Eyelash growth product from India. Products for eyelash growth from various countries of origin. Eyelash serums

Cosmetics Careprost for eyelash growth - makes them thicker and longer. Activates the work of hair follicles by increasing their working time, awakens dormant follicles. The visible effect begins after 2-3 weeks of use. The maximum result occurs after 10-12 weeks of use: hairs will increase in length by 30-50%, and double in volume. Safe for the human body.

General information

The active substance is Bimatoprost - a complex organic substance formed in a living cell and necessary for most biological (metabolic) processes in living organisms. These substances are in short supply for human tissues and organs. Including for the work of the hair follicle, which is the formation and development of hair. Therefore, the product does not harm the body and acts on the growth cycle in three directions:

  1. Increases the working time of the hair follicle;
  2. Increases the number of hairs in the current growth phase;
  3. Awakens dormant bulbs.

The composition also includes sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, pure water and citric acid.

Action of Careprost

Primary results are visible within 2-3 weeks from the start of the course. Maximum - by 12 weeks of use:

  • Eyelashes will increase in length by 30-40%;
  • There will be much more of them - the volume will double;
  • Due to natural pigmentation, hair darkens by 20%.

Growth occurs gradually during the night.

The figures given are taken from the testing on the basis of which the active substance was registered in the United States.

Benefits of Careprost

  1. Within 1 month, your own eyelashes and eyebrows take on a different look - they become thicker, longer and darker;
  2. Safe for the body;
  3. Returns damaged hairs to a healthy appearance.

Helps in cases:

  • after extension;
  • with excessive use of decorative cosmetics;
  • under stressful conditions and lack of vitamins.

Instructions for use

There are quite a lot of means for eyelash growth, in addition to Careprost.

Each eyelash growth product has its own characteristics, but the main thing is the price. Conventionally, these drugs can be divided into three price categories: low (800-1200 rubles), medium (1300-2000 rubles), premium (3000-5000 rubles). Let's take a closer look at each and see how, besides price, they differ and what additional properties they have.

Drugs costing up to 1,200 rubles include (prices are approximately the same for everything, depending on the store): Careprost, Carelash, Maxlash, Dreamlash. Careprost is a 0.03% solution of bimatoprost, a substance that actually causes active growth eyelashes (let me remind you, one of a kind). Karelash is exactly the same solution, but there is 1 ml more in the bottle, and the price is approximately similar to Careprost or slightly more expensive. Maxlash - has a volume and composition identical to Careprost. Dreamalash - the ingredients are also the same as Careprost, but the packaging is more convenient and larger in volume. All preparations have a simple plastic package without an applicator, except for Dreamlash (which is in the form of a liquid eyeliner, with a built-in applicator). All made in India, only Dreamlash in the UK.

Feg Positioned as a “powerful conditioner,” sellers describe its composition as “plant-based ingredients, 10 amino acids and the effective ingredient Lumigan.” What lumigan is, as a rule, is not explained. But I’ll tell you: this is the name of a product patented in the USA based on bimatoprost - exactly the same one, during the use of which an unusual effect was discovered - increased growth and darkening of eyelashes. Also, the seller several times emphasizes the naturalness of the composition and the complete absence of side effects. In addition, it promises that eyelashes will begin to grow within a week.

Almea Xlash presented on the Russian market as a development of the English cosmetics company Almea, where “all innovative achievements of medicine” are involved. In the composition of the product, the seller indicates soft coral extract and usma leaf juice as the active ingredients. Note that usma is a herbaceous plant of the mustard family, the extract or oil of which has coloring properties. This plant has been popular among the peoples of Central Asia as an eyebrow dye since ancient times. Sellers promise that Xlash, of course, is more effective than usma juice due to natural composition and modern unique technologies. What kind of technology? Not a word about them.

Included Volume contains a 0.05% solution of bimatoprost, more concentrated than in Careprost and Karelash. Sellers claim that this is a medicine for the treatment of eyelash hypotrichosis. This is a rare hereditary condition, or a reaction to severe stress or infection, where eyelashes begin to fall out, become thinner, and become pale. Neither the seller nor the manufacturer explains to buyers why a concentration of 0.05% is better than 0.03%. In addition, Volum has the same bottle as Careprost without a brush.

And finally, premium products. They are expensive, look beautiful, and come in varieties like “active,” “intensive,” “sensitive,” and the like. Caring, moisturizing, nourishing and other beneficial properties are also claimed.

Magic Glance is positioned as a French-made drug. Naturally, natural: according to sellers, it does not contain hormones, antibiotics, parabens (in general, none of the popular cosmetic “horror stories”) and does not cause allergies. Let's look at the composition: olive oil, orchid oil, quinine extract, biotechnological complex "Min?raux de la mer", ginseng extract, hydrolyzed keratin, arginine, glycine, oat amino acids, vitamins B5, A, F, PP. Familiar components - oils, extracts, vitamins. And only one mysterious one is the biotechnological complex “Min?raux de la mer” (translated as “sea minerals”). Sounds solid. What is it really? An Internet search for a given phrase does not yield any results, at least on the first ten pages. Sellers describe in streamlined words: a unique, specially developed complex based on pink pearl extract, which includes amino acids in a concentration of 2.5%. By the way, the rest of the pearl extract (90-95%) is calcium carbonate, better known as chalk or lime. What causes eyelashes to grow? We can only guess.

Advanced Lash- American remedy. The seller, whose link to the store appears first, does not provide information at all about the composition of the product and does not explain how the result is achieved. The instructions, however, mention several times that the drug is prohibited for use in pregnant women, from which anyone can conclude that it does not work due to herbs and vitamins.

?What did we finally see? Only drugs in the lowest price category disclose their composition - everything is clear and simple with them. But sellers of more expensive products make do with vague formulations, focusing on vitamins, extracts and unique new technologies. However, the effect from them is exactly the same as from Careprost - no better and no worse.

Careprost (Careprost) is a medicinal drug with the active substance bimatoprost, which affects the cyclic phase of eyelash growth. As a result of using the product, your eyelashes will become longer, thicker and darker within 4-6 weeks.

Use Careprost carefully, following the instructions and recommendations below. By following these instructions daily, you will see the stated results in approximately 4-6 weeks. Eyelash growth and volume will occur every day while you sleep. If you want to record the result and more clearly track the transformation of your eyelashes, keep a personal photo report - take pictures of your eyes “before” using Careprost and then take pictures every 4 weeks.

Bottle 3 ml. 0.03% solution.

Compound: 1ml contains: Bimatoprost - 0.3mg,Preservative benzalkonium chloride - Benzalkonium Chloride Solution IP 0.01% w/v, Aqueous Buffered Vehicle q.s.

Step by step instructions

1 step. Preparation for application

Careprost should be applied daily in the evening after removing makeup and cleansing the face of all cosmetic products. Any facial care products you use should have time to be absorbed into the skin. If you are wearing contact lenses, make sure they are removed (you can reapply them 15 minutes after application).

Step 2. Preparing the applicator

Take the applicator and hold it horizontally. From the bottle, apply one drop of Careprost to the tip of the applicator.

Step 3. Application to base of eyelashes

Immediately after applying the product to the applicator, move it along the skin of the upper eyelid at the very base of the eyelashes (in the place of growth) in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Repeat for the upper eyelid of the other eye. Careprost is not used for the eyes and skin of the lower eyelid, as this may provoke unwanted hair growth outside the treatment area.

Step 4 Removing excess

Pat the eyelid skin with a soft cloth to remove excess product.

Use Careprost once a day. Using the product more than once a day will not enhance the effect of use and will not speed up the appearance of results.