the Mongolian steppes, received thin eyes due to the snowy terrain. As is known, White color reflects the entire spectrum of the beam. And in order not to go blind from the bright light, nature took care of their eyes, making them narrower.

Hair... Why does a person need it? Is it just for beauty and to protect the head and brain from sunburn and low temperatures? Not only that, it’s a little deeper...

Each organ has its own specific purpose, very clearly indicated by nature, and we don’t think about why, for example, we were given eyes. Of course, see. But not only for this... If you think deeply, then eyes are the doors to our inner world, the path to the soul. It is no coincidence that the eyes are called the mirror of the soul.

But today we’ll talk about another part of our body - hair, its hidden function.

The nature of the human essence is amazingly deep, not fully known by us, or perhaps forgotten, like other information that our ancient ancestors possessed. So why does a person need hair?

Biological role of hair

Hair protects the head, and at the same time everything inside it from solar and thermal overheating and low temperatures. Air is retained in the hair, acting as a heat insulator. I think there is no need to say how vulnerable our head is, and hair softens blows and random mechanical influences.

Body hair protect against insect bites, collect droplets of sweat, and retain heat. In addition, most likely the hair on the body is a genetic heritage inherited from our ancestors, which once performed the function of warming.

Nose hair- a barrier to viruses, bacteria, infections, dust particles and excess fluid in the nose.

Facial hair: eyebrows, eyelashes, mustache, beard also each play their role. Eyelashes prevent dust, debris, and foreign particles from getting into the eyes, and eyebrows absorb sweat from the forehead. Mustache and beard? The same functions of heat exchange, protection, but not only. But more on that later…

And finally, hair is our beauty. They emphasize a person’s physical advantages, his individuality, uniqueness, and help complement and diversify his image.

Everything is clear about the biological functions of hair. But it turns out that hair also has other functions that our ancestors knew about.

Antenna hair

Have you ever wondered why in many cultures it is customary for men to shave off their hair, for some to leave only a small strand, and there are others where they don’t cut their hair at all and it grows up to a meter?

The thing is that hair is a kind of “antenna” that receives some information from space and directs it to the brain. Moreover, not only the hair on the head, but also male facial hair performs the same functions. It has been proven that the Kirlian effect is applicable to hair - a static discharge observed on biological objects and they participate in the transmission of information.

For this reason, the fact that sages, clergymen and even some bloggers have beards and mustaches becomes clear:-). Like antennas, they pick up the information message from Space, from the Universe, receiving knowledge from the universal portal of the mind and sharing it with us.

Think about how close the words “cosmos” and “cosmos” sound. Isn't it the same nature of their origin?

Buddhist monks, striving for internal shutdown in their minds, shave off all the hair on their heads, thereby emphasizing the renunciation of personal material wealth.

And by leaving a strand of hair on the top of the head, some representatives of faiths identify themselves as a conductor of the will of the Almighty, a bearer of his ideas.

Recruits arriving at their duty station are shaved bald. Why do you think? For hygiene purposes? To some extent yes! But then you are allowed to grow your hair. Most likely, this action breaks the thread connecting the young man with his home. This way the boy will quickly turn into a real soldier.

Hair is a memory store

What about this? Yes, that’s right, memory not only accumulates in the corners of the brain, but also focuses on the hair.

So God Svarog (the Supreme Heavenly God of the Slavs) gives the commandment:

“Do not cut your brown or gray hair, for you will not comprehend the Wisdom of God and you will lose your health.”

This is why children under 12 years old did not have their hair cut at all. Therefore, the belief that came from out of nowhere to cut the hair of infants every year is complete stupidity. After all, it is at this time that the child learns the essence of what is happening around him, and hair is a great help to him.

Hair is batteries

Long hair accumulates vital energy, accumulating it, help in various life situations to comprehend the depth and wisdom of life. It turns out that the longer the hair, the more energy a person can get?

It has been scientifically and experimentally established that hair is an extension of nervous system.

Hair supports a person psychic energy, stimulate thinking and clear awareness,

Hair gives a person special abilities called magical, especially those who are inclined to do this. The longer the hair, the more strength a person receives.

