Medical secret: women's names and diseases. Medical secret: women's names and diseases Name of girls with good health


The whole problem with such a child is that she refuses breast milk early and does not have time to gain strength and the necessary substances contained in breast milk. You should try not to wean her off the breast for as long as possible. Alexandra is prone to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, and pulmonary diseases. “December” Alexandra is very restless and emotional, her nervous system should be protected.

Alexandra often suffers from scoliosis, be sure to pay attention to this and the sooner the better. “July” Alexandra has a weakened immune system. Some of the “July” Alexanders are too nervous, which manifests itself in attacks of hysteria, completely unexpected and groundless. Don't focus on this, try to distract her, act as if nothing happened. The attacks will pass quickly if there is no one to demonstrate your character to. Pay attention to Alexandra’s complaints, she doesn’t know how to be cunning and is not inclined to lie. And if she says that something hurts, be sure to consult a doctor.

Alexandra is also prone to gastritis, watch her diet - she herself will never ask to eat. Alexandra needs active rest, fresh air - relax while reading a book or board games Alexandra can't. She needs physical activity, her energy is looking for an outlet. However, you need to be careful when playing outdoor games; Alexandra always rushes headlong, often falls, and her knees do not have time to heal.

“Mayskaya” Alexandra gives the impression of a child lagging behind in mental development. However, it is not. She’s just very internal, restrained in her feelings, and tends to comprehend everything she sees around her. You should bring her out of her closed state, force her to ask questions, help her understand what interests her.

“December” and “February” Alexandras are very restless, stubborn, and difficult to train. They may not study well. Doctors often make a diagnosis of oligophrenia. Such a diagnosis is confirmed very rarely - Alexandra is not prone to such a disease. You should listen to the advice of specialists and avoid the possibility of such a diagnosis. However, most often, after a short time, doctors themselves refuse such a diagnosis. All this is connected with Alexandra’s character traits. She is not like her peers, she is interested in completely different problems, and her range of knowledge is different. She is inattentive in class and may not hear what you say to her. She lives her inner life. Try to penetrate her inner world, and all your doubts will dissipate.

“March” Alexandra has a very unstable nervous system. Sometimes it is observed by a neurologist from an early age.

It is undesirable for a girl to be given a name of a masculine character, since she develops a strong masculinity. She tries to be a leader, but it doesn't always work out. It can be very difficult for her in kindergarten. Her middle name leaves a big imprint on her behavior. In more mature age The girl develops high self-esteem and can be very irritable. She will not have harmony in the family, she does a lot to harm people.

Since early childhood she has suffered from severe bronchitis, especially the one who was born in the evening, after nineteen o'clock.

She has a weak immune system, so parents need to see a pediatrician as soon as possible. Alina's scratches are not healing well. The doctor should tell you what to do to strengthen your immune system.

Alina is very restless, too excitable, unbalanced. You should pay attention to this, because she often brings herself to nervous breakdowns.

“November” Alina often has breakdowns, she is sick for several days and does not go to school, so her parents need to show her to a pediatric neurologist.

If she was born in December, then you should pay attention to her general physical condition. She is susceptible to scoliosis, an eye disease. This Alina needs long sleep and fresh air. She is too emotional, easily irritated, and demands unquestioning fulfillment of her desires. If mom doesn't do them, she may not talk to her and gets offended.

At the age of two to four years, he may suffer from a lack of appetite. Don't make a tragedy out of it and feed her as she gets hungry. It is impossible to force feed Alina; her body clearly knows the norm that she needs for a normal existence.

“Summer” Alina is outwardly calm, but she inherits her father’s character, and it is often difficult for her mother to understand her. For such Alina, the most important thing is to have a calm environment in the house, without nervousness and a surge of emotions on the part of adults. This scares Alina, makes her whiny and capricious.

Alina studies well, but periodic ailments hinder her. If she misses classes due to illness, it is difficult for her to catch up with the guys in studying the material.

“July” Alina is a little behind normal physical development, gets tired quickly, and does not like outdoor games. She often spends her time modeling, drawing, coloring, enjoys listening to fairy tales, and loves having books read to her.

There is often a turbulent situation in Alina’s family; parents often sort things out. The girl is very sensitive, she should be protected from such scenes. This greatly affects her nervous system and her upbringing. She stops taking her parents' comments seriously and becomes uncontrollable. It would be nice to have a dog or cat in the house, just not a Siamese, so that Alina has the opportunity to take care of someone and divert her attention from the problems of adults.

In adulthood, Alina has a sore throat, so when she gets sick, she swallows a lot of pills, thereby destroying the gastric flora. This is where diseases of the gastrointestinal tract come from.

Since early childhood she has been very restless and has trouble falling asleep. When she is brought home, she does not eat her mother's milk well, but over time she gains weight. You should always stand next to her until she falls asleep. From the age of two, Alla was susceptible to lung diseases and bronchitis. She goes into everyone's arms and is not afraid of anyone.

Alla's health depends on her patronymic and on what time she was born. If she was born late at night, then she is less sick than Alla, who was born during the day. This Alla is prone to infectious diseases, chickenpox, scarlet fever. Parents need to ensure that there are no residual effects that lead to complications.

“February” Alla sometimes has difficulty getting her teeth out, so she may have a fever. This may cause her to eat poorly. In general, her development is normal, but Alla’s nervous system is unstable. Parents should definitely contact a pediatric neurologist with this question. For Alla, her daily routine is very important; she must sleep after lunch. Since she was six years old, she has been predisposed to kidney disease and has had heart murmurs. All this appears to be related to instability of the nervous system. Therefore, in summer it is recommended to take her to the sea.

Little Alla's pain point may be her eyes. Even in early childhood, you need to pay attention to this; farsightedness may develop. When she has a cold, Alla's most sensitive organ is her ears; otitis media often bothers her. Parents should pay attention to this, because many mothers do not understand the reason for Alla’s tearfulness and irritability.

During her school years, Alla's relationship with her parents deteriorates. She becomes irritable and intolerable. He is rude to his mother, harsh to his father. Don’t focus on this, patiently build a relationship with her. After a short time, her nervousness will pass, but the relationship may deteriorate forever if you cannot understand her. Rude shouts and punishments will anger Alla and turn her away from her parents. In addition, screaming and corporal punishment create psychopathy in Alla and weaken the nervous system.

Boys names


In childhood, he often catches colds and is susceptible to respiratory and pulmonary diseases. The sea air is very beneficial for him.

Alexander starts smoking early. An adult loves to drink and easily becomes dependent on alcohol. It is easier for a “winter” person to get rid of this addiction, but for a “summer” person it is much more difficult.

He has a weak immune system. The adult Alexander is susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases due to his temperament. He is very amorous. Sometimes associated with pancreatic disease.

Alexander with the patronymic Dmitrievich is susceptible to lung diseases in adulthood, and there are cases of tuberculosis.

“Winter” Alexander often suffered from stomatitis as a child. The “January” has a weakened nervous system, and is often seen in a neurological clinic. The boy requires a special approach to himself: he is very principled and painfully endures the unfair treatment of adults.

“Martovsky” especially often suffers from acute respiratory infections, and the temperature rises sharply, which the child does not tolerate well. He has nervous breakdowns. Many diseases can be inherited.

The “summer” Alexander often has impaired vision. In childhood, he may undergo surgery to remove appendicitis. “July” is prone to injury.

In early childhood the child is calm; the only thing that can bother him is his stomach. At an older age, Alexey is susceptible to infectious diseases, suffers from whooping cough, is bothered by adenoids, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Alexey is easy to educate; he is a somewhat stubborn, but very good-natured boy.

Alexey's weak point is his legs. Neuromuscular dystrophy is possible, so during the flu you should remain in bed until complete recovery. Alexey can, despite his discomfort, tolerate fever on his legs, so you need to carefully monitor him. Sore throat sometimes causes complications on the cardiovascular system. His stomach also worries him: he may have low acidity. Some people are prone to diabetes.

In old age, Alexey usually suffers from gout, urolithiasis, and eye diseases: glaucoma and cataracts. But he is very patient, does not pay attention to the state of his health, does not like to complain, and when his vision drops sharply, he refuses to wear glasses. Alexey needs to monitor his weight, as he is prone to metabolic disorders. Some are obese.

“Summer” Alexey often suffers from bronchitis and tonsillitis. Alexey Nikolaevich is predisposed to infectious diseases and often suffers from the flu, which causes complications.

“July” has a predisposition to scarlet fever. It is better not to send him to kindergarten, as he has a weak immune system and will get sick often.

“December” Alexey should be protected from nervous breakdowns, his nervous system is weakened. He has a predisposition to high blood pressure.

In childhood he can suffer from pneumonia, so from infancy he needs to be hardened and massaged. As a rule, Albert has sensitive skin: he can get sunburned. You also need to pay attention to his heart and bronchi. It is not advisable to send him to kindergarten, as he has a weak immune system. Many boys have a weak liver, which can lead to allergies to chocolate and citrus fruits. If your parents had psoriasis, it can be inherited. Albert is a very emotional boy and a strict regime is recommended for him. It is worth introducing him to sports.

The “winter” boy does not feel the temperature. He is developing well physically. “February” Albert grows up very emotional and restless. He may have hereditary scoliosis and flat feet. As a child, he periodically suffered from acute respiratory infections. There may be a weak nervous system.

“Spring” Albert is prone to urological diseases.

“December” and “February” Alberta are cocky and power-hungry; this could hurt them when they go to school. Parents should pay attention to the child's behavior.

Sometimes he is born at seven months, but parents should not worry: he quickly gains weight. There are no problems with feeding. Sometimes he gets restless. When teeth are cutting, your temperature may rise.

“February” Alfred has weak bronchi. It is better to bathe him in herbs, since baby shampoo Some people have allergies. You need to feed him as much as he wants. He is growing up as a restless boy; in kindergarten he can get into a fight with someone while playing. He is very restless, active, and must be brought up strictly. He must have a clear daily routine. Violence should not be used against “winter” Alfred; he has a weak nervous system. You need to be very careful with him.

