Purpose of a Woman. To be a Woman. What is the purpose of a woman? The true purpose of a woman

Hello, dear readers!

Today I would like to talk to you about a very serious topic - about Destination. The issue of self-realization, Destination is of interest to almost every person at the moment, with the exception of those lucky ones who managed to find harmony and find their own Path. However, most of us do not have such a strong connection with the Higher Mind, such sensitivity to the desires of our own hearts, and also the courage to easily understand what our intended role in this world is and play it.

Let me make a reservation right away that we will be talking about women’s destiny. Since I have been interested in Vedic knowledge for more than a year, it is from the perspective of the Vedas that I want to tell you about the Women’s Path.

Vedic sources say that there are several levels of a woman (and a man) fulfilling their Destination. And without realization at all levels, a woman cannot feel true happiness. What are these levels?

The first part of a person’s purpose on this planet is related to his gender. This means that in order to fully realize herself, a woman must become a woman (a man - a man), i.e. At the first level of fulfilling her Destiny, a woman must become a good wife and give birth to children. Let's look at these two points in more detail.

In order to become a good wife, a woman first of all needs to find a husband and fulfill her feminine responsibilities towards him. Basic women's responsibilities in marriage:

  1. Take care of your body – cleanliness and beauty. This is necessary in order to pacify the mind of the husband, who is busy with realization in the outside world. After numerous stresses at work, a man needs to relax, and a good wife helps him forget about the difficulties with her attractive appearance, soft smile, etc.
  2. Treat your husband right. This can include a whole range of women’s responsibilities - from accepting your beloved man as he is, to not criticizing him, to showing true admiration for him and expressing gratitude for everything that he does for the woman and the family.
  3. Be obedient to your husband. This means respecting your husband's word, accepting his authority, obeying him, trusting him.
  4. Be faithful to your husband and maintain purity of mind. Here we are talking about loyalty to the beloved man not only on the physical, but also on the mental level. In fact, this is a magical point that can work real miracles in family relationships. When a man feels on a subtle, invisible plane (and men feel this, believe me) that a woman is faithful to him with all her being, his behavior changes very much - the man feels more confident in his abilities, is imbued with greater tenderness for his woman, his earnings increase ... By the way, Vedic knowledge says that the power of female fidelity is so powerful that it can change the bad fate destined for a man.
  5. Prepare food with love. Despite the fact that the majority of high-class chefs in the world are men, according to the Vedas, cooking is a purely female task and a purely female asceticism. This is due to the fact that feeding loved ones with love is not only the main task of a woman, but also her main talent, and through food, as we know, all the energy invested in cooking, all the love, is transmitted.
  6. Create a cozy atmosphere in the house. This means regularly monitoring the cleanliness of the house and ensuring relative order (those who have children know that it is impossible to achieve ideal order with them, and it is not necessary). Ideally, decorate the house with hand-made items - napkins, curtains, tablecloths, pictures, etc. Place fresh flowers on the tables.
  7. Cleanliness and tidiness. This means being careful in your clothes and the clothes of your loved ones, taking care not to leave behind dirt and disorder. This also applies to respect for the environment (do not throw garbage, sort waste, etc.).

Further. A woman must realize herself as a mother. This point is beyond doubt in connection with female physiology. I would like to add that, according to Vedic knowledge, to fully realize motherhood, a woman needs to have at least three children. In the modern world, such cases, unfortunately, are quite few and not only because of the low standard of living, but also because of women’s lack of understanding of their purpose, stereotypes and orientation towards external values, and reluctance to “steam” all their lives. And I honestly, sincerely admire those women who have many children, live in harmony with them and understand that there is nothing more important than raising worthy individuals, that no career, no bank accounts and no “freedom” can compare with the importance this task.

This is the first level of female self-realization. Without its implementation, one cannot talk about true satisfaction and women's happiness. So if you don't know what your purpose in this world is, go to this level and see what you can do to increase your satisfaction in serving others in your life.

At the second level, female self-realization lies in the manifestation of a woman’s talents and inclinations in the outside world. However, this does not mean that a woman should be absent from work all day. Ideally, a woman should have a favorite (definitely favorite!) activity to which she devotes time every day without compromising the fulfillment of her responsibilities in the family. Those. it is desirable that this be work from home (near the children) and that it does not take more than 3-4 hours.

Have you noticed, by the way, that many women find a way to realize themselves in the outside world after having children? I know enough such cases. This is explained by the fact that the woman has already fulfilled her destiny on the first level and the second becomes available to her.

