Sports aerobics. Presentation on the topic "aerobics" Aerobics can also be accessible to people using a wheelchair

Physical education teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 10 “Success”, Samara

Kulichkov V.G.

  • push-ups while lying down, push-ups while lying down with your elbows back;
  • corner of the legs together (horizontal raising of the legs above the floor on the hands with the abdominal muscles for 4 or 8 counts);
  • rotation of the angle by 90, 180 and 360 degrees;
  • “horse” (jump from two legs while simultaneously pulling the knees to the chest);
  • straddle (a jump from two legs at the same time, using the muscles of the legs and abs, spreading the legs in the air as far as stretching allows, while bringing the legs almost to the horizontal with some “folding” of the body forward);
  • “fold” (bringing the upper body together with the legs, sitting on the floor, with straightened knees and pointed toes);
  • crawling through the splits, swing and others.

  • Lesson 1 includes basic aerobics steps and their combinations. Duration 45 minutes. Basic steps are performed in 4 counts. “1” – step forward with your right foot. “2” – place your left foot. “3” – step back with your right foot. “4” – attach the left one.
  • Lesson 2 includes combinations of basic steps and their complicated variations. Duration 50 minutes.


Step-touch – additional step. Performed on 2 counts. “1” – step to the side (back or forward), the weight of the body is distributed on both legs. “2” – place the other foot on the toe. Touch-step - performed on two counts in the reverse sequence of the extension step. “1” – touch the toe to the floor near the supporting leg. “2” – from the same leg, step to the side into a stance with legs apart.

Double step touch - double movement to the side with side steps. Push touch, toe tap – performed for 2 counts. “1” – one leg is pointed in any direction without moving the body, toe to the floor. “2” – starting position.

  • Lesson 3 Tae bo (Tai bo) - an aerobics lesson using martial arts techniques: learning punches and kicks, connecting them into ligaments and repeating them many times.
  • Lesson 4 Body Sculpt (Strong Body) - a lesson for training the main muscle groups of the whole body. Lesson duration 50 minutes.
  • Lesson 5 Abdominals+back (Belly+Back) - a lesson for training the abdominal and lower back muscles. Lesson duration 40 minutes.
  • Lesson 6 Pump (Pump) - a lesson for training the main muscle groups. The lesson includes strength exercises with a barbell only. Selection of weights for each muscle group is required. There is no aerobics in the lesson. Lesson duration 50 minutes.

  • Upper Body - a lesson for training the muscles of the upper body and abdominal muscles. Lesson duration 45 minutes.

Exercises with dumbbells in the Upper Body class:

  • Alternating bending of the arms at the elbow joints (for biceps). Starting position (IP) – heels together, toes slightly apart, arms straight along the body, palms forward. 1 – bend your left arm, 2 – lowering your left arm down, bend your right arm. The pace is average, repeat 20-30 times with each hand.
  • Raising straight arms to the sides (for deltoids and pectoral muscles). I.p. – legs, in the main stance (see exercise 2), arms raised forward to shoulder height, palms inward. 1 – spread your arms to the sides and rise on your toes, 2 – bring your arms forward. The pace is average. Repeat 8-12 times.
  • Bend the torso forward (for the back muscles). I.p. – legs spread wide, arms raised up. 1 – tilt your torso, without bending your legs, forward (exhale), 2 – straighten up (inhale). The pace is average. Repeat 10-12 times.