“March” Alfred has a weak immune system. He often suffers from bronchitis. Some people have sinusitis in childhood. His lungs are weak. It needs to be hardened from childhood: sent to a sports section, taken to the sea in the summer. The child often suffers from sore throat. He has a stubborn, persistent character, which can be passed on from his parents. He can throw a tantrum: this is how he achieves his goal if he needs something. Perhaps you should go to a neurologist. If he has a poor appetite, you should not force him to eat.


In early childhood, he was a very active, emotional and good-natured boy. He is keenly interested in everything that happens, and develops well physically. During school years, he often suffers from infectious diseases; he needs to be vaccinated in a timely manner.

Alcohol is contraindicated for Anatoly Nikolaevich: when intoxicated, he becomes uncontrollable, often gets into unpleasant situations, and is susceptible to injury.

“January” Anatoly is also predisposed to alcohol addiction, takes a long time to heal.

“Fevralsky” suffers from chronic radiculitis in adulthood.

“Martovsky” is prone to frequent sore throats and pulmonary diseases.

“Maysky” often suffers from cataracts, has skin problems, and may undergo stomach surgery. Prone to hypertension.

“Summer” Anatoly may have impaired vision from school age. He is predisposed to ankylosing spondylitis and dermatitis, so you need to pay close attention to his nervous system from childhood.

“September” is predisposed to cholecystitis and jaundice from an early age. If he has a third blood type, then wounds heal poorly.

"December" Anatoly is predisposed to frequent colds and nervous disorders. In adulthood, psoriasis can occur due to nervous conditions.

If Andrey is born late in the evening, then he has weak upper respiratory tracts. A boy born during the day has a weakened immune system: he is susceptible to infectious diseases. The child is not in good health from birth, gets tired quickly, needs long sleep, long walks in the fresh air.

Andrey has a hard time with the appearance of baby teeth: his temperature rises greatly, and his weakened body is susceptible to infectious diseases. Andrey also has a difficult time transitioning from baby teeth to molars: they fall out quickly and almost simultaneously, but take a long time to grow. You should give him vitamins and strengthen his immune system. In adulthood, he can get Botkin's disease, and in a severe form. It tolerates high temperatures well, so it is not always possible to notice the disease.

“Martovsky” suffers from stomach diseases, and the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is often disturbed.

“Summer” is physically weak, he should play sports.

“Oktyabrsky” Andrey often suffers from colds from an early age. He has a weak immune system, so he needs to be strengthened. Sometimes he may suffer from rhinitis, and he also has weak ears.

He is not born a very strong boy, he is capricious and sleeps restlessly. It is prone to inflammatory and various infectious diseases: it should be hardened, protected from drafts and hypothermia. Anton often suffers from sinusitis. A very impressionable boy: after a strong fright he may suffer from stuttering or enuresis.

Anton with patronymics Nikolaevich, Dmitrievich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Rostislavovich has an unbalanced psyche, cruelty and selfishness easily develop. However, with proper upbringing, Anton with one of these patronymics grows up to be a strong, fair, principled man.

“Martovsky” can suffer from croup in childhood. He generally has a very weak body.

“April” Anton gives up breastfeeding early.

The “July” has a very weak immune system; his body should be strengthened. He can get sick with follicular tonsillitis, which is dangerous for heart complications.

“December” Anton is very nervous, even hysterical. His emotionality can lead to bad consequences, so you should consult a neurologist. May suffer from enuresis. Always sick with high temperature. In adulthood, he often suffers from hepatitis.

In early childhood, his bronchi and lungs were weakened. Arkady is very suspicious: if he gets sick with something, he becomes depressed, does not believe in his recovery, and is suspicious of the diagnosis. This attitude towards his health is passed on to him from his father. He may have nervous breakdowns and is very sensitive to any troubles. Predisposed to arthrosis, gastritis, hypertension. There are various types of skin diseases.

Arkady is calm about alcohol, but the “July” can abuse it.

“December” Arkady is prone to pharyngitis.

“February” is an extrovert and egocentric. He often suffers from infectious diseases and often suffers from flu on his feet. Susceptible to diathesis. In adulthood, he suffers from allergies and cardiovascular diseases. May suffer a heart attack.

“Augustovsky” Arkady is prone to dermatitis, which is associated with poor liver function. He is a very vulnerable and sensitive child. Parents should protect him from sore throat, as it can cause serious complications. Scoliosis and flat feet may occur, so you need to take him to the pool.

“September” Arkady can suffer from cholecystitis, but he very carefully follows the doctor’s orders and easily maintains a strict diet. He often catches a cold.

In early childhood he is very emotional, so parents should treat him with special attention. He cannot be left alone in the playpen. There is a predisposition to rhinitis and middle ear diseases. When he is teething, he becomes very nervous and cries constantly.

“February” Arnold is very restless. Some have heart murmurs, others suffer from colitis. There is poor vision, usually inherited.

“Martovsky” is prone to acute respiratory infections and lung diseases. Sometimes he is a weak child and starts walking late, although no significant deviations are observed. He has a weak immune system. It is not advisable to give him sweets and citrus fruits: diathesis may begin.

“July” Arnold is prone to sore throat, which most often occurs with high fever, as well as other infectious diseases, neuroses, and nervous dermatitis. There may be scoliosis. In winter, he often suffers from the flu, which can cause complications. If his parents toughen him up and pay due attention to his health, he will grow up strong and healthy.

The “November” boy in kindergarten tries to be a leader and likes to show off. He must sleep during the day. Some may be obese; You must follow a strict diet, but first consult a nutritionist.

In early childhood, he often catches colds, suffers from other infectious diseases, and his body is weak. Often suffers from scarlet fever and chickenpox. There may be bronchitis and tonsillitis. Some have hereditary psoriasis and poor vision. Scoliosis may develop. In adulthood, Arseny suffers from cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.

Arseniy with the patronymic Vladimirovich, born in November, may have a slow mental development. Doctors make a diagnosis of mental retardation, but parents should not worry too much. Arseny will grow up to be a full-fledged person: he perceives new material somewhat more slowly, takes longer to think about a decision, but he does not have mental retardation.

“Martovsky” often suffers from stomatitis, may have pneumonia, and suffers from poor appetite.

“April” is associated with dermatitis and respiratory diseases. Grows calm but stubborn. He is very sensitive and has a weak immune system. Some undergo surgery to remove appendicitis. In infancy, he sleeps and eats poorly and takes a long time to get used to his home environment. He should not be given sweets: he may have diathesis due to a weak liver.

“May” Arseny has a weak spine, he may have problems with speech, he starts speaking late, and takes a long time to pronounce some sounds.

“December” Arseny with his patronymic Nikolaevich is mentally unstable, irritable and vulnerable.

In infancy, the child is very calm and does not cause trouble to his parents. Predisposition to diseases depends on what time of day he was born, as well as on what his parents were sick with. Artem often suffers from acute respiratory infections, so he needs to be hardened from the cradle. If he was born early in the morning, then he has a strong immune system and tolerates all diseases in a mild form. But from improper feeding he may develop dermatitis, which is associated with a weak liver. If the boy was born in the afternoon, he has a weakened immune system.

Artem is susceptible to sore throat, which causes complications in the eyes and weakens the immune system. You need to carefully monitor his diet, as he has a weak stomach.

“February” Artem is very sensitive, so any violence, screaming, spanking - all this has a bad effect on him, leading to stress and indecisiveness. Parents should not quarrel in front of the child or raise their voices in his presence. This also applies to the “March”, “June” and “July” Artem.

The “December” has frequent mood swings. His teeth are cutting late, which can cause upset stools and excessive salivation. There may be diathesis. A child with this name is very receptive to knowledge, but he gets tired quickly.

In infancy he can be restless and often has stomach pain. The baby does not sleep well, often wakes up and is capricious. Prone to infectious diseases. May get hepatitis. Enuresis is sometimes observed. Many of Arthur's diseases are passed on from his parents. So, weak bronchi and frequent sore throats can be inherited from his father. He has a predisposition to acute respiratory infections, especially during his school years. It’s worth giving him to some sports section.

Arthur is a cunning man, he can tell three big lies so as not to go to school. Often a boy has an upset stomach. He may have diathesis from sweets. The gastrointestinal tract is Arthur's weak point.

“March” Arthur is prone to scoliosis, he has very weak back muscles, and needs a professional massage.

“April” is very capricious and often suffers from respiratory diseases. In preschool age, rheumatism and heart murmurs may be detected. He is developing well physically: he begins to hold his head up and walk early. He doesn't eat well, but he shouldn't be forced to eat. During school years, the immune system becomes stronger, and he gets sick less.

Arthur Olegovich is growing up as a very emotional, hot-tempered boy. At an early age he may throw tantrums. His nervousness is a consequence of frequent sore throats.

“December” is prone to upper respiratory tract disease and can suffer follicular tonsillitis.

In early childhood he often suffers from acute respiratory infections and has weak upper respiratory tracts. In adulthood, he suffers from sinusitis and often complains of headaches.

“February” Bogdan has an unbalanced psyche and is prone to hysteria, especially the one who was born during the day. May suffer from enuresis, and dermatitis occurs due to nervousness.

“Martovsky” is associated with follicular tonsillitis, which gives various complications.

“December” Bogdan may suffer from biliary dyskinesia; he needs to adhere to a strict diet. Situated towards rheumatism, heart murmurs are observed. In infancy, he sleeps and eats poorly and takes a long time to get used to the house. Sometimes a hernia can form from crying for a long time. The baby’s baby teeth are hard to emerge, at this time the temperature rises, and general weakness is observed. May burr and pronounce some sounds incorrectly. It is worth working with a speech therapist.

He is developing normally, eating well, and gaining weight well. Susceptible to rickets. The boy grows up physically weakened. Boris, whose patronymic is Dmitrievich, even in adulthood suffers from respiratory diseases with high fever, which he tolerates very poorly. Boris is an alarmist, he is very afraid for his health, he likes to consult doctors for any reason. Infectious diseases can cause complications in the lower extremities.

“Winter” Boris has a weakened respiratory system in early childhood, and in adulthood he suffers from allergies.

“Spring” can undergo surgery to remove a hernia. Predisposed to follicular tonsillitis and can suffer from it in adulthood. Pharyngitis and laryngitis accompany him throughout his life. In old age he suffers from prostatitis, kidney stones, and cholecystitis.

“Summer” may have disorders of the cardiovascular system, he has unhealthy kidneys, and he suffers from varicose veins. His vision weakens early, farsightedness develops, and he often suffers from conjunctivitis.