The last level of Destination is related to our relationship with God (the Higher Mind, the Universe, Life). The task of every person - both women and men - is to remember that we are all, first of all, not bodies, but Souls.

I hope you found today's topic interesting and useful. I wish each of you to understand and find your feminine purpose at all levels!

Now the fun begins, because we have already identified the main destructive goals in relationships. What goals can you set for yourself, why be married?

Imagine positive goals that lead to creative fulfillment, creating love and fulfilling dreams.

Assume what will improve the relationship, formulate the reasons why to be married:

  • For some it is important to simply love and be loved,
  • Someone develops together, learns new things from a partner andfinds support
  • For some, children are important, as they will be the fruit of pure love in a couple.

How does creativity manifest itself?

The idea of ​​creative realization on equal levels is very interesting in itself. It’s strange and painful to hear when women with children, one or four, no matter, come to me for a consultation, say that they have not realized themselves in life and do not feel creative, as if life is being wasted.

For a woman, the values ​​that she has created for herself are important.

The birth of a child is a miracle that no one can perform except a woman. The feeling that this is a plan that she must implement here on Earth!

This is the creativity that a woman shows -

  • And creativity begins with the birth of a child,
  • Next is creating an atmosphere in the family,
  • Then - establishing relationships with a partner,
  • And then how she can influence the people around her with her condition.

What is your mission and purpose?

It's important to me to create a dream. May this dream somehow come true in our families. It will be something different for everyone.

But the most important thing for me is the creativity that every woman can bring into her life, starting from the birth of children.

Each person has his own mission and...

It is important for a woman to think about this as early as possible and define it for herself in words that will resonate from the depths of her heart. This can be either the creation of love or harmonious interaction in a couple.

The mission could be to create an atmosphere in which every person feels creative. Each of you has something that resonates most in your heart.

How to be in a state of love more often?

Thanks to the colossal work we did on this training, I defined a mission for myself - to be in a state of love.

It is important to perform it in such a way that it is contagious for other people, and in dating, in relationships, people would also like to be in a state of love.

From this state, we will want to unite precisely on joy, and on some positive moments, to support each other in exactly what brings pleasure and happiness.

In this case, the key point of my mission is love, its state, creation, teaching it. It was important for me to understand how you can be able to love a man unconditionally, without any principles.

My ultimate goal was to realize how you can experience this great feeling truly independently, without an inexorable desire to change your partner.

Realizing our mission, we can bring it to life at different levels

Let’s say, at the level of your personal creative realization, this could be work that helps bring more joy, love, mutual understanding and support.

At the level of relationships in a couple, this may be the ability to create such relationships with a partner where your mission is realized in the most complete way.

At the family level, you can achieve your goals in relationships with your husband, children and relatives. This creates an atmosphere of family unity.

It can also be at the level of a country or city, society itself, close and distant acquaintances. Thus, living with your husband, you are able to influence your entire environment.

  • It cannot be ignored that this could be a contribution to the universe.

Imagine that what happens between you and your husband, in your relationship, affects the whole world every minute! If you have agreed and understood each other, then perhaps the energy that you have come to a peaceful solution influences some warring countries.

How to find a woman's purpose?

In turn, they may begin to argue less and agree on something. Even if you showed care and love for each other, then, perhaps, on the other side of the world, parents in the family also showed love for their children or for each other.

Seeing it impact the whole world.
Without a doubt, every step we take affects the situation throughout the world!

Good day, dear reader!

...The angel came down, smiled, and stroked her hair. She didn’t cry anymore, she just sniffled, with tear-stained eyes, looking at the white shining miracle. She wasn’t scared; on the contrary, she felt somehow light and calm.

- Honey, I heard you and came. Tell me what worries you, child?

It was like a wonderful dream, when it doesn’t matter who or where from... when you enjoy the very fact of being in it.

“I’m crying because I don’t know what to do,” her voice trembled a little. Is it any wonder to cry for several hours! – I probably want too much... Everything is somehow awry - I’m not happy with my life... Everyone expects something from me, demands something... but I just want... I don’t know what I want... I only know what I want be happy! But I don't know what is needed for this.

The angel bent down and picked up a flower that had come from somewhere.

- How do you think? - he asked. – What does this flower need to be happy?

She was a little confused by the unexpected question:

- Well... the soil...

- Right. Your soil is your family. She gives you confidence in your strength.

- More water...

- Right. Water is sincere words of recognition and gratitude. A woman blossoms when she is loved and reminded of it.

