Theatrical script for Ivan Kupala. Scenario of the holiday “Ivan Kupala” for all age groups Competitions on Ivan Kupala Street

Game program for children of primary and secondary school age “In search of a blooming fern on the eve of Ivan Kupala”

Decor: in the center there is a large water lily surrounded by small water lilies, in the corners there are flower arrangements and artificial fountains.

Characters: The presenters are two kupala girls, in Russian folk costumes, with wreaths of wild flowers on their heads. 10 assistants (can be in costumes of goblin, Lada, etc.).

(The call signs sound, turning into the melody of the dance composition “The Little Mermaid”, which is performed by the choreographic studio.

At the end of the dance, against the background of the music of the group “Ivan Kupala”, the presenters come out in the guise of girls-kupala.)

Presenter 1. Hello, good people!

Presenter 2. Guests are invited and welcome!

(They bow.)

Presenter 1. How the holiday of antiquity brought us here.

Presenter 2. Our summer holiday, revered.

Presenter 1. We will sing, dance,

Presenter 2. Look for forest treasure,

Presenter 1. Guessing fate

Presenter 2. Gain strength.

Presenter 1. According to the legend that has come down to us,

Presenter 2. There is an unusual hour on Midsummer's Day.

Presenter 1. A fiery flower blooms at night,

Presenter 2. But not everyone could find him there.

(Musical beat.)

Presenter 1. These are the words that could begin the holiday of Ivan Kupala in Rus'. It is celebrated in the new style on July 7, and in the old style on June 24.

Presenter 2. On Midsummer's Day there were many customs related to water. On this day they sang, danced, danced in circles, put flower wreaths on their heads, and jumped over fires.

Presenter 1. But the most important miracle of this holiday was the fern. According to legend, it blooms only one night a year - on the night of Ivan Kupala.

Presenter 2. Whoever is lucky enough to find a fern flower will find happiness and wealth. According to another legend, where a fern flower bloomed, a treasure was buried.

Presenter 1. Today we will also try our luck in finding a fiery flower. To do this, we will divide you into teams. Each team chooses a guide who wears a scarf of a certain color. This will serve as a guide for all team members.

(The music of the group “Ivan Kupala” is played. Each team is given a guide sheet and an identification sign - a scarf of “its” color. It is put on by the conductor.)

Presenter 2. A guidebook will help you find the treasured fern. In order for good luck to accompany you on the road and troubles to pass you by, you need to have a talisman with you. Your comrades dressed in costumes of fantastic creatures will act as a mascot. They will walk this difficult path with you and help you find the treasures hidden under the fern.

Presenter 1. And who can bring good luck? Of course, mermaids, fairies, elves and goblins, goblins and mermen. People from hell and other heavyweight monsters have no place at this bright festival of fertility and love.

Presenter 2. We invite all the fairy-tale creatures who have gathered at this holiday to a round dance.

(Music sounds. Children, demonstrating fabulous costumes, form a round dance.)

Presenter 1. The most powerful and effective talisman is worthy not only of your applause, but also of a holiday gift.

(Determining the winner, presenting him with the main gift. Encouraging all participants in the carnival competition.)

Presenter 2. We believe that all the talismans along the way will definitely gain magical power and help you win.

Presenter 1. Very soon you will be on your way. To make yours come true cherished wish, according to ancient tradition, it is necessary to overcome twelve “vegetable gardens” or “fences”, i.e. pass twelve tests indicated in the guide sheet.

Presenter 2. After passing them, you will see twelve ferns. Choose one of them. Maybe you will be lucky and the fern you choose will point to a treasure. At the end of the road, our roads must bring us together. We will be waiting for everyone in this clearing with the selected ferns. Go for the fiery flower!

(Music sounds. Teams disperse to stations to complete tasks.)

Options for tasks at stations:

“Launch the red rooster!” The main feature of Kupala night is the bonfires. They danced around them, jumped over them: whoever is more successful and taller will be happier. We suggest using running hurdles as fire pits. Standing in one line, each of you jumps over all the “bonfires” in turn, trying not to knock them over.

Those who did not manage to overcome all the fires perform a penalty jump over the rope.

(In the case of an additional jump, the penalty boxers stand in one line and make three jumps over a rope, which is rotated by two players.)

Props: 6 running hurdles, jump rope.

"Collection of medicinal herbs." Herbs and flowers collected and dried on Ivan Kupala were cherished, considering them more healing than those collected at other times. They fumigated the sick with them and fought against evil spirits.

Select from the proposed medicinal herbs those that can cure the indicated ailments. If you answer incorrectly, you will have to complete an additional task.