“Augustovsky” Boris often suffers from rhinitis. Suffers from colds. If a child is born in the afternoon, he is prone to lung diseases.

He is growing up as a very active and inattentive child. Susceptible to minor injuries. In old age, Vadim suffers from thrombophlebitis and poor eyesight.

The “February” has a weakened nervous system and often has nervous breakdowns. The child is aggressive. In this case, you need to contact a neurologist. Sometimes there is a metabolic disorder, which can lead to obesity. At the age of four he can get rubella, chickenpox, and bronchitis. He has weak back muscles, so you should take him to the pool.

“April” Vadim has been weaker since childhood than his namesake. He is nervous and capricious.

“Iyunsky” often suffers from sore throat, does not take care of his health, and likes to drink cold water. Does not tolerate sun rays well, which is associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system.

“Augustovsky” is prone to follicular tonsillitis and is susceptible to viral diseases.

“September” Vadim has diathesis at an early age, so he should not be given chocolate or oranges.

“December” is too emotional, irritable, and difficult to train. Physically quite healthy. He has a well developed immune system. Sports boy.

Vadim Petrovich has a predisposition to injuries in adulthood; his weak point is the spine. There may be occupational dermatitis.

Vadim Viktorovich, especially the “Martovsky” one, is very sensitive to failures and is prone to deep depression.


From the first days of his life, Valentin’s tummy may bother him: there are constipations, and gases are difficult to pass. If a boy was born in the evening, he may not gain weight well, but as he grows older, he gets stronger and his weight returns to normal. He often suffers from acute respiratory infections and flu. He should be enrolled in some sports section, then he will get sick less.

He is very sensitive to the relationship between his parents: quarrels have a bad effect on his nervous system, he becomes irritable and withdraws.

“Spring” Valentine can suffer from pneumonia in infancy. You need to make sure it doesn't get too cold.

“Martovsky” is restless, sleeps poorly, and his navel takes a long time to heal. It is important to feed him as much as possible breast milk and maintain the diet. In adulthood, he is prone to cardiovascular diseases.

“May” Valentin is very irritable, susceptible to furunculosis and tuberculosis. At an early age, he often suffers from acute respiratory infections. Many “spring” children are born very weak, so you need to strengthen their health: harden them, get a massage, walk more in the fresh air.

“July” – prone to polyarthritis, very unbalanced, prone to nervous breakdowns.

“Noyabrsky” Valentin is growing up as a very emotional child. Many diseases can be inherited by him, for example, psoriasis or tuberculosis. There is a predisposition to urological diseases. Valentin is not suspicious, so he tolerates all illnesses easily.

“December” is very unbalanced, the nervous system is weakened, and may have poor vision.

From an early age, his cardiovascular system was weakened. You should see a cardiologist. Valery is easy to train, but cannot tolerate shouting and requires calm treatment.

“Winter” suffers from various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and may have tuberculosis.

“March” has weak lungs and is prone to asthmatic diseases. There may be problems with the thyroid gland; it is advisable to see an endocrinologist.

“May” Valery may have impaired vision.

“Summer” is very vulnerable and indecisive. If you don’t pay attention to this, life will be very difficult for him. It is worth contacting a psychologist. From his youth he was prone to alcohol addiction, from which he recovered with great difficulty. He has weak bronchi and periodic stomach pain. There may be a metabolic disorder, which leads to obesity.

“July” Valery has a weak nervous system. He is very impressionable and takes a long time to recover from depression.

“Oktyabrsky” is associated with dermatitis and other skin diseases.

The “December” has an unbalanced psyche. He is susceptible to minor injuries.

Calm child, developing normally. It is prone to viral diseases, and severe childhood infectious diseases do not bypass it. Often suffers from acute respiratory infections. Victor is balanced, his nervous system is stable. In adulthood, he is susceptible to stress.

“March” has a weak immune system. He grows up as a physically weak and indecisive child. This can lead to difficult situations in the future, so you should contact a neurologist or psychologist.

“Maysky” Victor rarely smokes, he has weak bronchi. Has an addiction to alcohol, which is inherited from his father.

“Summer” loves to drink and quickly becomes addicted to alcohol; it is very difficult to cure him. Only “February” Victor is easily treated for alcoholism. According to statistics, out of ten Victors, eight are addicted to alcohol.

“September” Victor often suffers from gallbladder dyskinesia. Sinusitis often occurs.

“December” suffers from pneumonia and pharyngitis. He is prone to rhinitis and diseases of the middle ear. Sometimes these diseases are accompanied by fever.

You should not name the boy Victor after his father or grandfather. He will be very weak and sick. Victor with the patronymic name Valentinovich or Lvovich is prone to allergic diseases due to nervousness. He is very sensitive, his nervous system is weak. Viktor Lvovich may have hereditary psoriasis.

In infancy, he practically does not get sick, but after a year he is susceptible to infectious diseases. Vitaly is very suspicious, susceptible to everything that happens, prone to depression and frequent nervous ailments. He has weak kidneys and may develop kidney failure or nephritis. Vitaly was often bitten by dogs as a child; he should be protected from this.

“February” is not very calm for the first time after the maternity hospital, but he quickly gets used to it, eats well, sleeps. Suitable for neuroses and infectious diseases. It is very important what time of day Vitaly was born: if during the day, he has a weak immune system, his stomach often hurts, and diathesis is observed. Some diseases can be passed on from parents.

“Martovsky” is associated with follicular sore throat, which always occurs with a high temperature.

“June” Vitaly does not know moderation in food, from childhood he should be limited, because at a more mature age he is inclined to be overweight, especially Vitaly Alekseevich. He often suffers from sore throat and otitis media. His body reacts strongly to sweets; there may be diathesis. There is a predisposition to scoliosis. There are often complications after the flu.

“November” Vitaly may have dermatitis, which sometimes becomes chronic, which is associated with poor liver function. It is not advisable to give him chocolate and oranges. Hemophilia is sometimes observed.

Vitaly Nikolaevich may develop obesity due to abnormalities in the thyroid gland.


From early childhood he was prone to lung disease, bronchitis. It tolerates viral and childhood infectious diseases without consequences.

In adulthood, Vladimir may have high blood pressure, hepatitis, and various forms of stomach diseases.

A “winter” person may develop myopia in childhood. The immunity of such a child is much stronger than that of his namesakes born at other times of the year.

“July” Vladimir is prone to alcohol addiction and is difficult to treat.

“Avgustovsky” suffers from pneumonia and tonsillitis, which leads to various complications. Sometimes there is dermatitis, so it is not advisable to give him oranges and sweets. In winter, he should take vitamin C. Already in kindergarten, he begins to develop neuroses. You should not self-medicate; it is better to consult a neurologist.

“Noyabrsky” Vladimir has been very persistent since he was three years old. He develops normally and does not stand out in kindergarten. He often suffers from acute respiratory infections and bronchitis, so he needs to be hardened and taken to the sea in the summer. At an older age, there is a predisposition to stomach diseases.

The “December” has an upset psyche. Prone to varicose veins.

Vladimir with the patronymic name Nikolaevich or Dmitrievich should be observed by a neurologist, his nervous system is shaken. Susceptible to poisoning. You cannot name a child after its father. Vladimir Vladimirovich is growing up as a complex child, he has a weak nervous system, he is very indecisive, and often gets sick.


In early childhood, a very capricious, weak boy, does not want to be left alone for a minute, cannot play on his own. As he gets older, his character does not change, so he should consult a psychologist. The immune system is weak. In adolescence, he may suffer from hepatitis. In old age, hearing and vision deteriorate, polyarthritis and salt deposition in the joints are observed.

“Yanvarsky” Vsevolod, especially with the patronymic Borisovich, has impaired vision and has worn glasses since childhood. Suffers from lack of appetite. Irritable, nervous, prone to hysteria. Suffers from infectious diseases, bronchitis, which easily becomes chronic. From the age of fourteen he was prone to dyskinesia of the gallbladder. He needs to follow a strict diet.

“July” gets sick very often, all illnesses simply “stick” to him. He has a weak immune system. In childhood, he may get chickenpox. He has a very weak throat: just drink cold water and he will immediately get a sore throat. He also often gets the flu.

"Augustovsky" suffers from scarlet fever in early childhood. This disease is especially dangerous for Vsevolod with the patronymic Mikhailovich. May suffer from scoliosis and flat feet. You should contact an orthopedist about this, do massage, and special gymnastics.

“Noyabrsky” Vsevolod with patronymic Konstantinovich gets sick less often than his namesakes, but is susceptible to pneumonia and sinusitis. Flu often causes complications.


Since childhood, he has been very active, emotional, and requires special treatment. In infancy, “December” Vyacheslav may not eat well and slowly gains weight. This is especially true for Vyacheslav with the patronymic Viktorovich or Mikhailovich. At first, such a child is very restless and constantly cries.

Develops normally in early childhood. By the age of five, nervousness, stubbornness and excessive persistence appear. This applies primarily to the “November”, “December” or “February” Vyacheslav. He is very inattentive and prone to injury, so he should not be allowed outside unattended. From the age of five he can show cruelty. “Winter” boys sometimes become simply uncontrollable, so it is recommended to consult a neurologist.

It’s a good idea to see a pediatric rheumatologist. Vyacheslav is prone to nervous breakdowns and depression. It is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of scoliosis, which is not noticeable at first. You should take the boy to the pool and do special gymnastics.

Vyacheslav loves sports, and this protects him from many diseases. Often he becomes a professional athlete. “January”, “November” or “September” Vyacheslav is engaged in wrestling, “summer” - loves football and tennis.

In adulthood, he is predisposed to pancreatic disease; you need to monitor his diet. As he gets older, he suffers from varicose veins and his vision declines sharply. May have an addiction to alcohol. It is also susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, particularly heart attacks. Vyacheslav Viktorovich suffers from various injuries very often.

“March” Vyacheslav does not have very strong back muscles, and in adulthood scoliosis makes itself felt with severe pain in the spine. An intervertebral hernia may develop. He can't carry heavy things.

“July” Vyacheslav starts smoking early, and smoking is strictly contraindicated for him. He should be sent to the sports section.

The “December” has an unstable nervous system.

