Bundle of donuts: how to use a hair tie. Bun with a donut for short hair. How to make a bun with a bagel

This original styling accessory is made of foam rubber. In terms of size and volume, it can be completely different. A bagel is essentially a large soft elastic band that will give elasticity to any hairstyle. Hair needs to be tucked under the bun, thereby adding volume to the styling. If the device is not visible under the hair, then the bun is made perfectly.

The accessory has recently become very popular with ladies, and there are many reasons for this:

  • It is simple and convenient to use.
  • When purchasing a bagel, it is easy to choose the right size and diameter.
  • A device for stylish styling can be made with your own hands at minimal cost.
  • Even thin and sparse hair styled with a bun looks voluminous.
  • Hairstyle-bun looks stylish and original.
  • With the help of a donut, you can create a variety of hairstyles for any event: from classic smooth styling to a slightly messy bun.
  • The volumetric ring makes it possible to create hairstyles for hair of different lengths.
  • Such a stylish styling is especially good to wear in the summer heat: the hair is picked up and will not cause inconvenience.
  • You spend only 10 minutes to create a daily hairstyle and about half an hour for a ceremonial styling.
  • A bun hairstyle can be supplemented with various details - scarves, decorative hairpins, hairpins with rhinestones or beads, flowers.

Using a bagel for hair of different lengths

There are many ways to style your hair with this stylish accessory. It all depends on how long your curls are. And also from your skill and imagination.

Hairstyles with a bagel for long hair

Until recently, girls with long hair, in order to put them in a bun, had to arm themselves with a whole arsenal of hairpins and invisibles. But now they can easily shape such a hairstyle only with the help of such a simple and convenient accessory as a bagel.

A voluminous foam ring for hair will help to make a simple bun very quickly. Manufacturers also make ring cutters from artificial hair so that the hairstyle looks even more natural. It is very important to choose a bagel for your hair type. You can choose any size, but the shade of the accessory should match your color of curls.

The simplest hairstyle for long hair is done like this:

  1. Before you start styling, comb your hair well.
  2. We collect them in the tail, its base should be at the level at which you plan to make the beam.
  3. We pass the tip of the tail through the donut and fix it. This is necessary, because unfixed strands will be knocked out and the styling will come out untidy.
  4. We gradually twist the hair into a voluminous elastic band.
  5. When the strands are twisted to the very base, you need to distribute them in a circle of the beam.
  6. We fix the finished styling with hairpins or stealth.
This hairstyle is suitable for every day: it will be convenient and comfortable with it at work, study. If you need to transform for a grand exit, just decorate the bagel with bright accessories, they will help add festiveness and personality to your hairstyle.

A hairstyle created with a donut can be easily modified. It can serve as a good preparation for several options for evening styling. You need to loosen your hair, which for the whole day of donut socks turned into light wavy curls. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone: during the day it is a beautiful, business styling, which in a few minutes can turn into an elegant evening one.

The bundle collected at the crown will look even more original if you combine it with a braid. This is quite simple to do: first you need to comb your hair, and then lower your head down, so it will be easier to weave a braid. Weaving should begin at the back of the head and end at the crown. That's where it should be fixed. Next, the hair is collected in a ponytail and twisted around the bagel.

The hairstyle can be diversified: use several types of weaving for decoration. You can also weave a ribbon, beads, rhinestones or even a string of pearls into a pigtail. Bunches consisting of several small braids look very elegant.

For girls who are not afraid to experiment, stylists offer a very unusual styling option - bunk buns. The stages of creating such a hairstyle are similar to regular styling, but the only difference is that the hair is first divided into even parts - upper and lower. And it is at the lower level that we create the second tier of the beam, but it comes out a little smaller in size. The junction of two donuts can be masked with invisibility.

Also, this line, on the contrary, can be distinguished with satin ribbons or narrow scarves. Having adopted this idea, you can do three- and even four-tier styling. The number of levels directly depends on how long and voluminous your curls are.