Grass Diseases

Bleeding Shepherd's Purse

Rheumatism Nettle

Burns and wounds Hare cabbage

Cough or cold Coltsfoot

Heart Disease Valerian

(As an additional task, participants are asked to list as many medicinal herbs as possible whose names begin with the letter “P”. Answer options: tansy, shepherd’s purse, plantain, fern, peppermint, wormwood, etc.)

Props: tablet, needles, cards with the names of diseases and medicinal herbs.

"Underwater Key" On Midsummer's Day, all games were played near the water. All water - river, well, spring and even morning dew - was considered beneficial to health.

In front of you are containers filled with water. Each of them contains a mysterious key, but only one of them matches the chest with a clue. Choose one player who has a light hand. In case of failure, the chance is given to the next participant.

Props: 12 plastic buckets of water, 12 keys, lock, chest, towel.

"Round dance" . A common dance of the Kupala night is the round dance. Let's learn one of its types. Hold each other's hands and, without releasing your arms, begin to spin in a round dance. To do this, the last two players, without moving, form a “gate” (raise their hands). The first participant leads everyone else through this “gate”. One of the players forming the “gate” turns his back to his partner, while placing his right hand on his right shoulder with his partner’s left hand. The game continues until all participants are twisted into the fence, for which the free player standing near the penultimate one (who formed the gate for the first time) forms a new gate.

"Bath". On the eve of Ivan Kupala, July 6, our great-grandfathers celebrated the day of Agrafena Bathing. On this day they opened the swimming season or visited the bathhouse.

In front of you is one of the bath attributes - an iron bathtub. Try to fit the whole team in it at once. Those who do not fit in will use bath brooms to steam themselves.

(In the case of an additional task, the team that does not fit in is given one broom made from a newspaper. Participants, passing it from hand to hand, try to whip the broom as quickly as possible.)

Props: iron bathtub, 12 newspaper brooms.

"Ritual Tree" . On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, a ritual tree was chosen, usually a birch, and decorated with multi-colored ribbons and wreaths of flowers.

Use ribbons, bows and scraps to decorate your tree. The friendly work of the entire team and the originality of the design are taken into account.

Props: ribbons, bows, shreds.

"Drive away evil spirits" . On the night of Ivan Kupala, evil forces gathered from all over. To prevent the spirits from causing harm, people kept wormwood and thistle with them, made sacrifices in the form of food, and also tried to cover their tracks.

Running the distance on a broom, each participant tries to cover up the traces drawn in chalk. As a result of all participants jogging, the tracks should disappear completely.

Props: broom, chalk.

"Holiday fortune telling" . On the night of Ivan Kupala, various fortune tellings were common. They treated fortune telling lightly, as a fun activity in which they could give free rein to their imagination and creativity.

Everyone who wants to tell fortunes can put one thing in this box. Selecting one of the things by touch, the presenter simultaneously takes out a fortune card from another box.

Prediction options:

- a hearty lunch

- new acquaintance

- an unusual trip

- lucky find

- an unexpected gift

- praise from the teacher

- loss of a button

- big bike races

- victory in the competition

- a dream come true

- declaration of love

- finding a coin worth 1 kopeck

- waste pocket money

- invitation to a friend's birthday party

- argument with parents over unwashed dishes

- no money on cell phone

- spring-cleaning

- resentment towards a friend

- purchasing your favorite toy

— visit to the zoo

- exciting computer game

- the appearance of a four-legged friend in the house

- dream prediction

- enrollment in a neighborhood football team

- increase in height and weight

- chocolate tan

Props: two boxes, cards with predictions.

The whole team stands in a circle. Two participants in the game are selected: one of them is an “elf”, he is given a bell in his hands, the other is a “human”, he is blindfolded. By ringing the bell, the “elf” moves in a circle, and the “man” tries to catch him. The faster the “man” catches the “elf”, the faster the next pair will enter the game. The game is played three times.

Props: bell, blindfold.

"Folk song" . On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, songs were heard here and there. Some of them have survived to this day. They echo the unity of our ancestors with nature.

Perform the well-known Russian song “A Birch Tree Stood in the Field” with characteristic movements.

“Pick up a broom.” On the eve of Ivan Kupala, bath brooms began to be prepared. In the old days they were collected from twigs of various trees.

Guess which ones:

Alena is standing.

Green scarf,

Slim figure

White sundress. (Birch.)

Takes from my flower

The bee has the most delicious honey.

But they still offend me:

The thin skin is torn off. (Linden.)

She always looks sad.

Bending low, he stands over the river.

Whispers to herself:

“How beautiful I am!”

Do you know her,

After all, this is... (Willow.)

And the berries made me shiver

The dress is colorful... (Rowan berries.)

It's like a snow globe is white,

In the spring it bloomed,

It gave off a delicate scent.

