My husband is against my friendship with a man. He is right? If the wife has another man The wife has a best friend

What signs will indicate that your wife is cheating on you? How does a woman change in her habits when she has an affair? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

Another man
Cheating is the surest and most painful path to breaking up relationships, especially family ones, because husband and wife took a vow of fidelity before the altar. The discovery of infidelity by the other half either breaks the marriage, or, on the contrary, unites it - it depends only on the strength of love and trust of the spouses in each other.

As a rule, cheating indicates that a woman is dissatisfied with her partner or that she is looking on the outside for what, in her opinion, the relationship lacks. Do they seek good from good? Is it absolutely happy woman will seek solace in the arms of another man?

Trust is a great thing, and not trust in a partner, but trust in yourself and your intuition. You may have felt a change in your relationship or noticed how your other half's behavior has changed.

No one deserves to be cheated on, whether you're going through a relationship crisis or not. If you suspect your girlfriend or wife of cheating, then it’s time to dot all the i’s and confirm your suspicions or, conversely, dispel them.

First of all, pay attention to the obvious things - how your friend dresses, whether she has a desire to look better, whether her communication style or work schedule has changed. Perhaps she frequented the gym? Or hides phone calls and emails from you? Or maybe intimacy has disappeared in your relationship? Or has there been an unusual tension? At the very least, you can follow her, right?...

A wife's infidelity can cause a man serious emotional trauma from which he will not recover for a long time, not to mention the fact that infidelity can destroy a family.

Signs of female infidelity to her husband
Here are a few signs that will tell a man that his girlfriend is unfaithful to him.

Suddenly changed my habits, changed my image. For no apparent reason, a woman begins to work hard on her appearance. Every morning she chooses clothes and accessories with great care, spends a lot of time in front of the mirror; She goes to the hairdresser several times a week and even purchased a membership to a fitness club, although she had never particularly cared about her appearance and figure before.

Emotionally distant. Previously, you shared all your problems and experiences with your wife, and suddenly she lost interest in your life. She does not want to discuss intimate problems with you, withdraws into herself and is reluctant to talk about her life. A girlfriend (or wife) is not enthusiastic about the proposal to have sex, remains cold in bed and generally prefers to sneak out of the house at the first opportunity.

Secretive. She no longer shares her worries and worries with you, or talks about events at work. Perhaps she is avoiding you because she feels guilty? However, don’t turn into Othello and paranoid - ask directly if everything is normal and why she’s been acting so strange lately.

Lost interest in family affairs. If your wife no longer greets you at the doorstep after work, but continues to do her business in the bedroom, it is possible that your family life threatened by. If your other half urgently needs to leave, try to find an excuse to accompany her. If she refuses your company, try insisting to see how much your company bothers her.

Argues less often and does not get into quarrels. Previously, to piss her off, the smallest reason was enough - for example, your refusal to go to a cafe with her friends. Now the wife is an example of meekness and humility. She agrees with everything you say. Previously, you had to watch your every step, but now she doesn’t even react to dirty socks and ashtrays overflowing with cigarette butts scattered throughout the apartment. Don't relax - such a change in attitude will not bode well for you.

Communicates more by phone and email. She spends more and more time on telephone conversations, and speaks in a whisper or ends the conversation as soon as you enter the room. She may even have opened a new email account without telling you. Or perhaps she even bought a new mobile phone without informing you. Ask directly if she is cheating on you. If your friend (or wife) responds to you with accusations rather than denial, then she is truly unfaithful to you.

Constantly late. She never came home late before, but now it happens more and more often. Most often, the wife (friend) explains her lateness as a rush at work. Or another option - he goes shopping and returns five hours later. This is a real cause for concern.

Adultery is not as easy to hide as it seems at first glance. The feeling of guilt that the unfaithful half experiences will definitely manifest itself in some way - in avoidance of serious conversations and intimacy.

