Super heavy tank p 1000 ratte. An iceberg aircraft carrier, a nuclear tank and other titanic military equipment. Analysis. Advantages and disadvantages

We have already written about the largest tanks, guns and ships. But everything is not enough for us. It turns out that there were tanks, guns and ships even larger than the largest ones, but they did not go into production. That won't stop us from learning about them.

Nikolay Polikarpov

The most, the most, the most

Once upon a time there lived a king of Sweden, Gustav II Adolf, in the 17th century. And he ordered to build a warship, and not just a simple one, but the largest and most powerful in the Baltic - to the fear of his enemies. The shipbuilders got down to business, but the king himself wanted to indicate the dimensions of the future flagship: “Higher the stern, more luxurious carved decoration! Make the hull narrower, the masts higher and the sails larger. The royal ship must be the fastest!" It is dangerous to argue with kings. “Yes, Your Majesty,” said the builders. “And guns, more guns!” “Yes,” said the builders. Everyone knows the ending of this story: a huge luxurious ship named “Vaza” capsized and sank on August 10, 1628 in front of the entire city. He drowned on his first voyage, immediately upon leaving Stockholm harbor from the pier near the royal palace. “Vase” was excellent in all respects, but had only one drawback: instability.

steel rat

Something like this always happens when you want to make the “very best” combat vehicle, and the engineer follows the lead of the military man. For example, the Germans. Well, the same ones that the “Wunderwaffe” built everything, but never built. After Germany's attack on the USSR, Soviet heavy KV tanks became an unpleasant surprise for Hitler's generals. The problem was that the guns of the German tanks did not penetrate their armor, nor did the anti-tank guns. The only effective means against KVs turned out to be heavy anti-aircraft guns of 8.8 cm caliber, while our tanks with their 76 mm gun could easily deal with any armored enemy that was in sight. Based on the results of studying captured KVs, the generals of the Third Reich immediately declared: “We want the same one, only with thicker armor and a larger gun.” Thus, in 1941, the history of a super-heavy tank began, called Ratte, that is, “Rat”. The name echoes the name of another German tank, also created under the impression of powerful Soviet vehicles, the well-known Sd.Kfz. 205 Maus - “Mouse”. “Mouse” weighed almost 189 tons, and “Rat”, as it should be, should have been somewhat larger. The full name of this giant is Landkreuzer P. 1000 (land cruiser weighing 1000 tons).

It’s funny that one of the creators of the “Rats” project in the bowels of the Krupp concern was engineer Edward Grotte, who from the early 1930s worked in the USSR to create prototype tank projects, and then returned home and served the Fuhrer. True, it served specifically. The fact is that he also proposed to the leadership of our country to build armored monsters, but domestic technical specialists sensibly assessed their prospects and refused to realize such sweet dreams. Well, Hitler fell for the spotlight. The giant's sketches were presented to Hitler on June 23, 1942 and captured his imagination so much that he allowed the project to be prepared for embodiment in metal. Of course, a tank 35 m long, 14 m wide and 11 m high would carry armor with a thickness of 150 to 400 mm! Protection worthy of an ocean battleship! The tank was also supposed to be armed according to naval standards: a ship's turret with a pair of 283-mm Shiffs Rfnobe SK C/34 naval guns weighing 48 tons each and a barrel length of about 15 m. Such guns were installed on “pocket battleships” of the Scharnhorst class. The gun's armor-piercing shell weighed 336 kg, and the high-explosive shell weighed 315 kg. If such a gift hit any tank or even a concrete field fortification, it would lead to the unequivocal destruction of the target. At the maximum elevation angle of the gun barrel and a full charge, the projectile flew 40 km, so the tank could fire at the enemy not only without entering the return fire zone, but even from beyond the horizon! The SK C/34 guns made it possible to use the “Rat” even in coastal defense to fire at heavy enemy ships - the tank would talk almost on an equal footing with cruisers and battleships.

But that is not all. If some nimble enemy tank had crept close to the giant, then to repel its weak attacks there would also have been a heavy anti-tank gun KwK 44 L/55 with a caliber of 12.8 cm (the option of arming a pair of such guns was also considered). Its weaker 88-mm predecessor was armed with the famous German tank destroyers Jagdpanther and Ferdinand. It was supposed to fight off air raids with eight 20-mm Flak 38 anti-aircraft guns, and against any mechanical small fry, various armored personnel carriers and infantry, if by some miracle it reached the armored fortress, with two automatic 15-mm Mauser MG151/15 aircraft cannons.