And when the time has come,

At once she became

The whole berry is black. (Bird cherry.)

Under the leaves in a row

Red chandeliers are burning. (Red Ribes)

Saves us from the heat

Yes, he throws acorns

Hanging out your curly forelock,

Stands broad-shouldered and strong... (Oak)

The Christmas tree is great,

Only unusual.

By the cold weather at this tree

Needles fall off. (Larch.)

"Kupala Mosaic". Since ancient times, the holiday of Ivan Kupala was considered a youth holiday, because only young people could handle games and undertakings. Your team is invited to assemble a mosaic depicting a fairy-tale creature.

Props: mosaic set.

(The music of the group “Ivan Kupala” sounds. All teams gather in the foyer of the first floor with the chosen fern.)

Presenter 1. We are glad that all the teams in full force came together.

Presenter 2. Yes, not empty-handed! You all tried to get the mysterious plant.

Presenter 1. Have you carefully examined your fern? After all, it should bloom any minute. But this requires complete silence.

(Music sounds. The choreographic studio performs the “Firebird” dance.)

Presenter 2. Look under the leaves of your fern. If you find red flecks, consider yourself lucky: you have found a fiery flower, which means good luck for you all year!

Presenter 1. In addition, you become the owner of the found treasure! May it bring you a lot of pleasure and admiration!

(Music. Presentation of sweet prizes.)

Presenter 2. According to the legend that we read to you,

Presenter 1. The hour of farewell awaits all of us.

Presenter 2. Let a few here be lucky with a flower,

Presenter 1. But Midsummer's Day is a holiday with a sparkle!

Presenter 2. Let goodness bloom in your soul,

Presenter 1. May it help everyone become better!

Presenter 2. Let good things only come true,

Presenter 1. And all the bad things will be forgotten.

Presenter 2. Farewell to all, invited guests!

Presenter 1. Guests are invited and welcome!

(Music. All guests leave.)

Scenario of the holiday "Ivan Kupala"

Location: Country or school health camp.

Participants: Primary and secondary schoolchildren.

Goals: Acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the Russian people in the celebration of Ivan Kupala. Development of motor activity, prevention of physical inactivity in schoolchildren.

Progress of the event

(If possible, the holiday is held by the pool; if this is not possible, you can use an inflatable pool or other wide but shallow container, but you can do without it)

Girls come out (there can be 8-12 of them) in Russian folk costumes. A mandatory detail is wreaths on the heads. They sing a song in chorus and walk in a circle.

To Ivan, to Kupala

The girl's song sounded...

I won't be there until the morning

Have fun around the fire!

I'll sit, I'll sit under a bush

And I’ll weave myself a wreath.

You float, float the wreath,

To a distant shore,

Where there is clear water,

Where my falcon circles...

Into the hands of the young man, my friend,

Float my wreath

At the last words, the girls take off their wreaths and float them across the water. If there is no body of water, the wreaths are not removed. At the end of the song, they line up in a semicircle opposite the audience and begin to talk about the traditions of the holiday.

1st A and hello, you are dear guests!

And the girls here are all young,

And the guys here are all smart!

2nd A and today is a difficult day,

And the day is July, the seventh.

And a special time has come,

We should celebrate Ivan Kupala.

3rd Once upon a time, guys.

Kupala had a different date.

4th Subtract two weeks from today,

Yes, you will get that old date.

5th Guys, who was able to get the original date of Ivan Kupala? Right. This is June 24, or more precisely, the night from June 23 to 24. On these dates, the nights are the shortest and the days are the longest of the year. These days are called the summer solstice.

6th In the old days, it was believed that on this day every year the fate of the world is decided: whether there will be Light or the world will be swallowed up by the evil Darkness. Every year the forces of Good win the battle, but this victory does not come by itself.

3rd. So now we will “make” a fire and jump over it. If you want to jump, come here. Of course, we won’t make a real fire, it’s dangerous. But let's jump with all our hearts!

A fire can simply be a tall pile of brushwood (unlit, of course). Boys and girls who want to jump over the fire stand in pairs, hold hands, run and jump.

4th. Here is another interesting old game “Tails”. They play in pairs. Each player receives a rope of the same length as their opponent. The rope is tucked into the waistband of the trousers so that 2/3 hangs down the back like a tail. Each player must take the tail from the opponent without giving up his own at the same time. During the game, you must not push, fight, grab everything except the tail, or trip the animal. The winner is the one who took the enemy's tail, but saved his own. You can play with 4-5 people at the same time, the goal is to save your tail and collect more tails of your opponents

5th A I will play the game “Water” with you.

The driver sits in a circle with his eyes closed. The players move in a circle saying:

Watery, Watery,

Why are you sitting under water?