Hairstyles with a bagel for medium hair

Girls with medium length hair can also style it with a bagel. The only difference in this styling method is that you won’t be able to make several curls around the gum. Hairstyle for medium hair should be done as follows:
  • We collect the hair at the crown in a tight tail, put a donut on its base and then evenly divide the strands on all sides. Laying at this stage resembles a small fountain.
  • Next, over the beam, you need to put on a thin cutter. Just under it, we carefully fill the protruding hairs. An elastic band in such a hairstyle acts as a fixative.
On curls of medium length, low buns will also look good and elegant. They are made in the same way as high ones, but the place of the base is the back of the head. Also, the advantage of a low donut is that the protruding tips of the tail do not have to be tucked into the cutters. Alternatively, they can be slightly tousled with your fingers, this will give the styling carelessness and playfulness.

On medium-length hair, bunches also look advantageous, which are fixed not with invisibles, but with ribbons or scarves. Laying will be done in the spirit of stylists. The shade of accessories can be matched to the tone of the outfit, shoes or handbag.

Hairstyles with a donut for short hair

If you want the bun created with the help of a donut to last all day and not lose shape, then experts recommend doing this styling the next day after washing your hair. Thus, they will not fluff too much, and the strands will not get out of the hairstyle. It is also necessary to fix the bundle with styling products - varnish or strong fixation gel.

First of all, you need to collect the hair in a ponytail, secure with an elastic band, place a ring on top of it. The hair is wrapped over it and pulled under the elastic band. You can not worry about the ends of the hair, they will be almost invisible. They must be fixed with varnish so that they do not break out of the beam.

Bagel styling can be placed not directly on the back of the head, but on the side. This version of the beam is very popular, and is also ideal for girls with short hair. You will need to make a side parting, collect curls in one direction. We collect the hair in a ponytail at ear level, tie a small bun and fix the styling with small invisible ones.

Also a widespread version of the beam is wicker. Only at first it may seem that the styling is performed using a complex technique, but in fact, you will do it in a matter of minutes. Comb your hair to one side and gather it into a tight ponytail using a thin elastic band. Next, braid a couple of braids, twist them together, fix with small hairpins.

The top bun is the perfect choice for the hot summer season. This style is easy to do and lasts well throughout the day. Curls need to be combed and fixed as high as possible (as far as the length of the hair allows). Wrap the strands tightly in a bundle, fasten well. Reliable fixation is required, because otherwise the hairstyle will look untidy or completely fall apart.

The ideal version of a bun hairstyle for very short hair is a bagel at the back of the head. You can decorate the styling with shiny hairpins, hairpins with beads.

Bagel Hair Accessories

The usual styling with a donut is transformed if you add it with bright accessories to a stylish hairstyle, both for daily wear and for a special occasion. There are a large number of ideas on how to use jewelry to complement a bun hairstyle:
  1. A bow or silk ribbon - they can be woven into the styling from either side.
  2. The bundle, decorated with hairpins or decorative hairpins, looks beautiful. This hairstyle is also suitable for brides.
  3. A hoop, satin ribbon or a bright scarf will look great on a ring of curls.
  4. If you don’t have hairpins, a ribbon or a bandage, then you can decorate the bagel with openwork braids. They can be of different thickness and made in different techniques.
Girls who value business style can choose a hairstyle option without any additions. This styling is very convenient and practical. You do not need to constantly correct the fallen strands, the beam looks very neat, does not hinder movement.