abstract on the subject “Physical culture” on the topic: “Aerobics” 11-1st grade student Daria Kislitsyna Teacher: Shevernitskaya M.A. Aerobics is a type of physical training in which special movements are performed to music. Aerobics has a strengthening effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, promotes weight loss and improved figure. The best prevention for many diseases is indeed regular aerobic exercise. They force the heart and blood vessels to constantly work, adapting to increasing loads. Therefore, the cardiovascular system of a trained person works smoothly and efficiently, providing oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body. At the moment, there are about 40 different types of aerobics, these are: pump (power aerobics with a minibar), step (classes on a special platform), aqua (exercises in water), jazz size (dancing to the rhythms of jazz), slide (sliding along a special path) , callanetics (strengthening muscles and burning fat). History of the appearance... At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, a direction in gymnastics was formed, associated with the name of the French physiologist J. Demeny. His system of physical exercises was based on the leading importance of rhythm and harmony of movements, on the rhythmic alternation of muscle relaxation and tension. Gymnastics by J. Demeny is based on natural movements, it is alien to worship of form in the name of principle. J. Demeny attached great importance to the development of dexterity and flexibility. J. Demeny had many followers, including B. Mensendieck, who developed women's functional gymnastics. Its main objectives were: strengthening health with the help of hygienic gymnastics, developing strength, and education. A significant increase in the popularity of rhythm began at the beginning of the 20th century. He is associated with the name of E. Jacques Dalcroze. He is responsible for the discovery of the sense of rhythm in human physical activity. He was the first to use the term “rhythmic gymnastics”. He managed to create a kind of musical notation of movements. In the 70s, a form of health-improving physical activity appeared, such as aerobic dancing, the founder of which was J. Sorensen. The aerobic dance program includes rhythmic running, jumping, bending, swinging, as well as many dance steps and movements. The term "aerobics" was first introduced by K. Cooper in 1960. Its origin comes from the word “aerobic”, that is, occurring with the participation of oxygen, which has a physiological basis. Modern aerobics is not a new type of physical culture that has appeared in our days. There are many types of aerobics... Dance aerobics Dance aerobics (dance) strengthens muscles, especially the lower body, stimulates the cardiovascular system, improves coordination and posture, and burns excess weight. A large load falls on large muscle groups, especially in the lower body. Typical for these types of aerobics is the use of various dance movements to music that corresponds to a particular dance style. This type of aerobics includes: funkaerobics, city jam, hip hop, Latin aerobics, jazz modern, Afro jazz and others. Step aerobics Step aerobics (step) is used for the prevention and treatment of arthritis, osteoporosis, recovery from knee injuries and for strengthening muscles. Dance classes are conducted using a special platform (step). You have to climb up and down to the rhythm of the music, combined with regular dance moves. The height of the steps is usually 15-30 cm. There are about 200 ways to get on and off the platform. Step movements are quite simple, so they are quite suitable for people of different ages and fitness levels. They perfectly improve the figure, especially the shape of the legs, thighs and buttocks. Slide aerobics Slide aerobics (slide) is a strength type of aerobics. During classes, they wear special shoes and slide along a special smooth track 183 cm long and 61 cm wide, performing exercises reminiscent of the movements of a speed skater, skier or roller skater. Slide aerobics strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, muscles and joints. The most optimal type of aerobics for women who want to get rid of fat deposits in the thighs. Pump aerobics Pump aerobics is power aerobics with a mini-barbell weighing from 2 to 20 kilograms. Performed non-stop for 45 minutes, to rhythmic music. Dance elements are excluded from it. Instead of them - various presses, bends and squats. The training effect of barbell aerobics is undoubtedly very high, but it is recommended only for physically fit people. Kick aerobics Kick aerobics is a special program called KIC (cardio-intensity-conditioning), which allows you to train and improve the main indicators of the body's fitness level: general and strength endurance, muscle strength and flexibility, agility and coordination. The new program takes into account the age and different levels of preparedness of users. Using the capabilities of this program, it is now easy to create a fairly intensive lesson for both beginners and experienced students. Tai-kick Tai-kick is a workout that combines the now popular Tai-bo with high-intensity exercises with a jump rope. Thai kick allows you not only to quickly achieve a training effect, but also to learn hand-to-hand combat techniques. It is especially recommended for those who want to achieve maximum effect when burning subcutaneous fat deposits. Spinning Spinning is a fun, dynamic workout on bicycles, combined with watching a video. Lightweight exercise bikes are installed in the gym so that their wheels spin in one place. Despite this, trainees get a feeling comparable to a bicycle ride in nature. And all thanks to the large screen hanging on the wall, on which various video landscapes float, replacing each other. Resist-ball Resist-ball is a fun and absolutely safe type of aerobics using special multi-colored inflatable balls of different sizes (some of them reach 1 meter in diameter) helps to correct the figure, develops coordination and flexibility, helps correct posture and strengthen cardiovascular and respiratory function systems Trekking