Haircut 23 lunar day. Lunar birthday. Positive influence of the day

The third phase of the waning moon is characterized by a gradual decline in activity and a decrease in the level of energy in the world around us. This is the time when processes in the human body begin to proceed more slowly. Therefore, during this lunar period, hair treatments will slow down their growth.

By cutting your hair during the third lunar phase, you can maintain the health and beautiful appearance of your hair, but at the same time slow down its growth. This is suitable for those who have had a haircut that suits all parameters and who want to keep it longer. When the hair length changes during the current period, its roots become healthier and stronger.

The third phase of the waning Moon is great for experimenting with your hairstyle - it won’t last long, so you can try to implement even the most daring ideas. This applies not only to new styling or perm, but also to coloring. The result will not last long and will wash off very quickly, so you can try new shades.

The waning of the lunar disc does not favor hair care either. Health-improving masks and nourishing products will not have their full effect and the money will most likely be wasted.

Cutting your hair during the waning moon can reduce the body's defenses and weaken its sacred connections. Therefore, you should be careful when going to the hairdresser so as not to attract bad luck.

Positive influence of the third phase of the waning moon:

  • a haircut during the current period will improve the condition of the hair, strengthen the roots, and the hair will grow back very slowly after it;
  • the coloring produced during the third phase will be washed off very quickly, which makes it possible to try experimenting with new shades.

Negative influence of the third phase of the waning moon:

  • It is not recommended to cut your hair if you need to grow it quickly, as this procedure will significantly slow down its growth;
  • It is advisable to postpone the healing and nutrition of hair until a later time - now the procedures will not give the full result;
  • When cutting your hair during this period, you can weaken the body’s defenses against negative influences.

Moon in Cancer

The period is not the easiest; these days you want to immerse yourself, distract yourself from external events and understand your desires. Today there is a chance that you will be subject to impulse and commit actions that are unusual for you.

There is no point in planning haircuts or hairstyles when the Moon passes through the constellation Cancer. They will not live up to expectations, will look very untidy and will not hold their style well even with the help of special products. Hair cut on this day takes a very long time to grow, becomes shaggy, frizzy and looks unkempt. There is truth and positive sides- the healthy structure of the hair will not change and, subsequently, with the right day of cutting, the hairstyle will look impeccable.

In the days of Cancer, although it is a water sign, no cosmetic procedures with hair, even washing it, as this will negatively affect its appearance.

From an esoteric point of view, you should only go to the hairdresser on lunar days under the sign of Cancer if you want to break away from the boring care of loved ones and reduce your family ties with them.

The influence of the lunar day

16th lunar day

Although the day of the 16th lunar day does not carry negative energy, it is not worth starting new things and making changes. Therefore, forget about visiting a hairdresser or stylist, a haircut today will be detrimental to your appearance and hair health.

Also, do not plan to change your image with your hair or styling, as these changes will not bring the desired effect. Rather, the image with a new hairstyle will look sloppy and disheveled.

Coloring and curling are not prohibited. When changing color, it is best to choose a natural dye; in addition to this, this effect will give the desired shade, and also a healthy shine to the strands. Today you can make healing and restorative masks both in the salon and at home.

Today is easy and quiet, but changes during this period can significantly weaken your health and bring a number of setbacks. A haircut on the 16th lunar day can provoke betrayal of a loved one or seriously affect your health in general.

Positive influence of the day:

  • today it is possible to produce coloring;
  • Also, procedures to change the structure of hair are not prohibited - straightening, curling, restorative masks.

Negative influence of the day:

  • Haircuts and hairstyles will make your hair look weak and lifeless and can make things worse.

Influence of the day of the week


Today will pass under the influence of the largest object in our system - the Sun. People born under his sign are blessed with good luck and favorable conditions in all matters.

But for others, on the final day of the week, it is believed that cutting off anything, be it hair or even nails, is absolutely not worth it. On this day, the soul is most closely connected with the guardian angel and by cutting something off, you can break this connection and bring bad luck in financial and personal matters.

Haircuts on Sunday are strictly contraindicated also because it is believed that this can worsen your overall physical and psychological condition. In addition, a hairstyle done on this day will not please the owner with its appearance and will worsen the general condition of the hair.

But if you are haunted by failure after failure, and troubles overtake you even in carefully planned situations, then a visit to the hairdresser can radically change the situation. Also, those born on this day should not be afraid of Sunday haircuts.