Come on out,

Sit with us.

The circle stops. The merman gets up and, without opening his eyes, approaches one of the players. His task is to determine who is in front of him. The merman can touch the player standing in front of him, but he cannot open his eyes.

If Vodyanoy guessed right, he changes role, and now the one whose name was named becomes the driver.

6th. People associated ideas about miracles with Ivan Kupala Day. On the night of Kupala it was impossible to sleep, as all the evil spirits came to life and became active: witches, werewolves, ghouls, mermaids... On Midsummer's night, witches become more dangerous, and therefore you should put nettles on the threshold and on the windowsills to protect yourself from their attacks. It is necessary to lock the horses so that the witches do not steal them and ride them to Bald Mountain: the horse will not return from there alive!

The game “Unenchant me, black horse!” is being played!

Participants in the game choose a leader. The presenter's task is to “tarnish” all the players. To do this, all participants scatter in different directions, and the leader, catching up, touches the shoulders of the players with a light touch. The one who has been “stained” freezes in place, spreads his arms to the sides and shouts: “Unbewitch me, the black horse!” You can “crucify” your friends only with a hot hug. So, the task of the leader is to “tarnish” all the players, the task of the players is to help each other out.

7th. At midnight on Kupala the fern blooms. A wonderful fiery flower can show the lucky person the location of all treasures, no matter how deeply they are buried. Around midnight, a bud appears on the wide leaves of the fern, which rises higher and higher, then staggers, turns over and begins to “jump”. Exactly at midnight, a ripe bud opens with a bang and a fiery red flower emerges from it. A person cannot pick it, but if he sees it, all his wishes will come true. We, too, will now “pluck” a wonderful fern flower, but they will replace it for us... your caps.

2 players come out. On command, they begin to tear the caps off the heads of the seated spectators and put them on their own heads. At the command “Stop” they stop. The one who collects the most “flowers” ​​will win. The game is played 3-4 times. “Stop” is better to say after 30-40 seconds. After all games, one winner is revealed.

8th And here are a few more examples and beliefs of Midsummer. On Midsummer night, oil is collected in a vessel on ant heaps, which is recognized as a healing agent against various ailments.

1st On Kupala night, trees move from place to place and talk to each other through the rustling of leaves; Animals and even herbs talk to each other, which are filled with special, miraculous power that night.

2nd If on this night you pick the Ivan da Marya flower and put it in the corners of the hut, the thief will not approach the house: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers of the plant) will talk to each other, and the thief will think that the owner and mistress are talking .

3rd At midnight, without looking, you need to pick flowers and put them under your pillow, and in the morning check whether you have collected twelve different herbs. If you have enough, you will get married this year. They place a triputnik (plantain) under the head, saying: “Triputnik-fellow traveler, you live along the road, you see young and old, say my betrothed!”

4th If you climb twelve gardens on Midsummer Day, any wish will come true.

The game "12 fences" is being played

At different places of the playground, barriers are placed or ready-made safe fences and fences are designated as fences. It is better to place them at different distances. Each fence has a serial number. The player starts and climbs over the indicated fences in order, and then returns to the start. Each player is timed. The winner is the one whose time is minimal.

The girls again stand in a circle and say a chant

Rain, rain! Rain, rain!

On me and on people!

Spoon on me

On people in a bowl,

And for the devil in the forest - Lay a whole bucket!

Ivan Kupala, pour it on anyone!

The fun begins - pouring water on each other from sprinklers, because July 7th is usually a hot day. You can arrange competitions for the most interesting sprinkler, for the distance of the jet, etc. You can play many games related to water on this day.

"Get an apple"

A bowl of clean water is placed on a stool, with apples floating in it. The participant without hands must get the apple only with his teeth. The one who does it the fastest will win. It is better to take medium-sized apples.

"Russian shower"

A container of water is suspended from the horizontal bar. This could be a small plastic bucket with a rope hanging down from it. You need to hang it so that when you pull the rope, the bucket turns over and the water pours out. The driver holds the end of the rope. The player runs under the horizontal bar, trying to dodge the shower, and the driver tries to prevent this. The winner is the one who remains dry at the end of the game. Since water will be pouring out all the time, it needs to be periodically added to the bucket, so it is better to choose not the highest horizontal bar, but one that an adult can reach.

Very soon - July 7 - there will be a holiday of Ivan Kupala, on which, according to tradition, games and rituals with water are held. Why not tell your children about interesting customs of the past, and at the same time have fun playing with water? We present 10 budget games that both adults and children will enjoy.