Since childhood, he has often suffered from bronchitis and tonsillitis. He does not cope well with the time when baby teeth are being cut: his temperature rises, his immunity weakens, and the baby becomes susceptible to colds. He develops normally physically and begins to walk early. He needs constant supervision: he is very active and restless. In his youth he may have sinusitis. In adulthood, he is susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system. In old age he suffers from prostatitis and may develop stomach ulcers. He does not like to go to doctors and prefers to self-medicate. Thrombophlebitis and depression may develop.

“Winter” Gabriel is susceptible to viral diseases and is predisposed to scoliosis.

“Yanvarsky” with the patronymic Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Arnoldovich often suffers from bronchitis. Can suffer from pneumonia and sinusitis. After six years of age, a predisposition to infectious diseases appears. Perhaps he will get scarlet fever, which can cause complications on the brain. Gabriel, born this month, suffers from abnormalities in the functioning of the pancreas.

The “March” child is restless and has a poorly developed immune system. Allergies sometimes occur due to nervousness. May have birth defects and be susceptible to cerebral palsy. But he has a strong character and is able to overcome this terrible illness.

“June” often suffers from laryngitis, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis.

“Autumn” Gabriel rarely suffers from colds, but he has poor eyesight.

“December” is very restless, sleeps poorly, suffers from lack of appetite.


From an early age he is very emotional, proud, vulnerable, and easily offended. She is born with a weak immune system and often suffers from the flu and various respiratory diseases. Many diseases can be passed on to him from his parents. As a teenager, Gennady became interested in football, and sport significantly improved his health. Susceptible to minor injuries. During puberty, he has a very difficult relationship with his parents, he is nervous and rude. At this moment, parents need to show maximum patience and understanding so as not to completely ruin their relationship with him. You need to talk to a teenager calmly, and not shout at him: you can’t prove anything to him by shouting anyway.

“February” Gennady with the patronymic Mikhailovich, Alekseevich or Sergeevich is susceptible to various types of neuroses. He eats poorly, often suffers from colds, pneumonia, bronchitis can develop into an asthmatic form. Sinusitis is often observed after seven years and in a very severe form. In old age he may become obese. He is predisposed to various cardiovascular diseases and usually begins to be seen by a cardiologist in childhood.

“Martovsky” Gennady with patronymic Nikolaevich, Dmitrievich or Igorevich suffers from a lack of vitamins in the body. However, you should not give them to him without a doctor’s prescription, since he is predisposed to allergies and various forms of dermatitis. “April” Gennady is also prone to allergies.

“July” Gennady loves to eat and is inclined to gain weight. In old age, obesity of the heart can occur.

Gennady, whose patronymic is Anatolyevich, has a very shaken nervous system and is prone to nervous breakdowns.

In infancy he is very restless, constantly cries, and eats poorly. In childhood, a cold is usually carried on the feet, not paying attention to the high temperature. Until school, he often suffers from respiratory diseases, and his stomach may also bother him. Frequent illnesses make George irritable, capricious, and difficult to train. After the flu, he may have various complications and decreased vision. At school age he may suffer from whooping cough, bronchitis, and may have scoliosis. Illnesses often prevent him from studying well. In summer it is advisable to take it to the sea.

In adulthood, Georgy is predisposed to gastric diseases; he may have a duodenal ulcer. Most often it occurs due to nervousness. Georgy has an addiction to alcohol and does not always know when to stop. It's better not to argue with him when he's drunk.

Since school age, “January” Georgiy’s nervous system has been noticeably weakened. It endures for a long time, but if it explodes, it is impossible to predict how it might end. He smokes a lot and likes to drink. He often has problems with law enforcement agencies.

The nervous system is also unstable in the “February” or “December” George. There may be pulmonary tuberculosis, hemorrhoids.

“Martovsky” Georgy is susceptible to minor injuries, he often has serious bruises and dislocations. In childhood, he may get chickenpox. Suitable for skin diseases. He has a weakened immune system and often has a runny nose. He suffers from radiculitis and arthritis.

“December” starts smoking early. The nervous system is weak, there may be breakdowns and depression.

Most often, Gleb is born in difficult labor and is the first-born in the family. In infancy, this is a weak child, does not eat well, and slowly gains weight, especially the “March” one. When he grows up a little, he becomes calmer, and his mother doesn’t have any special problems with him. In the garden he tries to play separately from the other children: he is very cowardly, indecisive, and afraid of everything. You should consult a psychologist. After three years, metamorphoses occur: it is difficult to recognize a weak boy in a strong boy. He becomes a living, active child; he doesn’t sit still for a second. Gleb is predisposed to flat feet.

The “summer” has weak ears and may have otitis media, as well as sinusitis.

“Noyabrsky” Gleb is prone to joint diseases. In adulthood, arthritis and rheumatism are possible.

“December” often suffers from respiratory diseases. He has weak back muscles, so you should take your child to the pool and do gymnastics. There is a predisposition to gallbladder disease, you need to follow a diet. Gleb with his middle name Nikolaevich, Anatolyevich or Dmitrievich is very emotional, quick-tempered, and causes a lot of trouble for parents and teachers. Often he needs the help of a neurologist. His character shows cruelty. In adolescence, he may suffer from hepatitis. It should be protected from pulmonary diseases.

He is born a very weak child, but does not cause any particular difficulties for his parents. He eats well and sleeps too. All problems arise due to his weak immune system. He may often suffer from acute respiratory infections. He should not be given orange juice or sweets, so as not to provoke an allergy. Physically, he is developing normally, but his teeth are cutting late.

“Winter” Gordey is prone to enuresis.

“February” is growing very restless. He has a predisposition to rhinitis and diathesis, so it is not advisable to give chocolate and citrus fruits.

“Martovsky” often catches colds.

“April” may have colitis.

“July” is located towards jade. He has scoliosis, so we need to take him swimming. You should not shout at the boy: he may have a nervous breakdown. In general, Gordey’s body is rather weak; it should be strengthened and tempered from childhood. Heart murmurs may be observed. He needs a strict daily routine. If he has the fourth blood type, then wounds heal poorly.

The “November” boy does not like to be force-fed. You should send him to kindergarten: he will develop better in a team. In childhood, he may get chickenpox.


“February” Grigory has been very restless since infancy, constantly cries, and takes a long time to get used to home. Born a weak child, with a weight below normal. He has weak bronchi and often catches colds. In kindergarten he always plays alone, the other children do not interest him.

The “March” Gregory may have a weakened cardiovascular system; it should not be overloaded. He is developing normally both mentally and physically. The child needs fresh air and long walks, especially in a pine forest.

From the age of five, the “September” has weakened vision and may have strabismus.

“Noyabrsky” and “December” Gregory are prone to minor injuries.

“December” is associated with gastritis.

Grigory with the patronymic Vladimirovich may have poor eyesight from birth, which is passed on from his father. As a child, he often catches colds. It is associated with tonsillitis and sinusitis.

In adulthood, Gregory is predisposed to stomach diseases: stomach ulcers and pancreatitis may occur. He has poor appetite and a weak immune system. In old age he may suffer from polyarthritis and have a weak cardiovascular system.

“Yanvarsky” is predisposed to micro-strokes, which he often suffers on his legs. Grigory does not like to go to doctors and often has no idea about the reasons for his illness. In his old age, Gregory’s musculoskeletal system begins to bother him and he finds it difficult to walk. He may have cholecystitis, so it is better to avoid fatty foods. Grigory is very diligent, he strictly follows all the doctor’s instructions, it is only important to get him to contact him on time.

At an early age, Daniil is very weak and has poor appetite. May have rubella. There are heart murmurs. He has a weak immune system, so it is not advisable to send him to a nursery. Some may have flat feet and scoliosis. In these cases, a swimming pool is recommended. Quarrels and conflicts between parents have a very bad effect on the boy. Because of this, he becomes nervous and sleeps poorly. You should not shout at him - depression may develop and various fears may arise. Mental fatigue provokes headaches, indigestion, and insomnia. The best medicine for a child in such a situation would be a calm environment, exercise in the fresh air, a trip to the village, and a nap during the day.

Daniel has a predisposition to be overweight, which was passed on to him from his parents. In this regard, you need to monitor his diet.

A “winter” child develops well. Prone to bronchial diseases. In summer it should be taken to the sea, but it should not be allowed to remain in the sun for a long time. It's better to be outside after six o'clock in the evening. There may be poor vision.

“March” Daniel has a predisposition to anemia. His diet should have enough iron and other vitamins. Poisoning often occurs.

“December” in adolescence can cause concern among parents due to unusual behavior. Try not to react too violently to his antics: sometimes he just wants to be different from other children. Physical work in the country will be useful for such a child.

From the first days of his life, Denis has difficulty latching on the breast, falls asleep during feeding, and sleeps restlessly. This is most pronounced in “December” Denis: he has an unstable nervous system, and his temperature often rises for no apparent reason. Those born during the day have a weak immune system. He often catches colds, is prone to sinusitis, and can get meningitis. Parents should pay attention to the child’s condition after suffering from infectious diseases, especially influenza. It is necessary to get all vaccinations on time: the child’s body is not able to cope with the infection on its own.

During puberty, Denis is very irritable, his character changes dramatically: from a sweet and obedient boy he turns into a sharp and rude teenager. Don’t focus on this, don’t change your attitude towards him - everything will pass with age. Denis with the patronymic name Dmitrievich or Stanislavovich is especially difficult to educate at this age, give him more attention, surround him with warmth and love.

Denis may start smoking early. He has a very unstable nervous system and is prone to nervous breakdowns. He loves cycling - give him the opportunity to realize himself, then many problems will be solved by themselves. All Denises, except for “June”, are prone to alcohol addiction.

Denis, whose patronymic is Igorevich, often suffers from childhood infectious diseases, whooping cough, and sore throat. Complications often arise because Denis is too lively a child and does not comply well with bed rest. This is especially true for the “February” boy. He has a weak nervous system, he can throw a tantrum.

“Martovsky” Denis with his patronymic Alexandrovich or Alekseevich often catches colds, infectious diseases haunt him until adolescence. Suitable for scarlet fever. He often has scoliosis, which swimming can help correct. The boy is very active and prone to injuries. Possible congenital strabismus.