Hairstyles with a bagel are suitable, as a rule, for almost all women. However, in order for the styled hair to look beautiful, and the styling to be to the face, remember a few professional tips:
  • If you have a triangular face, then leave the bangs when styling.
  • If the face is of the correct oval shape, then you can safely create an open beam (the bangs can be stabbed back).
  • If you have bangs, then you can quickly create a romantic look - just by laying it on its side.
  • If you are a girl of short stature, then be sure to do your hair on the top of your head, this will visually add a couple of centimeters to you.
  • For tall girls, on the contrary, it is better to collect a ring of curls on the side or on the back of the head.
  • Owners of wide cheekbones need to add a couple of vertical strokes to the image. Do not make a too voluminous bagel, especially on the side. An accessory such as long earrings will help to visually stretch the face.
  • Owners of a beautiful figure need to do a hairstyle of medium volume, so you emphasize the proportionality of your body.
  • Sparse and thin hair needs a bouffant before styling: you need to comb those strands that will be wrapped around a voluminous bundle. But it is worth noting that the bouffant does not need to be made too noticeable, because smooth hair is necessary for this kind of hairstyle.
How to make a hairstyle with a donut - look at the video:

Hairstyles using a hair bagel are an easy way to transform. Moreover, you can create original hairstyles yourself. To do this, just fill your hand a little and turn on your imagination.

Every girl is kind and careful about her hair. A rare beauty will allow herself to leave the house without styling. Of course, this does not mean that a girl needs to spend hours in front of the mirror every day and spend time on the most complicated hairstyle or styling. It is also not necessary to empty your wallet in hairdressing salons. You can spend 5 - 10 minutes to create a stylish and neat hairstyle. One of them can be attributed bun with a hair bun.

In contact with

A bun as a hairstyle is a multifunctional, modern and convenient option suitable for any girl. Such a hairstyle can emphasize a romantic look, business or free street style. Because there is a variety of variations of beams.

Different beam options correspond to different conditions and situations. For example, for a festive event, you can add accessories in the form of hairpins with rhinestones to such a hairstyle, curl some curls. For a casual look, you can make a "sloppy" bunch. For work, a variant of the usual volumetric bundle with a donut is perfect - stylish and concise.

Bagel for hair - what is it?

To make a “bun” hairstyle with a donut is much faster and easier than without this device. Such a device is a soft ring - a torus (a donut-shaped figure). It looks like a big non-stretch hair band.

The bagel is designed to create volume and the effect of hair density, helps the hairstyle to keep its shape for a long time. This is an excellent option for soft, liquid curls. Because with such a hair structure it is very difficult to keep the hairstyle in its original form without the use of additional styling products.

Such a three-dimensional ring can either be bought or made from improvised material, for example, a sock. For short or sparse hair (for example, as in children), you can cut a ring from the foam rubber sponge. In extreme cases, a large voluminous elastic band is suitable.

How to make a bagel out of a sock?

Making a donut out of a sock is as easy as shelling pears: you just need to cut off the toe and roll the sock into the shape of a torus, that is, rings. It is important that the bagel is dense and tight enough, otherwise there is no point in using it to form a hairstyle.

  • The size of the donut should depend on the length of the hair. For long curls, such a device should be larger than for medium hair.
  • If you prefer a succinctly assembled bun to loose hair fluttering in the wind as an everyday hairstyle, then it is better to purchase a special bagel, and do not do it yourself. Factory fixtures are more reliable and durable.

How to make a bunch with a donut?

To make hairstyles with a donut, you do not need much time and patience. It will take about 10 minutes . Once you develop the skill, the process will be carried out in three to four minutes.

This is the result you might get:

What fixtures will be needed?

  • hair brush or comb;
  • invisible (it is better to choose the color of the hair), hairpins;
  • elastic soft elastic band;
  • hairspray or mousse;
  • jewelry and accessories: headbands, hairpins, artificial flowers, ribbons, bows, false braids, wreaths and so on - whatever you like.
  • sock or bagel.

How to use a "donut" when creating a bun of hair?

Method #1

  1. Combing hair.
  2. You can apply a styling or fixing agent, mousse, for example. Then dry your hair with a hairdryer. But if your hair is supple and easy to style, then this step is not necessary.
  3. We collect the hair with a brush in a high ponytail.
  4. If you want to make your hairstyle somewhat careless and airy, then you can “pull up” the strands with a pencil or the thin end of the comb.
  5. Next, we proceed to the most crucial stage: we take a bagel and thread the ends of the tail into its hole. We wind the strands on the ring with such movements as if we were turning the bagel inside out. We perform this action before moving to the point of the base of the tail.
  6. We evenly distribute the twisted strands over the surface of the donut.
  7. With the help of invisibility we fix the resulting hairstyle.
  8. For reliability, you can sprinkle a bunch of hairspray.