Men's and women's hair

Women have longer hair and no one will challenge her wisdom. What about men? By shaving his face every morning, does a man deprive himself of some connection with a higher mind? In my opinion this is true!

The fact is, a man has the energy of Mars short hair only strengthen it. The coarseness of a man's short hair gives him determination, courage and bravery, makes his mind sharp and improves his logic.

The woman is under the influence of Venus, long hair contribute to the growth of her femininity, softness, sensuality.

A woman's long hair is a guarantee of calm, balance, and harmony. Short men's hair is the complete opposite. If a man begins to grow long hair, he gains wisdom, but...loses masculine qualities - purposefulness, determination, high responsibility for the destinies of loved ones.

From time immemorial, a woman has been growing her hair all her life, accumulating feminine power in it, only periodically trimming the ends, thereby cutting off negative energy. After all, this is understandable, not only good energy accumulates on the hair, but also bad energy.

That is why even today after a haircut we experience lightness and a surge of strength. This released energy from the hair is absorbed by the body and soul. Therefore, it is good to comb your hair as often as possible, energetically cleansing your entire self.

A woman's braid is a symbol of femininity. Historically, hair care for the fairer sex resulted in a sacred ritual: washing, styling, weaving ribbons into braids.

A Slavic woman did not appear in public without a scarf or kokoshnik, maintaining chastity. Remember the expression “goofed off”? This is precisely about the delicate situation a woman found herself in if she was caught with her “simple” head uncovered.

And only the only man, the husband, could see their beauty, touch, stroke their hair and admire them. By opening them, the woman seemed to invite the man to intimacy.

That is why even today a woman must wear a headscarf when entering a church. In other traditions and religions this is even stricter.

Of course, no one today calls for people to wear scarves, hats, or kokoshniks. Funny. But maybe it’s worth at least pinning up your long hair, putting it up, in everyday life, for example, in transport, at work.

And braid your hair. After all, it’s so touching, so touching, and so in our way, in Russian.

Women's hair is a source of attractiveness

It's a rare man who would prefer a short haircut to the long hair of his beloved. So, according to statistics, the stronger sex values ​​long hair in a woman and places it in third place in importance after the figure and eyes.

And it’s a pity that the current time dictates its own conditions and requirements for length women's hair, and not every woman can boast of the natural richness of her hair. Therefore, the braid is increasingly becoming the preserve of only young girls.

Girls, having long hair, let it down unnecessarily, forgetting or not even knowing that this is how their inner potential is wasted and leaves feminine energy to nowhere. Perhaps this is where the problems with the reproductive organs come from, women's diseases and the inability to conceive and bear a child. Lovely ladies lose all their deep feminine essence at the dawn of life, succumbing to fashion and an easy, sometimes thoughtless lifestyle.

And in the old days, a woman with loose hair was considered fallen, classified as unworthy.

According to the Vedas, the piety of her husband is stored in a woman’s hair. And if a woman cuts them, she shortens her man’s life by ten years.

Women, is this why men live less than us? Let's give up short haircuts, at least those to whom this is given by nature, let us prolong the lives of our husbands. And at the same time, we will develop our feminine wisdom and femininity, preserving the peace and tranquility of the family hearth.

After all, in fact, everything is so: in their youth, most girls have long hair, then they increasingly shorten it and the ladies unwittingly become masculine, taking the whole burden of family problems upon themselves. And they complain why this is happening.

  • On average, there are from 50 to 100 thousand hairs on the head of an adult.
  • In a month, hair grows from 5 to 15 mm,
  • Not all hair on the head is alive; approximately one fourth of them are dead and they are just waiting for the moment when the hair follicle pushes them out. And new ones grow in their place.
  • Each hair has an average lifespan of 2 - 4 years. Men's hair grows a little slower and lives shorter than women's.
  • Since ancient times it has been known that hair is best for rapid growth trim at new moon. Moreover, a specific measure was indicated - a “nail” of 1.11125 cm.
  • And they began to cut hair in Rus' with the adoption of Christianity. And then Peter I ordered the beards to be cut. They say this is because Peter himself did not have facial hair. So let them not grow on anyone!
  • Cut hair should not be thrown away; it should be swept up, collected and burned. As a last resort, wrap it in a bag of garbage, in the hope that all the garbage will be burned.