Kapitoshki based on Angry birds

An unrealistically simple country-city game based on the computer toy of the same name. Welcome, pigs and birds, to the real world!
You will need:
- Crayons
- Marker (not necessary, but cool)
- Balloons(at Fix Price you know how much you pay for capitoshka balls)
Fill the balloons with water. Draw angry bird faces on them. Place them in a pile. Then draw pigs on the asphalt in any combination, at different distances. Draw a line that you cannot cross. Take aim! Your task is to hit all the pigs and wipe them off the asphalt.

Hook legs

A game in which many people who are not afraid of the cold can take part at once.
You will need:
- Inflatable pool
- Marbles (the kind in glass, multi-colored)
- Ice and water
Divide everyone present into teams. Fill the pool with water, add ice and place as many marbles in the bottom as possible. The participants’ task is to catch the balls from the water using (attention!) their toes and put them into their team’s jug using the same method. After 15 minutes, count the balls and reward the winners.

Frozen T-shirt

A very fun group game that requires little preliminary preparation.
You will need:
- Ziploc bags (closing method)
- T-shirts (as many as there will be teams)
Freeze the T-shirts in the freezer ahead of time, placing each one in a separate bag. Before the game starts, take them out and say “March!” The team's task is to melt the ice on the T-shirt the fastest and put it on one of the players on their team. It's just a lot of fun!

Relay from SpongeBob

A team game that requires a minimum of props and gives maximum positivity.
You will need:
- Identical jugs (according to the number of teams)
- Sponges (according to the number of teams)
- Basins with water (according to the number of teams)
Players are divided into teams and stand in a row, in a chain. A jug is placed behind the back of the last player, and a bowl of water is placed in front of the first player. The first player takes the sponge, soaks it as much as possible with water and passes it over his head back to the next player. He goes further, to the end of the chain. The last player squeezes everything left into the jug. The first team to fill the jug to the brim wins.

Magic fountain

Do you want to return to your favorite place or city? Just throw a coin into the fountain! This tradition became the basis for a fun and simple game with water.
You will need:
- Coins (must be played with under adult supervision!)
- Basin with water
If you are going to play at home and not outside, place a tray under the basin. This will save you from further cleaning. Fill the basin almost to the brim with water. Give each child a good supply of coins. Take turns throwing coins into the basin (while letting the children make a wish with each throw). The game ends when the water overflows with the next throw.

Towel badminton

A fun capitoshka game that's great for the whole family.
You will need:
Large beach towels
- Inflatable water balloons
Divide into two teams of 2 people and take one towel each. Pull it tight by grabbing all 4 corners. Place a ball in the center and try to throw the ball to the other team using the racket towel. If they catch it, they have to throw it back again. And so on until the ball falls to the ground. If a team cannot catch the ball, then the competitors receive 1 point. Great time on the beach or at the cottage!

Magnetic fishing

This game will keep children engaged for a long time! Moreover, it is not only easy to organize, but also budget-friendly.
You will need:
- Fish (not real, something metal needs to be glued to it)
- Wire cutters
- Branches or sticks (future fishing rods)
- fishing line
- Magnets
- Hot glue
Buy fish bait at a sporting goods store, in the hunting and fishing department. This will make the game more realistic! Make fishing rods using a stick, fishing line and a magnet at the end of the fishing line. The magnet can be attached to the fishing line with glue. Attach paper clips to the fish. Lower your fish with paper clips to the bottom of the inflatable pool. All! Let the children try to catch the fish with fishing rods and bring them to the surface of the pool. Happy fishing and good mood!

Water piñata

A water variation of the famous Mexican fun - The best way survive a very hot day.
You will need:
- Balloons
- Water
- A bat or something sharper)
Stretch the clothesline between the trees as far as possible. Fill the balloons with water and hang them on a rope. Then take turns hitting the water-filled balloon until it bursts. Whoever's blow causes the ball to burst wins.

An excellent game with water that develops a child's hearing.
You will need:
Glasses or bottles
- Water
- Food colorings
- Stick or other elongated objects
- Parent with an ear for music
Fill the bottles with different amounts of liquid. Color the liquid in each bottle a different color using food coloring. Give your child different objects with which you can make sound from a bottle (wooden sushi stick, spoon, etc.) Tell him which color corresponds to which note. Offer to extract sounds different ways, let him come up with the melody himself. Play your baby's favorite song to accompany you. Get ready for this simple toy to be a hit!

Water shooting gallery

Tired of kids splashing each other with water pistols and getting their clothes wet? Direct their shots in the direction you want!
You will need:
Disposable cups
- Water gun
Place the cups in a pyramid at a decent distance from the child, but so that the stream of water from the pistol reaches her. And that’s it – let him shoot! For each cup knocked down - one point. You can play in teams, building several pyramids, or play against the clock.