“Spring” Denis often suffers from otitis media. He is physically weak and indecisive. The boy loves solitude. Parents need to pay attention to this. It is recommended to consult a psychologist about this.

In early childhood he was a very restless boy; It’s especially difficult with “February” and “December” Dmitry. He has an unstable nervous system and a tendency to hysteria.

Dmitry with his patronymic name Eduardovich is very restless, especially in winter. He may do poorly at school due to lack of composure, and it is difficult for him to concentrate in class. The nervous system is unstable and prone to nervous breakdowns.

Dmitry usually has an aversion to smoking. He has no cravings for alcohol either.

“February” Dmitry, especially with the patronymic Antonovich, is inclined to be overweight, do not overfeed him. It would be a good idea to seek help from an endocrinologist. He is also predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, which may be a consequence of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, overweight. Some Dmitrievs may have diseases of the pancreas and stomach.

The health of a “March baby” depends on what time he was born: if in the early morning, the immune system is stronger than that of those born in the evening. In infancy, he is susceptible to dermatitis and rubella. Suitable for bronchitis and colds. His immune system is weakened and he often has a high fever. He has a poor appetite. You need to consult a doctor about your diet: Dmitry is prone to metabolic disorders, which often leads to obesity. At school age, he can suffer from scarlet fever, which leads to serious complications. During puberty, a boy is very excited. Suffering from frequent constipation, causing hemorrhoids, there is a duodenal ulcer.

“Noyabrsky” Dmitry with his patronymic Nikolaevich sleeps poorly, suffers from lack of appetite, often suffers from respiratory diseases, follicular sore throat, always with a high fever. Protect the boy from complications.

“December” is prone to injury due to his restless nature; he often gets into fights. Even a small injury can have serious consequences for him. For the same reason, Dmitry should not engage in bodybuilding. As soon as he stops playing sports, he immediately gains a lot of weight.

In early childhood it does not cause much trouble for parents. Only the “July” Eugene can be very restless. He sleeps little, does not want to be alone, and demands to be held in arms all the time. After a year, Evgeniy begins to get sick: there may be pneumonia or infectious diseases. He does not tolerate the appearance of baby teeth well. He develops a fever after receiving vaccinations. At preschool age, Evgeniy is prone to minor injuries and is very restless. Loves to play football, hockey, and often falls. In adulthood, Evgeniy suffers from various kinds of dislocations, and there may be fractures of the limbs.

“January” is prone to alcohol dependence and drug addiction. He is easily influenced by his friends and cannot refuse them. This is especially true if the child is named after his father or grandfather.

“Spring” Evgeniy is predisposed to colds and often suffers from sore throat.

“Maysky” has sinusitis. The physical development of this Eugene is slightly delayed; he is very weak and eats poorly.

“Letny” suffers from almost all infectious diseases.

"June" and "July" are predisposed to asthma. “July” Evgeniy starts smoking early, but it is contraindicated for him due to his weak lungs.

“October” is associated with rheumatism, whooping cough, and influenza. Sometimes heart murmurs are heard.

“December” has weak lungs, frequent inflammations can lead to serious complications.

Evgeniy, whose patronymic name is Nikolaevich, may have poor eyesight. The boy with the middle name Pavlovich suffers from all infectious diseases with complications; for example, mumps can cause serious complications in the ears; a child can become deaf in one ear.

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Name and health
A person’s name affects all aspects of his life, including his health. From fragments of ancient cultures that have come down to us, it is known that in ancient times a human name was endowed with enormous power. Every single magical ritual, including Russian folk conspiracies, is based on this knowledge.

With the help of a name one could both cure and destroy. It is not for nothing that many nations had a tradition of giving children two names - everyday and secret. It was believed that such a double name protects against outside negative influences and helps protect against the evil eye and damage.

In most modern countries, this tradition is a thing of the past, but the influence of the name on human health has not gone away. What is the mechanism of this influence?

Any disease (except congenital diseases) develops against the background of uncoordinated functioning of organs. Since the work of all organs and systems is controlled by the nervous system, the source of the disease and the method of cure must be sought here. Each name has its own meaning and has its own sound. When hearing the sounds of a particular name, different centers in the human cerebral cortex are excited, which in turn, through a complex system of connections, influence certain organs.

If the name suits a person, if its daily sound is pleasant, this can to some extent protect against certain diseases, especially those that are considered psychosomatic (cardiovascular, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, genitourinary and other systems). Conversely, an unsuccessfully chosen name, which is disharmonious with the personality of the carrier, is an additional risk factor and can provoke the development of any disease.

Currently, it is impossible to call any name “healthy” or “sick”: those names that brought illness to their carriers have long since disappeared, because every parent wants happiness and well-being for their child and will not call him a deliberately unlucky name.

It is believed that names, along with character and habits, determine the organ or system of organs that the bearer of a given name is most susceptible to disease. Knowing about this influence, you can protect your child from possible problems in the future, if any disease has repeatedly occurred in the family.

When choosing a name for your child, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the meanings of attractive options, but also with the list of diseases to which bearers of a particular name are prone.

At the same time, there are names that are more “healthy”, whose bearers are distinguished by good health, and less “healthy” – whose bearers are susceptible to several diseases at once. Let's consider some popular names from the point of view of the propensity of their carriers to a particular disease.

If among your immediate relatives there were or are people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, you should not call the boy Dmitry, Leonid, Mikhail or Philip. When choosing a name for a girl, you should avoid the following names: Marina, Nadezhda, Lyudmila, Agnia, Ekaterina, Zinaida and Lydia. These names are attributed to a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. Their carriers are most susceptible to heart attacks, strokes, varicose veins, and often have problems with blood pressure.

A high risk of developing diseases of the nervous system is associated with the names: Alexey, Boris, Valentin, Vasily, Valery, Denis, Ilya, Fedor, Philip, Eduard, Alexandra, Alisa, Angelina, Antonina, Valeria, Vera, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Zhanna, Inna, Ksenia, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Polina, Faina. Any of these names should be avoided if the child has a hereditary predisposition to diseases of the nervous system.

The respiratory organs are a weak point in people with the names: Anatoly, Igor, Oleg, Vladimir, Daniil, Kirill, Nikolai, Semyon, Timofey, Alevtina, Alexandra, Daria, Evgenia, Zhanna, Natalya, Oksana, Olesya. Andrei, Boris, Valentin, Evgeniy and Tatyana are easily infected with infectious diseases.

If there is reason to assume that the child has an active and restless character, it is better not to name the boy Anatoly, Artem, Grigory, Peter or Yuri, and the girl Alexandra or Anastasia. The bearers of these names easily get injured and suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Problems with the digestive system and accompanying skin reactions are not uncommon for women with the names: Alina, Anna, Elena, Zinaida, Christina, Oksana, Sofia, Tamara. Diseases of the genitourinary system cause trouble for Ilya, Maxim, Alisa, Albina, Anastasia, Elena, Kristina, Larisa and Tamara.

Poor vision often accompanies Valery, Matvey, and Anna. If there is a family history of eye diseases, it is better not to name the child one of these names. Problems of the endocrine system (thyroid diseases, diabetes, obesity and others) reduce the quality of life for Victor, Elizabeth, Yulia and Tatyana.

In addition to “vulnerable” names, which increase the risk of developing any disease, there are also lucky names, the bearers of which enjoy good health into old age. Such names are beneficial for everyone, but a sick child especially needs a “healthy” name - it will help him compensate for his congenital predisposition to diseases.

Happy male names are: Alexander, Anton, Vadim, Gennady, Ivan, Konstantin, Lev, Nikita, Pavel, Roman, Ruslan, Sergey. Among women, the ones with the best health are: Maria, Alla, Anfisa, Valentina, Galina, Margarita, Olga, Raisa, Svetlana, Taisiya, Ulyana.

When talking about the influence of a name on health, it is necessary to remember not only the name itself as it is written in documents. Its combination with the patronymic, as well as the sound of the diminutive form, is of great importance. There are known cases when changing the full name or its everyday form has a healing effect, changes a person’s way of thinking and his habits, as a result of which the disease goes away.

"What's in a name?" - the poet asked his unknown interlocutor. Humanity has been struggling with this same question, but in a broader sense, for centuries, but the names are in no hurry to reveal all their secrets. Even notorious materialists and skeptics do not choose the first names they come across for their children, thereby recognizing that the name becomes business card a person in society, a part of himself. Many people are sure that an individual name not only contains information about its owner, but is also capable of participating in the formation of his character and influencing his future life. In this regard, the famous phrase “What you name a yacht, so it will sail” is often recalled. What can we say about man - a living being connected with the universe by thousands of threads!

Personal names are the object of study of anthroponymy, a branch of the science of onomastics. Within its framework, researchers study their origin, evolutionary development, laws and features of functioning. Each name, whether it is originally Slavic or borrowed from other languages, for example, Greek and Hebrew, has its own history and meaning. The original meaning of many names was lost in the thick of centuries, erased, and ceased to be taken literally. In addition, not all people are interested in the meaning of their name, thereby missing out on the opportunity to learn more about themselves and their life prospects. Meanwhile, the research of modern anthroponymists is aimed at compiling a psychological portrait of a typical representative of a particular name, because even earlier it was discovered that people with the same name have much in common in character, fate and even appearance.

Of course, one should not exaggerate the role of the name in the formation of personality, but still it deserves the closest attention. Choosing a name for a child should be conscious, thoughtful, taking into account various factors. In the life of an adult, it is also possible to change a name, so the information presented on our website will be useful not only to those who are looking for a name for a newborn boy or girl. For people who do not intend to change their other “I,” a closer acquaintance with the meaning of names can also bring a lot of benefits - in particular, it can suggest directions for working on themselves, on compatibility with others and fruitful interaction with them.

In this section of our website you can find not only the meanings of names, but also a variety of related information, for example, about name days, lucky days, useful practical advice, excursions into history and much more.


Augusta - regal, regal, sacred (lat.)

Augustine see Augusta

Avelina - see Evelina

Aurelia - golden (lat.)

Aurora - morning dawn (lat.)

Agata see Agafya

Agafya (Agatha) - kind, good (Greek)

Aggul - white flower (Turkic)

Agida - faith (Arabic)

Aglaida - brilliant, magnificent, beautiful (Greek)

Aglaya - brilliant, magnificent, beautiful (Greek)

Agnia - pure, immaculate lamb (lat.)