Method #2

  1. We comb clean hair, as in the above method, you can apply mousse and dry the curls.
  2. We collect the hair in a ponytail, securing it tightly with an elastic band.
  3. We pass the hair through the hole of the donut to the base of the ponytail.
  4. We distribute the hair, tilting the head forward.
  5. Carefully, so as not to disturb the smooth surface of the resulting bun, we fix it with a thin, inconspicuous elastic band.
  6. The hair remaining around the resulting bun with an elastic band can be braided into a pigtail and circle the bun with it. They can also be twisted with a curling iron and pinned at the base with hairpins.

Method #3

This method will take a little longer, but the hairstyle will turn out to be quite interesting and unusual.

  1. Combed hair is again collected in a ponytail, which we divide into small strands. We braid each strand into a pigtail. Here you can modify the hairstyle - it is not necessary to braid every strand.
  2. Next, we do according to the methods described above: we create a hairstyle with a donut.
  3. We hide all the ends of the hair and fix them with hairpins.

Method #4

A rather original result will be obtained if you combine a bun and weave in a hairstyle. At the same time, the execution is also very simple and fast.

  1. We start with weaving a braid - a spikelet. Here, choose what you like best: straight spikelet, inside out, fishtail.
  2. When the braid is braided to the location of the desired bun, stop and collect the hair in a ponytail.
  3. Next, take a donut and use it to create a neat volumetric beam.

Subtleties and rules for creating hairstyles with a donut

  • An interesting version of the hairstyle with a donut is two bunches from opposite sides. This variation is more playful and sweet, great for friendly gatherings.
  • The bun is not recommended for short hair. Since the strands are knocked out of the collected bundle.

Bunches allow you to create a unique and inimitable image if you decorate them with accessories: ribbons, flowers, bows, headbands, a chain or a scarf.

  • You can not attach a lot of metal studs and invisibles to your head. The abundance of metal can cause headaches.
  • Girls with a long or thin neck should avoid high buns.
  • For the shape of the head with a flattened (beveled) nape, you need to choose lush, voluminous beams.
  • Bundles with a donut are suitable for any girl, but it is important to choose a variation for the shape of the head and face.
  1. Clean hair is the main component when creating a hairstyle. Moreover, the hair should be exactly clean (!), But not just washed. For example, wash your hair in the evening, then in the morning the curls will be obedient and easily fit into your hair.
  2. If you do not want to be in a situation where during a gala evening your hair turns into a haystack, you need to use fixatives. It is undesirable to use mousse or gel, because the hair must be absolutely dry. If you do use these products, then take the time to dry. Otherwise, the hairstyle simply will not work.
  3. At the end, be sure to sprinkle the beam with odorless varnish. If the varnish has a sharp aggressive smell, then it will mix with your perfume.
  4. During this process, it is forbidden to wet the hair. Otherwise, they will stick to your hands, this will greatly complicate the work. In addition, in order for the hair to be evenly distributed, it must be dry.
  5. Be aware: the first time the hairstyle can turn out a little clumsy. Do not despair! After a bit of effort, everything will work out. A bun is not the most difficult hairstyle. Agility will come with experience and diligence after a few tries.
  6. Don't do your hair with a bad attitude. Experiences, stress, anger and tension will play a role, and it is unlikely that everything will be done perfectly. So sit down, take a deep breath, have a cup of tea and smile. After that, you can get down to business.

View in video how to quickly make a beam (5 ways):

A bun of hair with a donut is a fairly popular hairstyle. This is a versatile, multifunctional and original option for girls who do not like to spend a lot of time creating hairstyles and styling. The beam is easy and quick to create, very convenient, has a lot of variations and design methods for various events from the bright life of a young girl.