As you can see, all the games are very simple to play and very fun. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on your child on hot days, put on a hat and take more comfortable clothes with you to the dacha: with such games you will need to change them quite often! But don't worry: in , that you can buy a bunch of T-shirts and pants at reasonable prices!

Scenario of the holiday “Ivan Kupala” for all age groups

Holiday scenario« Ivan Kupala» For all age groups

Goals and objectives:

Promote the health of preschool children.

To develop children's interest in ancient Russian customs.

To form in pupils the need for physical activity and physical improvement.

Evoke an emotional response from children. Introduce to ritual culture.

Cultivate a desire to take part in celebration of the calendar holiday of Ivan Kupala, cultivate respect for the traditions of your people

Location: sports ground

Equipment: 2 hoops, 2 buckets of water, 2 basins of water, 2 mugs, plastic balls, ribbons for decorating birch trees, an artificial fire, "Surprise"- a box of sweets.

Music center, song recordings “There was a birch tree in the field”, "Domes Ivan Kupala» , "Bullseye", "Porushka - Poranya", "Baba Yaga's Song", “Mola went for water”.


Alyonushka – Volokitina E. V.,

Ivan - Tolkacheva T. G. ,

Baba Yaga - Okhremchuk E. A.

Progress of the event

A Russian folk song sounds and the presenter comes out.

ALENUSHKA:- Hello kids, hello little ones! I see you are all already gathered. Yes, I came too, I wasn’t late. TO was going to celebrate, weaved a wreath, dressed up. After all holiday Today is not an easy day - in honor of our main father - Ivan Kupala the glorious! Today fire festival, water and Mother Earth!

Now I want to tell you about holiday Ivan Kupala. On the night of July 6-7, we celebrated this holiday. It is believed that the water in rivers and lakes acquires healing powers on this night, which is why the custom of pouring water on each other began. There is another popular name for this holiday Ivan the herbalist, Ivan Tsvetnoy. Herbs collected at this time heal, so on this day they prepared medicinal herbs for future use. From this day on, haymaking began - making hay for domestic animals. And in these days, girls wove wreaths of wild flowers, which protected them from evil spirits.

ALENUSHKA: - And now we will begin our holiday. Let's start with riddles:

It comes to visit us in the spring, bringing with it a lot of worries,

He gives hot, long days so that the ears of corn can quickly ripen in the fields. (SUMMER)

People are waiting for me, calling me, but when I come to them, they run away. (RAIN)

The golden apple rolls across the sky, smiling at everyone in the morning. (SUN)

In the morning the beads sparkled, they covered all the grass,

And we went to look for them during the day, we searched and searched, but we couldn’t find them. (DEW)

It made some noise, made some noise, washed everything and left.

I watered the gardens, vegetable gardens, and all the surrounding areas. (STORM)

The gates rose into the sky, beauty to the whole world. (RAINBOW)

ALENUSHKA: - Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles great. And there was also fun -

lie down in the tall grass, you just need to make sure the grass is covered in dew at dawn.

In the lake, in the river swam, everyone was playing, everyone was laughing...

Our holiday dedicated to water and everything connected with it! According to beliefs and fairy tales, people used to live in water - who? (MERMAIDS, MERMANS).

Let us also choose mermaids from our girls who have the most long hair. Go out to the middle, and you guys decide who has the longest braid.

Contest "The Longest Braid".

Participants are rewarded with applause.

ALENUSHKA: - On holiday This decoration is birch. Yes, here they are, standing and waiting for us to dress them up. You need to make a cherished wish and tie a ribbon.

Children who wish are given bright ribbons to decorate birch trees. Everyone goes to the birch trees. There's a song playing “There was a birch tree in the field”.

ALENUSHKA: - Well, everything is ready, but my friend - Ivan, not arrived yet. Guys, I know an old round dance Kupala song, let's get into a round dance and try to sing together. Maybe we can invite him to come to us holiday.

Russian folk song sounds « Kupala, Ivana Kupala» . Then appears Ivan. His clothes have colors that reflect fire, earth, grass, water. In hand there is a willow branch.

ALENUSHKA: - Hello Ivan is our funny friend!

IVAN: - Hello, Alyonushka, red maiden, hello, little children!

Here I am - Ivan. I love fire, water and earth - our mother. And today a celebration of all these elements! Today we need to have fun, sing songs, frolic. I came to you with a willow sprig to sprinkle you with water. The water today is healing, it contains the sun was bathing.

Sprinkles with a branch willows:

May you be healthy and live for many years!

IVAN: - Let's freshen up and play with water!

A game "Get the apple out of the water" 2 teams of willing players

Apples are thrown into a bowl of water (balls) and players try to catch the apple and get it out of the water. The team that gets the most apples out of the water wins. (play for 2 minutes)

IVAN: - Well done, how friendly we played! Here's another fun one!