Agrippina - Roman family name (lat.)

Ada - elegant (Old Hebrew)

Adelaide - noble, high-born (Old German)

Adeline - fragrant (Old German)

Adele - pious, noble (Old German)

Adina - holiday, Friday (Arabic)

Adriana - resident of Adria (Greek)

Aza - consolation (Arabic) or strong, strong (Hebrew)

Aziza - bearer of God (Arabic)

Aida - benefit, reward (Arabic)

Ayante - violet (Greek)

Aina - mirror (pers.)

Aita - living (Azerbaijani)

Akulina (Aquilina) - eagle (lat.)

Alana - the most significant (Arabic)

Alva (Alva) - rich (lat.)

Alevtina - rubbed with incense, alien to evil (Greek)

Alexandra - protector of people (Greek)

Alexandria - protector of people (Greek)

Alena - see Elena

Aleshan - high dignity (Arabic)

Alima - knowledgeable, scientist (Azerbaijani)

Alina - noble (German)

Alice - noble (German)

Aliya - sublime (Arabic)

Alla - different (Greek) or noble (German)

Alma - nursing (Latin), nourishing with the first apple (Kazakh)

Almos - diamond (Tatar)

Alberta - brilliant, famous (German)

Albina - white (lat.)

Alpha - first (Greek)

Amanda - sweet, worthy (lat.)

Amata - beloved (lat.)

Amelia - flattering (Greek)

Amilia - see Emilia

Amina - safe (Arabic)

Anastasia - resurrecting (Greek)

Anatolia - eastern (Greek)

Angelina - messenger, angel (Greek)

Andromeda - courageous (Greek)

Angela - messenger, angel (Greek)

Angelica - see Angela

Anika - invincible (Greek)

Anita - sweetheart (German)

Anisia (Anisya) - performer (Greek)

Anna - pretty, pretty (Heb.)

Antonina - opponent (lat.). Roman generic name

Anfisa - blooming (Greek)

Anthia - flower (Greek)

Apollinaria - belonging to Apollo (Greek)

Aprilia - April (lat.)

Araminta - powerful, savior (Greek)

Ariadne - attractive, beloved (Greek)

Arina - see Irina

Artemis - name of the goddess of the hunt (Greek)

Asima - protector (Azerbaijani)

Asiya - comforting, healing (Azerbaijani)

Asta - city dweller (Greek)

Asteria - starry (Greek)

Asya - resurrecting (Greek) shortened form of the name Anastasia, which became independent

Atina (Athena) - the name of the goddess of wisdom (Greek)

Aurica - golden (lat.)

Athanasia - immortal (Greek)

Athena see Atina

Aphrodite - born from the foam of the sea wave, the name of the goddess of love (Greek)

Aelita - airy (Greek). The name of the heroine of the novel by A.N. Tolstoy

Bavu - mistress (Arabic)

Bavkhar - gem(Persian.)

Balimat - feast, treat (Arabic)

Balia - holy (Arabic)

Barbara - see Varvara

Bahar - spring (Arabic)

Baharat - good news (Arabic)

Bakhti - happy (Uzbek)

Basharat - a rare flower (pers.)

Beatrice, Beata - happy (lat.)

Belina - white (glorified)

Bella - beauty (lat.)

Benedicta - blessed (lat.)

Bereslava - protector (Old Russian)

Bertha - bright, brilliant, magnificent (Old German)

Birsheba - see Bathsheba

Bogdana - given by God (glorified)

Bogigul - garden flower (Taj.)

Bozhena - given by God, divine (glorified)

Bonata - pretty, sweet, graceful (lat.)

Borislava - fighting for glory (glory)

Bronislava - glorious protector (glorious)

Valentina - healthy (lat.)

Valeria - strong (lat.). Roman generic name

Valimat - see Balimat

Walia - saint (Arabic)

Wanda - brave, fearless (Polish)

Varaka - crow (face)

Barbara - foreigner (Greek)

Vasilina - see Vasilisa

Vasilisa (Vasilisa) - queen (Greek)

Vassa - desert (Greek)

Vaclav, Vyacheslav - the most glorious

Veda - mermaid (Bulgarian)

Vengana - crowned (cargo)

Venus is the name of the goddess of beauty and love (lat.)

Wenceslas - crowned with glory (glory)

Vera - faith (Russian)

Veronica - victorious, bringing victory (Greek)

Veselina - cheerful (Bulgarian)

Vesta - the name of the goddess of the hearth (lat.)

Victoria - victory (lat.)

Vilena - V.I.Lenin (Soviet)

Vilora is an abbreviation for “V.I. Lenin is the organizer of the revolution" (Soviet)

Viola - violet (lat.)

Violetta - violet (lat.)

Virginia (Virginia) - virgin (lat.)

Virinea - green, blooming, young (lat.)

Bathsheba - daughter of the oath (Heb.)

Vita - life (lat.)

Vitalia - life (lat.)

Vlada - owner (glor.)

Vladilena - V.I. Lenin (Soviet)

Vladislava - owner of glory (glory)

Vlasta - homeland (Czech)

Gaia - cheerful (English)

Galima - predominant (Arabic)

Galina - calm, serene (Greek)

Galya - marten, weasel (Greek)

Ganna - mercy (Western Slav.)

Gayane - beauty (Turkic)

Helena - see Elena

Helium - solar (Greek)

Gella - sunny, shining (Greek)

Henrietta - noble beauty (Old German)

Dahlia - from the name of the flower

Gerda - protector (scand.)

Hermine - warlike (German)

Gertrude - warrior (Scand.) or heroine of labor (Owl)

Gaia - earth (Greek)

Gilya - flower (Azerbaijani)

Gilyara - calming, comforting (Tatar)

Glafira - graceful (Greek)

Glyceria - sweet (Greek)

Gloria - glory (lat.)

Gorislava - bright glory (glory)

Hydrangea - blooming (lat.)

Grazyna - graceful, beautiful (Polish)

Greta - pearl (German)

Gulnara - beautiful flower(Arab.)

Gutfiya - kind woman (Arabic)

Daina (Dina) - avenged (Heb.)

Dalara - beloved (Arabic)

Damira - persistent, iron (Tatar)

Dana - given, bestowed (glorified)

Danara - gold coin (Arabic)

Danae - Greek (Greek)

Daniela - “God is my judge” (Heb.)

Darina - owner of wealth (pers.)

Daria - strong, victorious (Greek)

Deborah - bee (Heb.)

Jamila - beautiful (Arabic)

Jana - beloved (Azerbaijani)

Jannat (Jannam) - paradise (Arabic)

Gemma - precious stone, jewel (Italian)

Julia - see Julia

Juliet - see Julia

Diana - name of the goddess of the hunt (lat.)

Dina see Dina

Dita - people (German)

Diya - divine (Greek)

Dobroslava - good glory (glory)

Share - fate (glory)

Dominica - lady (lat.)

Domna - mistress, mistress (lat.)

Dona - grain (Taj.)

Dora - see Theodora

Dorosita - dew (Greek)

Dorothea - gift of God (Greek)

Eve - alive, life (Heb.)

Eugenia - noble (Greek)

Evdokia - favor (Greek)

Eulalia - eloquent (Greek)

Eulampia - pleasant light (Greek)

Eupraxia - happiness, prosperity (Greek)

Eusevia - pious (Greek)

Evstolia - elegant (Greek)

Euphalia - lush flowering (Greek)

Euphemia - pious, sacred (Greek)

Catherine - pure, immaculate (Greek)

Elena - shining (Greek)

Elizabeth - “I swear to God” (Heb.)

Emilia - see Emilia

Yesenia - prosperous (Greek)

Euphemia - pious (Greek)

Euphrosyne (Eurosinia) - joy, fun (Greek)

Joan - God's mercy (Heb.)

Zhilit - beauty (Kazakh)

Josephine - God will increase (Heb.)

Juliette - see Julia

Fun - cheerful (Old Russian)

Zabira - hard, strong (Arabic)

Zara - gold (Arabic)

Zarema - scarlet dawn (Turkic)

Zarina - golden (Arabic)

Zarifa - witty, graceful (Arabic)

Zafor - victory (Arabic)

Zahra - shiny, light (Azerbaijani)

Zemfira - rebellious (lat.)

Ziba - beauty (Kazakh)

Zilite - tit (Latvian)

Zillah - shadow (Heb.)

Zinaida - belonging to Zeus (Greek)

Zinia - hospitable (Greek)

Zinovia - life given by Zeus (Greek)

Zita - girl (pers.)

Ziyada - returning (Arabic)

Zlata - golden (glory)

Zoreslava - illuminated by glory (Old Russian)

Zoe - life (Greek)

Zulala - transparent, pure (Arabic)

Zukhra - shine, beauty (Arabic)

Ivanna - see Joanna

Yvette - trefoil (French)

Ida - fertile (Greek)

Isabella - beauty (Spanish)

Isolde - shine of gold (ancient Germanic)

Ilaria - cheerful (Greek)

Ilona (Ilyana) - light (Hung.)

Inga - winter (other scand.)

Indira - lunar (Sanskrit)

Inessa - see Inna

Inna (Inessa) - stormy stream (lat.)

Joanna - given by God (Heb.)

Iolanta - see Viola

Hypollita - unharnesser of horses, the name of the mythical queen of the Amazons (Greek)

Iraida - daughter of a hero, heroine (Greek)

Irene - see Irina

Iris is the name of the goddess of the rainbow, the patroness of women and marriage (lat.)

Irina - peace (Greek)

Isidora (Isadora) - gift of Isis (Greek)

Spark - light (Russian, Bulgarian)

Oia - violet (Greek)

Kaleria - hot, ardent (lat.)

Kalisa - beautiful (Greek)

Camilla - a girl from a noble family (Greek)

Capitolina - from the name of one of the seven hills in Rome (lat.)

Karima - generous woman (Arabic)

Karina (Karine) - looking forward (lat.)

Caroline - queen, royal (German)

Kashima - distributing (Tatar)

Casinia - maid (lat.)

Cassandra - hunter of men (Greek)

Kira (Kirien) - mistress, mistress (Greek)

Kirien see Kira

Kirilla - mistress, mistress (Greek)

Claudia is lame. Roman family name. (lat.)