23 lunar day- a hard and difficult day. During this period, aggression and apathy may occur. This is due to a decrease in energy during the waning moon phase.

Affairs. You shouldn't start anything new. During this period, it is easy to be influenced by other people's opinions, so it is not recommended to have a lot of contact with people. You need to approach all your ideas and actions rationally. It is better to solve issues that do not require much concentration and effort.

Job. The day is suitable for current routine activities. You should not start new projects, look for business contacts, or invest in risky businesses. It is not recommended to practice teamwork. It is advisable to resolve all issues yourself. It is better not to start a serious conversation with your superiors. This is a neutral time to change jobs.

Housework. Housework on this day will help you avoid contact with the aggressive energy of the day and increase home comfort. You can start a small renovation, rearrange the furniture. The main thing is not to spend a lot of effort on this and do everything yourself, without the help of your family.

Money. Small monetary transactions can be carried out. It is better to postpone large financial flows to another time. It is not recommended to take out a loan - it may be unprofitable. During this period, there is a risk of losing invested funds, making an unsuccessful major transaction or making an unnecessary purchase.

Love, relationships. The negative energy of the day forces people to look for hidden meaning in everything. Therefore, even innocent conversations can develop into a major quarrel. It is advisable not to make dates with your significant other during this period. If it is impossible to postpone the meeting, try to communicate less and appear “in public.” You can watch a light movie at home. Sex on this day is destructive to health.

Communication. A very unfavorable day for communication. Today it is better to stay at home if your work schedule allows unplanned days off. It is advisable not to contact even family and friends. Communication can cause a breakdown. Spend the day alone thinking about new life plans.

Trips. Neutral time for travel. You can go on a short trip for a couple of days. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will encounter unpleasant fellow travelers and unforeseen situations on the road. You need to react quickly and try not to conflict. It is better not to plan business trips during this period.

Haircut and hair care. The 23rd lunar day is not a suitable day for a haircut. It can make you feel worse or lead to conflicts with other people. You can paint it any color. It is better that the coloring is carried out by someone close to you. This favorable time for experimenting with hairstyles and curls.

Beauty and health. On day 23 lunar calendar It is undesirable to carry out cosmetic procedures. The body is weakened during this period, so it is necessary to take care of it. It is important not to overwork to avoid exhaustion. Moderate exercise is allowed. It is not recommended to overeat and drink alcohol.

Hair cutting is very important to maintain its health and beauty. The moon is continuously connected with fate throughout our lives. We present the rules of Eastern astrology, according to which it is necessary to visit a hairdresser. You will find out what consequences can arise if you cut your hair on unfavorable lunar days.

1st lunar day - if you cut your hair on the first lunar day, it will lead to a shortening of life.

2nd lunar day - haircuts on this day cause controversy, scandals, and legal proceedings.

3rd lunar day - haircuts have a negative impact on health and can lead to accidents and financial losses.

4th lunar day - trimming hair can cause significant discomfort and depression, and can also lead to diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

The 5th lunar day is good for haircuts and will help increase financial profits.

6th lunar day - it is not advisable to cut your hair. This can lead to loss of smell, colds, and unhealthy skin.

The 7th lunar day is one of the most unsuitable for haircuts. Attracts conflicts, litigation, health problems, loss of personal and business reputation.

The 8th lunar day is very good for cutting hair. Increases human health, longevity, social status, and financial condition.

The 9th lunar day is unfavorable. Hair trimming attracts many diseases.

10th lunar day - it is better to refrain from cutting hair, as this leads to illness.

The 11th lunar day is a suitable day for a haircut. Intuition sharpens, mental capacity, ingenuity.

12th lunar day - haircut is contraindicated, since on this day it leads to human suffering, various injuries, accidents, and even a possible threat to human life.

13th lunar day - a haircut is beneficial because it attracts good luck and happiness. The person feels good and looks attractive.

The 14th lunar day is favorable. A haircut attracts career success and increased financial income. Improves relationships with superiors.

15th lunar day - haircut is not advisable, as it can lead to headaches and increased blood pressure. An unjustified feeling of anxiety may appear, disturbing your mental balance.

16th lunar day - it is advisable to refrain from cutting hair. This can attract all kinds of problems and misfortunes. A haircut on this day is negative; a person can show all his bad qualities and aggression.

