Your daughter's birthday is today. Congratulations to parents on the birthday of their daughter. Cool birthday greetings for daughter

Dear, beloved daughter!
Happy birthday, congratulations to you!
For me, you are like a bright sun.
May the angel be with you always!

Let all the stars shine for you
Relatives and friends will be around.
I wish you much happiness and joy,
You are my hope and pride!

You grow up so fast every year
For me, you are always a baby!
Be healthy, strong and brave.
All love and all life is for you!

Dear daughter, the sun is clear,
The most beautiful in the world,
Wonderful child, my princess,
I congratulate you, dear.

Trembling heart beats so in the chest.
Girl, only happy to grow up,
Be the best in everything, in everything ideal,
To achieve all your goals.

Be cheerful, unsurpassed,
From the turmoil of any tempered,
So that all dreams will certainly come true,
Fortunately, all the paths in life converged!

My dear daughter, happy birthday. You are the most precious gift in my life. I love you with all my heart, so my wishes are the most sincere, the brightest, the warmest. Be happy, my dear sun. Be healthy, never get sick. You're so beautiful! My every day is filled with faith in you, in your success, in your happy fate. Let the new year of life open up new perspectives, new emotions, new impressions for inspiration. All the best, dear.

I congratulate you on your birthday
And I look at you with admiration.
I love you, dear daughter,
And I pray that you are happy.

May your health only grow stronger
Beauty will never fade
In personal life, everything will go smoothly,
The house will always be full of prosperity.

Never be sad, don't be sad
In vain, do not be upset.
Have fun, travel, love.
Live for a very long time.

Dear daughter, you are our sunshine,
You are like a ray, a grain of gold.
You are our flower, tender and scarlet,
You are our kitten, sweet and small.

We congratulate you on your birthday
Happy day full of happiness, love and fun.
Our angel, always be beautiful,
Be happy in this life.

Let everything always work out for you,
The bad is always quickly forgotten.
Ever since you were born,
The life of our family immediately turned into a paradise.

Be the most caring, gentle and sensitive.
Be our beloved and sweet daughter!

Dear daughter,
My angel.
Happiness is invisible
I live for you.

And today is a festive
your birthday
I wish you happiness
Always be yourself.

Let dreams come true,
Things are going well.
Be healthy girl
My darling.

Happy birthday, my daughter, my star,
May your life be a happy fairy tale.
Let the shadow not touch you,
Every day will be filled with joy.

To bloom with happiness, like flowers in spring,
There was prosperity in the house, and peace in the soul.
Good health, sunny roads,
And let God give you endless love.

Happy Birthday, sunny.
Happy birthday, daughter.
So big has grown
From a warm lump.

So playful, fun
And you look with cunning
Bloomed bright rose
Picture girl.

And I hasten to wish
sunny happiness,
To never know
Bitterness of bad weather.

So that you are always lucky
In life and study
So that, in spite of difficulties,
Mountains conquered.

I want to wish flowers -
Much and brighter
The warmest, most tender words
Good luck.

And let your smile
The cloud will not touch.
Happy birthday, daughter.
Happy Birthday Sun.

Daughter, my blood,
Happy Birthday to You!
I wish you only happiness
Side bypass let bad weather.

Be always healthy and happy
The most gentle, kind and beautiful.
Wake up every day with a smile
Smile at the sun and birds.

You, my dear daughter,
The most beloved, dear.
Happy birthday, my dear kitten,
In the clear sky, a ray of gold!

Our dear daughter,
Thank fate for you.
Cutie, star, beauty,
We love you, daughter!

You are kind, our wonderful,
Fun, flower in the family.
So happiness to you is only such
What do you wish for yourself!

We will tell you on your birthday:
Be friends and love from the heart.
Health, good luck, luck,
And may the days be good!

I wish happiness to my dear daughter.
You charm everyone with charm and beauty.
You know, it's happiness to have a daughter
Yes, in the eyes, dear, to look at yours.
Let life please you, let flowers give,
And you easily control your destiny.
On this birthday, I want to say:
One can only dream of such a daughter.
How beautiful you are, how good!
Rejoices, looking at you, mother's soul.
Smile and grow up... Just take your time.

At the request of our readers, we have placed on the site page the best, most memorable happy birthday poems for daughter. How can you congratulate your already grown daughter and your very tiny, beloved baby?
Replenishment in the family is a real miracle, and the birth of a tiny girl, a small, tender and touching princess, is a true happiness for parents. They will take care of the baby, raise her, pamper her a little, rejoice at every success of the girl. And of course, from year to year, in honor of the daughter’s birthday, a grandiose holiday is arranged, which will be remembered by all guests, and most importantly, by the birthday girl, and all congratulations will be the warmest and most sincere!