Clara (Clarice) - clear, bright (lat.)

Clementine - vine (Greek) or merciful (Latin)

Cleopatra - glory of the father (Greek)

Concordia - agreement (lat.)

Constance - constant, faithful (lat.)

Kora - maiden, girl (Greek)

Christina (Christina) - dedicated to Christ (Greek)

Ksenia - foreigner, guest (Greek)

Lavinia - traitor (lat.)

Lada - sweet, good (slav.)

Larisa - seagull or from the name of the city Larisa (Greek)

Laura - crowned with laurels (lat.)

Leda is a mythical heroine who captivated Zeus with her beauty (Greek)

Layla - night (Arabic)

Leonida - lion, daughter of a lion (Greek)

Leonila - lionlike, lioness-like (lat.)

Leontine - daughter of the lion (Greek)

Leah - heifer, heifer (Heb.)

Lydia - resident of Lydia - a region in Asia Minor (Greek)

Lika - sweet (Greek)

Liliana - lily (lat.)

Lilita - night (Old Hebrew)

Lily - see Liliana

Lina - mournful song (Greek)

Linda - beautiful (Spanish)

Liona (Leona) - lioness (lat.)

Leah - see Leah

Lola - weed (lat.)

Lolita - grief, sadness (Spanish)

Lorna - abandoned, disappeared (Old German)

Lyubava - beloved (Old Russian)

Love is beloved (old glory)

Lyudmila - dear to people (old glory)

Lucia (Lucina, Lucien, Lucia) - light, luminous (lat.). Roman generic name

Mavji - radiance, shine (Taj.)

Mavra - dark, matte (Greek)

Magdalene - from the city of Magdala in Palestine (Heb.)

Madina - city (Arabic)

Maya - in Indian mythology the name of the progenitor of the Universe, in Greek - the goddess, mother of Hermes

Malania see Melania

Malika - queen (Arabic)

Malvina - weak, tender (German)

Manana - merciful (Georgian)

Manefa - given, bestowed (Heb.)

Manush - sweet (Armenian)

Margarita - pearl (lat.)

Mariam (Maryana, Maryam) - rejecting, bitter, tart (Old Hebrew)

Marianna - sea (lat.) Possibly a contamination of the names Maria and Anna

Marietta - see Maria

Marina - sea (lat.)

Maritsa is a Hungarian variant of the name Maria.

Mary - desired, sad (Old Hebrew)

Marceline - see Marcella

Martha (Martha) - mistress, mistress (Aram.)

Martina - under the auspices of Mars (lat.)

Martha see Martha

Marcella - hammer (lat.)

Masuma - protected (Arabic)

Matilda - dangerous beauty (Old German)

Matryona - lady of honor (lat.)

Medea - sorceress (Greek)

May - May or hawthorn flower (English)

Melania (Malania) - black, dark, dark (Greek)

Melissa (Militsa) - bee, honey (Greek)

Melitina - see Melissa

Mila - sweetheart (slav.)

Milada - sweet, okay (Bulgarian)

Milena - sweet, gentle (slav.)

Mylitta is the name of the Babylonian goddess of fertility (Greek)

Militsa is a South Slavic version of the name Melissa.

Milica see Melissa

Minna - love, tenderness (German)

Minodora - gift of the month (Greek)

Mira - see Mirra

Miroslava - peaceful glory (glory)

Myrrh - myrtle tree (ancient Hebrew); "world revolution" (Soviet)

Mitrodora - mother's gift (Greek)

Mlada - young, younger (Yuzhnoslav.)

Modesta - modest (lat.)

Monica - lonely (Greek)

Muse - a female deity who patronizes the arts (Greek)

Hope - hope (glory)

Nail (Naila) - gift, gift (Turkic)

Naina - innocent (Heb.)

Nana - small, youngest (cargo)

Nargul - pomegranate flower (Turkic)

Natalya (Natalia) - native (lat.)

Nellie - light (Greek)

Neonila - young, new (Greek)

Nike - victory (Greek)

Nymphodora - gift of a nymph (Greek)

Nina - on behalf of the founder of the Syrian state Ninos (Greek)

Nira - beautiful (Heb.)

Nisa - woman (Arabic)

Novella - new (lat.)

Nonna - ninth (lat.)

Nora - fortune teller (other scand.)

Noyabrina - in honor of the victory of the revolution (Soviet)

Odette - fragrant (lat.)

Oiguna - moon (Kyrgyz)

Oksana - Ukrainian form of the name Ksenia

Octavia - eighth (lat.)

Oktyabrina - in honor of the victory of the revolution (Soviet)

Olesya - forest (Belarusian)

Olympiad - praising the sky (Greek)

Olvia - happy (Greek)

Olga - sacred, holy (other scand.)

Pavla (Pavlina, Paulina) - small, small (lat.)

Palmyra - pilgrim (lat.)

Patricia - aristocrat, noble person (Greek)

Pelagia - sea (Greek)

Pinna - mother-of-pearl shell (Greek)

Polyxena - hospitable (Greek)

Polina - belonging to Apollo (Greek). A shortened form of the name Apollinaria, which became independent

Praskovya - Friday (Greek)

Pulcheria - beautiful (lat.)

Rada - cheerful, joyful (glory)

Radmila - sweet, joyful (slav.)

Raisa - light (Greek)

Rachel - see Rachel

Rachel - lamb (Heb.)

Rebecca (Rebekah) - a faithful wife who takes captives (Heb.)

Regina - queen, queen (lat.)

Rema - rower (Greek) or “revolution-electrification-mechanization” (Soviet)

Renata - reborn (lat.)

Rimma - Roman (lat.)

Rita - see Margarita

Rogneda - sad (other scand.)

Rose - rose, red flower (lat.)

Rosalia - rose (lat.)

Roxana - fortune teller (Greek)

Rostislava - increasing glory (glory)

Rufina - red, golden (lat.). Roman generic name

Ruth (Ruth) - friend (Heb.)

Sabina - Sabine woman (Old Hebrew)

Saida - happy (Arabic)

Sakina - calm, silence (Arabic)

Salmaz - unfading (Azerbaijani)

Salome - peaceful, calm (Heb.)

Saltanat - power, rule (Kazakh)

Sarah - see Sarah

Sarah (Sarah) - ancestor, mother of many people (Heb.)

Safa - clean, contented (Tatar)

Svetlana - bright, pure (glory)

Severina - serious, strict (lat.)

Sevil - beloved (Azerbaijani)

Selina (Selena) - moon (Greek)

Semira - lover of pigeons (pers.)

Zipporah - songbird (Heb.)

Seraphim - fiery, fiery angel (Heb.)

Sibylla (Sibyl) - prophetess (Greek)

Silva (Silvia) - forest (lat.)

Simone - obedient, heard by God (Heb.)

Simcha - joy (ancient Hebrew)

Sirush - beauty (Armenian)

Sitara - star (Arabic)

Siyana - strong (Bulgarian)

Slavyanya (Slavena) - glorious (slav.)

Snezhana - snowy (Bulgarian)

Sosia - protective (Greek)

Sona - pheasant (Azerbaijani)

Sosanna see Susanna

Sophia (Sophia) - wisdom (Greek)

Stalin - from I.V. Stalin (Soviet)

Stanislava - the pinnacle of glory (glory)

Stella (Estella) - star (lat.)

Stepanida - crowned (Greek)

Stefania - see Stepanida

Stojana - straight (Bulgarian)

Susanna - see Susanna

Suzanne see Susanna

Sulu - beautiful (Tatar)

Susanna (Sosanna, Suzanna, Suzanne) - white lily (Heb.)

Sufia - pious (Tatar)

Tabitha - chamois, roe deer, gazelle (Heb.)

Taira - pure (Arabic)

Taisiya - fertile (lat.)

Thalia - cheerful (Greek)

Tamara - date palm (Heb.)

Tamila - tormentor (Old Russian)

Tatiana - organizer, set the rules (Greek)

Thekla - see Thekla

Tekusa - giving birth (Greek)

Theodora see Theodora

Teresa - guarding, protecting (Greek)

Tryphena - living in luxury (Greek)

Ulyana - see Yuliana

Ursula - bear (lat.)

Ustinya (Justina) - fair (lat.)

Faina - shining (Greek)

Farida - pearl (Arabic)

Fatima - weaned (Arabic)

Fevronia - radiant (Greek)

Thekla - glory of God (Greek)

Felicia (Felitsa, Felisa, Felixa) - happy (lat.)

Theodora (Fedora, Theodora, Fedotia, Theodora) - God's gift (Greek)

Theodosius (Fedosya) - God's gift (Greek)

Feona - divine understanding (Greek)

Theophila (Theophylla) - kind, beloved of God (Greek)

Fivramna - born in February (lat.)

Fidelina - devotee (lat.)

Physa - emitting light (Arabic)

Philippia - horsewoman (Greek)

Philothea - God-loving (Greek)

Flavia - golden (lat.)

Flora - blooming, the name of the Roman goddess of nature, flowers and spring (lat.)

Florina (Florentina, Florida) - strewn with flowers, blooming (lat.)

Fortunata - happy (lat.)

Photina - light, radiant (Greek)

Frida - faithful (German)

Chava (Havva) - see Eve

Khavronia - see Fevronia

Khaliantha (Helianta) - sunny flower (Greek)

Charisa (Kharita, Kharitina) - graceful, lovely (Greek)

Helga - see Olga

Henrietta - see Henrietta

Hina (Khione) - snowy (Greek)

Khione - see Hina

Chloe - delicate flower, greenery (Greek)

Chrysa - golden (Greek)

Chrysana - golden-flowered (Greek)

Chrysia - see Chrysa

Christina - see Christina

Khumar - bird of happiness (pers.)

Tsarina - queen (Bulgarian)

Tsvetana - blooming (Bulgarian)

Caesarina - cutting (lat.)

Celestine - heavenly (lat.)

Cecilia (Cecilia) - blind (lat.)

Chara - charming (glorious)

Shirafa - sacred (Arabic)

Shelomokha - peaceful, friendly (Heb.)

Evelina - hazelnut (old French)

Eurydice - found (Greek)

Edina - exalted (other scand.)

Edita - giving orders (lat.)

Electra - shining, radiant (Greek)

Eleanor - God is my light (Heb.)