The designers also did not forget about the retribution for all the mentioned miracles of the “gloomy German genius”: the mass was 1000 tons! Therefore, to prevent the machine from falling into the ground, the tracks had to be 3.5 m wide each (today these can be seen on huge mining excavators). The tank was supposed to be propelled by either two 24-cylinder MAN V12Z32/44 marine diesel engines for submarines with a power of 8400 hp. each, or as many as eight also marine 20-cylinder diesel engines Daimler-Benz MB501 with a power of 2000 hp each. s., which were used on torpedo boats. In any case, the total power of the power plant would be about 16,000 hp, which would allow the “Rat” to move at speeds of up to 40 km/h. Can you imagine a mass of 1000 tons rushing at such a speed? Here you don’t even need a gun - it will simply blow away any obstacle by inertia and not be noticed. Fuel in tanks... But in which tanks? In on-board tanks! So, there should have been enough fuel for 190 km of travel. No bridge across the river could support the weight of the Rat. For this reason, the tank had to overcome water obstacles under its own power along the bottom, for which the designers made its hull sealable, equipped with a snorkel for supplying air from the surface and means for pumping out water. The colossus had to be controlled by a crew of 21-36 people, who would have at their disposal a bathroom, rooms for rest and storage of supplies, and even a “garage” for a pair of liaison and reconnaissance BMW R12 motorcycles.

At the end of December 1942, the project was generally ready and submitted to the Reich Minister of the Reich Ministry of Armaments and Ammunition, Albert Speer, for a decision on building a prototype. But at the beginning of 1943, he decided not to build the Rat. The reasons are clear: firstly, it is too expensive in war conditions. Secondly, combat effectiveness is extremely doubtful. Of course, not a single anti-tank gun or even a single heavy weapon would probably cause harm to the tank, but a couple of successfully dropped armor-piercing bombs (and it is difficult to miss a sedentary target of this size) would be guaranteed to destroy it. In addition, not a single road would have survived after the “Rat” moved along it, and moving the colossus over rough terrain would require preliminary engineering preparation of its path.

crush with mass

But do you think the imagination of the designers of the Krupp concern stopped at a tank of 1000 tons? Nothing happened. Also in December 1942, an even more ambitious project for a self-propelled artillery unit weighing 1,500 tons appeared! The vehicle was called Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster and was intended to mount an 807 mm gun from the same Krupp.

This gun itself deserves attention. Initially, it was developed in 1936 on the orders of Hitler to destroy the French fortifications of the Maginot Line, but the Wehrmacht dealt with France anyway, and the first giant Dora gun was built in 1941. At the same time, they assembled the second one, which was named in honor of the owner of the company and the president of the Adolf Hitler Foundation, Gustav von Bohlen und Halbach Krupp - “Fat Gustav” (Schwerer Gustav). The giants were mounted on huge railway carriages, which were moved by locomotives along two parallel rail tracks at once, the length of which at the position should have been about five kilometers. 250 crew members and 2,500 additional personnel participated in servicing the giant. It took 54 hours to prepare the selected position and assemble the gun after its units arrived by separate trains. Five trains with 106 cars were needed to deliver the disassembled cannon, personnel, ammunition and mounting equipment to the position. Anti-aircraft cover was provided by two air defense battalions. The gun fired at a range of up to 48 km, each of its huge shells weighed more than seven tons and contained up to 700 kg of explosives. It took about 40 minutes to load a new projectile and charge, and then re-aim the gun at the target. The shell penetrated the ground to a depth of 12 m, leaving a three-meter crater on the surface, and pierced a meter of steel armor or seven meters of reinforced concrete.

Railway gun in action. 1943

In 1942, the Germans fired at Sevastopol from the Dora, firing 48 shells. Huge loads on the metal of the 32-meter barrel led to an increase in its caliber as it wore out - from the original 807 mm to the permissible 813 mm. The barrel was supposed to withstand 300 shots.

It was precisely this type of weapon that was now planned to be placed not on a railway, but on a self-propelled tracked chassis. “Monster” is the most appropriate name for such an installation: length 52 m, width 18 m and height 8 m! The installation would weigh 1,500 tons, of which about a third would be the gun itself. The shells and charges had to be transported to them by a caravan of trucks. More than a hundred crew members were to be protected from enemy fire by 250 mm armor, and two 150 mm sFH18 howitzers and 15 mm MG 151/15 automatic cannons were intended for self-defense. The “Monster” was to be propelled by four MAN marine diesel engines for submarines, 6,500 hp. each, but even the power of 26 thousand “mechanical horses” could not accelerate this monster faster than 10-15 km/h.

As a result, Albert Speer buried this project in 1943. The reasons are the same: just one gun cost the Reich 7 million marks, so even only two of them were built on a railway carriage. Placing a “platinum” tank under a “golden” cannon would be economic suicide, and one successful flight of a bomber or attack aircraft would be enough to destroy the “Monster” if it appeared in the front zone. But, if we assume that one madman agreed to allocate funds for the construction of the monster, and another sent it into battle, then the car would not have reached the firing position. The tank could not be transported by rail - it would not pass through either tunnels or bridges. And even the purely theoretical assumption of moving under its own power at a speed of 15 km/h, with the inevitable destruction of the road and a continuous stream of tankers driving behind, horrified the generals.

