A date with a girl at the skating rink. Romantic date at the skating rink. Date on the golf course

Dating at the skating rink is suitable for brave young people. If you are not afraid of difficulties and you are not interested in “catching” girls at a disco, then this non-standard method is for you!

Let's look at all the pros and cons, starting with the negative aspects. Firstly, most girls come to such places not alone, but with their boyfriends, friends or family. How can you meet someone at the skating rink if the object of your affection is busy?

Secondly, as a rule, people come to the skating rink in the cold winter. To keep warm, you need to constantly move, which makes it very difficult to carry on a conversation.

The positive side of the skating rink is that girls you want to meet come there, and there is an opportunity to meet Her. A joyful and cheerful atmosphere is an excellent basis for finding a soul mate. So, if you are naturally adventurous, nothing will stop you from melting the heart of a beautiful young lady on the ice.


When going on the ice, you need to dress not too hot, but not too lightly. Your movements should not be constrained, but chills will also be unnecessary. For example, a brightly colored jumper with a comfortable scarf will come in very handy - such a set will be comfortable and will attract attention to your person. It’s worth thinking about the upcoming evening by taking with you a compact thermos with a hot drink (coffee, tea, mulled wine), which is especially important when there is no cafe nearby.

Important: before you go to the skating rink, you should do a small set of exercises, otherwise it will not be easy to get up the next morning. Your positive attitude and desire to move forward will play a huge role!

How to get attention

So, you are at the ice skating rink. Where to start meeting a girl?

Skate in circles several times, feel how you stay on the ice, this will add self-confidence. Look around and notice the fair sex who are skating alone.

Your potential “prey” are young ladies who have not yet learned to skate: they have poor grip on the ice or even hold onto the edge with their hands.

Take a closer look at one of the beauties and be close to her, waiting for the right moment. If she falls, like many newbies do, this is the right situation for you. Then you need to immediately gallantly offer her help, and then your professional guidance, without being at all embarrassed.

It happens that a figure skater that a guy likes does not want to fall at all, but at the end of the session confidently wants to sneak out of the stadium. Then you can use more ingenuity.

Try yourself, as if by chance, bump into the girl, but in no case overdo it, you don’t want her to become disabled.

When you collide, you will definitely make eye contact. Next you need to very politely and sincerely ask for forgiveness, maybe with a little humor.

In general, it all depends on your imagination. You can say whatever nonsense you want, the main thing is to do it with confidence and good mood. If a girl has a smile on her face, that’s good sign, she is interested, and you can continue what you started. To “atone”, offer her your support at the skating rink. And riding in pairs is already an opportunity to touch the desired object at the very beginning of communication. Lightly hold the stranger's waist or hand. If she didn’t rebuff you in the first minutes, then she doesn’t mind talking.

While riding, suggest a short time out to drink hot coffee or tea. This will be a good opportunity to ask for the contact information of the person you find attractive and set her up for a first date.

If the guy is a beginner himself

In the previous section, we talked about how to charm a stranger for young people who know how to handle themselves well on the ice and captivate those around them with their talent. What if you are not a professional in winter sports at all? Is it then possible to meet your betrothed at the skating rink? Of course yes, although it will be more extravagant.

Try to drive up to the “snow queen” from whom you cannot take your eyes off and show her the wonders of charm. Give her a compliment, but don't flatter her or seem intrusive! For example, talk about how great she is on skates and ask her to show you a couple of tricks. Perhaps the beauty will give you consent. Show yourself to be a diligent student, because if you fall every 5 minutes, your instructor is unlikely to want to continue working. During the “training”, smiles, random touches and other manifestations of emotions will not be out of place.

The “training” should be followed by a pleasant bonus in the form of the opportunity to warm up with a cup good drink where you can have a conversation. Your new friend should find you somewhat interesting, because... ice is not your element at all. If the sympathy turns out to be mutual, young lady agree to regularly teach you sports skills, or you will agree on other common interests.

Why should you spend your first date at the skating rink?

Communication on the ice will allow you to get to know each other better because:

  • there is no unnecessary noise, such as in a theater or circus, so you don’t need to try to be quiet;
  • a trip to the skating rink is inexpensive and the poorest student can invite a girl there;
  • you will make a good impression by showing yourself as a guy who loves active recreation, and not sitting in front of the TV;
  • you will look like a strong personality;
  • there is a chance to make skating together a tradition by agreeing with a stranger to meet on the ice, for example, once a week.

In addition to the thermos, it would be a good idea to grab some other treats, for example, sweets or cakes. Extra gloves or socks may also come in handy.