Eliza - God's mercy (Old German)

Elina - light (German)

Ella - light (German)

Elvira - protector of people (German)

Elga see Olga

Elsa - restless (Old German)

Elmira - star (Arabic)

Emilia - zealous (lat.)

Emma - flattering (Old German)

Enigma - riddle (Greek)

Enida - life, soul (ancient Germanic)

Era - era (lat.)

Erica - rich, powerful (other Scand.)

Erna - storyteller (other scand.)

Ernestina - see Erna

Esmeralda - emerald (Spanish)

Esther - star (Heb.)

Esther - star (Heb.)

Juvenalia - young (lat.)

Juventa is the name of the Roman goddess of youth (lat.)

Judith - Jewish woman (Old Hebrew)

Yuzhana - southern (Soviet)

Jozefa - God will add (Polish)

Yuliana - see Ulyana

Julia is curly and fluffy. Roman family name (lat.)

Yumru - round, full-bodied (Azerbaijani)

Yuna (Una, Yunna) - the only one (lat.)

Junia - Roman female name (lat.)

Juno - forever young, the name of the Roman goddess - the wife of Jupiter, the patroness of marriage (lat.)

Justina (Ustina) - fair (lat.)

Jadwiga - warrior (Polish)

Yana (Yana, Yanina) - God-given, God's mercy (ancient Hebrew)

Yaroslava - bright glory (glory)

Today's news from the Ryazan region prompted me to think about strange names - which for some reason parents come up with, and then the child suffers for the rest of his life. The hard workers, experiencing an acute attack of patri(id)otism, named their boy... United Russia. “Father Valentin from our rural church fully supported and blessed this choice of name,” noted the happy father and reminded reporters that two years ago he named his daughter Putin.

In general, it’s practically a joke. Purer than some, oh my God, Dazdraperma. But, I thought, do metalheads have such problems? Well, call my son Slayer. Or daughter Sepultura. Have you heard of these?..

And if you decide to stand out with something, here’s a list of “gothic baby names” compiled by for thought. The option, of course, is most likely for English speakers, but the idea will do...

Absinthe - absinthe. (I don’t think there’s any need to explain what this gloomy booze is.)
Ague is what malaria was called in the Middle Ages.
Ahriman is a destroyer spirit, the personification of the evil principle in Zoroastrianism.
Alcina is a sorceress from Italian legends.
Amanita is the mistress of poisoned mushrooms.
Amarantha is a mythological unfading flower from Greek myths.
Amaranthus - Amaranth flower, also known as "love lies bleeding." In ancient times it was used to stop bleeding.
Amethyst - amethyst. This stone is associated with the ability to save from drunkenness, as well as from celibacy. And astrology is considered a symbol of divine understanding.
Annabel Lee is the heroine of the tragic poem by Edgar Allan Poe.
Artemisia is a character from Greek mythology and is also a type of wormwood used to make absinthe.
Ash - ash.
Asmodeus is one of the names of Satan.
Astaroth is a Christian demon.
Asura is "demon" in Hinduism.
Asya is said to mean “born in a time of sorrow” in Swahili.
Atropine is a type of poison.
Avalon is where King Arthur went after his death.
Avarice - greed. One of the seven deadly sins.
Aveira means “sin” in Hebrew.
Avon - in Hebrew - impulsive sin of voluptuousness.
Azazel is a biblical demon in the form of a goat.
Azrael (Esdras) - Angel of Death according to the Koran.
Beelzebub is the Hebrew version of Satan.
Belial is another Satan.
Belinda is one of the satellites of the planet Uranus. Presumably, the etymology of this word is based on the ancient designation of a snake.
Belladonna is a poisonous plant with purple flowers.
Blood - what a great name!..
Bran/Branwen is the Celtic word for raven.
Briar - thorn, thorn.
Chalice is a special cup for holy blood.
Chaos - Chaos. In its original meaning: the state in which the Universe was before the reign of the Greek gods.
Chimera/Chimaera - Chimera. In Greek mythology, it is a hybrid monster with the head and neck of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a snake.
Chrysanthemum - chrysanthemum. A flower considered a symbol of death in Japan and some European countries.
Cinder is another name for ash.
Corvus/Cornix - "raven" in Latin.
Dark/Darque/Darkling etc. - several versions of darkness...
Demon/Daemon/Demona - several variations on the theme of demons.
Dies Irae - day of wrath, day of judgment.
Digitalis - digitalis, another poisonous flower.
Diti is the mother of demon in Hinduism.
Dolores means “sorrows” in Spanish.
Draconia - From "draconian", meaning "severe" or "extremely serious".
Dystopia is the opposite of Utopia. A fantastic place where everything is very bad.
Elysium - in Greek mythology, dead heroes go there.
Ember - fading embers.
Esmeree - according to legend, the daughter of a Welsh king, turned into a snake by the efforts of sorcerers. Returned to human form thanks to the kiss of the beautiful young man.
Eurydice - Eurydice, a tragic female character in Greek mythology.
Evilyn is a beautiful girl's name with the root "evil". It seems to come from an old cartoon.
Felony - sounds almost like the common Melanie, but also means "felony."
Gefjun/Gefion is a Nordic goddess who took dead virgins under her wing.
Gehenna is the name of Hell in the New Testament.
Golgotha ​​means “skull” in Hebrew. Hill in the shape of a skull on which Christ was crucified.
Grendel is the monster in Beowulf.
Griffin/Gryphon is a mythological monstrous hybrid: the body of a lion, the wings and head of an eagle.
Grigori - fallen angels in the Bible.
Grimoire - grimoire. A book describing magical rituals and spells, containing magical recipes.
Hades is the Greek god of the underworld.
Hecate is an ancient Greek deity of moonlight, a powerful sorceress.
Hellebore - hellebore. A flower blooming in the snow in the middle of winter. According to medieval belief, it saves from leprosy and madness.
Hemlock - hemlock. Strong poison. For example, Socrates was poisoned with it.
Inclementia is Latin for “cruelty.”
Innominata is the name of an embalming agent.
Isolde is a Celtic name meaning "beauty", "she who is looked upon". It became famous thanks to the medieval chivalric romance of the 12th century, Tristan and Isolde.
Israfil/Rafael/Israfel - the angel who must cut through the beginning of the Day of Judgment.
Kalma is an ancient Finnish goddess of death. Her name means "cadaverous stench."
Lachrimae - "tears" in Latin.
Lamia - “witch”, “sorceress” in Latin.
Lanius - "executioner" in Latin.
Leila - "night" in Arabic.
Lenore is the heroine of Edgar Allan Poe's poetry.
Lethe - Summer. The river of oblivion in the underworld in Greek mythology.
Lilith is the notorious first wife of Adam. Very ominous.
Lily - lily. Traditional funeral flower.
Lucifer is a fallen angel, often associated with the Devil.
Luna - “moon”, Latin.
Malady is practically a Melody, but not. The word means "disease".
Malice - bad intentions.
Malik is the angel who rules Hell according to the Koran.
Mara is a demon in Scandinavian mythology that sits on the chest at night and causes bad dreams (kosh-mar). The Greeks knew this demon under the name Ephialtes, and the Romans called it Incubon. Among the Slavs, this role is played by the kikimora. In Hebrew, "mara" means "bitter."
Melancholia is a very gothic/doomy name for a girl. Or a boy...
Melania/Melanie - "black" in Greek.
Melanthe means “black flower” in Greek.
Merula means “black bird” in Latin.
Mephistopheles/Mephisto - this is what the Devil was called during the Renaissance.
Minax is Latin for "threat".
Misericordia - "compassionate heart" in Latin.
Mitternacht means "midnight" in German.
Miyuki - "silence of deep snow" in Japanese.
Moon, Moonless, Moonlight - everything related to the Moon. By the way, the Moon is an ancient symbol of fertility.
Moirai - Moirai. Greek goddesses of fate.
Monstrance is an empty cross with the holy spirit “sealed” inside.
Morrigan is the Celtic goddess of war and fertility.
Mort(e) - “death”, “dead” in French.
Mortifer/Mortifera - Latin equivalents of the words "lethal", "fatal", "deadly".
Mortis is a form of the Latin word for death.
Mortualia - grave pit.
Natrix - "water snake" in Latin.
Nephilim - Nephilim. A member of a race of giants, the sons of fallen angels.
Nocturne - nocturne. Romantic “night” genre of music.
Obsidian - obsidian. Black stone formed as a result of volcanic eruptions. Used in surgery because is sharper than steel.
Oleander - oleander. Beautiful poisonous flower.
Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, symbolizing the end, the finale.
Orchid - orchid. Exotic rare flower. Often used as decoration in glamorous Western gothic clubs.
Osiris is the Egyptian ruler of the underworld.
Penance - repentance, penance.
Perdita - sounds great in Russian!!! This name was coined by Shakespeare and means "lost" in Latin.
Pestilentia is a Latin term meaning "plague", "unhealthy atmosphere".
Reaper - aka Great Reaper, Grim Reaper. English - male - version of the bony old woman with a braid.
Sabine/Sabina - Sabines or Sabines. The people of the Italian group. According to legend, the Romans kidnapped the Sabine women during one of the festivals in order to take them as wives. About a year later, the Sabine army approached Rome to free the captives, but they entered the battlefield with babies from their new husbands in their arms and achieved reconciliation between the parties.
Sabrina/Sabre/Sabrenn - goddess of the River Severn among the Celts.
Salem is a popular witch killing site in Massachusetts.
Samael - Angel of Death according to the Talmud.
Samhain is the equivalent of Halloween.
Sanctuary - sanctuary.
Serpent - "serpent". Symbol of evil in many cultures.
Shadow - “shadow”. By the way, a common nickname for black cats.
Tansy - tansy. According to legend, its seeds cause miscarriages.
Tartarus is the Greek equivalent of Hell.
Tenebrae - "darkness" in Latin.
Thorn(e) - thorn.
Tristesse/Tristessa - "sadness" in French and Italian.
Umbra is another word meaning darkness.
Vespers are morning prayers in Catholicism.
Willow - willow. "Weeping tree", a symbol of mortal sadness.
Wolf(e) - how would it be without a wolf...
Xenobia means "stranger" in Greek.
Yama/Yamaraja is the lord of death in Hinduism.