Ice aircraft carrier

However, ideas that seemed promising at first glance were not only visited by the Germans. During the Second World War, Great Britain was somewhat isolated and faced a shortage of steel for shipbuilding. In 1942, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and his friend, the commander of the 5th Destroyer Flotilla of the Royal Navy, Lord Louis Mountbatten, who was also involved in the development of special operations, even discussed the use of icebergs to develop airfields on them. It was supposed to cut down the top of the ice mountain and land planes there to cover convoys traveling in high latitudes, and at the same time attach an engine to the iceberg, install communications equipment, arrange quarters for the crew and power from diesel power plants. The result would be a virtually unsinkable aircraft carrier. After all, in order to split such a mass of ice, the enemy would have to spend an incredible amount of bombs or torpedoes. The iceberg itself lives in northern waters for up to two years. However, as the lower part melts, it can turn over with catastrophic consequences for people, and the power of the engines must be enormous to control the movement of such a colossus.

And then, very opportunely, they remembered the proposal of the English engineer Geoffrey Pike, who served as an intelligence officer in the department of Lord Mountbatten. Back in 1940, Pike came up with an amazing composite material - paykerite. Essentially, it is a mixture of about 20% wood chips and 80% ordinary water ice. Frozen “dirty ice” turned out to be four times stronger than usual; thanks to its low thermal conductivity, it melted slowly, was not brittle (it could even be processed by forging within certain limits), and had an explosive resistance comparable to concrete. The idea was initially ridiculed, but Lord Mountbatten brought a cube of pikerite to the Allied conference in Quebec, Canada in 1943. The demonstration turned out to be impressive: the officer placed pikerite and a block of the same size next to it regular ice, walked away and shot both samples with a revolver. From the first hit, the water ice shattered into pieces, and from the paykerite, the bullet ricocheted without any harm to the sample, wounding one of the meeting participants. So the Americans and Canadians agreed to participate in the project.

The order to develop a preliminary design for an ice aircraft carrier was issued by the British Admiralty at the end of 1942. Geoffrey Pike envisioned building a ship 610 m long and 92 m wide from his proprietary material. Its displacement would be 1.8 million tons, and it would be capable of carrying up to two hundred aircraft. The stability of the hull would be ensured by refrigeration units with a network of refrigerant pipes installed in the sides and bottom. Otherwise, it would be a completely traditional ship with an engine, propellers, anti-aircraft weapons and crew quarters. The project was code-named “Habakkuk”. Then it was planned to build a whole fleet of such ships, only much larger: length 1220 m, width 183 m, displacement - several million tons. These would be real giants, unsinkable giants of the ocean.

To begin with, a model of the ship was built in Canada on Patricia Lake: 18 m long, 9 m wide, and weighing a measly 1100 tons. The model was built in the summer to test the behavior of pykerite in the warm season. The small “Abakkuk” also had a wooden frame, a network of tubes for cooling the paykerite blocks of the body and an engine. 15 people managed to build it in two months. The experiment was completed successfully, proving the fundamental feasibility of the project. But then they started counting the money. And then it turned out that pikerite ships were much more expensive than steel ones, and besides, to build even one aircraft carrier formation, almost all the forests of Canada would have to be limed into sawdust! In addition, at the end of 1943, the metal shortage was overcome. So in December 1943, the Habakkuk project was closed, and today the only reminders of it are the wooden and iron fragments of the model at the bottom of Patricia Lake, which were found by scuba divers in the 1970s.

underground ship

"The Midgard Serpent"

However, there were projects in Germany that were even more exotic than just a colossal tank. In 1934, engineer Ritter developed a design for an underground ship! The device was called the “Midgard Serpent” - in honor of the mythological huge serpent surrounding the world of Midgard inhabited by people. It was assumed that the “Snake” would be able to move on the ground, underground and under water, and it was needed to deliver demolition charges to enemy long-term fortifications, defense lines and port facilities. The “ship” was assembled from hinged compartments 6 m long, 6.8 and 3.5 m wide and high, respectively. Depending on the task, its length could vary from 399 to 524 m by replacing or adding sections. The structure was supposed to weigh about 60,000 tons. Did you imagine an underground “worm” the height of a two-story house and half a kilometer long? Under the ground, the “Midgard Serpent” would make its way with the help of four powerful drills, each one and a half meters in diameter, and they would be rotated by nine electric motors of 1000 hp each. The drill bits on the drill head can be changed depending on the type of soil, for which the “ship” would carry spare sets for rock, sand and medium-density soil. Forward movement would be provided by tracks with 14 electric motors with a total power of 19,800 hp. The electric motors would be powered by four 10,000 hp diesel generators, for which it was planned to carry 960,000 liters of diesel fuel. Underwater, the “ship” would be controlled by 12 pairs of rudders and move at speeds of up to 3 km/h with the help of 12 additional engines with a capacity of 3000 “horses”. According to the project, the “Snake” could travel on the ground at a speed of 30 km/h (let’s imagine once again: a train on tracks, happily rushing across a field), underground in rocky soil - 2 km/h, and in soft soil - up to 10 km/h

The Serpent would have been operated by 30 people, who would have had an on-board electric kitchen, a recreation area with 20 beds, and repair shops. To breathe and power diesel engines, it was planned to take 580 compressed air cylinders on the road, and it would be possible to communicate with the world using a radio transmitter.