On this day, relatives and friends remember what happened a couple of years ago, when the baby graced the world with her appearance. Parents experience especially vivid emotions on this day: the mother, who carried the girl under her heart, was constantly worried about her comfort; a father who treats his daughter with such trepidation from the first days to this hour. Congratulations to the daughter on her birthday are saturated with special tenderness, which makes the hero of the occasion's heart beat faster from them.

A daughter's birthday should always be unforgettable, bring back warm memories. Everything on this day is bright, fun, with incendiary dances. Another integral attribute of such a holiday is long conversations at the laid table. And what is a birthday without congratulations?

In any case, parents know their daughter better than all the other guests. Mom and dad did not sleep at night, taking care of the newborn baby; they held her hand tightly as she tentatively took her first steps; parents also taught the girl to read, write, count, solve mathematical and life problems; they helped to overcome the first difficulties. To love your daughter with all your heart, to wish her the best is natural. On the eve of the princess's birthday, you are very worried, and you want everything to be at the highest level for your beloved daughter. Warm words spoken from a pure heart, which will sound sincere and not banal - the best congratulations to your daughter.

Each family has its own traditions and preferences. Some parents pick up birthday greetings that describe the customs that came into the house with the advent of their daughter. Others will find it necessary to clarify that the daughter is pride for her relatives, a beauty, a smart girl, and the best girl in the world. No matter how you congratulate your princess, remember that the words should sound beautiful and sensual, so that the soul of the birthday girl trembles.

A bright holiday should be supported by a spectacular congratulation, which contains parental love, kindness and a desire to help all the dreams of the birthday girl come true. You will find many such congratulations in verse and prose on our website and you can congratulate your daughter on time using an SMS message or by sending a greeting card.

Beautiful Congratulations to your daughter on her birthday in verse

Dear daughter, happy birthday,
What would I wish you:
Probably joy, good luck and luck,
And also to be able to be happy!

And if you're sad, then I'm always ready,
To listen to you and help from the bottom of my heart,
And there is nothing dearer and more beloved to me,
Than you are my own, my daughter!

Dear daughter, smile
Today is a holiday, today is a birthday,
Let your mood soar
Let the holiday give love and inspiration!

Today all the gifts are for you
Yes, and all the warmest confessions,
Oh, how is my daughter, you are good,
Blossom and continue so without wilting!

All loving parents try to congratulate their daughter on her birthday in a beautiful and original way. After all, not only long-awaited gifts can please the daughter on this bright holiday. Beautiful and graceful, well-chosen words in poems that we write in a postcard or in a short SMS message for a girl or an already mature girl, our daughter, can not only improve her mood on a holiday, but also raise her self-esteem! Below you will find the best insightful poems for your beloved daughter that you can send by SMS message

You have a holiday in your family today -
The princess grew up fast
And became a real lady
Although still small.

The flower is sweet and tender
May he live in happiness and love.
Good will be with her, but good luck,
Let your daughter wait for life.

Happy birthday daughter
Our congratulations.
Let it grow beautiful
Everyone for a look
Clever, helper,
Support in old age.
Let it be happy
Strong and healthy.
Well, you parents
happy days,
Long life and pride
For my daughter's success.

I congratulate you on the birthday of a wonderful girl - your daughter. I wish your beauty to be happy and healthy, so that her dreams always come true, so that her successes are great. Enjoy life with your daughter, believe in your baby and give her an amazing world of love and joy. All the best to your family, incredible miracles in the life of your beauty.

Let the daughter always please
And the years are filled with happiness
May her life be great
Successful, long, unusual.

Let her be all right
And in my personal life, everything is in order.
And you, parents, be patient.
And happy birthday to you!

Your daughter has a birthday
And you are happy without a doubt.
The princess is growing up fast
And how a flower blooms.

Let her shine with joy
The boys lose their heads.
Beauty and cleverness grows,
Let the best take from you.

Healthy and loved
Cheerful, bright, very cute.
May she be happy
Talented, kind, gentle.

Daughter's birthday
Holiday for parents.
you ask today
guardian angel,
So that he takes care of his daughter
From misfortune, bad weather
And pray to God
For her, you are happiness.
Parents' Word Path
Heaven will hear
May fate be happy
Will be given from above.
It will be bright, smooth
May her road
So that you always have her
Waiting at the door.

The beloved daughter in the house is growing up,
Laughs happily and smells sweet.
Affectionate, beloved little flower,
Your feelings are beautiful little sprout!

Happy birthday to my daughter, I congratulate you.
I wish you love and affection, tenderness,
To grow a flower, always pleased.
Let her avoid trouble!

Let her be a singer, she dances well
And he reads poetry, sculpts and draws,
She will become very smart, slim and beautiful,
With a kind, gentle heart. May it be happy!