Trekking - group interval training on treadmills. The training effect is achieved by changing the inclination angle and speed of the treadmill. The lesson is ideal for students of any level of preparedness by conducting a special “Break point” test (which is based on determining your own maximum speed). The workout is suitable for both walkers and runners, because... The program was specifically designed to train runners and walkers at the same time. Water aerobics Water aerobics is a completely special type of physical activity when all the muscles work at the same time. Classes take place in a swimming pool, where the resistance of the water is overcome when performing the exercises. Water is an excellent environment for body-strengthening exercises as it provides additional resistance while being gentle on joints, muscles and bones. Water aerobics exercises strengthen the body, improve flexibility, stretch muscles and ligaments, burn excess calories, and successfully recover from injuries. Water exercises are suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age, weight and physical fitness, and are recommended for pregnant women. Unlike land-based types of fitness, there are no contraindications. Callanetics Callanetics is the most universal gymnastics today for all ages, complexions and characters. Your muscles need tone, stretching and relaxation, and your mind needs the right direction of thoughts. Usually it is difficult for a person to decide which gymnastics is healthier for him. You'll have to figure out what's best for you. Maybe you are so physically advanced that a bodybuilding routine is right for you. Or you are so active and young that aerobics or fitness will be ideal for you. Or you are seriously passionate about the East, and it will be much more interesting for you to master yoga or any Eastern practice. Callanetics includes exercises that develop absolutely all muscle groups - legs, buttocks, hips, arms, shoulders, back, abdominals. There is not a single part of the body that is not included in the work. Moreover, this gymnastics compares favorably with others in that it includes stretching and static exercises. They activate deep muscles, the same ones that we do not use in normal life. They rightly say that such exercises for one hour are equal in impact to seven hours of shaping or a day of aerobics. A-Box Abox combines, at first glance, completely unrelated areas in fitness - aerobics and martial arts. The founder of this direction is the world champion in contact combat, Yvonne Lin, who subsequently devoted herself to aerobics. The use of elements of various types of martial arts, clarity of movements, the ability to develop coordination, endurance, strength and speed of reaction - all this also attracts men to A-boxing. Pilates Pilates is a safe, non-impact exercise program that stretches and strengthens major muscle groups, while also targeting smaller, weaker muscles. The Pilates training method combines all the best from Western and Eastern methods. Pilates develops joint flexibility, ligament elasticity, strength, intermuscular and intramuscular coordination, strength endurance and mental qualities, but the main difference between Pilates and all other types is the possibility of injuries and negative reactions reduced to almost zero. Pilates is the best fitness for pregnant women and young mothers. Yoga Nowadays, the most popular type of body strengthening technique is one of the oldest health practices - yoga. Fitness yoga (fitness yoga) yoga for everyone. What distinguishes it from other forms of yoga is that it directly and unpretentiously imparts excellent tone to everyone's body; and especially it serves those who lead an active life professionally or amateurishly. Fit yoga is movement, beautiful music, soft light and stimulating aromas. She combines the elements of hatha yoga with traditional exercises of classical choreography (for dancers), muscle stretching exercises, and together this maintains muscle tone, develops flexibility, improves well-being and physique. Running Health running is the simplest and most accessible (technically speaking) type of cyclic exercise, and therefore the most widespread. According to the most conservative estimates, running as a means of health is used by more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet. The technique of recreational running is so simple that it does not require special training, and its effect on the human body is extremely great. Taibo Tai-bo is energy, strength, endurance; martial movements (boxing, karate and taekwondo) in aerobics style to energetic music. Taibo does not involve contact combat, so there is virtually no risk of injury. Tai bo is a young and very popular form of fitness training. By the way, experts have calculated that 1 hour of exercise in terms of energy expenditure corresponds to a 10-kilometer race on the track. Tai chi Tai chi is an ancient Chinese gymnastics. The tai chi exercise system consists of two parallel processes - physical exercise and meditation. Each movement of this gymnastics turns into its opposite. Tilts and turns are subject to the principle of circular motion; The way of tai chi is slow, smooth, continuous movement. All movements are performed smoothly and harmoniously. Aerobics competitions... Traditionally, the most stubborn competition at international competitions takes place between representatives of countries such as Russia, Romania, Spain, Bulgaria, Japan, Korea, Chile, Italy, France, China, Brazil, New Zealand, etc. The Russian national team since 1995 participates in all official international competitions. From 1995 to 2004, our athletes won 4 gold, 5 silver and 6 bronze medals at the World Championships, 1 gold, two silver and 1 bronze medals at the European Championships, and 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals at the World Cup Finals . For many years on the world stage there were no equals to the Russian duo, Honored Masters of Sports Tatyana Solovyova and Vladislav Oskner, who became world champions four times, European and World Games champions twice, and were multiple champions of Russia.