The ship, according to Ritter, would carry a thousand 250-kilogram mines and the same number of 10-kilogram mines. For self-defense on the ground, the crew would have 12 coaxial 7.92 mm machine guns. But all this seemed not enough to the designer, so he planned to capture the imagination of the military with special underground weapons, which were supposed to operate on some secret principles. The dragon Fafnir gave his name to an underground six-meter torpedo, "Thor's Hammer" was intended to undermine particularly hard rocks, the gnome Alberich, who stores the gold of the Nibelungs, became the reconnaissance torpedo of the same name with microphones and a periscope, and the king of the miniatures Laurin, who loved his rose garden more than anything in the world, donated its name to the rescue capsule for the “Snake” crew to exit to the surface of the earth in the event of any emergency.

Each “Snake” was supposed to cost modestly: 30 million Reichsmarks. This project was seriously considered, and following a discussion on February 28, 1935, it was returned to Ritter for revision. And after the end of World War II, adits and the remains of a certain structure that resembled this underground ship were even found in the Konigsberg area. Apparently, the Germans even tried to conduct experimental work.

Armageddon Tank

Every self-respecting housewife today, hearing the word “radiation,” frightenedly grabs a gas mask and runs to hide under the sofa, with her head away from the epicenter of a nuclear explosion. But this is today, after the publication of once secret materials with research into the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki destroyed by American atomic bombings. The attitude towards the atom was completely different in the 1950s and, to some extent, even in the 1960s. Then it seemed to be a source of free energy and the dawn of a bright tomorrow for humanity, and all dangers were supposed to be countered according to the recipes of science fiction writers - with a couple of ordinary anti-radiation pills. Then in American science fiction novels one could read about honored rocket mechanics in shabby overalls, moving bars of nuclear fuel burning with a blue flame in the atomic boiler of an engine. At the same time, the USSR and the USA came up with portable nuclear reactors for transport and military equipment. Will anyone get into a car today with a miniature Chernobyl under the hood? And then it’s easy.

The project for a new medium tank was named Chrysler TV-8. The vehicle was supposed to operate in conditions of a full-scale nuclear war between the USSR and the USA, and therefore its fighting compartment was supposed to be made as airtight as possible to protect the crew and all the most important components from radioactive damage. To do this, they decided to place all the weapons, four crew members and even the engine in a huge streamlined turret. At first, the designers were going to equip the tank with a 300-horsepower engine with an electric generator that would power a pair of electric motors for rewinding the tracks, but in the end they decided that electric motors could not work reliably in radiation conditions, and the autonomy of the tank when moving through the glass desert would play an important role. For these reasons, the tankers received in their manned turret... a small nuclear reactor, which was supposed to generate thermal energy to power a steam engine, which created torque directly for the tank's tracked propulsion. External video cameras transmitted to the tank crews everything that was happening outside on monitors, so that people did not risk going blind from the flashes of nuclear explosions.

A full-size model of the TV-8 was built, but a working prototype of the tank was never built: the project was closed. The risk was too high, and the advantages over conventional tanks turned out to be extremely dubious. Even in a nuclear war, it would be strange to hide from enemy radiation while sitting astride your own reactor.

The super-heavy Rat tank was primarily considered by Hitler as a German “miracle weapon,” however, not even a prototype was built during the entire war. It should be understood that during combat operations, such a monster would have very low mobility, due to the low specific power of the engines and the large size of the hull.

This super-heavy tank was invulnerable to conventional field artillery and anti-tank mines, but specially powerful artillery could destroy it if desired. Also, the designers did not take into account the possibility of destroying the Rat tank from the air. Of course, even if prototypes of this steel monster had been created, in any case, the project did not have its development and was of little use as a “weapon of retaliation.” After all, the entire concept of “lightning war” was based on a swift and powerful breakthrough, but such a monster as the “Rat” tank could hardly develop good speed, and moreover, not a single bridge would have supported its weight.

It turns out that the tank could be used exclusively as a strong mobile defensive point with good weapons. It is worth noting that financing the construction of the Ratte supertank became an unaffordable luxury for the Third Reich at that time, and this was one of the reasons for the impossibility of developing this project.

This ambitious project was developed by two German tank engineers: Dr. Hacker and Edward Grote in 1942-1943. In essence, this super-heavy tank was a land cruiser weighing up to 1000 tons, intended for artillery support and possibly for use as a breakthrough tank.

For the first time, the designers of the Krupp concern presented the Ratte tank to Hitler in the summer of 1942. This was followed by a meeting of the designers with the Minister of Armaments A. Speer, who proposed assigning the designation “Rat” (Ratte) P100 to this super-heavy tank (this index, possibly based on the estimated weight of the tank, was assigned to a German vehicle for the first and last time, which was atypical for prototypes German tanks. It was also decided that in the future all subsequent models of super-heavy tanks will receive the “P” marking).

The prerequisite for the creation of such a super-heavy tank was the failure of the German army in Russia in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War. German designers, in an attempt to find a non-standard solution to this problem, offered Hitler their project for the super-heavy Rat tank, which was received brilliantly by him. It is worth noting that Hitler was prone to a certain gigantism.