Friendship between a man and a woman is possible, but very often a man next to a woman only pretends to be her friend, having completely different views on her. We will not discuss the fact that a woman herself can hide her real interests at the same time - we will only discuss how to bring a man “out into the open.” So, ten signs of deception:

  1. Present. The “deceiver” (a man who cleverly hides sighs under the guise of friendship) gives large, impressive, generous gifts. With this he hopes to impress your tender heart to the very depths. A true friend(a man who is interested in you specifically as a friend) gives little and modestly. As a friend.
  2. Help. If a man is ready to help always and with everything, at any time of the day or night, this does not mean anything. But if he is for last month I came to rescue you six times on the Moscow Ring Road, and three times in the dead of night, this is no accident. A man for whom you are just a friend is not ready to spend so much time on you. By the way, he also has his own woman.
  3. Purchases. A man is happy to walk around with you shopping centers, happily enters every store and nods in agreement when you remember that you need a new handbag? Does he easily agree to do this every weekend? You have no friendship - he just wants to please you. A true friend behaves exactly like a friend. Spends as much time in the store as he can stand and then goes out to breathe fresh air. Because it is customary for friends to respect each other’s interests and not demand complete abandonment of themselves. This is how we men make friends.
  4. Discussion of men. You can discuss your men with both a “deceiver” and a true friend. The difference is that the “cheater” will always take your side. He will always agree with you and say that “he just doesn’t deserve you.” This is a clever trick - even if everyone is bad, he alone is good, and sooner or later you will notice and appreciate it. A true friend will only be fair. If your man behaved like a goat, a true friend will say exactly that. If you acted like a fool, a true friend will say so. This is true friendship.
  5. Apologies. Everyone makes mistakes - they are late for a meeting, they forget to deliver what they promised, they hurt with a careless word. The difference is in the reaction. The “deceiver” rushes to repent as if he were at the Nuremberg Tribunal. He is afraid that now he will lose your trust and communication. Therefore, he is afraid of any mistake he makes, even the smallest one. A true friend will simply apologize discreetly. If the error is serious, it must be corrected. If it’s small, it’s not worth worrying about.
  6. Drunk. Sometimes friends drink together. And then you can immediately see who is who. If he is a “cheater”, he will start telling you how beautiful you are and how lucky the one who will be with you will be. Then he will talk about his difficult fate. Then he'll go in for a kiss. A true friend will tell you about the upcoming elections and the prospects for hybrid engines. This is more interesting to him.
  7. Attention. When you are nearby, the “deceiver” pays all his attention to you. From start to finish, you are in the center. Are you cold? Should I bring a cocktail? Did you notice that picture over there? You look great, by the way! A true friend remembers that besides you, there is also him. Therefore, you will get exactly half of his attention.
  8. Women. A true friend is interested in other women in your company, he is curious about the idea “you need to meet Nastya!” (if, of course, he is free). The “deceiver” rejects all proposals - softly or harshly, but always definitively.
  9. Communication. A true friend communicates with you like a real friend - relatively rarely, and more often not face to face, but through remote channels (ICQ, telephone, VKontakte). This is because he has other interests, among which he distributes his attention. The “deceiver’s” main interest is you. Therefore, he is ready to spend as much time with you as possible.
  10. Sex. The “cheater” wants sex with you, but is afraid that you will understand it. Therefore, he proves in every possible way that he is interested in you not as a woman, but as a person. A true friend remembers that you are a woman and, in principle, allows sex between you, but “in some special case.” He is interested in you, first of all, as a person.

If you can clearly identify three or more points in a man’s behavior, you have a “cheater” in front of you. Next, it’s up to you to decide. In fact, a man’s interest in you as a woman is not a minus for a man at all, and rather speaks of his good taste. Well, and the fact that he hides this interest of his - think about it, maybe it’s too dangerous to discover him next to you?

Is there friendship between a man and a woman? It seems this question will never have a definitive answer. And all because everyone has their own opinion on this matter. And sometimes it is based not on common sense, but on personal unsuccessful experience of gender relations. Jealous people perceive friendship between a man and a woman especially painfully. What do relationship experts think about this?