That's all for today. Were you interested? Although I understand, things from the subtle world are not always understood by materialists. So I admit that the material will not be accepted and even objections may be raised. Have your say! .

And take care of your hair, take care of it! May they be healthy, beautiful and delight you at all times.

Hair on the arms and legs is a pride for most men and a curse for most women. Why did Mother Nature reward us with body hair? The answer is given by scientists who study the problems of evolution.

Our distant ancestors were very similar to monkeys. It took millions of years for man to evolve from an ape into a modern space explorer and inventor of the Internet. The ancient ancestors of Homo sapiens did not have clothing, but they needed to withstand the elements. Wool helped our distant predecessors cope with cold, heat and rain. Long, thick fur was considered a sign of health and good nutrition. In that era modern man would be considered sick, starving and very ugly. But time passed, people developed: we learned to make clothes, warm ourselves by fires, escape from bad weather in caves, and then in houses. Wool turned out to be unnecessary, and evolution began to gradually rid our furry ancestors of it. But she never completely got rid of it. Why? There are several reasons.

Hair growth develops quickly and intensively in adolescents aged 14-18 years, especially in young men. This is a sign of growing up, developing an adult body and increasing testosterone levels. There is no need to feel complex or afraid of increased body hair – this is a normal, natural process.

A question of aesthetics

It’s worth talking separately about the aesthetics of hair on the arms and legs of men and women.


As noted above, intense hair growth is associated with high levels of the male hormone testosterone. This means that masculine (masculine) traits are also associated with hair on the legs and arms. Persistence, determination, aggressiveness are qualities that help to survive and succeed in society. And, seeing dense vegetation on the body, we unconsciously, at the level of instincts, understand that its bearer is a strong and self-confident man who can fight back the enemy and provide his wife and children with everything they need. In ancient times, women chose just such men.

However, it must be taken into account that, no matter how strong the unconscious drives are, a person is not an animal and is not guided by instincts alone. Yes, too much Thick hair on the arms, legs and chest they scare away and give a wild look. Not everything that was good for primitive people is good for homo sapiens. Today, moderate hairline is considered aesthetically pleasing for men. So that, on the one hand, not to look like an inexperienced youth, and on the other, to have nothing in common with a savage far from civilization.


Intense vegetation on the female body today is considered unaesthetic. The blame again lies with evolution. If since ancient times women preferred confident, strong, decisive men, then the preferences of men were different. They liked caring, calm, affectionate women- keepers of the home. The reason is the instinct of dominance: men experience unconscious pleasure when they are obeyed. Therefore, increased testosterone, and therefore thick hair on the legs and arms, has never made women more attractive.

The instinct of caring for offspring also played a big role. Childish traits include an instinctive program in a man that calls for protection, help and protection. Why protect a masculine female who herself looks terrifying? Therefore, men often preferred women with childish, rounded features, of course, without excess body hair.

Thus, we can briefly summarize all of the above. Hair on the arms and legs is an evolutionary heritage from our ancestors. They give the skin sensitivity and help to notice in time dangerous insects, protect against overheating and hypothermia. Thick body hair is an evolutionary sign of masculinity; its absence is a sign of femininity.

For You formed my inward parts and knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise You because I am wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works, and my soul is fully aware of this. My bones were not hidden from You when I was created in secret, formed in the depths of the womb.
Your eyes have seen my embryo; in Your book are written all the days appointed for me, when not one of them was yet.
How lofty are Your thoughts to me, O God, and how great are their number!
(Psalm 139:13-18)

Heavenly Father created the Human body, which has all the necessary protective functions, because there is a rule that God did not create anything unnecessary.

Why do you need hair on your head?

Even the hairs on your head are all numbered.”
(Matthew 10:30). How intimately our Savior knows and loves us! But what is hair for?

Hair acts as a protective barrier; it plays a protective function, and a multifunctional one. The hair on the head protects from overheating, as well as from hypothermia of the head and from injury. Curly hair retains air better, which is good thermal insulation and protects against heat stroke.