Layout of the Ratte supertank

Judging by the drawings, German designers intended to assemble the Ratte tank according to the multi-turret principle. They offered 5, 7 and 9 turret versions of this super-heavy tank. The control compartment was located in the bow, the fighting compartment was in the middle and partly in the front, and in the aft there were engines, cooling systems with fuel tanks. According to the designers, the Ratte tank was supposed to be serviced by at least 40 crew members. In the main turret of the tank there were armored doors through which crew members boarded and disembarked. There were also escape hatches in the artillery and anti-aircraft towers.
As for the armor protection of the Ratte tank, it was designed on the principle of absolute protection against ammunition available to the armies of the USSR, England and America. Part of the body was welded, part was connected using bolted and riveted connections. It was assumed that the maximum armor thickness of the Rat tank should be 400 mm.

Armament of the supertank "Ratte".

By analogy with sea cruisers, the Rat tank was planned to be armed with two 28 cm SKC/34 naval guns, which were to be installed in the same turret. During the development process, the idea was put forward to arm the tank with an additional turret with a 128-mm cannon, but it was soon abandoned, explaining that the tank would be well armed without it, and besides, this would require an increase in the crew and, in general, the weight of the tank would increase significantly . It was planned to store the ammunition of the Rat tank in a special armored compartment at the bottom of the hull, and supply the shells to the guns on a special lift.

To protect against bombers and low-flying targets, it was planned to install several Flak38 anti-aircraft guns (the question of the number of these guns was never resolved until the end of World War II, some sources claim 2 guns, others claim 8 guns).

Supertank Rat with equipment for overcoming water obstacles

Transmission, engine and chassis of the Ratte tank.

Of course, a tank of such power required a fairly powerful power plant, therefore, for these purposes, the designers proposed using eight 22-cylinder Daimler-Benz MV501 diesel marine engines, which at certain speeds developed a power of more than 20 thousand horsepower. According to the designers' calculations, the Ratte tank could reach a maximum speed over rough terrain of 14 km/h, which suited the military quite well.

The weak point of the Ratte supertank project was its chassis, which German designers were never able to fully design, as it was constantly being reworked. There was only a certain schematic diagram of the suspension, however, there was no trace of a transmission diagram. According to many German designers, it was the problem of the chassis of the Ratte tank that became the stumbling block in the entire project of this super-heavy tank.

The Ratte tank, as you might have guessed, was not used in combat, of course, but it is quite difficult to predict the development of the combat situation if the Ratte tank project were implemented. Not a single bridge could withstand such a colossus. One can only guess how many tons of fuel this tank had to consume in order to travel at least 100 km. By the way, regarding overcoming water obstacles, the designers proposed the following solution: with the help of special systems and equipment, the tank could ford the river. This tank would be an excellent and slow-moving target for enemy aircraft, as it would be difficult to camouflage in open areas.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the Ratte super-heavy tank:

Weight ……………. Supposedly 1000 tons;
Crew……………40 people;
Tank class………..super heavy;
Year of development/creation………..1942-1943;
Development of design bureau…………Krupp;
Serial production………….no, a prototype has not been created;

Tank dimensions:
- Hull width…………14 m;
- Hull length………………35 m;
- Height………………………..11 m;
- Ground clearance…………..--- mm;

- Type of armor……………….rolled, shielded;
- Body forehead ………….. 200-400 mm;
- Body side……………….200-300 mm;
- Housing bottom………………..200 mm;
- Body roof…………150 mm;
- Tower forehead………………….400 mm;
- Feed body……………..200 mm;

- 2x283 mm SKC/34 ship guns (barrel length 15,415 mm, 54.47 calibers long);
- Sight……………---;
- Additional weapons………..1x128 mm KwK 44 L/55 cannon, 2x20 mm Flak 38, 2x15 mm MG 151/15;

Tank mobility;

Engine…………….. 8 Daimler-Benz MV501 diesel engines, or option 2 MAN V12Z32/44 diesel marine engines);
Range………. 500 km;
Maximum speed……….14 km/h;
Suspension……….not designed;

In 1984, the whole world was shocked by a fantastic low-budget action film
James Cameron's "Terminator". The fact that the profit from its distribution was more than 10 times higher than the budget meant that the film would definitely have a sequel. However, it appeared only after 7 long years.

“Terminator 2: Judgment Day” became a truly unique phenomenon, because it was able to eclipse the first film in all respects. This film not only surprised us with unprecedented special effects, but also attracted us with its well-thought-out plot. But most of all, the success of the film became possible thanks to the main antagonist, who was the T-1000 model terminator. What is the story of this cyborg, who played him and in what other projects did he appear?

Who are Terminators

First of all, it is worth giving a precise definition of the concept of “terminator”.

Translated from English word terminator means “liquidator” or “limiter”. This term refers to a series of killer robots specially created for the physical extermination of humanity.

Terminators were created by humans, but they initially planned to use them as autonomous combat vehicles.

Later, the artificial intelligence Skynet began to use and improve human developments to create a universal killer robot.

A Brief History of Terminators

The first cyborgs were simply autonomous fighting machines. However, their bulkiness and inability to fully camouflage allowed people to successfully hide from them. Therefore, Skynet had a need to create humanoid terminators.