If a person is jealous in himself, then in this case you don’t even have to think about the topic of friendship with the opposite sex. Another question is if your partner seems to be relaxed about your social circle.

Psychologist and provocative coach Anna Krasnova I am convinced: even if a woman, for her part, is sure that she and a man are connected only by friendship, then 99% of men have completely different thoughts in their heads. So, of course, you can believe in fairy tales that there is friendship between the sexes, but as long as it does not begin to threaten your relationship.

By and large, there are two types of men: the first are those who don’t care who you’re friends with. But this also shows that he doesn’t care about you either. The latter see male friends as a threat to their marriage and family; they try to protect their territory.

The main problem is that neither men nor women know each other's psychology and do not understand that the other person perceives a given situation in his own way. But any man, no matter how loyal he is to his woman’s communication with a friend, understands male psychology better. And he knows for sure that even if his beloved does not mean anything by this relationship, her friend in almost 100% of cases wants more than just communication and friendship. In addition, according to men, communication with a married woman interests other men only for one specific purpose. We are, of course, not talking about any professional issues. Men who are not delighted with their woman's friendship with another are not tyrants and despots, they are simply protecting their territory.

The following development of events is also possible. For example, a woman is looking for outside communication with another man because of dissatisfaction with something in her marriage. And it's not always about sex. For example, her husband spends a lot of time at work and communicates little with her. Or he doesn’t hear or understand her. Communication with friends often does not provide the release that a woman needs. In addition, a male friend can suggest and explain some of her husband’s actions from the point of view of the psychology of the stronger sex. You can also complain to him about your spouse, because a male friend is not inclined to spread rumors, as can be the case with girlfriends. There may be many reasons, but the fact remains: in marriage, a woman lacks emotional support, understanding and, perhaps, even trust.

If a woman's husband has a question about her friendship with another, she may indeed not understand the reason for her husband's anger. After all, she does not put any hidden meaning into this relationship.

The psychologist recommends that in this situation, sit down and talk so that everyone has the opportunity to convey their position to their partner. And this must be done not in a raised voice, but in a calm atmosphere, when both are balanced and able to resolve the conflict without a scandal.

To save the family, you need to find out everything from the very beginning and understand what a woman lacks in a relationship, why is she looking for communication on the side? Only through this confidential conversation will it be possible to hear each other and continue to build harmonious relationships.

Some husbands make the mistake of forbidding their wives to communicate with other men. But she can do this secretly, thereby further undermining trust in the couple. Therefore, it is much more effective to find out the root cause and fight it with common forces.

In turn, women also sometimes offer not entirely reasonable solutions to this issue. For example, all three of us could meet and talk. Of course, in this way the woman shows that in this communication there is nothing for her that should strain her husband. But will this be any good? One way or another, men will begin to compete with each other. Ultimately, the situation will only worsen, but will not be resolved.

So, when you're in a relationship, you need to choose whether you want to stay with your man or whether you prefer the company of a friend. There is no third option for the development of events here.

We thank Anna Krasnova, psychologist and provocative coach, for her help in preparing the material.

They were always very nice, warm, everything was good with sex. We both work, average to good income, have everything - an apartment to live in (before marriage - my family gave me), a car (personal, before marriage) - i.e. The material and living conditions for the family are very good; not every family had such a start. Both are beautiful, adequate, we are popular with the priest. floor. if they do, they usually didn’t return to them in the morning, they didn’t even have to discuss anything - everything was so petty compared to the fact that we were together.

Somewhere, about 8 months ago, my wife made a certain friend. They happened on a business trip, he also lives in Kyiv, but he hooked her already upon arrival, when they met again with a group of workers. I burned the SMS correspondence. There was a conversation, she said that there was a period of cooling in our relationship (there was a lot of work and any relationship always fluctuates), and he gave her emotions, like she doubted me. She said she fell in love. We cried together, I calmly told her that I don’t want to live with a person who will think about someone else, and if she wants, let her leave. We decided that we would still try to survive this, because she thinks that this is probably a hobby.