The history of sports aerobics in the Russian Federation began in 1989. Already in 1992, the Sports Aerobics Federation was organized in our country. In 2004, sports aerobics was recognized by the State Sports Committee as an independent sport. Sports aerobics as a sport is a set of elements of acrobatics, gymnastics, dancing and basic aerobics. Howard and Karen Schwartz from the USA in 1983 developed the basic requirements for competitive exercises, as well as the rules of the competition, and made a lot of efforts to popularize this sport. Together with leading US athletes, they provided invaluable assistance in conducting seminars and popularizing sports aerobics in the Soviet Union. In 1990, aerobics became almost the main sport. The first unofficial world championship was held in America, athletes from 16 countries took part in it, and in 1992 the first Russian championship in sports aerobics took place. In 1996, at a congress in Atlanta, sports aerobics was recognized as an official discipline of the International Gymnastics Federation. In sports aerobics there are four types of elements.

Aerobics is a set of dance and gymnastic exercises accompanied by music. This concept is derived from the word “aerobic,” which means “produced with the participation of oxygen.” This sport was divided into the following categories: individual exercises for women, individual exercises for men, pair exercises, trio, team (6 athletes)

Sports aerobics is a sport that uses elements from rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, as well as acrobatics. Externally, sports aerobics is very similar to floor exercises with a side of seven meters; participants compete under dynamic music, which corresponds to 180 beats, which are themselves a discipline of artistic gymnastics. So, on a special square-shaped platform, a mini-performance of various elements is shown for a minute. The performance of athletes is assessed by judges who award a certain number of points. The time allotted for speaking is 105 seconds.

At the same time, sports aerobics competitions can be held in different versions. There are individual performances. It is worth noting that women compete together with men. The latter gain points mainly by strength exercises, and the former by flexibility and plasticity. In addition, competitions are held in sports aerobics and in groups. In this case, mixed pairs, as well as trios and sixes are distinguished. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that both trios and sixes can consist of same-sex athletes or mixed ones. Unlike other types of gymnastics, in this sport athletes are able to perform at a professional level for much longer. There are cases in history when artistic gymnasts, at the end of their career, then switched to sports aerobics and successfully continued their professional career.

Contents of the program. The entire content of sports aerobics is formed on the basis of seven basic movements of recreational aerobics, which are performed against the background of jumping, running, and marching in a mixed mode. Such a system of cyclic actions, combined into a composition and performed at a high tempo to music (on average, 150 motor accents per minute, or 2.5 movements per second), carries a significant emotional charge and is visually perceived as a virtuoso motor action. The entire set of elements that can be included in the composition of sports aerobics are, with a high degree of convention, divided into six groups: elements in which dynamic strength and static strength are manifested; jumping - jumping; turns; swings; balance; flexibility. Analyzing the constituent elements of the composition of sports aerobics, the following groups of movements can be distinguished: 1) power elements of a dynamic and static nature, for example, falls, push-ups, body lifts, slow power transitions from one position to another, types of stops, etc.; 2) jumps and jumps (leaps), for example, split jump, jump jump, jumps with different body movements and different frequency of repetitions; 3) balance, for example, lateral, front with leg grip, etc.; 4) actual gymnastic elements, for example, in a prone position, push-offs with hands, changing simple and mixed supports, circles with legs; 5) actual acrobatic elements, for example: rolls, supports, grabs, etc.; 6) dance - choreographic and swing movements, for example, swing movements with arms and legs, elements of folk dance, classical and modern dances, combinations of actions with body parts and turns and other various body movements; 7) auxiliary or connecting elements, for example, types of steps, jumps, knee lifts, lunges, paths, etc.