The debut model of this type was the T-70. He was a rather bulky metal cyborg with a machine gun instead of one of his arms. Due to his relatively small stature (2.5 m), he could sneak into people’s shelters, but his appearance immediately gave him away.

The T-600 was a real breakthrough among humanoid terminators. It was smaller, more maneuverable, and had skin, albeit rubber. Although from a close distance he was noticeably different from a man, from a distance he was very similar to him. This allowed him to successfully penetrate people’s shelters and exterminate them. Before the advent of the T-800, this killer robot was Skynet's main operating model.

Despite the disguise, at close range, rubber skin The T-600 gave it away, so over time this model was supplanted by the T-800. This type of terminators was completely identical to humans. He was small (for robots) in stature, with a metal skeleton inside, completely identical to a human one. On the outside, the robot was covered with living flesh, which not only allowed it to perfectly impersonate a human, but also made it possible to travel through time (as is known, living things cannot pass through a time field).

In the T-800 line, there were several types of terminators with different features (longer lifespan, more reliable shell, different appearance and weapons).

A real breakthrough for Skynet was the appearance of the T-1000 model. The Terminator of this series did not have a frame, but consisted entirely of a unique liquid living mimic metal. Later, a hybrid terminator with a frame (T-X) was created on its basis.

In addition to the above cyborgs, Skynet conducted many experiments on combining human tissue and mechanical components. As a result, such hybrid terminators appeared as Marcus Wright (featured in Terminator: Let the Savior Come) and Cameron Phillips (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles series).

The pinnacle of Skynet's ingenuity was the creation of infiltrates of a series of 3,000 people whose genetic code was reprogrammed, and they were turned into submissive robots. The most successful representative of this line was the T-3000 (“Terminator: Genisys”), created based on the genetic material of John Connor.

Liquid terminator T-1000: model features

This model was unique of its kind, created in single copy(this fact allowed the screenwriter to play up Robert Patrick’s refusal to return to the role of the T-1000 in “Genesis”). It does not have a metal frame - it consists entirely of liquid metal, capable of being restored and changing shape, as well as color and state of aggregation. After physical contact with an object or living creature, this robot is able to take on its shape, as long as it is no more or less than its size.

These terminators are invulnerable to most physical influences (impacts, explosions, shots), but poorly resistant to chemical influences (acids, liquid nitrogen).

Each molecule of the T-1000 metal alloy is programmed in such a way that, like mercury, it tends to combine with the bulk, however, provided that it is located at a distance of no more than 14 km from it. It was possible to destroy this terminator by lowering it into molten metal. Heat and the proximity to molecules of another metal contributed to the fact that the particles of the mimic alloy lost the ability to interact with each other and T-1000 actually dissolved.

The terminator of this model does not have free will and is not capable of self-learning. It also cannot be reprogrammed. This is probably due to the increasing number of cases of T-800s being captured and reprogrammed.

The film "Terminator": the first appearance of cyborg terminators in cinema

Despite the fact that the idea of ​​humanoid killer robots was not new to cinema, it was in Cameron’s film that it was presented in a truly original way. The director himself said that he dreamed of the plot, and later he (together with William Visher) wrote the script.

Unfortunately, it took a long time to find financing for the film. When the money was found, it turned out that very little could be allocated for special effects. Therefore, Cameron was forced to abandon the mimicking liquid robot he had planned (the future T-1000). The T-800 Terminator has become a cyborg, in the guise of a person who does not stand out from the crowd.

As for the plot of the first picture, it is quite banal. In the future, the artificial intelligence “Skynet” has organized an uprising of machines that seek to destroy humanity. However, people, united in the “Resistance” under the leadership of John Connor, successfully fight the new masters of the planet.

Realizing that without a smart leader, humanity is doomed, Skynet sends the T-800 cyborg into the past to kill John’s mother so that he will not be born. In turn, Connor sends one of his friends (Kyle Reese) back in time to save his mother.

While fighting the Terminator, Sarah and Kyle fall in love and become the parents of the future savior of people.

In the final battle they manage to destroy the cyborg, but Kyle also dies. And pregnant Sarah is preparing to raise her son to be a real hero.

Film biography of T-1000

This cyborg was one of a kind. He was created in 2029 and sent back in time to kill young John Connor.

To be able to move freely in the past, the robot constantly copies the image of a policeman. Throughout the film “Terminator 2: Judgment Day,” the T-1000 has to try on many guises, including turning into a checkered floor.

Despite the invulnerability of the liquid metal, the Connors and their “tame” T-800 manage to melt the T-1000.

The next time this model appears is in a parallel universe. In it, Skynet again creates a robot in the same likeness and sends it back in time to kill Sarah Connor when she was just a child. However, this cyborg also dies, destroyed by the T-800 sent by an unknown person from the future.

Years pass and Skynet manages to capture and reprogram John Connor. As a result, another timeline is created, in which Skynet sends not one cyborg, but two, to 1984. One of them is the same T-800, designed to kill Sarah, and the other is the T-1000. This terminator must destroy Kyle Reese, who arrived from the future.