- Sun?

- Yes. The sun is your man. It gives you meaning and motivation to grow. He is your spiritual guide. Your destiny is to serve him.

- But how can that be! – Surprise at what I heard gave way to irritation. - To be a slave?

The angel laughed loudly and clearly. And the irritation, just flaring up, immediately dissolved. I also wanted to laugh and be happy.

- Well, what are you talking about! Do you consider yourself a slave when you take care of your body? But you serve him in every sense. Or, when going shopping, do you consider yourself a slave? You serve your emotional satisfaction. Look how many times during the day you serve... Another thing is that you did it unconsciously.

In turn, what you serve serves you. And the more sincere and unconditional your service, the more sincere and unconditional they serve you. This is the law of Similarity, as you call it. He acts no matter what. It lies at the basis of the universe.

- Well, what if a man doesn’t care what I do for him? And he doesn't reciprocate my feelings?

– The world always reciprocates. What goes around comes around. The Law of Similarity operates on all planes of existence. It is versatile and effective. Perhaps it's the way you do it!

I'll tell you the real story of one of my wards. This woman could not find a common language with her man. They constantly quarreled over trifles and did not want to give in to each other. And even when the man was looking for a way to get her approval, praise, wanted ordinary affection, out of habit, she answered him sharply, believing that she was absolutely right and, at best, they simply continued to silently go about their business.

This went on for a long time until the woman was pointed out by her little son, who was a silent observer of this performance.

The woman was doused with boiling water - she saw “a log sticking out in her eye.” She changed her behavior, began to listen to the man, she began to give him what he needed - warmth and affection, to serve him!

Yes, at first everything continued out of habit - the man stiffened and grumbled. And she simply remained silent at such moments and, instead of quarreling, kissed him on the cheek. At first he was taken aback, and later changed beyond recognition, he began to hear her and... serve her!

This is the most important thing - to be able, despite your fears, expectations, desires, to hear each other.

Understand that like attracts like. Break out of the vicious circle and continue climbing the development spiral. Develop relationships, making them purer, more sincere and truly happy.

It turns out that women do not have enough patience to achieve results?

– Yes, directing your attention to injustice, you do not see the manifestation of justice and accuracy in everything! The whole world is an ideal mechanism. Each of us plays our own role in it, each of us has our own purpose.

The purpose of a woman is to give a man the strength to realize the Light that he passes through himself. And if a woman begins to serve a man - sincerely, lovingly, without demanding anything in return, he miraculously turns from a monster into a handsome prince! A woman develops, improves herself, and a man has no choice but to match her!

This is the greatest secret! It is as simple as it is forgotten by people.

– It turns out that everything depends on the woman? But why?

– The fact is that a woman is the mistress of the Earth. This is her planet. The man is a guest here. He adapts to the conditions that exist. And on Earth these conditions are created by a woman.

Therefore, it is very important that a woman realizes her purpose and follows it - because this is the only way she can be happy. There are no other paths to happiness. And the man will give her happiness! He will make her happy and give her joy if she helps him open up - become himself.

Nowadays it is believed that a man is the stronger sex. But look at history! There is always a strong and wise woman next to a great man! She gives him strength. The man, in turn, fills it with meaning. Opens her eyes to the world. He is her spiritual mentor. And he can become one when he has enough strength to reveal himself. Woman is Power. Man is Will. And only by uniting can they reach Heaven.

– I feel that everything is so! Oh, Angel, how can this be! After all, we are so confused that we do everything the other way around...

That's why I'm here, dear child, to remind you. The New Time comes into force. And what it will be like for all of you depends on the women and those men who found the strength to understand the very essence...

Purpose is primarily a matter of believing in yourself. In order to reach your destination, action is needed. It is extremely rare that reaching your destination happens on the first try.

Often you need to take many actions, go in different directions, try yourself in different types of activities. But the true progress in this matter remains one indicator - actions.

Only by coming into contact with something can you understand what you definitely don’t want and hone your desire, namely, what I want to do, what is mine.

Faith helps you move. The belief “I am priceless” attracts all the best to you; if you have the belief “I am missing something,” then what you have begins to leave, you begin to experience need in different areas of life. The Universe reacts to our opinion about ourselves, this is perceived as a program for action. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate that assemblage point, I also call it the point of power in which you are now. The creation of everything that comes into life begins from here, it is I of this place. Then everything else is superimposed.