Since then I have not remembered anything about this incident. I decided not to touch the phone either - because... Well, what the heck with these experiences, besides, being humiliated by mistrust is too much. It was very painful, but I was able to forgive her and not become embittered.

However, in early April, she called me for a conversation, where she admitted that she could not be with me. That despite the fact that she explained to this third person that she was staying with me, he still came to her work (she hid this from me) and she decided to leave me for him. She says that he is “her”, that they are very similar, they have the same views on life and all that. That he can’t resist feelings and it’s not fair to me. She said there was no sex. Tears, snot from her moans, well from mine too, but of course I didn’t try to persuade her and fall to my knees. No, it just became very painful and sad. I absolutely calmly said that I’m not angry and I understand (the funny thing is that this is true, and I would do the same myself), I’m letting her go as long as she feels good. We agreed that we would spend the last ten days together, and the guy would wait. It was great, we went to restaurants, rode, walked and remembered how cool everything was with us - we communicated very warmly, we came to the conclusion that we had a wonderful relationship, it’s a pity that everything was crossed out like that, but life is life. He did not allow himself a single reproach towards her. (And there is no offense, how can you be offended if the feelings have passed? Only a bitter understanding..).

They told their parents and friends, they took their things away, and they moved out of the apartment. And after the expiration of the term they separated.

I discovered that I am very stable emotionally. I learned to create a psychological mood for myself in which I can approach girls. I met two. It was hard to even kiss - I was so fixated. This block was removed by the leaked one, it's all about sex. I gave myself an instruction: if she couldn’t leave her friend the first time and leave me for him, then everything is serious, and hope goes to the trash can. This helped me not to rush around. I immediately scored a return. Yes, and I think that it is not we who should return, but the person himself who should return - then it will be of no use. In general, I devoted time to communicating with new people and friends.

During this time, she came to visit several times - they lay around, hugged and kissed (I initiated it, she sluggishly resisted and answered), said that we were comfortable together, why not be friends - she stopped such conversations. She called, picked up every other time or hung up. At the same time, he told me that I was getting acquainted - there is interesting girls and all that. I read my correspondence with them. Showed that I could live fully without her. She gave little gifts. Once again, when she came, I asked her not to come to me anymore, because... for me it’s better that she disappears from my life - she gets very nervous and leaves (Although when we saw each other, it was just very pleasant for me, but then it became worse). Afterwards she wrote and called again - she said that I was a dear person to her and she didn’t want to lose me.

In general, three weeks after leaving, he comes to work with me and says I was mistaken, I love only you, I want children. That guy is not mine at all, he’s tormented by jealousy, etc., what do you say, let’s start all over again? I realized how much you really love me. And this was necessary for me to understand how much I love Teyuya. I replied that we would talk about this topic after she ended her relationship with this guy. She promised to do this next time. day. Nothing happened - because the guy had to go on a business trip for three days and supposedly it was not a matter of traveling, then the guy was very busy, in short, nothing changed in a week. This week I behaved friendly but closed - because I thought that I would not open up until she took this step. To her requests (for a ride there, etc.) he replied that I don’t communicate closely with busy girls.

As I already said, I had - and one girl became interested in me. When my wife and I talked about how she should end the relationship with her boyfriend, she asked me to do the same. I met a girl (by the way, not because of my wife, but since the girl turned out to be very nice, but not my thing), we talked and decided to be friends. The wife didn’t do anything. But I found this girl’s comments on VKontakte (in the style of “girls, step aside - this boy is mine”), correspondence (she has a password) and my answers. She demanded in an SMS that I delete everything; in response to my refusal, she stated that she would not be with me until I did what she wanted, and that it was humiliating for her that others could see what I had new girl. To be honest, I'm just sick of such presentations. I wrote back in the spirit that as long as she had someone, I consider myself free, if she were with me, I wouldn’t have anyone (the most important thing is that I really didn’t have a relationship, which I told my wife earlier), and what to do? or just for the sake of its return - i.e. returning upon fulfillment of some conditions that she sets for me is unacceptable. After this there was a lull for two weeks. They didn’t call each other, didn’t write.