However, Sarah and her “tame” T-800, which the girl nicknamed “Paps” (an analogue of the word “father”), had long been prepared for this. They destroy both terminators. Moreover, the T-1000 in this case was melted with acid.

To stop the coming of Skynet, Sarah and Kyle travel to the future. Here the aged Paps awaits them, and together they save the world again.

It is noteworthy that in the final battle, the dying Paps falls into a container with a liquid alloy, thanks to which he gains new uniform and turns from T-800 to T-1000.

History of the character

While working on the script for the Terminator sequel, James Cameron realized that the special effects technologies of the 90s were significantly superior to those of the 80s. This means that he has the opportunity to realize his idea of ​​​​a robot made of liquid metal.

By the way, the total amount of time occupied by special effects involving this robot is only 3.5 minutes. At the same time, they created a real sensation. All this cost about five more than millions dollars and 10 months of hard work.

Who should have played T-1000

Initially, James Cameron did not see an artist named Robert Patrick as this hero. The great director relied on Billy Idol, the famous American rock musician. Moreover, he was already preparing for filming, but fate decreed otherwise. Billy had an accident, and his role was given to Patrick.

It is noteworthy that according to the original idea, the T-1000 could have the appearance of Kyle Reese, which means he should have been played by Michael Biehn, who previously played this role. However, this could cause huge confusion in the plot, so this idea was abandoned.

"Terminator 2: Judgment Day" - the first appearance of the T-1000

This terminator model first appeared on movie screens in 1991.

Returning to the original idea (a cyborg disguised as a human should not stand out in a crowd), Cameron created a truly terrifying monster on the screen. Modest and good-natured in appearance, the T-1000 Terminator (played by R. Patrick) was truly intimidating. By the way, for some he evoked associations with another, innocent-looking antagonist from the film “The Silence of the Lambs” ( we're talking about about Hannibal Lector).

Liquid cyborg performed by Patrick

Most of the time in the second film of the series, the T-1000 is in the guise of the American artist Robert Patrick. Although before this role the actor managed to star in several high-profile projects (“Die Hard 2”), it was the role of a killer robot that brought him real fame.

Unfortunately, after it, Robert Patrick was never able to play something that would outshine this hero. Although his filmography is quite impressive ("The Faculty", "Spy Kids", "The Sopranos", "The X-Files", "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle", "Lost", "Bridge to Terabithia", "Access Code" Cape Town", "Gangster Hunters", "Sons of Anarchy").

In the first decades after the release of the Terminator movie, Patrick returned to the role of the T-1000 several times in projects such as Wayne's World, Last Action Hero, and T2 3-D: Battle Through Time. But he refused to participate in Genesis.

Actors who played other T-1000 guises

Throughout the entire film “Terminator 2,” the cyborg antagonist is forced to take on different guises. Because of this, other artists played him. Who are they? Let's find out.

The first person the T-1000 transforms into (to lure John home) is his stepmother, played by Jenette Goldstein. This actress previously appeared in another Cameron film, Aliens. There she played the fearless Vasquez, who died in an unequal fight with Aliens. In addition, the director filmed her in a small role in Titanic.

In addition to Jenette Goldstein, T-1000 was also played by Leslie Hamilton Jarren, who is also the twin sister of Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor).

In addition to the Hamiltons, James Cameron used another pair of twins in his film. They were Don and Dan Stanton. The first played a security guard in a hospital, and the second played a terminator in his guise.

"Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" and "The Sarah Connor Chronicles"

After the success of the second Terminator film, viewers began to wait for a sequel. And in 2003 it appeared.

However, this project, although financially successful, was essentially a big disappointment. As for the liquid metal cyborg, in this project it is replaced by a more advanced hybrid model T-X.

Based on the franchise, the television series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was filmed in 2008. It features a type of liquid metal model - T-1001. Taking on the guise of the influential Katherine Weaver, this terminator is trying to facilitate the rapid emergence of Skynet.

"Terminator Genisys": reappearance of the T-1000

Although the 4th part of the Terminator: Let the Savior Come franchise was released in 2009, it was very coolly received by the audience. Maybe because the charming T-1000 did not appear in it?

Be that as it may, the last (to date) picture of the cycle - “Terminator: Genisys” - became a real breakthrough. Perhaps this is due to the fact that many of James Cameron's ideas were used in the film.

In fact, two liquid metal robots appear in this film. One of them is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Who played the role of the second?

New performer of the role of T-1000

Due to the fact that R. Patrick refused to star in the sequel, South Korean artist Lee Byung-hun (Hyun) took his place.

Before participating in the project, he managed to star in such famous films as “Red 2” and “Throw of Cobra”, as well as the South Korean films “Bitterness and Sweetness”, “I Come with the Rain” and others.

After the role of the cyborg, Lee Byung-hun played one of the main roles in the film “The Magnificent Seven”.

The 2015 film became the most successful project of the franchise since the early 2000s. Recently, its creators announced an upcoming sequel, and also that Arnold Schwarzenegger will again star in it. According to recent events, his hero is now the T-1000 terminator.

"Genesis", thus, actually became the beginning new history in the Terminator universe, and what it will be like will become known very soon.