Why do you need eyebrow hair?

Eyebrows are a part of every person's face and also help us express our emotions. Due to the arched shape of the eyebrows, sweat and dripping rain flows down the edges of our face, preventing moisture from entering the eyes. Due to this, sweat or rain does not interfere with our vision. Without eyebrows it would be difficult for us, because sweat contains salt, which irritates the membranes of the eyes, causing the eyes to hurt and itch. For example, when sweat poured down like hail, eyebrows prevented it from getting into the eyes.

Why are eyelashes needed?

The eyes are a very vulnerable human organ, and it is necessary to protect them because people receive information about the world around them, relying on vision more than on other abilities of the body. (We do not have such a keen sense of smell, that is, the ability to distinguish odors, like dogs, or such excellent hearing as cats.)

Eyebrows protect your eyes from sweat, dust and dirt. Eyelashes do the same thing, protecting the delicate surface of the eyeball.

Why do we need nose hair?

We often have to pull out nose hair, but recent scientific research shows that this is absolutely not possible. Nasal hair is an important air filter for our body.

After conducting an X-ray contrast study, scientists found that the hairs catch and hold dirt, viruses, bacteria and toxins until we blow them away or sneeze.

Scientists from a medical university in Turkey determined that patients with a small amount of nasal hair are almost three times more likely to suffer from asthma than those with dense growth of hair in the nostrils.

Why do we need ear hair and why do we need earwax?

So that flies, mosquitoes, beetles, spiders, ticks and other evil spirits cannot get into the ear. Earwax serves to clean and lubricate the ear canals and also provides protection against bacteria, fungi and insects. And the hair in the ears is also an important filter for our body.

Why do you need groin hair?

First of all, hair in the groin is needed to protect the body from various negative factors. In the groin, a layer of long, coarse hair protects the delicate skin and genitals from damage. The most important thing is from small insects that can get inside.

Why is armpit hair needed?

Hair in the armpits prevents the skin of these areas from tightly fitting, thereby protecting against diaper rash, abrasions, infection, etc.

Why do we need hair on our legs?

Hair on the legs is one of the protective functions against insects. Remember the moments when you were in the forest or at the dacha, every time insects or ants try to crawl on you, but your hair holds them back well. For example, there were cases where it was more difficult for ticks to reach the groin or other important organ because of the hair on the legs.

Why do you need hair?

There are only two places on the human body where hair does not grow: on the palms of the hands and on the soles of the feet. Hair is present throughout the rest of the body. They are needed for touch. This is why each hair has a nerve ending.

Why are fingernails needed?

Fingernails grow 2 times faster than toenails. Men's nails grow faster than women's.

God did it this way because men are more often engaged in hard work and their nails wear out quickly, so the nails must grow quickly to compensate for the losses. For example, in animals, nails, claws and hooves wear down by themselves, since animals constantly use them, and so do men who are busy with labor and work as carpenters, builders, etc.
For many, nails are a very convenient tool necessary for professional or ordinary household activities. In conclusion, let us note another function of human nails – protective. Nails are a kind of armor for our fingers and toes, protecting them from wounds and bruises.

Why are toenails needed?

The nail protects the sensitive top of the fingertip. This is where there are a lot of nerves. Toenails help distribute pressure and make the toes stiffer at the tips. If there were no toenails, they would look like soft sausages. Toenails play an important role and if anyone has never had a toenail or fingernail, they can remember the problems they had to face in everyday life.

Why do Asians have narrow eyes?

Have you ever wondered why East Asians have narrow eyes? Why is their appearance different from the appearance of a European? The fact is that God created an amazing human mechanism that adapts to the climate in which it lives.

The Mongoloid race is not considered ancient. A person needed a narrow eye shape because of the desert area where this race originated. Constant sandy winds narrowed the size of the eyes, and the eyelashes became even thicker.

The Chukchi, who live far from the Mongolian steppes, received thin eyes due to the snowy terrain. As you know, white color reflects the entire spectrum of the beam. And in order not to go blind from the bright light, nature took care of their eyes, making them narrower.