We met at a mutual friend's place, when she saw me, she blushed, swallowed, I stared at her, smiled, behaved friendly, exchanged a couple of meaningless phrases to indicate that I perceived everything positively. Before leaving I decided to talk. He got hooked and asked when you could meet and talk - because... I need clarity. She got nervous and said that there was no point in communicating, she drew conclusions, nothing could happen between us, I humiliated her, that they were calling her (those who don’t yet know about our expense) and asking who I exchanged her for, heh! I asked if you and your boyfriend broke up, she replied that it didn’t concern me. Did he say that since everything is so bad that we will get a divorce? She answered - find out what and how, call and we’ll go to the registry office. From the conversation I got a strong feeling that they decided to make me guilty for the fact that she couldn’t leave that guy back to me. I even felt ashamed of her, because before she was a completely adequate person.

It is clear that there is resentment, perhaps for what she did, she made a mess (No one supports her, that guy has two children from another, his character is not great, his mating situation is many times worse), but he failed to bend. He didn’t continue the conversation - he left.

Five days later we met by chance, nothing happened, I looked at her and was just a little sad. We talked about nothing for 2 minutes and went our separate ways.

I wrote an application. It's in my briefcase. I think that my wife should either be with me or I don’t have a wife. I didn’t see any love on her part, perhaps a sense of ownership, in conversations it was just me, me (I decided to come back, I decided that, but I talked about breaking up - well, we decided...). There is one thing left of hers that I have to return, I’m thinking of coming to work to hand it over, see the reaction - if everything is bad, give it back and a statement. Although after her words, probably in any case it should also be handed over (to be filled out by both sides). It seems like there is nothing left until the decisive step, but sometimes it hurts so much, tears flow, you don’t know what to do. On the other hand, she didn’t convince me, and the relationship doesn’t start with reproaches, it seems she’s just not ready, and does she still have it? Scary. The heart hurts, but the situation should not remain unresolved. This is probably more of a revelation than a request for advice, but it seems to me that if a person is for me, then a divorce will not separate us for a long time, and maybe life will teach her to appreciate those who are nearby. What do you think, dear forum members?

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You stubbornly avoid answering. Translate everything into theory. Okay, I’ll ask you a more specific question, I hope after the 10th time you’ll answer without excuses. So the development of the embryo emphasizes that all of nature was created by one person? why is this in the embryo? For what? Why not make a human embryo immediately after cell division, since it itself did not originate from anyone? why does he look like a fish? an amphibian, a primate? and only then per person? Can someone see this without instruments? or is this some kind of perversion? Why are people often born very similar to animals? with tails, fangs, not upright, with thick hair? After all, all people descended only from people, do not intersect with animals, but can be born similar to them? How does your faith explain this? Just punishment and so on, no need. I'm finally waiting for a logical explanation and not fantasy. I repeat about jugs and bowls... make a clay jug without clay and water, well! does not work? those. The jug and the bowl have one beginning; the development began from the lower and diverged later. If you go deeper, then initially any jug was at the beginning clay, then a mass of water, then a simple shape, then round, then a jug, then a handle is attached to it, a pattern is applied and it appears in its final form. Don’t you notice that there is evolution here too! This evolution can be stopped at any place.. just make a jug.. put it aside, then attach a handle to it and it will have a handle, then put a design on it or not.. but there is a final jug, the most developed of all. Now about space. You have no facts that humanity has flown. And judging by its development, it could not fly in principle. There are also no tales about global floods and the rebirth of humanity. Now about rock paintings. A person always draws what he sees, right? Why are pyramids and other primitive objects still preserved, but there are no parts of aircraft or spacecraft? Why do people who have aircraft, know how to do trepanation, have primitive sewerage and pipelines, did not know how to make glass and did not light their houses with electricity? Maybe it was all not human and not from here? that’s why all the ships flew away and there were no remains and nothing at all, except for really primitive mechanisms? How to combine high intelligence and, excuse me, eating from a pork trough? And lastly, you don’t know how to use sarcasm, don’t try to do something you don’t understand, it turns out... how to put it, it’s not very nice. Once again I look forward not to theoretical reasoning and attributions to your faith, but to real answers. Once again.