Owners of medium or long hair are often looking for quick hairstyles that can be braided in 5 minutes. Many people need the strands to be collected all day long, not to interfere and not to be confused in the face. One example of such an easy styling is a bagel bun. It looks beautiful, retains its shape for a long time, and is also suitable for study and work. We will tell in the article how to make a bundle using a donut and other devices.

Before you make a bun on your head with a donut (donut) gum, you should prepare styling tools and tools. You will need:

  • comb or massage brush;
  • invisible;
  • to choose from: a bagel, a roller, a sock, a sophist-twist device;
  • varnish for fixing;
  • hairpins;
  • any decorations at will: ribbons, scarf, hairpins with decor, headband, clips.

Some people like to braid thin braids around the beam, others like to curl long bangs, pre-bouffant for volume. Such actions will allow you to transform a simple hairstyle every time in 3-4 minutes, without bothering yourself with complex manipulations with your hair.

Hair bundles with a donut or a sock for long hair can be supplemented with unusual weaving from plaits, braids.

The easiest way is to make a bundle from a purchased bagel and a sock. In the first case, you need to purchase such an elastic band, fix it on your head and twist the curls.

If nothing was at hand, the tip of a tight sock is simply cut off, the resulting segment is twisted in the manner of a donut. Some craftswomen even twist curls onto socks, replacing curlers or curling irons with them, so the device is in demand.

A few simple styling methods

There are several ways to make a bunch with a donut or a sock. The hairstyle, depending on the length of the hair, will look voluminous, smooth or high. Consider the most original options for how to make a bun of hair in 5 minutes.

1 way - for a strand of medium length

Knowing how to make a bun of socks, even a girl with shoulder-length curls can twist her hair, remove protruding strands under the elastic band. All you need is a mousse, a comb, a donut made from a sock.

A step-by-step analysis of the method with a photo will help you understand the technology:

Such a simple styling with a donut on medium hair looks original and stylish. You can add a bundle from a sock with a hairpin or a beautiful elastic band.

2 way - with two pigtails

Many girls know how to wind their hair on a roller, decorating it with a rim of thin braids. For those who do not yet understand the styling technology, step-by-step instructions on how to make a bundle will help.

  1. We collect a long tail at the crown, put a bagel or a twisted sock on top.
  2. We distribute the curls evenly around the entire circumference of the roller, put on a thin elastic band.
  3. We collect hanging strands on the sides in two tails, weave pigtails from them.
  4. We twist the braids, hiding the ends inside. We fix with pins.

To make the volumetric beam smooth with any device, spray it with varnish. For those who love light negligence, you can slightly stretch a few strands from the bun to the sides with a pencil. In any case, the hairstyle will look collected and beautiful.

3 way - a festive option with braids

A ceremonial bun with a sock or a donut can be made using braids. You just need to know how to make a hair bagel, have 15 minutes of free time.

Step-by-step instructions with a photo will help you understand all the steps:

  • We comb long curls, collect in a high tail, put on a tight donut.

4 way - for every day

The option is suitable for those who are constantly thinking about how to do it. You can make a bun without a donut using a sock, or you can buy a donut of the right size.

Step by step instructions:

  1. We collect combed curls in a high tail, lift it up.
  2. We put the bagel through the tip, carefully twist the device until it reaches the base of the head.
  3. We fix the strands, fix them with invisible hairpins.

Such a quick hairstyle will last all day, will look collected in any weather.

This is the perfect option for creating a daily hairstyle, as well as for a more elegant evening look. A large beam looks especially good. However, what should girls do who cannot boast of such a density of hair that is needed to create it.

For this, an easy and simple way out of the situation was invented, like a bagel (or as it is also called a donut), which is a small flattened circle with a hole in the center. With it, you can create incredible images. The most basic of them, as well as tips for creating them, are described in this article.

What is needed for a hairstyle?