Besides this, purpose is also a matter of blind spots. Everyone has one of these. When we do something, we always do it, and for us it seems so natural, as if it is also natural for everyone and everyone else can do it too. And this becomes our blind spot, which we do not consider as a possible type of activity, our attention simply does not get there, does not highlight this piece. Therefore, it is important to ask yourself: what can I do and what do I do well.

Destination is also a question of the world's reaction. Which of my activities generates the greatest response from the outside? What are people reacting to? What are they asking me to do?

Purpose is also a question of what we like. What I always do, regardless of what I’m doing, whether it’s a day off or not, what runs through my life. What would I do if I already had everything that I am ready to do for free, just like that, what brings me the most pleasure in life? In what ways can I most give of myself to the world? Why am I already doing this?

This is also a question of abilities, abilities, skills. What can I do better than others? Here you can see the most painful places in life, because... they always have a huge potential for strength, and when we begin to develop in them, in this area we become stronger than many others, because it is important for us and we will not stop until we reach our goal.

We cannot ignore them, because... this happens to us, we begin to grow and develop in the area that causes us the most pain. So look, where in my life did I hurt the most?

For some, this is a health situation. For some, this is the area of ​​relationships with parents, for others, relationships with peers at the place of study, the inability to reach any height. What have I always wanted to express and what have I always wanted to possess? You will see progress in areas that were once painful.

Full disclosure of purpose is possible by accepting the power of the Family and interacting with it. Is it possible to do without this? It’s possible, but we lose a huge part of the power, which would be very useful. This point is often underestimated. The further we remember our Family, the more strength we have.

Do you know what this gives first of all? There will be no feeling of loneliness in us. And knowing about the achievements of our Ancestors, thinking about it, we will feel strength every time. In addition, we are responsible for what we pass on to future generations. What have we gained so valuable in our lives that we can pass on? It always makes sense to move on, to develop more. Each of our skills will bear fruit. And in principle, it is important to know which Ancestor is responsible for what along the line of 7 generations. When you realize this, a lot of things fall into place, understanding and gratitude come.

Women's destiny is suggested to them by their great-grandmother on their mother's side, i.e. Mom's grandmother. It is she who contains the ideal that manifests itself in us. This is the best direction.

I often come across a situation where a girl has already tried a lot of activities and endeavors, but has not yet started her own business. Sometimes there are periods of failures - when you don’t want to do anything at all, because... it is unclear which direction to go. The old - what is known is no longer interesting, and the new is not yet visible. This is a normal natural process. You should never blame yourself, because... this immediately shifts the assemblage point, the entire thinking process, which will not allow you to see the desired direction for a long time.

AND sometimes inaction is the best action. But you can’t immerse yourself in it for long; actions are still needed. Even if not yet in its purpose, but in something that is pleasant. It is important to know and track the points at which drive appears. It is not logic that is important here, but rather sensations. Moreover, a Woman has the quality of creating everything within herself, and then it begins to manifest itself outside.

Therefore, the combination of 2 things for a woman has fantastic power: the ability to create everything within oneself as a state and 2nd moment - the ability to put your assemblage point in order - the process of thinking. In general, it is difficult for a woman to follow a man’s path when creating what she wants. She needs to remain relaxed, and this can only be done by acting for pleasure. Therefore, you need to move towards more and more pleasantness.

1. Right now the foundation of my tomorrow is being created. T oh, what I feel/think now becomes the basis of my future.

2. A woman can get everything she wants with fantastic ease: Thanks to her nature, she can move easily and with pleasure. When they tell me that I can’t do it, I need to strain too much, but have you tried to relax?! Have you tried to live in joy so that your inner state is based not on circumstances, but on your intention to rejoice?! Life is determined by a clearly set intention, which then needs to be realized all the time: “I live easily and joyfully,” plus the addition of all your goals and desires.

3. Answer yourself: What do I have now?

All this is the result of what I thought in the past. This is solely my responsibility. Is this enough for me or do I want to plunge myself into even more negativity? As a rule, an unpleasant situation drags on until a person decides that it will not happen again and begins to act in this direction.

4. Ask yourself: What am I highlighting now - what emotions? What do I put my energy into? My reaction is my radiation. The way I react suggests that I still need it, I haven’t worked it out yet. When I get tired of it, I'll stop reacting like that.

5. By controlling my thinking, I follow the thought and consciously choose those thoughts, attract, I think those thoughts that are pleasant to me.

6. My reality is my thinking map. D All I have to do is look at what I have now to understand what’s in my head.

7. I create an image of what I want within myself, I nourish it, when I begin to fully comply with it, it comes into my life.