if you don't want to listen, just say so. I’m just trying to explain it to you logically, but you don’t want to listen to anyone but yourself. You would take my statements and refute them with facts and not just shout that everything is wrong. Even you don’t have answers to all the questions posed - you don’t think that the embryo evolves in the mother’s stomach, adapting to the environment? The fact that there are genetic mutations and failures does not confirm or refute evolution - errors and failures are everywhere, and if you consider that the failure occurs under the influence external factors(alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pollution environment etc.) then why isn’t God’s punishment? and the fact that the failure can be in any direction also shows that animals are sometimes born with a human face, but this does not mean that animals originated from humans.
As for without water and clay - so water and clay are an analogy of a cell. A cell is what all living things are made of, including plants - this is the building material from which everything is made. And when you describe the process of making a jug, you show precisely its creation and not evolution (evolution is the mutation and adaptation of an adult organism to the influence of changing external factors). In other words, if a mug, under the influence of hot tea, began to adapt to the jug so that hot drinks were not poured into it - this is evolution.
About space - to claim that humanity could not fly into space earlier based only on a separate part of history is pure ignorance. If you read the Vedas, there is a mention of aircraft and even division of them into space and terrestrial ones. Once again about the Mayans and their drawing of a helicopter and an airplane - could it be that the drawing was made before the disaster? and where did they go anyway? And by the way, as a builder, I’m very surprised that you consider pyramids a primitive object. Even now, with our technologies and construction machines, we will not be able to repeat them - since the stone was polished after it was laid, and at the same time the stones were selected in such a way that when they lay on top of each other, it was difficult to insert a pin, and without any solution. And the purpose of the pyramids is still unknown - it was then that Tutankhamun restored the destroyed parts of the pyramid (as evidenced by the different masonry of the walls - the stones on one wall were perfectly fitted and on the other they were clumsily laid and made) and adapted them for his own tomb.
Well, again you are missing the possibility of a catastrophe on a planetary scale. Let's think about what will happen if tomorrow there is a disaster with a bunch of survivors. That man will continue to fly into space? will save the drawings of the airplane and spaceship? But will these drawings be preserved on paper even after a thousand years? But a drawing of children of survivors hollowed out in a cave is easy. Why in a cave? So think about it: can you build a modern house without all the factories and building materials? can you at least produce cement without being primitive? How much do you know about the installation of at least sewerage and water supply in your own home? How many ways do you know to supply water to your home in the absence of electricity? Or do you know how to make a generator in the absence of copper and iron factories? or can you make wire at home? I’m sure that even getting a fire without matches is already a problem for you, but I’m generally silent about making glass. So it turns out that with high intelligence, survivors will happily eat from a pork trough if there is food there.
And the survivors will also be preoccupied with survival (getting skins and food - since there are no factories and a refrigerator with food) and will not be able to pass on their little knowledge (within a small group of people) to their grandchildren, even writing and reading, and only because of the low value this knowledge in the process of obtaining food in the wild and it will be lost only to be reinvented after millennia.
In general, take scientific works based on all the inexplicable facts and findings, there is a lot of interesting stuff there. Previously, there was even a series of brochures called Knowledge with a scientific approach to every inexplicable find including the Mayans and pyramids and a hammer from pure iron (pure iron is still not able to be obtained) and rivets from titanium (they began to process it at the end of the last century) and geographical maps all over the world, made before Columbus’s voyage, including Antarctica without ice cover (the accuracy of which was only recently verified using an echo sounder).