Health-improving aerobics is one of the means of health-improving physical culture. Aerobics can be accessible to people who move
in a wheelchair
Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of heart disease and
Aerobic exercise increases blood flow
, the functioning of the abdominal organs improves.
Aerobic exercise relieves mental stress
overexertion, strengthens the nervous system.
During aerobics classes, muscles and brain begin to work harmoniously
A person doing aerobics improves his
hormonal levels and stimulates metabolic processes.

Dr. Kenneth Cougar Cooper is an American physical fitness specialist.

Famous American doctor
Kenneth Cooper developed the system
which he called aerobics.
The basis of the training method
person, including the sphere of higher
nervous activity.

Organizational and methodological directions of aerobics

Medical and rehabilitation
direction (AFK)
direction (RFK).
Conditioning and preventive

Types of recreational aerobics:

Rhythmic gymnastics
Basic aerobics
Fitball aerobics
Step - aerobics
Health aerobics for wheelchair users

Rhythmic gymnastics is a traditional type of gymnastics with a health-improving and developmental orientation, based on the subordination of motor movements.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a traditional type of gymnastics with a health-improving and developmental orientation, based on the subordination of motor
actions that set the rhythm and tempo of the musical accompaniment.
movements of individual parts of the body,
type of flexion and extension, rotation
and rotations (with larger or smaller
tensions), swings;
variations of walking and running, jumping and
floor exercise elements
rhythmic gymnastics;
dance and choreographic

Rhythmic gymnastics develops:

Musicality - development of the ability to perceive music, feel its mood and character, understand it
Musical ear, sense of rhythm.
Musical memory.
Dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements
Flexibility, plasticity
Cultivating endurance, developing strength.
Ability to navigate in space.
Enriching motor experience with various types of movements
Developing the ability to improvise
Development of perception, attention, will, memory, thinking.
Development of the emotional sphere and the ability to express emotions

Basic aerobics

Basic aerobics is a series of simple exercises that can be performed
allows you to develop flexibility and a sense of balance, improve posture and
muscle corset. All this happens with minimal load on the
spine. All classes take place to rhythmic music, which is great
stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, is
a good way to lift your mood and improve your body’s health.

As a result of constant training in basic aerobics:

Mobility increases during each
Development of muscles, endurance and plasticity.
The digestive system improves,
blood circulation, as well as cardiovascular
The amount of subcutaneous fat changes.
Develops a sense of rhythm and coordination

FITBALL-AEROBICS is a direction of health-improving aerobics, where elastics act as the main equipment for performing exercises.

FITBALL-AEROBICS is a direction
health aerobics, where as the main
apparatus for performing exercises protrude
elastic balls of different sizes.
The history of fitball began in Switzerland, where in the 50s
years of the last century, Swiss physiotherapist Susan Kleinvogelbach proposed
perform exercises with a ball as
rehabilitation gymnastics for patients with cerebral palsy.
The high efficiency of the proposed method has led to
to the fact that the range of application of exercises with the ball
has expanded significantly and is used today
as a means for the rehabilitation of people with injuries
musculoskeletal system and problematic


Numerous studies have determined that
fitball aerobics
consisting in the possibility of influencing:
musculoskeletal system.
formation of correct posture.
respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous
treatment of scoliosis, osteochondrosis, kyphosis.
pelvic organs.
gastrointestinal tract (normalization
intestinal peristalsis).