To you parents today
I send congratulations -
On your happy bright holiday -
On my daughter's birthday.

Let the happy grow
Happy with health
Surrounded by warmth
Kindness and love.

In addition to the happiness of the daughter,
What else do you need?
her good fortune
You will be rewarded.

Your daughter is older
More amazing and more beautiful.
Let it grow even sweeter
Healthier and kinder.

Happy Birthday.
All desires of fulfillment,
Best of all
Much will be given.

Smiled more often
Life seemed to be sweeter.
Every moment was wonderful
He brought adventure.

Your daughter has a birthday today
I wish her happiness and good.
May luck accompany her in everything,
May she always be joyful and cheerful!

Let your daughter warm you like a ray of sunshine
And only good works for you.
Let him not dare to offend you in life.
Love to you and spring warmth!

Your daughter has a birthday
But you also need to congratulate
After all, your daughter is an inspiration,
She is the most precious thing in the world!

Let your daughter have everything
What is her soul waiting for?
Let flowers bloom for her
And let life be good!

I wish my daughter good luck
Goodness, blooming beauty,
Smiles and hot love,
And in the heart of eternal warmth!

On a birthday, everyone is waiting for attention, smiles, congratulations and, of course, gifts. But this event is significant not only for the hero of the occasion, but also for the parents. On this day, the sun became warmer, the world is kinder, and most importantly, there are more reasons to smile and congratulate your daughter on her birthday.

Everyone will agree that girls are more tender, sensitive, romantic and are waiting for congratulations on their holiday. So what words can you find for your daughter so that the holiday is a success? Tips, recommendations, ideas can be found in the article below.

How to Prepare for the Perfect Birthday Wishes for Daughter

Need to decorate a room or an entire apartment. A beautiful, unusual setting on this day will help create a good mood and set the tone for the whole day. The decor style is selected depending on the age and preferences of the girl / girl.

The easiest decoration option is balloons. Bright, big and small, curly and spherical - it doesn't matter. The main thing is a lot. They can be fixed on the wardrobe, around the crib, on the ceiling. You can just throw them on the floor or order/make your own shapes from balloons. For babies, any animals or figures of favorite cartoon characters are more suitable.

Garlands will look good. Even paper curly ones will do. It is very simple to make them - cut out flowers, geometric figures or hearts from paper and string them on threads. You can hang Christmas garlands. Glowing multi-colored lights will add even more fabulousness to the room.

2. Choosing the style of congratulations

Decide on the style of congratulations: in poetry, prose, in the form of a theatrical performance (small), comic or musical. Again, the choice depends on the tastes and preferences of the child.

3. Emotional component

Congratulations are sincere. If poetry - then from the heart and with expression, if prose - then with emotions. You really need to want to please your beloved girl.

Congratulations examples

In addition, there will be congratulations in poetry or prose, it can be funny, wise or philosophical, original or just beautiful. Let's give examples.

The best way to cheer up and have fun is to congratulate with a comic rhyme. It can be dedicated to a teenage daughter or a young girl, even an adult. Laughter, as everyone knows, prolongs life. More often such congratulations are in verse. They turn out funny and mischievous.

For you to be healthy

And the beautiful grew

To happiness a pood bale

You found yourself.

And a bag of laughter

And a kilo of smiles.

To everyone you know for fun

Smile here and there!

And let with your smile

The sun rises in the sky

And the soul of a magic violin

You always sing!

Happy birthday to the best daughter in the world!
And stop sitting on salads, but on kefir,
I baked a cake for your birthday
Let's get a daughter from the holiday - a delight!
After all, you love sweets so much, I know that
And I don’t like your fashionable diet and don’t understand
Nothing can spoil your chiseled figure,
But the holiday we need to remember for a long time!

I remember a wonderful moment -

You appeared before me

To the sound of your own singing,

Only half a meter long!

Can't believe there was time

When you were a baby!

Didn't talk, didn't walk

I couldn't hold my head!

Be happy my dear

And keep your head up!

Let it not be silent for a long, long time

That song called life!

A treasure was found in our house,

I never dreamed of such happiness

Years ago

We have a beloved and glorious daughter was born.

She grew up for the joy of her mother,

And has already succeeded in many things,

She grew up beautiful and smart,

And in her career, she “ate the dog” for a long time.

My angel, my flower

My little one!

There are many daughters in the world,

But you are the only one!


Like a mischievous cat!

How I love you, my ray!

Stay like this!

You are so cute,

Kind and nice.

Since birth

The main thing in our life!

And one dream

Mom and dad have

To always be

You are the happiest!!!