17th lunar day - avoid cutting your hair. Problems may arise in the professional sphere, mental instability, injuries. It also attracts car accidents. There is a risk of sprains and injuries in the near future. According to Eastern tradition, cutting your hair on this day can attract evil spirits.

18th lunar day - cutting hair is undesirable, as it can bring trouble to a person, financial losses, and lead to illnesses in pets.

19th lunar day - according to Tibetan astrologers, cutting a haircut on this day prolongs a person’s life.

20th lunar day - cutting hair is undesirable, as it causes people to have a negative attitude towards life. Nothing pleases him, nothing attracts him.

21st lunar day - haircut is useful because it brings joy, good luck, self-confidence and beauty.

22nd lunar day - a haircut will help a person acquire property. You can also lose a few kilos of excess weight.

23rd lunar day - a haircut gives wealth and the opportunity to improve your life. It will also improve complexion, the person will become healthier and more beautiful.

24th lunar day - it is better to refrain from cutting your hair, because it can lead to illness.

The 25th lunar day is bad for cutting hair, there is a possibility of eye disease.

The 26th lunar day is a great day for cutting and creating a new hairstyle. Increases vitality, improves mood, gives a feeling of complete happiness.

27th lunar day - get your hair cut. This will bring happiness and good luck, improve your mood, and everything around will bring pleasure.

28th lunar day - a haircut on this day makes you charming and attractive. to his appearance you will delight the people around you.

29th lunar day - haircut is undesirable, as it can lead to changes in a person’s destiny.

The 30th lunar day is very unfavorable. Serious illnesses, the appearance of enemies, accidents - all this can come to you if you get a haircut on this lunar day.

Is it possible to cut hair on the 23rd lunar day and received the best answer

Answer from Gebo[guru]
If possible, refrain from cutting your hair: ...on the 23rd lunar day; -- 23rd lunar day
Symbol of the day: Crocodile Makkara
A day of provocations and temptations.
Day of repentance, forgiveness, fasting. It is recommended to clean the house, cleanse it and sanctify it. It is very good to get rid of everything unnecessary. It is better to exclude contacts.
Health effects:
The immune system is weakened. Focus on the spine. Surgery and hair cutting are not recommended. Move more.

Answer from Amendy[guru]
23rd lunar day from 0:29. Waning Moon (4th quarter). Moon in Aries from 7:22. Auspicious day.
Get a haircut, you will become more beautiful, your external charm will increase. A haircut this day will bring happiness. Recommendations of the day - reschedule perm on any other more successful day for this.

Answer from CAMELLIA[guru]
June 12: 23rd lunar day. Gives a healthy complexion and improves well-being. Moon in Aries. This is a rather unfavorable period for getting a haircut, leading to a weakening of the body’s general immunity, which increases the likelihood of various types of diseases.

Answer from Vesta Breeze[guru]
If during this time, it is undesirable, because the Moon is now in Aries, which adversely affects the hair; cutting can cause increased hair loss.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: is it possible to cut hair on the 23rd lunar day

23 lunar day - hair cutting, hairstyle, coloring and what to do with hair in general

It is not recommended to cut your hair on this day, as dangers will overtake you. At the same time, you can dye your hair, but it’s best if someone close to you dyes it - then joy and good mood will come to you.

It is advisable to curl your hair today; such a hairstyle will bring you happiness. In general, on this day in the morning, you must wash your hair and style it thoroughly. But do not use strong hairspray when styling - let your hair blow in the wind. This way they will be saturated with new powerful energy.

Twenty-third lunar day - characteristics

The energy of the moon on the 23rd lunar day is very strong and somewhat aggressive. To match this day and its energy, you cannot allow yourself to be passive. On this day, energy overwhelms a person and if you do not give it an outlet for useful things, it may end in conflict with colleagues or loved ones.

So be as active and energetic as possible. But at the same time, it is important to remain internally calm.

Since not all people are able to easily tolerate energy flows of such force, people may display aggression and anger. Do not give in to provocations from such people.

There is no need to enter into conflicts with anyone or participate in quarrels. Many people simply do not have the strength to cope with such flows of power, so they find a way out themselves and provoke conflict situations.

Control yourself: your emotions and feelings. Don't allow yourself to be aggressive towards other people. Remember that your unstable behavior is dictated by the energy of the moon.