Fitballs allow you to individualize the treatment and educational process, prevent flat feet, and correct impaired

Fitballs allow you to individualize therapeutic and educational
process, prevent flat feet, correct
poor posture without the use of special rollers and
Just sitting on the ball with the correct landing
favorable for the formation of correct posture.
When performing exercises while lying on a ball, the most effective
small and deep muscles necessary for holding
body in a given position.
Exercises sitting on a ball train the pelvic floor muscles,
align the “oblique” position of the pelvis.
In addition, exercises with fitball develop everything
motor abilities: flexibility, strength, speed,
endurance, jumping ability

Step aerobics is a type of aerobics using a special step platform, which allows you to perform basic movements coupled with steps and exercises.

Step aerobics is a type of aerobics using a special step platform, which allows you to perform basic movements coupled with
steps and jumps onto and through it in different directions
Step aerobics was invented by fitness instructor Gina Miller. After
suffered a knee injury, she daily
practiced on the porch steps
own home. The exercises turned out to be
so effective and invigorating that
grew into entire complexes that
successfully used for healing,
prevention, treatment and weight loss.

Step aerobics is used:

for prevention and
treatment of osteoporosis and
to strengthen muscles
for classes in
period, after
illnesses or injuries.

Step aerobics classes:
harmoniously developed body.
excellent posture.
beautiful, expressive and precise movements.
strengthens respiratory, cardiovascular
muscular and nervous systems
normalizing blood pressure.
activity of the vestibular apparatus.
all exercises in step aerobics are aimed at
training the heart muscles and developing better
coordination of movements.

Stretching is a type of aerobics that includes muscle stretching exercises.

This type of sports techniques takes its toll
began in Scandinavia, namely in
Sweden. Translated from English the word
"stretching" means "stretching".
Thus, the meaning of execution in
within the framework of the methodology we are considering
exercise comes down to health
body through exercise
stretch marks.

As a result of constant stretching:

mental tension decreases, calming it;
flexibility and elasticity of the muscles are maintained;
the rate of aging of muscle tissue decreases
the body becomes more flexible, posture
becomes beautiful;
blood circulation increases and improves
supply of nutrients to organs;
relieves heaviness, pain and other discomfort in
muscles due to stressful situations and fatigue
stretching at the end of your workout
calm down and return to their original state
position of muscle fibers.

Shaping is an effective tool for promoting health and improving the physique of people of all ages.

The main developer of the shaping system is considered to be I.V.
Prokhortsev, physiologist from St. Petersburg,
He combined the exercises
aerobics and athletic
When doing shaping
physical intensity
loads are dosed strictly
individually. For shaping
characterized by a strict medical
condition monitoring
physical development

Shaping is a knowledge-intensive comprehensive health system that provides for the harmonious development and improvement of a person.

Shaping combines sports activities with diet and massage, and
also psychological trainings.

With regular shaping sessions:
The total blood volume increases so much that the ability to transport oxygen improves, and
therefore, a person shows greater endurance during strenuous physical activity.
Lung capacity increases, and some studies link increased lung capacity to
higher life expectancy.
The heart muscle is strengthened and better supplied with blood.
The content of high-density lipoproteins increases, cholesterol levels decrease, which
reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
The skeletal system is strengthened.
Shaping helps cope with physical and emotional stress.
Efficiency increases.
Shaping is a real way to lose weight or maintain normal weight.

Aerobics can also be accessible to people using a wheelchair.

Wheelchair users aged 19 to 64
years of age should devote at least 150 minutes to
a week of aerobic activity and exercise
two or more muscle strengthening exercises
once a week.
Bruce and Andrea King, created a unique
method of physical exercises "Aerobics on
chair for everyone."
Properly selected and dosed
exercises are powerful afferents,
addressed to various parts of the central nervous system.

Aerobics exercises solve a whole range of problems:

Developing strength and flexibility, improving mobility
Improvement of motor, visual and other types
memory through a combination of different
coordination plan of movements aimed at
memorization, storage and playback
motor actions.
The organization of movements is not only spatial, but
and musically, subordinating them to a certain rhythm.
When learning exercises, processes are activated
comprehension and internal pronunciation of what
a person must do. As a result of this, new
combinations of movements also act as