Simple words, but what beautiful! You can also congratulate beautifully in prose:

Our dear, beloved daughter! Please accept our most sincere congratulations. May happiness always shine in your eyes, and there will never be tears. If you have to cry, then only from joy. Let life's bad weather bypass. Smile more often and remember, our dear, that we love you very much!

The daughter is growing up. She is entering adulthood. Parents really want to encourage, to make it clear that they are always there. You can share wisdom, and congratulating on your birthday.

You're an adult - we can't believe it!

You have entered a new life.

All doors will open before you

And so many miracles ahead - hold on!

Traveling around the world awaits you

You are just starting to live

So many mysteries, riddles and secrets

You have yet to open them.

Decide for yourself where to go

And we are always ready to give advice.

In trying to be happy, it's not a sin to take risks,

You are already eighteen years old!

And if you need it, we're happy to help.

You can definitely reach your goals.

We are so proud to have such a daughter!

May all your dreams come true!

In this poem, the very essence of the relationship with the daughter of a young girl. She is now a perfectionist. She looks at the vast expanse at her feet, called "life". In this congratulation there is a reminder that the daughter is still loved, an assurance of support if necessary and recognition of her maturity.

Touching congratulations

Affectionate, tender and touching words are the privilege of mothers. A mother at any age can call her daughter "hare", "sun" or "kitten".

You are my bead and dewdrop,
My little drop you and a blade of grass,
My happiness is incomparable
My daughter, beloved sun,
Happy birthday to you, my joy,
My life is joy and sweetness,
I love you deeply and forever
Be happy forever!

My swallow, daughter,

golden ray of sun

Happy Birthday,

My own angel.

May you succeed

Let dreams come true

Well, most importantly for mom,

For you to be happy.

My gentle angel, happy birthday!

I wish so much...

Always - love, always - patience,

And evil and grief and do not know.

Always be happy girl

Don't be offended by people.

From year to year you are more beautiful

From year to year you are wiser.

May all wishes come true,

Let everything work out.

May your efforts pay off.

May you bloom like a rose!

How to deliver congratulations

An equally important component of a successful congratulation is the way it is conveyed to the addressee. Congratulating, of course, is better in person, looking into the eyes. But this is not always possible.

Congratulations can be issued in one of the following ways.

  • Making a phone call is the most convenient way to congratulate. You can say whatever you want, talk, hear your native voice.
  • Sign postcard. A postcard is the most popular way of congratulations. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself. In bookstores there is a huge selection for every taste: bright and in restrained colors, on one sheet and double, simple and transformer postcards, there are even musical postcards. Many of them already contain ready-made congratulations. You can limit yourself to them, or you can enter your own.
  • Send sms - if the daughter is roaming or cannot get through. It is better in this case to send a small quatrain.
  • By e-mail - you can attach a postcard, attach a file with a song - a congratulation.
  • On the page in social networks. It is important to remember here that everyone sees the congratulations (if it is not private). No words are needed that can put the birthday girl in an awkward position.
  • Order a radio greeting.
  • Congratulations in the newspaper.


In fact, it doesn’t matter at all whether in poetry or prose, seriously or jokingly, with or without music, you say: “Happy birthday, daughter!” The main thing is from the heart. The words may be clumsy, but she will understand everything herself. Understand how dear and loved.

They say that on a birthday, an angel sits on the shoulder, listens to the words of wishes, and puts them into practice. The more kind, sincere words there are, the happier the life of the birthday girl will be. Therefore, you do not need to skimp on emotions, smiles, good wishes on your daughter's birthday. You don't have to hide your love. You can't spoil happiness with love!

Here you can download free pictures for congratulating your daughter on her birthday with inscriptions and wishes. Congratulate your daughter with a beautiful card!

Congratulations on your daughter's birthday! picture for mom

Happy birthday daughter!

Happy birthday daughter! Congratulations, dear daughter, on this bright and festive day. You live and bloom as a flower, warm everyone with your scarlet fire! So that life lives without mistakes, so that joy is a companion, only seas of love and smiles, an ocean of kindness and warmth!

Here again a year has passed, you have become a year older, but now you have a great time. You have become more mature and everything is subject to you, only youth has left your yard, instead of it, the time has come to grow up, the time of hope, success and love. Hold fate by the tail, it is your creation, catch a beam of luck, live, love, create!

Happy birthday sweet daughter!

Happy birthday to daughter - picture for mom. Today is the happiest day - You became a mother today! Congratulations on your daughter's birth with admiration!

Sweet congratulations with a kitten

Beloved daughter, happy birthday!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter (parents)

Happy birthday picture dear daughter! Mischievous character, cute features, my daughter - you are the most beautiful of all. Today I congratulate you on your birthday. And I wish the fulfillment of my cherished dream. Stay the same, with a kind sweet soul and I wish love every new spring. So that your laughter is careless, and happiness is for a period of eternity!