For the same reason, it is better to avoid large crowds of people. Especially considering that the psychology of the masses is such that everyone succumbs to the mood of 10 percent of those present, if it coincides. On the twenty-third lunar day, mass acts of vandalism or hooliganism are possible.

Try to analyze your condition and remain confident in your actions, no matter what anyone tells you. Try to talk a little yourself, it’s better to get down to business.

This is the day of creativity when you will be most original. Today, various ideas will come to you, and wind energy can direct your energy in the most unexpected direction. However, it is important to control what happens to you. Do not be stubborn during this period. Try to avoid outbursts of anger.

Concentrate your energy on completing tasks that were not given to you before. The flow of energy will work in this direction and will significantly increase your chances of success. Solve complex problems on this day, as you should not waste your time on trifles when you have the opportunity to do something global.

If you don’t have tasks and problems of this scale, just take care of your household chores. This will distract you and will be useful, since there is always a lot of housework. It is also worth performing a magical cleansing of the apartment’s energy.

Cutting your nails is considered a bad omen on the twenty-third lunar day.

The 23rd lunar day is the time when space helps a person get rid of unnecessary burdens. Therefore, if some kind of loss overtook you on this day, you should not be upset, but, on the contrary, say thank you, because what was lost has long ago become a burden that should have been gotten rid of. Worrying about this can have a negative impact on energy channel, which will become a source of additional problems in the future.

This is a day of increased activity energy vampires, so you need to carefully monitor your own emotional state.

You should not drink alcohol on this day. This is due to the fact that you may be “blown away” and you will do something that you will regret later.

Warning on line 133

  • Be active
  • Keep calm
  • Stay confident
  • Analyze yourself
  • Get creative
  • Implement ideas
  • Control the situation
  • Strengthen self-control
  • Solve complex problems
  • Do household chores
  • Don't give in to provocations
  • Monitor the health
  • Pay attention to the position of the spine
  • Do things that cause difficulties
  • Avoid large crowds of people
Not recommended
  • Be passive
  • Suspiciousness
  • talk a lot
  • Be aggressive
  • Have sex
  • Cut nails
  • Gluttony
  • To register marriage
  • Submit an application to the registry office
  • Panic
  • Cut hair
  • Be stubborn
  • Get angry
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Argue
  • Give in to provocations
  • Participate in conflicts
  • Do physical activity
  • Agree to undergo surgery
  • Spend a lot of time sitting
Twenty-third lunar day and health

The energy of the twenty-third lunar day is aggressive, and therefore the risk of injury increases. It would be better to cancel training for this day and refrain from any physical activity. But at the same time, you shouldn’t sit still all the time on this day. You should also not overeat - eat in moderation.

It's also worth paying attention Special attention on the condition of the spine, since today it is the most vulnerable and weak. Try to keep your back straight and not slouch.

In general, any disease is dangerous on this day. Even a slight cold deserves increased attention. This is due to the fact that on the twenty-third lunar day any illness, even the mildest, can cause complications or become chronic. In this case, it will take a very long and difficult time to treat them.

It is not advisable to carry out surgical operations on this day - they may be unsuccessful.

Twenty-third lunar day and sex

You should abstain from sexual intercourse on the twenty-third day of the lunar month. The fact is that being in a state of sexual arousal, it will be more difficult for you to control yourself, and you may accidentally cause pain to your partner.

Special care must also be taken with strangers so as not to become a victim of a maniac.

Twenty-third lunar day and marriage

On the twenty-third day of the lunar cycle, it is not recommended to get married and submit an application to the registry office. A marriage whose creation began on this day will not last long and will not be happy. This is also a bad day for a wedding celebration - most likely it will end in tears.

Twenty-third lunar day and business

For business, the twenty-third lunar day is a time of active action. Any issue that you have not been able to resolve for a long time will be resolved easily today. The main thing is to be collected, purposeful and concentrate on only one issue.

It is also important to remember that quarrels easily break out on this day. Therefore, try to reduce communication with colleagues and employees. Be calm and do not give in to provocations. Try to participate as little as possible in any conversations. If you have to say something, carefully watch your tone and the words you say.

Twenty-third lunar day and conception

A child conceived on the twenty-third lunar day may have developmental disabilities.

Few people understand people conceived on this day. They have a complex character and often exhibit certain qualities that go to extremes. Despite this, they often achieve success and fame.

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