The super-heavy German tank Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte, translated into Russian as Rat, was supposed to become a powerful vehicle, the so-called land cruiser.

As you know, the German leadership during the Second World War had a weakness for various miracle weapons, capable of turning the course of history with their appearance. The armored forces were no exception, and while the E-100 and Mouse were at least somehow viable, the Ratte project turned out to be divorced from reality.


Development began in 1942 by the Krupp concern, then, in June of the same year, it was shown to Hitler, who approved it. The Fuhrer also discussed the proposal together with Reich Minister Speer, after which Ratte was approved, and Grotte and Hacker were appointed its designers.


Imagine a colossus 35 meters long with a gun protruding another 4 meters, a width of 14 meters and a height of 11 meters.

Now add this very protruding gun, or rather, two whole ShiffsKanone C/28 naval guns with a caliber of 280 mm and a barrel length of almost 15 meters.

The projectile for such a gun weighed 330 kg and had 8.1 kg of explosive in the armor-piercing version, 315 kg and 17.1 kg in the high-explosive version and was capable of flying more than 42 kilometers.

To destroy air and lightly armored ground targets, there were 8 20 mm Flak 38 guns and 2 15 mm Mauser MG151/15 cannons.

Other weapon options were also constantly being developed, for example, a third 128 mm gun or additional small-caliber FlaK 3 cannons.

Of course, the tank also had armor corresponding to its size, there is no exact data about it, but its approximate thickness of 200-250 mm on all sides is known and the fact that the most important places should have received additional protection, making Ratte a kind of fortress, protected from almost everything except for air bombing and heavy-duty artillery.

Taking into account the armor and guns, the weight of the turret alone was close to 400 tons, and the weight of the Ratte as a whole was about 1000 tons.

The interesting thing is that this weight would have been an almost empty hull, and the guns, not taken into account here, weighed approximately 100 tons, do not forget about the chassis, engines, transmission, etc.

Moving such a tank is a very difficult task, so the Ratte received tracks consisting of triple tracks and a width of 3.5 meters, and they had to be rotated by a powerful power plant consisting of 2 MAN diesel engines used on submarines, 8500 hp each. each or 8 Daimler-Benz diesel engines used on torpedo boats, 2000 hp each. every.

According to preliminary calculations, the tank could reach a speed of 35-40 km/h on the highway, which seems very unrealistic.

Completion of the project

It is difficult to say whether unfortunately or fortunately, Albert Speer decided to close the project at the beginning of 1943, so the Ratte was never born, even as a prototype, although some sources claim that the tower was created and went to fight in Norway as part of the coastal batteries.

His project was never fully developed, so now only approximate characteristics and appearance are known.

  • To create it would require a huge amount of good specialists and resources.
  • During the transportation process, the Germans would be faced with the fact that new tank is not able to cross bridges, and also to be transported over long distances, since it does not fit on any railway platform.
  • Having reached the battlefield, the Rat would not have been in its element either, since its enormous size did not allow the tank to be camouflaged and, together with its poor mobility, made it an excellent target for aircraft.

It is much simpler to say that the Ratte would be poorly adapted to war if it were nevertheless embodied in metal.

Due to its size, the Ratte could wade through not particularly deep water obstacles, but it is unlikely that this would have helped much.

However, the super-heavy Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte would be quite capable of influencing the enemy morally, but it would cost a large number of resources, time and looking for highly qualified workers just for this is too irrational.

And even Hitler understood this, despite his love for gigantism and miracle weapons.

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Plastic container 1000 liters, T1000FK2Z rectangular shape, Produced in a factory that uses imported rotomolding equipment. The container of this model is intended for accumulation and storage of various media, according to the passport for this product.
All models of containers are manufactured in production using the rotomolding method from granulated powder, under the careful supervision of technologists and engineers. Correct distribution of polyethylene in the mold guarantees high strength of the product, uniform wall thickness and the absence of welding seams. This ensures high reliability and long term operation not only with water, but also with various chemical products, solutions of alkalis and acids (according to technical standards).

1000 liter containers are produced in two colors: blue ( Art. B-T1000FK2Z-S) and white ( Art. B-T1000FK2Z- B). Blue and white tanks are recommended for use in drinking water supply systems.

This 1000 liter water container has a wall thickness of 5-6 mm. Stiffening ribs along the perimeter of the walls of the container are provided to maintain shape and prevent deformation when filled. The compact dimensions of the container allow it to be carried through a standard doorway and installed in narrow spaces.

Containers of 1000 liters have a filler neck diameter of 380 mm with a thread for a screw cap (lid included). The large diameter of the container neck allows for smooth and easy maintenance. For example, rinse a 1000 liter water tank with high water pressure or pump out sediment using a drainage pump. The container is installed on a rigid base, which will not deform under the maximum pressure of the container on its area.

This container is not intended for direct installation in the ground. It is allowed to install in concrete rings or a specially equipped bunker.

Main color of the model: blue.
Custom color: white.

The description of the container is relevant for all categories of buyers, including those who search for this equipment in the search engine using the query “water container 1000 l” and other query formulations.