Before creating a hairstyle, you need to prepare tools that will help you make it much faster and better:

  1. The bagel itself, it is desirable that it matches your color. For example, for light hair it is better to use beige, and for dark hair it is better to use black. Also, for the owners of short hair, a special bagel was invented with artificial strands of any shades.
  2. The comb you like and feel comfortable with the most.
  3. Comb "Ponytail".
  4. Thin elastic bands to match the color of your hair.
  5. Hairpins, barrettes and invisible for additional fastening.
  6. Lacquer, spray or mousse to give smoothness to the hair.
  7. Also, you can take any hairpins, ribbons, bows and for additional decoration.

In addition to these simple things, before creating a styling, it is necessary to take into account that the hair must be dry and clean. And if you have curly curls, then they will need to be straightened first, so they will lie flat and allow you to make your bagel without bumps.

Step by step instructions for making a bagel bun

For long hair

The donut hairstyle is ideal for those with long, but not too thick curls.

To create it, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Gather the whole mop in the tail, which should then be well secured with an elastic band. At the same time, from the general hairstyle already at this stage it is necessary to make sure that the strands lie smoothly and do not stick out. Also, the tail can be low or high, it all depends on what hairstyle you want to get as a result.
  2. Put a donut on the tail, like another rubber band.
  3. Distribute the strands like this so that they evenly cover the entire surface of the bagel. Secure them by putting another thin elastic band over them.
  4. Wrap the remaining ends around the bun. and secure with pins.
  5. Finish off with a medium hold polish. to give your hair a glossy effect.

For medium hair

  1. If a bun for long hair can be made anywhere, then for medium hair it is better not to place it too high, because of this short strands will not stay in the styling and will give it a sloppy look.
  2. Given these nuances, collect the tail and secure it with an elastic band, preferably with small hooks. Such elastic bands hold the curls best and do not allow them to fall out.
  3. Put a donut over the ponytail, but keep in mind that you should not choose it with a too large diameter, as in this case the strands will not be able to completely cover it.
  4. Secure the strands with hairpins, and carefully hide the ends under the donut.

Bundle at the back of the head

  1. Gather the tail just above the middle of the head. If some strands fall out, it's okay, just secure them gently with invisibility at the base of the tail.
  2. Put a bagel on top. Due to the peculiarity of this hairstyle, it is also desirable to attach the donut to the base with hairpins.
  3. Next, spread the hair over the entire surface of the donut. Make sure that the upper strands are well fixed and do not fall.
  4. Next, hide all the hairpins with the ends of the strands, an elastic band or a beautiful ribbon.
  5. Spray your hair with varnish, paying special attention to the bun itself.


  1. Just like when creating a regular bun, tie the curls into a ponytail, this type of styling is versatile in that it can be worn both high and low, depending on your wishes.
  2. Pass the tail through the donut, but do not rush to fix the hairstyle with hairpins or an elastic band;
  3. Gently holding the distributed strands with your hand with a “tail” comb, pull out the strands, giving the styling additional volume;
  4. Tuck the remaining free ends of the strands under the bundle. If they are too long, you can wrap them around the base.
  5. Secure your hair with pins and bobby pins.

with weaving

There are a huge number of options for weaving beams and they are all unique and beautiful in their own way.

In this article, we will describe the most popular type of braided bun made with a donut:

  1. The first steps for tying the tail are also repeated in this styling. However, unlike other species, here only the lower part of the hair is attached to the base.
  2. The upper strand is separated and additionally combed.
  3. Then it should be divided by the number of strands you would like to see in your hairstyle. Keep in mind that the smaller the braids, the thicker they will be, and vice versa, with a large number of them, the braids will become thinner.
  4. Divide each strand into three equal parts and braid the braid according to the classical pattern. Secure it with a small rubber band. Repeat the same with the other strands.
  5. Next, distribute the braids so that they evenly cover your bun from all sides.
  6. At the end, fix each braid at the base of the bundle.
  7. Decorate the styling with a bow or other hairpin if you want to enhance the effect of this hairstyle.
  8. To create a lush bun, use a more voluminous donut.
  9. Treat your hair with gel or wax so that clean hair is manageable and braided without falling strands.
  10. Lay the braids close to each other so that there is no distance between them and the donut is not visible.