Think carefully about how to spend the evening with your beautiful stranger after playing sports. Let's say you can offer a lady a walk in the park, a ride down a hill, or a trip to a cozy cafe.

Severe cold can also be a plus - you will have a chance to warm the girl’s tender hands and face with your breath. It is very good if you have a camera with you. Most likely, your potential passion will not mind capturing yourself in an unusual setting.

When starting to get acquainted, find a topic of conversation that you can support or listen with interest to the girl’s stories - they like it!

In fact, dating at the skating rink does not involve any technically complex special techniques and actions. The most important thing is to take and take the steps that you planned. Perhaps, in order to succeed, you will have to practice by approaching several ice lovers. The more attempts to get acquainted, the more self-confidence, this is true.

It is necessary to “roll up” not haphazardly, but competently and thoughtfully. If you are a master at skating, you can dance on the ice, even if it turns out funny. If a lady laughs, it’s not bad. This means you have created a relaxed atmosphere in which it is easy to start a dialogue.

To summarize, let’s say that all methods are good in their own way, the main thing is not to get too carried away with them and not to forget about safety.

Let's start with shortcomings. First, most of the girls came to ride with their lovers, classmates or relatives. In percentage terms, there won’t be that many single girls on the site.

And if they are present, then they have a specific goal - to get maximum pleasure from skating, and not from communicating with a stranger. The second drawback is the cold.

The only way to stay warm at the skating rink is to be constantly on the move, and conversation while walking is unlikely to be meaningful.

But you're not afraid of difficulties, are you? A banal “pickup” in a club is not for you? Do you know which one the main plus of the skating rink? – there are girls there that you can meet (there are not many of them, but they exist), and maybe there will be the same one. Also, the atmosphere of joy and celebration for many will be a good help for new acquaintances. Feel free to cast aside all doubts and worries and go melt girls’ hearts on ice.


Need to dress moderately warmly so that your jaw doesn’t get chills at the most crucial moment. But don’t rush to pull on your sheepskin coat. It is important that your clothes do not restrict your movements while riding.

A bright sweater paired with a scarf is ideal for this event. Take a small thermos with coffee, tea or mulled wine: if there is no cafe at the skating rink, this small accessory will be a good bonus for the evening.

Be sure to do a short warm-up before going out on the ice if you want to get up in the morning without pain. Be positive and move forward.

At the skating rink

How to meet a girl at the skating rink? How to “roll up” and “pick up” correctly? Let's consider options for beginners and more experienced ones.

If you're on first-name terms with ice

Here you are at the skating rink. Where to start? Do a few laps, feel your movements, this will make you more confident. Look at the people and take note of the lonely girls skating.

First of all, pay attention to those who stand unsteadily on the ice or even move around holding on to the side. This is your most relevant contingent.

Many young ladies will be glad if you give them some skating lessons or just hold them, protecting from falling. Choose a young skater you like and watch her closely while skating nearby. If it falls (which happens quite often with beginners), consider this a direct signal to action. Run to her, carefully pick her up, inquire about her well-being, and you can offer your unique services as a trainer.

If the girl you like refuses to fall, and the session time is treacherously approaching the end, you will have to resort to a little trick. Try yourself, as if completely by accident, to slightly bump into her (pay attention to the word “slightly”, it is key here, you don’t want to make a cripple out of a woman). After the collision, your eyes will meet. You need to very sincerely, delicately apologize for this misunderstanding, you can joke a little. Say something like, “Please forgive me and thank you for stopping me, otherwise I could have been circling like this forever.” Read about what else can be said.

In fact, you can talk any nonsense. The main thing is to do it fun and confident. If the girl smiles, then you can proceed further. As compensation for moral damage, offer to help her in her endeavors on the ice. Skating together implies fairly close physical contact from the first minutes of acquaintance. You can hold her by hugging her waist, or simply holding her hand tightly. If a girl doesn’t turn you off after a couple of laps around the skating rink, it means she’s ready to continue communicating.

Offer to take a short break and drink something warm (you didn’t forget about the thermos, did you?). This is the best time to open up the conversation, ask for a phone number, and schedule your next meeting.

For beginners

The previous method is suitable for people who are confident enough to skate and can charm a girl with their skill.

But what about someone who is far from being an Olympic champion in winter sports? Don't worry! You too can try your luck in finding your love at the skating rink. It will be more exotic, but why not?