A game "Water Carriers"

2 teams, 1 container with water (from which they will draw water, 2 buckets, 2 mugs (plastic). You need to scoop up water with a mug, bring it to the bucket without spilling, and pour it into the bucket. Whoever fills the bucket the fastest is the winner.

IVAN: - Today is full of magic! On this day, trees whisper and plants talk. And the most important miracle is the fern flower. It blooms only once a year. And whoever finds it will be happy and will find a treasure! But the path to this flower is difficult; many obstacles must be overcome. And it is not easy to approach him, since he is guarded by evil spirits.

Baba Yaga's song is playing. To the music she flies up on her broom and dances.

IVAN: - Why did you come here? Your job is to protect the flower!

BABA YAGA: - Yes, it’s an interesting thing, they’re here to have fun, and I’m going to protect the flower. What boredom! Then you have nothing to do here either! You won't have any fun. I tell you I'll ruin the holiday. Now, as soon as I sweep you with a broom, you will run away from here without looking back, only your heels will sparkle. Woo-hoo!

Swings a broom.

IVAN: - It’s okay for you to frighten children. They won’t be the shy ones, and besides, they brought amulets with them, and they wove wreaths. They are not afraid of evil spirits. It's you who should be afraid.

Children take off the wreaths and hold them in front of them with both hands.

BABA YAGA: - Chur, chur, chur! (shaking). Put them away. Okay, I won’t bother you, but can I play with you? Just don't drive away. I'm so bored in this forest, but it will be fun with you!

ALENUSHKA: - Well, so be it, stay. Do you know any games?

BABA YAGA: - Certainly. My favourite game "Flight in a mortar". Now I'll see who flies better than me.

A game "Flight in a mortar" 2 teams compete to see who flies better in a mortar.

Each team has a stupa hoop, everyone takes turns sitting in the stupa, running to the chair, running around it and returning back. The team that flies the fastest in the mortars wins.

BABA YAGA: - And now I want to see how jumpy you are.

Game "Granny Yozhka"

This game requires a broom (broom). Children stand in a circle. "Grandma-Yozhka" stands in the middle of the circle. The kids start teasing "Granny the Hedgehog":

Grandma-Yozhka, bone leg. I lit the stove, cooked my leg,

She went out onto the porch and ate the little man. And then he speaks.

AND "Grandma-Yozhka" speaks:- My stomach hurts.

And he begins to spin the broom in a circle above the ground. Children need to bounce to "Grandma-Yozhka" I didn’t hit them with the broom.

Whom "Grandma-Yozhka" hits him with a broom, she puts him on a bench. They play until "Grandma-Yozhka" won't catch everyone.

A game “The sea is agitated once...”

ALENUSHKA: - Guys, all stand up in a big round dance. We pronounce the words loudly, in chorus, the figures freeze and do not move, and Baba Yaga will be the leader, she will walk and choose the figure that moves. The piece that moves is out of the game! (Play 3 – 4 times)

BABA YAGA: - I know this game, now I I'll beat you all quickly!

IVAN: - Well, now, according to the old custom, all the guys need to jump through the fire, cleanse themselves of illness, gain strength and health. Ready?

Jumping over the fire

BABA YAGA: - Well done boys! You are so dexterous, resourceful, you know how to overcome obstacles - you don’t mind giving away treasure to someone like that. I’ll probably show you the way to the fern, in case you find a treasure there.

Children stand next to each other "little train", Baba Yaga leads "snake" children to the fern, they find a treasure, hand out candy.

IVAN and BABA YAGA:- Well, we had some fun this time holiday. We had a lot of fun with you. Now, goodbye until next year.

There's a song playing « Kupala, Ivana Kupala» . All participants holidays dancing and singing along.

Folk festival "Kupala"




Song “And the wreath floats.”













Whoever finds this sign





The game is being played.

“There’s a prize for the winner!”


Where they notify you
About concerts and cinema,
You will find him there."






The game is played to the music.



The third sign under that board
Where do you sit sometimes?
You will find that envelope-
Will be looking for advice."




The stage is festively decorated. Decorations: wreath, flowers, ribbons.

« Good evening, good people!
May there be a lot of joy for everyone around.
Today we will celebrate Kupala,
Sing, dance and play games!

Today Kupala, tomorrow - Jan
Play it, harmonica, play it for us!”

An accordion begins to sound, and a vocal group comes out to the music with the song “Oh, wound, on Ivan.”

“We are glad to see you all at our holiday today. Ivan Kupala is an ancient holiday of thanksgiving to the sun, the ripeness of summer and green mowing. Ivan Kupala was one of the most revered, most important, most riotous holidays of the year, the entire population took part in it, and tradition required the active inclusion of everyone in all rituals, actions and customs. And the hostess of this holiday is the beautiful Kupalinka.”