In this styling option, it is extremely important to choose a bagel exactly to match the hair.

  1. You can loosen a couple of strands to give the hair a slightly tousled effect.
  2. This bun will go well with any kind of bangs.
  3. Accessories will give the image originality.
  4. As a fixing agent, it is best to give preference to medium fixation varnish. It will securely fix the styling without gluing the strands.
  5. Lightly misting your curls with a hold spray or just water will make tucking them much easier.
  6. Don't pull the ponytail too tight, it will damage your hair and may even give you a headache.
  7. If a few strands have come out from under the bundle, just secure them with hairpins.

How to make a bagel at home with your own hands?

  1. For a beautiful bun, you don't have to run to the nearest hair accessories store, because it can be easily made from a regular clean sock.
  2. It will be enough just to choose the right one for your hair color. For dark strands, a blue or black sock is suitable, for the rest - a brown tint.
  3. Cut off the tip of the sock with scissors so that you end up with one through hole.
  4. Start gently rolling the sock from one end towards the other so that a bagel is formed.
  5. This is quite enough to create the perfect bun, but if you want such an impromptu bagel to serve you more than once, you can carefully sew the sock along the edge.

This is not the first season that the bagel hairpin has been victoriously walking around the planet, replenishing the army of its long-haired fans. And this is quite fair. After all, what could be more beautiful than flowing long hair? Just a neat, perfectly smooth beam. And to create this very beam, the donut hairpin is the best suited. Today we will teach you how to use a bagel hair clip.

Despite its simplicity, a hair bun is suitable for any situation. If you add hairpins with rhinestones, and curl the side strands, you get a solemn styling, for example, for a prom. For a fun weekend, you can mess up your hair a little, and only then make a bun - quickly and stylishly. For the office, it is enough to assemble the beam itself, without adding anything to it.

With its help create magnificent bunches. Worn on hair collected in a ponytail, such a bagel becomes the basis around which the strands are laid. They are fixed with pins. The bagel hair clip is made from dense nylon mesh. A common option is a roller with synthetic fibers simulating hair. The hairpin is selected to match the hair.

This accessory is referred to as invisible hairpins - it always hides behind a mass of hair, almost matching them in color.

This option is an undoubted hit of the last two seasons. How to use the "bagel" correctly? Everything is very simple.

  1. Comb your hair and collect it in a ponytail. Low or high? It all depends on the length of the hair and your preferences.
  2. We place the "donut" at the base of the tail over the elastic.
  3. We straighten the hair exactly so that the bagel is covered with hair around the entire circumference.
  4. We fix the bundle with a thin elastic band.
  5. From the free ends we weave two pigtails - to your taste, they can be tight or careless.
  6. We wrap each pigtail around our bundle and fasten with hairpins or stealth.
  7. Carefully correct all flaws.
  8. at the end, you can sprinkle the resulting hairstyle with hairspray.

Another option is how to make a bundle using a "donut" - video

Bunches with a donut hairpin can be perfectly diversified with pigtails, flagella, beaten with other accessories: bows, hairpins and pearls or crystals. A strict bun looks great with decorative elastic bands and ribbons wrapped around it.

A variant of a beam with a scythe using a donut hairpin

How to choose a bagel hairpin

Choose a bagel that matches or is close to your hair color. If you are the owner of curls, and you want to make a bun, then you just have to straighten your hair before styling, for example, using an iron. For thick and long hair, braids are suitable; due to tight weaving, unnecessary volume is removed. If the hair is not very thick, you can use large bagels for a bun, or you just need to comb part of the hair, and then close it with top strands. You can decorate the finished hairstyle with flowers, rhinestones, wrap a satin or lace ribbon around the bun, add a bow or headband. The bun of hair can be different every day, just add other accessories, this is a hairstyle that looks appropriate in any situation. Thanks to all sorts of variations, any girl will be able to choose the beam that suits her.

Star style