Look for your “snow queen”, try to approach her and turn on your charm at full power. Say admiringly (but try, to make it look natural, without any hint of flattery): “Girl, you skate so gracefully and amazingly. This is my first time here. Can you help me? Could you teach me a couple of basic techniques? "There's a chance she'll agree. Be a good student, if she has to pick you up every five minutes, then the date is unlikely to continue. The training process will give you a bouquet of positive emotions, smiles and random touches.

After the lesson you can suggest a break, drink coffee (a thermos, however, is indispensable at the skating rink), which will again provide an opportunity to realize acquaintance. You must interest your new girlfriend, show what your strengths are (after all, ice skating is clearly not your strong point). If there is mutual sympathy, the girl will offer to train with you regularly or ask you to teach her something.

Take along with the thermos a handful of sweets or a couple of tangerines. An extra pair of socks and gloves may also be helpful.

Fine think over a possible plan for the evening after the skating rink: make a list of nearby places where your new acquaintance could continue. Invite a girl to a cafe or go with her for a walk in the winter park, you can play snowballs, go down the slide or build a snowman.

Frost will also be on your side - warm her hands with your breath and her face with kisses. Take your camera: the girl will be delighted with an unplanned photo shoot. This will be an additional reason for the next meeting, to which you will bring finished photographs. At the beginning of your acquaintance, try to find a common topic for both of you, and give the girl the opportunity to speak out. They love to be listened to. More tips you will find .

Main, be confident, open and enjoy communication.

The skating rink has the right to be a full-fledged participant in the list of places to meet a girl. If everything works out, then you will tell your friends many times the unusual story of meeting your passion. If not, then at least take a ride.

A romantic date at the skating rink will help you relax and take a break from everyday life, provide an opportunity to get to know each other better or discover a new side to your partner and, of course, will remain in your memories for a long time.

How to surprise your soulmate? Arrange romantic dinner on the ice. This place immerses you in an atmosphere of love, youth and serenity. This date is suitable for both couples who have been together for several years, as well as those who have just started a warm relationship.

Ice you can choose:

  1. For the first romantic meeting. If you have recently met a person, it is not easy to choose a place for a date. The skating rink is a neutral platform, which for many is associated with warm memories from childhood. This is a non-trivial alternative to cafes, theater and cinema without the risk of remaining misunderstood.
  2. As a gift for a birthday, March 8, February 14 or 23. You can arrange a surprise by inviting your loved one to the skating rink and not telling them that you will be there alone. The site that remains at your disposal will be a touching surprise. And you will have a great time!
  3. To celebrate a round date. It doesn't matter if it's the first anniversary or the twentieth. Dinner at the skating rink is suitable for any occasion. After all, in love there is always room for romance and new memories.

Tell us how you see this evening, and we will bring your idea to life. We also enjoy helping guests create the concept of an unusual date. If necessary, we will share our experience in organizing such rendezvous.

Advantages of our skating rink

Ice complex "Arena Morozovo" offers:

  • a spacious skating rink with regular ice filling (you won’t have any problems with sliding);
  • modern and stylish furnishings (the complex has been recently renovated, creating a warm atmosphere);
  • high-quality sound and lighting equipment (your favorite music will be played on the date);
  • European cuisine from our own cafe (you can choose a delicious accompaniment for the evening from the establishment’s menu).

Check the date, time and rental price with our manager. You can also ask him all organizational questions. Call by phone

If you stop surprising each other, you want something new. There are so few rare places, and cinema and a restaurant have already happened... Then we promise you that a date at the skating rink, where it will be just the two of you, will definitely be remembered for a long time, even if you don’t know how to skate!
Treat your partner to an exciting winter adventure and a lot of bright impressions, invite her on a date to the skating rink!
Our team of professionals will make sure that this date remains a romantic surprise until the very end!

Your relationship is just beginning, and you are haunted by an irresistible desire to surprise your other half so that she has no doubt that you are the person with whom she will spend her whole life? Did you accidentally forget about her beloved dog’s birthday, and she was mortally offended, and you don’t know how to beautifully ask for forgiveness? Have you been married for many years and feel that the romance in your family has faded away? Or, finally, after several years together, they decided to fulfill a long-standing desire - to make a loved one marriage proposal? You need to arrange date at the skating rink!

Our team of qualified professionals will organize an unforgettable experience for you. romantic date, and you can skate on the ice together, listening to your favorite music. The entire territory of the skating rink will be yours only.

Your favorite music will accompany your skating, plus a light dessert will charge you with energy for the whole evening, and at the end of the skating you can sit and dream about your future, just the two of you and warm each other with warm hearts and kisses!