8. Life is where the energy (attention) is; by paying more attention (energy) to the image, the image will be filled faster. I live from this image. The grain of thought has a very small capacity, it can be shaken and potential energy cannot be converted into kinetic energy. Plus fills the dream, minus destroys it. Look at the example of your usual states, what you experience in situations related to the area in which you want improvement. For example: What am I investing in my business? Problems, belief: “Oh, how hard it is.” There is a match for everything.

9. You need to get into the habit of reacting correctly right now.“It’s great that everything comes easy to me.” Either there is a slave psychology in us (I eat up everything that happens, I go with the flow, this is fate, there is no escape from it), or not.

10. You can’t judge anyone.

11. You can't have more well-being in your life right now. I, p.ch. what exists now is the result of past thoughts and actions, the result of what was thought yesterday. BUT you can start creating a better future right now.

12. Now I’ll say a seditious phrase, but Stop being good to everyone. It's time to think about yourself. Until you connect with your inner self, begin to follow the path of your desires, listen to other people’s opinions, you simply will not go out on your own path.

13. If you want to receive spiritual things, you invest spiritual things, if you want to receive material things, physical things, you invest physical things. You are not investing money, but performing physical actions; you need to do something in physics to attract what you want.

Energy anchors are what you invest in life, for example, if you invest in resentment, it will lead you in a spiral back to the same place, so start right now investing in the desired sensations in order to receive them, in order to get what you want.

Yes, you need to work on this, you need to be conscious all the time, all the time improve your assemblage point. This is a constant and continuous process, but, you see, it is much more pleasant than going to a job you don’t like, for example, or doing something that you don’t want to do at all. In general, a woman absolutely does not need to do anything she doesn’t want to do. But if she doesn’t do anything and doesn’t work on herself, then nothing will work either. Therefore, the only and most important thing you should focus on is the endless increase in your vibrations, on attracting what you want.

14. Living without a dream is like cutting yourself off from your own well-being.

15. The process must unfold over time. Conventionally, this can be represented in the form of an unfolding torus. There is a point. Your intention is desire. You begin to feed it, sprouts begin to emerge from the point - threads, a certain number of them should come out, these are connections that are necessary for the fulfillment of desire, and at the same time they should increase.

To reach these connections and interact with them, the hollow container inside is filled with your energy, after which a figure is formed. As a result, everything will be returned to the same point, only the figure will already be manifested. Will return to the point, because it is the same desire that was in the beginning, and now it has been realized. And this torus will be a living, operating mechanism in your life.

Don’t think that it will accompany you, that it is ballast, it is a reasonable mechanism, after implementation it lives its own life, you can not pay attention to it at all, we always do this anyway. The more times this process is carried out, the easier and faster desires come true. It is enough to go through it consciously once in order to constantly use it and implement everything you need into your life.

16. One nuance: something that does not correspond to the goals of the Soul (internal values) will never be created and will not last long. Every desire must be consistent with internal values. If this is not the case, the desire is not capable. IN You yourself don’t want to feed it, constantly think about it, etc. it won’t cause the proper response, you won’t be happy about it enough, you’ll just get tired of thinking about it, much less acting, and at the first problem it will disappear by itself. That's whyIt is important to decide on your desires so that they completely fit your Soul and fully correspond to you.

17. Actions should be simple and intuitive.

18. This solves several issues at once: initiation into a woman is impossible without internal consistency, thanks to the consistency of the assemblage point and state, it appears, and, as a result, the feeling of being an even more desirable woman due to its realization and increased self-esteem. This is a transition from the position of a victim to the position of Creator of one’s own destiny. This is a colossal release of emotions that were previously wasted in vain, and this is all a leakage of vital force - qi energy and feminine power, i.e. all this will multiply and become of better quality.

This will simultaneously affect the attraction of men, more worthy ones will be attracted, because the woman already sounds different, there will be an opportunity to build long-term relationships or strengthen and revive existing ones, again, if there is a need for this and if something really needs to be saved. In any case, there will be dramatic changes, there is a request - there is a solution.

19. I often meet Women who have completed a huge number of courses, where they have been and what they have not done, but for some reason there have been no global changes in their lives, yes, something has changed, yes, knowledge is always useful, yes, it is invested into self-development, and that’s wonderful, but why is it still not there??!

Because they are starting from the wrong place! All this must be superimposed on something, there must be a basis, etc. it is this basis that decides everything, and if this is superimposed on the old everyday model of thinking, then life does not change, everything remains the same. This is the root cause.