I listen to you every time and ask you the same questions for the 10th time. You either theoretically invent something, then avoid answers, or ignore it. If you don’t have answers to my questions, first of all, don’t forward them to me. I repeat once again, your faith is no proof of anything! Didn't I provide you with the facts? Those. embryo development, archaeological excavations, are not facts for you? Let me ask the question: How does the development of an embryo confirm the existence of God? God the geneticist? Those. he monitors every birth, but doesn’t have time to punish adults? if there are deviations, is it God's punishment? What kind of ignorance? It is ignorant to believe in something without the existence of some facts. As always, you have only assumptions. If humanity flew into space, at least some artifacts must remain. You can't fly into space on boulders of stone, it's not like trepanning skulls. Here! The evolution of animals is an adaptation to the environment, but this evolution has a limit, strength and other things, so animals began to develop a brain! It is not just the fittest who survive, but the smarter ones!!! Who knows that it is easier to do the smart thing, find a cave, make a fire, than just sleep in the snow and rely on your own warmth. About the drawings, I said, you apparently are not attentive, I will repeat to you. If there were such devices, where is anything from them, except for the drawings? those. various antiquities have been preserved, but parts and mechanisms are missing? evaporated? Where is the evidence that someone with great intelligence and technical means did not help people build the pyramids? not earthlings, but aliens? then it is clear why everything in humans is overwhelmingly underdeveloped and primitive and why there are no machines and mechanisms, they were taken by aliens. What an electoral disaster you have, all your equipment was taken away! thinking worldwide then? intellectual meteorite? highly developed tsunami? Now about personalities. I know very well about the sewage system in my house, I did it myself. I am also well versed in mechanisms, internal combustion engines and electric engines. For me it is not at all a problem to light a fire in such conditions where you will die of hunger and cold. I repeat the question for completion. Where did at least some parts and parts of machines, aircraft, spaceships go? Regarding time and decay, iron products that are much older than the pyramids have survived to this day, and often in almost excellent condition. where are the factories for the production of these machines, metal casting, etc.? also evaporated in a mysterious and mystical way? again a smart disaster? Why did you destroy the products selectively? I will repeat it several times. Maybe you’ll see, I don’t need to expose your faith to anyone in general with tales about many worldwide catastrophes from your book. I'm finally waiting for an answer to at least one question. Regarding scientific literature and the unknown. Who said that all this was done by man or humanity? Blind faith again? If a person did this and went into a cave, became stupid to the point of animals and the cave, how could he return, without evolution, to the knowledge that he had lost? And again the question is, where are the remains of mechanisms, apparatus, factories for the construction of these things, for the production of metals, minerals, etc., etc.? Where? disappeared? so selectively and consistently, or did people create mechanisms out of thin air, like believing and materializing, and then, after death, everything dematerialized? I look forward to answers to such simple questions.
Do you even read what I write or just skim it? I don’t tell facts, I tell a theory just like you - you also don’t have facts, but embryo development proves absolutely nothing. But many archaeological excavations lead to exactly my thoughts - it feels like you are not at all interested in these very excavations and are trying to build your evidence on those excavations that you were told at school - look beyond your nose.
Also, you don’t even know the essence of evolution and are trying to argue. So, with evolution, it is the survival of the strongest, not the smartest. It makes no sense that you will be smart if stupid and strong neighbors take away your food and you die of hunger. That is why in nature animals are strong and hardy, but not smart.
As for why the factories were not preserved - we don’t know, maybe the development of man was so great that factories were not needed and everything was produced by some kind of energy (back again, why were the pyramids needed?) and what man now knows is 1% of those knowledge. By the way, there was such a scientist Nikola Tesla at the beginning of the 20th century, so what he did with electrical energy still remains a mystery, how did he do it? (read at your leisure - the Tunguska meteorite is also associated with his name).
Before arguing, did you even read anything other than a school textbook? otherwise I got the impression that I was arguing with the school curriculum. And in general, read at least something other than the embryo.
Good luck. If you cannot refute at least one of my assumptions other than “all this is not true,” then I have nothing to talk to you about.
P.S. If you understand the internal combustion engine, assemble it with your own hands in your garage, but not from engine spare parts, but from scrap metal, and just let the engine itself lie nearby as a sample (and at the same time, you should also make devices for metal processing yourself in your garage, after all where will you get this after a disaster), and if it starts and drives, then I will be the first to admit that I was wrong and in any disaster nothing should be lost.