Kupalinka comes out to the music.

“Hello, dear friends! Kupalinka I. I came to you today to remember the old times together. folk holiday. Today is the night of Ivan Kupala. This night attracts everyone with its magic and beauty. They used to gather on the banks of rivers and lakes, sing ritual songs, dance in circles, wonder about a better life, and let wreaths float on the water.”

Song “And the wreath floats.”

“Lay out and light the Kupala lights to better imagine the coming days, so that the streams will dance more joyfully. The Kupala fire cleanses the body from disease and the soul from confusion. It also strengthens the love between two hearts.”

Music sounds, a witch with devils runs out.

“Put out the fire, don’t let them heal. This is what will happen if everyone is healthy. Come on, my devils, extinguish every spark without stopping.”

“Will your little devils be able to catch all the sparks and embers from the fire to put it out?”

“You'll see now. Come on, my devils, prepare a trap for the coals, let’s see how they can dodge it.”

“If in three times you do not catch all the sparks and embers, then the Kupala fire will burn!”

“Who doesn’t want the witch and the devils to put out the fire, come out and play with us. I explain the rules: the devils make a circle and join hands. While the music is playing, the devils raise their hands up and all the children - our sparks and embers - run wherever they want around and inside the circle. When the music stops, the devils lower their hands and the one who remains in the circle is eliminated.”

“Sparkles of warmth, light and kindness defeated evil spirits!”

“Rejoice early! My evil spirits will ruin your holiday!”

“Don’t stop people from enjoying the holiday. Go away in good health!”

“There is a legend about Kupala night that at midnight in the very thick of the forest a magical branch of fern blooms. The one who manages to find it will become the happiest, all treasures will be revealed to him, he will become strong and begin to understand the language of animals and birds. But finding this flower is not so easy; evil spirits are plotting and interfering with the search. If there are brave ones among you, let's try to find a wonderful flower."

1 devil: “They will look for the flower!”
2 devils: “They wanted happiness!”
1 devil: “Do you know that only the brave and dexterous can reach the flower?”
2 devils: “Now we’ll see if there are any of you like that!”

“Yes, it’s not easy to find a fern branch. But Kupalinka decided to help you and left hints for you on the territory of the club, only these hints also need to be understood and be able to be found.”

“The first clue is on the eternal slabs.
Where the memory of the war is buried.
Whoever finds this sign
He’ll go look for a magic flower.”

“So, don’t waste time! Kupalinka told you where to look for the first part of the clue. The one who first guesses what we're talking about and brings an envelope, he will participate in the search for the flower. And while they are looking, a member of the vocal group “Nemanichka” sings for you.

“Here we have found the first part of the clue.”

“Keep this envelope, it will help you in your search for paparti branches. Before I tell you where the second part of the clue is, I want to test your dexterity."

“Okay, let's try it. Once upon a time, on Kupala night, girls wove wreaths, threw them into the river and wondered about their happiness. In front of you is an imaginary river, with a water lily on the water. I will ask those who wish to throw wreaths into the river one by one so that they lie on the water lilies. Whoever makes the most hits out of 5 throws will win.”

The game is being played.

“There’s a prize for the winner!”

“Yes, there are clever ones among you. I'm reading about where the second part of the clue lies. The second sign is hidden from view
Where they notify you
About concerts and cinema,
You will find him there."
In the meantime, they are looking for the envelope, “Everything has already happened once” is being sung for you.

“So we found the 2nd clue.”

“You keep your envelope too. Before I tell you where the last part of the clue lies, I want to test you one more time.”

“On Kupala night, as you know, you need to jump over the fire. Now we will organize a jumping competition with you.”

“My devils, come on, bring the rope here. Let's see how dexterous they are and how they can jump over it. And you little devils, raise the bar higher and higher.”

“The one who takes the greatest height is the one who whitewashed.”

The game is played to the music.

“There’s a prize for the winner. Well, Kupalinka, did the people pass the test?

“Yes, I can tell you where the last part of the clue is.
The third sign under that board
Where do you sit sometimes?
You will find that envelope-
Will be looking for advice."

"Good luck searching! And he sings for you...

“So we found the missing link to the clue. And now your task is to put the three parts together and guess where the miracle flower is hidden. The smartest, resourceful and fastest will win a super prize.
Time has passed. And we wish you good luck in your search. Be careful, the devils will interfere with you on your way."

Vocal group performance.

“Whoever finds a wonderful flower today will be the happiest, wisest and richest this year. And from us the lucky winner receives a super prize and his two competitors receive a consolation prize.