Until there is this internal stability, a clear knowledge of where I am going, what I am going towards, nothing happens. It is not always easy for a woman to specify a goal for herself, but it is very easy for her to specify the emotions and sensations that she will feel when the goal is achieved. And creation occurs on emotions and sensations, so this is enough, plus actions, and the goal, the specifics of the goal, will be drawn at a certain moment, and until this moment it is important to come prepared, with a new model of thinking, with new sensations inside that will fully correspond to what is desired , and fill the image of what you want to the brim so that it also fully corresponds to its physical equivalent, which must manifest itself.

Everything is simpler than it seems, but you need to devote time to it. By devoting time to this, attention and energy goes into what you want, i.e. This is exactly what you want to be fulfilled; the faster it happens, the faster it will manifest itself in life.

20. Only what we want comes true, being in a state of abundance, and not lack and, in other words: as long as we want from lack and act from lack, what we do not want will come true, p.ch. this is the other side of desire, which we most often feed, more energy is poured into it, and when it reaches full compliance with its physical equivalent, it enters our life, and at the same time we are still surprised that we didn’t want this, we wanted another.

21. Heroes are not born, they are made! And you are the most important hero of your life! No one will walk your path of greatness for you, only you can do this and reach the greatest heights, soar as high as possible, do not miss the chance to know your maximum.

22. Attitude: I believe in what I need, which moves me towards my desires. This is my truth. And I don't care if anyone else believes it or not.

23. Installation: I don't hold grudges against anyone. Live your life and let others live theirs.

24. Make constant choices. Don't settle for less, don't compromise with yourself. Immediately be as specific as possible. If you agree with a half-measure in one area, you agree with a half-measure in another. It’s funny: if you want shoes for 5 thousand, but you buy ones for 2000 that you don’t really want, tomorrow you will choose a man who doesn’t have the qualities you wanted.

25. Do not judge yourself for what has been created and manifested now. The plane goes off course 90% of the flight time, but at the same time it reaches the target.

26. Installation: I do not worry, but bless every situation, every person in my life.

27. It is advisable to write down the answers to the following questions: What is? What I want? What would be the ideal situation?

28. What prevents me from being in my dream, from being who I want, who I see myself as? This is what you need to work on.

29. When making your dreams come true, start small. Seeing something huge at once, we become numb, no matter what. We don’t know how to achieve this, but the road will tell us. The main thing is to go. Each question opens two new ones. I'm ready because I know I want it and it's aligned with my values.

30. Without satisfying small desires, it is impossible to move on to big ones. Our values ​​are formed in accordance with our needs at a given time. To put it bluntly: a person who has nothing to eat has no time to buy his own home; he will think about how to survive, and not about where to invest money that he doesn’t already have. Everyone's level of needs is different. To move to the next level, you need to satisfy the needs of the previous one. The most effective thing is to set yourself goals that should be truthful. Allow yourself to eat. Satisfy all your little desires.

31. We often look for other people to motivate us. We instinctively look for people who are in touch with their source of well-being, at their favorable assemblage point. By contacting us, they shed this well-being on us, we are nourished, and we like it, because it immediately corrects our condition. And a constant search for sources of replenishment begins.

On the one hand, we straighten our assemblage point for a short time, which, again, for some time gives us positive feelings - sufficient to move through life and move towards our goals, on the other hand, we shift our attention to outside, we relieve ourselves of responsibility for our life and for what is happening in it, as if our own well-being depends on something outside of us.

We cannot be around such people all the time, constantly read inspiring books, watch such films, etc. There comes a time when we are left with ourselves, and this happens most of the time, and life confronts us with itself in one way or another so that we notice where the emptiness is, what needs to be filled, what needs to be worked on.

It’s wonderful that there is such a mechanism for external replenishment, and this should be used. But it is also worth understanding that this source of well-being is within ourselves! And the only way to get there is to change the assemblage point and state.

At the same time, do not forget that we all make mistakes, we all once find ourselves in the gaps between our small and largest goals. We all sometimes experience a state of failure - all emotions are within the framework of human nature, and they are characteristic of all of us, but only in your hands to make your life a wonderful fairy tale, only in your hands to make your assemblage point precisely aimed at what you want, to change your life so exactly how you want it, to get everything you need and want. Nothing is impossible for someone who has set a goal.

I wish you to see the perspective from your maximum state, to be at the top of your own mountain, because for each of you this is possible, and each of you deserves it!